Joe Rogan's Speech No One Wants to HEAR | One of The Most Eye Opening Speeches Ever

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some of these guys say that because if people don't hear it they're going to get a bad job they're going to they're going to waste their [ __ ] life [Music] folks it ain't about that it ain't about the guy who tries buying a clean car when you're dirty it's not his fault it's you should figure out how to be clean you should figure out how to do a job that doesn't involve you walking in mud all day and that's possible because somebody else has done it it doesn't mean i don't buy the idea that you know the society the way it is right now it has to be this way someone's always going to have to work at burger king someone's always going to have to i don't buy that i think people are pretty inflexible if you look at the broad spectrum of humans and human behavior from different cultures all over the world it's pretty obvious to me that there's there's a lot of different ways that people can act we don't have to have fast food workers we don't we don't have to have people who work jobs we don't have to we just need to figure out how to restructure society so everybody somehow or another plays a part has something to contribute has something to share i mean that's what a real society is supposed to be like i've give you some coconuts you give me some fish you know we make a deal and you do it back and forth and left and right and when there's nothing to contribute then you start looking the president needs to give us jobs we need jobs so instead of something to contribute just find something to do with your time and then it becomes about doing that more than it becomes about finding something to contribute so society gets wrapped around becoming a part of a machine society instead of becoming a bunch of individuals that are expressing themselves in unique ways and everybody sort of borrows and shares and sells this and you sell that and we all sort of figure out how we can contribute in a society we got sidetracked and diverted into these boxes that they call companies and corporations and we got stuck into these containers they go cubicles or offices and we got forced into this system so our time instead of it being invested in making pottery or or fixing cars or doing something where you have a passion or you have some sort of a connection to instead of that you've sold your life to sit in a box and work for a machine an uncaring machine that demands productivity doesn't understand you it doesn't want to understand you it has a bunch of very strict things in order to keep the humor at a minimum in the office just in case one of heads says some stupid sex jokes to get some sued and they have to give somebody a million dollars so get it together and this is your life now no natural behavior everybody's wearing clothes they don't want to wear everybody's showing up and doing something they don't want to do they have no connection to that's the problem with our society and then what's the reward for all this stuff go home get a big tv go home you're going to get a shiny belt buckle you're going to get a nice purse you're going to wear shoes that you couldn't afford last week you're going to get that dream car and every week we're chasing down this new object and every week we're trying to fill this hole in this this this sad shadow of a life that we've been left with after work that you work eight to whatever to hours a day plus commuting and then you're like this and that's your life that's your real [ __ ] life all that other stuff is not your life anymore all that other stuff is work and most of us have committed to that i know you've been there before and i've been there before and we we understand that it's trapped because we got out of it but for the people that are in it a lot of times they don't even understand it's a trap they just think it's a good job they think they got dental i'm doing really good i got my own parking spots got my name on it you're just a piece of a heartless shitty machine that makes money [Music] i think everyone looks forward to this utopian time where whatever motivates them drives them freaks them out right now can be set aside the work is done and you can just sort of like watch the sunset over the pond and the the problem is this utopian vision of the future that we have is probably a carrot that's on a stick that we'll just never reach and we keep working hard to improve our society and our life and ourselves and our families and our relationships hoping that one day we'll achieve this ultimate peace that will never come when you're alone with your thoughts you get an idea of what your thoughts actually are if you live your life just acting constantly on the momentum of other people's expectations of you wanting to be liked by these other people you can run into a trap and you you you set up a life that you didn't really want you're you're you're you're trapped in this situation where you have a mortgage you've got credit card bills you got student loans you have to pay you have a bunch of [ __ ] going on you have to continue to feed and all that and especially if you have a family and you have to feed them oh my goodness then you're fully locked in you can't take any chances whatsoever and oftentimes people make the mistake of getting stuck and it is just a tactical mistake just like it would be a mistake if you got stuck on a video game just like it would be a mistake if you followed a map incorrectly and you get stuck in the woods your life is certainly some sort of a journey it's certainly some sort of a journey and we have to all be aware that when we're making journeys we're not going to always make the right steps and sometimes you have to back up and try again and if you're in a position where you can't back up and try again you've trapped yourself and the system will set out honey pots for people to get trapped in the system will set out the ideas of retirement the ideas of the golden years providing you benefits providing you a healthy work environment why well because they want people to work for them they don't want people to realize their own dreams and escape but those that's pain in the ass you got to hire more people and train them and they want to set it up so that you stick around stick around in some sort of an unsatisfying world it's up to you to see that video game problem to see that issue as it comes up on the map no no i think this is a right turn to see all the problems that could potentially lay in front of you and calculate your your future and then also look around all the people that didn't do it and look at the misery that they're in and learn that you don't want to be like them and then look at the people that are have kind of taken chances and navigated their way what do they do differently than you what what what objectivity do they have that maybe you lack what insight into their own mistakes are they willing to delve into that you're not that you step back and go you know i don't i just don't want to look at myself that closely but the person who's able to look at themselves the closest is going to get the more rational results [Music] i completely agree with you and we're gonna get attacked for this by people who are unhappy with their choices in life and that's a fact you know there's there's a bunch of people that will say yeah well i have family so you know it's all great idea for you to just go out there and go crazy i have people to support you need to listen stop saying that stop saying any of those things every single person who has ever done anything worthwhile or exceptional or difficult or extraordinary anyone whether it's great artists or authors or mathematicians or whatever the [ __ ] it is everyone encounters difficulties there is no easy road it does not exist it is impossible everyone has issues if you have time to pursue a hobby if you have time to do anything in your life you can better yourself and here's one way you never better yourself when you come up with excuses for why other people are successful and you're not that [ __ ] is [ __ ] dangerous when you give yourself an escape yeah well that's easy for you to say you know you do trust me everybody has a hard road we all go through hard times we all go through depression we all do it go through doubt and and then moments in your life where it's really [ __ ] difficult and you're trying to figure out what your path is going to be it's hardest but that is what makes you a person and those difficult moments are what build your character
Channel: Motivation Core
Views: 652,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: joe rogan motivation, joe rogan, joe rogan motivational speech, joe rogan motivational video, joe rogan about work, joe rogan's life advice, joe rogan experience, joe rogan motivational speech 2020, joe rogan motivational, joe rogan on motivation, motivation core, motivational video, rogan motivation, joe rogan best speech, motivational speech, Joe Rogan's Speech That Broke The Internet, One of The Most Eye Opening Speeches Ever, motivation
Id: CKoi3biNt-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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