5 Godly Relationship Goals | Christian Dating

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I'm Cal Roberts and I'm trailing Robert and this is purpose and family today we're gonna be talking about five things that you need in a godly relationship number one godly foundation it's so important that you have a relationship with God personally first and foremost before you try looking for a relationship in all the wrong places my story is I look for relationship in all the wrong places in that open door to soul ties hurt pain and rejection the most important relationship that you will ever have in your life is your relationship with God so I believe it's important to focus on building your personal relationship with God first before you jump into another relationship from there you want to be equally yoked in your relationship so making sure that both of you are in the same belief system and maturity level and you both believe in God that's gonna save you a lot of trouble in the future because proper godly foundation is gonna sustain you it's gonna make sure that you're always falling back on the same principles the same source which is God number two prayer and communication we talked about having that foundation of having a personal relationship with God but actually praying to God so he can lead you and guide you when we first started our relationship when we would get through hard times when we would get in arguments the number one thing that would help me is prayer and when I would go to God in prayer about this man God would say you need to humble yourself you need to ask for forgiveness and you would literally give me tips on how to work on my relationship with my husband because God is the foundation God knows all things he created your spouse he created your husband your wife the person that you're considering to be with because he created them he knows how they operate how they think so he will give you the best advice on how to build that relationship so having a personal prayer life where you can go to God in your quiet time in your own your quiet space quiet closet whatever that looks like for you is so important and building a godly relationship from there you can go on to come together because a lot of times we're not praying together we're doing our own thing you know I like to spend time with God and I don't like it when Caroline tells me oh you spend God you know I don't want any I don't do that anymore he's she used to do that and it kind of like I don't want to compliment for spending time with God so like I like to spend time alone but I'm able to ask Caroline what are you studying right now and then we're able to build upon that so from our individual relationship with God were able to talk and expound upon what we're going through individually and help each other in that way I love that babe I love that even though we have our own private time with God because there's sometimes I'd be talking to God now I want you're not only talking about but then we can come together and share what we've been studying and go even to a deeper study from that point yeah and that those are the best conversations come interested in what's going on with Caroline and vice versa so we're able to have these long conversations and it's not forced we're not forcing ourselves to come up with something to pray with together coming up with something to communicate about it's actually it's just organic number-3 godly community godly community is so important specifically godly counsel and mentorship I think is really good having couples that you can look up to and go to for advice because you don't know everything and just also like just having someone that can give you advice but godly counsel so not someone that's gonna say leave your husband leave that man you know do your own thing be miss independent but someone who can really bring it back to the core of the Bible the core of the gospel and say you need to submit you need to humble yourself serve your spouse you need to grow up and mature a little bit is really gonna help you grow and love your spouse better in a godly relationship so having mentors being a part of a church body where there's leadership having a pastor is gonna be very important to building a godly relationship people who support you people who believe in your relationship and support what each of you are doing just make sure that that's in you Godley community and godly counsel and if someone is talking negative about your spouse then they're not for your marriage so you don't need those type of people around you so you need to act cut that out number four godly purpose and vision knowing your purpose in God is so important and I love that in the Bible says that God knew us before he formed us in our mother's womb so your purpose comes before any relationship this is very important God has a purpose for you before you were even born and I really feel like if you are in your single season that's one of the best times to really spend time with the Lord discover your purpose and discover the plans that he has for you because God has a greater purpose in marriage but if you don't know your individual purpose how do you know you know who to marry how do you know who will best complement you God had revealed to me parts of my purpose when I was single and I believe he did the same for my husband and when we came together and we talked about our different talents our gifts different things like that we saw that we had a similar purpose and that we could come alongside together and work together so realizing your purpose and having a purpose centered perspective when you enter into a relationship is so important the beauty of that is when you know your purpose and you come in line with someone who shares the same purpose you are able to submit now people hate the word submission they think it makes you weak or it's a bad word a submission is such a beautiful thing and Submission actually is strength under control you're deciding that you want to get under the mission of the leader and I know that my husband is leader of our household Christ is the leader of our home so I happily am able to submit to him for the greater vision if you're submitted to God then agreeing should be easy it should be very very easy you should just move on and talk about your vision the first absolute first step is submitting to God and then when you come to talk to your spouse about your vision it's gonna be so clear gonna be so focused like our anniversary we were able to talk about our vision in more detail and I believe that's gonna be one of our things that we do we expand upon it every year we talk about it a little bit more that's important to continually go over it because sometimes god only give you certain bits and pieces of what's in your vision and how to accomplish what the next step is that's why it's important to talk about it continually because your vision can evolve over time number five love if you read in the Bible says husband's love your wives as Christ loves to church and why would that be in there that sounds like a command doesn't sound like a feeling you can't command someone to feel something love is an action love is a decision love is something that you discipline yourself it's something that you continually decide to do every day I love that you said that babe and when I think of like every day I get up and I'm faced with different opportunities to make a decision to love you it helps me to grow in the fruits of the spirit right so sometimes if my patience is being tested I'm tested in love let me be more patient and we have another video talking about the fruits of the spirit but it's like patience gentleness self-control even like before you get married you can be tested in love and growing up in the fruits of the spirit especially I think of a self-control thing if you were a couple that's courting you're trying to save sex before marriage you're trying to be pure before God you have to love this person enough to bear the fruits of the Spirit and the fruits of the spirit are the foundation of a godly relationship because the Bible says you will know them by their fruits you know that someone belongs to God or you know that a relationship is dedicated to God and has God as the foundation by the fruits that come out of that relationship or by the fruits that come out of those people so if you're in a relationship that's full of abuse fear you always cussing each other out strife then the fruits are missing and I just love that you brought that up about love being so important another reason why I love is important is some of these things may be lacking you may see your prayer and a communication lacking in a season you may feel that your division it's moving anywhere so when those things happen you have to have love you got to really push through in love in that season you pursue those things but pursue love above all else I love that baby so I hope that you enjoyed this video about the five things that make up a godly relationship and if you enjoyed it definitely subscribe and leave it a thumbs up thanks so much for watching until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Kal & Karolyne
Views: 15,112
Rating: 4.9860787 out of 5
Keywords: Christian dating advice, christian dating tips, christian relationship advice, christian relationship tips, christian dating, relationship goals, courtship, marriage, relationships, godly, godly relationships, godly marriage, godly marriages, husband, wife, the one, future husband, christian youtuber, jesus, faith, christian marriage tips, christian couple, young couple, black love
Id: PAnuQxkrVVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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