5 FRIGHTENING FORESTS You Should Never Visit

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[Music] five frightening forest you should never visit large trees fresh air and solitude forests are fantastic for a quick get away from the stress of city living but there are certain forests that you should be wary of and the five woodlands on this list have gained a reputation for being sinister dark and even deadly he's a five frightening forest you should never visit number five Devil's tramping ground over 120 years before America gained its independence locals have whispered that inside the pine woods of Chatham County in North Carolina lies a 15-foot wide circle where no life has ever grown they call it the devil's tramping ground year after year no plant life grows within the circle despite being surrounded by the woods no trees no flowers no anything grows here and locals say even when plants are transplanted within they just wilt and die animals also seem to send something Sinister's afoot dogs tuck their tails between their legs as they approach they howl and Yelp as if some mysterious force is bearing down on them even stranger local folks say any item placed within the circle no matter how big or small mysteriously gets flung outside of its bounds by Dawn men who thought themselves brave by spending the night camping in the circle claim to have seen or heard things during their night vigil that they can't speak of Boy Scouts who have mistakenly pitched their tent inside the circle wake up the next day to find their tents far away from where they place them at least two men have tried to stay awake all night while within the circle but both say they were lulled to sleep by a soft voice and melody when they woke the next day they also found themselves now outside of the circle so what makes this place so mysterious legend has it that the devil himself walks here at night inside the silent dark forest he rises and paces around in a circle scorching the earth beneath him with his hooves his thoughts focused on the malice and havoc that he wants to wreak upon humans the mystery of The Devil's tramping ground has gone on for over a century generation after generation the story has passed down scientists have been consulted and asked why only this particular area remains barren but even they have no answer the area today is popular among paranormal researchers for the locals of Chatham they know of the legend and most stay far away from the circle of course teenagers love to hang out there it's unclear whether they have any stories to tell of their own and if they have seen or felt the devil also drive them away from his sacred place number four man finds missing-person shrine James Rankin was on a leisurely hike in October of 2016 exploring Huntington's Berkeley Jackson County Park in New York when he came across a terrifying sight he was walking along when something posted on the trees caught his attention he took a closer look into a surprise there were pieces of printed paper placed inside a plastic file sleeve they've been posted on individual trees around a portion of the forest Rankin looked closely at each one and realized they were missing persons posters it was already a bizarre sight but what terrified him more was when he realized every one of the posters were of real people suffice it to say the find unnerved him he decided to take out his smartphone and began recording the scene he posted on Facebook and soon the video went viral racking more than 1 million views since it was posted Rankin showcased all the missing posters on the trees about 25 in total and wondered what kind of human being would do such a thing in the middle of the woods it was as if the area was made to look like a shrine to all those missing people he ends the video by running for his life because he said he heard voices nearby you might think this was a hoax one even perpetrated by Rankin himself but once he made it out of the woods he immediately contacted police and showed them the video authorities investigated the area and after two days they closed the case because they found out who had placed the posters according to them a property owner in the area had put up the posters as part of a Halloween party decoration despite the possible explanation Rankin isn't convinced by it he reasons if they were indeed Halloween party decor it's distasteful to use actual missing persons it's troubling and completely without regard for the loved ones who are hoping these people will be found he adds the posters and items look worn out as if they've been hanging there and set up for a long time he said it's possible they just said it was party decor because it was discovered close to Halloween some viewers have taken to explaining the possible reason for the posters one said it was where the new Blair Witch movie was filmed and they simply forgot to remove the props others said it may have been a prank even though the cops have moved on from the case still plenty of questions remain unanswered number three Pine Barrens pine barrens New Jersey is dubbed as one of the most haunted forests in North America why there's a couple reasons first it's home to the terrifying Jersey Devil second there are supposedly multiple ghosts seen in the area and third it's a place where real-life abandoned ghost towns are found for centuries countless urban legends have surrounded the mysterious forest over time these stories change but the central characters remain the story of the Jersey Devil started in the 1700s when settlers first arrived they said a woman named Jane Leeds gave birth to her 13th child as she was giving birth she exclaimed in exasperation that this child be the devil and sure enough she gave birth to a creature with a pointed tail and wings after it attacked the family it quickly flew away soon eyewitnesses began reported seeing it in 1901 people in Bristol Pennsylvania saw and heard the creature one postmaster described it as looking grotesque and making an unnatural sound before disappearing into the night another farmer shot an animal that was killing his chickens in 1925 he showed it to more than 100 people but not one could identify what exactly it was sightings of the Jersey Devil are still high even today people who live close to the forest or go there to explore and camp report seeing winged creatures or an unidentified animal but Pine Barrens isn't just about the Jersey Devil it's also home to the creepiest abandoned ghost towns in the state people have dubbed it as ghost forest remains of actual towns from the 18th and 19th century can still be seen today they've been engulfed by the forest and left abandoned from glass factories paper mills cranberry farms brick making places and more one of the most well preserved ghost towns is that of batsto village it's dubbed as the jewel of the pines because it's one of the best preserved ghost towns here one filled with iron and glass making shops it even made cannon balls for George Washington's army as a result it's no surprise ghosts are prominently seen and experienced by those who explore these woods when famous ghost is that of a young boy said to be a victim of a hit and run accident he can be seen on burnt Mill Road in the middle of the night people say if you drive on the road and turn off your lights you'll find a boy running after his ball another spirit and the Pine Barrens is that of James still he was a former slave Lynch to death for learning and practicing medicine there are also reports of a blonde woman a black dog headless spirit and a white stag showing up to greet Wanderers in the forest whether you're interested to see ghost towns hunt down a paranormal experience I want to come face-to-face with the Jersey Devil himself Pine Barrens forest seems to be the place for you number two the Black Forest sitting alongside the Rhine River you'll find a deep dark forest with such a thick canopy of tall trees hardly any sunlight penetrates through this area in Germany is known appropriately as the Black Forest for many this place has become synonymous with the evil forest you would find mentioned and hunting fairy tales in fact we have the Brothers Grimm to thank for that imagery since many of their stories set in deep dark forests take inspiration from this location as mentioned the woods are filled with thick tight trees that in most areas they consistently block out the sunlight it makes for an eerie and quiet atmosphere so it's no surprise the forest is reportedly home to the supernatural for instance there's the story of the bat and nymphs these water dwellers reside in the murky waters of mama'll lake right beside the forest the nymphs lived together with the mumble cking legend say you should never throw rocks into the water by the forest or you'll anger the king and incur his wrath meanwhile in the nearly vanished town of volmers / they say a headless horseman rides out every year inside the forest there's also the he burg castle it said that beautiful charming ladies are constantly present inside it but they can only be seen at night there are even tales of a ghost king who abducts young girls foolish enough to wander inside the forest as if these weren't enough there are many stories of werewolves witches and even UFO sightings inside the Black Forest because of these stories paranormal experts and tourists with a panache for adventure constantly explore the area sure there are many quaint charming towns nearby and plenty of hiking trails as well but the creepy and terrifying stories remind you that maybe just maybe the Black Forest isn't a place you should be wandering into number one interstate 85 for many of the trees lining one of America's busiest interstates is just like anywhere else but what they don't know is that interstate 85 in Atlanta Georgia is a hidden dumping ground for bodies the entire 200-mile stretch of the interstate starting at the Georgia corridor down to the tip of South Carolina has become a dumping place for murdered and missing people for decades the highway in the woods along it have become the final resting place for at least 30 victims and there's no discrimination men women and children have all been discarded on this lonely stretch left there to be found at a-rod and obscurity some of the lucky ones have been identified but the majority remain is Jane and John does some of the bodies were found naked others with clothes on some were fresh but most were badly decomposed still others are nothing more than bones only discovered when BAC County hikers gold panhandlers and developers venture into the area to do their business much of the area surrounding the highway is rural there's thick vegetation and Hillcrest allowing criminals to cover their tracks and keep their crimes away from prying eyes one case is that of Leslie Adams found in muddy swampy waters her bones were discovered by a woman investigating beaver dams she spotted a shoe that she thought was hers she picked it up and found what seemed to be a foot bone inside she did a bit more investigating and soon found clothing arms and legs a breast implant and more bones this was later identified to be that of Leslie Adams Adams was reported missing in October of ol5 she was a mother a Navy veteran one-time bodybuilder and a beautician prior to her going missing she filed a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend Billy Cook and told her sister that if anything ever happened to her it would be his doing Leslie disappeared soon after although Cook was arrested for a separate incident and for violating the restraining order against Leslie he was never charged for murder and her case is still unsolved it's also the same in the case of eighteen-year-old Layne Nix Elaine had a routine whenever her boyfriend paged her she would take her car and drive to a local convenience store off Chandler Road in Gainesville and used the pay phone there to call him back she always did this that day however she went to the pay phone but was never seen again when her parents look for her they found her car in the parking lot of the convenience store they soon filed a missing-persons report Elaine's partially decomposed nude body was found one week later in the woods off the highway on September 29 1999 so why do so many criminals choose interstate 85 investigators believe it's merely convenient the highway lies just 20 miles from a downtown city within 20 miles you can easily slip into a country road where a vehicle can disappear in the dense woods parts of the highway are slowly being developed and police believe there could be more bodies hiding in these woods it's only a matter of time before they are found so there were five frightening forests you should never visit the woods are lovely dark and deep as Robert Frost would say but they also hold many mysteries far beyond what we seek if you like this video then please remember to hit the notification bell because every Wednesday and Saturday we have new videos coming out for you to check out thanks for tuning in and all the positive feedback we appreciate you all watching these videos and we'll see you soon
Channel: Scary Mysteries
Views: 1,943,971
Rating: 4.7814217 out of 5
Keywords: forests, woods, frightening, never, visit, devils tramping ground, missing persons shrine, pine barrens, black forest, interstate 85, creepy, creepiest, scary, world, ever, scariest video, youtube, haunted, bizarre, unsolved mysteries, xfiles, strange, reddit, 2chan, best, top 5, top 5s, top 10, list, new, creepypastas, discovery id, best narrator ever, horror, silent hill, earth
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 01 2018
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