Top 10 Places You Are Not Allowed To Visit

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if you're planning<font color="#E5E5E5"> your next holiday</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">make sure to cross these destinations</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">off your list</font> welcome to and today we're counting<font color="#E5E5E5"> down our picks for the top</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> ten</font> places<font color="#E5E5E5"> you are not allowed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to visit for</font> this<font color="#E5E5E5"> list</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> we're looking at those places</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that bar the general public from</font> visiting<font color="#E5E5E5"> however we are not</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> including</font> places that run group tours<font color="#E5E5E5"> although we</font> still might recommend<font color="#CCCCCC"> avoiding Chernobyl</font> if possible pretty<font color="#E5E5E5"> highly contaminated</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 10 Bohemian Grove California</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> USA</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there's no one free here we're all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">way not only does this campground</font> restrict most of the general population from admission<font color="#E5E5E5"> it also excludes anyone</font> who<font color="#CCCCCC"> identifies as female</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> that's right</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Monte</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Rio's Bohemian Grove</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> is the site</font> of<font color="#CCCCCC"> a private male-only Art Club</font> that can<font color="#E5E5E5"> only be accessed by members and</font> their guests provided the latter<font color="#CCCCCC"> passed</font> the screening<font color="#E5E5E5"> test</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> that is this is a</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">photograph of people who attend as we</font> mentioned it is<font color="#E5E5E5"> all men and this is a</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">photograph of some of them</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> members</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">consist of artists government officials</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">businessmen and other VIPs who gather</font> together<font color="#E5E5E5"> every summer at the Grove and</font> use the encampment to well we're not quite<font color="#E5E5E5"> sure what most people do not know</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">is that for</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> more</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> than a century they've</font> kicked off their<font color="#CCCCCC"> retreat with a</font> spectacular nighttime ceremony<font color="#E5E5E5"> from the</font> air the encampment is lit up<font color="#CCCCCC"> with</font> torches<font color="#CCCCCC"> not much is known</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> about</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> what</font> goes on<font color="#E5E5E5"> because of the club's extreme</font> secrecy<font color="#CCCCCC"> and this has unsurprisingly</font> garnered much<font color="#CCCCCC"> controversy since</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> group's 1878 establishment above<font color="#CCCCCC"> its the</font> main objective of<font color="#CCCCCC"> controlling the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> world</font> while it's known to house facilities mostly for entertainment<font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> recreational purposes<font color="#CCCCCC"> only very few</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">people have managed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to get into the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">grove and report back</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">our concern is not what's</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> going on</font> inside<font color="#CCCCCC"> of the Grove but what's happening</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">outside</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Grove with the people</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are in here number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 9</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> shirts say</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Iceland</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Oh</font> you're going to sit<font color="#CCCCCC"> oh you're so lucky a</font> volcanic island<font color="#E5E5E5"> located just off the</font> south<font color="#CCCCCC"> coast of Iceland short say formed</font> in a volcanic eruption<font color="#E5E5E5"> that lasted</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">nearly four years</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> from November 1963 to</font> June 1967<font color="#CCCCCC"> within days</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the island of</font> Surtsey<font color="#E5E5E5"> appeared above the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> waves</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> while</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">certain botanists</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and biologists</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> are</font> able<font color="#CCCCCC"> to visit the island for scientific</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">purposes no other humans are allowed on</font> the island<font color="#CCCCCC"> in order</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to preserve its</font> natural ecological process<font color="#E5E5E5"> watching life</font> take hold of Surtsey is the closest humans had come to watching<font color="#E5E5E5"> how life</font> would have<font color="#E5E5E5"> emerged on earth all</font> scientific visitors need to<font color="#E5E5E5"> check their</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">belongings before</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> they enter to ensure</font> that<font color="#E5E5E5"> no seeds are introduced into the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">ecosystem</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> this rule was put in place</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">after 2009 when an improperly handled</font> human defecation<font color="#E5E5E5"> resulted in a tomato</font> plant beginning to grow number<font color="#E5E5E5"> 8 club 33</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">in Anaheim</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> California USA and what's so</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">cool about</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Club 33 well obviously</font> the exclusivity located in the center of Disneyland<font color="#CCCCCC"> this club is exclusive to VIP</font> members and has a waiting list of over <font color="#E5E5E5">10 years the club is the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> only</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> location</font> in Disneyland<font color="#CCCCCC"> to offer</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> alcoholic</font> beverages during<font color="#E5E5E5"> the day and is located</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">at 33 Royal Street right beside the Blue</font> Bayou restaurant<font color="#E5E5E5"> to enter the club</font> members need to<font color="#E5E5E5"> buzz an intercom where a</font> receptionist<font color="#E5E5E5"> will grant access if the</font> person is actually a<font color="#E5E5E5"> member the club is</font> furnished with several props from famous <font color="#E5E5E5">Disney</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> films including a lavish walnut</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">table with white marble top that was</font> used in Mary<font color="#CCCCCC"> Poppins</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 7 Nick</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">catacomb</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> DePauw he Paris France we're</font> about 200<font color="#E5E5E5"> feet</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> below the streets</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and we</font> finally<font color="#E5E5E5"> made</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> it in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> French that says this</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">is the entrance to the Empire of death</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's in the French capital that you will</font> encounter these underground<font color="#E5E5E5"> ossuary</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 's</font> known as the catacombs of<font color="#CCCCCC"> paris once</font> consisting of stone mines<font color="#CCCCCC"> what's left</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font> these are caverns<font color="#E5E5E5"> tunnels and the</font> remains<font color="#CCCCCC"> of an estimated 6 million people</font> giving the catacombs<font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> nickname of the</font> world's largest grave thanks to natural <font color="#E5E5E5">human curiosity parts of the underground</font> cemetery became visible<font color="#E5E5E5"> in the 19th</font> century<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">since become part of the 14 city of</font> Paris museums<font color="#E5E5E5"> however what interests us</font> here are<font color="#E5E5E5"> the parts</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the catacombs that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">have been sealed off from the public</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">with only some old gates blocking our</font> paths<font color="#E5E5E5"> our minds can only imagine what</font> lies among<font color="#E5E5E5"> those tunnels and caverns</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that have been deemed</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> unnavigable</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> for</font> public consumption number<font color="#CCCCCC"> six yet decay Madigan</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> G</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Brazil</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the e a de</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> que Madigan G also known as</font> snake island is a small<font color="#CCCCCC"> island located</font> off the<font color="#E5E5E5"> coast</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> South</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Paulo</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> legend</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">claims that there are five snakes</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to</font> every square<font color="#E5E5E5"> metre although a recent</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">documentary stated that there is more</font> likely to<font color="#CCCCCC"> be one snake per square meter</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> only snake species on the island</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> is</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the venomous golden lancehead its venom</font> is set to be up<font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> five times stronger</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">than that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> any mainland</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Viper and is</font> capable of<font color="#E5E5E5"> melting human flesh civilians</font> are not<font color="#CCCCCC"> allowed to visit the island and</font> scientists are only<font color="#E5E5E5"> allowed rare trips</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">if they receive a special waiver for</font> those who work with<font color="#E5E5E5"> snakes it's very</font> hard to<font color="#CCCCCC"> go to the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> field and find many</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">snakes and then here you</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> don't have to</font> walk that much and you<font color="#E5E5E5"> can see many</font> snakes<font color="#E5E5E5"> so it's these are special</font> conditions you can never<font color="#E5E5E5"> find anywhere</font> else number<font color="#E5E5E5"> five North Sentinel island</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Andaman and Nicobar Islands India North</font> Sentinel<font color="#E5E5E5"> island is home to the</font> Sentinelese<font color="#E5E5E5"> a group of indigenous people</font> with a population of<font color="#E5E5E5"> somewhere</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> between</font> 50 and<font color="#CCCCCC"> 400 they're one of the last</font> peoples in the world<font color="#CCCCCC"> to remain untouched</font> by modern civilization<font color="#CCCCCC"> and</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> refuse any</font> contact with outsiders<font color="#CCCCCC"> as recently as</font> 2006<font color="#CCCCCC"> two fishermen were killed by the</font> Sentinelese when their boat drifted close to the island while peaceful contact was made<font color="#E5E5E5"> during the early 1990s</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the Indian government stopped sending</font> people to<font color="#E5E5E5"> the island</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> in 1997</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> we know</font> from<font color="#E5E5E5"> statistics that when you contact</font> tribes like this<font color="#CCCCCC"> where two-thirds</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> of the</font> population<font color="#CCCCCC"> died after</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> two years number</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">four lasgo</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> friends and in the center of</font> this<font color="#CCCCCC"> composition they have United the</font> three principal animals of<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> school</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">horse</font> ox<font color="#E5E5E5"> and deer Lesko is home to some</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">best known Upper Paleolithic art in the</font> world<font color="#CCCCCC"> the cave paintings are estimated</font> be more than<font color="#E5E5E5"> 17,000 years old and mostly</font> depict<font color="#E5E5E5"> big animals</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the Lascaux caves</font> have been<font color="#E5E5E5"> added to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the UNESCO World</font> Heritage List<font color="#CCCCCC"> and have been banned</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> from</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">the public since 1963</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> primarily because</font> any human presence<font color="#E5E5E5"> in the cave could</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">potentially be destructive currently</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">only a handful of scientists are allowed</font> to enter<font color="#CCCCCC"> the caves though a replica of</font> them called<font color="#E5E5E5"> less co2 was open to the</font> public<font color="#CCCCCC"> in 1983</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> number</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 3 RAF Menwith Hill</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">England</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> now it's been called the largest</font> spy<font color="#CCCCCC"> Centre on</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> earth jointly run by</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> UK in the<font color="#CCCCCC"> u.s. the men with Heil complex</font> in rural England<font color="#E5E5E5"> monitors the</font> communications of dozens<font color="#E5E5E5"> of other</font> countries<font color="#CCCCCC"> described as one of the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">world's biggest if not the biggest</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">electronic monitoring stations this</font> Royal Air Force Station<font color="#E5E5E5"> provides</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">intelligent</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> support service to the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">United</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> States of America</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and the United</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Kingdom</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it was originally set</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> up</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to intercept</font> messages<font color="#E5E5E5"> between the Soviet</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Union</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and</font> its<font color="#CCCCCC"> allies during</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the Cold</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> War</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> but the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">station is still in full operation today</font> in fact<font color="#E5E5E5"> several of the satellites are</font> controlled directly by<font color="#CCCCCC"> the American NSA</font> something that's been<font color="#E5E5E5"> criticized in</font> recent years after the Snowden<font color="#CCCCCC"> leaks</font> number<font color="#E5E5E5"> two the Vatican</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> secret archives</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">Vatican</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> City this week</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the Vatican</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Secret Archives</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> found in Vatican City</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">contain all</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> of the important documents</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the Catholic</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> Church</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> has accumulated</font> over<font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> centuries including</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> state</font> papers<font color="#E5E5E5"> and papal account books it acts</font> as the central repository for<font color="#CCCCCC"> all</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">acts promulgated by the Holy See they</font> should perhaps be<font color="#E5E5E5"> called</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the Vatican</font> private archives however because the documents are not actually secret <font color="#CCCCCC">they're more like</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the Pope's</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> personal</font> property<font color="#E5E5E5"> we are a steel arrangement and</font> organize the<font color="#CCCCCC"> Dierk</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> Ives</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> and so I think</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">that many documents are to discover you</font> cannot enter<font color="#E5E5E5"> the archive however and in</font> order<font color="#E5E5E5"> to examine a document you need to</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">submit a formal request</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> and then if</font> accepted<font color="#E5E5E5"> access will</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> be supplied to you</font> the personal papers<font color="#E5E5E5"> of pope</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> john paul ii</font> who died in 2005<font color="#E5E5E5"> are locked away until</font> but<font color="#E5E5E5"> only qualified scholars can actually</font> apply and only documents from 1939<font color="#E5E5E5"> or</font> earlier<font color="#E5E5E5"> can actually be viewed by</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> the</font> public just<font color="#E5E5E5"> a few days for this and it</font> could<font color="#E5E5E5"> have actually finished</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> my book</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">before we unveil our number one pick</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">here are</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> some honorable mentions</font> you number one<font color="#E5E5E5"> area 51 Nevada USA after</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">Lincoln County deputies arrived the</font> driver and passengers were pulled out cited for trespassing and given court dates<font color="#E5E5E5"> the projected fine</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">$650</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> apiece and a misdemeanor conviction</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">the</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> u.s. has frequently been criticized</font> for<font color="#E5E5E5"> being highly secretive and Nevada's</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">area 51</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> has been a hotbed for criticism</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">and speculation for decades while the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">basis primary purpose is</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> unknown to</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the</font> public<font color="#E5E5E5"> historical evidence suggests that</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">it's been</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> used</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> to</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> develop and test</font> weapons<font color="#CCCCCC"> all research in area 51 is</font> considered<font color="#CCCCCC"> top-secret which has made</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> it</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">a frequent</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> subject of UFO folklore</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">recent sightings are in no way</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> connected</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">with</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> any secret development</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> by any</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">agency of</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> the United</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> States many people</font> believe<font color="#CCCCCC"> that the base is home to alien</font> spacecraft<font color="#E5E5E5"> and even alien species while</font> others<font color="#CCCCCC"> suggest that</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> scientists are</font> working on<font color="#E5E5E5"> time</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> travel or teleportation</font> devices<font color="#E5E5E5"> every</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> u.s. stealth aircraft has</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">been tested at area 51 in one way</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> or</font> another<font color="#CCCCCC"> as the base is closed to the</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">public</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> speculation about the US Air</font> Force<font color="#E5E5E5"> facility</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> should only continue to</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">grow area 51 area 51</font> no ma'am<font color="#E5E5E5"> this is area</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> 51 a do you agree</font> <font color="#CCCCCC">with our list what do you think is the</font> most interesting<font color="#CCCCCC"> place you're not</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">allowed</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> to visit for more exciting top</font> 10s published<font color="#E5E5E5"> every day be sure to</font> subscribe to<font color="#CCCCCC"> we may not</font> know what projects are<font color="#CCCCCC"> being developed</font> <font color="#E5E5E5">there but for those who</font><font color="#CCCCCC"> have</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> played a</font> part<font color="#CCCCCC"> in</font><font color="#E5E5E5"> its story the need for these</font> secret projects<font color="#E5E5E5"> is still as great as</font> ever <font color="#E5E5E5">you</font>
Views: 5,292,147
Rating: 4.8216844 out of 5
Keywords: travel, lifestyle, places you aren't allowed to visit, forbidden, catacombes de paris, club 33, surtsey, bohemian grove, north sentinel island, ilha de queimada grande, area 51, vatican city, lascaux, raf menwith, pine gap, top 10, watchmojo
Id: fgzR43ddYz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2015
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