Infamous Mysteries FINALLY SOLVED in 2022

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foreign [Music] Stars under lucky stars make these gorgeous personalized  star maps showing the unique alignment of the   stars in a place and time chosen by you their  maps are the perfect gift for immortalizing   an important moment in your life my wife and I  got this one to celebrate our UK wedding date   it's a really romantic centerpiece a nice physical  reminder of such a special day in our lives   under lucky stars provides a personalized gift  experience allowing you to choose from over   15 different map designs and six beautiful frames   simply enter the date location and time of  your special memory and under lucky stars will   render the constellations and star patterns  that were above you at that exact moment   the results for your unique search are  independently verified by NASA astrophysicists   ensuring that your map is completely accurate and  the lucky stars have also committed to keeping   our skies clear and helping limit space litter  supporting the international dark sky Association   so with Christmas whilst approaching why  not surprise your nearest and dearest with a   personalized star map right now andalaki stars are  running a massive Black Friday sale plus they're   offering my viewers an exclusive 10 discount  on any order go to forward   slash lithium and use my promo code lacym and  get your star map today Link in the description several years ago I covered a Jane Doe  mystery with potential Hollywood links   I am of course talking about the lady of the dunes   to recap on July 26 1974 a 12 year old  girl and her parents were walking their   dog through the Sandy racepoint Dunes of Cape Cod  Massachusetts when they made a terrible discovery   as their dog wandered off the main trail the young  girl followed it and in doing so stumbled upon the   half rotten body of a woman needless to say the  family immediately rushed to summon a park ranger   it was estimated that this dead woman was  between 25 and 40 years old given her state of   decomposition and the amount of insect activity  Pathologists believe that she had been dead for   several weeks no seeing how she had been found  just off the main road it's possible even probable   that she had been kept at a different location for  most of that time before being placed on the dunes   the scene itself was a Grizzly one the woman was  lying face down atop a beach blanket and almost   appeared to be sunbathing she wasn't wearing any  clothes though her head was resting atop a pair   of neatly folded Wrangler jeans as well as a  blue bandana her head itself had almost been   Celeste to clean off and was hanging on by a mere  thread though experts believe that her life had   actually been ended via a strong blow to the skull  the left side of her Cranium had been crushed   there weren't any signs of a struggle suggesting  that the victim either knew her killer or was   asleep when her head was bludgeoned disturbingly  both of her hands had been hacked off despite a   thorough search of the area investigators  were never able to find either appendage   they had likely been removed and taken  by her killer to prevent the authorities   from identifying her several of her teeth had  also been removed likely for the same reason   and this was of course before the days of DNA  testing and so with no prints or dental records   to work with figuring out who this handless  and near headless woman was was going to be a   Monumental task with no name to work with the  detectives dubbed her the lady of the dunes   for nearly five decades investigators did their  utmost to give the Jane Doe back her real name   they combed through thousands of missing  person reports though none of them were a match   they went from neighborhood to Neighborhood  questioning locals though none of them knew   who the lady of the dunes was they created  clay sculptures of her head and released   to AI generated images and age regressed  Composites of her showing what she may have   looked like as a younger woman hoping to jog the  memories of those who had known her in the past   but nobody seemed to remember her after  almost half a century passed with no new   developments it began to feel like the lady of  the dunes was a ghost who never really existed   like her body had been found but  her soul had been lost to time   somebody must have known her during her lifetime  but upon her untimely end she had been totally   forgotten forgotten by everyone that is except  for the sick individual who had taken her life   in August of 2015 somebody finally came up with  a potential clue and that person just so happened   to be Joe Hill the son of Stephen King whilst  watching the movie Jaws Joe noticed her familiar   looking extra in the background of the 4th of July  scene 54 minutes and two seconds into the film this extra bore a strong resemblance to the  lady of the dunes and was wearing a blue   bandana identical to the one bound at the crime  scene as well as a pair of blue Wrangler jeans   this unknown extra and the unknown victim  also had the same hair length and built   chillingly this scene had been filmed in  the village of manemsha on May 25th 1974.   just 100 miles from where the Dune lady was found  and right around the same time she would have died   Joe posited that the lady of the dunes may have  actually been this uncredited extra and that if   the authorities could just get their hands on  the list of people who showed up for filming   they may well uncover who she really was and this  wild Theory drew a lot of new eyes to the case   after all the prospect of a Jane Doe being  forever immortalized in a blockbuster film   well there's something morbidly fascinating about  that blend of pop culture and real-life mystery   in Joe Hill's own words it is  a hell of a what-if isn't it   what if the young murder victim no one has ever  been able to identify has been seen by hundreds   of millions of people in a beloved Summer Classic  and they didn't even know they were looking at her   one of the ghost of the  lady of the dunes horns Jaws it goes without saying that in the years since  this incident took place technology has advanced   significantly recently I've covered numerous cold  cases that have been sold by our genealogical   techniques in particular where forensic scientists  take the DNA of an unidentified suspect or victim   link them to distant family members and build  a family tree to uncover who they really were   well investigative genealogy is exactly  the method that the FBI used to finally   close this court case to that's right as of  October 31st 2022 nearly half a century after   her body was discovered in Provincetown  Massachusetts I'm happy to report that   the lady of the dunes has been given back  her real name she was a Ruth Marie Terry   a 37 year old Tennessee mother who also had  ties to California Massachusetts and Michigan   little is known about the final months of  Ruth's life though according to a marriage   certificate she married a man named guy Rockwell  moldovan in Reno just six months before her demise   for whatever reason she actually used  a fake name on her marriage certificate   Terry Marie Vezina her new husband  guy also used a fake name Raul   that may have been because he was a man with a  dark history a career con man he was suspected   to have killed both his second wife Manzanita as  well as his stepdaughter Dolores back in 1960.   bits of their hair and flesh were found in  the septic tank of their Seattle family home   though due to a lack of evidence guy was never  charged with their slings he was also the prime   suspect in the 1950 murder of Henry Bard and The  Disappearance of his girlfriend Barbara Joe Kelly   but again there was never enough evidence to  formally charge him guy went on to Swindle his   third wife her mother-in-law out of a hefty sum  of money before going on to meet her marry Ruth   with that backstory in mind it's easier to see why  he's considered the prime suspect in Ruth's case   as well though as it stands the authorities are  still working to prove that definitively given all   the advancements that have been made in this case  recently I don't doubt that they'll be able to do   that though even if they do guy Rockwell moldovan  will never face Justice for his terrible actions   he passed away in 2002 aged 78. still although the  case itself hasn't been officially solved yet the   Jane Doe side of this mystery has has and although  her identity went unknown for more than 48 years   perhaps we were all more familiar with Ruth than  we realized could Reef Terry be this extra in Jaws   we still don't know the answer to that question  perhaps we never will but the thought that one   of the world's most iconic movies could  also contain the last known footage of   Ruth the lady of the dunes mere days before  her life was cut short is honestly unsettling at approximately 5 PM on November 6 2020 45  year old Alicia Valera aswembre was walking   her dog Leo around the outskirts of her hometown  La Jolla just south of el Che Spain a kind-hearted   hard-working and well-liked woman elithia had  just earned a position in LJ's justice system   being such an integral part of her community  people quickly became concerned when she took   longer than usual to return home from her dog  walk but concern for her whereabouts would be   short-lived and would instead quickly  be replaced with grief at 6 PM Olivia's   body was found at the edge of a crop field just  south of La Jolla only 200 meters from her home   alethia's face had been left submerged in  the irrigation system pictured here and it   was determined that her Slayer had strangled her  using a chokehold there were no defensive wins to   speak of suggesting that she had been surprised  from behind and taken out extremely quickly   all of her possessions were found at the scene and  the perpetrator hadn't default her remains in any   way so the motive for the sling remained a mystery  as for Olivia's dog Leo was nowhere to be found   the following morning Leo was found waiting  outside the building where alithia lived   with her mother clearly shaken and not himself  though ultimately unharmed [Music] he had been   wandering the streets of La Jolla for the entire  night no doubt terrified about what had happened   nobody knew it at the time but Leo the  loyal canine had not only been the sole   witness to The Killing but would largely be  responsible for solving the case entirely early into the investigation a group of witnesses  said that they had seen a suspicious man around   the crop fields around the time alethia's life  was taken since this individual was wearing a face   mask they weren't able to give many details about  his appearance what they did all agree on however   was that the man Ward with a distinct limp as it  would turn out that limp had been caused by Leo   the doctor bitten deep into the Killer's leg as  he attacked his master causing the man to bleed   onto Leo's leash and leaving the authorities  with some vital DNA evidence to work with   on the 3rd of November 2022 it was announced  that that DNA had finally been matched to the   perpetrator Nicole dishoff a Russian man who had  been living in the same town as alethiah at the   time of the incident and who suffers from paranoid  delusions when his mother a wealthy businesswoman   heard about what nicolay had done she immediately  booked her son a ticket back to Russia just four   weeks after arriving back in his homeland Nicolet  would take the life of another woman in Moscow   and as it stands he's currently locked up in  a psychiatric institution in Smolensk Russia   back in July 2020 four months before he took  alethea's life Nicolet had attempted to end   the life of another woman in torrevieja  during his getaway CCTV cameras caught   these images of nicolete which were  subsequently released to the public   one of nikolay's friends later recognized  him and reported him to the authorities   from that tip Spanish police worked with Interpol  to gather a DNA sample from Nikolai in Russia   once collected they were able to match the  sample with the DNA found on Leo's doglish   that sample also linked Nikolai to the slang  of Antonio Huerta a 66 year old man who had   his head near cutoff in eastern Spain  shortly before alethea's life was taken   had Leo not defended his master and taken  a bite out of Nicholas Lake that fateful   evening both elithius and Antonio slings would  have gone unsolved for who knows how many years   so I think it's fitting to end this  entry with these words the boilio [Music] finally I'd like to end things with a quick  update on the Summertime Beach man case   a big thank you to subscriber Lee Simon  for bringing this update to my attention   as mentioned in my last episode of this  mini-series just this October the beach man's   true identity was finally revealed to the world  his name was Charles Webb a man from Melbourne who   possibly came to Adelaide in search of his ex-wife  only to wind up lifeless on Summerton Beach   but although his name was revealed we still didn't  have any confirmed photos of Charles during his   lifetime to examine there was this picture  which more than likely did show Charles posing   alongside other members of his under-16s football  team but back when I made that video we still   didn't know for sure which of these boys he was I  suggested that this was the most likely candidate   well we now know for sure which of  these Lads he was and I was wrong   as it turns out he was actually this young  chap in the front row on the far left this image shows Charles as a  teenager which is all well and good   but I'm also pleased to tell you that we now  know what he looked like as a living adult too   Stuart Webb and other living members of  the Webb family have since found pictures   of Charles in a Dusty photo album and have  been kind enough to share them with the world   and so I present to you the face of the  Summerton Beach man Charles Webb pictured   here on a big family day out playing some sort  of prank on his brother-in-law Gerald Keane   this labeled image of Charles was also uncovered  until recently Stuart and his sister Christy had   no idea about their connection to the summer to  mystery and weren't aware they were related to   the mysterious man found on the beach all those  decades ago for them the Revelation that he was   one of their relatives was a bitter sweet  one it was happiness it was Joy said Christy   but there was also some sadness about this  forgotten family member this was a person he   wasn't just a media hit for a little while  and an unsolved mystery he was our family now the living members of the Webb family have a  new question that they're seeking the answer to   why didn't any of Charles's family at the time  pictured here smiling alongside him tried to   search for him when he went missing we may  never know the answer to that question but   there has been one final development that  does shed some light on how Charles came   to perish on Somerton Beach as mentioned in  the last video for years many people believed   that Charles was actually a foreign spy and  that he had been taken out by another agent   since we know that's not the case the main  Theory now is that Charles took his own life   looking at his 1951 divorce papers which have  recently been dug up that really does seem to   be the case in those documents Charles's  ex-wife Dorothy described Charles as   Moody a man with no particular friends  of his own who was often in bed by 7 pm   in those papers she went on  to say that Charles said quote   written many poems most of them on the subject of  death which he claims to be his greatest desire   in the documents Dorothy even  recounted how one evening she   had returned home and found Charles  attempting to end his own existence   with that information now available it seems  extremely likely that Charles attempted to do   so yet again on Summerton beach in 1948 this  time with poison and this time successfully unless there are any further major Revelations  this will be the last time I'll discuss the   Summertime Beach man case as far as most of us  are concerned the mystery has broadly speaking   been solved with only a few Minor Details still  missing and as it turns out the truth really was   much more tragic than many of us wanted to believe  the summer to man's life wasn't filled with spy   Antics and espionage he had actually been a  man living a troubled and unhappy existence   but instead of those Infamous some Bleak photos  of Charles that were taken after his untimely end   let it be this photo that we now remember him by  one that was taken during a moment of happiness   when times were good and when he was  smiling and surrounded by family foreign [Music]   thank you very much for listening before the  video ends I'd like to shout out my biggest   supporters here on YouTube and over on  patreon Monica Mendoza Peter loggeraj   Philip Wester Taylor and Monica grewing the  only Dorita Zane bradhammer 33 Mrs Yvonne Rankin   the deck of cards Jessie junk Clayton Thompson  Alex greenshaw Anya yakaterina faustov ajamina   Azrael warakai Chief kochuake Colin monsma  konolotham dupsy Dustin and Tiffany Vanderbilt   George Lopez Gina Valera Grace Archie Ian bellock  Infamous sempapi JB Funk Leonardo Martinez Linda   motebsky Hamish K jacqueling guavera phelum  Lydia kumara nephis 1988 torped chair 1139 thank you guys so much for your continued support   until next time be sure to remember  the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 601,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, scariest video ever, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, blameitonjorge, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, English, asmr, top 10, unsolved mysteries, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, buzzfeed unsolved, rabbit holes, disturbing things from the internet, unsolved mysteries full episodes, 2022, taman shud, Somerton Man, lady of the dunes, jaws extra, dog, no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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