5 Biggest Makeup Mistakes On Mature Eyes Tutorial Over 50 | Fabulous50s

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today I'm going to show you the five big mistakes women make when applying makeup to mature eyes hi I'm Schellea and this is fabulous 50s a lifestyle channel that explores fashion beauty and lifestyle for women over 50 and if you're a woman over 50 click subscribe and click the bell and you'll be alerted every time there's a new video and they'll all relate to you I'm going to show you the five big makeup mistakes that we can all make on this site and then I'm going to show you how to apply your eye makeup with some technique so that you look younger fresher and more vibrant okay let's get started the first big mistake women make when applying makeup to mature eyes is not to prime the reason we prime our eyelids is because our eyelids are very oily and particularly as we're getting older they become more oily so if you apply eyeshadow to your eyelid without a primer by the end of the day or even after a couple of hours you're going to get creasing in your eyeshadow and you don't want that because it looks really cakey so to use a primer is the best thing that you can do so I'm going to start applying my eye makeup to show you what not to do on this side and what to do on this side I love the Too Faced insurance eye primer you only need a really tiny bit and you tap it into your eye just really gently and you don't need too much of this because you want it to be a smooth film rather than a thick coating and this is just a really small thing to do but it makes your eyeshadow last so much longer so what it does is it make sure I shadow pop more the color becomes more intense and it stops the creasing so prime is the first thing and I think everybody over the age of 50 should be using a primer for that eye shadow okay the second big mistake we make with our mature is to go against basic color theories so what I mean by that is we applied dark in the wrong places and light in the wrong places so I'm going to show you what the mistakes are and I'm going to show you how to fix them basic color theory tells us that dark colors recede and light colors make bigger so we wear black and dark colors where we want to look skinny and we would paint a room white if we want to make it look more spacious and this rule applies to makeup it applies to fashion it applies to interior design it's one rule fits all so we've got to use it when we're applying our makeup so I'm going to start by showing you the wrong way to apply dark color and then I'll show you how to apply it on the other eye then I'm going to show you the wrong way to apply a light color and I'll show you on the other eye how to do it correctly I'm using my eye shadows here they're just in a little palette that I make myself so when I buy an eyeshadow I take it out of the container and I put it in here and these are the ones that I use every day so it's really easy everything's here in one place the part of our eye that we want to make skinny and recede is this part here it's the hood it's the part that's loose skin and as we're getting older this skin becomes looser and falls down a little bit so it makes our eyes look quite heavy and droopy so we're going to receive this with a dark color and the part we want to make look bigger is this part here because as far as eyes go that's our most important real estate because if this part of our I can appear bigger we look more youthful okay so I'm going to show you the wrong way first and I'm going to apply a dark color to the part that we want to make bigger but actually we're going to make it smaller and I'm not going to use a primer it feels so wrong putting this on without a primer it doesn't glide very nicely okay so I'm going to do that and another thing I'm going to do with my dark color is I'm gonna follow nature and sort of go down where my natural eye goes so I'm just following the natural folds in my eye now the right way to apply dark to a mature eye is where we want to recede it so we would put it up here now let me show you what I'm going to do there I would normally do this part after I've done my eyelid but I'm just showing you so you can get an idea of right and mistake now that needs to be blended but you can get the idea so this has made this part of my eye look smaller and what I wanted really is for this part my hood to look smaller now I'm going to show you how to use light colors in the wrong way so I'm going to apply a light shadow onto the hood which is what we really want to recede but this light color is going to bring it forward just like painting a white room it's going to make it look bigger okay so can you see that another thing that's done is it's made all these lines way more noticeable because it's bringing attention this is where I've got wrinkles here at this part of my eye by adding the light to them it's making those wrinkles appear a lot bigger than they are actually I think they were already big but I'm making them look bigger okay now I'm going to show you how to apply light the correct way so we take the same eye shadow I'll leave all these colors the ones that I use in the description below to show you but we're going to add a light color to our eyelid now now I've got to blend out but just to show you what that looks like what I've done is I've made this part here the important part bigger and you can tell the difference I'm just going to go ahead and blend those colors together now so make sure that you always blend your dark colors very very well because you don't want harsh lines and harsh colors so you just add a little bit more and you blend back and forth back and forth until you've got the consistency in the color that you love while we're talking about light colors I'm going to show you another two things that I do to add light to my eyes so I take a nude eyeliner pencil and I line the bottom waterline of my eye so I'll do that on the right side and I won't do it on the mistake side so you just gently will put that in the water line and this NARS one it doesn't wear off all day again you can see that's opened my eye everything on this side is opening and everything on this side is drawing down making look heavy and making look older and I'm going to add a little bit of light up here to just pop that out a little bit and a little bit of light here so I'm bringing this forward and I'm bringing that part forward and just tap that in and when you've added a little bit of light here you can just go over that with the tiny bit of eyeshadow the third really big mistake we make when we're applying makeup to mature eyes is when we follow nature with our eye liner so that's the one thing that makes us look a lot older because naturally our eye comes down here and if you follow this line with an eye liner again you're bringing it down it's just so heavy so to fix that problem we slightly give it a kick up at the end of our eye and this'll lift so I'll show you how to do it the wrong way and then I'll show you how to do it the right way ah I just feel like I wanna clean all that up but I want to show you what it does I've done two things wrong here I'm going to show you the first thing I did wrong is that I made the line here very thick and because this is our most valuable real estate this area here if we darken it again with a thick line just here we're going to reduce it so that is the first mistake the second mistake you see how I've gone down here and it's just drawn it down and that looks terrible so the basic rule of thumb for eye makeup is not to follow nature we've got to create a lift and I'm going to show you on this eye how to create that lift now what I've done here is on the last eyelash I've kicked it up like this and then you come down into a line and form a triangle and that leaves a little bit of the end free of eyeliner so you haven't used up all of that space as opposed to this side we've drawn a line all the way down another thing to note is if you've got a very small amount of skin here showing the finer the line you use with your eyeliner the better I have more area to work with and I can use a thicker line and that's what I like but if you don't have much here go very fine and do the kick and you'll love the look and if we're going to follow nature with our line underneath that will actually bring attention to drawing our eye down unless you've got a really straight line underneath your eye already we have to create that so let me show you the line underneath so this is following my natural life but what I want to do is create a lift so I'm going to do a very gentle and soft line but I'm not going to follow down here I'm going to keep this part where it droops straight okay so that's really subtle it's not thick and then once I've done that line I'm going to take a little bit of eyeshadow a more neutral color and I'm just going to go over that to blend it out and to soften it up okay the eyeshadow is really great at softening up a dark heavy line and the softness is much better on mature eyes one more thing that lots of people still do is to add a light color here on the brow bone and I'll just show you what happens when we do that because we're bringing more attention to the wrinkles and the droop so I've just gone up a little bit higher just to show you that okay the fourth big mistake we make is to follow nature again and go with our natural eyebrow as we're getting older many of us lose our eyebrows or we've over plucked them and they didn't grow back and a good shaped eyebrow really helps create the perfect look for our face so I'm going to show you how to measure out your eyebrows and what will suit your face the best so you grab an eyebrow pencil I use the benefit precision brow number two and you take your eyebrow pencil and you put it between your nose and your corner of your eye and then you leave a mark like this so that dot there is where your eyebrow starts and then on the other side you take it from the corner of your nose to the corner of your eye and you go up like this and that dot there is where your eyebrows should finish so that's the symmetry of your face and they're the perfect measurements so you can see I've got a good distance between here and here with no eyebrows and when I show you on the other side of my face it makes a big difference when there's something there because it puts everything more in proportion okay I'm going to do this side so I'll do this that's the dot there and on this side with the eyebrows it's really important to only feather strokes on this part of your eyebrow and you can line the rest here and fill it in but if you're going to color this in and make it really heavy it looks too much and it makes us look too old so I'm going to show you how to do it properly so basically you're just adding some strokes and then when you come underneath you can fill in the gap you can also create a little bit of a lift here if you like it does bring your eye up so on the top you just do a little bit extra and then bring it down okay and on the other end of the eye pencil you'll have a brush and you brush your eyebrows upwards and that's it and I love to use an eyebrow setting gel on top of that this is also benefit I'll leave the links below but it's just like hairspray and it keeps your eyebrows in place and it kind of accentuates the hairs that you do have and makes it all look a bit fuller so you can see the difference there these eyebrows have really helped shape my face and this side looks like it just needs something and that's what it is it needs an eyebrow and the fifth biggest mistake we make with our mature eye makeup is not to curl our lashes now a lot of people say it's not worth the trouble but I'm going to show you what it does for my eyelashes and again we're creating a lift so everything about this side is lifted and everything about this side is droopy so let me show you the difference so an eyelash curler if you haven't used one of these before it is definitely worthwhile getting it takes a little bit of practice if you're brand new to it and if you've got straight eyelashes like you're going to notice such a difference this one's a shoot memory and I've had it for years and years and years and it still works perfectly I like to heat it gently with a blow dryer because the heat will set your eyelashes and keep them curled up so you can try that at home but don't let the rubber get too hot because it can burn your eyelids so be safe with that and here's what you do you clamp your eyelashes like this plant them and then you gently turn it towards your inner eye and hold for 10 seconds or you can pulse it lightly I'm going to do the mistake side first and we're going to not curl them and we're going to apply the mascara in the wrong way so this is a thrive mascara and is this beautiful I'll leave the link below and to do it the wrong way to get the least benefit for our mature eyes is to apply from the top and to apply your pressure downwards so we are doing it the wrong way okay that's that I now I'm going to go to the curled eye and I'm going to go from underneath up and I'm going to zigzag it a little bit towards close to the eye and bring me mascara upwards and then gently on the top of my eyelash I'm just going to do it gently and kick it up and then go back underneath and set that again okay that's one coat of mascara so let that dry a little bit and you can add a second coat on top of that if you like which is what I always do so I'm going to go in on this eye again and if you're just rushing and not doing your mascara with purpose it does tend just to look straight and then they just don't look nice okay that's my second coat to the mistake eye and now I'll do my second coat to the good eye okay so there's some results I have a mistake one mistake after the other five in fact and this side I've done it with a little bit more finesse and I think I've got a much better result let me know if you've got some great eye makeup tips I'd love to hear them please give a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and share it with any of your girlfriends who have mature eyes thank you so much for watching and have a beautiful week
Channel: fabulous50s
Views: 5,345,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: makeup tips for older women, mature eyes, over 50 makeup, over 50 makeup tutorial, makeup over 50, MATURE EYE MAKEUP TIPS, makeup for mature eyes, mature eyes makeup, simple eye makeup for mature eyes, mature eyes makeup tutorial, mature makeup, makeup for women over 50, eyeshadow for mature eyes, eyeliner tutorial for mature eyes, mature womens makeup, makeup for hooded eyes over 50, eyeshadow tutorial for mature eyes, fabulous 50s, over 50, eyeliner tutorial
Id: IHfA15Emme4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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