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Hello and welcome to the latest edition  of Mark's Monthly Microsoft Masterclass.   This time we're talking about something  very dear to my heart: Microsoft Teams   and namely five things that you can  do to make your life a bit easier. So here we are in Teams and tip number one is how  to open files straight into a desktop app so I   don't know about you but by default Teams are set  up so that when you click on a file it opens in   Teams and I'm not a massive fan of that because it  means that if I'm having continued conversations   in Teams I'm constantly having to come in and  out of my file to reply to messages so I much   prefer it to open up those files straight into the  relevant desktop app Word Excel PowerPoint so the   way to do that and set it as a default is to click  on the three dots up here and go to Settings   and then if you go to Files and Links you can  change the setting so if it's set as Teams by   default which it will be you can change this  to desktop app like I've got here that means   that forevermore those files are going to open  straight into the desktop app that I want them to   another really useful feature this is tip  number two is how to create flows related   to conversations that you're having in Teams  flows are essentially actions automations that   you do so to do those within conversations I go  to the conversation I want to create a flow for   and I click the little three dots here and I go  to more actions and from here I'll be able to   see the flows that have already been created for  me so I've got ones around being able to create   a task based on the conversation that's happening  and find a meeting time and I'll demonstrate that   a little bit later if I don't see what I'm looking  for here then I can go down here to create a new   action and I can create a flow based on whatever I  need it to be able to do so it's going to give me   a load of defaults that Microsoft have created  for me that I can pick from but if I find that   the thing that the options that I've got here  on aren't right for me they're not they're not   what I need then I can pick my own so I can  cycle through all these various options if I   don't like any of them I can create a brand  new one here that'll do something for me   so as we saw when I clicked on the three dots  earlier a useful flow that I've already set up   with this one find a meeting time so I'm in  a conversation with Diego and I might think   actually I could really deal with talking to  him but Diego's busy he's in a meeting already   or he's offline or whatever else so what I can  do instead is I can use this flow to set up a   meeting automatically for me so I just call it  a quick chat I could put a description if I want   I put a time in let's say 15 minutes then I hit  submit and what that's going to do is it's going   to find a time in my diary in Diego's where we're  both free for 15 minutes and the first available   slot that it can find it's going to stick that  in our diary so that I remember to have that   conversation with him and it's booked in so that  we have it it's a really useful little feature   another really nice quality of life thing that  we can do is within chat so again I mean we use   I use Teams all the time so it might be that I  am having a chat with someone in the chat part   of Teams but at the same time I'm part of a  a wider conversation with my team and Teams   and so out of the box I'm constantly having a  flick between these two areas to reply to and   see messages that are coming through so really  easy way for me to manage this is to break out my   chat conversations into separate windows so that  I'm not having to kind of fly around Teams so much   and that's really easy to do I just go over to the  chat conversation that I want to break out and I   click on this little icon here and this makes my  conversation in this case with Emily break out   into a separate window if I've got two monitors  I can have this on one monitor and I can reply as   and when that goes and I can have my conversation  within Teams in a totally separate area so I'm   not having to flick between the two all the time  there's two other really useful features within   chat a lot of people don't utilise the first I'm  going to show you and this is tip number four is   delayed message send so let's pretend it's it's  it's late at night and I suddenly remember oh my   gosh I need to ask Emily a question but I don't  want it to send at 10 o'clock at night when I   remember it but I need to kind of send it now  otherwise I'll forget so luckily delayed message   will allow this so I can type my message into  Teams but in instead of hitting the send button   I right click on the send button and I select  a time that's more suitable so in this case I'm   going to select the next day and I'm going to tell  it right send this message at nine o'clock and hit   send it scheduled time and then I send my message  and what that's now going to do is that message   is sent from my perspective I've remembered to do  it but Emily won't receive it until nine o'clock   the next morning so I'm not going to bother  her in the middle of the night with maybe a   request that she doesn't need to respond to  straight away it's just so I don't forget   now it might be that I need to have a conversation  with Emily but she's not available in this example   at the moment she's offline but maybe she's  in a meeting or whatever else she's not there   so I could send her a little chat message saying  you know can you give me a call when you're next   available but a even nicer feature that I can do  is I can get Teams to tell me when she becomes   available so when her icon becomes the green  tick of available and to do that I just click   on the three dots next to a profile and I select  notify when available and Teams will then tell me   when she's available and then I can give her a  call or I can send her a message and have that   conversation and that is our five top tips  for getting the most out of Microsoft Teams   and finally I'm delighted to announce the launch  of inTEC IMPACT. inTEC IMPACT is a brand new event   that we're launching a quarterly technology  networking group for the North West and West   Yorkshire non-for-profit sectors it's going to  be held at UA92 on 15th November 2023.   it's an event in partnership with Microsoft  and the first one is entitled AI for good so   it's going to be all about how to harness  the power of Microsoft Copilot for your   non-profit organisation if you're interested  in coming along you'll be able to find our   Eventbrite link at the bottom of this page so  click on it and I look forward to seeing you   in November if you're a non-profit that's not in  the area don't worry we're going to be launching   lots of events all across the country in  the coming months so I'll see you there. and that's it for another month if you liked  it please feel free to comment below and like   and subscribe if you didn't keep your opinions  to yourself and I'll see you next month bye
Channel: inTEC GROUP
Views: 2,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft, Teams, Microsoft Teams, Demo, Webinar, Collaboration, Communication, How to, how to use, Top Technology Tips, Home Working, advice, tips and tricks, Outlook, Bing chat enterprise, Edge workspaces, Microsoft 365 backup, loop, tips, top 5
Id: _BwAV8uw4VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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