How to use the NEW Microsoft Teams!

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so it's fair to say that Microsoft teams had an uncertain start a few months ago when it was released into preview in fact like me you might have turned on the preview and found a number of features that you used in the old version of teams simply not there and then had to give up with it pretty quickly but the good news is Microsoft teams has come a long way in a short amount of time the new version of teams is now much more performant and comes in nearly all of the features that are in the classic version of microsof oft teams and I've even been using it for the last few weeks without any hiccups at all so that made me think it's time now to go into that new version of teams and to show you how you can get the most from it so when you're ready to move across that experience will be a pleasant one and you'll also be able to take advantage of all those great new features in the latest version of Microsoft teams so let's dive in and find out how you can get the most from the new version of teams so here we are in the latest version of Microsoft teams and you probably found it loading pretty quickly you'll also see those performance improvements inside of the teams app for example I can go through and click on all of my channels you can see the content loads really quickly in fact if I scroll up and then scroll down you can also see there are no load times for Content inside of these channels if I switch over to other tabs inside of teams in my files tab we also see it loading really quickly these are areas that we didn't see in the last version of teams and wait seconds for a simple Tablo Falls to load already seeing great improvements when it comes to Performance but when you're starting out and using this teams app there are some settings that you can go and check and ensure they're all correct ready for you to use this new version of teams the first one is going to with the theme so here I'm using the classic teams theme it's unlikely that your team a lot like this out of the box but if you want to change themes and Designs inside the tees head up to the top select the free dot menu go into settings and then head to appearance and accessibility and once you're in here you can see I'm using a classic theme meaning the classic purple theme if I change this and move it into dark we'll now see we're using teams dark mode Dark theme if I then change it once again to follow operating system I'm using Windows 11 so have the windows 11 theme so if you want to change your theme something that's more suits your needs you can do so very easy in the settings dialogue but there's also further improvements when it comes to devices and that is an important area because when you mve to your new version of teams you may have lost your selected devices so head into the devices section inside of the settings tab and when you're in here at the top ensure that your speaker your mic and audio devices are the ones that you expect if they've been reset to the default you can update them by clicking into the dropdown and selecting for that new device in Readiness for your next meeting you're also going to find a new experience when it comes to working in your teams that is on the right hand side we have a new team information panel in this scenario I quickly see all of the people inside of the team and have quick access to them we can also have a very simple process to find a keyword in this given channel so search is simplified using the teams information panel on the right but also you can go into Channel notifications and you can also turn notifications on for particular channels that you have an interest in which is quite powerful but also updates as you can see here as people post and change in channels you'll be able to quickly have review of those inside of the team information panel on the right hand side powerful way to understand what's going on in your teams and inside the Microsoft teams channels you can also switch around where you're going to see latest posts and even the ability to post a new message in a Channel all we need to do is click on the free do menu and you'll see an option to see new posts at top so now the new posts and all the latest posts in the channel will now up here at the top allows you to switch both upwards and downwards depending on on your requirements a very simple way to work with those Channel posts and get them in the order that you would prefer but also you can pop out Channel conversations that's useful if you need to post and reply but also get other work done in teams at the same point same way we use chat in teams to have a pop out conversation of one of these Channel conversations click on the free dot menu and lets open conversation in new window you'll then see the convers ation Fred is all appearing in this dialogue and I can easily drag it out the way and click into another one of my channels and still have my dialogue open being able to chat with my colleagues in that relevant channel so you can pop out those conversations any time that you would prefer and get working with them easily so it felt like a great time to take a short break and within that let's also explain what we do in case you need any help in the future because your 365 coach is focused on you getting the most at Microsoft 365 whether you your team or business need consultancy or training or coaching on Microsoft 365 Technologies we can certainly help to find out more about what we do head to the link below you can even contact us not only that on our site there is a free Microsoft 365 ebook that you can download and access to give you even greater ways to work in Microsoft 365 so other than that now we've taken that breath let's head back into teams and keep discovering all of those new capabilities but the biggest change in Microsoft teams comes from when you work with third parties now you may Remembered in the past when you had to do this you'd largely have to sign out and sign in to these other tenants so you may have your own tenant and I have my own tenant that means you need to switch out of them and do things called tenant switching however the problem was that when you switch tenant you would largely be offline in your own home tenant people would think you're off work and you couldn't even join meetings you'd end up being stuck in your own meeting lobby but all of that has been vastly improved now in this scenario I actually have access to another tenant they've invited me in as a third party using my email address to another shared team what I can then easily do in the top right is by clicking on my profile picture and name I can then see my availability at the top for my current tenant but also I can see I'm also available in the other third-party tenant one of my customers so that means I'm available across multiple tenants what also happens in teams is it keeps an eye on notifications and things going on across all of those tenants that you're a part of here I see there is a one above a notification when I click in this it shows me the activity my other organizations that I'm part of and when I left click into it it'll simply switch me over and show me the chat message in new of a tenant and very easily come in do a thumbs up or I can reply to this conversation or while staying online in my original tenants in the company I can also click into teams inside of the other tenant and begin working on that team with my customers and suppliers and when I want to go back into my own it environment in the company what I need to do is Click into my name at the top select my home it area by the company name and now I'm back in that area but once again I'm still available in the other tenant and my notifications tray will keep me alert to any changes happening in those other it setups from customers and suppliers and more the ability to work with third parties efficiently in teams has massively been improved and works really well when you need to do that and when it comes to your availability well much has stayed the same you'll be able to click in the top right and set your availability I might here put myself into busy but equally I might be working from home and a new option in teams allows us to set whether I'm working in the office or remotely which syncs into my Outlook Calendar using schedule and assistant and also appears through teams so I'll say here I'm going to be working remotely and that now will be shown in my availability I could also set a custom St status message to let people know that I'm not around for the next few hours going to an appointment or simply out the office catching up with a few friends and also you can do the same for the other tenants you're part of much like I showed you earlier we can click into those tenants and you can see unmarked as available well in here I want actually Mark myself as AER away I can do so returning back to my home tenant and by clicking into my profile manager here I still show it's been away but yet still busy my own home tenant so you can create different availability settings in each tenant that you're part of through the profile manager and as part of these new teams improvements we also get a new files tab now those file tab changes have actually come from one drive for business improvements but have found their way in teams all we need to do is go over to the files tab and we'll see the new one drive and files experience appearing here if if you haven't seen this previously it is a more simplified way of working but it does work really well here is an example all of my recent files I've worked with across Microsoft 365 I can then very easily click into a document and review that document inside of the teams app I can make changes using the online experience and save them back straight to where they came from that in SharePoint or teams and to go back I can close out of this document return back to my files tab now alongside all my recents I also have the ability to filter through them I'd like to see all of the PDFs we have inside of my recent documents and alongside that my files has all of my one drive files quick access to all of your one drive and there's even the ability now to click in the free dot menu and give folders different colors so that is all supported through the teams app and likewise we have a shared tab the shared tab shows me all the content that's been shared with me via sharing links quick access to them straight through the files tab but equally I can see content I've shared with others and I have quick access through the share dialogue to make changes and even revoke those sharing links should that be needed and if you work with favorit files then there's a quick way to get to them all we then need to do is Mark any of our files that we work with in 365 as a favorite through this files dialogue here and I can go to the favorites Tab and also have quick access to all of my favorite files I won't have to search through or filter for them and as we work with more teams and SharePoint libraries well that'll appear over in quick access here is my business development Library I'm working with and it might be that I want to keep this pinned with quick access in the files tab well I click on the pin icon and that now will be pinned inside of the fast Tab and I can click through my libraries without going anywhere near the team itself to have quick access to all of those files super powerful when it comes to file management using a new files experience in teams one of the things in the new teams that you might struggle with is getting back to past meetings you are part of maybe recordings or content was been shared well there's a great way to do that now in the freed do menu to the left look out for the Meet app if you can't find it just type in the word meet and you'll find the Meet app which is a Microsoft provided app here you'll have quick access to all of the meetings that you've been part of if content has been shared such as meeting minutes and notes for Microsoft Loop you have quick access by clicking into them likewise if you have recordings while the Meet app and the tab will also show you that content here I'll go back and filter for recorded and here's a meeting that I have a recording all I need to do is click on view recap and here is the recording directly available for Microsoft teams and I can have this View across my recent meetings and upcoming meetings to get back to content quickly inside of the teams meet app which you can load and access freely as well so there we go the latest Microsoft teams that can help you in so many ways whether that's going to be the better performance you're going to get from it or equally if you work with customers and suppliers and want to be available in their it environments freely well this provides the answer to that as well as general improvements across the piece to make the whole teams experience much better now hopefully you can take the knowledge I've shared with you today and apply it to your new team setup and to get you using teams in the right way straight from the off if you like this video we'd love it if that like button but also hit that subscribe button to find more great content like this that we can turn you into a productivity Superstar otherwise I'll be seeing you in the next [Applause] one [Music]
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 40,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft teams, microsoft 365, microsoft teams tutorial, ms teams, how to, new features in microsoft teams, how to use microsoft teams, new features in microsoft teams 2023, microsoft teams new features, new microsoft teams, how to use the new microsoft teams, microsoft teams preview, how to use microsoft teams preview, tutorial, 2023, new, microsoft, teams, your365coach, Your 365 Coach, microsoft teams tips, teams new features, new ms teams features, learn, office tips
Id: 3qkmsqzgS6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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