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okay now let's see ielts speaking part one in ielts speaking part one examiner will ask you some simple questions one sentence question what is one sentence question what is your name my name is assad two bands is it right no okay these questions are not even counted how are you fine thank you three bands not like that okay they don't ask these type of questions questions will be asked on familiar topics like shopping home town country family friends movies favorite things favorite color restaurants food anything like that okay and you have to answer part one is a friendly conversation with the examiner very friendly i mean examiner will ask you some questions and the purpose is to relax your nerves there'll be too much pressure ielts ielts speaking face to face test with the examiner so you might have some anxiety and all that okay just relax calm down uh they will ask you this part one just to relax you now how to answer the questions very simple whatever the question is remember you will be marked on four things in ielts speaking you will be marked on four things number one pronunciation now pronunciation does not mean accent accent is something different accent is you speak english like british people you speak english like americans that is what we call accent okay they will not mark you on accent they will mark you on pronunciation when it comes to pronunciation for example you say i like photography very much wrong pronunciation if you say i like photography photography this is what we call stress pattern so this is the part of your pronunciation democracy democracy is very important for any country democracy is very important for any country so pronunciation will be judged democracy now whether you say democracy adapts you know uh chinese arabs they speak like democracy is important for any country good you understand you're naughty boy okay something like that so this is just like this they say right so pronunciation is important after pronunciation second criteria is fluency fluency means furlough for okay don't stop just go on and speak now what is fluency i would like to tell you something my favorite candy is eclair and i have always liked this carry since my childhood this is a very nice candy that is why every day i take two to three eclairs eclair is my favorite candy i like it very much very much this is i mean lack of fluency means repetition lack of fluency means after one sentence you stop and lack of fluency means you speak word by word how do you speak word by word i like a clear candy very much okay this is word for word so speak fluently whether you speak slowly or you speak fast you have to speak fluently right this is the second criteria now third criteria is grammatical range and i advise you all for speaking part one you must use compound sentences for example why do you want to go to a foreign country i really like to go to a foreign country because now when you say because it's a compound sentence there is that acronym fans boy or fanboys f-a-n-b-o-y-s fanboys b o f-a-n-b-o-y s and then you will learn all these phrases this is what we call compound sentences so make compound sentences that is what we call grammar and the last criteria is vocabulary for vocabulary i will only say whatever the question is try to use the synonyms of that do you like fast food do you like fast food for example they say do you like fast food and you say i like fast food i like fast food very much i like to eat fast food see that plan for low band score do you like fast food oh i really love eating pizzas and burgers they are my most favorite whenever i go outside i try to eat fast food at least once a week something like that so fast food you use pizza burger pizzas and burgers for like you use the word love for example do you like western music i am literally obsessed with such type of music western music such type of music do you like i am obsessed understand so when you start your answers like this examiner will be aha right 99 students go there and they tell them thirsty crow and greedy dog and you will be that one percent who is going you know greedy dog thirsty crow means plain answers only if you are going to be one of those so you will end up getting eight eight point five now how to answer three steps step number one answer the question directly do you drink hot water or cold water i always love to drink hot water because it has so many medicinal benefits besides hot water is this blah blah blah right so step number one answer the question directly okay step number two elaborate your answer in two to three sentences for example how often do you eat out i always love to dine out with my family once a week especially at the weekend and then you can give reasons two to three sentences in part one never give long answer in part one never give indirect answer how often do you eat out with your family eating out is very important some people eat out a lot some people eat out a little okay you understand what my point is these type of answers will irritate the examiner so you have to give direct to the point answer and this is how you got to go on right now after this step number three step number three is conclude your answer so to answer your question i like fast food very much and burgers are my most favorite so to answer your question i always dine out with my family once a week to answer your question or you can otherwise conclude your answer so step one answer the question directly step two elaborate your answer and step three you got to conclude your answer okay like this you answer in part one and initially part one will give you i mean when you give good answers you understand the questions examiner is doing like this you are like this huh very good now part two then part three and if in the beginning zara be gerber hoagie one of the students he went up there for his speaking test the test started he started answering very well and suddenly examiner said oh my god examiner said oh my god the student said man why is the examiner saying oh my god what happened examiner had forgotten to turn on the audio device and then examiner said okay please leave the room and the bacha was like you know when he they asked him to leave the room then after five minutes he they called him back you know when this thing happens you are not in your senses you don't know what happened and all that so he had his speaking test it went badly luckily he called me right after the test sir this thing happened with me students are very touchy and they have my number could ski examine anything like that so he reported me i said call them immediately that was in lahore i said call them immediately to retake or reschedule my speaking test otherwise i'm going to complain head office australia yeah he called them and they said no problem you come again tomorrow they cancelled his first speaking test next day he went with full confidence and he appeared in speaking test if you are not prepared not prepared means you enter and you have a fast heartbeat okay so then you can take your time even you can say uh would you please take my test after five minutes they will say no problem they will call you again okay never start in a hurry gabby samajini your test start okay so take your time and they will ask you should we start if you are fine it's not that barbar [Laughter] not like this okay you can use this thing for one time only right and then they'll go on with it okay all right thank you
Channel: Asad Yaqub
Views: 838,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Take off with the British Council, IELTS Preparation, IELTS, British Council, IDP, Study Abroad, the ielts listening test, ielts listening test 2020, IELTS Fluency, ielts fluency and coherence, fluency ielts speaking success, Fluency Formula, How to get a band, IELTS Speaking Test Sample, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts writing, ielts listening, AsadYaqub IELTS, Tips and tricks for ielts band 9
Id: a2vFm226UgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 30sec (570 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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