5 AWESOME Creative Video Effects in Adobe Premiere Pro! (CC How to / Tutorial)

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hi everyone my name is Justin OD show and in this video I'm gonna show you five awesome video effects that you can create in Adobe Premiere Pro so if you're new to the channel consider subscribing for more videos like these leave a like below if you're enjoying these videos and let's get started the first effect I'm going to show you guys how to create is this ghosting stop-motion blend effect so in order to begin let's actually duplicate our original video clip on top of itself so I'm just going to hold alt or option + click drag to make a copy and we're going to utilize premiere pros layers to blend some things together so on this second or top layer let's open up the effects panel and search for one called posterized time this is going to kind of create a stop-motion posterization of the time see in the effects control panel we can see a pop up and the only option to adjust is the framerate so right now it's 24 and the sequence is at 24 so you're not really gonna see anything happening but if I take this down to let's say 6 that means it's only gonna show 6 frames every 24 frames thus creating a bit of stop-motion as you can see it's cutting out so many frames and it almost looks like it's lagging but it's not and a cool thing that we can do is blend this stop-motion type of video with the clip underneath by simply going to the opacity section of the effects control and we can adjust the blending mode to be whatever we want so I can put it on something like screen blending mode which is kind of going to take the brighter parts of this image and stack them underneath and if I play the back we get this very cool stop-motion ghosting effect that's following the original image almost like we're capturing every 6 frames we're capturing a snapshot creating this awesome kind of trippy echo effect now there's a lot of things we can do at this point to spice it up we can lower the opacity if we want so I don't want to add keyframes which are turned on by default for the opacity so I'm gonna turn that off and I could just lower the overall oh pass - let's say 50 or 60 percent if I want to make that effect less strong I can also play around at the timing of the framerate so if I wanted slower posterization let's say one frame every 24 that's gonna be a lot different looking see it takes one snapshot every 24 which is a completely different effect or if I want to be pretty fast let's say I go all the way up to 16 instead this is gonna look a lot more jittery almost like there's nothing wrong with the video but there's a little bit of trail so earlier today I played around with a cool combo with this I just did around 6 and on top I even stacked a quick channel blur effect which is in the blur and sharpen video folder I dragged that on there stacked it on top and just increase the blurriness of the red channel repeat edge pixels just to clean up the sides and set it to something like horizontal for a little bit of a extra flare and we create almost our RGB red green blue split echo which almost reminds me of something I've seen in a Kanye West music video next up that's a pretty cool and you can play around with it we have a kind of glitch mosaic pixel stretch blend so just like the first one we're gonna utilize premiere pro's blending effects by duplicating the original clip on top of each other that's kind of the central theme of this video almost now on this top stack layer let's search for the mosaic effect it's in the stylized video effects folder and let's click and drag it onto that top clip now normally you might use this to perhaps pixelize someone's face but if we head over to the effects control panel we can see we can adjust the horizontal blocks and the vertical block amount so right now it's 10 and 10 but if I increase one disproportionately larger than the other so eight hundred or a thousand horizontal blocks we get this really unique stacking pixel stretch effect which I have a tutorial on my channel about a different way to pixel stretch if you want to check it out but I'll lower the vertical blocks to May be four or three now I do want to turn on sharp colors to really get that sharp glitchy techy look and now I can just set this to a blending mode of just like before screen or something like that and we have this cool glitchy reflection that's going on that might look cool in some sort of music video compilation it almost has like a sunny warm vibe to it for some reason maybe because of the reflection and you can adjust perhaps the horizontal blocks and the vertical blocks to be just one for kind of one solid glitch reflection or you could go with more vertical stacks splitting things for a more glitchy feel the same way we did this horizontal we can make it disproportionately vertical by just kind of flipping the ratio there and increasing the vertical blocks a lot and the horizontal blocks low so that gives a another alternative for this effect but that's a really cool glitchy mosaic effect again you can play around with the opacity the blending mode I'm using screen because I like screen but perhaps things will look different on overlay or soft light or even more crazy on something like difference so possibilities are pretty endless for both of these next up for the third one we have a light leak like a custom light leak based on the colors in the actual video so let's search for an effect called eyedropper fill this is in the generate video effects folder and drag this again onto a copy of the original clip so what this does is takes an eyedropper pinpoint to by default the middle of the clip or 960 by 540 is the sample point and it fills the entire image with whatever color was on that point so you can see in this case it's kind of brown light brown from that piece of wood so it's filling the entire image with black but if I move over a little bit it might quickly flash to different colors like in the same color range or family white Brown orange even a little bit of purple because at those moments in the frame when I'm moving the camera around the center of the image is probably a different color so we can utilize this kind of weird effect to generate some interesting abstract light leaks it's almost as if you didn't have really good vision or you couldn't see anything except the lights flashing in front of you of a scene so there's many ways I can imagine using this on its own it just looks kind of cool and interesting but again if you set the blending mode of that to screen as we've been doing for every single effect so far it almost creates a custom flashing light leak that you could perhaps fade in or out of image as a transitional tool or a stylization during certain sequences of your video so coming up on our fourth out of five effect this one is not going to be blended with screen we're gonna actually create a prism effect by looking for the replicate effect in the stylize folder so let's click and drag that we can do this directly on the clip this time and what this does is it creates replications so by default it's set to two counts you can make it three count for kind of five count this is a cool interesting effect on its own but if we keep it at two count we can actually play around with blending things with masks so masks are in the later newer versions of Premiere Pro if you don't see them let's generate a square mask here and it's just telling Premiere only show this effect within this blue bounding box by default a square we can expand the mask by pulling on these points but in this case I'm just going to keep it in the center and use the mask expansion tool to expand things out almost to cover up the entire middle I'm also going to use the mask feather to really feather things out except I don't want it to be in the middle I want to actually invert things so these reflections are coming up out of the edges but the middle stays intact so this will create a sort of five duplication mists or bug eye prism effect this is something that I see a lot in photography work where perhaps they'll hold a piece of glass or plastic in front of the lens to create a split prism and that was the inspiration for me creating this effect but you can use it in whatever abstract way you want so the next and final effect that we can create is a quick comic book style look so let's go to the effects panel and find one called checkerboard this is in the generate video effects folder and I can actually click and drag this directly on top of the clip to generate a black and white checkerboard you can adjust the size of the checkerboard by increasing the width and let's make it relatively small to simulate a halftone type of pattern if you want to take a closer look or bigger look at your program window you can always double click on it here open things up a little bit bigger but we want to overlay or blend this on and lucky for us this happens to be a feature right in this effect they have a blending mode option so let's set it to something like soft light or overlay see which one you like better overlays a bit more contrasted and then we want to add one more effect called poster eyes so unlike the poster eyes time effect which strips down the frames into only a certain amount there's also a posterized effect in the stylized video folder which strips down the colors into a certain amount of layers so for example this is post rising it two two three four five six and this kind of creates a little bit more of that comic book feel let's keep it right around seven or eight and it basically by applying that halftone ish pattern with a little bit of posterization it can suggest sort of a comic book feel so that's a another interesting creative effect that I've come up with or play around with so those are five different unique awesome video effects that you can create and Adobe you're pro you guys enjoyed this video definitely subscribe to the channel let me know which one was your favorite in the comments below and go follow me on social media at Justin ODL on Facebook Instagram Twitter to stay up to date with me I'm actually in the process of creating an effects preset pack to try to maybe package some stuff like this together in one solid pack for me to have available on my website on that or see if it's out yet by the time you watch this once again thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Justin Odisho
Views: 1,110,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Premiere pro, adobe premiere, adobe, justin odisho, premiere pro tutorial, video editing, adobe premiere pro, premiere pro cc, premiere pro, premiere, premiere pro 2017, premiere pro effects, premiere pro effects tutorial, premiere pro effects music video, music video editing, premiere pro effects presets, premiere pro effects video, premiere pro video effects, premiere pro glitch effect, premiere pro tutorial effects, music video effects, tutorial, effects, editing, video, cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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