5 Advanced Hints And Tips! | Project Zomboid

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hello my fellow spots and welcome to a hints and tips video on project zomboid today i'm gonna be going through some more advanced hints and tips you may not know about that should hopefully improve your game knowledge and experience so first up it's a notch plank so if you've ever had a play through where you take the smoker trait you are completely reliant on lighters and matches as well as cigarettes however there are some playthroughs where you might struggle to find lighters and matches depending on the rarity settings that you've got in the game this can sometimes be a juggle between having to light fires potentially after the electricity goes out or being able to light your cigarette and i know i've had to struggle with this in the past however i've recently learned you can actually light fires using a notched plank and sturdy stick notch plank is really easy to make you can just make it using logs and plank and any kind of knife and a sturdy stick all you need to use is a plank and a saw and once you have this it acts like a hand drill in real life just using these on a campfire you can use it on a antique stove you can use on a barbecue it works on any of those the only caveat with it is it uses endurance so if you have extremely high exertion your character won't be able to light the fire apart from that it's got a fairly high chance of lighting a fire straight off it might take one or two tries there is a chance that the sturdy stick could break however it is basically free and it means you can light the fire without having to use up your precious matches or lighter so especially if you're doing a survival play through where you're staying in the woods and not venturing out is an extremely efficient way to light your fires going forward whilst also being able to hold on to your lighters and matches for other things sticking with those of you who like to live out in the woods we're going to be talking about foraging so foraging had a massive update in bill 41 and i know a lot of people struggle with it so i thought i'd go into a bit more detail about it so the new mechanic is you press the end key or you enable the foraging system and you have a little search radius around you where if you just walk around you have a chance to find items and discover them on the floor and then you can pick them up as you go along however there's a couple of things that people don't realize when it comes to this that could drastically improve your chance of finding items so for example weather effect has a massive influence on your foraging if it is dark you lose a huge percentage of chance of finding items because of the darkness effect same if it's raining or if it's bad weather thundery that sort of thing or foggy you've got a lot less chance of finding items so it's best to go on a clear day during summer on top of this there's a few different ways you can increase your chance of finding stuff for example if you sneak you have a plus 10 multiplier in finding items and if you aim and strafe while walking around you've got a plus 33 chance of finding extra items so it's really important to do this rather than just walking around it drastically reduces your movement speed however it's a much higher chance of finding stuff something i didn't realize is actually your traits and level in certain things can actually affect your foraging abilities as well as certain things you can actually find so for example if you have the herbalist trait or read the herbalist magazine you gain the ability to see if a berry or mushroom is poisonous or not however you can also gain this ability if you get to level seven in cooking automatically so if you are struggling to find that don't worry just get your cooking up to level seven that's a hard task but if you do manage to do that without finding the herbalist magazine it is possible to still see whether something is poisonous or not on top of this certain occupations have a much better chance of finding things than others for example if you're a lumberjack your search radius improves by 1.25 and you ignore the weather by 33 this is in comparison to a burglar where you have no radius increase and you only ignore five percent weather or if you're a park ranger which is technically the best for foraging you have a plus two radius a 33 chance of ignoring the weather as well as a 15 ignore darkness so your occupation for foraging does affect a lot of this on top of that certain occupations are more likely to find different things for example if you're a burger fever five percent more likely to find animals or berries in the world fifteen percent more likely to find mushrooms in the wild and thirty percent more likely to find junk food in the wild you can compare this to something like a farmer where you are 50 more likely to find crops 10 more likely to find fruit and 10 more likely to find veg you also have a slight chance of 5 cent to find herbs junk food and wild plants park ranger which is as i said before the best for foraging you have a plus 75 chance of finding wild herbs 50 plus chance of fine wild plants you also have an increased chance of buying forest rarities junk berries and mushrooms so your occupation does matter a huge amount when it comes to foraging traits also have a massive impact on this for example if you take the lucky trait you get a plus one radius modifier if you have cat size you ignore the darkness more if you have outdoorsman you ignore the weather so these different traits affect it significantly same as the negative traits if you are unlucky you have a minus radius modifier if you're agrophobic you have a minus modifier same as short-sighted so if you want to do a foraging character you need to pick your traits well if you want to go into more detail with this i suggest going for the project zomboid wiki where it's got all this information as well as a lot more up next we're going to be talking about cars you'll often see that there's a certain aspect of cars that is completely overlooked and that is the engine quality which is in my opinion anyway the most important quality a car can possibly have if you look under the hood and you look at the engine you have the engine condition however in the top right you can also see that there's something called engine quality this is significantly more important than engine condition because engine quality never deteriorates no matter how many crashes you get into or how damaged the car gets it will always stay at that particular figure now the quality affects how likely it is that your car will start and this ties in also with the car battery condition itself however technically according to the coding if you have a car that is a hundred percent engine quality the car should never fail when trying to start in practice this is around 99 percent of the time because other factors do influence it if you find a car with engine quality of a hundred you should look to take it and fix it up pretty much every other part of a car can be fixed in one way shape or form however engine quality can never change so if you find a car which has amazing conditions basically every part where the engine is only 10 quality it's probably not worth it it'd be more worth it to strip that calf apart and reinstall them into a car that has a much higher engine quality now cars with high quality engines are fairly rare however you're more likely to find them in emergency vehicles that crashed at the side of the road in wrecks and things in my experience police cars ambulances that are in wrecks are much more likely to have really high engine quality usually in the high 90s or up to 100. so keep your eyes peeled for those i would recommend hauling them back to the base fixing them up as much as possible and you have one of the best cars you can ever get in the game because vehicles with high quality engines are much likely to start first time round and can mean the difference between life and death if you have to escape a bad situation sticking with cars now you may know that you can fire your gun from a window while you're driving if you just wind down the window you can hold right click and you can just shoot however did you know that you can also swing your melee weapon out the window while driving not only that but from doing it this way you use less endurance our swing and also each of your swings tends to be a little bit faster animation wise than it would be if you're on foot this gives you a huge advantage in certain situations such as if you're trying to take on big hordes and you're trying to be safe or if you're trying to speed level maintenance and you just want to smack your weapon into a door this makes it that little bit faster than if you were doing it on foot although it can be a bit risky i highly recommend you try this because it can help you take on those big hordes while remaining in your vehicle fairly safe just make sure that you have a high quality car before you do this because you don't want your car breaking down when you're passing a horde finally i'm going to talk about one of the most important items in the game which is completely overlooked 99 of the time and that is the beer can well how is the beer can so amazing well for one it reduces your pain same as painkillers it allows you to sleep regardless of pain or panic kind of like what sleeping pills do it reduces your panic the same as beta blockers and it reduces your unhappiness the same as antidepressants basically a beer can same as pain killers beats blockers anti-depressants and sleeping pills all wrapped up into one best of all it only weighs 0.3 which means that actually it weighs significantly less than if you had all of those medicines on you on top of this you can get all the benefits on it by only drinking a tiny amount of beer if you take a sip basically drink a quarter and click escape but before you finish the animation you'll drink a fraction of that quarter and you should still then get the effects of reduced pain reduce panic and reduced unhappiness what's good about doing these hips is that the amount of fatigue you get is minimal so actually you get the effects of the reduced pain and reduce panic and the reducing unhappiness without so much of the making you tired so remember that next time you go on your little excursion to always bring a can of beer because beer is literally the best medicine that's it that's my five hints and tips of project zombo that you may not know about if you've liked wisdom please consider liking and subscribing and i'll see you next one cheers bye [Music] you
Channel: IslandPotato - Survival Gaming
Views: 40,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid mods, project zomboid advanced tips, project zomboid how to, project zomboid foraging, project zomboid cars, project zomboid islandpotato, island potato, project zomboid help, project zomboid how to survive, project zomboid hints and tips, project zomboid mechanics, project zomboid guide, project zomboid tutorial, project zomboid for beginners, project zomboid gameplay
Id: HxGCuyXnVR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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