How to Clean Sewage with Gravity

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This is the Stickney Water Reclamation Plant in  Chicago, the largest wastewater treatment plant in   the world. It serves more than two million people  in the heart of the Windy City, converting all   their showers, flushes, and dirty dishwater,  plus the waste from countless commercial and   industrial processes into water safe enough to  discharge into the adjacent canal which flows   eventually into the Mississippi River. It all adds  up to around 700 million gallons or two-and-a-half   billion liters of sewage each day, and the plant  can handle nearly double that volume on peak days.   That’s a lot of olympic sized swimming pools, and  in fact, the aeration tanks used to biologically   treat all that sewage almost look like something  you might do a lap or two in (even though there   are quite a few reasons you shouldn’t). However,  flanking those big rectangular basins are rows   of circular ponds and smaller rectangular basins  that have a simple but crucial responsibility in   the process of treating wastewater. We often use  chemicals, filters, and even gigantic colonies   of bacteria to clean sewage on such a massive  scale, but the first line of defense in the fight   against dirty water is usually just gravity.  I’m Grady, and this is Practical Engineering.   In today’s episode, we’re talking about  settlement for water and wastewater treatment. This video is sponsored by  Wealthfront. More on them later. This video is part of a series on municipal  wastewater handling and treatment.   Rather than put out a single video  overview of treatment plants (which   many other channels have already  masterfully done), we’re taking a   deep dive into a few of the most interesting  parts of converting sewage into clean water.   Check out the wastewater playlist linked in  the card above if you want to learn more. The job of cleaning water contaminated  by grit, grime, and other pollutants   is really a job of separation. Water gets along  with nearly every substance on earth. That’s why   it’s so useful for cleaning and a major part of  why it does such a good job carrying our wastes   away from homes and businesses in sewers. But  once it reaches a wastewater treatment plant,   we need to find a way to separate the water from  its inhabitant wastes so it can be reused or   discharged back into the environment. Some  contaminants chemically dissolve into the   water and are difficult to remove at municipal  scales. Others are merely suspended in the swift   and turbulent flow and will readily settle  out if given a moment of tranquility. That’s   the trick that wastewater treatment engineers  use as the first step in cleaning wastewater. Once it passes through a screen  to filter out sticks and rags,   sewage entering a wastewater treatment  plant’s first step, or primary treatment,   is the simple process of slowing the wastewater  down to allow time for suspended solids to settle   out. How do you create such placid conditions  from a constant stream of wastewater? You can’t   tell people to stop flushing or showering to slow  down the flow. Velocity and volumetric flow are   related by a single parameter: the cross-sectional  area. If you increase this area without changing   the flow, the velocity goes down as a result.  Basins used for sedimentation are essentially   just enormous expansion fittings on the end of  the pipe, dramatically increasing the area of flow   so the velocity falls to nearly zero. But just  because the sewage stream is now still and serene   doesn’t mean impurities and contaminants instantly  fall to the bottom. You’ve got to give them time. How much time is a pretty important question if  you’re an engineer because it affects the overall   size of the basin, and thus it affects the  cost. Particles falling out of suspension   quickly reach a terminal velocity, just like a  skydiver falling from a plane. That maximum speed   is largely a function of each particle’s size, and  I have a demonstration here in my garage to show   you how that works. I think it’s intuitive that  larger particles fall through a liquid faster than   smaller ones. Compare me dropping a pebble to a  handful of sand. The pebble reaches the bottom in   an instant, while the smaller particles of sand  settle out more slowly. Wastewater contains a   distribution of particles from very small to quite  large, and ideally we want to get rid of them all. As an example, I have two colors of sand here.  I sifted the white sand through a fine mesh,   discarding the smaller particles and keeping the  large ones. I sifted the black sand through the   same mesh, this time keeping the fine particles  and discarding the ones retained by the sieve.   After that, I combined both sands to create a gray  mixture, and we’ll see what happens when we put it   into a column of water. This length of pipe is  full of clean water, and I’m turning it over so   the mixture is at the top. Watch what happens  as the sand settles to the bottom of the pipe.   You can see that, on the whole, the white  sand reaches the bottom faster, while the   black sand takes longer to settle. The two  fractions that were previously blended together   separate themselves again just from  falling through a column of water. Of course, physicists have used sophisticated  fluid dynamics with partial differential   equations to work out the ideal settling  velocity of any size of spherical particle   in a perfectly still column of water based on  streamlines, viscosity, gravity, and drag forces.   But, we civil engineers usually just drop them  in the water and time how quickly they fall.   After all, there’s hardly anything ideal about a  wastewater treatment plant. As water moves through   a sedimentation basin and individual particles  fall downward out of suspension, they take paths   like the ones shown here. Based on this diagram,  you would assume that depth of the basin would be   a key factor in whether or not a particle reaches  the bottom or passes through to the other side.   Let me show you why settling basins defy your  intuitions with just a tiny bit of algebra. You’ve got a particle coming in on the left side  of the basin. It has a vertical velocity - that’s   how fast it settles - and a horizontal velocity  - that’s how fast the water’s moving through the   basin. If the time it takes to fall the distance  D to the bottom is shorter than the time it takes   to travel the length L of the basin, the particle  will be removed from the flow. Otherwise it will   stay in suspension past the settling basin.  That’s what we don’t want. As I mentioned,   the speed of the water is the flow rate divided  by the cross sectional flow area - that’s the   basin’s width times its depth. Since both the  time it takes for a particle to travel the length   of the basin and the time it takes to settle to  its bottom are a function of the basin’s depth,   that term cancels out, and you’re left with only  the basin's length times width (in other words,   its surface area). That’s how we measure  the efficiency of a sedimentation basin.   Divide the flow rate coming in by the  surface area, and you get a speed that   we call the overflow or surface loading  rate. All the particles that settle faster   than the overflow rate will be retained by the  sedimentation basin, regardless of its depth. Settlement is a cheap and efficient  way to remove a large percentage of   contaminants from wastewater,  but it can’t remove them all.   There are a lot more steps that follow  in a typical wastewater treatment plant,   but in addition to being the first step of the  process, settlement is also usually the last one   as well. Those circular ponds at the Stickney  plant in Chicago are clarifiers used to settle   and collect the colonies of bacteria used in  the secondary treatment process. Clarifiers   are just settlement basins with mechanisms to  automatically collect the solids as they fall   to the bottom. The water from the secondary  treatment process, called mixed liquor,   flows up through the center of the clarifier  and slowly makes its way to the outer perimeter,   dropping particles that form a layer of sludge at  the bottom. The clarified water passes over a weir   so that only a thin layer farthest from the sludge  can exit the basin. A scraper pushes the sludge   down the sloped bottom of the clarifier into a  hopper where it can be collected for disposal. Settlement isn’t only used for wastewater  treatment. Many cities use rivers and lakes as   sources of fresh drinking water, and these surface  sources are more vulnerable to contamination   than groundwater. So, they go through a water  purification plant before being distributed to   customers. Raw surface water contains suspended  particles of various materials that give water   a murky appearance (called turbidity) and can  harbor dangerous microorganisms. The first step   in most drinking water treatment plants is to  remove these suspended particles from the water.   But unlike the larger solids in wastewater,  suspended particles creating turbidity in   surface water don’t readily settle out.  Because of this, most treatment plants use   chemistry to speed up the process, and I have a  little demo of that set up here in the studio. I have two bottles full of water that I’ve  vigorously mixed with dirt from my backyard.   One will serve as the control, and the other  as a demonstration. The reason these tiny soil   particles remain suspended without settling is  that they carry an electrical charge. Therefore,   each particle repels its neighbors, fighting  the force of gravity, and preventing them from   getting too close to one another. Chemical  coagulants neutralize the electric charges   so fine particles no longer repel one another.  Additional chemicals called flocculants   bond the particles together into clumps called  flocs. As the flocs of suspended particles grow,   they eventually become heavy enough to settle out,  leaving clarified water at the top of the bottle.   Treatment plants usually do this in two steps, but  the pool cleaner I’m using in the demo does both   at once. It’s a pretty dramatic difference if you  ask me. In a clarifier, this sludge at the bottom   would be pumped to a digester or some other solids  handling process, and the clear water would move   on to filtration and disinfection before being  pumped into the distribution system of the city. Our ability to clean both drinking water  and wastewater at the scale of an entire   city is one of the most important developments  in public health. Sedimentation is used not   only in water treatment plants but also ahead of  pumping stations to protect the pumps and pipes   against damage, with canals to keep them from  silting, in fish hatcheries, mining, farming,   and a whole host of other processes that create or  rely on dirty water. The science of sedimentation   and settlement is something that impacts  our lives in a significant way and hopefully   learning a little bit about it helps you recognize  the brilliant engineering keeping our water safe. Just like we keep the environment clean  by investing in treatment infrastructure,   you can start investing for your financial goals  with today’s sponsor, Wealthfront. Wealthfront is   an automated investment platform that uses  software to help you build a portfolio and   grow your money over the long term. Many  people, myself included, are intimidated   by the world of investing. It seems complicated,  like there’s so much to learn and keep track of,   especially when the stakes are your own savings.  But, time is your biggest asset when investing.   As Albert Einstein said, “compound interest  is the eighth wonder of the world.” So,   if you have financial goals for the future like  buying a house or retirement, it makes sense to   start now. Wealthfront simplifies investing and  walks you through the process of building and   managing a portfolio based on your risk tolerance.  All you need is a few minutes and $500 to open   an account, and they care of the rest. It’s  like hiring a financial manager except with   a beautiful interface, no phone calls, and an  affordable quarter-percent annual advisory fee.   And Wealthfront is offering to waive that  fee for fans of Practical Engineering,   meaning they’ll provide their services entirely  free up to $5,000 in assets for life. Give it a   try today at the link in the description. Support  our sponsors helps support the channel. Again,   that link is in the description. Thank you  for watching, and let me know what you think!
Channel: Practical Engineering
Views: 1,659,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stickney Water Reclamation Plant, wastewater treatment plant, sewage, gravity, volumetric flow, velocity, sedimentation, fluid dynamics, overflow rate, surface loading rate, mixed liquor, sludge, turbidity, Chemical coagulant, flocculants, flocs
Id: kppxoA3gWco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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