5-5-5 Sniper Monkey HACKED Bloons TD 6! (Stacking Tower Challenge)

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ah yes the sniper monkey we all love the sniper monkey for its ability to one shot ceramic balloons slow down moabs bounce bullets all over the place and give you incredible attack speed but the problem is you normally have to select one of these tiers but what would happen if we could get every single tier on a single sniper we're going to be getting a 5 5 5 sniper monkey and putting it to the test look how slowly this omg is going it's going to take a year for it to get all the way past all these slows all right guys i'll tell you what let's make a deal i'll hit the fast forward button if you guys hit the like button okay on the count of three hit the like button and we'll get this guy all the way through okay guys all right one two three all right guys thanks for doing that all right let's fast forward this up all right guys you can get back to the video now as this goes through all right bye all right guys let's jump right into it we got our snipers we're gonna be getting a five five five sniper monkey so we're gonna put this guy down and then we're gonna move him just a little bit up and then we're gonna move just a little bit to the right okay that's gonna be our five i5 uh our tower i'm very interested to see how powerful this is gonna be normally we need a village so we can pop all types of balloons but luckily well sniper monkeys are able to pop all types of balloons anyways so they should be okay let's get fast firing this sniper monkey let's get night vision goggles and then this we're gonna get the full metal jacket it's gonna be a little bit interesting because normally getting the extra paths for the sniper monkey is what's so important but i think this is gonna work out pretty well i love the different color that's actually looks so cool when you first get those upgrades that's a really cool sniper monkey he's got the gray the blue and the red beret i think he can beat round 100 if he gets a little bit of help can he be round 100 just three of them i i really don't think so i i don't think a normal sniper monkey's gonna be able to do this i could be proven wrong but we're gonna have to find out so shrapnel shot will be pretty nice so we'll get shrapnel shot and then let's get even faster firing and then we're going to want to get large caliber i don't think we're really going to have any problems for for a long time like moab rounds they're going to be super easy really the biggest concern i have is like rainbow rushes or like regen rushes that's when it's gonna become quite spooky right so far they're doing an okay job i see look at that so they're blue purple and orange now i love the different colors bouncing bullet is gonna be really nice so shots bounce to new targets up to three times attacked three times as fast we're gonna want the semi-automatic the semi-automatic is gonna be really nice but we need a lot more money for that to happen oh man look at that oh are they gonna stop it yeah they were barely able to stop it they're trying their hardest this the balloons like slowly slowly keep getting further and further oh no we're probably gonna lose here wait maybe if we get some shrapnel shots off oh man that's so crazy close once we get semi-automatic it's gonna be a lot easier i think come on give us semi-automatic all right we lost some lives but now we have semi-automatic and so semi-automatic is gonna make it way better for us there we go look at that semi-automatic it makes my life way better we're gonna need bouncing bullets so we need another what a thou fifteen hundred dollars and then we can get bouncing bullet that way we're gonna do much better at dealing with our rushes and a whole bunch of other problems yeah look balloons aren't even able to show up on the screen so i just realized we're not actually gonna be able to deal with lead balloons unless we get a village so we are gonna need a village do we have oh wait we need to upgrade bouncing bullet there we go bouncing bullets gonna be nice wait no we can't deal with lead balloons we can't deal with camo led balloons but we can deal with normal lead balloons that's right for some reason i was thinking only the camo guy could hit lead balloons but that's not right i think the first t5 that we want to get is elite sniper because that's going to give us more money and it's also going to give faster attack speed to the other snipers and then we're also going to be able to get cash drops on top of that which is going to be really important i think full auto rifle could also be fully automatic weapon with incredible popping power oh look at that that deals with uh camo balloons very well problem is this this guy there's no way that is gonna be able to deal with like ddt's we're gonna have to get a village at some point they might not be able to deal with it i don't know um that is a little bit concerning though we're gonna have to see how strong these just the spy five five towers oh my gosh okay the full auto is so very powerful it's amazing how strong it is look at it new look at him go he promised he just has to attack so many different balloons though oh my gosh that's so satisfying with all like the camo blue that he shoots at once in a whoosh they're all gone there is main moa but i don't think we need mo up i want supply drop supply drop is gonna be really nice to have there we go oh no oh my gosh ah you can do it there we go okay it's it's getting a little bit spicy not gonna lie guys it's getting a little bit spooky keep popping them come on you can do it oh my goodness yeah he like one shot ceramic which is really nice okay there we go so we're also we're really gonna want to get elite sniper which is 14 000 that's really expensive but i believe in us i'm pretty confident that we're going to be able to afford that especially with like oh man look i told you these rainbow balloons are brutal deal with the moab deal with the moab yes barely we're barely able to deal with that okay send me some cash a thousand dollars that's not a lot i think if we get some problems i think what we'll do is we'll upgrade our sniper monkeys and what by that mean i'll we'll go like bottom tiers basically i really only think these guys just need to get more upgrades so i think what we're gonna do is we're gonna get large caliber for both of those upgrades because otherwise it's just not gonna work there we go i think we're gonna do that i think that's a very cheap upgrade that's just gonna help us out tremendously because that's what a real 555 monkey would have like a true 555 monkey would be absolutely insane because he would attack that fast but he'd also stun blooms oh we're at 17 000. what the heck where do we get all that money from elite sniper we can change the the targeting priority to elite so they all have elite uh targeting now which is really nice so the next one is we're going to want to get elite defender because it attacks faster the further the balloons are along the track which costs 14 000 once we get that i don't think we really have much to worry about that oh man the camo balloons the camel balloons eventually i think oh wait we can't forget we're gonna need this because it drops in so much money i think we can get the elite defender now there's only like 14 000 right there we go elite defender okay so we now have an elite defender guys okay so what would the name be so there's moab elite sniper and leap defender the the moab sniper defender the the elite defender it's kind of a strange name if you think about it so what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna put down a village for this guy so we can hit all types so we're going to give them mib we're not going to give them any other additional buffs because we want to see just the raw power of a 5 5 5 sniper monkey yeah but now we need like 53 000 for the the biggest upgrade which is moab so crippled moabs are mobilized for longer and take extra damage from all of their attacks which in this case is just a whole lot more sniper monkeys so this guy's 25 000 pops this guy is only 4 000 pops where's our elite sniper he has 16 000 pops but i'm assuming that this sniper monkey is going to have way more pops later but we'll see he pops so slowly if we lose a round i'll give him fast firing i think that's going to be the best bet if i can give him fast firing so he can attack even faster oh can't forget that it's an extra like seventeen hundred dollars every what fifteen twenty seconds we're gonna have all max snipers by the time we even reach round eighty oh wait we can get oh there we go moab okay there we go so we now have the what the the sniper elite i don't know that one's a pretty hard one to come up with like a really clever name for it but he's doing great so far oh man look at the rush they dealt with it they're they're able to deal with rushes but there's just some look at that they're trying their hardest go go sniper monkeys go they're trying oh man that's uh oh wait they're not dealing with all the balloons oh my gosh watching them fight when they have elite uh targeting priority is scary it's actually kind of smart think about it i don't think they're doing it intentionally but they're letting the balloons get further on the track so the elite defender attacks faster and uses that extra attack speed to hit the stronger balloons like the moabs and then once he has the super fast attack speed look then he just comes and takes him out i think they like know how far they can wait before they start attacking because they always attack in the same spot for yellow blues which is about right here where they're like wait we should probably not lose right and if you lose one life they attack four times as fast that's crazy to think about yeah like the moabs are melting right now which is really nice but i'm really worried about having to deal with like the ddt's i'm not super worried i'm just a little bit worried you know all right let's let's do a checkup what's doing the best 13 000 pops 41 000 pops 95 000 pops so the full auto sniper is doing a great job but you also need to keep in mind the elite defender is giving bonus attack speed to this guy so the reason he has all those pops is because of the league defender giving him the elite defender buff so it's definitely not just all him it's the sniper monkeys kind of working together but it's still doing a pretty good job oh my goodness are you gonna you gonna pop those balloons my guys oh man oh that is so scary to watch these guys are doing pretty well i think we should start working on boosting these guys and making them even more crazy and powerful because we already see like the power of them we can kind of gauge where it's gonna go let's see how powerful we can make a 555 monkey so we're gonna get even faster firing and now we're gonna get bigger radius and jungle drums because that's gonna be really nice i wish i could get a brew master and a spot that won't pop balloons right there's probably the best bet so you guys already know what's up really we want to save up for permanent brew just because they're gonna like wear off pretty fast also boost them with one of our totems so they attack even faster let's just see how crazy overpowering of the 555 sniper monkey can be i'm actually really excited to see what's going to happen with these guys um another cash drop how much does it cost 64 000 that's a little pricey round 80 is right around the corner that's what i'm really excited to see round 80 and then round 100 i want to see how well these guys are going to be able to deal with the bad balloon that's what's going to be fun to see look he's already jumped up to 32 000 pops 79 000 was his 170 000 he pops so bad he just he just got his look at that look at him go i don't really think there's anything else besides getting like a god power right we could ultra boost it but that's honestly that's that's way too much work especially since there's three individual towers we don't worry about that what we can do is we can get call to arms because that's gonna be really nice so we can give them a temporary boost oh my gosh that was around 80. those guys annihilated around 80 but that's fine because we're going to free play because we need to see what happens when we go up against a bad balloon guys that's what's going to be so good we only have 18 rounds left guys do you think that it's gonna be possible for us to beat round 100 with these i don't know i'm very interested to find out i'm pretty oh my goodness you guys a lot of fortified that's a lot of fortified uh they made short work of those guys they're not worried at all about that look at them they don't care oh my gosh okay maybe they should care a little bit that's so scary watching them that's so weird because you know they deal with the moabs and they just let the balloons go by and then once they get here they're like wait we should probably let's take let's take care of them okay guys look at that right here right there is they don't worry about anything until it hits that spot right there and then they just kind of deal with whatever oh my goodness we might be in trouble here that's a lot of moabs oh my goodness we would have lost we definitely would have lost around 84 here we just barely made it out of that that round alive we might not be able to to do this unless we here we i guess we also need to work on using the boosts wow that boost was really good it's gonna be interesting seeing who's gonna have the most pops by the end it's probably gonna be our elite defender 300 170 000 yeah that's definitely gonna be what happens oh my gosh look at all those moabs all right boost it look how fast they attack oh my goodness oh yikes this is like making my toes curl oh man oh man get him okay we're fine guys you need to stop worrying so much okay i have this under control okay nobody needs to panic they're getting really close to the end but nobody needs to panic okay i low-key want like one balloon to get by to see what the elite defender would look like if the elite defender had four times attack speed wait that was a ddt guys it just melted okay never mind ddt's i'm not worried about okay i am worried about all these fortified balloons though all right boost it get that attack speed up oh my gosh oh my gosh that's so scary i'm i am not ready for this i'm so much more used to having an overpowered strategy this is just like a just barely managing type of strategy look oh guys guys that's a lot of ford fun moabs don't you want to shoot those oh no no no no no no they they got those they got those we're fine they got they they got this all right we're okay we're okay this is really scary this is really unnerving i was not expecting this kind of an intense video i think it's safe to say that if we didn't boost them we would have lost like 100 percent we would have lost we want to see something crazy guys let's get a a super boost and see oh my goodness that was scary okay let's see how crazy fast these guys would like wipe out all the rooms ready let's all right so there's all these omgs and let's do this you guys ready boom yeah they just melt all these balloons oh man that might not have been enough that wasn't enough guys that we used everything and that wasn't enough are you kidding me all right guys so that didn't work so we're gonna need a little bit more um here i think so we're gonna recharge our energizing totem they might not be able to do this let's see uh all right let's boost this all right and let's let's boost them and let's just give them crazy attack speed this round94 might just this might be too much for him [Music] let's see keep boosting it wow so round 94 is the end for us guys let's just go ahead and let's just use like one instant tower to help get us to round 100 to see what would happen if they actually managed to get all the way there we'll be right back after we get to round 100 all right guys so we're around 99 about to be around 100 just to like point out so this guy got 6000 this guy got 5 000 pops and in like the three rounds this guy got 70 000 pops so let's see are these guys able to beat round 100 by themselves is a 555 sniper monkey good enough oh my gosh look at the so it can't stun the balloon but it can definitely do a lot of damage to it look at it go it's trying to oh there we go there's the extra damage it's gonna pop get the ddt's get the ddt's get the ddt's thank you thank you that was a little that's so scary watching them do that yeah so they oh wait maybe not there we go so they were able to beat round 100 by themselves guys but unfortunately round 94 they could not do by themselves the 555 sniper monkey did not pass the round 100 challenge and well that's unfortunate but not every tower can be incredibly overpowered because if they're all overpowered none of them are overpowered so i'm glad that we figured this out guys thanks for watching and i'll see you guys tomorrow for some more awesome content bye everyone
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 652,318
Rating: 4.9301405 out of 5
Keywords: Bloons TD 6, BTD 6, Sniper Monkey, BTD 6 Sniper Monkey, Bloons TD 6 Sniper Monkey, 555 Sniper Monkey, 555 Tower, Bloons TD 6 555, BTD 6 555, 5-5-5, Tier 5-5-5, 555 upgrade, Bloons TD, Bloons, Tewtiy, Bloons TD challenge, Hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, BTD 6 hack, Tewtiy hack, Bloons hack, Sniper Monkey hack, Bloons td 6 Mod, modded bloons td 6, gaming, btd, tier 555 tower hack, Cripple MOAB, Elite Sniper, Elite Defender, Boomerang, Bloons TD 6 Sniper
Id: p5LEvWY2SMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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