4x Quieter generator in 10 seconds

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in this video we're going to go over generators how to make them quiet with virtually zero dollars a lot of people have this stuff already around will cost him anything no welding or anything else but I'm also going to go over some myths like the the muffler myth that all the sound comes out of the muffler it doesn't I'll show you I'll prove it to you and I actually have a professional sound meter I'll show you why I'll show you where the sound comes from show you how to quickly and easily cut 10 or more decibels right off the sound and make a generator work like a $7000 generator now this is pretty typical to what anybody would buy you know made in China or not this is a Coleman Powermate 5000 watt 6250 peak it's original engine it was a Subaru then it like all Subaru products blow up right haha now what's a Subaru did blow up this one is the Honda that was retrofitted in this is an old Honda this is it early early 80s on a flathead so this is loud as crap it's retrofitted with the original Subaru muffler so it's actually probably it's actually quieter than it would have been but it's still 80 some odd decibels so we remove this out into an open area in the middle of the lawn dead space herself out about 23 feet okay I'm gonna start and run it and I'm going to take different decibel readings from different areas directly out of the exhaust next exhaust directly out of Saturday eat your block and that's where the majority the sound actually comes from actually sauced is quieter than the sound coming through this side of the block I am gonna reduce the volume put a minute do it throughout the video on a steady level at the exact same level throughout the video just so definitely you guys this is gonna be over 100 decibels and your computer that's gonna hate you so I'm gonna reduce it but it's gonna be a steady reduce its back you know it'll be the same reduce for here here so but you'll be able to look at the meter and see the difference in sound so you can Denton sound pretty much two different ways there's a couple others but it's basically two different ways deflection deflecting the sound waves or absorption so most mufflers work on the principle of deflection so in here there's a bunch of braces and it bounces the sound back and forth back and forth sound waves hit into each other and cancel and then it comes out the other side and it's quiet and this muffler actually used to be on that Honda but whenever retrofitted into that generator it was just way too big to fit in there but the sound was virtually the same maybe 1/2 decibels lower with this but the energy coming out of the generator the generator is actually a lot weaker - so you're reducing your stick your exhaust and you're only dealing with 10 horsepower or so so every little bit matters and when they do them in generators they put every little they don't give you way more than you need - like a car but I do have a video on the difference between modern putting in a I'll put a link to a putting in a muffler and not and I have the same sound meter years ago but I show you get about 2 decibels difference in sound but what a muffler will do is change the frequencies so even though something's just as loud I'd rather hear like a dull droning versus a high-pitched squeal at the same at the same decibel so that's what a muffler will do so it'll reduce if decibels by a 1 2 decibels but it will make it sound like it's lower and also my good friend PC truck does a video where he puts in an absorption muffler a glass pack yeah they're not louder they really aren't they actually you know what's quieter than the sound coming out of the south side of the generator so but an absorption muffler is actually a really nice thing and that absorbs the sound in the fiberglass material and it'll last yeah I mean it'll last forever on a generator you know a car you could you'll last for eight months or something and burn out but not on a generator it'll last pretty much forever so I'll put a link to you know I'll put a link to his video down below in the description as well but here's the muffler so we're going to use the same principle to drop 10 decibels as a muffler by deflections so like I said there's basically two sound-deadening getting rid of sound and one is absorption and the other is reflection and so we're going to use those principles the same principles inside a muffler around the generator and lose about 10 decibels I'm going to show you how with virtually no out-of-pocket cost stuff you probably just have them laying around and stuff it's portable okay.what peeking somewhere around 79 80 decibels so now I'm going to do my little trick and drop 10 decibels so what we got here plywood plywood that's just a piece of sheetrock sheetrock it's nice because it won't catch fire so that's actually on the exhaust side but still everything is tapered so much away that there are still amazing airflow all I'm doing is directing the sound waves boom directly into the dirt so they're just deflecting that's all this is and this is just this is something you could cut yourself four or five pieces of random plywood you this OSB seems to be amazing at deflecting the sound better than the plywood does and OSB you know I've held right side by side with a sound meter behind them and the the OSB and the sheetrock seem to be dead on this looks like it's 5/8 no that's 1/2 inch that's 1/2 inch just sheetrock but I'm still getting amazing airflow under there I'm just taking all the sound waves and deflecting me into the ground and you could put another board lean it up against this one and deflect any sound waves coming out there back onto the ground and vice versa it's simple for the simple things of what works and I need a generator this portable and a lot of people do that effect for pieces of plywood more pieces of OSP that fit together take up this much space by there they lay flat not in your way if you want to brew a permanent installation installation it is nice people build too but like a dog house a little house for him you know on a piece of property build a big house but then you got to put a fan give up with the vent the stuff people are doing square walls and the problem with square walls is the sound just balance it from one side to the next and it finds its way out by having them angle down all the sound is buried into the grass in this case which absorbs pretty well you know probably not perfect but you could even line the inside of your plywood with tar where they actually have this tar bat tin foil stuff for sound editing cars you could layer on the inside and that would also absorb sound and deflect it and you could be a little bit less but for that to reduce 10 decibels because every 5 decibels make it could be wrong every 5 decibels is about half as loud so being 10 decibels lighter quieter is four times quieter than is what your hear what your ear would sense it so that generator afternoon that was four times quieter than it was but if you want to watch the video on me doing the putting a muffler on before and after you'll notice in the video you know not mobile users but other users I'll put a quite a bit of script in there how putting - or sick of a jaw of an exhaust actually changed the jetting on the carbon actually you'll see what seeing in the video I actually have to adjust the jetting to compensate for the more restrictive exhaust so that always the best thing to put a big big restrictive car muffler you're gonna put a muffler do like BC truck did and I'll put a link to his video below where he just puts a like a cherry bomb an absorption muffler I know there's cherry bombs everything's are super loud but it's just an absorption muffler I'll put a link to his video down in the description as well thanks for watching leave a comment below any questions on the dance room thanks guys see you soon bye quick helpful tip one of the best things you can do if you own a piece of power equipment like a generator to tell you no maintenance and stuff like that is put an hour meter on it and don't use a cheap one use a nice one like this so put this hour meter on and then whatever it's running I know how long it's been running for
Channel: sixtyfiveford
Views: 3,348,680
Rating: 4.186657 out of 5
Keywords: Generator (Composition), Briggs & Stratton (Business Operation), Honda Motor Company Ltd (Organization Founder), Electricity Generation (Field Of Study), Electricity (Industry), Engine (Literature Subject), motor, Decibel (Magazine), Electric Generator (Invention), Coleman Company (Business Operation), Generac Power Systems (Business Operation), Yamaha Motor Company (Business Operation)
Id: 5zwc5mdEbDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2015
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