Honda 2000i VS Predator 2000 watt inverter generator Test Weight sound and load Test! Worth $1000!!!

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all right everybody thanks for joining me if you haven't been here before click subscribe right there so you don't miss any more of my comparison and diy videos today we're going to be checking out is it worth it to pay the extra money for the haunted generator or is 450 dollars a more viable option we're going to be checking out sound levels with load and no load we're also going to be checking out their empty weight and then we're also going to check out what is max wattage we can put to these generators before they go into limp mode all right let's get started all right we'll start with the weigh-in coming in at just at 48 pounds with no fuel both of the machines do have oil but they've been ran out of fuel and we'll take a look at the predator 50 pounds even now we're gonna go into our sound check here and we are at a distance at 23 feet and the sound meter is going to be approximately five and a half feet high that's about where your ears are on average and we'll start this test on the eco mode for both generators then we'll go from eco mode to full open and back start the meter give it about a 15 to 20 second test coming in with about a 64 average 65 and right about 20 seconds and we'll turn off the eco switch do another sound check coming in right about 70 dbs all right we'll move over with a honda now and we're going to do the same test starting with the eco switch first reset the timer give it about 15 to 20 seconds impressive numbers with a honda only 60 db okay and now we're turning the eco mode off reset our timer we'll let that run for about 15 seconds both coming in at 70 decibels each on average all right so now we're going to do a sound test with both of them running both in the eco mode and together they're running about a 66 db average we'll go ahead and turn off the eco mode on both of these this is like a comparison if maybe you had two generators and you had them linked up at parallel kind of give you an idea what it might sound like 73 db average for both okay now we'll do a load test with um basically the heat gun which is going to provide us 1500 watts approximately of power being drawn and then we'll go do a sound check with the generator under load sometimes it was a little hard to get the camera in there because i'm trying to stay out of the way of the sound meter and only putting the camera up on top of it so we can see it so that's why sometimes trying to get in there to focus was a little difficult all right under load we're right about 74 db [Music] and now we'll move this test over to the honda same test eco mode off running approximately 1500 watts note the kilowatt meter giving a full 1490 watts of draw versus the predator only at about 1430. not bad numbers for the honda 72 db average also providing more watts than the predator now we're gonna start our full load test we have our 1500 watt heat gun and then we're going to use the orbital polisher sander and that's going to give me another 550 ish watts that we can use as i geared up slowly so we'll continue just to give it a little bit more power bring it up to about 1600 and hold it there for a second [Music] and we'll continue to add a little bit more and as you know up on the generator every time i kind of click and add a little bit more power you'll see the the light blinking up there now that we're kind of getting up to where the generator is sensing too many watts now it's flashing at us obviously all right shut down and we'll go ahead and reset the generator a nice feature that the predator does have you just turn off all your loads and reset all right same test for the honda again the honda's showing a 1490 watts versus the predator giving us about 1430 for the heat gun so it is definitely putting out more power pretty impressive for sure all right we'll continue to just keep running it up so far no overload light or anything from the honda holding pretty well and there it seems to be showing a little bit of an overload sign still running very impressive well it just kind of seems to keep going look at that wow we're just gonna bump it up the rest of the way and see what happens wow very impressive with the honda amazing it just keeps going won't shut off i think we're gonna have to go find ourselves some more power all right well we'll shut this down i'm gonna go get another piece of equipment that we can use so what i got him something is my old kind of beat up you know vacuum and this provides us about another 450 watts so we'll start off with the heat gun again turn on the vacuum and then we'll use our polisher and start gearing up a little bit more see if we can get this thing to go in the shut off mode so very impressive so far it just continues to run well it just keeps on going well pretty impressive results with the honda it's amazing how well it does it's putting out almost a full 2000 watts and i guess that's why these things are so popular it's proven to be quiet it is light and it does put out you know a decent amount of wattage for the you know generator that it is the price tag is a little hefty but the proving grounds here are definitely showing why it's number one all right guys what did you think about the video pretty impressive results with the honda i was surprised that it was able to run all three of those items and never shutting down now i don't recommend doing that you should always run the generator according to what it says on the specs but still impressive nonetheless anyway if you like what you saw like subscribe down below leave some comments let me know what you guys think about the tests and also do you own either one of these generators and what do you think about them do you have any problems with them or not anyway until next time i'll see you guys [Music] then
Channel: Johnnys Weekends
Views: 237,235
Rating: 4.7642965 out of 5
Keywords: Predator generator, Honda generator, Predator2000, Honda 2000, VS, Test, RV, Offroad generator, Travel trailer, Camping generator, boondocking
Id: BQiG8VnI_Yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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