Pressure Canning Pecans// Bread Machine Banana Nut Bread

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[Music] the welcome to riverwell holler i'm miss lori and this is mr brown we live in the hills of arkansas we love the lord keepers are the old way but accept some of the new we love to cook and we love to eat we love to garden it's in our blood it's how we stay sustainable and fill our pantry we do a lot of canning and preserving we live a sustainable life we love our family we work hard and every once in a while we like to dance so y'all join us well i can tell you i haven't owned my bread machine probably i probably had it a couple years it took me as long as bread machines have been around it took me that long to break down and buy one because you know i really i just thought i don't really see no need in it but i went ahead and got one and i'm so happy i did the fact that you know we make so much bread and this is so it makes really good bread y'all now i know there's probably some bread machines out there that don't do so well this one i've got i'm very happy with i'm sure there's probably some that's even better than mine but i do have my bread machine down in my amazon store if y'all want to look and see what uh brand name it is and there's some that makes bigger loaves too but with me and mr brown a one and a half pound uh loaf is it's plenty big for us uh in fact a lot of times i'll even cut that in half and put the other half in the freezer until we need it but because we want to get away and from store-bought bread and there is times that convenience and you know you're needing bread that you're running by the store and you'll pick up a loaf believe me we all have to do that but i am trying to get more and more away from it if i have time to make bread today we're going to be making a banana nut bread and the reason i'm doing that today is because i got bananas that need to be used and because the fact that also while we're making our banana nut bread while it's cooking the bread machine we're gonna uh pressure can pecans we are going to i have been so blessed with so many uh pounds and gifts of pecans from different states that my subscriber friends are sending me and believe me we are using them too and uh we love them i also have walnuts that i need to put up but we are we're going to pressure can them and people say well and i've always froze my abundance of pecans and walnuts but y'all i'm my freezer space especially now these days is really is it's full and so i've got to go another way with this so just hold on for that because as soon as we get our bread started and get it in there we're going to start uh pressure cannon some pecans i'm going to show you step by step it is so easy you won't believe it and it just doesn't take that much time to even pressure can them and i'll explain all that to you because i know you're going hmm and but we'll do that in just a minute when you're making bread in your bread machine of course i've got a recipe book it's a bread machine recipe book and it's down in my amazon store too and it'll tell you the recipe and all the ingredients and you have to go step by step just like the ingredients call for that's how you will put in your in your bread pan you can't go through there willy-nilly and just start putting ingredients in you have to read your your recipe and put it in the number one number two you go all the way down to this to the very bottom of your recipe ingredients and that will be your last ingredient so you have to do it just like you're layering yet to do it just like that recipe calls for but it's not hard believe me okay i got y'all up here where y'all can see how we're gonna put our layers of ingredients in our breading machine and our first ingredient is a third cup of milk and i'll have the recipe down in the description box third cup of milk two beaten eggs you need a half a cup of melted butter cooled you need a teaspoon of vanilla um i tell you something you can also use uh maybe a half a teaspoon of vanilla and a half a teaspoon of a banana banana extract and something else is good is put a little bit of coconut extract in your banana bread i don't know it just makes it taste really good so we got our teaspoon of vanilla you need three mashed bananas and i like to really mash mine good they need to be good and ripe good ripe bananas and i used my hand emulsion blender on this and got them just really pureed you don't have to do that you can just mash them up but i like mine really really mashed up good so our three mashed bananas you need a fourth of a cup of sour cream now you can use yogurt in place of the sour cream um you could also use if you got a greek vanilla bean yogurt that would be good in here too because the vanilla the vanilla bean taste would be really good i've done that before because i didn't have any sour cream okay so we got our third cup of milk our two eggs our half a cup of melted butter one teaspoon of vanilla and three mashed bananas and our fourth of cup of sour cream now we're going to start with our dry ingredients and we need a cup of sugar [Applause] and i'm going to go ahead and put two cups of my the recipe calls for all-purpose flour i had some hard white wheat berries that i had ground up and i had about four cups left over that i'd put in the freezer and that's what i'm using but it calls for two cups of all-purpose flour and then i'm gonna put a half a teaspoon of salt and what i'm gonna do is you're gonna see me put my salt on this side and it's pink himalayan salt and that's half a teaspoon and then you need a half of one and a half teaspoons of baking powder i'm going to put that right in the middle and the reason i'm doing it this way so that i'll remember that yes i did put that in there i can look at it and say yes i've got my salt my baking powder and then a teaspoon of baking soda and i'm gonna put it down this way so salt baking powder and baking soda and now you need about half a cup of pecans and you put it on the very top i'm going to put a little more than a half a cup because i like a lot of pecans in my banana nut bread okay that's all there is to that now we're gonna go there we're gonna stick it in the bread machine and get it started now i use my bread machine enough that it just now for any more it just sits right here at the end of my counter put my pan in there we're going to close it it's plugged in and we're going to put this on quick quick bread which is number four cycle i want it on a medium crust dark crust so it's there so i got it on number four quick bread medium on the uh on how you know really and truly you don't want your banana nut bread light but you don't want it dark so i got it on medium and we're just gonna push start i can walk away from this and start canning my pecans now now the only thing i will do is here in about a minute or two i will come back i'll lift this up sorry about that y'all i'll lift this up and um i'll kind of scrape down the sides and i'll shut it up and then i'm done and what that does is to make sure you get a good pretty loaf that doesn't have a lot of dry flour or anything on the outside of it but i mean it's that easy and i'm gonna have banana nut bread probably about the time that i have my pecans uh all canned i'm gonna open this up i want to show you cause a lot of y'all don't have bread machine i was new to it too i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna scrape this down you see how that kind of gets on the side and all you're doing is just kind of helping it out here i have forgot to do this and it's fine your bread's still fine but it has it'll have some of that flour and stuff on the outside it's not it's pretty alive so that's done [Music] shut it back and walk away the first step to canning these pecans is we're going to turn our oven to 250 degrees and we're going to spread our pecans out on a cookie sheet just a single layer of your pecans now i like these pecans this was an uh a gift from somebody sent it to me from texas or their texas pecans i have been sent uh some beautiful pecans uh from so many friends and i just want to thank y'all so much and i want y'all know that i am taking using them for sure and i am taking care of them because i want them for long-term use that's for sure and because i don't have so much room in my freezer this is uh now you can also vacuum seal but they don't last near as long then if you pressure can them now spread these out on a cookie sheet in a single layer this i weighed these this is about two pounds and 14 ounces of pecans they're called pecans and i'm probably going to do this in two batches but you want them spread out pretty good [Applause] i'll have to do this twice now [Applause] reading up on how some people pressure can their pecans uh one said that four pounds of uh whole shelled pecans will fill nine pints but i'm not sure about that i don't think in the past i ever weighed mine i just done it so anyways i'm going to spread these out in a single layer and i've got two pounds and 14 ounces so we'll see how many pints i get once we get started and this right here is you need to do this you need to toast your pecans in a 250 degree oven for 30 minutes it will dry them out it will get that moisture out of them and because nuts have oil in them it's going to take care of that too to keep your nuts from getting rinsing over time so this is a very necessary step right here and this is probably this probably what will take you longer than anything the whole process is getting your pecans toasted remember 30 minutes well they say anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes you don't want them to burn so keep an eye on them check them after 15 minutes and then kind of stir them around but they can go as long as 30 minutes as long as they're not burning so i'm going to get mine in here and we're going to get to tossing them up in fact i'm going to put time on it because i've got a lot to do i put 20 minutes on and i'll check on 20 minutes our banana nut bread is still in the bread machine it's a cooking away it's about this easy so i'm going gonna get some laundry done i'm gonna get the floors mopped while all this is going on and then we'll be back 25 minutes i'm gonna take mine out i tested one they taste so good they're good and dry i'm afraid to go another five minutes with them because i sure don't want to start going the other way [Music] my kitchen smells so good between toasting these pecans and the banana nut bread in the bread machine it's smelling really good so what i'm gonna do let's take these off without spilling them and i want these to cool and then i'm going to put the rest of them in the oven and get them toasted now i've got i'm not for sure how many pint jars is going to take now you can do these in in half pints and the next time that i'm going to can some i'm going to do it in half pints i'll probably do most of them in pints because that's about the amount that i would use in a recipe but i do need some half pints but anyways i've got eight pints out here and we'll see i mean once i get this done we'll know for sure but i want to get all of them toasted and uh get them cooled off because your jars are gonna be at room temperature your pressure pan is going to be at room temperature the water in the pressure canner is going to be at room temperature but there won't be any any liquid at all in these jars with pecans in fact you need to sterilize your jars way ahead of time because you need to make sure that they are absolutely dry you don't want any moisture inside these jars so make sure that your jars are good and sterilized but very dry and your your lids and oh that's hot because you don't want i touch that pan because you don't want to take any chances of getting any kind of moisture inside your jar with your pecans i like my arm right on the edge of that pain i'm very good at doing that stuff okay i'm gonna get this in there get them toasted get them cooled and then we can start getting them in the jars okay here we go we're gonna get started here i've got my this is my first batch of pecans that i toasted in the oven and they are good and cooled off so we're good there i got my sterilized very dry pint jars here i've got my lids here that's been washed and sterilized they're completely dry and my rings so no moisture at all in your jars so we're going to get started and all we're going to do is just start putting on pecans in our jars and i'm going to leave an inch headspace i'm not sure how many times i'm going to get with this bunch now i've got a lot more to do because i have been blessed with so many pecans so many and i have got to start uh doing a bunch of recipes using pecans and walnut shell and i do use them i'm telling you i just sit and eat pecans and i tell you it's not good just to eat a whole bunch of them at a time and i don't do that but i also put pecans and walnuts in my salads stuff like that so we eat a lot of pecans and walnuts and i want to thank y'all all y'all that have sent me these beautiful pecans [Music] i want to thank everybody that has sent me gifts and beautiful letters and cards just just makes my heart full because we love y'all so much that's why we that's why we open our doors and share our life with y'all because it's just stuff that we've done all of our lives and uh you know all of our kids grew up and and left and we went ahead and the banana nut bread's done that's telling me it's done but all the kids grew up and left home and having their own family and okay you can hush now i know you're done thank you but uh i'm excited we'll have to get that out because we gotta get cooled off but anyways with the kids growing up and we ended up just selling the farm and the cattle and the big house and and just uh just going a lot smaller to make it easier on me and mr brown and it you know it has it's made it easier but we still are working our tails off i'm telling you there's no way that you can be sustainable and have a homestead and and then work a full-time job and not just be chasing your tail it's a job and a lot of y'all know that because you're doing the same thing i need to get the rest of my pecans and i'm going to get this banana nut bread out real quick we're gonna finish up with our pecans while the banana nut bread is cooling off enough that we can cut it and try some of it [Music] you know i never really thought that i would buy a bread machine but like i said i'm glad i did and you know it sit in a box i don't know how long before i ever got it out and the first time i made bread i thought you know this is it's almost too easy because the fact that you know we want to to keep making our own breads even though we're very busy people we still want to have that you know that time to be able to do it and this just this just helps so much i can come in at night to say around supper time knowing that i've got to have bread for the next day it don't take me no time to throw my ingredients in there stick that in there and turn it on and go about my own business the rest of night and before bedtime i've got bread made for the next day so it has been a game changer for me that's for sure i'm going to try not to get any of the little powdery bits in here it's not going to hurt anything but i'm going to try not to get any in there no more than i have to and i think what i'm going to end up getting is maybe eight pints out of two pounds and 14 ounces or i might not i might have to put this one in a half pipe but they were processed this at the same time which is 10 minutes so it's not that big a deal yeah i'm gonna get me a pint jar and put these in there but i want to separate because i got a bunch of little powdery pecans down here and i don't want them in my jars it's just the okay i'm gonna get me a pint jar real quick and then we'll put our lids on and we'll get these in the pressure counter got seven pints and one half pint out of two pounds and 14 ounces of shelled half pecans now i'm going to very carefully take some vinegar and go around the top to make sure there's not any dirt or anything up there i want to make sure that i get no moisture inside the jar though so just carefully go around it that's just one of the most important things is that we're getting no moisture in there okay my canter's over here let me get rid of this my counter is over here it's got three quarts of water in it i'm gonna put my lids sterilized lids now i was asked by company and i these are i'm going to show you the box here just a minute it's f-o-r-g-a-r-s it's four jars and they asked me if i would review these canon lids and they sent me a whole bunch of them and i'm going to try them on my pecans today and i watched another youtube channel use them and she was real happy with them so these are bpa free dishwasher safe and we're going to see how they do four jars apple rgars four jars so that's the lids and rings that i'm using today and we will see how they do and if they do good i'll put the link in my amazon store now i'm gonna put the rings on here finger tight i want to make sure they're on there good though because i don't want any moisture getting inside my jars i'm going to go ahead and start putting my jars in here the water is at room temperature i did not heat my water there's nothing heated my jars are at room temperature now toasting your pecans like i said is very very important because it is going to dry them out you don't want no moisture in there and it's going to take care of that excess oil that your nuts tend to have and what i'll do is i do just like any canning process put my lid on there let my valve start to steam go ahead and put my lid on i've done it first try this time now i'm going to turn my burner on high everything's good i checked my seal when i checked everything good so i'm gonna let this start bending and when it's really got good stain coming out i'll time it for 10 minutes and then once it has vented for 10 minutes i will put my gauge on there and what it'll do it'll start coming up to pressure and here where i live depression has come up to 10 pounds and i'll adjust my burner and then once it gets to 10 pounds we're only going to pressure cook it for 10 minutes so it doesn't take very long now danny's not here today and i can tell you he wanted to be so while my pressure canner's doing its thing i was going to tell y'all that um mr brown let me get my mic over here where you can hear me mr brown's not here again today and i know that you're missing him um but i'm telling you the man's very very busy um not just here at the homestead but at work but today was very important too now you're gonna think oh yeah right he went fishing yes he loves fish he lives for fish and all he just loves it it's it's how he just uh just rewinds and and he it just makes him feel good but the main thing is that that's part of our sustainability is putting fish in the freezer uh fish is a good part of our diet we have really good fish here in arkansas because we have our rivers are good and clean and beautiful and we get them from the lakes and everything's good so fish being part of our diet is a good deal so i'm hoping that he catches some today because we're getting kind of low in fraser so besides him loving it it does uh it does fill our freezers and feeds our bellies so anyways i want to tell you alex i know you're starting to wonder where is mr brown but he's just a busy man so i'm going to get started on some different things while my pressure canner is coming up and we'll get this banana nut bread and cut it and we'll taste it okay guys while we're waiting on the pecans to come up to pressure we're gonna taste this banana nut bread it makes a a good heavy loaf too you know how dense banana nut bread is and uh but it smells so good now i have never been able to make the banana nut bread in the breading machine that it didn't sink in the middle just a little bit and a lot of times that happens even in when i make it in the oven so but it still tastes good but one thing i have found out that at the end of your cycle when it's beeping like it was telling you that it's done if you look in there and it just the top of it still doesn't look you know all the way done just shut your lid leave it off and just let it continue to cook in there just a little bit more because it's still good and warm in there and then look at it again and if it looks good then take it out and cool it off so i cut my piece don't that look good it's got a good texture smells so good now i use this like i said with uh some milled uh it was hard white wheat berries what it was and i had i had milled too much is what i've done so i had about four cups left over and i put them in the freezer till i knew i was going to use them again we'll put some of this good mennonite butter on here from the mennonite store well i wish mr brown was here he could taste this right out of the bread machine why it's still hot good stuff you know there's nothing any better than bread coming out of it you know fresh bread coming out of the oven i love cooking bread in my wood cook stove but i can tell you when you can do this right here especially making your your whole your wheat bread or your rye bread or anything like that a lot of times you know i can go in there and make me a loaf of rye bread knowing that the next day i'm gonna be having uh reuben sandwiches or something like that and then i can you know cut what i need off put the rest in the freezer and it's just about that quick i've not really had to worry about it or think that i had to make a lot of time for the rising and just all that part so i have to say i really do like my bread machine okay it's a steaming really good so we're going to give it 10 minutes okay it's been 10 minutes we're going to let this come up 10 pounds of pressure and that's for my altitude i'm going to try to find my my chart and i'll put it down my description box and once it gets here i'm going to try to stabilize it and then i'm going to time it for 10 minutes after it gets to 10 pounds of pressure well friends our jars of pecans are out of the pressure canner they process for 10 minutes and i let the pressure go completely down to zero they're ready to come out and here they are in every one of these jars everyone these lids i'm sorry have sealed so so far i'm happy with these lids these are four jars canning lids and rings f-o-r-g-a-r-s four jars and like i said i was uh they sent me these lids and rings to review and this is my first review on them and so far so good i'll put a link down below in my amazon store if y'all want to look them over i'm going to leave my rings on for right now i always leave my rings on anywhere from 12 to 24 hour usually about 12 hours before i take them off make sure i got a good seal on them but they look really good i don't see any moisture in there i mean it looks bone dry the pecans are not i mean they look just like when i put them in there and i seen a comment on a video i was watching the other day of a lady she was canon pecans and somebody said that they had opened a jar up that was nine years old and said they tasted the pecans and said pecan's still good now i i can't can i don't know about that but i do know that these pecans can like this will be good um anywhere two to five years somewhere in front and and it could be more than that but my pecans don't last any longer than that so i can't vouch for that i use a lot of nuts especially during the you know christmas time thanksgiving but i'm telling you i've got so many pecans right now i have been so blessed with them and i want to be able to put them up and keep them and i don't have the freezer space for them anymore i have vacuum sealed some but i don't want them all vacuum sealed so i'm going to be doing a lot more putting them in jars and pressure cannon them and i think my next batch i'm going to do in a half pints until i get them all done i'll do more in pints too but i want both i want half pints and pints i don't think i need any quartz in fact i didn't see anybody that denim in quartz so i don't know if that's something that you can even do if you can and i guess you can the process time would be the same but anyways i love this and what i'll do is i'll put these uh tomorrow i'll take the rings off and i'll put them in the box that the jars come in and um i'll fill my box up and i'll just push it under the bed they'll be under there dark cool place stored and that's a good place to store a lot of your your uh jared up uh products that you don't you know if you're running out of room in your big pantry or your small pantry whatever use under your bed that's a good storage place well i hope you all enjoyed this video because i really did i enjoyed doing it and the the biggest thing is is it's something that i needed to get done and i'm gonna just keep it doing it again until i get them all processed but uh and making the banana bread i'm gonna cut that in half i'm gonna put half of it in the freezer keep the other half for me mr brown to eat on and be good with cup of coffee don't you think i wouldn't change my clothes i've got my fix to go out and dig in the dirt so before it gets too dark outside get some outside stuff done but i got a lot done today that's for sure and the most important thing i got done is being with y'all and i appreciate y'all being here and being with me taking the time to watch and listen and i hope i helped you in some way and i hope you enjoyed it and as always we love you all and uh hopefully hopefully mr brown will be in the next video with me he'll be doing something with me because we're always doing something around here so god bless we love y'all there's something very important i was wanting to tell y'all and it has something to do with the pecans it i've done lost it i don't remember maybe i'll think of it and if i'm sure y'all probably asked me some questions about it and i'm going to think oh yeah i meant to say that so anyways if you have any questions just ask in the comments below and i'll put everything in the description box below the video of the recipe for the bread machine banana bread that's so good and i love it i love my bread machine it just makes life so much easier when you're wanting to keep everything homemade and and it just frees up a lot of your time too so it's a good thing anyways we love y'all god bless we pray for the world over we pray for you if you're suffering in pain if you're you've got any health issues or you just need prayers believe me we all do we're all in a little bit of a slump not knowing where things are going but if we stick together and we prepare ourselves for what could happen but mainly just keep your eyes to the lord and and pray because he's gonna see us through this it may not be the way we want it but it's in his will and his wife so god bless everybody and we'll see you in a couple days you get a lie now get a pole honey you getting lying i'll get a pole babe you get a line now get a pole we'll go down to the crawdad hole honey babe me mine
Channel: Whippoorwill Holler
Views: 126,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ih09Ts9eJxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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