The Battle is the Lords and He Fights Through You (November 3, 2013)

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a couple of things and we're going to go to several verses today but each one can be like an individual verso it won't take long I want to give you a quick story and you may have heard this before and we're going to tile this up together at the end so don't be surprised if you're thinking where is he going with this because that I don't necessarily give you a clear pathway that we're looking at here so I'll remind you here in a minute that this does actually have a point I'm trying to make all right so first off there's an old story and I've heard it several times I've heard of different ways but they pretty much always went the same way and what was it a person by some means went to hell so all the people they're starving emaciated miserable yet the table that they were all seated at was filled with every type of wonderful food all the food was piled up there and it was sitting there with beautiful lush ready to eat and yet the people were starving and they were as I said he may ceated miserable and just angry upset and this person noticed that they all and the reason they were hungry was because they had all been given three foot long Forks and they kept trying to feed themselves and they couldn't because they couldn't get the fork far enough over it being three foot long so then that they couldn't feed themselves so they were mad and upset and throwing the forks down and just got really upset about it then the person was taken from there and went to heaven we went to heaven he saw the exact same thing it's our table beautiful food filled and all the people sitting at the table were all eating and they they looked perfectly healthy and they look full and happy and and just excited about being there now and the only difference was the people there because both tables looked identical and both different groups of people those in hell and in heaven had both been given three-foot long Forks the difference was the people in heaven were using the forks to feed the person across the table whereas in hell they just kept trying to feed themselves that kept coming up actually last couple days were especially this morning and it just shows that we were never meant to be an island we never meant to be alone we never meant to be one-on-one know just by yourself out there we were meant to be together we were meant to work together to help each other and I'm preaching on something today that I've came close to before you'll recognize the title because Joyce Meyer made it famous the scripture we'll be looking at but the title today is that the battle is the Lord's now what I added to that is and he fights through you this is going to be part 1 2 maybe more we'll see most people plan their vacation better and more with more detail than they plan their lives they think that and a lot of this has to do with what they've been taught at church now supposed to make plans not supposed to be all this thing they take about take no thought for tomorrow and that kind of thing and they take it to an extreme we can't even think about it and well God's going to do was going to tomorrow and it doesn't matter what I do and God's got a plan God isn't working haphazardly he's not hitting miss he's not waking up every day and go you know what not scratch yesterday we're going to really do it this way instead but from before the foundation of the world he had a plan he put it into motion and it is still in motion so today we're going to look at this now I want you to know Stan and I'm not saying you shouldn't plan your vacation I'm what I am saying is you should plan your life there should be an aspect of planning to it and if we're going to look at this here de Schmitt last week we taught on the scripture preached a little bit about it in Colossians chapter 1 start in verse 25 he says this is Paul writing to the church at Colossae he said where have I made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you notice why he was given this understanding this revelation he said given to me for you it was not given so because he had achieved it attained it deserved it he was given the revelation that he received that caused him to write roughly 3/4 of New Testament simply for the purpose of putting it out it was never meant to stay with him it wasn't for his group it wasn't for his camp it wasn't just for his little group of churches even Peter said Paul says some hard things they're pretty hard to understand but they are the truth and they are Scripture they are the gospel and so this revelation of Paul was given and he says it was given to him for us then he says and that is to fulfill the Word of God in verse 26 he says even nay he's going to talk about what that revelation is even the mystery which has been hidden and from generations but now is made manifest to his Saints so this whole plan was hidden this revelation as you've heard before I've retardness and now it's being revealed through Paul and then he says it's made manifest to his Saints then verse 27 to whom god would make known what is the riches of the glory notice riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory he said you want to sum it up that's what it comes down to now as I said last week if you look at Paul's letters he wrote to every church pretty much that he founded and all these churches would have problems and he would tell them now in this specific problem here's what to do to fix it but here's how to make it so that you don't have that problem anymore and then he always went on into teaching who they were in Christ and who Christ was in them Paul made the answer to every problem knowing who you are in Christ and who Christ is in you and yet the church has minored on that and essentially they get you to get born again sometimes spirit-filled sometimes maybe get you healed but beyond that that's pretty much it and then they have left off the real riches of the glory of this mystery which is who Christ is in you which is the hope of glory now again I'm heading toward something to just remember that here's what he says in verse 28 because he talked about Christ in you whom we preach notice what he says warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom notice the emphasis here that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus notice that Paul said there's there's one thing I do he said forget in the past I press on ahead but here he said my ultimate goal of everything I do is to present every man and woman perfect in Christ Jesus - and that word perfect there literally means complete fullness maturity becoming who you're supposed to be and I don't going to teach on this today but I'm going to take this in the very near future I'm going to be talking about callings and what they are but I'm also gonna be talking about the desires of your heart because one and I'll just give you a real quick little piece of it right here if you go to many churches today and in Christianity as a whole they will tell you come to Christ he'll give you the desires of your heart meaning if you come to him he will give you everything you could possibly want if you have desires and plans and goals and ambitions and all these things for the future he will make all that come to pass okay that is wrong that is not the gospel of Jesus Christ matter of fact Jesus said if you will take on my life if you will take on my plans my ambitions my desires he said then then at that point he said you will have this life eternal he said at that point then you will see all these things coming to pass but he said if you're going to be my disciple you have to take my cross you have to take on my mission you have to he said if you're going to follow me then you're going to have to take upon yourself the same goal ambitions and desires that I have so when it says that God we'll give you the desires of your heart he's not telling you whatever you can imagine whatever you can dream up whatever good thing you want if you come to Christ he will give that to you he said what he is saying is if you come to him he will put desires in you and if you have come to him you can know that the desires that he gave you that that as you come to him that he will give you desires and that they will come to pass how many of you would say that since you got born again your desires have changed and then now if you didn't raise your hand you might want to check your salvation right not not taken away from you just saying that we need to realize what we're here for that we're not here to be you know as always kind of jokingly say to be the employee of the month you know we're not here for the American dream we've taken the gospel and turned it into the American dream now God will meet your needs he'll supply your need he'll do all these things that there's no doubt about it but that's not why he exists we have in the church we have made God exist for man rather than man existing for God we have made God pretty much into either Zeus who is throwing lightning bolts or the genie in a bottle that we just have to rub and get our wishes and that's pretty much the two extremes that the church usually lies somewhere in between that so I want to show this to you he says that his goal is that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus he says we run - I also labor striving according to his working which worketh in me Miley he said I'm doing all of this and it's God in me doing it now if you go you don't have to go there right now but over in Philippians 2:13 and I'm not going to read it I'm just going to quote part of it there you can check it out they'll make sure I'm quoting it correctly but he says that it is God who is at work in you both to will and to do his good pleasure so as you are saved in your nature and your character change through the renewing of your mind and your life starts becoming transformed then you can know that if your desires if your ambitions if your going and all these things if they are lining up with Jesus's goal in his ambitions then you can know that it is God who is at work in you I have so many so many Christians that come to me and tell me Kareem you know I really want to go to the mission field I really you know I just have a heart for the people in this area and I just don't know if that's me or God and I told that's that's not a human desire that's a godly desire amen he put that and that is God in you both to will and to do his pleasure but too often we fight it because too many people and very honestly many pastors will tell you oh no you're not called the Mission Phil you know why because many times they're seeing the lack of your tithe if you go I've met people like that Ezekiel was it 38 actually talks about that about so-called pastors or Shepherds that do that I'm telling you you know if you desire to go to the mission field come talk to me let me let me know we will we will join with you you know we'll give you all the training all the necessary tools you need to go and and more than likely support you as you go we picked up a new missionary this week as a matter of fact in he's a missionary to the Czech Republic and he's actually lives in Prague and we have adopted them now as one of our missionaries so we've got several missionaries around the world now and supporting orphanages and different things because it's not about this place this is to be a fountain of well that that water can spring out of and go around the world you know whenever the Assemblies of God was founded there were two sisters that were had they both had the same vision and they saw a map of the United States and they saw this place right close to the central United States and they saw these it was like a well but it was like these things of like beams of light were going out and like a water fountain going out and everywhere those those beams of light water hit on the map revival would break out and it was the place where it was centered was in Springfield Missouri which is of course where the Assemblies of God eventually put their headquarters and so they had a reason for putting it there because of that prophecy and so that's the way every Church should be it's the way every Christian should be because every Christian is just a small version of the overall church so let's look at a couple of these I want to show you today's and this because exactly along with what Tom saw about that young lady but I want to tell you the Word of God is not about private interpretation and this you may not be that nineteen year old young lady with leukemia you might be a seventy year old person with cancer or anything in between including any age in any disease and I'm here to tell you the same God that showed that to Tom this morning it's the same God that wants to heal you even though he might not have given somebody a you know a vision actually probably did somewhere in they probably praying for you in the spirit because God that's what he uses tongue too many times is to let other people and they even know what they're praying for but God knows he goes oh they're praying tongues for this person and God knows who know that we're going to find out when all this is wrapped up and we see what we did while we were praying in tongues and we thought I just started just praying in tongues and I wanted to stop and I didn't really feel like stopping so I just kept on going and you found at that time with whenever you did the most good the time before that was you edifying yourself and after that you were helping somebody else so but I want to show you this this morning go to First Samuel chapter 17 first Samuel 17 in verse 47 just giving you that scripture this is the one as I said the Joyce Meyer made famous she didn't write it but she did preach on it says in all this assembly shall know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear for the battle is the Lord's and He will give you into our hands and I notice here he says the battle is the Lord's he's going to fight and he's going to deliver them into the hands of his people now notice he didn't just say here the the battle is the Lord's and easier it's going to destroy that people he was working with his people and there was a purpose he didn't just try to take a people out of an out of an area he removed the people and put another people into it right there was always a plus side to it in First Samuel chapter one in verse three and I'm really I'm just want to show you an aspect of the nature and character of God First Samuel chapter 1 verse 3 and this man went up out of his City yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the Lord of Hosts in Shiloh now that term Lord of Hosts the word host:there literally means an army this terminology here Lord of Hosts is the in the Hebrew is Jehovah semua and it is I'll just give you the numbers number 66 35 and Strong's Concordance in case you're looking one look at this up later and it means literally this a mass of persons especially regularly organized for war an army also called soldiers God is called the Lord of the army anytime we talk about the army of the Lord and yet we don't realize that there is an army involved with God many times we see them in the Old Testament in the form of angels but in the New Testament it's in the form of the church now we'll show you this in just a minute look at Exodus chapter 15 just giving you some real quick scriptures X is 15 verse 1 then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord notice that we're singing unto the Lord and they spoke saying I will sing unto the Lord and he probably if you were in the charismatic renewal back in the 70s and 80s you remember this song but you said we'll sing unto the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horse and his rider had the thrown into the sea and someone you know it's hard to these things just to read you just almost have to sing them because they just come out that way so that I will spare you that - taking something verse to the Lord is my strength and song and he is become my salvation he is my god and I will prepare a habitation not a visitation and I will prepare him and habitation my father's God and I will exalt him look at verse 3 the Lord is a man of war that's a part of God most people never hear the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name that's King James but there's another translation that actually says the Lord is a warrior yeah think about that he's a warrior well of course he's a warrior the battle is the Lord's he has to be a warrior to win a battle so he's not just some wimpy father time looking character Santa Claus without his red suit on he is actually a warrior and when he speaks they fall down his voice is like son of many waters and thundering waters and we forget sometimes the majesty of our God who is king who is a warrior and is also our father and then so the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name and look at Exodus now you notice as Exodus 15 verse 1 through 3 but look down just 23 verses later in Exodus 15:26 I've already given you one Hebrew name for God Jehovah Sabbath Lord of hosts but in Exodus 15:26 we get another name Hebrew name that we know him by and it says in verse 26 and said if you will diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God and will do that which is right in his sight and will give ear to His commandments and keep all of this statute I will put none of these diseases upon thee which I have brought upon the Egyptians why for i am the lord that healeth thee now see people always it's funny because people get hung up on the third section there from the end where he says I will put none of these diseases upon thee O he puts diseases on people only his enemies and only at that time if you go into it well again I don't have time to go into all this today because we're already should run a little bit short on time but let's focus for a second instead of that part because number one he says that he brought on the Egyptians so they because they were the enemy of God's people notice he didn't do it because they were just his enemies he did it because they were the enemies of his people they were oppressing his people that's one thing that the world has forgotten since the book of acts you shouldn't mess with God's kids He is God his father he's also a warrior and he will fight went through and for his kids right it's fun to go to the zoo and look at the bear but don't get between a mother bear and her cub amen he says here which I brought upon the Egyptians they look at the last part for I am the lord that healeth thee let's just take that statement i am the lord that healeth II am is that past present future present okay so this is always present he has always the Lord that he lit thee right there now if you look in the Hebrew and of course I'm probably not going to give it the exact right translation I'll give the right translation just won't give you the right pronunciation put it that way but generally we know this term as Jehovah Rapha technically in the Hebrew here's Jehovah refika that's fairly closest but as close as the Texans going to get it so if you have to look it up just go and look it up but it's an exodus 1526 but now notice if you look this up it is in the present tense he is always the Lord that healeth thee okay so and he gave us these names and there's there's many names of Jehovah that they call them the redemptive names every time he uses the name Jehovah before something it's a redemptive name and it's basically saying this is who I want to be to you and this is what my redemption covers right so as you go through says Jehovah Jireh the Lord who provides what does that mean he will always be a provider he will always provide he didn't provide it one time won't provide today or tomorrow he is always a provider if he's not the provider you can't call him Joe vajura and yet Joe Vijaya is an expression of his nature in character so now you're saying that God has changed his nature and character if he's not the provider and he said I am the Lord I change not pretty simple right so whatever he ever was he always will be he was ever Jehovah Jireh he'll always be Joe Vijaya amen well by the same token if he was ever Jove Arafah he'll always be Jove arrived why because it's not an act it's not a program it's not a dispensation it is his nature it is his character it is who he is in Matthew chapter 8 enough to turn there but in Matthew chapter 8 it talks about a leper coming to Jesus and he said the man fell down in worship and said Lord if you will if you want to my word will there means if you want to if you desire to you can make me clean and jesus' answer was real simple he said in the English it says I will simple little word I will and yet if you look in the Greek at the word I will it's a Greek word Othello and it means little it means literally it shows an Express you would take a paragraph to write the definition of that one word that's how picturesque it is but he literally says what do you mean if I'm willing what do you mean if I desire it is my nature and it is my character and I am always willing because it's my nature and character all of that is in one word will and so that's what we missed them times whenever we just read it in the English we don't get the full essence of it you know it's like you know chewing your food 50 times you get the full flavor or whatever they say oh well you brush your hair a hundred times anyway without any way but if you chew it enough you get the full flavor a man and that's the whole point if you take these words and look at them you get the full flavor of what God is trying to say so he says I am the lord that he looking right go with me to Genesis now before we go through you're going to go to Genesis 14 but before we go there notice here we just said up in Exodus 15:3 the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name so the Lord is a warrior and here he says I'm the Lord that healeth thee notice he had to be a warrior before he could be your healer why because he had to fight for your healing in other words now for him fighting is pretty easy right he speaks it and it happens somewhat pretty simple alright his power is not depleted one bit if the entire world was healed at one time it would not deplete his power 1 1 out of okay so that's how powerful he is but the key is he works now through us so he is still a man of war he is still a warrior he is still the Lord that heals it but when it says he is a man of war and it says he heals you it is saying before you could get healed he had to stand up for you he had to come to your rescue he had to make a stand concerning sickness and disease and his stand is he's against oppression he's against sickness and disease he is against whatever it is that puts people down and I just as a warden a word of warning if you consistently put people down whether seriously are ingest the Lord doesn't take kindly to that why because he edifies and he lifts up he corrects he rebukes but he doesn't put down to put down you're strictly for condemnation and usually the people that are putting down only do so so they can bring people down to their level so in never going to look at Genesis chapter 14 Genesis 14 started in verse 14 verse 14 says and when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive he armed his trained servants born in his own house 318 and pursued them unto Dan unto the territory of Dan now you notice here first off as soon as Abram heard that his brother been captured had been taken captive first thing he did was he called together 318 trained servants he armed them and what was he doing he was calling up the reserved today we have a an army reserve we have a Air Force Reserve we have reserve units and whenever there's time of national mercy we can call those reserve units together in other words on a daily basis they go about their daily life but when there's an emergency they can be mustered together and then they will form an army but that means they have to train and practice and discipline themselves regularly so that when they do come together they're ready to do the job that is an exact picture of what Abram is doing here he has these think about his 318 trained servants that were all born in his house and we know that they were at least above the age of 13 because no one was even considered for warfare until the age of 13 actually past that usually between 16 and 17 and even then they were kept in the back and not really combat truth troops necessarily but here you got 318 trained servants he said but now I want to give you the definition here because the word trained is a Hebrew word caique and it means one that has been initiated brought in practiced trained and disciplined especially for war he had a trained army of 318 men that were ready to go to battle whatever they needed to and when I heard when he heard that his brother was captured he immediately caught all them together armed them and said we're going after him now here's what he did verse 15 and he divided himself against them he and his servants by night and smote them and pursued them unto Hoba which is on the left hand of Damascus and he brought back all the goods and also brought again his brother lot and his Goods and the women also and the people so not only did he go fight and win but he brought everybody back all the goods everything in other words they lost nothing having been captured by the enemy because Abram mustered together an army that he had been training and noticed that army was those of his own house that were born there raised up there and trained equipped disciplined and knew how to fight them now I don't know if you realize it or not but I was just in case you don't I will tell you now those of you that are regular here consider this your home then this is the house and we will have many more than 318 trained armed servants meaning people who know how to war in the spirit and get things done and go into the enemy's camp capture those that were captured and bring them out of captivity overthrow the enemy and be able to stand up against any of the onslaught of the enemy because our Shield of faith will quench every fiery dart and we will learn how to use our weapons the weapons of the Spirit that are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds amen that's who this house is we're going to be listen we're not just going to help herself you notice a lot what in part of Abraham's house cat his own house but Abraham's house rose to the occasion to help people in another house and that's how where we are it's going to be at the point where we don't have need you're not going to need healing because you're going to live healed and healthy you're not going to need deliverance because you're going to be delivered and stay delivered amen you're not going to be having to go to the bank and borrow why because anybody that burrows is the tail and not the head they're always servant to the lender you're going to be lending right you watch what God is going to do us and the reason for that the reason God is going to birth businesses and all kind of stuff out of this is because he wants us to help people and let me tell you it shouldn't all be coming to me and then out from me from this church you should be able to say you know what I heard about this need and you could take the profits of a business that you're already taking care of and you can take it and bless them and help plant are they right now one of the biggest needs in many other countries is the need of what's called macro loans it's it's it's people that need a sewing machine so that they can make a living if they had one sewing machine they can make a good living for their entire family and all they need is a small loan a couple hundred dollars maybe just to buy a machine a sewing machine if they get that loan then they can automatically make a good living for their family now personally I don't believe in making loans if we give we give right I'd much rather find out who needs a sewing machine and buy the thing and give it to him I mean because you don't want that loan thing hanging over their head if I ever give you money I do not expect it paid back right I consider it gone once I give it to you don't worry about it God takes care of me he will pay me back it's that simple amen if we can negotiate some can I guess I'd be different but I've never done that so I so but we plan to see things birthed out of this recently or not recently years back William Booth wrote a book called in darkest England and the way out and he put together and funny because back then the word scheme meant something totally different than it does today today it seems underhanded or something not good back then it was just a plan and he wrote out an entire book a plan of how to take people put them in this area buy the property give them a place to work and actually have them become very productive in their area and if England had listened to him it would have been amazing what God would have been able to do through them and just recently as a matter of fact as I think was Wayne Grudem I believe it was and another man remember his name but he wrote a book called the poverty of the nations and he they actually put together a an amazing way of ending poverty in the world and it is sustainable it you read it it would work and all they're trying to do is get Christians to do it not join in just do it in your area and watch poverty diminish in your area and then in other nations off anyway don't have time to go into that but those two books you definitely should get and read but be ready to study it right one was called poverty the poverty of Nations and the ultimate wayne grudem who also did it a theology systematic theology and then the other courses by William Booth called in darkest England and the way out and that might be a little harder to find but I'm sure it's out there but that's who we're supposed to be we're supposed to help people spirit soul and body not just promise them a good afterlife when they die because they'd starve to death but to actually help them in the here and now and to become productive so let's move on notice in the mountain to take you to yep go to Revelation chapter 19 Revelation 19 19 just in case you think well this didn't really fit you know I'm not sure how this fits here well Revelation 19 19 says and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army now what if you looked at sup you'll find out that the hymn is talked about sit on the horse here is Jesus and he says the armies that the kings and their armies of this earth are we're going to gather to fight against Jesus and his army so it means that Jesus has an army right now you may not have been told but when you got born again you enlisted in that army I'm just here to tell you now okay you've been in reserve all this time but we're calling you all right now so as this army we know that now and there's many of the directions we could go with this dumi of things we could bring in but it would be not bunny trails but different avenues that we don't have time to go to today but you need to realize that God as you heard me say remember those things I've said in times past because if it's the gospel everything has to fit together it doesn't you know you can't see where it doesn't fit together it's got to fit together now we know that God is a warrior we know he was a man of war we know that Jesus was the exact perfect expression of the father which means that Jesus was a warrior and yet we don't see him you know killing people just the opposite so his warriorship was to be a warrior in the spirit and he ward against oppression against sickness against disease against darkness in any form now the thing is we also know if Jesus was a perfect representation of the father then we also know that whenever it says it except a grain of wheat go into the ground and die that it cannot bring forth much more fruit in there right and it says that he led captivity captive and it says that he became the firstborn from out of the dead and he rose want to take many sons unto glory so we know that Jesus being the Word of God and the Word of God being a seed then Jesus was that seed that was planted in death but rose from the dead and when he rose from the dead and came out resurrected he came out a different individual in not in essence not in character but in expression alright he was glorified his resurrected body but we also know that because he was a seed the Word of God put into the earth and came back out much better that he that God did not so ace a son to reap servants that he sowed a son to reap sons every seed reproduces after its own kind whatever goes into the earth comes out with many more fruit amen now one way to say it is that you are a clone of Jesus Christ it's that simple that means that if the nature of a warrior a Viet a spiritual warrior okay is in Jesus it's in you now that's an aspect of Christianity that 99% of the church has no clue about it's one of the reasons why we have made some of the waves that we've made in Christianity and some of the influence that we have is because we have brought that warrior aspect back we have started emphasizing that one because it means to take a stand if you have a shield if you have armor if you have a sword guess what you're a soldier it's real simple the worst thing you can do the worst thing that happened in World War two probably one of the saddest things other than of course the Holocaust as far as the the people of Germany was at the very end when the Red Army was coming in the Soviet Army is moving into Berlin and the Nazi army had to keep following back and they getting their soldiers killed that eventually Hitler had to start recruiting 12 13 14 year old boys that did not know how to aim or fire a weapon and they were just cannon fodder as you would say they were just killed in mass and they did no good because they didn't know how to use the weapons that they were even given that's a horrible thing to happen is to give people weapons that they don't know how to use now we have been given weapons and we have to know how to use them honestly that is probably one of the primary purposes for my life on this earth is to train and equip people to use what God has given that's a you know in essence that's a big part of why I'm here now we're going to switch here just for another about ten minutes or so well I say that sure probably shouldn't put a time on it because you know me better than that so we're going to talk about something from a military is everybody convinced that you are a soldier for God amen okay and that if you're going to more perfectly represent the nature and character of God there will have to be an aspect of warriorship of spiritual warrior ship of being a soldier as Paul said be a good soldier of Jesus Christ Sarah are you convinced that that has to come out of your life has to be seen your life okay then I'm going to talk to you for just a few minutes about an aspect of soldiering now those that are again here and watching by internet or DVD or however else they're going to be getting this information if you're in the military I apologize ahead of time I'll be using some military terms I've had to adapt them slightly and I'll tell you where but because I just don't get a letters from the military saying you said this and it was like this instead I I know that but I'm just trying to adapt it to the audience thank you name is David Crockett said make sure you're all right and then go ahead so that's what we'll do so all right now we're gonna talk about two things strategy and tactics it does no good there's an army without discipline without strategy without tactics without a plan is not an army it's a mob right we are not to be a mob the the the enemy has kept the church as a mob for so long that it's like stepping in the middle of an anthill and watching the ants just scatter and run around there's a lot of activity and yet very little gets done because they're all just running and scattering and that is Christianity to a large degree you've got churches out there there's all kinds of activities all kinds of programs which are geared to keep people coming rather than just simply training so you can get people going my heart is to get people going not just coming I expect that to be a revolving door in a good way I mean I expect people to raise up be trained up do the job go back out and then and we'll get behind you with that if people come to me all time say what about this situation we need to do something about that I think yes you do and we'll be behind you you make the plans you figure out what you want to do let's talk about it we'll do something but you see it you fix it amen so now strategy and tactics we're going to talk about that tactics are the smaller of this - okay tactics are the methods and the maneuvers used to accomplish the strategy okay so you could say that the tactics are a part of the overall strategy that they are what caused the overall strategy to come to pass now strategies are the overall plans and maneuvers used to accomplish the end goal or what the way the military would say the end state the end state is what the way you want it to look now it's amazing because I can talk to you this way or I can talk to you in religious terms and we can be talking about faith because faith is like a strategy okay and believing is like tactics faith is the overall faith sees the end from the beginning in other words it's the the blueprint it is out there and you say this when we get it done this is where it's going to look whether it's a church or whether it's a ministry or whether it's a person if a person is sick then you say you know what I know how they are right now but when we're done with them when God has his his will is fulfilled in their life this is what they will look like and you can see that by faith you say how do you know that well I know if God's Way if his will is done they'll be healed healthy and reproducing and helping others be healed and healthy I mean so that's that you see that by faith now whenever they first come to you they may be in a wheelchair they may be on a stretcher on a gurney or something like that they may have all kinds of things hooked to them with tubes and oxygen bottles and everything else but that is not God's will and it's not his plan and we have to see beyond what we can see with our eyes and start to see according to faith according to God's will amen all right now so strategies are the overall plan the overall goal of the end state okay and how to get there so the military use of the term is called met in ett it stands for mission equipment terrain and time now we we've adapted this a little bit and you'll see where especially the military will see where but you have a mission if you're not clear on your mission you'll never accomplish it number two you're going to have equipment now that equipment includes two things men and women and what's called material or the things that the men and women need to get their job done to accomplish the mission so the equipment is what is needed to accomplish the mission it includes stuff and people okay now I will tell you Jesus never talked much about stuff he talked about people he didn't say man you know we got so many laborers but if we just had more money we could get it done he never said that he in other words he turned around and said we need more people you know I'm remembered if you saw the movie years ago few years back called the Alamo it was done not the one with John Wayne but when it was redone and I remember whatever David Crockett is standing on the wall looks out and sees the entire Mexican army of Santa Ana coming up and he looks around and since he actually they told him and said him yeah I want you to guard that the barricade on the side he said you mean that little bunch of sticks because I thought it was a little fence of sticks he said yeah it's good we're gonna need more men well they didn't have more men but that's what Jesus said he said you know what I don't need money don't need stuff I need people I need men and women I need lives I need laborers recently just last week after the DHD I wouldn't had lunch on Monday with a couple that was here and it was funny because I'm not you I can't remember with last one was assets but they said you know we pray for jejunum everyday and we pray for you and I said but we'd like to pray more accurately if you could say right now what is the great just need you have with its money equipment new property you know new facilities you know and I said actually it's funny because I actually wait let me think I actually had to stop and think because they were talking more about stuff since they could pray for these things and I thought you know we don't have any needs as a church we don't have any needs other than Labor's we need help we need volunteers like I said this morning all all we need is people to help and they said well don't you need money to pay them I said when the laborers come we'll have them ADA Pam why because God pays people they work for me I think I don't even think about the money I don't think about the things that we need we need people it doesn't do any good to have a computer sitting at a desk nobody's using theirs me somebody sitting I'm not going to pray for computers I'm not going to pray for things if I don't have somebody that can actually use the thing amen because I hate isn't the hardest thing for me to do was to sign a lease for a building I hated the idea of signing a lease and paying rent on a building that generally historically as far as churches go really done they stand to empty you know at least three or four days out of the week and if we did not have offices here and dbi on axis counselor it'd have been real hard for me to just go ahead and find that lease because I hate to just waste money on empty buildings there just sit there and so when I but the buildings are not the problem none of that is that we don't have any needs in along those areas and that don't mean we have money piled up and wetting dispenser on stuff but when the people are there we'll have the money we need to pay them whenever the people are there we'll have the equipment we need that they need to get the job done so my request was exactly like Jesus Labor's praying the Lord of the harvest and he will cast out laborers into his harvest amen that's the one thing we need now so you have mission and we're going talk about the mission just a second equipment the equipment that we're going to be using has to do with the men and women and then the actual material things that you would need then there's terrain that simply relates down to where are you going to fight now we don't have clear lines of combat we don't have frontlines it's pretty much everywhere all the time but the one place that is consistent if they have somebody asked me said what is the one place that you are going to have the most combat against the enemy I can tell you where it's going to be number one it's gonna be kind of twofold but they both relate one is going to be it's going to be have to be in the spirit and not in the flesh if it's in the spirit you will win if you get over into the carnal he will win so you cannot let it get into the carnal you have to stay in the spirit to win now the place the actual place that the fight takes place obviously in the spirit realm because it is a spiritual fight but the place the fight takes place at is your mind it isn't it is that the mind is the main battlefield right and the reason being is because we're even told that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but there is spiritual see when you get in the carnal you're not using the weapons God gave you but our weapons are not carnal but they are spiritual right mighty right through God for what to the pulling down of strongholds those strongholds are not principalities they're not these forces strongholds are is wrong teaching wrong doctrine wrong believing and it's built up over a period of time in your mind because the enemy knows if he can get a person built up over time to believe that nothing can be done then they will sit down and do nothing but if you can see a glimmer of hope yeah we can make a difference then the enemy knows he can't stop you because once you get just a little crack he knows that you will know that by the Spirit of God you can break through the rest of it so our our battle is in the mind predominantly but it is a spiritual battle and to win the battle of mind you have to have your mind renewed but what we're using to renew the mind is the Word of God which is the sword of the Spirit amen so I'm trying to give you an over off you're getting this that's kind of where we're going how we're going get there I'm giving you the battle plan okay now I have to be careful at some times because like Stonewall Jackson I believe in keeping battle plans pretty close to the vest as they would say because the more the enemy knows the more you can try to set up things to stop it so I'm giving you an overall plan I'm just not telling him where we're going to hit amen because we want to surprise him we want to make him think we're going to go left we're going right amen that's how you do things see that's why most of your lives and many times you have so many problems is because you go around number one tell everybody what you plan to do and number two ask everybody's advice and whether you should do it or not right and then that gives the enemy all this time not only to build up resistance against you but to send people with his word in their mouth just as Tom said this morning that people from a church went to this girl and told her there is no hope and say that that is a Benedict Arnold right that is somebody who is who has turned traitor against the kingdom of God and is saying lies about God right now so you've got mission equipment men and materials terrain where you're going to fight and then you have a time when are you going to fight and how long is this battle going to take place now each individual battle can can vary but the good thing is if we already know the war is won amen it listen it didn't matter you think about just you think about world war two and not not VE Day Victory in Europe but VJ Day Victory in Japan and in the Pacific in the in August and in September right August they dropped nuclear warheads there on the island of Japan but then in September they signed the trees think about this you've got men some of the men that were whenever they won in Europe they were transferred to Japan or into the Pacific and had to fight there and as they fought there they some of those men had been through six years of war just about at least four years or more some of the Flying Tigers even volunteered to go into China and fight it whenever America was still neutral and so but think about this you got some people that fought for long years in the war going through all kinds of things and then you've got people that signed up right there at the end you know right right into the end of beginning of end of August and beginning of September probably had just signed up just got out of boot camp and just got deployed and all of a sudden war's over so you got these guys had been there for four years they come in they're looking ragged they're tired they've been fighting they've seen it all and here they go marching through as victors and then you've got these other guys that just got there last week oh we get the March in our dress uniforms yeah because we're the victorious army we're going to march through here now we're the occupying force and what Jesus said occupy till I come and then so it's not even a matter of are you going to win you're here to occupy and enforce the victory and so you've got people that just showed up and you got people have been there a long time but they both got to march in the same parade and we have you've got people that have been in this thing for twenty thirty forty fifty years and you got some people are going to get born again and bang this thing is going to get wrapped up and you watch you don't know how close you are to winning you most people quit just before the victory why because that's when it gets the hardest and the battle gets the hottest why does it get so much harder toward the end because the enemy knows this is it this is the last ditch effort if he can he has he has to stop you now I remember times whenever I learned about the power of confessing the Word of God and man I was confessing with God's Word on things and goner and I remember it got to a point where it did not look like it was going to happen and it the strangest thing because I was solid in the in the you know teaching or in the biblical doctrine of confessing God's Word and just all you're doing is agreeing agreeing with God about what he said about the situation that's all that's all it is it's no mystical magical thing you're just agreeing with God and God calls that faith and he appreciates it and takes pleasure in and then he used is that to help these things come to pass that he wants done but the amazing thing is I would go to these battles and I would be confessing God's Word on this thing and confessing his word and it got to a point where everybody was telling me this is stupid you're stupid this deer in denial it ain't working why don't you just just admit it you know I don't know why people were so adamant about getting me to say it ain't working but there have been so many times I've just said just to just admit it you're in denial just admit and then if that wasn't bad enough when they had to leave the enemy would work on my mind trying to say just say it just said no he's here no I hear you say it just go ahead and say it just say it ain't working like you know and then it hit me I must be so close to the finish line that the enemy is pulling out all the stops trying to get me to to actually advocate my position of authority and Dominion and to back off and to withdraw my faith and you do that by turning around after confessing God's Word and then turn around and said well I guess it didn't work you and you just withdrew fight and it was it was right there I knew there were times when I had to literally shut my mouth and keep it shut on purpose get away from people why because I was afraid if I was around somebody if they too said you know what time is it I'd say it's time that it starts working because it ain't working you know I never just right there you know it just I mean if I had to open my mouth it would have come out I don't think I'm gonna have to use my tongue to make the word it woulda just fell out you know so I just had to learn to just shut my mouth and just stand there and they look at you know what do you got to say about that nothing run him now cuz they work and then they just walk off and go to heck the boys crazy he's crazy but I'll tell you you stand and God stands with you you run you just get shot in the back and then usually by other Christians anyway moving on so strategy in state what is this supposed to look like what does God's desire for this earth to look like what is this what is his desire for your life to look like for this church to look like as a body listen when I think about this church I can tell you I don't even think about this building because this building is not the church you are the church and when I think of the church and gods in state for this church I'm amazed because I can see all of you every one of you on a daily basis whether you are working your regular job or not but on a regular basis somebody comes to you and says man you know I just woke up to not feeling good and you go really you're going to feel good now in Jesus name and I go whoa what did you do I believed God and because I believed I've spoken right and it'll just it'll be that way and this is gonna be your normal life you may not know yet what you're going to look look what you are going to look like but I can tell you you want to know what you're going to like read the Bible because that's who you are in just minute I'll show you number two so we're going to look at strategy in state remember the strategy is the long-term goal singular goal not goals though in state right tactics small methods are steps designed to accomplish short-term goals plural get that different providing a stepping stone approach to the ultimate goal now the business world has learned this self-help stuff self-improvement seminars they've all learned this you know Tony Robbins learned this done Tony Robbins took biblical principles adapted them to the world without an emphasis on God an amazing thing is he started teaching and it works for people's lives to a large degree and there's just biblical principle a lot of them now you know I can't speak for everything he says but mostly matter of fact not too long ago somebody wrote me and say you know Tony's talking about God now so that's good when you find out which one comment let me know and so he was but he had these principles and it's the idea even in business of having a long term goal what's it going to look like when it's done and then step by step measurable steps to get there and we call those short-term goals and they're just individual things so you have a strategy the overall and then you have the tactics how you going to get there right now notice tactics the short-term goals the methods maneuvers to get there must align to accomplish the strategy or what is known as commander's intent now again go back to the military in the military you lose communication you lose this thing that they put you out on the field you're on a mission but you lose all communication you say what do we do we don't know whatever else is doing what do they do they go by commander's intent what was the commander's intent for this mission if every group has broken communication but if they know that all we have to do is go back to even though we can't talk with one another I know I'm going to keep working toward commander's intent they're going to keep working toward commander's intent guess what will happen his intent will be accomplished right we don't have to be in communication as long as we all know that we're going to still fulfill commander's intent that's called the will of God when you know that your life is moving toward and in God's will that your life right now see God's will is not a destination even though it has a destination but God's will is the destination with the journey to get there you can be in God's will now and you're going to God's final will you got that so the both or two is kind of like quantum physics you have particle and then you have the string or the you have wave and then you have the particles and it's not anyway sorry like that stuff that's anyway so commander's intent so what is our commander's intent well number one that we present every man perfect in Christ Jesus amen not that we build the biggest Church in town together my goal is not to build a biggest Church in town my goal is not to be the biggest Church my goal is not to have the most people the biggest budget or in our biggest building or anything else the goal is to present every individual person perfect complete and mature in Christ Jesus now that means discipleship I meant that's not a big overall plan that's not now we might do it like this but then there's also individuals there is individual discipleship there's individual communication with one another there is a growth individually but together the sum of all of us is greater than the sum of each part now that's that's one of the reasons for working together now so first you have to have a team mission okay so if we're looking now we could take this as a company of people a military company and within a company you have squads and you have teams within the squad you have fire teams and all this is not going to try to give you a military lesson per se in this but I do want you to think in terms of order and somewhat structure not to the point where the Holy Spirit is not involved but if you're trained what listen people think that if you have structure and you're trained and disciplined that you can be rigid or that you will be rigid and the Holy Spirit won't be able to move no that's not true God made us to have structure right the human structure look we have bones that are hard and yet they're flexible enough to give a little bit because they were too hard you just break over anything but then we also have muscle that allows us to have the flexibility to be able to move and adjust to situations but we've all got pretty much the same skeletal structure and the idea is that God is a God of structure at the same time there's enough flexibility to accomplish what needs to be done so that you don't break the Pharisees didn't understand flexibility they didn't understand God's will all they had was a direct word and they thought that was it no no flexibility there no human interaction it's this way or no way and then Jesus came along and he stood out so much against them the cuz he understood yes God loves you and there is structure but there is a flexibility in it to the point where you can actually function without worrying about stepping over here and just getting smacked by God and you know that's when he becomes Zeus and starts throwing the the lightning bolts down on you and so there is a structure but the idea is if you have structure then you are more freed and what I mean by structure is I'm talking about if you have discipline and training then you are free within the training to act well you know no God wants you to act whatever I talk martial arts there was a there were schools of thought that were very rigid very hardline they were called external schools which were more force in just power and then there were internal schools which was more flexibility and more flowing motions and there was always a controversy which one's better you know the hard style or the soft style and it really depends the funny thing is young men like the hard style why because the young man's strength is his glory right but the old man's glory is his great hair the Bible says why because he gets smarter and that's where fluidity and flowing and been able to have the flexibility see the older you get the more you learn to conserve energy right and use it appropriately amen yeah you see little kids they don't think at all about conserving energy they think it's endless and they just use it all up right and they run all around and do all kinds of as you get older you're kind of like yeah okay you going over there and when you get tired come back you know I'll be right here I'll be sitting here on the park bench while you play right because I'm conserving energy I mean just don't sit too much could use some of it your body produces what you need so it's the same thing okay as you start to have structure and getting back to the martial arts thing there was an aspect where you there are basics you have to learn but once you learn the basics it's like the alphabet there's you learn the alphabet but then you learn the grammars of the alphabet or the grammatical rules and you can write a novel why because you learn how to put the words together and you have so many words and you start putting them together but you have grammatical rules what is that structure well the Holy Spirit has structured the Bible is the structure but within the Bible it allows you freedom to fulfill God's will but you have the structure of the Word of God amen so really I must of my rigidity I'm not talking about being a Pharisee not talking about legalism but I'm saying if you have a structure it actually frees you because you know what you can do right that's what the Word of God does it tells us what we can do and people say you have it your rigid you got these parameters yeah but nobody's ever touch the walls yet you just and the parameters are so wide within the Word of God understand but you stay within the primers and the primers in the Word of God is simply love and humility and peace and as long as you're staying in these parameters you can do pretty much whatever you want we see that in Galatians 5 he tells us that these there's no law against love amen no law against peace no law against joy in that right no law against long-suffering what does that mean you can love all you want you can have all the peace you want to have you can have all the joy that you can stand right and there's no law nobody can get upset with you why they can get upset but they're not not according to God but you can do all that you want now these things of the flesh now stay away from that one because it slows you down and kills you so it's not good to do those things you know what malice and witchcraft and variance and strife and all these things not good one because it slows you down in your run and hurt you and will eventually kill you but if you'll stay over here in the fruit of the Spirit and not in the works of the flesh if you stay on the fruit of the Spirit me and you'll run your energy will be renewed you'll have life you'll have joy your lap piece and you can run faster and quicker and get the will of God done amen so that's I structure now finishing up yep finishing up the team mission we have we have it we have this is a team a local team now we can break this down into smaller teams and we will do it we call in life teams but we'll talk about that later but the team mission as a whole our whole as a church a body of Christ here is simply this go into all the world and make disciples unto Jesus Christ of all people in a simple is there anybody that has any you know is there any vagueness about that anybody not clear on the goal of this team right it is to go into all the world and make disciples of Jesus Christ amen not to make good church members right we're not trying to make good church members we're not trying to you know put patches on people we're trying to let them see what God did inside of them and come outside but we as we go into the world and share with the people that we make disciples unto Jesus listen I'm not trying to make personal disciples I understand there's a level of discipleship I get that but I'm not trying to make all of you look like me or act like me or talk like me right I want you to look and talk and act like Jesus right and you have personality I've got personality we can have the same word we can have the same spirit and yet it will come out of us in different ways because we are different people and God has that diversity that's awesome amen that's what keeps you awake right you see the diversity you know that's why on TV they change the picture about every couple of seconds one because if they keep it on one angle people fall asleep so they move it so get your attention the motion well that's what diversity is in the body of Christ it's all of this diversity is so that it keeps our attention and we can look at how different people do different things they go WOW I'd have never thought of that I'd have never thought of doing it that way and instead of going well we're not gonna do it that way because I didn't think of it okay now we're going to go WOW hey that works it works better it takes less less energy I'm for it all right remember conserve energy okay know so our team missions to go in all the world make disciples of Jesus Christ your individual mission now you need to write this down and remember to something your individual mission should be to do unto others as you would have done unto you now if you can live by that rule you'll always be on the right side of God right now demonstrating that okay how do you demonstrate okay is you would do unto others as you have done unto you you demonstrate that we love God with all our heart mind soul and strength and we do that right by demonstrating doing unto others to our neighbors you got that so our individual mission is to do unto others would have done unto us demonstrating that we love God with all our heart mind soul and strength and our neighbors as ourselves that's how you do it that should be your your individual goal now here's where we are we are training the people of God to be ministers of the gospel by using those placed into the four fold ministry apostles prophets evangelists and pastors who teach our teachers who pastor how do we do that well we do it through regular services we do it to seminars here we do it to our Bible School we do it through mission trips we support missionaries we do it through orphanages through the feeding Jesus outreach with food with clothing with other help whatever the help they need we will be a people that go and we will have a place to Train you know that we will be a people that go and we will have a place to Train so that we can train other people to go amen now our focus on training has to be twofold number one it has to be now I'm talking to Christians okay so you're already born again and I want you understand I'm all for souls and going after as many souls as we can win but we also have to be able to teach them and disciple them not just get them born again and get them to fall away or get them to you know go some weird way that got the worm going you you birthed them you raised them right just like it just like a child you have a child you raise it and then there's a responsibility now so number one our focus on training number one has to be to teach you who you are in Christ number one go why because to do if we do that then we will be able to present all men perfect in Christ Jesus if we show you who you are number two first off notice we had to teach you who you are number two we have to teach you how to fully and faithfully represent Jesus Christ in nature in character and in action alright now you can get a copy of this if you wanted afterwards we'll run some copies filling pick some up now I can give you the who I can give you the what I can give you the hell what I cannot provide for you technically is your wine and without a why you will phase out you'll you'll drop off you'll you'll quit pushing forward and now I can share with you God's wine I can share with you the why of the gospel but you have to adopt your why you have to find your wine you have to find out why are you a Christian why are you doing what you're doing why are you moving forward in God because I'm telling you it's just like working out it's just like exercising at a gym if you don't have a clear goal of what you're trying to get to as soon as about the day after you workout when you wake up and you can't move and all your muscles are sore and you keep thinking why did I do that yesterday so you've not found your wife if you're asking one but you have to be able to say it's because I don't want to look like this I want to look like this and I don't want to look like this where I'm you know jog across the room and have to stop because I'm huffing and puffing I want to look like a marathon runner that can run five miles and get done and deter any up come on follow me see you have to have that wine in your mind well you have to have that wine too and once you find your wine now listen if I teach you the what the hell who all of this if I teach you that if you have a wine you'll know how to apply them and you and that gives you the gas behind it to keep on going but if you don't have the wine it doesn't matter if I teach you the who the hell or the what because you look at and go yeah but no push no passion no desire I don't maybe it's just me one of the things I don't like when I go especially to see if I said a book at a Christian bookstore or like a conference sheet where it talks about who's gonna be speaking and every time now they always say the same thing to me I don't know why I don't like it but I just don't because they always say my passion is to do this we ever noticed that everything is their passion my passion is do this my passion and you said Kurt why do you not like I don't know number one it just sounds kind of cheesy but two it just you know it's like honestly I don't care what your passion is I'm getting the book because that's my passion but no it seriously yeah I'm getting the book to understand something right but they always come over this is my passion what our passion should be to know Jesus to walk with Him to represent him to love God and love our fellow man as ourselves that should be our passion now how you live that out listen I should be able to write a hundred books on different things that all stem from my passion to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus amen that should be every person's passion is to present every man woman perfect in Christ Jesus now how you get there that's a whole different thing but if your passion is this is what we've gotten into trouble that's when we have people in inner healing and generational curses and everything else one because that's their passion your passion has to line up for the Word of God right are you well I like this well I really don't care what you like it has to be in the Bible you know understand it has to line up with a bottom of what I mean to that and that's our products that we get on we we want to fulfill people rather than fulfill the will of God we've got to fulfill the will of God amen and when you fulfill the will of God guess what you will be fulfilled because that's what you were created for now you can have preferences you can have areas that you like to specialize but now what I want to ask you over the next week is to find your wine why why are you Christian why are you here why why did you gravitate to this place to this message amen and find that why and just write it down try to make it in one sentence and say this is why I do whatever find that one find that what is behind it find out what gives you the gas to keep on going right because I can tell I've been doing this while now there are times when I had to stop and say why am I doing this and I've actually had to look and say this is one and in it it's funny because it does go back to a cemetery north of here but that's what listen that does not give me my want of presenting every man perfect in Christ that woke me up to the fact that I needed a wine it won't we have to what my wife was about why am i doing it now we read one scripture - you want to go to it send James James chapter one James of the good book amen James chapter 1 starting verse 222 sorry verse 22 but the doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own self for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer he has locked into a man beholding his natural face in a mirror a glass for he be holds himself and goes his way and straightway forgets what manner of man he was but whoso looketh into the perfect law of Liberty and continues therein he being not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work this man shall be blessed in his deed and he goes on and says if any man among you seem to be religious and Bridal if not his tongue but deceives his own heart this man's religion is vain here that don't rattle your tongue your religions vain pure religion and under before God and the father is this to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep himself unspotted from the world and then notice here this is a mirror and if you look in it and don't go do it and it's like looking at a mirror and you walk off and you forget what you look like that means no notice it's not just a portrait it's a portrait of Jesus but it is a mirror of you because you are to grow up to look like him talk like him act like him in everything to be conformed unto the image of Christ that is your predestination you were predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ and that's our goal is to present every man perfect mature conformed to Jesus Christ amen so do I have an idea and how we going to do this we're going to as I said we're gonna do it to all kinds of different aspects of reaching out and touching lives like the feeding Jesus and clothing and doing things handing out tracts going door-to-door we're gonna do all that stuff here and in doing so many of you are going to find your passion so to speak you're going to find you know what I thought was hard to witness I found it was easy to witness it was fun because I was meant to do it amen so is there any questions about where we're going where you're going how we're going to get there now obviously I've given you an outline I've not given you a lot of intricate details but those are coming amen Dougy anything out of this this morning all right now only win a minute over look at that well I'm surprised let's all stand up a man named father I thank you for this morning for these people here father I thank you that just says Nehemiah built a wall and didn't care who knew or where he was doing or what he was going to do he knew your will father I thank you that these be know your will they know where we're going they know what we're doing and I thank you Father that we will be a people just like those of Nehemiah that were able to work with a trowel in one hand and a sword or a spear in the other that we were able to do the work and at the same time be watchful of the attacks and the wilds of the enemy so father even now in Jesus name I thank you right now for laborers for people who desire to do your word not just hear it father I thank you that you have put in this place and and under the sound of my voice even right now that a people who have a willing heart and willing hands to work and to do and to show their love for you by helping those that need the help so father I thank you and by everything that is in me I lean upon and draw upon the power of the Spirit of God to be able to present to these people what they need to know so that they can grow up to look like your son Jesus that we we draw upon that spirit to be able to actually build and release within them who they are in Christ and so that they can know that it is Christ within them that it is that same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead that dwells in them and because of that they can do all things through Christ who strengthens them so father I thank you for these people I thank you for their heart for their mind for their willingness to help and move forward and father I thank you for what you're going to accomplish through these people that you have for ordained from before the foundation of this world that we didn't take you by surprise but we are a fulfillment of your plan of your prophetic voice on the earth today in Jesus name father I thank you that according to your word through Isaiah they live by the stripes of Jesus that we are healed and made whole and even now this name I say to you into everyone Under the Sun of my voice be healed now right now in Jesus name I set you free the enemy has no place so in Jesus name be free be healed and behold so be it amen amen all right well we are going to begin preparing for the outreach so if you can stay and help we appreciate it other than that god bless you if you need any thing from us be sure to just contact us email us call us or just fellowship here god bless you you you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 115,030
Rating: 4.6426334 out of 5
Keywords: 2013 Sunday services, Feeding Jesus Promo
Id: Q7LQihaPje8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 13sec (5113 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2013
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