45m Main Highlights - Total 24hrs of Spa 2019

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[Music] [Music] round four of the blog pan GT series endurance Cup brings us to spa Frankish or for the annual total 24 hours of spa and a quite outstanding 72 car entry set to do battle for this 24-hour sprint the weekend starts with a parade into town and then the drivers briefing all the cars make the route on the public roads from the circuit down to the town and the roads are always blind with fans the town itself is always packed there are also graft sessions there are posters being given away it's the first time that everyone can soak up the atmosphere of what is a truly great race the spa lap is won all the drivers love from the start you plunge downhill and go towards a Rouge it's flat if you're really brave and then there's that really steep climb up the hill and the road keeps on climbing at the speed Bill's all the way through rowdy on up the camel straight and heading up towards Blake on this is a good overtaking opportunity you can dive up the inside but you've got to get your braking right otherwise if you're off at the airscape road turn right turn left turn right again out of lick all over the brow down through bracel and then plunge down the hill towards pull on this long fast sweeping left hander there's a load of runoff on the right hand side if you need it then there's the pit path keep dropping down the hill through campus and then on towards the core pull breast-feed building again at this point you're on the ramp back towards the timing line up towards the dauntingly fast left-hander of glassy mob again there's loads of runoff on the outside line should you need it but you've then got to get back onto the racing line and set the car up for the bus stop hard on the brakes down through the gears it's also pit in if you need that on to the start and finish straight past the f1 pits over the line and then down towards the hairpin at La Source another overtaking opportunity but it's tight and oft if you're in the middle of a pack that could beat some contact before you plunge downhill again onto another lap of spar Franco shop [Music] it's wet it's wet it's the total 24 hours of spa welcome along everybody to the greatest gt3 race in the world 72 cars about to do battle not only against one another but against the elements as well David Anderson and Bob Varsha trackside looking down onto a grid full of cars full of people for but now full of umbrellas and so unlike spa we expect rain on any racing weekend here at Spa we have it in abundance now after several days of blistering heat and bright sunshine the rain will only add to the challenge those 72 cars you mentioned are about to face and when they see what the drivers think about it because Morrow angle from pole position it's with John Watson tomorrow first of all what a sweet lap in qualifying last night yeah thank you John there really was I think well as good as I can do around here I was really happy with with the lap and great to reward the confidence and put it on pole so it's a great feeling starting this this legendary race from pole but obviously as we can see it's quite different today getting them tires up to temperature will be key no one's turned any lap in the wet I believe since last year here so it would definitely be be good to get to get a bit of a feel for everyone in the grid I think and I'm pretty sure a race control will take that into account not surprising given the weather conditions it will be a safety car start three laps at least part of that is to let the drivers find out where the puddles are but it's also to get the warmth into the Tasman we're in business the turtle 24 hours of spa is underway is Mauro angled leading for Mercedes AMG Team Black Falcon Earl Bamber around second for the COO Steve 75 Burkhart Porsche Squad third for SMP racing the world Molina's Ferrari four for Rover racing his friend Maccabee key of a Porsche fifth Corsa is Nick Foster's Ferrari sicked for wrt is French Dip for a 7 4 WL TVs of the two Audi's ran a draft eight the attempter racing Audi start Scott Horst 9th for group M Mercedes 999 maxi Gertz and the top 10 currently rounded out because it's grid order by Roma do map safety car into the end of us that there but absolutely right we are good to go everybody Mauro angled leads them into the bus stop he has got right on his tail l Bamber the green flags are ready the cars again the very least we're in business we're racing dad also saw tomorrow angle it is who thunders away in the Black Falcon Mercedes and in the spray in the wheel tracks Earl Bamber gets down walls that sauce I had a big girl Melina their fourth turning through his back at Vicky foster counts next and then the Audi's are already sniffing overseas wrap their mind the AG's do money's all crossed up but that's gonna give Kevin ester a chance to get through on the inside line up into the top ten goes Kevin as they drop downhill for the first time and their proper green flag conditions keep an eye over he's gotta try and use it I'm putting flying off the race to try and get a move on that wake of all they done the camel straighter think about making a move up the inside or maybe run the other side going into a little cool you're right about those at the back playing catch-up the fastest lap has betrayed you between just about every driver from first gonna play some back here they come side by side for the race lead almost Bamber gets alongside not quite and so in his angle that hangs on to the advantage change for fur face Maccabee key had a Medina run the Audi they're running wire that we should approach dips are going off the road and linka home as he got back on is he gonna be escape roads Frank where have you got to where have you got to Barry is going through just ahead of ran a rat and stipler comes through ahead of Nick Foster yeah that was all a bit untidy unnecessary also up in delay Kumaon this first second flagger get under brakes mobile runs the corner the Ferrari also get caught sliding out to the outside of the corner there is a lot of grip off the racing line and many other drivers will be looking to use them petrichor the racing line wine goes rats and their look downhill starts caused in the attempter and he comes up a hamburger need foster now where's the grip where's the bravery Forrester Gibbs way inside about tickets he's got one he's got yes fantastic maxi girls water brave move well he was watching those two cars have their own little paddle he saw the opportunity of the insider to fool put the news lever CDs and as a substantial nose to boot and God track position clear reverb IMAX goods but climb uphill borrowing though he's leading by one that second angle is down for fastest lap of the race as one or two thirty eight six and now look Mac securities under attack once more because starts Goethals comes up to have a go at him for this money 250 stipler sick there is Freddie rats Esther he's 7 for this is 8 side-by-side Scott lost he's off the road he's back on the game now did he gain an advantage I think you've ever done but turned evolve as clear as Kevin Esther has got our head of backseat goods because that pass must have come either into the chicane or so nearly 200 sauce now they're rats detached it from the teammates member of W RTS trees behind them looking for a way by soakers dropping back ever so slight in the alleys go to turn down the hill and round the outside goes rest but is he gonna getting back on the game that's big place for him now that's down the inside here the gap is there and the curved french Dipper tries to defend it actually does defend comes out the head that was braced up on the outside line that proves that the outside line has gone to India grim Frank stupidly use that but look at the speed he's gotten the forger uphill and that's a little bit to do with the rear traction but the portraits gone again go to do the long way around the outside he's gonna get it done before they get into the second part or is he Wow is he on a mission on board or the two hardy Frank Tipler come through the gears building the visibility it's not bad there's good peripherally newsreels on the racetrack the level of water on this puddle racetrack not as bad as I thought it could've been run erased ahead of me by Molina so we've had a change for fourth place look Rene Rast is in a hurry and he's worked his way now up half the SMP racing Ferrari rats double winner of this event and now look Kevin extras on his toes as well I'm off the road number eight Tod that's the Audi Cup car Andrew Harry Otto it is a or at least on the rear wing and that's gonna be a lengthy delay Andrew Harry Anto who's a rowdy racer Lamborghini racer in Asian events and you can see he's got it rock coming out of a Rouge he's gone across it he's a pit outing for heading up the hill through Rani also car 80 off the road this might tell us how he got there because look at the background snaps away boom in the trade olives a tank slapper he lost the back of the car and over correction of course under wet track conditions the level of cohesion is nothing and that's so early in the race looks like he's gonna be a retirement that's dudes that car if you look back from the Ferrari Noel Balan his car now and he's coming under pressure from Stein's forced in the attempt Oh howdy ever-improving team ever-improving driver restarts caught horses he goes off the road a or back on again they're gonna be absolutely toe to toe here speed building speed building all the time look at this Ferrari versus outie yep all eager on the inside Scott's all stop the outsides yeah the audience coming over all Rouge wave yellow flags still so how you're gonna give us back up again well he may well have to give it back up very quickly otherwise it'll be a penalty and there is the very sorry site at garage 59 of an Aston Martin with a big big problem at all the work being done on the front right corner yeah whether that's caused by damage or whether that's caused just by another Kevin Ezra side by side was there any rust as they come out of the ball and it looks like Kevin Harris got it Donny's funny the way they get ahead Rennie rats no walk in the park when it comes to being overtaken so maybe all the work that Kevin Elster was doing by going offline onto the winter bit of the racetrack is a larger than the aged a little bit of life in those wet weather for early tars he's done it now the next target of course he's gonna be Fred McAfee he another Porsche driver rival Porsche team as the replay of Kevin s getting up be inside coming out of the core pool frat main after the great Belgian journalist and racer a prime mover in the history of the spa 24 hours so I love countless Kevin Astra thinking about where can I find a way past the ever smiling Fred McAfee key who had closed up to the rear of Elphaba Kevin Astra forces the issue runs two wheels on the ground so they come through the right-hander before you get into a nice corner window he's he's baited as you got run the outside can he do it yet again d yes he has tell you what he's a brave boy isn't he Kevin asked I'm in the 3rd place he goes talk us through this again right so he gets good drive out of poor Fred Krupp he goes the long-wear run and fairness Frank come back in pinky gave up working room unless he done it again he has a star on a spray very wet spot Frankie short circuit okay so he's up to second then for the sixth row can he get Mauro angle can he get the five-second cushion pullback before the first round of stops in the space of a lap Kevin as he's on for the race lead before the first round of pit stops come on Kevin the reason for his last act was two and a half seconds seconds 235 two three three Astra with the fastest lap that was the move on al Bamber you wait for the move again smaller angle for the race lead the way the camera is going absolutely breathtaking this is what went on a lap ago up the macomb sequence he got traverse' there in the Lamborghini came to the outside line at the Econo Fisichella Bentley on the far outside this is Martin Tom chick thinking go on go on you lean on each other I'll just nip up the inside look there's a huge gap that's all mine that is if I'm gonna have it yeah that's where the Lamborghini look or the way it rejoins the track takes two positions at all - and it will have to give those two positions back because he did it as an overtake off the racetrack gained a big advantage this is for the race lead morrow angle kevin ass toad a toad this is great to watch as Esther goes way wide approachable he's back on the road and Morrow angle gets a bit more breathing space but only about an inch or two and s right back with him under braking for the bus stop there Kevin no sir left nothing on the table now she came through plausible but it's into the pits for the race leader morrow angle never ever headed upon this race mint cream he has not been entered he's into the pit lane Kevin arrow takes over control of this race still the fastest car on the racetrack his last half of to 35.5 but that was because he was ducking and diving as he came up to this final chicane and of course then the Thea tree of the number for Mercedes into the pit lane again a fraction of time lost now let's have a look and replay what gives here up at Lacombe oh dear a big big lockup that's the team Parker Bentley going straight on and it was 51st and it was Andy Merrick at the wheel and II remember had a huge accident here last year it's great that he's been glued back together and is racing once more but that was a bit of a scare for him as their it's 60 first place back into the race is the doppelbuufo BMW that has a big big on feet in the world bad that's a huge off jump or buffer suddenly the car broke away under braking full a car Northy has gone it didn't look to be going back quickly but he certainly has made an enormous impact into the wall you can almost see that coming he'd looked up in his mirrors as he hit the braking zone for Lacombe he saw that the race leader for coming up behind him and he looked just that instant too long before he locked up lost control and you're right pounded the tyre wall now let's look at the 3y BMW again let's see if we can work out if something did break the rubber being flicked up is rubber that's already there but Bob your thoughts on this well I'm watching I believe he turns in and I think the right front suspension brakes suddenly there's tremendous camber that right front corner guess you won't be right there's the the bonnet popping up but I think that's just the air being forced through the the intakes but I think the right front suspension broke on that car or the wheel perhaps might be right because I when we first saw it on the shot I thought it was going slowly as though there was some sort of a problem and then clearly there was but but maybe we just been able to pick up the car when the driver felt he had a problem so green flag racing car after corner they come in Nick Tandy leads maxi Buick Michael Christensen whoever is in that car for Dennis Lind and off they go down into turn one the Starlight effect of the headlights tells you just how dark it's getting here at Spa so the five six three steps up the inside Brewster spent running the tradition said running behind but this is gonna be pressure Maximilian book has got the Mercedes and the Mercedes is so sweet coming through a Rouge the best balanced gt3 car probably and logically quicker through erosion the Randy on that Nick Tandy you could see the Mercedes getting up to the rear 10d having to go defensive boot goes the lamp and nothing very much he was able to do but it's the intent from textbook he's gonna give Nick Tandy what would call on the train are really good work over oh using all of the track and then some Wow what's that guy here big into the so again just well that is coming out of Paul fro current portrait we are hearing we think it might be the team Parker Bentley but that's gone off track on the agent of for free echo and backed it in beaked on the right rear of the car heavily embedded into the tower wall comes ID comes ID comes up runs wide backend starter triple o tank slapper and then it goes Wow Wow they amount of energy that was involved in that impact and out of the bus stop we go racing again Nick Tandy leads the way comes over the timing line it's one of the quirks of this race given the way that we've had the full course yellows of where people have pitted better every arm are nine nine eight has been the leading car across the first three hours of the race the drive-through penalty for the leading car best sector time under a double yellow flag a drive-through penalty for the race leading card and whether it was Nick Tandy whether it was wannabe to co-drivers doesn't matter Oh David that was bad luck so there you've got the car and it is gonna be a drive-through penalty for going too quickly in that double waved yellow situation right nine nine eight the leader gets to drive through that puts five six three Lambo in the lead and drive-through penalty four five six three Lamborghini for overtaking in the Porsche through the darkness he can do something Luca stops side by side Lucas out on the inside stops on the outside stands each ground Andrew barrer has it almost with them and so to his record leaks nose to tail the two Mercedes dive down the hill now still peoples are only ahead of them in the venture that they need alack shortly Stolz them right on the tail through they turn but Lucas our drives a wide car he's hanging on to position now what about Roberto apps can he get up past the Black Falcon Mercedes he's getting a tow he's getting the run is he gonna go to the inside he's thinking thinking thinking a flash of the lights is there room for an Audi no he's gonna have to sit behind a try game look if stalls made it abundantly clear you're not coming past me I'm gonna block you and that's why you saw a repair us on thanks Roger flashing the pack of the Mercedes saying I didn't think that was fair I'll run on you as a cleaner would take attempt and you blocked me a leap onto the front of the number 20 portrait not using the ripoff screen here but the cleaning fluid and substance and down it drops gt3rs never knew one of these curls was a fairground ride that was quite a drop and simply came off the old Ajax rather rapidly and under there we go she's ruined on the pit lane and here you've got mark up a pally rubbing up alongside capable of SRAM and being attacked also by the Daren / Mercedes that's damages are there freer and the giddy that's bodywork rubbing against the tire that'll probably cut the tower tire before he gets back to the pits here you can see smoke pouring off that left rear great site isn't it now that the lights going the lights are on the sparks come from underneath the car especially it's heavy off your great time of day yeah there's the Aston Martin in the pit lake and Bobby cook offer will give way new times hang a few love there's the sister car that's off the road 62 with rear damage that's coming out of the court Paul fryer Matt Perry behind the wheel of it oh no Matt and does this tell us what happened to man Harry it's gonna be rat Levesque isn't it Bobby's up the curb just snapped away mirror-image practically yeah [Music] - drive-through penalty for number two third place car three spam for drive-thru speeding in the pit lane talk about a resplendent art that's gonna help defeat every goal even more whoops we've got a Ferrari in the tyre wall trouble for it is the HB racing car Thomas no bear at the wheel of it that I think he's coming out Randy on but I might be wrong about that yeah it's I am wrong not for the first time it's coming into the pit path isn't it and out of pool whoa whoa big loser poor it comes ninety nine eight then this is Nick Tandy to give way will cycle through another driver change as a limo winner Nick Tandy gives way leader in Baabda video Regan on down the pit lane now so driver change I think going on as well as fuel tars it's not a full service that isn't it another change of fourteenth brace vana up ahead of Minnetonka in the Porsche Rovers 99 Porsche and he's Steven Kahne gonna be able to have a go here he's closing right up onto the back with a close blimey I was touch-and-go thankfully more going the touching but that was a closer up theme there's the akka Mercedes 88 into the pit lane Fabian Schiller will take over from fast Abril Stoltz is going to go back into the lead is Lee I believe it's Abril Haase it's got about eight more minutes on the steer yeah hospital take over the lead and then when he pitch don'ts will get the lead back off the santur lock Audi so what this is proving is that the order will shuffle each time what are the leading car pits now to go through the race obviously that long long list of shuffle is you lose the odd one because they'll have problems and then come early tomorrow morning we need to start working out who's stopping when relative to 4:30 p.m. and who's going to be the best place after that last round of pit stops right 88 is dropped a massive car as you see in the old pits almost an unsafe relief there he saw the Lally Batman wax on windshield with the sign fireworks now not only add to the atmosphere but of course the smoke there generate adds to the fall we got the spray off they're lacking further visibility of these drivers there's a great shot absolutely fireworks in the fog and rain and headlights at Spa starting to see raindrops again in the grandstand flood lights across the way yeah light but building okay so 136 it is now guts hanging on a third that angle heart though installs where does the change count there is the Lamborghini down through a pool and the changes come ankle heart goes ahead now of Gertz he's done it and Schultz is the next man a trial cannot make that move for fourth place so angle heart rather than loser places actually gained one and not only that he's getting away and there look around the outside go stops against Gertz he's off the road and back on again doesn't gain the place but thankfully doesn't go off he was up the escape road or that run off tarmac but there you go you're in the rain you're trying to find position you're trying to find where the racetrack is through the bus stop it's all constatine it hasn't it now first gear here yeah you would think that would put a real strain on the car when you would think so still only 17 hours to go what could go right over the line and pull stuff out two or three tents there he goes round the outside for ninth place there's traffic ahead going wide is the RAM racing Mercedes trot horse back up on the inside so still the attempt o car hangs on to ninth place absolutely nose-to-tail down the hill now goes one side goes the other takes to the curb just to fight that apex corrosionnow for after the trap they go again it's dark it's where headlights are on and there's an awful lot that can still happen and who better than to guide you through the night than the professor of spotting headlights good evening officer Haven now as we head into primetime good afternoon West Coast good evening East Coast good morning Australia after absolutely scorching conditions in the build-up the race is exactly as you would expect here we go you've got a battle on board 272 Carl yeah this is yes Mikkel Elysium and then we've got one of the so the rover racing Porsches come from behind gone by the Ferrari the Ferrari now goes back by him there was a bit of flashing going on there yeah well that's the Ferrari trying to flash the rover racing car go get out the way the promise all three Rover racing cars are potential race winners there's not one that's got anything other than a stellar line-up onboard so all of those cars have the potential to win the race you can see they were going up into that sauce now the moves been done but remember the grippier lies and we going to do the cutback on the Ferrari on the inside which is exactly what we've done we've done the cutback because the Porsche has gone had to go in on the tighter line go wider and it's still I can sense that Porsche is still beside there it is yeah it's beside us and it's gone past and you can tell from the line that Molina is not taking that the Porsche is still there and he knows it is because he can see in his mirrors and they're allowed to use that bit of runoff now on the top of on the second part of the aru's complex as it were so Mauro angle is the race leader in the break Mercedes rights are being done so this will be their 5-minute mandatory stop every car before the end of the 22nd hour of the race must do one pit stop that is a five minute technical stop and that allows everybody to have normal breaks get them changed and continue the race at their own speed so that helps keep the competitors cost down and helps sort of make sure that nobody can gain an advantage is by having a fatter wallet fourth place battle here there is the number 76 car Alex Lynn right behind is 9 has moved up into third position and here now is Frank slipper stipling the number 2 Audi so this is 4th in front of us fifth we were very close that was Alex Lynn who overshot the corner a little there's some sure there was contact there we tapped the Merc you in front of us just ever so slightly okay this year funny buddy contact this is third fourth and fifth and they are one second behind Mirko bortolotti and second this isn't well they were at the beginning of the lap so bortolotti is the setter lights just ahead or just behind this Merc isn't quick through the middle part of the corner I'm gonna still on the inside are we gonna get past yes we are the Marshalls doing a great job with the flashing lights yeah blue flashing lights on the side of the truck means a faster car is coming past you you been overtaken you know so that was - Lamborghini so Alex live is now ahead of Mirko bortolotti and I'm into second place in the Aston so that is maker bortolotti in front of us we're onboard now with French Dipper so bortolotti was second two laps ago and stipler was 6th and he is now up to third place behind Mirko bortolotti there's Alex Lynn knows he bought a lot she still hadn't double O 2 in the windscreen but that's wrong because it doesn't update itself until it gets the end of the lap and we've got a week to lock up there as well this is a really close battle 7 does still yeah so they've all gone by Alex Lynn so where did Lynn make the mistake whereas the Aster there's the Aston sympathy 6 so he did make a mistake so he's now being shuffled down by the Audi's he was still second but again you know you make one mistake run out wide as he did down towards pit path and suddenly they're all going buying up up the hill when a big runoff wide by nine nine nine weapons are now on we start change for position yet there's the rover racing car goes by the number two he got a good run out of a Rouge yeah and he's in the slipstream of both cars and luckily for him they both went outside in their battle left the inside line at led car meet shot straight up the inside so suddenly he'll say was all calculated but those two did make a mistake here and that was very close down in the bottom that's four eight eight so that's a spin that for our Rinaldi racing Ferrari that's pirouette Martin berry Jose Manuel Bal biani and Rory pintle ins car that's in campus isn't it and he just slithers it around lucky to be - is the car that misses him that was right in front of David Avery gone on he's out lap we're on board this is down into campus there's the Friday it's going away it's very lucky very low music first time out of the pitch was almost his last lap of the stick what's their spin from 74 and that's Darren Burke that is at starting the climber but radios another car as well hopefully there's no full course yellow all what's that contact with the - it looks like the lat the frisomat agini so it looks like the Lamborghini tagged Aaron that was a great bit of replay that triple Drive is off and that is the orange racing team Lamborghini Huracan I said poo on this is heading into yeah dang powerful campus it's the corner after the poo online yeah here we go goes out of shot and comes back in that's never a good sign is it so safety car remains out we have red right so they've given away track position and we've gone to a red flag and those are the chilling keywords red flag for weather so there is clearly more wet weather on the way and not much prospect of it trying out for a while so the race director has taken the decision to red flag everything welcome back to spa Frank Rochelle welcome back to the hotel 24 hours of spa the clock has carried on ticking there has been no running really since 5:45 this morning when the red flag came out you can see the clock ticking on down still so five hours plus still to go this is the order they're going to start in Christian angle heart will lead the way from Christian kronas in the BMW last year's winning car in second place and then thirds I dash Kanani now those three have all yet to serve their five-minute technical pit stops you can anticipate that they will drop down 72 is forth that is Mikael out the option of the wheel and that Ferrari was leading at six hours leading at 12 and could at this rate take the endurance championship here at the end of the race depending on where in fairness the next car finishes the number for Mercedes safety car is in at the end of this lap then so we are about to go racing the safety car powers away those that are in the pit they never hope they get out quick and don't go a lap down back so Christian Engelhardt will lead them away how much longer will heat stay out Christian chrome years is three and a half seconds back last year's winning driver of course for falcon horse could another surprise be on the carts here then as the field now comes through the court Paul Fred now englehardt Sprint's away tries to get the drop not on Tanya's got he's in traffic but on the back markers but Rhonda's will have to find a way through you can't overtake you'll eat till you get to the timing mind anyway an angle heart has gone and now Chronos who is fourth in the queue look has to sit and wait until you get to the time him and then he can start thinking about getting through Mirko ports and he's in the pit lane waiting to get in the car which is it now so engelhardt comes into the pit lane and anybody else bringing yes there are two the two well one of the Porsches thought about it booth thought about they stay on track mistake from Grasset Shirley picked a cream no the yellow yeah they're gonna lose more time here bad call whatever whatever so years now leads the way the BMW down to the sauce through the traffic so BMW number 34 picks up the race lead they're going through the shop of green Porsche economic team back for number 72 Ferrari here into the helping hand there certainly was but unnecessary all together that was at the chicane is before we come on to start/finish straight and there look me Audi going to the inside that's the car threatening the Ferrari now for the real race lead and now Rini race goes up the outside of Oliver Jarvis again run the outside in the chicane gets it done this time but watch there the sanest got good as I say said on performance but he's fine come back but he's on the tail of the she might try and make it a double pass on two corners they come down towards that's also rats through the back markers and now he tries to prise open the door again Sally oh yes to the inside line Ferrari goes out wider this cotton that was a notion getting into the handstand Marcin ahead Erasmus got the round down past the pits here they come rats gets into the Aston Martin which Clara's off the wall and the ocean goes back ahead harassed survives but the Aston Martin's got damage yes that could be a penalty for us because that was on a professional car be tagged as that will be considered by the stewards tape wasn't it the am Cup car of garage 59 so number 188 Chris Goodwin at the wheel of it getting collected getting tagged however you want to read it but Rene Rast wet for the move went for the gap there is the US and Martin is at the right rear Brooklyn it is it is and that he's a Leo Sheehan getting sideways and clattering into all the Jarvis of how much damage is back down to the Ferrari it's rather a lot of body work to the cat particularly run the front spoiler so that happened down in the exit of fan you're coming down into campus or the car is bailing through the pit lane so the bodywork damage there we always a damaged suspension as well as it just simply it might be this is a car that won the spirit took the bleed in the six hours and the 12 hours under fit that is a big big problem it's another carb advert effectively shoots itself in the foot Christensen's caught back up to the tail of bourbon and tries to move up the inside through the first part of lunchable thinks the wiser Robert in fact solvent but could think about maybe Mickey rivers Berman goes wide again as those Kristensen yeah Kristensen had that Sunday board control looks up the inside but has been covered by yellow Burma the Christensen's gotta go wide and try to get the better count here nah that's a better exit that Christensen potentially has got with the rear-engine over the back axle traction for the Porsche is paying a dividend that's what a drivers gonna do he's gotta think it through and he's good of dog squeeze permit coming up into the braking zone in till i sought against the job done done easy-peasy would you think about it there was a racing driver using what he's gone between bodies got brain he used his brain he worked a lot that's how you pass people Christensen and Berman both into the pits at the same time and the four is rolling so that's the hard work to get passed again battle here between angle in the Mercedes s in the Porsche and as the Porsche gone by he's on the outside line is Kevin s he's got his nose in front he brakes as they to the desert yes kevin has to go throughout the outside great move that gives in position the Porsche goes ahead Alfie Mercedes on the limit is a sideways Mauro angle but that was brave by Kevin s around the outside line on the greasy road well after the demonstration he pulled out at the beginning of this race on a win racetrack going from 12th to first what else did we expect attack here comes Kevin as the gaps coming down the gaps coming down this is for second place on the road each way he goes he gets a face full of the outside he goes into the tyres make her mother bounces off the tires he's back in the race but suddenly the whole complexion of activity of wrt has changed and how much damage will that have done he may have just got out of jail free verge on Watson because that that much damage but that could have been a huge huge problem as the damage that you see as opposed to the damage you do see and look coming into the Lincoln nikamoda the back engine starts to go into that Panjal then back the other way Kevin s was wondering which make an echo he's got the number two already on his left-hand side so that was shutting down that option bodywork damage whether the rear wing got in contact with the tower wall I do not know for Wow seven days changed walnuts change what's happened here you look is that a little bit of shuffling clever maneuvering by Nick Tandy using the Aston Martin to get track position Nick Tandy did a excellent job of working it all out and does finally find a way past up into third position Mercedes whoops from before gets it wrong on a new set of rubber Oh Morrow angle that's not on the script the nine nine eight has gone ahead yeah so there's a little bit of an interesting stage the second piece of Mercedes was controlling has now been laughs and nice or real Nick Tandy and there we go therefore these are getting the / turning into racing drivers have been cab drivers all the 23-yard ankle goes wide again exactly oh man the gloves are off and now positions being made up the number 1 has slipped through as well Rene Rast is now in that car in the Audi look yellow Berman's go to one has it gone on off my reliable tomorrow Engel never boots that were wrong to errors in the space of two laps so let's just see how Kevin Astra threads this portion alongside the ideology doesn't even know he's there Oh what is that all about well excuse me vicar it's a golf Porsche leading the pack that's got to be a safety car at least the porter it is virtually all the carbon fiber has disintegrated and that is going to bring the number nine nine eight Porsche ultimately in my opinion to the rear of the 20 Porsche once all this has been cleared away and there's a Porsche that's gonna cause this full course yellow but look the damage is gonna be barrier damaged it's car damaged here he is look wide over the kerb loses traction now and that's what Nick Foster did early on in the race Benny Simenson absolutely wraps the car [Music] for the timing line race back underway Kevin estrellita at Spa Nick Tandy is doing the chasing the rain is starting to fall as well here is time the alongside the beetle tribute washer he's gone through on the outside line he's also got fewer cars to overtake because they've gone to the pit lane the gap is nine point two seconds fourteen minutes to go and here is a replay more drama involving the dynamic Porsche 54 and boom you've got one Audi off the road that was Rast in fourth place 54 class battle that collides with the treble for Ferrari there it is from another angle so that has just eliminated the car that was in fourth place La Trappe spinning out of a shot on the right hand side last lap of the spa 24 hours and look at this sham and a long side bad desert did they touch starting the last lap ups of the sort they leaned on each other again yes jabba day is through that's the change on the last lap for fifth place warship will win the 71st running of the total 24 hours of spa for GPX racing it is gonna be a record leader Michael Kristensen and Kevin s try to win here at Spa Francorchamps it's a celebration Nick Tandy comes across a line three point three seconds back at the end of a 24-hour motor race absolutely stunning I mean a race that was punctuated by a long red flag situation that has come alive in the last couple of hours and has been to Porsche drivers who've dominated the final the race Kevin Astra stunning Drive in the 20 Porsche and really all you can say Richard Michael Christensen Richard leach the delight and the team history with the sponsor of the car there's the winning Porsche and Kevin esthe goes through the process of unplugging everything steering wheel off and he gets well plug that back in but it's doing well back in but he's absolutely overjoyed with that he's first outright 24-hour race victory for all his success Bravo Kevin an outstanding effort by the entire team well done Kevin Astra let's look at the results then as they came across the line at the end of the total 24 hours aspiring athletes the Austrian Michael Kristensen the day and Kevin s the French driver went ahead of Fred Makahiki Patrick pilet on Nick Tandy Mario angle yellow bourbon and Luca Stoltz good for the podium ahead of Marcus finger hot Fred Verde SH and Christopher Hauser in fourth more Porsche fifth spend mullah Roman Duma and Mathew Germany with six to the Honda really good after that Mario Pharma caring about the sounds are better on began I know they lost out towards the end but a top six finish for the Honda in that opposition I think is really credible Kevin Oster congratulations here in spa 24 hours and you wanted what do they feel like driving the car over in p1 ice-crazy was a crazy race really tough one we've been through all all the conditions lasting two full cocielo to safety car raining the whole time in slicks in the night's mega mega aquaplaning I mean we survived this one we had a few scratches but everything good the cow was mega thanks again to to GPX and into Porsche which gave us a mega car in all conditions and we want it on pace and that feels good we now await the winning driver's trophies in the 71st totale 24 hours of spa the winners for the GPX racing team Kevin s regard leads and Monica Tristan sir 24 our winners are engraved upon it that is something special day [Applause] McMullen a Devaney Oregon I'm Michaela Laotian leave spa clear in the lead in the endurance cut from arrow angle Yama Bowman and Lucas Dalton and third only two points back Dennis Linda market map le Anand Rao Morelli and of course the Ferrari drivers score boosted by the bonus points in this race for where you are at six hours they led 12 hours they led and at 24 hours they'd retired so but had a good haul couldn't quite get the full set the champagne is their magic PLA how's it going everybody Nick Tandy left think he what might have been that second place for him but when it mattered it was Porsche that came through as the overall winning brand the first time Porsche has won since 2010 from all of us from our Marine Charlie Pamela Anderson Dakota Jake Martin Haven John Watson Bob Barker and me David Addison thanks for your company it's been another fabulous race here at the spar 24 hours there'll be more of the same in 12 months time by bike [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 45,785
Rating: 4.9620852 out of 5
Keywords: BlancpainGT, Blancpain, GT, GT3, Endurance, Sprint, Series, Cup, Motorsports, watch, FIA, driver, sportscar, racecar, car, events, Spa, 24h, team, europe, pro-am, pro, racetrack
Id: fb133dieu9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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