FULL RACE | 2020 24 Hours of Le Mans | Hour 5 | FIA WEC

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[Music] let's hear from roberto gonzalez [Music] so he's had the bingo fuel alarm which is a whatever else you do in life do not pass the pits because you won't get round another time so you can see it on his dash there was flashing red 3.44 that's the liters remaining in the car so he's got 3.4 liters until he's running on air yep but luckily he's for him he's coming through the porsche curves and uh he'll pass this porsche round the outside flick it into the left of karting and then after the quick chicane he'll bleed into the pit lane constantin tereshenko making short work of the porsche as well and behind him closing in is phil hansen so this is now the second place car willow in also in the pits for united auto sports so the top two in lmp2 are in and so is duquesne which means as phil hanson follows him in jackie chan dc racing and the number 37 car of hope in tung will cycle back to the top of the pile because jota took the 37 car out of this pit stop cycle deliberately sort of half a stint away from their 38 jota car which we ride on board with so that they didn't constantly have the cars stacking up driver change out will get constant in tereshenko and into the number 30 duquesne car will be oh jonathan hershey i thought he'd driven already so are they they cycling around after oh and the 32s got caught there by the dragon speed car just sort of getting pulled back a little bit as paul de resta eyes i recognize very well just plugging himself into the 22. so paul deresta was the man who triumphed in hyper pole claiming the lmp2 pole for united auto sports first ever hyper pole winner in lmp2 that's a feather in anybody's cap gonzales just coming into the pits there does the jota car accelerates out interesting isn't it that jota and algarve pro racing have gone on to the goodyear tires of course next year all the lmp2 cars will run the goodyear tire i was speaking to sam hignit the uh the boss of at uh jota i think there was a slight financial benefit to it all but uh also to get a jump on the competition uh for next year exactly right and also goodyear needed teams in the competition this year so they could work on the tyre performance so that they've got a good tire for the lmp2 cars because it's a pretty brutal environment this guy look at the sky you know we're sitting in little commission box we're not seeing much of the sky but there's a lot of blue sky up there whereas there was a lot of very lead in the sky earlier on this morning talking about blue sky blue sky is certainly shining for the g drive car number 26 which is in second place michael jensen has taken over from roman rusinov and he's very quick at the moment jensen was really quick in the long runs uh in night practice the other evening and he's carried that into the race his average at the moment is a 333.3 for the six laps which is pretty much well it's the quickest so far of that particular car the only other drivers on an average around about there was your neutered in the 32 united to the young guys yeah well javan last year two years ago real sensation when he made his lemon debut very very quick young man and and quite in demand and i'm not surprised here's our race leader in lmp2 seeing a lot of them because toyota is still one two number eight car just leaving the pits after brennan hartley's most recent stop g driving second with michael jensen in the 26 car that's your lead gap in lmp2 just that little bit of tarmac there which equates to about a second and a half well it'll be a little bit less very soon third place united's will owen fourth in the jota car remains roberto gonzalez paul de rester as you pointed out alan taking over united's 22 car he's in fifth jonathan hershey was getting in at duquesne he's in sixth and julian canal also stopped for panic's racing he is in seventh in car number thirty one banson capillier remains in eighth place for graf dragon speeds timothee beret stayed out in the 21 car he's ninth and matt mcmurray moved up to 10th in the 25 algarve pro car as the second dragon speed car stopped and handed over to rengar van der zander other driver changes alex kwanye took over the cool racing 42 car jonathan kennard turns his first laps in the pale blue 17 idec sport car jacob schmikowski makes his le mans start for inter europol and those were the driver changes on half the field changed in lmp2 coming back to this battle for second place in gte pro i think this must be a slow zone or something double yo there's been contact g drive and the uh duquesne card jonathan hershey so what happens here g drive car spins hershey can't miss him yeah oh dear and right at the front of that purple car which is all the cooling that might be a really major problem for team project one which g drive car was that though that was the one that's just come out of the pit surely no i think that was yeah michael jensen no because he's six tenths behind at the moment he's only in the second sector so it's got to be a black and white flag for tinkle for abusing track limits trying to keep the car behind hey of course but that has got to be uh ryan cullen actually that spun exit of the second part of indianapolis and cool racing was it yep we said no yes yes yeah it's coming into the pitch right in front that's not a puncture that is water pouring out of the radiator of that car yeah and that is a massive problem i don't know if it's i think it is actually maybe it is if he's got away with no radiator damage he'll be doing very well 16 is in good shot ryan cullen it was in the g drive racing by al garf carr oh here we go sarah on tinknell harry's going to have to give this up if he exceeds track limits anymore trying to hold the place they'll get a drive through and that will absolutely give the place to daniel sarah don't have to give it up make him work hard but you've got to stay between the white lines i've got to say they're pretty equal huh they're pretty equal on pace what i was saying was that he needed to be forceful at the beginning to keep him behind because as you said jamie uh sarah's on the softer tire and uh the aston's on the harder tire so it's got to wait until that balance will come in which is probably into the second stint not even in this thing it'll be the second stint before the balance of performance will shift from one to the other good all the bits of body work those will all be off that porsche that wins porsche in the pit lane it was felipe fraga at the wheel of the purple car he had nowhere to go ryan cullen got into indianapolis too hot in the left-hander so color was just spun on his own yeah and felipe fraga trying to avoid the gravel on the right and the car in the road had nowhere to go so ryan cullen he was he barely made it through the right and then just had too much speed to get it squared away in the left-hander harry tingle in the yellow and green aston martin just ahead still of daniel sarah sarah will be starting to get a little frustrated now this is four or five laps he's been clearly feeling he's faster than that aston not able to get by well it doesn't appear to be water leaking which is very good news indeed for team project one well the rads are not there anymore are they i think they still on the out outer corners like they used to be not in the way they used to be i don't think no because that was really yeah that's just smoke from the tyre on the splitter i think that's good the problem for daniel serra here with the soft tyre is when you're following a car this close which is very close um continuously for lap after lap all that dirty hot air from the aston is the brakes aren't being cooled as much the engine's running hotter in turn with the front brakes running hotter with less cooling uh the tyres start to get a bit hotter you're constantly in the dirty air so you're slightly understeering a bit more perhaps from so you're just wearing out that front tire and it doesn't help him because he's in his first in on the soft tire and he might have four stints to go so um not not the best thing for for daniel here and to be fair harry's harry's doing a great job at keeping him behind and and sarah's got no options he can't take an early pit stop or anything you know time in the pits is just anathema to racing at le mans so he's just going to find a way past he's got to wait until they catch traffic and actually that might be a while yeah you know the only traffic they're going to catch that is slower than them is gte am car and one isn't enough he really needs a little bouchard to be in front of harry tignall or alternatively for an lmp2 car like the g drive car behind to come by and just be doing it at the wrong place and that g-drive car behind is our lmp2 leader mikhail jensen he's desperately trying to escape hope in tongue it's either that or is ryan cullen fresh out of the pits it is it could well be ryan cullen on an out lap jensen's taking the lead by the way yeah jensen well there's two drive cars in that shot so we're trying to square off that move before they get caught by the p2 car doesn't get away with it i think that that is cullen yeah so that's cullen in 16 26 behind at the back of the shot is uh the race leader mikel jensen who's 1.38 seconds ahead of the jackie chan dc racing car of hoping took [Music] so somehow g drive have fumbled themselves ahead of the jackie chan dc racing car well they were consistently quicker much much quicker in the stint and so it was only a matter of time when we last saw before that whole incident here at indy uh then he was only half a second behind and so he's been able to get past and pull away quite easily right is this not a slow zone is that not where the debris was now slow zone is at marshall's post 27 27's exit of our nash that's where it is that's correct but that wasn't where the crash was and where the debris was oh the debris was actually just on the street before it it spatted out along here didn't it of course so that's where the bits of porsche got thrown out and they go green as they leave the slow zone just to give you a little bit uh hoping tongue and jensen jensen's been half a second faster per lap than hoping tongue on this stint that's why he's been able to get past and pull away driver change for 33 mark patterson out so who does that cycle into the car and has fjord back has not driven it yet so i think that was the swede getting in not an entirely swedish colored helmet mind you it's not an entirely red and white helmet for knobby yamanaka either so patterson's done four stints in the car there wow what's the minimum uh driver bronze driver needs to do in the race because that must be a decent slice he's done four that's impressive start bart patterson has done a total of four stints wow in that car see that's how you that's how you use these good conditions to get your uh gentleman drivers laps in that's fantastic stuff [Music] so under fuel back silver rated mark patterson is their bronze and uh kenta yamashita in the 33 car uh big upon uh he's not in the 33 car yes he is uh kentucky master he is their platinum driver oops that's a big lockup for the chetillar racing entry andrea bellichi at the end come on he's the pro he's supposed to be better than that harry tingle still holding off daniel sarah now if alessandro pierre guidi was a bit armed flappy because they lost the lead and got stuck behind the aston how many more laps of armed flappy is he now watching his teammate having the soft tire advantage squandered by being stuck behind because of a pit stop mess up and how many seconds has he lost oh minutes well he hasn't lost minutes he's 12 seconds behind the lead at the moment so they've effectively lost uh well yeah 15 seconds or something in reality here and samper two seconds a lap quicker on that last lap yeah at the moment 12 seconds is gap between the lead in this battle second and third and this battle is between the leaders in lmp2 that g drive car is the race leader in lmp2 the yellow and black number 37 is second place in lmp2 and hoping to closing the gap actually and through between the the two of them goes the third place car in lmp1 that's gustavo menezes in the rebellion number one minute stop and go penalty for high class carnival 33 and carnival 86 remind me oh that's the golf racing porsche for speeding in the slow zone that's a big no-no because marshalls are on track in slow zones oh side by side on the outside better say this is a bit of a battle they're both at it it's quite clear that it's got a good exit yeah very very good exit now this is like ford versus porsche a few years ago isn't it and like aston martin corvette a few years ago as well that's a drag race yeah but he's on the inside now i think he's got it done and it's a case of trying to just keep him working well maybe not comes back harry's gonna lean on him using the grippy side of the track no he was on the wrong side of the circuit to do that yeah that's not what sarah needs to do though is to light up the rear wheels that'll take a little bit out of them he's got past he needs to just pull away now he spent many years as a donald development driver didn't he for donald up and obviously and uh in a michelin shot car now son of extra one pre-driver chico sarah wow look at that raced in the uk in formula four twin when we had formula ford in the uk 1977. daniel serra no chico chico trevor van ruin nigel mansell david leslie yeah [Music] and uh the the clue in why alan knows about that is his former team bottom mentor david leslie of course so he went to some of the races richard westbrook given a final warning for track abuse in the other aston martin so aston martin now down to third and fourth it's a ferrari one two who would have suggested that after hyper pole sam bird leads daniel serra by 13 seconds be interesting to watch that gap we just saw the leader as well kobayashi in the number seven toyota uh first time i've seen them for ages yep well the problem is when your miles out front and there's nearly a minute between them and again the number seven has built that lead built that lead built that lead joelgun on being warned about track abuse and into the pits yeah michael jansen and again this cycles the 37 jackie chan car back to the top of the pile now the 26 g-drive car is out of kilter with the rest of the lmp2 field and remind me why it is they had an issue of some kind did they there's a jackie chan car going by the spirit of race ferrari plunging down the hill who's in that spirit race ferrari duncan cameron is now [Music] and hope in turn leading the race as the shadows lengthen the sun is now sinking down towards the horizon and now into some more clouds oh is the uh 88 dempsey car out i think it is it is it's been lapping for the last oh in fact they've done a driver change dominic bastian is in so now thomas brining has gone out given it a bit of a wriggle and a shake it seems to be okay to me so they're putting in don bastian the oldest ever starter at lemon [Music] 74 years old 74 years young old men do not start them on so it's a hydraulic issue for the 26 g drive car so they have they haven't made any more stops than anyone else they may just have had a longer stop g-drive by algarve the number 16 car has now made 10 stops to everybody else in lmpd twos it's clearly got a fueling issue and not being able to actually pick everything up from the bottom of the tank that's right we heard about that didn't we so they're running shorter stints we heard about that earlier on they i think they'll be able to get the fuel in but the way the pumps are they'll not be dragging from the bottom so therefore they'll only get to roughly half tanks so they do seven lap stints every time yeah you know normally everybody else is doing ten so you know that just the the all-time delta of what they do on the circuit is completely obliterated by what happens in the pits algo pro's number 25 car matt mcmurray in the pit lane as we ride on board with the race leader camille kobayashi in the number seven toyota last time round 3 32 1 8 at 3 23 1 8 rather 3 23 9 0 for brendan hartley in car number eight as we've seen all weekend so far the number seven with a slight speed advantage our lmp2 leader hoping tongue is three laps behind after 73 laps completed by the race leader and look at this look at the tyre deflection there when it goes over those rumble strips inside the curb the tire almost looks like it can be ripped off the rim look at that i've got to be honest with you we put a gopro just in front of the rear wheel on the outside at one test and i watched the the footage of it in road atlanta which is a very high speed very high loaded and i didn't want to get back in the car yeah it is terrifying what the tire goes through and the loads it's going through and also how it's actually your thing keeping you to the road to the road and able to go around the corner amazing technology ignorance is a wonderful thing if you knew everything that was going on most cars you probably wouldn't get back at them chetalar in the pits andre beliki staying in and the 92 factory porsche due to stop that will be a fuel stop only for 92 race leader continues on his way kamui kobayashi 74 laps in with four hours and 19 minutes completed of the 24 hours here at le mans as you can see looks like a nice late summer evening not the sunniest of days but not bad at all toyota one two with nearly a minute between them rebellion three four and then jackie chan dc racing fifth overall leading lmp2 from the 32 united 38 jota and 26 g drive cars 22 united auto sports long time leaders they are down in fifth position now in lmp2 our gte pro leader is 27th overall and that is sam bird for af course in the 71 car ahead of daniel serra it's an a of course a ferrari one two aston martin who ran one two in the first couple of hours are now 3-4 behind them porsche's starting to climb a little bit as the temperature drops they're in fifth and seventh rather than seventh and eighth and then in the am class manu color in the 83 af a car leading there from team project once again tf sports aston martin of johnny adam nielsen's number 24 car coming slowly back up the order after early problems that's an lmp2 car way out of sync and the final car not running now and is it officially abond or euro international's number 11 car stopped under eric morris but dominic bastian is the last car running on the track 61 laps behind the leaders is the 88 dempsey proton car that was caught out early on in somebody else's accident this is francois parado getting ready to take over the 83 car there is one slow zone on track and our lmp2 leaders are going through it for our lmp to battle for fourth place going through it let's hear now from michael jensen in the g drive car you're looking at [Music] nice and early there car behind this director copy that but my brakes are shot just you know just saying now he got the jump on him though he did at the end of the slow zone uh sorry just going back four and a half hours and he sees his brakes a shot that's not normal he's been pushing though hasn't he yeah but you know in in theory you should be able to do the race without a break change yeah he should he may not have exactly used the words r shot but he did have a break whinge which as you say is less than ideal sub-optimal i believe is the technical term for that on board looking back at paul diresta looking relaxed yeah well you have to don't you you look at these drivers if they're not relaxed if they're having a flat then something very major is going on and that's not usually good oh a floppy yeah that's a floppy now half of that disappears into a slot in the ground and the other half stays out to alert drivers to where they shouldn't be driver changing number three rebellion le monde winner 2020 louis delatraz a rookie at le mans i'll explain in a moment makes his or exits the pit for his first ever real life lap of lemon in a race he won the virtual amal back in june for williams esports alex brundle spots himself on the telly and immediately flicks over to corey so louis delatraz in the fourth place rebellion could make history and be the first man to win lemon twice in the same calendar year the only man to have won it up only three men to have won it twice in the same season were the drivers of the number eight toyota and that was sebastian buemi kazuki nakajima and fernando alonso because they won it both at the beginning and the end of the super season look through that windscreen that's after five laps from being clean in the pits and that just will get worse because now the sun's coming down any midges and flies that are out will be or mosquitoes will be you know starting to come up it's mainly on the mull signs straight between the trees there's a couple of little lakes and ponds and things on the right hand side but uh that's what the driver is looking through and then you get some rubber and oil onto it as well which obviously doesn't help for your night vision it's quite because it's thundery there were thunderflies around earlier so there's lots it's sort of buggy good buggy temperature weather isn't it and uh they they i noticed in one of the pit stops earlier i counted them actually there was 10 tear-offs on that windscreen so they tend to just clean the windscreen for the first sort of few hours of the race and then once that sun starts to get which it is now you'll see at the next few pit stops that they just rip a tear off off and the other thing that really diffuses the light in in front of you and causes the little stars is if it gets peppered by stones if somebody kicks up gravel in front of you then tear off definitely off there yeah but the problem is it dents the tear offs behind it as well and so you you know in that respect you've actually got a tear off strategy in terms of how you run them through the course of the race and so stones you were talking about perfect all same for the lights of course as well no different for the lights they get peppered with everything and flies of course and uh they rip off a little mini little tear off on the lights as well later on [Music] of course the strategy for the lights is different they've just used at night [Music] foreign alan you parliamentar franklin it's coin here that's in the car who's the amateur and there basically is also a little bit of guidance where he can try to improve where things are and you know that's one of the things about this category is it's also about coaching of the driver as well and there's active coaching going on by the good engineers but that also happens we heard that as well um even for you know all drivers in that respect it's quite nice when you're in the car if you've been in it for a little while to actually have some feedback for the job you're doing as well because it you know often engineers forget the drivers are human and uh you do need a little bit of encouragement or just even a note that you're you're in the ballpark in what you're doing or do you need to try to work on it and particularly when you're not in a close battle with somebody when you're just on your own some distance from the car in front in time and and from the car behind keep it up you're doing well tar strategy is good and we used to hear that so often on on the audi radio didn't we with with h and with lena just yeah you're doing a great job now just keep it going we're going to have the tires ready for the next in to your the fuel economy is ready look through a visor which is a very narrow view of what's happening which is only the view ahead of them they don't see the overall race picture clearly and so in that respect you do need to give a little bit of advice but at the same time the driver needs to understand he can only see his narrow view and that's sometimes where you do get some interesting radio messages now interesting when we saw the top speeds from the four different classes highest top speed in gte pro and am both coming from ferraris the uh af courser car of chancala fiscaler fastest in the am class and the a of course the car i think of uh the 51 car fastest in the pro class right now one two in gte pro and more bad news coming porsche is where i'm afraid the 92 car has stopped again lawrence van tor was in the pit's last lap for fuel has come back in reporting a power steering issue now you get power steering issues at certain corners generally through here like into indianapolis because it's very high speed a lot of load especially if it's an electronic one and it goes into saturation mode but it can't take anymore and it just locks up the thing is that they are the whole geometry of the car is designed for power steering so then when it does drop it is basically impossible to manhandle it around but if it's more than just those peak points then uh obviously it's a much much bigger issue here is louis delatraz then son of former grand prix driver and long-time gt racer sean denis de la travis getting a long way around the outside of johnny moelem in the red river sport car this car lying in fourth place in lmp1 and as we said lou de la tras a le mans rookie and also a lemon winner already this year won the virtual demand and makes his real world le mans start gotta say i was very impressed with him actually in practice he was extremely quick he was on a fantastic lap that got caught with traffic or he would have been in and around where gustavo menezes was able to achieve and gustavo said the car was fantastic really good to drive yesterday in in qualifying especially in the hyper pole and so you know to to see young speed coming through and especially personal point because i raced against his father and i've got to say that the lad is he is quick gustavo menezes just talking about there in the rebellion coming around the outside he's another one that uh i think's extracting the maximum mode of whatever that car can do at this moment rebellion absolutely are pedaled to the metal there's there's no option here anything other than a podium finish will be a very big disappointment for them and they just got to keep the pressure on just keep grinding round relentlessly and see whether both toyotas have got the efficiency and the reliability to make it through to the end a toyota ts050 is several seasons in isn't it and it's very very well polished it's definitely no diamond in the rough it is a hugely refined machine but things happen in life and at le mans things really happen and toyota perhaps above anybody else know all about that yeah but you've got to be in a position normally where you're under pressure and the pressure that toyota's under is actually from their sister car yep and they enter team battle as opposed to necessarily from rebellion at this moment in time so they've got to be clever from a team point of view in terms of how they play it which is a very difficult thing because you know it's like having two children playing tennis and i suppose the williams sisters are the the perfect example being you know parents who wins you don't really care which one wins but you know somebody's going to be not very happy when it gets to the dinner table at night exactly right cool racing car coming under pressure here and this is alexander kwanye with ryan cullen behind in battle for 14th place in lmp2 as you see and actually incidentally while we're on board there with the uh rebellion we went past the number 24 nielsen racing car garrett grist at the wheel that car damaged in an accident not of its own making early on and is climbing back up the order it's 23rd in lmp2 but a long way down the order 38th overall here comes cullen shooting down the inside and alex kwang he knew the game was up there ryan cullen with the slipstream just a few more kilometers an hour down the straight in a straight line columns responded very well he hit that spin at indianapolis at the collision 97 into the pits that was in second place comes in i don't think it'll be a tire change drink spots will change but a clean of the screen fuel in i'll come back to the cullen comments after this pit stop 91 porsche also stopping fred makaviki has just left the pits after fuel only so remains on the same tyres davide regan also stopping from third place in the air of course a ferrari that's dropped down to fourth in gt pro aston martin now second and third harry tingle is in the pits and richard westbrook moves up to second so aston martin's still very much in the hunt with ferrari and a lot of racing to go but the 92 porsche gt the factory car of lawrencevantor last in gte pro and has now lost two or three laps on the leaders in that category just coming back to ryan cullen after a driver has an off and jamie knows this extremely well you've got to compose yourself extremely quickly he came back into the bits back out and his speed and laps since he came back out he's done another stint since then has been actually very good and that's something for me that's an important thing especially around here because things do happen but you've got to compose yourself very well and not let that lost time make you try to gain it up again because you can't once it's gone it's gone you've got to reset and go again this is senior tale galping just saw a driver change that was pierre ragg handing back to andre negrow don't think thomas laurent has driven the car yet the last world endurance race that he was in a spa had a a touch at uh high speed with the racing team netherlands car wrote the chassis off he's done two stints in the car the grouse started with a double thomas leron with a double sorry triple stint apparently and then pierre ragged with the double okay all right so we missed watching him they've been coming up the order so we haven't seen a lot of them andre mcgraw ahead of nick defrees they are 20th and 21st for racing team netherlands both cars should have been right at the top of the pile ego perfetti in the mentos porsche chasing johnny adam in that red tf sport aston and in front is the delayed project one car which now has ben keating at the wheel the texan car dealer is at the wheel of that 57 car a regular full season entry and of course ben keating brought those purple wins colors to lemon last year on a privately entered ford gt so far the only race before gt is done in non-factory hands they finished well they finished on the podium did they and then they got old little touch there between the dragon speed car and the duquesne engineering car was that for position it wasn't that was jonathan hershey in the duquesne car number 30 and which of the dragon speed cars it was 27 of ranger van der zander so this is a battle for a third harry tinkles back out now it's a 71 behind in fourth place david gone sam bert did a double stint and now they've had a driver changed to regard looking at the aston's times though through that stint it got quicker and quicker and so the averages were not very good at the beginning but then he speeded up so those tires are sort of giving them some stability but behind i think he's got a a soft tire davide regan who will be quite keen not to be sitting behind him in the same way that sarah had to do someone else that's doing a great job actually at the moment is michael jensen in the g drive car he's managed to pull out a two point four three second gap over paul deresta let's not forget paul is a mightily experienced racing driver dtm formula one and a rate in nfia work and there we have daniel serra into the pits he was the effective leader because of the various pitch stop points of his teammate specifically who had the driver change and now you see those cars coming through and so this is the battle for the lead whether sarah can get out of the pits before tingle gets through tinkle gonna be overtaken round the outside by the now nick defreesits in the recovering 29 uh the jumbo lmp2 car i think that five tenths of a second ebbs and flows between five tenths and about one-tenth and we've just seen richard westbrook and the sister aston martin 95 in pit lane as well coming in so two ferraris in the pit lane the other sorry the aston martin ferrari battle in pit lane and aston martin ferrari battle over the start finishing line for at the moment now concern over oh it's elite so now he's gone from third up into i think first so that should be tinkling to the lead of the race again now was that a particularly slow stop from a of course in comparison to aston it was driver change and i think tires yeah whereas with think though they they did that at the previous stop so therefore it's a bit of a pit stop cycles looks like aston are one stop out relative to ferrari on that and the ferraris are we assume both cars are on soft tires where the aston martin we assume is still on the medium we do get that information on our timing screen sometimes uh yeah so we should be able to see at some point who has uh what tires it's uh they've got old tires have got like a barcode in them and as they come out the pits then there's two cones they have to drive through and that automatically gives the information whether those tires or tires are allocated to that car within the allocation because they have maximum tire number allocations and then it allows us on occasions to see what they've got clearly the teams don't want to give that information because if it comes to us it goes to the opposition but that's part of the game this is the battle for first which is another game and the leader in lmp2 in the pit lane right now as well will owen has brought his united all sports 32 into the pits a little bit of concern for the battle in gtam for me uh eduardo perfetti uh diego perfetti sorry under investigation for his uh conduct in the last slow zone uh so whilst there is uh although sorry was 7.5 seconds uh between them uh that may well be a penalty for 56 if he is just judged to not have done it correctly good run from the ferrari out of the chicane right under the rear wing of harry tingle and the aston martin and davina regan trying to line him up as you go into the mall sand but harry tinkle covering the inside line it goes right here and he is on the right hand side he will want if he can to sweep to the left-hand side to straighten that breaking zone into mulsanne he does so and covers david off for the moment he did the ferrari actually is very very good in the chicane now that is a little bit i think tire grip and uh that was where tickle got overtaken by sarah was coming out of that corner and he gave it up quite early the last time clearly he's not too keen on giving up the lead this time if he can keep those ferraris back at this stage then later on in this thing it's going to give him a big advantage if he can't it's about basically trying to protect as much as you can but right now he's got to try to just think long game of keep them back as much as it can but without risking too much and confirmation on the uh graphics just a second ago that there is a difference in tires with mediums and softs being used in this battle different uh engines isn't it uh ferrari very much a mid-engine car aston front engine and maybe the ferrari is just a little bit kinder to its tyres and they've gone to the softs slightly earlier or they didn't make the mediums work is the other thing because sometimes you can actually have one compound of tyre that you can make work really well and someone else can't and vice versa and it just gives the driver the confidence to to attack the racetrack but uh great battle isn't it i mean these these guys harry before this daniel's before that uh a great battle now for the last hour between these two 1959 was it uh roy salvadori in the aston and uh i can't remember who in the ferrari 250 was it and i wasn't around i didn't come to the race don't you so 56 has got a one minute stop and go penalty for speeding in that slow zone yeah so diego perfetti i mean he was within shooting distance of johnny adam but it indeed had him with much greater pace and the gap's already out at 10 seconds so now he's going to drop well down in the um uh battle and hand second in class to tom blogfest right now who had her miserable qualifying session right at the tail end of the field for hub auto but right now we'll be running p2 after that stop go into the pits for the eight car the toyota comes in for a service brendan hartley aboard that car for a few moments we saw the two toyotas running close on track but they are on different strategies after a puncture early on brendan gets a sip of water from a water bottle handed to him by a mechanic the fuel goes in there are no tires there is not another driver so once that fuel is full brendan can take the eight car back onto circuit look how the head is thrown back into the seat the acceleration of these hybrid uh machines that only leave the pits under hybrid power just unbelievable the torque that they produce and you can see that the way that brenda's head was just thrown back yeah ben it's instantaneous torque oh and tingles like lost the rear there so that's now that's exactly it just whether he hasn't got the power down and uh he's now dropped down into second got a bit of slide aston martin a bit of sight drifting but ultimately i think this is going to go in the direction of the ferrari side by side they've gone through the first chicane now the second chicane hooks to the left-hand side first so that should be advantage ferrari the ferrari wants to get as far across the hand side as possible kind of forces harry off the road a little bit there and claims the racing line into chicane too and all the more daniel serra is being drawn into this battle as we also have an mp2 trying to thread its way through i'm not sure i'll be too happy about that because that was in the breaking area moving across and he wasn't completely in front you know it was certainly on the limit robust shall we say johnny adam in fuel only for the tf sport the leading gtm car and here's a replay again he's moving across but he's definitely and he's forcing the issue but it's this point here where he's actually right it like i say it's on the limit but uh i would suggest that this is a very long race and david won at some point that'll come back and now harry is suddenly having to look well in his mirrors as well as looking to attack regan he has sarah behind a great little battle forming by the way 30 seconds behind this is richard westbrook in the aston martin 95 car the first of our porsches is another well nearly two minutes back from that i'm just looking why that is and there was two stints that uh really stood out maxie martin took a good second and a half out of sorensen on one stint per lap and the other one is tinkle took another eight tenths out of richard westbrook on that lap so the last two stints have not been good for that number uh 95 car yellow flags at arnage but uh only for a few moments time the flag was on the exit and now it's been moved to the entry 35 looks to have stopped there uh the yeah there it is in the gravel trap that will be a local slow zone i think that's beached no damage just needs to pull back out looks like it's on the is it on the left hand side on the exit of ours yeah turn the exit he's locked up coming in we had concerns over how fast yamanaka would be in that eurasia motorsport car a culmination of four years of work and so many of our gentlemen drivers have a tick on their dream to compete here at le mans but uh ultimately for the moment ending in probably what will apparently become quite a clumsy off oh and uh there we've got a battle now for second so it looks like the aston's dropped down to third two ferrari one two [Music] it's all about rhythm isn't it and uh just being unsettled there just losing the rear end of the first chicane has really kind of rustled harry's rhythm and now look at the distance between him and david regan for lap after lap they've been running together and now the gap down to two and a half seconds worryingly kind of looks how fast the ferraris were and he did a good job to keep them behind as long as he did let's welcome back into the box uh a change in our team um jamie campbell walter going off for a well-earned break and from the blimp oh good year is missed a good win my tweet was rubbish by the way i didn't see that uh but uh yeah sorry uh amazing um amazing i better not start talking about it otherwise i'll forget to talk about the race but thank you very much goodyear that was a quite astonishing experience did you go up i did absolutely amazing where do you think he's been for the last two and a half hours to be honest i didn't know so yamanaka in the gravel we uh got a quick shot by the way in the garage there of his good friend and the man has been handling his uh driving opportunities here russia foshida ex-president of dome of course and actually one time four and one driver and the mackie back in the 70s slows out to protect the recovery side that's onage yeah the slow zones it's quite interesting how it they really do make sure it's a long way before the trouble zone this slow zone starts before mulsanne the crash or the incident we should say is at arnage there's got to be a good two and a half three kilometers between the two there could well be that uh they're also taking the opportunity to do some more clear up uh if there's a little bit of debris or floppy that's been dislodged it could well be that that's in the mix as well especially at molson there's plenty of floppies to dislodge indeed this is a team that's not enjoying their le mans so much at the moment the uh porsche team gt pro kilf racing though going strongly ben barker bringing the 86 car in had a penalty earlier on yeah that's where graham was a few hours ago if you look carefully john top are born at the moment with gerard devoe and it was absolutely amazing it's so stable so quiet but the view is amazing if ever you get the opportunity which i've had and you've not out um one thing you could have done that allen hasn't it's probably one thing the only thing i'm fighting the heights no don't start down that road [Music] isn't it that when you're in something like that you don't realize that you're high up because you're just on a very you're standing on a stable platform it's really stable i mean there's a there's a uh one of our tv camera operators in the uh the airship i'm gonna chat with him there you go there's the 35 being lifted clear no damage at all to the front end of that car so it hasn't made contact so look if they're lucky it might just be a matter of lifting it out of the gravel trap and getting that car back [Music] but rather more woke from the 92 porsche yes now martin i think we're reported on why that car was in the pits but i don't remember exactly what he says so i think we need to get our pit reporter hayley down to porsche and find out exactly the reason for so much of it being taken apart as an issue with power steering i'm being told nice little montage of some of our heroes of le mans i've seen a couple of uh of messages that we focus too much on the cars and not enough on the humans so uh there is a little human montage of these uh some courageous some super fast some achieving a dream here at le mans some will race only here one time and tick that box others will become legends of the sport as we have in our commentary box today what pizza's on break oh that's true we've got peter coming back with us soon yes he's got to finish his coffee we've got legends corner actually it [Music] we're not far away from getting some glowing orange sky i wouldn't have thought there's quite a lot of cloud around but it's wispy and i'm kind of keeping my fingers crossed for a nice sunset um i think it's every chance there's not a lot of cloud around a bit of concern if you do go on radars as to the fact that there are a lot of thunder clouds uh to the south of us it's about two and a half hours south where they are it's actually where i spent the night before coming here to le mans and confirmation that there is horrible weather down there but the front is traveling very slowly because there's another front pushing it south so it's traveling north there's another front pushing itself and therefore i don't know the forecast for here is no rain until about six in the morning at the moment if you look on one website well it's got a different one that says a different thing it's certainly been quick so far that's lit uh so there you go that says yamanaka and running good that's good news take the car into the pits give it a bit of a clean make sure there's no gravel in any of the ducks or around the discs and he can continue and it's dance time in toyota total's got talent toyota's got talent brilliant this is a traditional thing that japanese do isn't it before the day before they go to work the women get together and they dance it's it's i think it's a team thing it's a fitness thing it's uh it's it's basically just get the blood flowing [Music] let's get down to hayley uh who is in the pit lane with us and uh graham was reporting an issue with the power steering of the 92 is that correct haley hayley you are on it i am can you hear me yes i can perfect so yeah well graham's absolutely right there's a steering issue i just spoke to alex stirling he's head of operation with that it is fixable he has no idea when there'll be a roughly the beer coming out but it's fixable which is the good news so they will be um heading back out again yeah but for the uh for the opportunity to take victory that's pretty much gone now losing so much time uh what are they five or six laps off the back of the pro field that's another of our defending champions that uh look like they're not going to be in the hunt for a podium finish seeing the captain alpine having trouble early on on a run for a third win here sorry gentlemen i think we can take out all the maybes and possibilities of not being in they are not in with any chance of being anywhere near the podium unless when they're passing past the checkered flag and look up and see it on the right-hand side but they're not going to be standing on it this particular year unfortunately any problem like this in those two categories especially is just impossible because the depth and the quality is so good that you just can't recover from it yep i'm very surprised to see so much investigation into every single slow zone that we have is that i think it's i think it's standard yeah the same with the start you always see something pop up that says start under investigation it's not because there's any suspicion there's an issue as we get a very busy run six cars seven cars into play here and up the inside all almost collecting the rear end of the jota car was the racing team netherlands it looks like the start of the race there's no there's hardly any cars on the mall stand straight and they've all found themselves on the first sector of the lap there's a toyota trying to get through there as well there's lmp two cars in there gtm and gt pros all with different levels of talent pull the wrestlers in there and with roberto gonzalez as well and then this ferrari 54 really getting in the way as they go through tetros and finally there's a bit of straight to sort themselves out but that got very frenetic that's nick devries just trying to get back claw back some of the deficit came with the came with the troubles they had with cooling early on in the 29 car toyota moving to the left-hand side of gonzalez in that jota car up ahead and you saw him just being nudged out onto the dirt that's the sort of place where you can easily pick up a puncture and so you've got to be very careful it's not ideal to be doing that especially when you've got a 30 second gap over your teammate [Music] still some sorting out to do with this uh 54 car uh cayenne of the cork in the bottle it's uh thomas fleur aboard that car right now but it still really does look right rush hour coming out of le mans for sunday 15 cars in that group rebellion trying to carve its way through as well that looks like something that's been set up for a hollywood movie it's staggering isn't it i know we they're all there there's a huge queue with you should them see that is not one car from indianapolis all the way through to the middle of porsche and we've got everybody cracked on the straight and the marshals frantically waving their blue flags for pretty much anyone and everyone in there [Music] does look good as we're getting into the twilight hours here at le mans going to get sun down in approximately an hour's time and then we'll be into the night and for the majority of those drivers that have got those teams that have got drivers with limited experience they'll look to try to get a couple of hours with their least experienced driver in the day because there's so much night possibilities 56 seriously again a diego perfetti with a one minute penalty from the last slow zone and now it looks like he's been overtaking under yellows again in the slow zone but uh as we mentioned yesterday once you do something naughty eduardo doesn't forget and so he keeps another an extra eye on you doesn't he oh no absolutely but frenetic stuff at the moment have i i believe you've mentioned the return to action of the number 88 car well we got kind of confused by that actually it's back out there which means we have a record we can talk about very shortly we're going to go on board though with the number 38 car from judge's sports [Music] we are slow on the straights pretty much the same complaint that united had earlier run in the race absolutely they're battling with united this is uh roberto gonzalez versus paul deresta um good effort from gonzalez to keep with paul de resta in the first place absolutely going back to the point uh where before we heard from roberta gonzalez with the 88 back now on track and with the driver aboard we have a new record set at the le mans 24 hours congratulations to 74 year olds don bastian who support that car and now becomes the oldest ever starter at this great race by some distance by something like six years [Music] it was a great effort from thomas brenning to kind of engineer his way back into the race having made contact with the wall on the outside of the first corner so he drove it back did he took a long time and it got me confused and we thought it was somebody else but then eventually three wheels on his wagon got it back to the pits bit more work done and now they're back out absolutely astonishing effort from thomas planning just coming back to one point you mentioned as we see the two ferraris first and second bouncing through the four chicane davide gone now chasing his teammate and we're talking about the weather i've got it raining and chances of rain from 10 11 o'clock onwards until about four by the le mans weather forecasting okay so it's the meteor france a bit more local yep wow well we're gonna see aren't we well it had rain last night and it was correct yeah and it was as i recall our conversation this morning it was absolutely bengal almost almost the minute uh the rain arriving rain getting heavy at rain leaving us this morning glorious evening now though and if it does come it will come from the south so it will come and hit mulsanne first if that fall if that front is not held back by the other front that's pushing itself the fight there's a battle going on between different fronts that uh another race to keep an eye on confirmation by the way from hayley down the pits the number 33 high-class racing car uh car that was up in the lead battle with kenta yamashita in the early part of the race is in the pit garage with gearbox issues and has dropped to the bottom of the lmb2 field at the moment [Music] some sexy slo-mo's from our director it's that time of the evening and it's it's the time of the evening at le mans where everything just becomes beautiful the gravel is becoming more orange the the sun is getting low in the sky it's not something that drivers particularly like when that sun gets into their eyes but the sun is out i mean shouldn't it be over here oh it is there it's it's uh behind our timing screens in our commentary box a little bit of light cloud just stopping it from being too strong but certainly coloring the sky right now for the next 45 minutes or so before it drops behind the horizon and we are plunged into a tricky night is forecast for sure but look at the shadows long shadows over at indianapolis and onage
Channel: FIA World Endurance Championship
Views: 11,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aMWYvuA1bvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 15sec (3615 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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