TOTAL 24 HOURS OF SPA 2020 - Extended Highlights

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[Music] [Music] this weekend we're at spa frankfurt for gt3 ratings blue ribbon event the total 24 hours of spa it is one of the strongest entries in the history of the race and there is a fascinating 24 hours in prospect with extra nighttime running audi comes here as ever with a very strong lineup indeed wrt has one car being driven by dries van poor christopher meese and kelvin van der linde number 31 and that is certainly a potential winner but as ever with audi there is strength in numbers 31 though has got to be my favorite car dress van tour looking for a home it's a nice feeling of course to be the spring champion now but despite something very special so it's it's something which have not always been nice to me the last three years so hopefully now we can do it good of course it would have been nice to drive with the lineup that was normally planned but unfortunately it has changed and i'm happy where i am now as well we have some work to do but i think we will be there on sunday afternoon you can never rule out mercedes especially the akka asp cart with rafaeli martiello behind the wheel of it especially as that was mighty in qualifying but porsche has come here with also like audi strength in numbers and last year's winners are reunited now for kcmg rickard leads michael christensen and kevin est looking for back-to-back victories advice magic every corner is cool we've done a good job last year we kept out of trouble and we were fast so so we're able to win but this year is a new story is another team we kept the driver lineup which is important we know each other very well our confidence is high we we know that we can do it but uh there are definitely a lot of competitors here which want to steal us this trophy not one but two vancouver's on the grid this weekend back into european racing comes porsche factory driver lawrence van poor at the wheel of this rover racing porsche entry he's glad to be racing on home soil he's after a race win since i think four years i'm mainly racing in america so uh people tend to forget me around here so it's good that at least once a year come back and race from the home crown you would say normally and spa is always a very very big race in the year so it's always a joy to come back here it's a bit different you know coming into a race without really knowing all the details about the team and the car but that's a good team they do a good job with a good lineup so i hope we can give them a run for their money last year there was barely a title that andrea calderelli and the orange one fff racing team didn't sweep before it this year has been different it's been a tough start to the season for the team but can caldera come out on top this weekend it's definitely my favorite race of the year it's always so special this year it's it's bit different without the spectators but still it's a it's a very special race it's 24 hours 12 hours in the night so it's going to be very challenging this year as well i think we have a very strong car for the race we are not really focused on qualifying but mostly on the race spa is a fabulous lap you have that run down through a rouge to climb up radio speed building all the time the road still climbs as you get up towards likkom over the brown drop down to brazil keep dropping downhill through speaker's corner and the long looping left of pull on to the pitch path down past the college back up through blanchimo and stand on the brakes at the bus stop wriggle your way through and then there's the lasso's hairpin it's a great place to watch gt3 racing day and night [Music] welcome everybody to the total 24 hours of spa welcome not only to the gt world challenge europe powered by aws endurance cup but also to the intercontinental gt challenge powered by pirelli because we make up a round of that championship as well the grid is an extraordinarily strong one this promises and i say it every year but it is absolutely true it promises to be a fascinating race but it feels all a bit strange it must be said because we are doing this event without of course the usual vast crowd that we get and the great enthusiasm that we normally have from fans here david addison and john watson with you for the first element of the race look at that magnificent trophy how many wonderful names of teams and drivers are on that stefan ratel looks at the trophy looks at those names that john has just mentioned this is the grid for the total 24 hours of spa picking a winner is well not impossible but john it's time to hold all of your hats because we're set for effectively a 24-hour sprint well we've got 24 one-hour sprint races in spite of 12 of those hours playing in total darkness and the remaining in a sort of a grayish light around the racetrack i couldn't even predict who's going to win this race but ask me after one lap i probably have a better idea don't forget for the championships as well points are rewarded at the six hour mark and at the 12 hour mark out of 18 at obviously 24 but 6 and 12 if you like individual races within races to see what you can do for points at those stages and you try and go well there before you have your so-called mechanical pit stop the five-minute pit stop everybody must take to do discs and pads because uh if you take that before those periods you're gonna drop down the order and you're gonna be out of the hunt for points we're ready to go racing then they come up towards the source they will round the hairpin plunge downhill cw moses from aws is the man with the flag he will officially get the race underway so right now it is up to rafaeli martial christopher meese the front row drivers to control the pace here they have to be in a line they can't fan out across the road one of the things we've seen over the last years is penalties given to drivers for moving left or right away from their grid markers as it were only when the race gets underway can you dive out can you start to try to gain full position here we go the 2020 total 24 hours of spa is about to get underway mercedes aldi on the front row off the grid cw moses from aws shows the flag we go racing roughly much yellow he did the lead but is he going to hang on to it yes he is and they power up hill seconds slotting him behind him ease the car poor through rouge for the first time now the climb up hill so far so good everybody being respectful of the track respect of one another has 56 gt3 cars are about to descend on lincoln it is rafael martial for mercedes who's in the lead job yes christopher beast made a challenge going on the winning porsche driver lineup it was diving down the inside to try and make up a position you can at the end of the race print off the laptop if you so care but there's going to be so many shuffles corner by corner left by lap throughout this gt3 balancer performance means that everybody is pretty evenly matched out of all of this so this is effectively a wide open race look back for the mclaren it is in midfield the car being started by ron bell the traffic jam falls downhill now into the pit back for the first time and rafaeli martial is just eeking out a modest advantage isn't it he's just creeping away by a couple of legs as they're diving up the inside he's mentally number three that is jordan pepper on his toes is he gonna gain a place he's alongside the mercedes is he gonna come out ahead there absolutely side by side but he's done it that was brave stuff by the bentley yes i mean george pepper needed to make as much progress you can do so on an opening lap of a race but you've got to be cautious because the car that you're going around the outside may not have a clue that you're there and then there's a danger of getting sideswiped for jordan pepper made a good clean pass made it stick he's making progress and he will want to continue doing so but it will get more difficult the further he gets up through the field the less opportunities he will be fine being offered up to him i'm getting worried already about the team parker racing bentley because he's not been shown as having done a first set to time it might be a transformer glitch but there's hope he's nothing more serious [Music] side further back as 54 the dynamic porsche gets run out one that was fed fuller and he's going to lose that i think to the audi as they plunge downhill brilliant first lap about it by six tenths of a second and now he's gonna try and build on that look at the top of the screen there he is in stride he gets it all wrong bouncing over the kerb boom the barrier back yeah he didn't got two by the speaker's corner he didn't get back onto the track he caught the edge of the grass which i think was the reason why the car suddenly rotated and around schumer out wide there 54 porsche the dynamic entry he's going to lose a baseball careful number 34 bmw if i got so far bus goes through look at this scrub as they come down down towards the french diploma miguel bollinger is behind then you've got the porsche svetler diving back through monitor goes sideways fantastic racing this is lap 12 only a mere 23 and a half hours to go john saying he's got the wife has a big big wall coming down off he goes yeah then the track is now fractionally wetter than it was previously caramel is going to try and get past but look that's likewise but he's in the wrong side of the racetrack can't go the long way right he has he's taken over the third spot brilliant round the outside find a bit more grit has he come out ahead almost almost almost yes mattie and rudy has done it that was brave stuff it was a good save as well by christopher me support wasn't it yeah but christopher by almost losing his heart he set up that opportunity for trudy that compromised back up angle in the mercedes trudy's sword and then he just made bruce now he's going to try and get past the sister car of christopher obis he's got the momentum up the hill he's got the track position off the hill he's taken away second place mattia trudy is flying he's up in a second spot then i'm not only that look at the gap he's pulled straight away meese is the one really seems to be struggling with the conditions angle around the outside down to the bus stop what is happening suddenly for audi 31 and where's engel [Music] and that's giving christopher means the opportunity to get back so i'm not meet who was the one that was losing out on that lap all of a sudden has managed to get but the biggest loser of all sadly sadly this is three three cards one and the source they already in the middle the meat and the i don't know running out of expletives here look at the porsche coming down the inside now sir unbelievable where does he get away who is gonna break latest ankle goes back ahead of priming big twitch michael christmas porsche is there and then you've got christopher mees who is desperately trying to salvage something out of all of this and i think dennis lin is the one at the back of the pack yes look at the lamborghini jenny solid he's got a portrait he has to hit the brakes michael christensen is in the way christopher peace is over there borrowing his back part of the race track he wants up to like they come wonderful racing so the battle rages on for second place and we'll just see dennis lynn gets second i was about to say we'll find out more about the matter danny's goes through to second place he's worked hard for that right tick job done he's through there's morrow angle through in the fourth place and now look neither house has got stuck in the trapping it's the sky 10 peso ferrari jonathan we will try to get out of the way let them go into the bus stop now morrow angle dives up the inside of peter hauser in traffic goes through goes deep goes wide goes off goes down two places back past him goes nita hauser up and past him goes thomas printing so one up two back for maro angle that was opportunistic in the traffic but he just could not get the castle though down in time so now niederhauser has new opposition to try to defend thomas brining is the man right up behind him but that was great idealism by anger he knew exactly what he had to try to do but it didn't work and we're being given a drive through penalty for number 21 alexander imperator is kcmg porsche for causing a collision with number 84 phil ellis's mercedes you're on board with rickard beats and he's the one now right up with marlo angle who's finding himself dropping down the order not gaining places taking a look at the replay jonathan quinn trying to keep out of the way up the inside rather than the outside this time goes the orange mercedes but no chance do we feel some bit of rain in the air i think there is i think that actually was even uh moisture coming up off the curving so it has been maybe falling through at the last lap or so but you got to try tomorrow angle certainly tried kevin ester now he is getting very very busy indeed all over the tail of another porsche it's matt campbell who's also just taken over the porsche in front of him it's gpx racing leading from acmg now threatening that cable up the inside and blue cell so stable enough dodge tries to on the inside and that's always a corner where you can find again kevin airstrike using the racing brain gets up alongside campbell down the hill into pool but to concede and that was all because he got him slightly wrong in brussels put himself on the wrong foot kevin astra didn't have to be asked twice to take that position away he's done so he's up tonight after the inside can the porsche do the switch matt campbell can he get away around the medford oh no well there is the idea there is the porsche down the hill gets sir no he hasn't quite does he got it does he got it almost side by side he did take it away rabies did the wise thing he backed up then the force could take the position and okay it's both more position he's lost but the car is still in the race that always a pinch point one of the most difficult parts of the racetrack to try and execute an overtake and if you're not side by side or nose ahead then you better be on your two because it could be disaster end of a race in a blink of an eye yeah we've seen with that 66 attempt to audi has not been the quick car in the top ten it's it ran second earlier early on but i truly really put it in the towards the sharp end of the field been slightly back but as you say john it's still there but james camardo gosh look how he caught the tail and now he's got his nose in front he's made the passing maneuver on pullback campbell that's had a struggle the last few laps but collado's pace was just so much greater to catch and then pass his next target just up ahead of him and it's the aforementioned 66 attempto racing audi friend vervice at the wheel if there's a trick to know oh no that's that's the one two nine lamborghini that's the way that's what yeah but it shows how wet it is absolutely the lamborghini just twitched quite badly and that was a signal to those following oh the track here may be wetter than it was simply one lap ago and you can see the cars slowing down visually coming down this part of the racetrack james collado sliding his way through the field but we've got six cars all bunched up together and they look like when the track is wet down to the lowest part of the racetrack this tower box on the surface of the circle of the track there he goes again he at the brake pedal and he's hugging the inside to preclude christensen if he wants to go the long way around the top to him but he's in the pit lane as our second and third and fourth place cars and the race leader marco mapelli is already in so one two three four out of the order dive down the pit lane at the end of 98 laps of the race here so if they all come all in alive [Music] 63 andrea calderelli behind the wheel leaves the ahead of michael christensen vanderlinda and then fraga so the 88 mercedes has lost a couple of places on the pit stop because there look christensen and vanderlinder have both gone ahead of him porsche and audi leap frog the mercedes in the pit lane drive through penalty for car 47 and 78 track limits well that drive-through for michael christensen being followed by the drive through the 78 the silver cup leader patrick cooler so it's all about the change isn't it significantly uh at the front overall at the front in the silver cup this is fraga's view he's on the back of vanderlinder christensen is escaping but he's going to have to get that drive through served quickly so down towards the pith path they go riding back on board with the mercedes brake lights come on from the audi turn into the right then flick left through the pit back and then the cars accelerate down towards campus right now the porsche getting away but it's too relatively little good because it's going to lose a massive amount of time with that drive-through penalty christensen's in the pit lane the porsche is in so up into third now it's fraga but up france andre calderelli still leads the way and now the margin is 4.8 seconds over kelvin linda what we want to see is where michael christensen is i was predicting 12 12 it is ahead of the mario farmbacker honda so second to 12th with that drive through really really costly caldera's advantage up against four seconds over vandalism earl bamba number 98 porsche could this be a sleeper because it's up into eighth place now porsche's generally i think it's fair to say didn't really shine in the first hour but after the first round of pit stops got on with the program there is 98 a founder now not only is he up well placed bruce he's on the back isn't he number four fans or abril's mercedes he's going for seven well nearly presented himself because avril really had to haul it back off the curbs as they went around the top of hill down the other side and and uh the move has been made and indeed that very thing about two hours into the race i'm thinking okay the porsches are starting to work their way forward but certainly not the rover cars oh and now immediately having gained that position all next close thing to hang it handing it right back for the rover racing porsche and it looks as though he's lost he's going to have to do it all over again yet the mercedes back in front but on the outer line the tighter line the inside line up and it goes the way of rover racing so maybe it is finally coming their way you know bamba certainly had to brave it out must have cursed himself when he ran wide at uh speakers but uh got it back again there's a drive-through penalty being issued for valson abril number four mercedes in eighth place and the yerzberg meister 10. drive through penalty to car four and car 22 track limits turn three and off the road is the 74 round racing mercedes remember is that i think he's just outbreak himself so the round mercedes off the road let's try and work out how he got there and he just seemed to lose that under-breaking bruce didn't he yeah all on his own actually for rejoining the circuit that's probably one of the places with the biggest view to see what's coming certainly if you we've had people spinning earlier we saw there's a drive-through penalty for the car in second place calvin van der linde you're riding with him he's got a drive-through for the dreaded track limits at term three so just where the car was very much in contention a drive through penalty comes the way of number 31 audi van linde was done a long long stint in that car but now the drive-through penalty applied but that audi second place calvin van der linder for track limits so andrea calderon defending at the moment shortly we'll be able to breathe a sigh of relief because the audi will be forced back through the pit lane and we've got a new race leader felipe fraga has hit the front so felipe fraga first andrea calderalli second and it's the 88 mercedes then back into the lead of the race full course yellow in 10 seconds there was a yellow in sector three but i haven't yet got to the bottom of who it is that's triggered all of this i'm afraid to say car 26 hit the wall at turn 17 so 26 audi that was already off the road wasn't it christopher cress he had rejoined and then off again seemingly so turn 17 is the outside of blanchimo that is where the incident is being reported is that another car off with no lights on at all we've seen the 26 uh christopher crest car cleared and now is that a ferrari sitting down low the lights are out the drivers out we're now trying to play the game is to work out or not but it's it's in that category of audi ferrari maybe a honda type of uh aero friendly car it's made a right mess of the climb out of radio so the safety it's car 31 it is kelvin van der linde's audi it is kelvin van der linde out of the race it's number 31 audi then kelvin van der linde that is perhaps the most significant stop yet kelvin van der linde who was fighting 45 minutes ago for the race lead he's parked and that to me says retirement that's one of the big name audis out of the race huge frustration and the 31 garage that's a big big blow that's christopher meese doesn't know what to do with himself does it that's the pro that's the pass for the lead yeah that's james colada in the 51am ferrari he has just taken the lead there under-breaking up the inside the classic way from felipe fraga he is on a mission now look at it he's already pulled a gap at least four or five car lengths here is marco marpelli so second [Music] 88 88 has a puncture is that why he's dropped down to 8th place it's not in the pit lane yet he's going pretty slowly this is our turn there we go so when you when you've got a puncher drive as steadily as you can left front oh and it's a front engine car it does so much front punches do much less damage yeah that has shed the rubber that's the rim because that's not yeah it said the wheel he's lost the wheel we're gonna now see the moment when the right front left went uh back oh wow so under braking at length so the ferrari in yeah because if the ferrari had been a few meters closer and the mercedes would not have stopped in the prescribed area he would have gone straight up the back of him that's daniel sarah he's just come out of the pits because he just served the driver penalty that is now uh that's the exit of the pits he's smart so now is that his was that him coming out of the pits that's him coming up out of oh rousseau at the ice there [Music] so the 52 ferrari let's have a cheeky little replay as of when we do yeah all right back with the leaders oh here we go yeah this is so yeah well here we go so spun at the top of our room any contact i think just kissed the front end no no he got away with that scot-free fair play so far oh i bet his heart rate is absolutely unbelievable that's it that is [Music] [Music] straight right on is that punch no something that it seemed very odd the fact that it just did go slightly straight oh and that's a big that's not coming back that is not finishing the race and his friend vermees leading the way the gap is six seconds over james collado and then for fourth place here look in his angle just keeping van thor at bay but it looks as though the mercedes are up very deep and maybe off the road the bus got back [Music] dead set level here this is four four plays remember mercedes back through again angle the braver heading into a rouge brilliant start between the two of them the race is becoming alive right now it's gone for seven for the yards we've been almost 17 in a bit hours and it's coming alive and another car off it is the 991 porsche it's at the top of o'rouge and that is the renault car is it not 991 it's going to be a full course yellow i would fear to sort this out so yet again the circuit bites daniel alaman is the driver oh big big damage john oh that is a serious accident in the front of the car the right front suspension ripped off the base of the bulk all the damage is back to the front bulkhead and the rear of the castle that has gone in extremely heavily front and rear and the amount of debris in the racetrack is going to take some time full is off the road and the car is very badly damaged indeed so that's another one to cross off the the entry list i'm afraid now let's try and have a look at it was it one into two and that's the spins oh it's a spin behind look the acid has gone around the porsche spun behind it almost in sympathy and back yes so where did the lamborghini come off is this piled in oh there we go that's what happened that's why it's trying to squeeze through between the barriers at the rear of the porsche wasn't enough room so here's the view they asked in a massive spin for the the porsche manages to get around that then i mean we've seen this happen before at radio on a car look at that look at the body work i mean there's so much debris in the racetrack and then the lamborghini tried to squeeze around the between the tail of the porsche and the tower bales and it just posted space there was a closing gap and that's taking the lamborghini out as well we've still got six hours to go that is two normal length endurance cap rounds as there but the battle for sixth place turns into the heaven at last we had a great fight a couple of hours ago between these two the mercedes was always the slightly stronger car going downhill and now look luke schnaltz gets up alongside the porsche is he gonna be brave enough yes he is what a move to go through to sixth place well i thought it was a big enough tree having the top three cars running nose to tail but as you say fighting over sixth place and how they were fighting two top drivers very peak of their game the track is drying out it has been damp overnight if you're just turning on your tvs wherever you are in the world it might look as though it's completely dry but those curves the drivers do like to drive over the curbs david still retaining a bit of moisture but that was a stonkingly good move and lawrenceville tour realized he was beating no point fighting it out through o'rouge because we know that can lead to all sorts of trouble but as you say six hours or so to get that position back the audi accelerates away now so fred vervice is going to be up the hill in the lead but he won't stay there because there goes the ferrari new race leader at spa 51 takes over the advantage the nice warm towers alessandro pierre guidi is the race leader there behind in second place is fred vervice right on his tail he's going to be marcus finkelhack so there one two three finger hog in the black and orange out he comes up on the outside line goes second and so fred vervice trying to get the tires after temperature dropped back into third place number 90 is evil perez compact is in so that the mad panda can uh take off more bamboo while the car can take on more fuel a mad panda motorsport entry right this is vervish this is the pass for second place that wasn't a huge amount of defense was it by marcus binklehock so i think again possibly chris reicher the head of the customer racing program at audi saying uh let's get these cars in an order where the quicker one can do the chasing and if there is a hair out of the two hours it would appear to be 66 wouldn't it still the race led by fred vervice but now he's coming to the pits he came in one lap after the fellow audi uh of finkelhock came in but they're all going out even though actually coming in the lap later might give them more of a chance to read the weather changing let's see what happens in the 66 audi where the tires being held ready at the back but aren't those the monsters can be put off absolutely this could be a call that'll have a significant bearing in the outcome of this race because wet tires are already it's not how wet the track is actually speaking how weather will be in five minutes time that's more for me the concern as to whether you go to sticks stay on sticks or you put on a certain way with other times this is rolling the dice for attempt to racing this could either win or lose this 24 hours of spawn just over four hours remaining but the race track you can see the gray line is getting darker and the consensus view here and attempt to racing is roll the dice at this moment we may not gain initially but over a longer period this could be the smart call on small things a race could turn john we know that so everyone is on slings in the top six except the 66 attempt it might be right john it may not but five of its closest rivals all on slicks there is the leader being caught now again by fred ravish so leader on slicks for bish second place onwards it'll be interesting to see really if bingo carries on this as a fight for position or we go back to doing the right thing for audi and just let vervish go through because really the car they should be fighting he's third it's the ferrari isn't it so the gap is down again now to six tenths of a second that was a 235 by the v she was a 238 by finger hog and this is going to be the change for the race lead because of what tar's friend vivi has got the drive got the traction he's got the pace there is no need for negro to fight him on those wrong tires for the conditions let him go and he's getting darker it is getting wetter and the lap times are getting slower and 51 ferrari have also now given up the unequal solar 72 the two ferraris are in four wet tyres and vervees thinking haha told you so told you wetz was the way to go trust a belgium for the weather trust the belgian driver for the choice of turret spa the pendulum really has gone attempto's way and it looks so marginal did actually look as though they got it wrong when they went to the west but uh clearly they did get it right but it really was could have gone either way so 56 starters 34 still in the race and now david rigon comes up to the outside line he finds a ball grip possibly on the outside line gets ran out a little bit wide over the curb but coming off the corner yes he's done it davidi regal right round the outside of pearl that was brave stop wasn't it and breathe wow that was an absolutely fantastic move and certainly james colada would have looked outside and thought oh gosh he's going for it well let's not have the two of us off nick tandy the 98 rover racing porsche gaining ground the porsche is looking good john you suggested when it got wet they might do that very thick nick teddy had a good step through the night and uh now really really attacking after the withdrawal of the safety car or we've got a spin of the freaking delhi racing team porsche and it's gone right across the nose of the number five car that was leading the am class off at the edge of the circuit but it's almost inevitable that someone is going to get it wrong in these conditions that's what you'd see it wasn't an assist or not well there's three in the well that has the four that's that that's the lucas uh who's behind barrow angle behind the wheel of the number four car and then the sister car got involved but it actually was the number four car trying to split the two cars on the other side what i'm gonna keep an eye on is the battle for third place because nick tanzi is closing on the third place ferrari of james collado look frederica's taking the advantage slipped up the inside coming up into lake cove got a better run out of the pauldron curb and there is what experience is all about read the position executed it perfectly takes the lead oh contact with the ferrari and into the tower bales and that was an avoidable contact that's patrick pelay in behind sergey sirotkin you we i could sense the intake of breath from your side of the country booth and certainly on my side minor damage but that was the battle for fifth place and suddenly move up everyone far away full of the gang they will go forward yes but for patrick will that be a judge to be an incident that was avoidable and certainly there the ferrari which was car running in fifth place let's look at it again and see as the porsche gets up alongside is it far enough it's not quite far enough up and slide and the contact occurs around the left rear quarter of the ferrari and nothing just to tip it into the target we've got the leading seven cars all on the lead lap and all covered by just over 34 seconds that is how close this race is through the spray baro engel really under attack no wonder he's desperate to get through the traffic because he wants to somehow wriggle clear of patrick pillay but porsche's stuck to the back of the mercedes [Music] yes but the sahanda really is the the barrow eagle slightly wide but patrick pele certainly thought he had a chance to be able to prove sale think back a couple of laps earlier where he was doing the opposite so he jumped alongside as they come on him and he's got to handle the mercedes so patrick pelay has used his thinking what's side by side with the blockchain is the mercedes going to concede it's on the inside side by side but p-label come on just ahead wow that was i'll tell you what [Music] serious motor racing absolutely neither driver giving an inch but it was pilay's bravery on the outside line that came through so patrick pele up there now into fifth place and no investigation necessary for the incident between pele and sorokin so that goes as a racing incident it's not being looked at that's number 12 there patrick pelay now up into fifth place sets off in pursuit of nick tandy the number 98 porsche downhill they plunge then as we work that 485 here 10 second time penalty to car four to be taken at the next pit stop for causing a collision right borrow angle job cops are penalty yeah i think that the general consensus from the race director of the steward is that he was the party that was maybe most responsible for what occurred it is pierre guidi ahead of tandy goes to tail down like a rash all the way around you can't go around the outside the speaker's gone he's and a few other things he's probably learning on the on the job to keep the porsche behind nicktown he's got the momentum he's got his dander up as we say unfitting looking fine away can he drive down the inside into fan he's thinking about it he's thinking about it there's been room space but he might be at the wrong side of the exit because the ferrari will hug the curb on the inside but tandy has got the block and taking the position nick tandy goes through then gains the place and not only as tandy gave the place with a really brave bit of driving but he's getting away building building building on that margin straight away the focus is those two audi's up the road with just over an hour and a half to go john he's absolutely storming along we've got another car off the road he's 163 i understand that has hit the tar barrier within the third sector that is the lamborghini off the road so the car will need to be recovered and will no doubt be going to a full course what do they do here is this just going to be a quick splash for fuel trying to save time on the next stop tires out for the audi fresh towers going onto the 66. and the porsche is on its way to take over the lead against the audi so they kept that on its original set of tires nick tandy then gains track position over the audi green green green flag he's ready we go racing and look nick tandy is on his toes because he gets away whereas though the porsche set to block the audi here different team same brand so nina hauser's got to fight his way up past the slower porsche as he comes down towards the source and nick tandy can just get away can't you drive clear of the opposition yes and i mean the assist from the porsche will be oh squeeze in the middle 25 of the 51 ferrari did they get together oh goodness that was almost a repeat what we saw a few minutes ago with the number four now the ferrari trying to find his way past the bentley down the hill into a sp spray you can't even see your hand in front of your face fantastic racing isn't it this is for third position and look at this after 23 hours plus they are covered by a tenth of a second and again the porsche tries to get the run out of the bus stop but ferrari's just able to stay ahead last that through was .173 of a second this map is point one one five is even less right matthew have you learned wide in tight out get up the inside no pierre dwedie covers off the line porsche has a look can he get up alongside has it got the pace to stay level it's almost there almost there side by side past the endurance pits on lap 522 up the curb goes the ferrari porsche goes through matthew cairoli goes third brave brave stuff so 98 tandy he's the race leader here of the total 24 hours of spa his co-drivers look on nervously counting down the seconds before [Applause] [Music] well his last minute gearbox related to me yeah his last middle sector was good but with a lap to go [Music] by tandy clearly has a problem can see how nervous the rover racing squad is but nick tandy i think he's going to get away with this because niederhauser is dropping back he's not being able to capitalise at all well he was three about three in a bit seconds slower on that last lap whether he's carrying a problem now as well where is because even further but i think he's just conceded he's conceded the race was made not been made aware that the porsche potentially could stop at any point in this final lap i would agree with that because if niederhauser had got the message i'm sure he'd be ringing everything out of that car he's dropping pace in the sectors unless he too has a problem but here they come into the bus stop the 2020 total 24 hours of spa is about to be won by rover racing by porsche by al bamba by laurence van thor and by nick tandy who takes the secret flag flag for 24 hours of spa is another win for rover racing delight for alabama and lawrence vancouver relief for nick tandy who's brought the car home nursed it home sounding like the proverbial bag of nails but that was touch and go let's look at the provisional results of the 2020 total 24 hours of spa laurence van poor nick tandy l bamberg the winners ahead of matthias rudy patrick neither hauser i'm fred vavey shahidus fern miller christian engelhart and matthew cairoli matt campbell patrick pillay matthew gemini getting ahead at the end of james collado nicholas nielsen and alessandro piegridi in that ferrari that faded a little bit with marcus vince dorian wakalachi and christopher hauser in sixth romaro angle lucas dolls from vancouver abril europe bergmeister eighth with fred macaviki and dennis olson the honda nines dane cameron ranger van der zander and mario farmbacker and the best bentley 10th jordan pepper julguno and maxime sulei go to 15 and you'll see sandy mitchell ricky collard rob collard leo machitsuki as the pro am winners second in pro am in 17th overall the sky 10 pester racing ferrari and third in pro and the garage 59 aston down in 20th place in the silver cup 18th was where number five if gabriella piana michael beretta sergio avenatti even hoover helmed were as the category winners ahead of india dontcha russell ward and phil ellis 21st right nick tandy what happened to your porsche let us find out right now nick congratulations an incredible drive at the end there what was wrong with the car there's oil coming all out the back of the car [Music] i mean i'm so sorry for our competitors but i covered the tracking oil luckily there's only one left to go that is the most emotional last stint [Music] [Laughter] this is just nick did just quickly a very very emotional embrace the three of you at the end there were you biting your nails is nick nurse at home yeah i have uh no more nails left but uh it was nerve-racking yeah we didn't have the car all day but the team did an amazing job nick that was an incredible stench the last three hours there we knew he was the man for the job and then on the last night the gearbox started to blow up so um we weren't sure if we were going to make it across the line even with the comfortable gap so it was absolutely incredible and a day we'll never forget these are the overall endurance points now raphaeli martial timor bonovsky and felipe fraga tied with sven miller christian engelhart and mateo cairoli all on 52 points apiece [Music] nick tandy 24 hours of spa after a nail-biting finish the porsche just held together as the fantastic winners trophy is held aloft and what a drive what a result and what a way to end a race that was absolutely full of surprises full of drama that is the 2020 total 24 hours of spa won tandy lawrence thanks for your company it's goodbye [Music] from
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 30,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BlancpainGT, Blancpain, GT, GT3, Endurance, Sprint, Series, Cup, Motorsports, watch, FIA, driver, sportscar, racecar, car, events, Spa, 24h, team, europe, pro-am, pro, racetrack, spa 24 hours 2020, spa 24, spa 24 2020, TOTAL 24 HOURS SPA 2020, 24 hours of spa 2020, 24 hours of spa, extended highlights
Id: uU1T1o5bgSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 3sec (2703 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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