Race Highlights | TotalEnergies 24 Hours of Spa 2021

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for 2021 total energy is 24 hours of spa is about to get underway the cars accelerate out of the source the lights will go green we will go racing mercedes versus lamborghini we're in business it is blast off at spa downhill they go and it's raphaeli martial who grabs the advantage marco porter lottie slots in second it's lucas stoltz who goes third and then fourth david pittard in the bmw everybody so far cleanly threw a rule drop radio on for the first time but a great start by martiello and everybody got through radio and off the long camel straight it was a fairly march or look even weaving around trying to get more temperature into his pirelli towers but down the inside peter looks up and going for getting past marcelo decides the wiser robert backs out of it but i think poker bought a lot he realized i'd just be a little bit cautious of this opening lap not making an issue going into rouge or radio pits aren't the biggest gainer at least at the front to the early going able to jump up a couple of spots slots in to the third position side by side the cmr bentley we've got the garage 59 aston to the outside jumping on board now with well just in the middle of the traffic this is the 93 ferrari we're on board with chris froggett behind the wheel at the moment it is a traffic jam around spa two by two just like noah's ark downhill they had that for the first time this is through poor they've all been relatively well behaved thus far he says finding wood to touch although bear look getting a bit of a squeeze that was the ram racing mercedes being forced up to the curb on the inside but they've all survived the opening laps so far one runs wide in the background but rafaeli martial is trying to build the gap and we've got a damaged porsche already fred macaviki's car with the mirror hanging off yeah that'll have to be attended to as soon as possible that will drop off and become a hazard all that will be called in car i'm going to keep an eye on at the end of this opening lap is where is the 32 out of the wrtrd that was utterly and completely wrong-footed kelvin manolindo behind the wheel to come into the slap you've started back at the 28th row of the grid 27th world of in 54th position i wonder where he'll be well he's hustling on right enough isn't it here they come up towards the end of the opening lap then so the timing data will be as they cross the timing line david pittor there breaks a little bit late for the chicane scrabbles into it caught the slide but that was almost a big mistake at the end of the opening lap so david then hangs on to it as the cars come through the some rubbed wide uppercut but marcelo needs at the end of that one porter lottie's second pizzard is though stoltz there looking the pink panther mercedes fourth out of ben barnico and very nearly getting into the back of the big bm luka stoltz is on a mission big moment that's frogger who's lost it coming through the chicane chris frogger to spun it got up on the curb i think didn't he and that just unsettled the car and he'd also been involved on the opening lap in an incident with the number 70 jordan pepper mclaren but chris froggett there has an early spin i think the carl's got much damage but he carries on but that's certainly delayed him now there are the race leaders where does that put chris frog at 55th out of 58 at the end of the lap race leader rafael marcelo still on slicktar slithers slithers over shoot can he get back on the racetrack look at the same for porta lottie and glue come let her guard the lead three cars oh skating no matter who's coming there's both of those yeah they're all three deciding they have to go they've got two that is the weirdest line ever isn't it to come into the pit lane through the chica but inevitable the car there are more at it look who was fourth uh because uh there more of them just run out of grip macho gemini is it and there's a spinning audi that's arrived on the scene but quickly hooks a gear and gets going and there are more going up the escape road it's not that there's oil on the road it's just that there's so much water in there on slicks yeah it's standing water on the braking area as they come into turn 18 and that's what caught oak another car just wanted to come across the inside wow and gathers it up and that one of the aston martin is and there's a spin there which might be another aston martin i like it you can see the corner the breaking markers always have been hammered and trapped but one of them has certainly yeah but you don't you don't want to be part there for too long do you not at all well you don't really park anywhere around the racetrack when cars are literally just skating around now what could chiva do at the moment not a lot because he can't attack he's got to defend and again here's a situation of knowing which battles to pick as fair two wheels on the grass nikki team in the pro as to martin get past the pro am ferrari you could argue that was a bit unnecessary on both parts but though is a pro-am car that's in its own race didn't have to be fighting the aston martin off the road now goes eddie chiva so he's all flustered because of that but that could have ended badly nikki team though with absolute mega commitment he must have whatnots the size of space hoppers to do that because that demanded massive bravery so up the hill we come watch and see look behind worker but a lot of we've got [Music] [Music] hold on to this spot bell able to fight back around the outside borderline he backs out of it but it's not done yet cresting the hill three cars fighting for second third and fourth overall as their alessandro pier guidi is the new race leader he has got himself up past marco mapelli so as the stint comes to an end within really the last three laps of the stint finally alessandro piegridi has made it stick and this is how he did it ryan look at that the headlights looming large ah traffic playing a factor and that was more than just looming large that looks like contact that looks like diffuser damage to me and i wonder about the splitter on the ferrari and how much is that going to have an impact now the arrow slightly distorted at the rear of the lamborghini but how close was that slicing the defuser to an extent just trimming it and then round the outside through lake forced off the road was pier greedy but he was having none of that elbows out back from the inside so on lap 108 we have a new race leader and it's as frantic as anything and look having got through he's away and gone he was half a second clear when they came over the line and he's building that margin nicely as they come down through brazil oh there's your am leading porsche that's got scooped up with 31 valdemar eriksson at the chicane and the leading and porsche ain't going very far that's going to bring out yellow flags and that's going to mean that those cars need to get going quickly but neither look in any hurry oh dear dennis bush in 166 reversing there's 40 going for its drive through that gets out of the way so dennis bush has reversed and actually made things a little bit worse in all of this because he can't get going now yes he can finally phew drama's over so uh yeah i was awesome a little bit of action and has the traffic been an impediment to band four not much the gap is down by another tenth of a big drama there that's your amcap leader off the road nikki leutville he's gone off the road up at the top of raleigh also 23 nikki viola off the road that's going to bring out the full course yellow and all of a sudden this is going to shuffle things around isn't it this might have played into the hands of the ferrari because we're expecting it in this time full course hello in 10 seconds here's the replay that's nikki like valerie he's got it wrong hasn't he coming through uruz and it's all wrong coming up radio and that's a big big hit back in front into the barriers the only good news if you like is that he did that on his own and didn't involve anybody else and nick tandy who was behind the big accident at the start of the race and went the right way was behind that one as well and went the right way was so good news for nick on both occasions so they blast uphill again this is where we saw counter elliot lappa go trying to get close enough to have a go and he is this time and there's the gap on the inside is this it for sixth place yes calderarelli goes through andrea calderelli after many a lap of fighting has finally done it he gets past number 47 porsche calderelli goes sixth tandy falls to seventh [Music] so this was the chicane very late he commits he makes the dive but he just can't slow down he can't and he then does the thing that he could have been penalized for had he gained an advantage so there's the lamborghini up the inside he doesn't fight that one and the lamborghini perhaps inevitably it goes by look at the gaps the way they've been just taking lumps out of come let's go over 1.1 seconds on that 4-5-2 now will ferrari decide to keep kumaletaga in the car or will they replace him or i'm sure i'm sure that wrt are going to keep greece from floor behind the wheel for as long as they they possibly can nicholas nielsen has found himself in a difficult situation because he's trapped with the back markers and his natural pace again wipers going look round the outside what's going on the audi trying to find a way through has they already taken the lead over the curb he has taken the need but he's overrun the circuit get back on don't try and short cut it let the ferrari go ahead you will that's it he's given back the lead wow that was all because of a number of cars with the race leader in the middle of them not knowing where to go but i tell you what kelvin ladder linda saw the opportunity but just couldn't throw the audi down sufficiently to make the turn in tucked behind the apex of the corner and immediately get out of the throttle led the ferrari once again take the lead but he is behind the ferrari and there's still further traffic up ahead of nicholas nielsen that was seven different cars from three different classes all converging in the same quarter fighting their own battles but the battle at the front of the field is this one nicholas nielsen making the pass of the left ferrari right there from out of class calvin van der linda giving chase in the 32 audi this is what was potentially a race leading overtake kelvin vandalinder has to drive off track and as a consequence that's why he didn't slow down a small amount of moisture on the track contributed to it but look what's happening the 32 gets up alongside then the mercedes in twice on the lap that car's been involved in controversial issues i'll say no more silence speaks volumes sometimes look how wild this was you can see the raindrops on the windshield you know the grip level isn't there and if there's a place that has no grip in the wet it's certainly in the grass that's where kelvin van der linde had his two left side wheels number 32 then dries van thor gets a new set of tyres and wet tires going on to the audi so wrt with nothing to lose really now thinking that the rain is going to come and they need to be well placed for it so this could be the move that wins it could be the move that leaves them with egg on their faces but 32 audi then goes on to wets if this shower doesn't come they're going to be certainly red-faced but out on wet tires goes dries van thor this could be the move of the race the rain is falling at spa 50 minutes of the race to go the leader has gone on to slicks and the second place car has gone on to wet and the rain is getting heavy the rain is coming down that is the car that's on slick tyres the iron links ferrari with under an hour to go tiptoes is it gonna bail is it gonna stay out what weather information does the italian team have at its disposal they would be sitting beside wrt they would have understood what they've done they didn't do it just because there was a rule of the dice they did it because they understood the weather they've got to see i suspect that the the porsche comes in ferrari no oh alessandro pier greedy has decided to brave it out that is a well a massive rule of the dice everybody's rolling the dice here it's like being in las vegas that is a big risk with that capital risk isn't it underlined in red ink that car tiptoes on but it's going to be losing masses of time to the wet shod audi and there is drama now that might change things completely because off the road has gone 9 11 and more of them on slick tyres arrived three four cars involved now potentially full course yellow will come and look there's another car off the road there heading towards the barrier the 50 mercedes slews sideways there's another ferrari pirouetting the yellow flags wave and adam is going to have to make a call in a moment the yellow flags are there and cars get away from the scene of the crime diving for the pit lane well the road clears itself everybody's got the chance to back off except another mercedes spins into the stop chicane the drivers have the ability and the teams will be shouting on the radio go slow go slow and that's the leader who's barely going to make the corner pier greedy tiptoes around he just gets away with it that's the pit lane shot look how wet it is but they're all coming in for wet tires so right now dries van thor on wets is in the box seat here at spa as there we see dries van thor who is on those wet weather times we've queried the decision of wrt to do this but they had the weather wrapped look bring that car in now there must be at least an inch of water let's look at puddles as well i've always wanted to cover powerboat racing here it is then so in paddles the ferrari and iron links looks as though it is going to be denied because of the weather and you can never rule out wrt there is valuable look at the way the gap had come down anyway but now the audi is going to get the race lead and this has got to be an absolutely electric pit stop from iron links but the weather looks like it's going to thwart them of a chance of a win can you believe it full course yellow is cool for that's because of a car in a dangerous place more than the conditions you might argue the conditions have been the catalyst for the car being off the road but it's not just the rain that has triggered this it is uh a car stranded on the circuit of course if anybody else were to hit that then we'd be in real real trouble who's up at the top of the watch and see that watch coming down the hill look at this cylinder toboggan wow howard got away with it didn't clip the barrier he's not he's a thing i think he might have just skimmed the barrier oh he did he hit it maybe just a very minor part that was the inception mclaren oh it didn't pile into the barrier no cars coming behind honestly i'm not i'm not persuaded look at that brendan arrive at the wheel of the mclaren whatever that was in the spray that missed him was pretty masterful so brendan arreb welcome to spa that was quite a moment but it comes over the line now and as it breaks the timing beam officially now we've got 32 as the race leader a big round of applause for wlt well there's either going to be aegon face or champagne spray at the end of the 24 hours and right now you have to say the champagne is the favorite maybe it was all this never mind absolute technology good old-fashioned reindeer that that's what did it green flag green flag as we go racing here at spa 28 minutes just under remain up out of the chicane comes greece van four he floors the throttle as best he can in these conditions and away he goes and this gives him an opportunity to build the lead as he comes down towards la source but they've got to get around the hairpin safely they've got to get through erogen at radion safely and remember drinks fans throws on the bubble one more track limit abuse and he'll be having a drive-through that's right he's on four pier greedy's on three and this is the view from number 70 jordan pepper at the helm of the inception racing mclaren as van thor builds that gap downhill finds a little bit of traction he's okay he gets through safely but look at those like pierre guinea in the spray ryan it's hell on wheels but right now it is still game on isn't it as pierre guinea has got this gap down john to 2.1 seconds yes he's coming he's coming and 16 minutes who's what's going to come first the overtake or the clock running down they are nose to tail and right now the ferrari is all over the audi like a fat pigeon on a chip we've been racing since half past four yesterday nine and a half minutes to go side by side on the outside line is the ferrari and pier queen he's gonna do it right round the outside he's got the drive he's got the momentum and he's got the bravery alessandro pierguini leads at spa fantastic move move of the day delight at iron links alessandra pierguini you are a hero outstanding piece of driving by both drivers look at the id bit absolutely shell-shocked by what they're just in alessandra appeared greedy took that opportunity he knew he had to nail the audi at their first opportunity he had a little sniff up with leica on this lap but he got it done how brave can you be went around the outside with freeze man though in fullo combative race mode and he made it stick talk about respect between two drivers to make this work yeah this was tough because on the inside van thor had the initial advantage but around the long way around the outside to some degree van thor realized that pier greedy wasn't going to give up and he maybe had to back out of it a little bit to ensure that there wasn't contact between the two cars the first ferrari win since 2004 the biggest win for iron links as a team its first gt world challenge endurance cup win its first intercontinental gt challenge win the checkered flag at the ready the total energy is 24 hours as far for 2021 he's won by ferrari by comrade nicholas nielsen and alessandro pierguini who comes across the line the hero of the hour an outstanding drive an outstanding team effort dries van thor comes through second the gap at the flag 3.9 seconds so near and yet so far and it is joy unconfined isn't it in the iron links pit bunker what a race let's have a look at the provisional results then of the total energies 24 hours of spa for 2021 come lena guard nicholas nielsen and that man alessandro fiore guidi win from dries van thor kelvin vanderlinder and charles witz the gap three point nine seven eight seconds ahead of nicki team ross gonna marco sorenson third iron links ferrari win at spa come later nicholas nielsen and alessandro pierguidy the race winners
Channel: GTWorld
Views: 95,565
Rating: 4.9417992 out of 5
Keywords: BlancpainGT, Blancpain, GT, GT3, Endurance, Sprint, Series, Cup, Motorsports, watch, FIA, driver, sportscar, racecar, car, events, Spa, 24h, team, europe, pro-am, pro, racetrack, Race Highlights, TotalEnergies, 24 Hours of Spa 2021, 24 Hours of Spa, Spa highlights, 24 hour race, spinouts, Vanthoor, Pier Guidi, Spa Highlights, 24 hours of spa, spa race
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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