[katuri Compilation] Katuri Full Episodes 01~26 | 2.5Hour

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[Music] mom knows everything [Music] [Music] i'm here are you here no not here or here oh i'm right here yeah oh there you are where are you going oh where are you what are you doing there you'll never catch me never ever [Music] where did he go where are you i'm gonna get you oh he's coming this way fine [Music] huh where's where's jack oh i don't know where did he go wow i'm right here huh a monster me what are you talking about oh there they are oh [Music] [Music] i really look like a monster i am a monster look at me i'm a monster away [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my what are you doing my sweeties the monster is chasing us a monster be careful mommy hmm monster you seem very familiar to me you must be oh i see it's you jack it's jack jack i see that you've jumped into the bushes again you got me mom my little devil the huckleber seeds are all over you is this a cockle bear seed yes they stick on your body so they can travel further no doubt it's you jack this is amazing oh [Laughter] you thought i was a scary monster didn't you i was completely full by the way how did you recognize me mom yeah he looked like a real monster well i can always recognize my sweeties no matter what you disguise wow really of course mom knows everything our mom is great i know let's get in disguise will mom recognize us too let's do it where is everybody going [Music] mommy oh well who could it be the first one is bobby how did you know the second one is dory and and the last one is chip wow [Music] [Laughter] [Music] roll the watermelon [Music] [Applause] please don't fall oh please be quiet everyone let him concentrate i thought it was gonna fall it's your turn now dory uh huh we don't have any more stones wait here i'll bring you some more come back quick mom thank you mom wow the stone tower looks great we should place them more carefully so it doesn't fall yeah we work so hard i'll be really sad to see it fall no it's not gonna fall we're protecting it really well i'm sorry about that who are you hi mr dung bittle oh no what should we do well we can't undo this but what if i rebuild the stone tower for you huh but how can you do it we spent so much time [Music] huh so what do you say you like it it's like magic you are awesome that here was nothing [Music] [Music] is there anything that you can't roll huh nope i can roll anything that's ball shaped well then can you roll that watermelon on the hill over there no way he can't roll the watermelons the watermelons are too big and too heavy but they are ball shaped mr beetle just said he can roll anything that's ball shaped huh i sure can because i'm a dung beetle [Music] okay here we go [Music] mr are you okay no this is not true see the watermelon is too big and too heavy you better give up mr dung beetle what give up no i never give up [Music] [Music] move everyone [Music] sorry i can't [Music] huh where is everyone did my children really make this oh wow um [Music] oh mom you saved us even mr dung beetle couldn't stop the watermelon because it's too big and too heavy the strongest mom in the world oh yeah we can all share the watermelon it's yummy get me some too it's sweet oh it's good [Music] where's mr dung beetles [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh it's mom stop the little pheasant's train mom how's our train um it's not bad [Music] the train looks even better like this wow yes it's prettier than before the next station is the foreign [Music] have fun guys but don't go too far [Music] how far do we have to go let's go to that rock over there all right little business train move faster faster [Music] oh are you okay oh [Music] i didn't mean to scare you i'm sorry i'm sorry oh why is everyone afraid of me well i'm not really you aren't afraid of me uh-huh you saved my life thank you chip you come here too he's dangerous see he's not dangerous at all i'm fine hey i'm not scared me neither so who are you i'm big snake and what are you doing here we were playing choo choo the little pheasants train hey big sneak do you like playing choo choo train choo choo train what's that we stand in a line and act as if we're a train oh i'll be the train you know i'm very long wow he looks like a real train i want to be on the big snake train me too no what if we fall off that's no fun oh oh i have a good idea [Music] tada it's the big snake train with hand straps wow now we're safe aren't we wait it's not enough hmm it's perfect now wow hey sneak do you like it yes i do thank you very much big snake train is ready to set off get on everyone [Laughter] wait are you coming bobby quickly ugh okay i'm coming hold tight everyone big snake train off we go [Music] wow [Music] hello there i'm big snake oh my babies have arrived on a terrific train yes it was so much fun hello i see that my children have made a new friend uh me a friend sure the big snake is our friend i want another ride all right my friends all aboard [Music] rolly roly-poly rolls like a bean [Music] [Music] oh no it's flown away everyone's still fast asleep [Music] i wanna play what's over there [Music] hello let's play together where did you go [Music] you didn't go away you were right here [Music] wow incredible come on come play i need somebody to play with uh i i can't play with you why why can't you play uh i'm a plane so i can't play with you you're a bean well that's weird hold on i saw you crawling like this a while ago that's a secret a secret yes the secret is that i'm a roly-poly okay a secret so are you a bean or a roly-poly i said it was a secret i'm sorry wow you're straight now wow that is so cool do it again please [Music] what are you doing i want to be a theme too i want to be a bee just like you wow that looks so much fun me to meet you [Music] [Music] that was so much fun what did you do how did you do that you roll yourself up like this [Music] wow that looks fun oh look i'm a man that was a lot of fun hey but we're not beans at all we're just little pheasants no i'm a roly-poly thing oh no you're not [Music] [Laughter] hey where are you going [Music] huh what's this it's a a bean a bee no it's not it's a bug that looks like a bean then it must be a roly-poly he told me not to tell anyone because it's a secret a secret why i don't know but why is he rolled up like that i guess he's very scared roly-polies roll themselves up when they are frightened but why what's scary [Music] hey roly-poly there's nothing to be scared of wait a second we're bigger and our voices are much much louder than his so this little roly-poly may be scared of us why don't we take a step back and quietly wait for him to calm down and unroll himself [Music] wow [Music] [Music] bye rolly polly come play with me again goodbye roly-poly goodbye [Music] where is the acorn [Music] oh you're playing on the seesaw my sweeties play with us mom it's so much fun i could i'll sit on this end then we'll sit here all right here we go [Music] it's not going down am i too heavy yes you are oh well oh are you okay guys yes can you do it again oh it's the squirrel there oh [Music] what are you looking for are you asking me what i'm looking for of course it's um what was i looking for oh wait what oh all right acorn my acorn is gone oh acorn it's a giant acorn that looks really delicious i'll never have an acorn like that again oh no i'm sorry well we can help you to find it can we mom sure yay let's go find that acorn where was it oh yes i think it was here there oh [Music] where the forest is in please think harder i can't remember no what should i do now oh calm down squirrel just think for a while go and have a rest okay i'll sit on this rock [Music] you need your giant acorn here no i hit it 10 steps away from the star-shaped rock one two three four five six seven eight nine ten [Music] what what's this a baby tree baby tree it's not a giant acorn no the acorn is deep in the ground because i buried it well that's weird is it here or down here be careful you might hurt the seedling it should be here oh where did that giant acorn go oh maybe wait a minute squirrel maybe it's the seedling that you're looking for but this isn't a giant acorn the acorn you hid in the ground has grown up to be a seedling they're going to grow up yes an acorn becomes a tree when it gets enough water and sunlight oh you mean the acorn is like a c exactly very good then is this seedling delicious like the acorn oh no no it's not oh so i can't eat it now no but the little tree will yield giant acorns when it gets bigger until then you have to take care of it well grow well lovely tree [Music] grow well lovely trees [Music] but still i like the giant acorn more yay it's an acorn a giant one lucky squirrel well then should we go home yes i want to play on the seesaw again [Music] [Music] that sounds fun wait for me [Music] beetle surprise if you fold the corn husk like this [Music] it becomes a ball you can play with a ball while i peel back the corn husks okay all right i'm going first i'm gonna play two it's my ball okay here you go come on ouch huh give me the ball should i give it to whoever gets it takes it [Music] the ball went into the bushes i'll get it [Music] gosh the ball is burnt who did this [Music] why are you guys screaming i i think there's something in the bushes something burnt our ball really could it be some kind of monster could be it must be something horrible hmm this braves girl can check the bushes for you guys is anyone there you guys were right are you all right yeah i'm fine is anyone there [Music] hi oh well hello i've never seen you before who are you i'm a bombardier beetle did you make that bang explosion a while ago uh yeah i'm sorry i can't help farting when i'm surprised you're scaring him please [Music] i barely held it it's okay now oh good by the way what are you doing alone in the forest oh i was hiding because i was afraid of hurting others with my hot fart bomb you must be really bored i am bored i want to play i know do you want to play with us dog can i really sure we'll play really quietly and carefully it's my turn [Music] here you go hey lower your voice all right here you go [Music] try again you can do it is that all you got i'll show you how watch you have to kick like this [Music] peace i'm sorry [Music] my little sweeties mom you'll never guess who we met today we met the bomba dear beetle did you hello nice to meet you hello let's share the corn together [Music] i got a brilliant idea it's coming i can't hold it [Music] [Music] should we share the popcorn yes [Music] [Applause] hide and seek hide and seek hide and seek [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] ready or not here i come oh [Music] hey story [Music] i guess not [Music] oh hey where are you guys where is everyone huh where are you oh what a noise [Music] there's one there there's two more are you waiting for go find them guys hurry oh please hurry what is it look at that what's wrong chip there that twig just talked to me oh really that twig just talked no way it talked it's true it did it's true i did speak what what is it there over there then twig just talked to us and he moves too where [Music] i can't see anything here for real we saw the talking twig [Music] you saw a stick insect there's a stick insect hiding here oh really where i can't see it's hiding right now stick insects are great at hiding kids let's try and find it like hide and seek great [Music] [Music] [Applause] i give up i can't find it when we can't find something what is it that we normally do i know what we sing a song where'd you go my little thing come with us to dance and sing oh that's nice where'd you go my little thing come with us to dance [Music] come with us [Music] look i can dance [Music] stick insect you're the master of hiding i sure am once i hide nobody can ever find me wow you are i don't appreciate the noise that's it what's that yes [Music] what was it huh [Music] i guess he wanted to go home should we go home now too right now we want to stay then why don't we sing as we go yeah let's do that where'd you go [Music] [Music] hey look at me i sure know how to dance right [Music] captain spider's new home [Music] [Music] [Music] hey my darling mommy do you know where the seeds are going they are searching for a good place to live somewhere they can put down their roots and sprout and grow oh i see the seeds are searching for home by themselves that's right hey look over there it's a dandelion wow the person who catches the seed is the captain [Music] stop wait [Music] oh there it is the seed is right there wow wow the baby spider caught the seed that means the spider is our captain wow captain baby's fighting me a real captain yep whoever catches the seed becomes the captain that's the rule the captain can decide what to do so what's your plan captain baby spidey oh i'd like to find a home a a safe place to live first of all i need to find the right place but i haven't found it yet oh then we are here to help you captain really but how are we gonna find the right place the dandelion seed didn't mom say the dandelion seeds fly away to search for a good place to stay you're right we could find a good place to build a house if we follow the dandelions then let's blow the seed yes let's do that [Music] oh come on then captain [Music] the seed must have found its home this place it's a flower garden there's no better place to build a house in the flower garden it's so beautiful and fragrant what do you think captain isn't this place great it's too hot this isn't going to work at all huh why ah the garden is pretty but the sun is too hot here is there any other place other place oh the seat is flying again let's get after the sea [Music] captain what do you think of this place oh the wind is too strong here is there anywhere else oh the wind is getting stronger what should we do hold on captain hold on let's keep holding each other's hands i can't hold it any longer everyone over here [Music] what's the matter [Music] what do you mean this is where we started are you sure about this captain yes i love it here wow it's a wonderful spider's web oh mommy we were searching for a good place to build her a house and the baby spider says this is the best place for her oh really that means we have a new neighbor nice to meet you baby spider oh there's another dandelion seed nice to meet you too meet the ducklings it's a sunny day [Applause] [Laughter] now let's have the picnic lunch [Music] ouch what's so hard the seed is quite hard you should be very careful with it oh i'll make you something fun out of this something fun yeah for sure [Music] it's a whistle wow wow hello mrs flora oh where are you going mrs duckling i'm taking a walk with my chicks say hello to your friends hello hello [Music] i'm chip nice to see you [Music] mrs duck and i are gonna have a little chat you guys can play together for a while let's play ted yeah let's pick the taggers with rock paper scissors [Music] rock-paper-scissors [Music] quick run you have to [Music] no you didn't [Music] they went into the water why aren't you tagging us oh we can't swim what what we can't swim but we like to play in water yeah well we can play in the water too really how oh wow oh there's a ball [Music] come here everyone let's go [Music] jack can we get on it it could be dangerous no it's fine come on bobby [Music] so if everyone is on board let's go catch the ducklings let's go catch me [Music] the boat is stuck let's go faster bobby dory something's wrong with the boats isn't that where the water gets faster it's dangerous here we will help you thank you [Music] what's that whistling oh it's my chicks my babies where are you here [Music] hold on kids i'm coming to save you [Music] mom oh dear [Applause] oh here we go [Music] wow your mom flies really well we can fly too when we grow up that's so cool being able to fly up high don't swim well you're right bell cricket the music maestro [Music] good job my chicks a one two three [Music] what was that oh sorry it was a mistake not so loud bobby try to blow gently okay sorry it's okay bobby we all make mistakes all right let's do it one more time okay a one two three what's wrong with this is it broken give it to me let me try no no it's my repipe oh give it to me for one second be careful kids it's broken oh sorry oh bobby needs a new pipe now i'll go and get one [Music] pipe pipe which one should i take oh this looks perfect [Music] oh why does it sound so bad [Music] wow it's beautiful where is it coming from [Music] hey you who are you to interrupt my great playing oh hello my name is bobby your sounds are so great well of course i'm maestro bell cricket the musical genius of the forest wow that's amazing [Music] is this pipe yours yeah but it doesn't sound good let me see [Applause] it's a great read pipe wow how did you do that i could never play the reed pipe like that oh yeah well show me what go ahead i want to see you play okay don't stop stop that was terrible yeah well i i've never listened to such awful playing now come up here what okay okay now play again stop posture your posture is poor relax your muscles what and your shoulders pull your tummy in [Music] it doesn't go in well you'd better stretch your body first let's do some stretches now [Applause] faster good very good continue this with the pipe on your lips blow it [Music] wow that sounded great ha of course who did i say i was like your bell cricket [Music] oh i'm bored when is bobby coming back i don't think he's found the pipe yet right chicks let's go and look for bobby okay i hear the repipe oh wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's maestro bell cricket he's the best musician in the forest should we play together with them yes bobby who's my little brothers and sister all right how about we play together a one two [Applause] three running wild pig [Music] pull it when i say one two three yeah one two three [Applause] [Music] tie it to the stone quickly it'll all be done as soon as we tie these ropes to the stones jack jack pull it a little more all right [Music] jack why did you let go of the line i'm sorry the fox tail was tickling me oh it's all dark in here i can't see anything [Music] the baby wild pig's head is stuck what are we gonna do now i'm stuck i can't pull my head out wait we'll help you get out of there in just a minute one two three [Music] my bottom [Music] [Music] why are you chasing us hey pig why are you running so bad please stop this is scary [Music] [Music] bobby jack hold on a little more we're gonna rescue you let's go chip [Music] hold on okay take this stick we're gonna fool you [Music] now what are we gonna do [Music] [Music] yes it is [Music] [Music] [Applause] sweethearts [Music] oh do you think mommy heard [Music] [Music] us you were right what happened the baby pig won't stop she keeps running [Music] maybe she's frightened of something my bottom my bottom [Music] it's all because of this burr [Music] oh so much better my babies [Music] wow hey it's mine it's my apple [Music] i guess the baby pig really likes eating apples [Music] caterpillar and butterfly there you were really thirsty weren't you oh that should do it wow it's really beautiful whoa don't touch it but why you touched it before um that's because i'm older than you what then how about jack i'm older than you too that's not fair but chip don't you remember you left the other flower withered but i didn't mean it and back then i was a baby and i made a mistake but chip you're still a baby no i'm not a baby anymore now i'm old enough to take care of something [Music] oh chip are you all right oh chip you look really upset it's a baby bug oh yes that's a caterpillar caterpillar this baby bug is called a caterpillar [Music] caterpillar are you alone it's a baby he definitely needs someone to take care of him hmm who could that be [Music] i'll do it huh you chip can you do it yes yes i can i can take care of him really well [Music] i'm gonna take really good care of you caterpillar shall we go this way then wow a caterpillar what are you doing i'm taking really good care of him i'm like a big brother to him you chip a big brother [Music] oh what's wrong are you hungry okay wait here a minute i'm gonna bring you something to eat wow chip is looking after the caterpillar [Applause] i think he won some more oh i'll go get more leaves [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] it's really not easy looking after wake up chip where's the baby caterpillar caterpillar [Music] baby caterpillar is gone what should we do now [Music] don't worry my sweeties actually the caterpillar is not gone he's right over there what you mean that's the caterpillar but he looks different mom what's wrong with the caterpillar do you think he's sick no he's just taking a break there's gonna be a huge change in his appearance [Music] but we didn't have enough time to play together now little pheasants we need to wait in silence come on let's wait and see what happens [Laughter] [Music] wow the caterpillar is coming out he's not a caterpillar anymore he's a butterfly [Music] the caterpillar has turned into a butterfly a beautiful my brother butterfly [Music] playing in the rain what are you drawing bobby a really huge corn oh yummy i'll leave it all up i'll draw you mom really will you make me look pretty yes of course oh it's raining oh it's cold and let's go back home [Music] our drawings are gonna be washed away by the rain we can draw again after the rain the ground will be all muddy though we can't draw very well in the muddy ground i really hate rain me too oh how i love the rain rain makes me so happy look over there i missed your worm in the rain peter petter i love the little raindrops who's that out in the pouring rain i'm mr worm in the rain pitter patter i love the little raindrops oh how i love the rain rain makes me so happy [Music] [Laughter] what beautiful singing thank you and uh what are you doing we were taking shelter from the rain oh my gosh taking shelter from the rain don't you know how fun it is to play in the rain taking shelter is nonsense ah come on everyone let's play in the rain what can we do in the rain ha ha we can have so much fun playing in the rain it's great trust me huh let's go play haven't we forgotten something huh your raincoats [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thanks mom now you are ready for the rain should we go and play yeah let's go now follow me okay peter petter i love the little raindrops [Music] [Music] how is playing in the rain it's fun then shall we continue with a little splash in the puzzles splash slash let's dance everyone if you like it let's do it one more time splash splash let's splash in the water now let's try sliding let's slide [Music] the rain has stopped ah really oh so soon [Music] mr worm does that mean rainy playtime is finished i want to play more playtime is over but there's a present from the rain present where is it it's up there [Music] a rainbow and also look down wow it's wonderful look mom's there and us and mr worm wow it's beautiful okay everyone it's time to say goodbye i'd love to but i need to go back underground before the sun gets too hot thank you mr worm my children had so much fun in the rain so see you again next time it rains [Music] finding tadpoles mommy [Music] [Applause] okay okay wait a second here the leaf boat is done wow let's float it on the water there okay here we go my sweeties be careful not to fall oh the boat is caught by a stone [Music] that's too far what should we do look there there oh the boat is moving again huh oh it's coming back that's weird what's going on [Applause] hi hi wow it's a baby fish hello baby fish baby fish did you push the boat yes he's cute [Music] he kissed me let's take him to our house let's do it you want to bring a tadpole home a tadpole oh it's a tadpole not a fish [Music] but kids tadpoles have to live in the stream but mom we'll take good care of him i will play with him every day please mom his mom must be desperately looking for him the chapel's mom mommy yes and the tabo seems to be missing his mom oh i wanted to stay with the tadpole then what if you take him to his mom yourselves but we don't even know who his mom is oh how do we find her oh mom and a babies look alike yes my little pheasants look just like me let's find out if the tadpole looks like his mom too let's go okay okay [Music] hi are you a tadpole's mom what i'm not a tadpole's mom i'm a freshwater crab oh where is the tadpole's mom how about going to the place where we first met the tempo oh that's right let's go to the stream [Music] but where could his mom be huh follow me well my dear babies [Music] big eyes for a long time and it's a good swimmer so [Music] yuppy we found the temple's mom huh what are you talking about i'm not the tadpole's mom i'm a minnow no it's not mommy that's weird they look alike kids look more closely she resembles the tadpole a bit but not very much does she a bit look at my babies they look just like me oh my impatient little ones would you like to go home now mommy he looks sad tadpole do you miss your mommy tadpole what is it deadpool huh what's that noise [Music] hey temple where are you going [Music] deadpool why did you come here mommy [Music] oh my baby where have you been i was looking for you all day oh that's strange they didn't look alike at all the tadpole doesn't have legs but the frog does he doesn't have them yet [Music] [Music] just like his mom just [Music] [Laughter] a new friend [Music] [Laughter] one more time [Music] huh who are you me i'm a creek bird a creek so what are you doing here playing grand gates you shouldn't just cut in like that you should ask first oh i'm fine playing okay uh okay run run under the little chicks game oh it started skip past the little chicks [Music] now you are it no you should be it when you get caught that's the rule of the game no i don't want to be it oh see-saw i'm gonna play on the seesaw sweetie mom we just got to know a crank and he's really funny we were playing and he suddenly cut in just like that and he doesn't want to be the it even when he has to we really want to get along with him you know but hmm why is he acting like that maybe it's because he's a stranger to this forest is he a stranger to the forest how come craig families are very fond of the warmer weather and so they move around a lot that's why we call the migratory birds oh dear the migratory birds let's be friends with him okay [Music] hey creek come play with us do i have to i'm having fun alone it'll be more fun if we play together and actually see saws are made for pears we'll show you how to play on the seesaw [Music] all right creek now stamp really hard so what do you think isn't it better to play together than alone well i need to play some more to find out let's try the other end [Music] are you okay yes i am but i don't know how to climb down from here stay right there chip i'll get you down [Music] it's not possible i'll do it [Music] oh no we failed again what should we do i don't know it's all because of you creek what did i do oh my gosh it's because you moved to the other end of the seesaw oh bobby dory jack calm down we said we'd be friends with the creek friends you're right let's figure out how to get you down from there first we could get him down easily if we knew how to fly i'll get chip [Applause] by flying i can [Music] hold my legs tight wow you're awesome cool creeks and chips yes of course because we're friends [Music] hi guys dad i see that my boy has made new friends here but does he have to go i wanted to play more with him oh chicks i know it's not easy but craig's family has to leave now because the migratory that's right we're migratory birds ready to go son yes dad bye then [Music] fireflies the baby star who was left alone shined even more brightly the mommy star saw this light and found the baby star right away then the mommy star and the baby star lived happily ever after that's all for today ready one more story please just one more one more one more please mom please aren't you sleepy yet no i'm not oh me neither i don't want to go to bed yet no me neither hmm what should i do oh look it's really starry tonight wow beautiful so many stars there are 100 stars no there are way more than a hundred oh look there oh a star is coming down look what where where i don't see it huh it's gone oh chip was that a lie no it's not i really saw a star over there oh look wow look there it is wow something up there is glittering oh what could that be it's coming this way ah it's a firefly a firefly it's not a star the fireflies have glowing bottoms that shine bright like stars wow amazing wow it's pretty oh me i want to touch it too [Music] look at jack's shiny head it looks like a crown [Music] wow come to me five flight come and sit on my head [Music] hey why don't you sit on my head the firefly went into your bag bobby come on firefly come out and play with us [Music] [Music] [Music] isn't that bobby's bag [Music] oh you're right oh the firefly is not in here firefly where are you [Music] no it's gone i wanted to play with it a bit more [Music] you guys miss the firefly don't you i'm sure we'll see it again hey it's really dark around here isn't it oh yeah it's scary it's not scary at all if we walk holding hands [Applause] one step two step carefully as [Music] [Music] a star is falling what it's the firefly you came back wow lots of fireflies wow the firefly brought us its friends to light up the way home for us [Music] they're shining like stars they really do and now we can clearly see our way home [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you fireflies with your help we got home safely thank you [Music] bye bye bye bye bye see you again soon the ant kingdom [Music] one two three four one two three four one two three four one two be careful not to get lost [Music] [Laughter] butterfly [Music] where is everyone where did they go oh these are jack's rice greens i'll follow these to catch up to them [Music] oh these rice greens are moving [Music] it's the ants hey wait [Music] hey where are you oh what happened we got caught in a sand trap we can't get out of here [Music] here climb on this are you guys okay [Music] yes we are and our greens are safe too now you are our friend huh a friend yes friend you saved us yeah you are so cool you deserve to be our special friend wow really yay i'm going to tell my mom oh oh no mom hey i i think i'm lost don't worry we'll help you can you really help me sure follow us [Music] phew finally we were out of the ring beds oh where's chip huh he's not here oh no but he must be lost what do we do wait here my children i'm gonna go look for him [Music] are we there yet we're almost there come on [Music] [Laughter] [Music] see that that's her home wow big loads on this side small loads on that side hey hey you don't just throw it like that stack it up neatly oh the newbies i see that you brought some rice he's our friend oh and who's this big bird him he's our friend oh [Music] [Music] it's an honor to meet you your majesty hello nice to see you mom oh your majesty chip has saved us but the problem is my queen that he's lost his way home oh goodness your family must be worried i miss my mom my brothers and sister don't worry we will all help you to find your way back to your family all right here are my orders for special operation chip yes my queen everyone halt there's a new order from the queen operation chip action stations action stations [Music] chip where are you oh what's that oh it's chip [Music] chip mommy where were you i was looking all over for you you must have been very worried thanks for helping me find my baby it's the queen a treasure property mom oh you're right thank you your majesty you are welcome i heard the chip also helped my children thank you very much [Music] grampy crow's treasure [Music] here i go wow i got them now it's your turn jack okay ready set go marble go [Music] well done jack good job who's next me it's me it's my turn to play marbles [Music] marble come back oops chip's marble is gone i'll go get it let's find it together [Music] marble where did you go somebody help me [Music] who's that help me out call oh oh gosh grumpy crow children let's help grampy crow out yeah one two three better but grampy cruel how did you get stuck in this hole there are treasures i've collected them all my life wow treasure yes treasure i got into the hole to take out the most precious treasure of mine and suddenly the entrance collapsed now i can't go inside because the hole is too small for me [Laughter] well i think we can fit inside we'll find the treasure for you mom can we of course grampy crow what does the treasure look like well my treasure is very very shiny and it's more beautiful than a flower it has a round shape and it's very solid come on wow we'll find it right away let's go for a treasure hunt [Music] where are you treasures [Laughter] wow there really are lots of treasures oh i found it the shiny treasure no i think this one here is the treasure it's more beautiful than a flower hey grampy crosses that his treasure has a round shape no this is the treasure it's very solid no this is this is the treasure but this is the hardest oh perhaps we should just take everything to grampy crow and ask him [Laughter] it's not here what but it's so pretty you mean this is not the treasure hmm you'd better try in a different way but how you shouldn't work alone instead all of you work together together yes you'll only be able to find it if you work together all right let's look again [Music] it has a round shape is very solid and very very shiny and more beautiful than a flower [Music] [Laughter] wow it's so very shiny and more beautiful than a flower and very solid too [Music] let me see oh yes this is the treasure that i've been looking for oh thank you little pheasants yummy we want the treasure hunt well done my little chicks the grandy crow what's it for oh this this is my crown actually i'm the king of the crows to thank you i'll give you guys a present hmm here wow what a pretty marble it's perfect for you chip it's even bigger and shinier than the one i lost before let's play marbles again yes let's go well then goodbye grumpy crow goodbye everyone no no where's my crown gown [Music] toad how does a torch sound i don't know yes it sounds like toad it's really fun oh mom my legs are tired hmm [Music] mine two piggy backs please okay i'll give you all a piggy back come on hop on it's so comfy on mommy's back [Laughter] yeah let's go [Music] we are here let's make a toad house out of sand green [Music] we will build you [Music] huh they're real toads wow real toads are here [Music] yeah we sure are real toads [Music] it's a new house [Music] [Music] work it's okay we can make another house my kids are really out of control sorry about that miss toad you must be exhausted ah then maybe you could all play with the kids while miss toad has a rest [Music] hey kids what would you guys like to play let's play hide and seek instead guys no piggyback please [Music] [Music] what are you doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh sweethearts be nice to the pheasants it's okay miss toad that's what kids do [Music] i can't handle anymore [Music] baby toads could you please get down now ah no let's keep playing piggy back more more hey it's so funny [Music] [Laughter] phew it's all done [Music] thank you very much little pheasants it's okay i'll take it from here kids time to say goodbye goodbye [Music] oh my babies you all did really well with the baby toads do you want a piggy back no mom it's all right right everyone yeah we're we're okay mommy let's hold hands instead [Music] then let's hold hands all together [Music] the guardian owl [Music] it's my corn my cord oh it must be bobby who pushed me again huh it's squirrel my giant acorns no one will find them here perfect hey squirrel why are you hiding the acorns what do you mean why because i don't want anyone to eat these except for me but now you know i'll have to hide them again [Music] hey where are you going it's a secret don't follow me oh squirrel wait [Music] oh [Music] you shouldn't wander around late at night [Music] so this is your house huh yes but who are you i'm the guardian of the forest saving animals in danger wow that's cool i'm telling you he was really awesome well what does he look like he has huge round shiny eyes and uh uh yeah his wings were this big oh and oh are you talking about mr al mr owl but where can we meet mr album over there there is an old zelkova tree that's mr owl's house [Music] why are they here hey hey why are you following me did you see mr owl mom said he lives in the zelkova but we can't find him mr owl he may be inside that hole have you checked it oh no oh gosh i'll go check then [Music] is that mr owl i'm not sure i'll ask him let me see um hello excuse me [Music] say something he's not moving at all i don't know what else to do you'd better check yourself right well let's go up and check okay let's do it [Music] what are you really coming up it's not easy to climb up a tree for birds well we can do it too [Music] mummy [Music] mr owl you came to help us again of course i'm the guardian responsible for the safety in the forest mr owl saved us again oh really is everyone all right yes thank you so much mr al oh you're welcome that's the guardian's responsibility now good day thank you mr owl take care goodbye weevil bugs leaf bundle treasure treasure so where can we find it is it behind the trees treasure treasure so where can we find it is it under the big rock treasure you can now go find the treasure [Music] [Music] hey champ are you following me no i'm going this way [Music] oh what's that [Music] yay i found it oh where is the treasure [Music] huh yay i found it i found a treasure huh are there two treasures no there is only one then which one is it the one i hid is this pinwheel whoa mine is a treasure yay yay then so what is this i don't know what could it be just open it no it doesn't belong to us we can't just open it like that we should go and find out who this belongs to yes mom but how do we do that well first we need to know more about the leaf good idea so who's an expert on leaves [Music] do you know what kind of leaf this is no don't eat we should return it to its owner but i must taste it to find out okay then take a small bite just take a tiny bite but don't take too much [Music] i didn't eat enough to tell you what it really tastes like but i can tell you one thing this leaf tastes like the wind the wind yeah i think it tastes like the leaf came from a very windy place let's find the windy place huh but how we can't see the wind with our eyes but look what jack has in his hands a pinwheel oh right a pinwheel spins round and round in the breeze yeah and if the wind is stronger it spins faster let's see over there see ya [Music] i guess it's here isn't it the wind is really strong i think we're here oh look up there kids [Music] oh they look exactly alike wow but there are lots of them where did it go where did it go where where did it go huh oh it's mrs weevil hello mrs wheel how are you who is it who are you no we picked up this leaf bundle oh my oh my oh my gosh where did you find it we found it in the playground while we were playing a treasure hunt well i found it i guess it was blown off by the strong wind at some point oh i thought i'd never see it again oh thank you thank you so much by the way mrs weevil what's inside it we really want to know okay seeing as it's you guys i will tell you [Music] inside there is a [Music] here it is here it comes it's a baby caterpillar [Music] wow oh that's wonderful oh it's so cute but miss weevil why did you cover him with a leaf well it's to protect the baby from danger and cold this leaf bundle is his food and his blanket at the time a precious little bundle it same [Music] running an errand [Music] hey my sweeties would my little chicks do me a favor i need to deliver this to mr raccoon are we going on an errand you'll reach mr raccoon's house along the stream over there it will be easy to find as there's a water wheel in front of his house sure oh wait you have dirt on your hands mr raccoon likes tidy and clean you'd better keep yourselves clean too all right you're all good now [Music] yay we're going on an errand i'm at a president oh jack stop i want to carry the package too fine [Music] okay then follow me guys come on chip come on okay [Music] i made it it's a mulberry bobby durie it's a mulberry look at that there are lots of mulberries [Music] yummy it's very sweet hey we were going on an errand these berries are really delicious don't you want to try oh give me some [Music] no turtle my sweet potato i'll clean it well what's that noise who are those dirty kids no my sweet potato who are you [Music] would you like some mulberries oh no no no no no i i don't want them you need to take your sweet potato i'll give it to him [Music] hey guys what about the errands [Music] we got your sweet potatoes oh no don't follow me mister why are you running away from us why are they following me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there's a water wheel so that means this is mr raccoon's house can you open the door we have a package for you package yeah here oh mom asked us to deliver this to you oh no pl please don't come so close there yeah put it over there right there and the sweet potato too okay shall i put it down here bobby here not there put it here okay anywhere just no next to the sweet potato oh oh dear all done let's play by the water wheel [Music] you take these and go back to your house what's that oh this it's not an ordinary brush this is a super brush which can wash off all kinds of stains wow then you could clean your house with that brush couldn't you mr raccoon oh yes you're right oh no no no i can do it all by myself oh why we can do a good job okay then so where shall we start i'd better start with this little pheasant [Music] [Laughter] all right you're all clean now yes thank you you're welcome goodbye [Music] eggs [Music] hello mrs clover oh hello hi children hello mrs pulver can we have a look at the eggs oh sure one two three four and five wow there are five of them oh they look just like stones yes but the eggs are not as hard as stones that's why you have to be very careful okay i heard it for the eggs oh no it came from my belly oh are you hungry mrs plover yes i haven't eaten because i have to look after my eggs oh dear that's not good come with me let's get something to eat but what about my eggs i can't leave them alone we'll help you we'll take care of the eggs while mom and mrs pull over her way finding food oh really can you really do it of course if you just teach us how to take care of the eggs for you first thing you wet your wings when are wings pat the eggs like this to cool down sprinkle sprinkle cool down sprinkles sprinkle cool down whoa all of you are doing very well keep going and take good care of them because the weather's really warm and the eggs might get too hot you can trust us well then i'll leave the eggs with you kids and go with mrs plover okay [Music] sprinkle sprinkle cool down it's so hot that the water dries up really quickly jack stop being lazy and bring some water all right all right look at this wow this still looks just like the plover's eggs i brought lots of water look guys [Music] are you okay please be careful both of you oh i'm sorry i'm sorry but look what i found huh where is it where is my stone that looks just like the plover's egg huh we have one more egg what so which one is the stone the stone is uh oh i don't know which one is the stone oh no oh i have an idea let's knock on these eggs no jack the eggs might break we can try really carefully [Music] is it an egg i don't know let's get it first [Music] hurry we have to catch it ain't going yummy what's going on sorry squirrel oh they must be playing a really fun game hey hey what kind of game is this oh squirrel we've got to catch that huh so it's a catskin all right oh be careful don't break it come on give it back oh no the eggs [Music] all right then let's go back to the nest okay my beautiful babies [Music] where were you my little pheasants you missed the cute baby birds hatching out already [Music] this must be a stealth huh what's wrong oh it's nothing let's play little [Music] mr moles underground tunnel [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i could have done more huh it's my turn now you can never do one look at me everyone one two [Music] [Applause] oh no i could have done some more if the hole wasn't here but what kind of hole is this let's call out and see if anyone answers us is anyone down there [Applause] wow amazing let me try it too where [Music] who's making all this noise in my house [Music] what was that maybe he lives here but why was he mad at the flower maybe the flower did something wrong oh i should have asked him if he saw our foot back we could ask him now mister did you see your foot back yeah oh you are too noisy can you please be quiet sister please can you find your foot back for us please quiet ah you are too noisy excuse me mister just keep going please [Music] i said be quiet how many times do i have to tell you [Music] hey what's going on my sweeties mom our foot back fell into the hole but the mystery lives down there keeps telling us to be quiet ah you must be talking about mr mall does mr mull live in this hole yes mr moe lives here in his house underground but it's really dark down there he wouldn't be able to see things in the darkness no worries even though mr mull has really bad vision he has great hearing oh that's why he kept saying that we were noisy you're right when talking to mr mo we shouldn't do it too loudly we should whisper hello [Music] hello mr ball [Music] who is this mr mole have you seen our foot back anywhere it fell into that hole over there hmm okay where i don't see very well oh well [Music] i'll go and get him but could you please be quiet yes oh okay please can you get him mr mole mom [Music] oh my gosh mr mall how did you know i was here [Music] this is my house and i know it well so i know where to find you no uh why not your family's waiting for you up above hurry up no i won't go up until i find that fun bag stop will you go up if i find the foot bag yes of course fine [Music] yes i found it what you found it yes i heard it okay let's go get on my back [Music] oh that's my pup bag it's really here [Music] [Music] well have a nice day [Music] a little bit more a bit more i can't hold it any longer oh it's so hard [Music] my god is everyone okay yeah i'm okay i'm okay i guess oh i'm fine too oh chip what's that on your head it's like a hat oh you're right oh look over there [Music] oh it's foam hey i'm a monster [Laughter] what's so funny kids [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh you shouldn't be playing with that foam why my house where's my house oh my family house is your house made of this phone yes it is this is my house [Music] my house is chilly out here anyway zeus what's wrong with me what's this oh dear i think it's because you suddenly felt cold spittleberg we'll help you it's all because of [Music] us house is all broken i need to build it again [Music] do you want me to drink all of this yeah drinking water works the best for stopping the hiccups oh really [Music] i tell you what it works the best [Music] [Music] what's this oh look bubbles what's going on well i don't know [Music] what oh [Music] oh what's going on [Music] [Music] oh no bubble trouble [Music] please can you stop this sorry i can't yeah oh [Music] mom we're flying [Music] oh no babies i'm coming [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're safe with me now is everyone okay yes [Music] i'm so glad everyone's okay what a surprise oh wait spittle bug what about your hiccups oh you stopped hiccupping spittlebug no he hasn't oh it stopped whoa now you can build your house again all right here we go wow you built a house in a flash it's amazing the hermit crab let's move together round and round get ready [Music] these are what you used to play with when you were baby [Laughter] it's my spinning comb [Laughter] my bamboo trunk has it always been this small my ball is also a lot smaller mommy why are they smarter than before those haven't got smaller you've got bigger i was thinking that maybe we can give them to the baby plovers to use yeah no way this toy is very important to me okay chip you can keep it if you want to well really mom let's go to the plovers now okay [Music] oh i can't get in [Music] i hope the baby plovers like our stuff it's a hermit crab hey what are you doing yeah this is my shell house maybe it's gotten smaller i just can't get in it's because you have grown hermit crab maybe you need a new house ah i have an idea mom put down the basket please there you go oh this is a spinning cone you can use this as your new house wow i like the shape there isn't an opening to get in aha a cone doesn't have an opening then what about this tada it's a gold ball see if you can get it wow well yeah it's good oh i can't see anything hmm well he can't use this bow because he can't see anything from inside it then what about this it's very firm but there's a hole so it's not so dark inside wow it looks fabulous [Music] wow he fits perfectly in it comfy yeah yeah comfy oh get balanced inside oh [Music] [Music] wow your big brother crap saved you little crab you okay yeah thank you for saving me no problem but uh why did you get in that thing it's because we were looking for a new house for the crab you guys are looking for a conch shell yes well then i'll give you mine it's good as new really what a nice shell good for you why don't you try it out crap okay wow really nice special ever it fits perfect thanks thanks bro big brother crab gave away his shell to the little crab the what is the shellest crab gonna live in now it's okay i can find another one i'm the big brother [Music] okay then why don't we go to the plovers yeah [Music] hello hi wow little pheasants long time no see we are here today because my kids have something for the baby plovers [Music] hey this is for you thank you thank you chip are you really giving the rattle away yes i'm a big brother now i'm giving it to the baby pulver [Music] come and play with us [Music]
Channel: KATURI TV
Views: 11,608,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KATURI, Kids, Animation, katuri, kids, kids animation, nature, #katuri, katuri english, katuri full, katuri full episodes, season2, bobby, dury, chip, jack, for kids, 1 hour, katuri cartoon, katuri english version, katuri cartoon english, cartoon, english, katuri พากย์ไทย, คาทูริ, การรวบรวม, ไทย, การรวบรวม katuri, continue, full episodes, full, mom, mom cartoon, 3d animated, squairrel, nova, 1 hora, 1 jam, katuri tv, katuri bahasa melayu, 2 hora, 2 jam
Id: Gcv05c4a608
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 0sec (8340 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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