43 Ways To TROLL Your Friends In Minecraft!

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from a deadly bouncy castle to a sneaky way to Rob all of your friends loot here a 43 ways and your friendships in Minecraft this first trick is really strange as inventory looks empty but nothing is getting picked up they're actually full with light gray stained glass paints when your friend is AFK flood them with pains and to watch as they get totally confused while they're not picking anything up friends can be very trusting leaving themselves AFK in your world you could play this pretty unknown trick set down a composter and fill it up leaving just three pixels of space then push them in and close the door they're largely be trapped and can only Escape by breaking the whole thing if your friend does carpet a wicked trick is to put magma blocks on the floor and cover it with matching carpet watch for your friend to come home and watch as they hop around confused they take damage from their bill hovered carpet a real dirty trick only works if your friend puts down signs be a little mischievous by moving the signs around and swapping them about they'll get lost in no time in a snowy area try this bouncy castle trick hold a castle with a spot where you need to drop down cover the lower area with slime blocks cover that with snow and when your friend drops down onto it they'll bounce wildly out of control into whatever Hazard you want this trick is simple and classic just started open when there's a block above them so put some obsidian on top and watch your friends slowly chip away just so they can access their tools this next trick requires your very own pet zombie put a name tag on them hide them under your friend's bed and watches a game and let them sleep because enemies are too close by I like to call this trick a drip Leaf Drop a big drip Leaf creates a platform that can hold you up but it folds soon after grow one above a big pit and lead your friend over it you'll trigger the fold and they'll fall right in hey if your friend is online and you can access a house they have really weird trick by building an upside down version of their house on top of their regular house it's a bizarre mind-bending monument that will take time to remove if they even want to if your friend is a pet dog a real sadistic trick is to replace it with your own hide there dog and name your own dog the same name watches your friend's struggles wondering why it won't listen to them anymore you can even hit your friend and what does everyone screaming from the dog they thought was their best friend if your friend wants a nice oxidized copper roof trick them by secretly waxing the copper blocks of honeycomb they'll be waiting for days wondering why it's not turning that lovely shade of green check out this infinite lightning rod if you can trap your friend in a room above one see how long they can survive as Lightning constantly strikes around them bring extra difficulty by dropping hostile mobs in with them this deadly trick is devilishly simple if your friend uses water to jump great distances what's the blue tin to block over the water it totally Blends in and you can watch as your friend slams into it at full speed this boat is actually a trick when you get in it explodes into as many bows as you want to make it just pour a ton of boats into a hopper that drops into a dispenser on repeats it will place bows after boat after bows into the same spot on the water then you should break the machine and pass and watch the chaos from afar as your friend tries to get in her dirty trick to swipe their goods is to hide a hopper underneath their furnace their new smelted in Gods fall right into your evil clutches keep those stolen goods out of sight by hiding them in chess these actually have a limit on how far they can be before the game stops showing them so if you put them all the way to the top of the sky above the clouds your friend would never find what you took try this spooky trick with your good friend Johnny name tag a Vindicator with that name and they go nuts killing everything they see turn them invisible and set them loose in the neighborhood first your friends will see animals dying then suddenly they'll start getting hit as Johnny turns on them hide behind a tree and play a goat on to add scary sound effects if your friend is showing off their riches with shiny gold blocks play this funny trick by replacing them of yellow concrete blocks see how long it takes for them to notice use an anvil to change their name and you can replace the blocks they hide in their chest too Freitas pit trap is a dirty trick to play dig a huge hole put up a bunch of scaffolding to cover the top cover that with snow and put a little treat in the center hide at the bottom and wait for them to take the bait then hit the scaffold and watch them tumble down to their death here's the truth they might notice at first but will Haze when they notice dig out the blocks under your friend's house then put path blocks all around it path blocks are slightly smaller so the Gap will show the empty underside of their house but only if you're looking carefully once they notice they'll see it everywhere this will also help with this truly terrible trick this Gap under the house of fill up with monsters as they spawn in the dark when your friend Elise expects it or hear the growl of a zombie dangerously close and would have no idea where it's coming from did your friends saw their Enchantment books and ordered chess play a trick by replacing some of their high level books to level one books they all look the same so they might not even notice until it's already too late no matter how many chickens your friend clears away more keep coming with this next trick stuff a bunch of chickens above a hopper the eggs go into a dispenser with a repeater causing it to shoot the eggs out spawning a bunch more chickens in the process ideas Contraption in a Tree near your friend's house and he'll be drowning in chicks wanna trap your AFK friend in a little box it's the first trick anyone tries but if you water lug the blocks it becomes so much harder to break and when they do your friend will be drowning in water your friend keeps cutting down your favorite tree get revenge with this new trick hide anvils in the trunk among the leaves if someone cuts through enough of the tree the Anvil will fall right on top of them this silky little trick is great if your friend is a fear of spiders fill the house of cobwebs making them slowly trudge with their own home then put a single spider in their bedroom to attack and they can plane just playing the spider lava doesn't burn scaffolding so try this trick on a friend trying to break your stuff put Scaffolding in your house that looks like you use it as a ladder at the top put some lava and hide it from view if your friend wants to be mean and break your scaffold they'll be greeted with a face full of lava this next evil trick is quick and easy wait to the top of a bubble stream shaft shoot a bunch of arrows of harming into the top and when your friend gets to the top they'll get hit and maybe even die this naughty little trick is also really simple if your friend boasts about their Log Cabin go around their house stripping a block here and there at random it will look Dreadful fungus is your friend with this next trick you can play on your friends while they're away dig under their home plant a bunch of mushrooms and add a little bit of bone meal the mushrooms will grow massive going through your friend's house and deleting anything in his path give them a fungal infestation this trick is sneaky if your friend lives near a forest slow do you plan more and more trees closer and closer to their house they'll think it's just a forest growing as it eventually surrounds the house keep planting trees in every block you find until they're in a thick never-ending jungle if you replace the leaves of a even some of your own you've snipped those leaves will stay even if your friend breaks the wood blocks away leaving these Floating Leaf islands that your friend will want to clean up to get them out of the way if they have an auto smelter a simple yet wicked trick it's a little sabotage clog up the works by putting dirt in the furnaces they can't smelt it so they'll be stuck here until your friend cleans them out by hand string tripwire can block bamboo and sugar cane from growing and is invisible use it in this wicked trick put it on your friend's farms and see how long it takes them to notice that bamboo just isn't growing at all an even better trick to play on AFK friends is to build a whole portal around them it'll send them to the Nether and once you break the portals on either side they'll be crying out wondering how they even got here did your friend live near a village play a fun little trick by putting name tags on all the villagers name them with taunts and jokes about your friend and watch them wonder why all the villagers are so mean what a trick your friend who just got a brand new set of netherride tools Enchanted stone tools look a lot like the netherite set so why not get some efficiency one stone equipment and swap them over they won't need them at the right ones right here's a trick to play on AFK players why not build a maze around them in fact when I make the Wolves Out of falling lava for some extra spice get real dangerous with this deadly portal trick just drop some activated TNT into an End Portal but don't go in yourself the TNT will only explode in the end when someone is there so wait for your friend to go in first or the TNT you drop there will explode at the same time sending your friend Skye hi this secret little trick makes it look like this hole is full of water but the water is actually only a block deep using pistons and slime blocks you can create a floating block of water that doesn't fall once your friend swims down through it there's a straight drop to their death this trick makes it look like a regular mining tunnel but there's a secret if you place redstone ore into the floor and connect that to a hidden Observer this all becomes a trap trigger hide some TNT under that and your friend won't know what hit him this trick is so murky I can barely even see this is because you can hide campfires underneath your friend's flooring and the smoke will float up through put as many as you can and they'll have to tear up their house just to get rid of them and if they demand you say sorry be nice and give them a free treasure map a trick here is to have already found the treasure and replace a reward with something else I haven't cleared this treasure yet let me see what's inside
Channel: Mallow
Views: 238,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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