41 SUPER-DUPER Words for FLUENT English Conversation (Reduplication)

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okeydoke everybody I got something SuperDuper for you today because we are going to get to the nitty gritty of replication reduplication now some of you are no doubt say to yourself this guy is speaking a lot of mumbo-jumbo no this is not just tittle-tattle you know these are useful English words used every day by English speakers they just sound a bit funny that's all so chop-chop and don't dilly-dally I promise you you will like it and it'll boost your English vocabulary significantly today we've got 41 reduplicated words why 41 because that's the number and the good news is it's easy-peasy so stay tuned [Music] hello and welcome to let them talk and today we're going to look at reduplication that's a long and complicated linguistic term for something quite simple and straightforward Riju potata v' words are ones that either contain two repeating words or a first word followed by a second part that is modified in some way so that it sounds slightly different to the first okay native speakers use reduplication in English a lot to enrich vocabulary and also to be playful with the language because they sound quite funny and interesting okay so let's look at some different forms and some examples so firstly you have words that repeat that bye-bye that's an example of reduplication nono which means it's forbidden or prohibited so for example even though using mobile phones in classes or no no students do it anyway hush-hush which means be quiet harshest everybody don't you know that this is a library instead of saying goodnight you could say night-night oh I'm tired 9 night everybody ha ha to say that something is funny they're usually not funny if you're using it sarcastically say for example I fell over in the street ok yeah yeah haha why is that funny goody-goody which is a pejorative term for someone who always follows the rules you do your homework on time you don't stay up late you never drink you're such a goody-goody Michelle next you have rhyming reduplication for example arty-farty which means involved in a lot of cultural things look at you with your books about Dostoevsky writing poetry of your floppy herring so arty-farty willy-nilly which means without planning or haphazardly don't write things down willy-nilly you need a plan you need to be methodical higgledy-piggledy which means in a confused order the books were on the Shelf on the library were not in any order they were just they've just been placed there higgledy-piggledy and that's why the librarian was fired chick flick a chick is a colloquial word for a girl sometimes it's a disrespectful term so do be careful I don't think it's disrespectful in this context so a flick is a colloquial term for a movie and the chick flick is a movie particularly appreciated by girls romantic comedies that type of thing so for example I wanted to see fast and furious 12 she wanted to see Love Actually and in the end yeah we went to see the chick flick next we have AB laut reduplication this occurs when a vow in the second word is changed for example knick knacks which means unimportant objects usually in a house or a room her bedroom was filled with knickknacks she had acquired on her travels riff-raff this is a word to talk about people who are socially inferior it's a very disrespectful word not nice at all so be careful about using it however I will give you an example mrs. Brown stayed in her rich neighborhood and never ventured downtown because she didn't like to mix with what she called the riffraff wishy washy and this means weak unclear not having a strong opinion they said the book was inspirational but honestly it just had a few wishy-washy cliches about follow your dreams and just do it okay sorry about halfway through our list so let's look at a few more with duplicative words so that we reach the 41 words I promised you HobNob I was invited to the mayor's garden party and I sped into the afternoon hobnobbing with local celebrities teeny-weenie I'm sorry I insulted your mother got into a fight with your brother and vomited in the Christmas tree you see I was a teeny weeny bit drunk you had two bowls of wine and four beers that's not a teeny bit yeah sorry our G bar G if I don't get what I want is gonna be shove our G bar G you know I mean even Stephens my girlfriend ran away with my best friend but I did get a fantastic new job so at the end of the week I would say that I'm even Stephens double trouble you were rude to me today but if you rootin my wife there will be double trouble yeah bigwig nothing happens in town without Potter's permission he's the bigwig around here fat cat the workers on the factory floor get paid almost nothing while the fat cats in the boardroom earned Millions walkie-talkie hello yes I can hear you loud and clear on my walkie-talkie lovey-dovey when I walked in the room Harry and Betty were getting all lovey-dovey on the couch wakey-wakey it's time to get up we are leaving in 20 minutes wakey wakey mishmash the Town Hall building was a mishmash of mock tudor neo-gothic modern and classical styles funny daddy in my days songs had a nice tune modern music is terrible it's just a noise oh you're such a fuddy-duddy grandpa topsy-turvy the topsy-turvy mumps after the Revolution were eventually followed by order and calm once free elections were held boohoo all evening I was calling her Doris but her name is Sarah it was quite a boo-boo and I don't think she will want to see me again boy toy where he loved his motorbike his sports car his games console he's drone and all his boy toys toy boy you know her boyfriend is 20 years younger than her you might call him her toy boy chitchat so what do you talk about no nothing interesting just office chitchat mostly zigzag the path Zig zagged through the forest like that you see nitwit yes you find people who believe the earth is flat and others who don't believe climate change is man-made these people are just nitwit hanky-panky I came back after the weekend and I find empty vodka bottles cigarette butts and the place is a mess what kind of hanky-panky has been going on here claptrap politicians promised if we left the European Union everything would be easy and wonderful in this country now we know this is just claptrap party budget arty-farty bigwig boo boo boy toy chick fetch a chop shop claptrap dilly dally double trouble easy peasy even see this fat cat but Danny could equally haha hanky-panky in building piggledy hobnob ha ha knickknacks lovey-dovey mishmash mumbo jump at 99 it's a gritty mix wits no no okey-dokey riffraff super-duper teeny-weeny diddle that poor Topsy Turvey toy boy wakey-wakey walkie-talkie willy nilly wish you but he was exact
Channel: LetThemTalkTV
Views: 111,149
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Keywords: yt:cc=on, letthemtalktv, Gideon, EFL, ESL, ELT, Reduplication, binomials, binomial pairs, useful phrases, English grammar, English conversation, Fluent English, British pronunciation
Id: TUdjWTZzpxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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