The Famous FOOD Idioms quiz: HOW MANY DO YOU KNOW?

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hello and welcome to let them talk today we have a food idiom quiz for you here are 11 food idioms you will receive a visual clue for each one and then you have to choose the correct answer from four options how many do you know are you ready let's go okay your red one your one to know your onions it doesn't mean hey to have a good sense of direction fee to be good at making business deals see to know a lot about cooking D to be knowledgeable about the subject the answer is D for example our tool cart certainly knew her onions look at you sitting there so lazy not doing anything a couch potato does it means a a politician who makes strategy from a couch be a person who is unable to make a decision see a person who eats too much D a lazy person who spends too much time on a couch the answer is D for example spends his days watching TV at eating pizza is such a couch potato you on the other hand look so relaxed and sophisticated as cool as a cucumber doesn't mean a somebody who remains calm during the troubled moment be the perfect temperature to serve salads see too stupid to understand the crisis or D to be a good liar the answer is a for example during the fire jeremaine disk or as a cucumber this is definitely not mine milk and sugar depth in your mine not my cup of tea does it mean a not type of thing I like B it doesn't belong to me see it doesn't concern me d I have nothing to worry about the answer is a for example ballroom dancing is not my cup of tea [Music] canned cuts the mustard does it mean a not physically strong be cowardly see not up to the required standard D doesn't have the right equipment the answer is C for example he was a good amateur footballer but he couldn't cut the mustard as a professional what you want to play volleyball on the moon to be nuts does it mean a to be very happy B to be crazy C to be in love D - Juan - Bob it's the answer is B to be crazy for example who wants to climb Mount Everest in just a t-shirt you must be nuts you're in there definitely got a problem in there number seven it's being a pickle does it mean a to be unable to leave a meter B to be lost at sea C to be experiencing a difficult situation D to be in love and the answer is C for example my money was stolen and my credit card doesn't work I'm in a pickle can you help oh yes you're very intelligent and you look good too a smart cookie does it mean Hey an animal that knows many tricks B to be clever C to be an Internet expert d someone who eats too much and the answer is B to be clever for example she passed all her exams with straight A's she's certainly a smart cookie you're a small piece you're a small piece you're a small piece but you super to the Big Cheese does it mean a the chef be the fattest or the tallest person see the richest person D the boss of the most important person the answer is d for example it's an important decision we should ask the Big Cheese what to do oh no doesn't matter it's happened now it's no use crying over spilled milk does it mean hey don't be sad about past misfortune B don't shout at somebody who cooks badly C don't be sad if your memory is fading D don't shout at people it has no effect the answer is a for example you lost all your money in nine vestments so move on it's no use crying over spilt milk nothing that nothing you lots of sausage does it mean hey all the food is eaten B we have everything except what you need C nothing D to have nothing to say on the subject and the answer is C for example did you find anything out from the mayor no not a sausage and now the scores if you scored between 0 & 4 go to your room with a small salad and a glass of warm water you scored between 5 and 8 not bad enjoy Marmite sandwich and a cup of freshly brewed tea you scored between 9 and 11 your English is great well done get yourself some fish and chips served in a cardboard box and a pint of warm English beer you deserve it that's it thank you for watching more English language videos [Music]
Channel: LetThemTalkTV
Views: 41,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, letthemtalktv, gideon, Paris, food idioms, quiz, learn english, English, British teacher, british pronunciation, cours d'anglais, famous quiz, efl, esl, elt, food expressions, idioms
Id: S4f1yMCmfmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2017
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