40K - OCTARIUS JUST GOT REAL - Orks v KRIEG v Tyranids | Warhammer 40,000 Lore/Speculation

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now i rarely like to produce time sensitive videos anymore but sometimes it's still necessary the announcement of a moving forward of the actuarious war narrative really caught my eye because i recently discussed this here on the channel and also it's a situation in m41 that is particularly interesting we'll get to the summary of that in a moment but first i figured i would just mention where this is coming from so games workshop just announced a new boxed set for kill team and if you don't know what kill team is it's one of their adjacent games to the main warhammer 40 000 game like necromunda titanicus and aeronautica it's essentially a small scale skirmish battle system allowing you to fight with a squad as opposed to a whole army this is appealing to many players established veteran and new well for starters it's a great way to get into tabletop gaming without needing to spend out for a whole army although i should note this is not necessary even should you wish to go all in on standard 40k also for established players a game like kill team can enable them to dip into another faction they maybe have not the time nor space to go all in for a new army it can be an additional means to play with a small contingent already part of say an existing army i know many who have attachments of things like custodies grey knights or inquisition to an existing say astari's force and just for the sake of saying no this isn't necessarily any kind of perfect meta setup but believe it or not some people just enjoy building an army however they want to and not purely just to win the rules for kill team are different obviously to the primary game of 40k but as with most warhammer adjacent game systems they share something of a core structure as to how they operate meaning if you already play 40k it's not that difficult to adapt to something like kill team the same goes for titanicus and necromunda moreover i am excessively pleased to see that they're finally doing updates for factions outside of space marines now you all know i have a sizable marine army however i also have a sister's force in progress my necron army is about 80 complete i've also got unbuilt tyranids and dark eldar waiting to be cracked open so when i say i'm pleased to see something not marines being updated you'd better believe it the fact that this arcturus war kit starts with a sizable updating for orcs with their additional army set coming makes us dare to dream that as part of the actuarious war there may well be some tyranid updates coming down the line which considering the tyranids are meant to be this species which basically adapt to whatever war or enemy they're facing by all rights they should be getting new models and rules every time any other faction gets an update and i could now trawl heavily through the whole spiel and speculation about these new minis the orcs are looking great and anybody i know with an awk force is quite literally foaming at the mouth right now i hardly need to say that people who get hyped over gas mask noises are also losing it at the moment although caveat forge world removed a considerable amount of creek before we saw this now plastic update so i'm wondering are we far away from a krieg box the thought of it really does what the appetite or even that perhaps we are on the cusp of mordian iron guards new katashan talan vostroyens valhallans and so on basically are we about to see the mythical imperial guard forces start to get updated yes from time to time the guard have had the odd bits and pieces but essentially they haven't been updated since the second edition which reminder was from 1993 to 1998. today is a bit of a mixed bag we're talking about the campaign stuff here but we're also going to be discussing the octarius war and the situation there i'll give an overview also of the death corps and when we do another video update which will be coming soon when we can actually get a look at that material then we'll delve into things a little bit deeper [Music] now on top of this new kill team update with krieg and orcs we also saw games workshop announced a new supplement campaign for octarius which i would note has tyranid artwork all over it read into that what you will now i think that campaign books are often dismissed or bypassed because they aren't seen as being fleshed enough to be considered as true law material i think it would be fair to say that not every campaign book hits the mark but then what does they aren't the imperial armor books but they still have enough material to usually make them worthwhile in my opinion some campaign books gift us with new material which quite simply you don't get in novels things like the titanicus campaign books certainly the necromunda supplements i see people in the comments all the time asking me luton where can i find out about ordinary humans in the imperium well as we know it's very scarce but most novels tend to focus on powerful characters like astartes yes there may be some subsidiary characters in there like for example in plague war where we get some guardsmen or for example in the smaller supplementary stories accenture and aside that's a really big favorite of mine where you see an ultramarine accompanied by an imperial guardsman to the apocalyptic surface of calth and again there's many tales we know which have guardsmen you get a really strong flavor in that story as well of sort of ordinary humans albeit still like i say a soldier and so yes there's many which will include humans in novels but a lot of the time they focus on guardsmen or inquisitors they don't really describe the goings-on of say hive world whereas in things like the necromunda supplements there is very rich and quite substantial amount of detail about the living and daily goings on in the depths of a hive city i will give a note also to black library having started the 40k crime series which i was kind of excited about and i haven't been disappointed so far they do give a strong snapshot more than any others i've read about the goings-on for ordinary humans i know it can be very tempting to just get stuck in the heresy novels especially when we've had the whole siege of terror series and those are important they do give a lot of detail but some of these other books which are out there and other supplements which are out there give you like the whole picture which is why i always say you need to kind of be as broad as possible if you want to really get the true perspective of 40k and the imperium anyway my point is campaign books i often feel as seen as being just for the tabletop gameplay this is not at all the case i don't play tabletop that much but i usually pick up every campaign book because it gives new information on really specific snapshots of developing situations factions within 40k historical events in 40k like titanicus and again despite me recently having discussed this i know that there will be many who are not at all aware of just what the octarius war is who is involved what the current situation was until we saw the possibility of now the imperium getting more actively involved what's interesting to me and i hate to say that i called this but literally only a few videos ago when i was talking about octorious i was saying that this was a tinderbox of a situation where the imperium was concerned having potentially made a bad situation delayed at best and even worse at worst so now we see the imperium are sending the forces apparently of krieg in to try and mitigate the unraveling situation in the octarius sector and quite honestly this is likely one of the few imperial guard forces capable of handling such a nightmarish situation of orcs locking quite literal horns with the tyranids in a war of system-wide attrition specifically though what is the arcturius war and how in the hell did it get started well it's both simple and very convoluted it was roughly around 997 and 41 when the imperium began to lose contact with several systems in the segmentum tempestus one inquisitor cryptman began the so-called kryptman census because having any significant sense of the status of worlds across the imperium is difficult at the best of times with both the challenges of time difference and reliable communications but also the ongoing loss of contact with imperial planets was becoming greatly troubling kripman eventually made contact with every documented planet on the southern galactic region of the imperium what he found was a new tyranid assault of terrifying scale this new fleet was designated as leviathan and it appeared to be assaulting not across but through the galactic plane in layman's perspective they were attacking from below thus they would encapsulate a massive area across the ultima segmentum which would reach out into both segmentum tempestus and solar it was thought initially that the only way a tyranid invasion of a system could be halted would be to create a planetary fire break by exterminating the biomass of entire worlds as they became enveloped by the first stages of an assault from a tyranid fleet thereby making it inefficient for the tyranids to continue on course greatly slowing them or allowing them to become more reasonably engaged via traditional combat this method was first employed on a truly apocalyptic scale by inquisitor criptman in actions that would make him infamous when he ordered a cordon across a huge region of space and any world that began to be engaged by the tyranids would immediately suffer exterminatus through the use of virus bombs destroying all life on the planet this caused the tuning fleets to lose vast quantities of their biomass upon each world that they would assault any downside billions of human lives were extinguished as cripman believed it necessary to not evacuate these worlds for the greater good of the imperium the larger benefit and arguable success of cripman's actions remain as extremely controversial and debated topics within the inquisition and the upper echelons of the imperium but it remains as one of the most costly and widespread actions of planetary slaughter the imperium has faced since the heresy kripman was left ridiculed by the inquisition for his extreme measures and his titles were stripped and marked for execution despite this his approach did however slow the tyranid fleet of leviathan to a pace which could better be managed by the imperials and so to his mind the operation was a success however the threat of the tyranids and their apparent course toward terror itself remained crippman had learned much of the nature of the tyranids at this point and one of those being the bioform known as the jean steeler he had also observed an ongoing conflict between the orcs and turn it on the imperial planet of tesla prime this one world which had already been evacuated ahead of high fleet leviathan and because of the remaining hardware on the world orcs began to arrive soon after and it would then not be long that leviathan arrived but the orcs had been experimenting in constructing horrific weapons presumably prior to unleashing a devastating warg on imperial worlds the tyranids began to assault tessa and the orcs thankfully slowed their advance allowing the imperium time to evacuate or fortify other nearby worlds however what inquisitor kripman learned from this encounter was that the orcs could surprisingly hold their own against the tyranids being able to spawn quickly enough fight aggressively enough to potentially crookman speculated hold the tyranids in a position of permanent stalemate the tyranids themselves were able to recover continual biomass from the orcs and so both were locked into what was a seeming unending war of attrition cripman saw this as a means to prevent leviathan from destroying the imperium the only question how would he achieve this cripman and an astati's death watch team managed to capture some jean sealers which would be later released upon a space hook then by destroying a nearby moon the gravitational shift propelled this hulk toward the orc empire within you guessed it the octarius sector which is a side note is no small sector it is in fact about as large as ultramar so massive basically as the space hog entered the octarius empire of the orcs it was of course boarded by looters who were infected in short order by the genestealers and the infection began to spread within the large orc empire in octorious creating an established tyranid presence kripman had come to speculate that the genestealers were essentially a pathfinder unit for the tyranids and so he believed that as a result of the gene sierra presence in the arcturus empire their psychic beacons or signature would cause the bulk to change their established course and head toward the orcs the mission achieved its objective and the tyrannies became embroiled in what was known as the octarius war both xenos trapped in an endless cycle of attrition warfare with one feeding the other however while this seemed like a perfect solution inquisitor equipment had overlooked one thing what if it wasn't a perfect solution what if one side prevailed this is the great question of the artaurius war with both sides numbering in such quantities for the imperium to actively engage them would require a scandal of force not seen since the heresy and even then it may well not be enough and besides it was far from certain if the imperium could even deploy such a scared of force in the current time thus the actuarious war would grind on the outcome of which became ever more worrisome to the imperial observers [Music] so this new supplement for octarius is one i am considerably interested in and obviously when it arrives i'll be able to give more of an opinion on it for now though i will share some of my thoughts on this again adapted from my previous discussion of victorious but remembering that these are just my logical speculations so as i noted previously the situation with the arcturus is very obviously extremely dangerous for the imperium when i spoke to octorius originally i considered how it could play out in several ways inquisitor kryptman was reprimanded by the inquisition for taking actions that were seemingly short-sighted albeit also warranted at the time unfortunately through his actions he had basically kicked the can down the road and turned a very bad problem into a delayed extremely bad problem the plan had been to seemingly gamble that the orcs and tyranids would whittle each other down through a battle of attrition and eventually this would make them more manageable very clearly this was quite the wishful thinking and instead the imperium now faces the prospect of either one of the xenos emerging victorious and then becoming an even greater threat to the imperium than the original tyranid high fleet was and that was already an extremely severe threat the only potential positive way to look upon kripman's plan was that given that tyranids were on course for terror he had averted what would have been an unthinkable disaster but it has left the imperium with a problem that cannot be ignored and although they have allowed the situation to play out for some time and keep it as contained as possible it's fairly clear that now with this new octarius development things are perhaps shifting and the imperium has realized that containment is no longer an option or at least passive containment is no longer an option the reasoning as to why the imperium are now getting involved is of course an open question that i want to see the answers to but i originally speculated that if the orcs were victorious but weakened this would present the imperium with favorable odds to launch a well-planned massive assault with both astartes and belateram in a campaign to crush the orcs and any remaining tyranid thereby reclaiming the sector for the imperium this was by far and away the most optimistic scenario and my impression is that this has not happened my other orc speculation was that if the orcs were bolstered by victory then the imperium may face an entire sector of orcs embedded and grizzled with veteran combat experience millions of orcs led by thousands of bosses leading hundreds of huge clans all coordinated by most likely a powerful war boss who would undoubtedly keep the momentum going after crushing the tyranids and use it as a launch pad to expand out of the actuarial sector and launch a new apocalyptic work that could even be galactic in scale it could spell true and complete disaster for the imperium and in that situation perhaps even resulting in the loss of a galactic sector or worse the most disastrous long-term result of the actuarious war would be that of course the tyranids emerge victorious and resultantly have a vast and i feel like emphasizing that by saying it again vast pool of biomass to work with coming out of the octarius war it would not be an exaggeration to say such a situation could spell the end of the imperium and the extinction of humanity at best within just the ultimate segmentum at worst potentially the entire galaxy still while plausible that does seem quite apocalyptic and if i take my law immersion hat off the most likely scenario facing arturius and the one which i expect we will see playing out in the actuarious book is both orcs and tyranids remaining locked in an ongoing conflict and the imperium understanding the dangers in either of the zenos emerging victorious have now decided that they must step in to more proactively manage the situation with the ultimate goal of containment i don't see it being likely that the imperium has the forces available to lead a crusade to obliterate the orcs and tyranids in octarius because if they had that then cripman wouldn't have had to enact this mad plan from the outset and this whole situation would have been avoided however as we have recently learned through this kilting box the forces of krieg have entered the fray and i will say it's noteworthy that both the forge world of riza and the planet of katashan are both considerably closer to octarius than krieger's now arguably this is irrelevant because distance is not really a measurable thing when traveling through the warp so it could in fact take an equal subjective amount of time to travel from riser to actuarius as it does save from krieg or perhaps even less time but the point is that there are other worlds that are in a galactic proximity closer to octarius and that could both send considerable firepower and expertise to octarius this is not to say that krieger unsuited to such a situation but i did think it was worth mentioning if for no other reason than potentially future collaboration later down the line i have to say the thought of krieg and kadashan guard teaming up to fight orcs and tunids backed by titans and knights from riser it is making me salivate quite considerably and i think we could easily imagine this could make for some truly epic tabletop games if you had friends with the appropriate forces to make up a gigantic five player board i'll just let you imagine that for a moment because it would be such an epic thing to see lastly i will just make him mention that it was previously believed that around octarius the eldar also had seen how absurd the situation was becoming and they were reportedly raising imperial and orc worlds in an attempt to starve and diminish the tyranids chaos were also involved to a degree and it was reported that traitor marines of the world eaters were enjoying the festival of slaughter and were gathering skulls for the blood god as i've noted before often people will say what world eaters fighting zenos how is that very corn well it's important to remember that korn's worship does not require necessarily human souls nor temples or offerings to appease it corn's worship is made purely by engaging in slaughter on the battlefield be that bloodshed of any species it's about actions not words looking at you zinch most importantly can come from both literal victory or by the gauntlet of one's own suffering worshipers of corn tell that allowing even a single day to pass without engaging in bloodshed would incur corn's displeasure and within the octarius sector the traitors of the 12th legion had stumbled upon a perfect crucible of unending slaughter so as i was just saying one might ask the question why would the imperium send imperial guard from the planet of creek to engage in octarius i think the very obvious answer for those who already have some knowledge about the guard forces who hail from the world of creek is that they're able to withstand engagements that you might define as being wars of attrition better than others krieg are well known for their ability to weather campaigns which become heavily embedded and result in engagements that are very much wars of material firepower where the soldiers become little more than a disposable resource i know that often this is how it appears the imperium thinks of all of its military forces but in terms of krieg think of that but carried to its most extreme form and then you have the death core of creek importantly though these kind of engagements normally would crush the spirits of ordinary humans over time there's only so much that even the most loyal servants of the imperium can endure for all of the glory and death seen upon the world of cadia they hardly had to endure for months or years krieg are the masters of attrition their ability to whether suffering is near unrivaled to a point it becomes considerably morbid and other serving imperials when having fought alongside the death core of krieg are said to have found it disturbing how casually they will expend their lives to a point where sometimes it can have a negative impact on those serving alongside so depressing is the loss of life and it has been known to be necessary that commissars hold back the krieg from throwing themselves so willfully at the enemy or engaging in acts that amount to a truly depressing waste of human life in the eyes of other imperial guard but i do think it's worthwhile that i outline in brief why the death corps display these characteristics but yes for those of you who have asked me endlessly i will undoubtedly look to create a singular video about krieg somewhere along the line with this release that might now come sooner than later but just to say again this today is a brief overview of the death corps so krieg guardsmen hail from the death world of you guessed it krieg and krieg is an irradiated planet its entire surface is a nuclear wasteland its cities are now nothing more than rubble and ash its atmosphere highly toxic this all came about because not entirely dissimilarly to the world of rafanon the growing resentment of the imperial administratum would create a schism in the ruling council and this fracture escalated into an all-out civil war against loyalists for the imperium with the others standing against them i should note this was not a situation where worship or corruption of chaos was believed to have been a trigger or influence these were merely human civil affairs as happens on some imperial planets again i reference rofanon as another example albeit very different circumstances the loyalists on krieg were unfortunately grossly outnumbered yet they refused to relinquish the world to the traitors who had turned against the emperor colonel yerton commander of the loyalist forces of krieg made the unfortunate decision that if they were unable to achieve victory by traditional combat which seemed impossible then he would deny the planet to the traitors by any means necessary and this meant unleashing nuclear annihilation upon their entire planet nuclear weapons it should be noted are very much still used by the imperium in the 41st millennium but being still just as devastating as they were when they were originally conceived in the unknowable history of ancient humanity they are usually kept locked down heavily by the mechanicus only to be used in the most severe combat engagements so it's kind of comical that even in the imperium nuclear weapons are seen as being ridiculously dangerous but they will still be used in situations such as the rebellion upon creek the nuclear annihilation unleashed by colonel yerton left the world an irradiated wasteland on creek this became known as the purging and it was at this point that the imperium no longer saw krieg as worth saving it was effectively a dead world now and so the imperium would not deploy any reinforcements to aid the loyalists no guard no astartes they were left to fight for themselves and the outcome would determine what the result would be acceptance in some form back into the imperium or likely a final act of annihilation to scour any remaining traitors from the planet for the people of krieg after this act of extreme destruction the war did not end regardless of whether the imperium had walked away the ordinary humans of crete continued to fight on but in a much more bleak fashion it became a now grueling war of attrition between the loyalists and traitors because of the environment above the surface the distances between hive cities became littered with vast expanses of trench networks the ground was covered in wire and artillery bombarded the enemy day and night sometimes even additional atomics were still used the war fought over this nuclear wasteland raged for some 15 generations it was roughly half a millennia and for all the generations since they were to be brought up into a world with no sky above them only darkness death and industrial scale warfare the only place the citizens of crete could exist was below the surface and despite these extremely harsh living conditions not to mention the 500 years of grinding attrition on the surface every member of their death corps now would continue to fight with unrelenting determination regularly hand to hand with bayonet and shovel over mere meters of trenches fighting in the darkness of the tunnels or over the wastelands through the blood and mud and horror the atmosphere is so toxic that their masks could never be removed above ground only able to fight for limited periods amid the highly irradiated toxic ground and environment that were truly that of human nightmares the situation upon krieg stands as a bleak testament to the extremes of the human condition krieg would not return to the imperium until the late period of m40 and by then the opinion of what had occurred upon creek was unsurprisingly not seen in a positive light so there was no celebration for krieg when it returned to the imperium successfully having destroyed the traitors instead they were issued with a call to demand that they were now behind on paying their imperial tithe the planet of krieg now was heavily in debt to the wider imperium as with the majority of imperial hive worlds such as krieg that tithe were to be paid in guardsmen however the munitorum was shocked when krieg would offer 20 whole regiments for the imperium and requested the most severe of environments for them to be deployed with him i should also say this is not unheard of in other situations similarly there was the situation on the planet of vestroia during the heresy vostoria refused to provide soldiers and materials to either side of that conflict extremely bizarrely they had determined their best bet was to remain neutral and productive during the heresy very obviously in the aftermath this was not viewed positively so destroyer would make a declaration to the imperium likely to prevent it being punished even more severely that every first born child of the world would be sworn to the imperium's service a long time has passed since then but for the people of australia although not all are aware of the details all know that when the emperor needed them they turned away and this deep shame means that ever since that time they commit even now they're first born to forever fight and scrub clean the stain of shame that remains upon their world and in the light of the imperium always will the point is the like of australia creek needed to show the imperium that it would make up for their embarrassing situation and the sheer scale of waste that had occurred upon a previously stable and productive imperial planet the quantity of guard made available to the imperium became attributed to the fact that over 500 years the original loyalists had managed to expand their bunkers below the surface into huge underground cities now capable of supporting a significant civilian population they had also maintained the industry they knew and so had stockpiled materials and warfare production the new death corps guard were seen as being extremely effective in harsh combat environments far more so than the standard imperial guard and so the monatorium would apply the maximum tithe grade to krieg as the new death core units were so effective this is now krieg's sole focus for the imperium to produce death core in the greatest quantities possible and as efficiently as possible the senior leadership of the imperium tasks krieg essentially to make available to them as many death core as was possible and by any means necessary this is where the dark rumors about advanced growth and production of new soldiers have originated leading to speculation that the population of krieg have in collaboration with their mechanicus representatives engaged in frowned upon or even forbidden practices perhaps involving cloning or advanced human production such as artificial wounds within industrial birthing factorum perhaps combined with some means of rapidly increasing growth to maturity unlocked beneath the surface of krieg there's little official material to speak to but it is believed that they engage in the use of these so-called vitae wombs which are badly used outside of the adeptus biologist and many within the wider imperium but especially the mechanicus biologists see these as abhorrent borderline heretical where an ordinary hive city may raise only one imperial guard regiment when the tithe is due krieg are readily able to raise as many as 10 such is the high amount of output so this is why the death core of creek are deployed to such harsh environments however it is not simply the quantity of troops available or the unrelenting ferocity with which these troops engage in environments that others would struggle to maintain morale against the sheer volume of guardsmen makes creek the obvious forces descend into a war which has engulfed an entire sector of territory and is being fought between some of the most horrifying xenos in the galaxy the orcs and the tyranid the very simple answers to the question why krieg it's simple the most expendable forces weighed against their ability to withstand the physical and psychological conditions of such a war combined with their ability to weather bleak attrition all imperial guardsmen are ultimately of course expendable in the eyes of the imperium wars are fought by the imperium in terms of sheer weight of souls they will think little of the slaughter of millions if it can secure victory humans are highly replaceable in the 41st millennium and these are merely numbers on some administrative scribes data slate but the death core of krieg offered the most effective force for the severity of the situation this is further bolstered by the fact that creek fighters are exposed to high rates of punishment and fatality almost as their training begins which for many will be the very early stages of their lives fear weakness of any kind not tolerated at all neither are any mutations like all training within the imperium it is of course harsh and unrelenting both mentally and physically but for krieg they are pushed so far that they either will suffer a full unrecoverable mental breakdown at which point they would likely be executed as a failed soldier or they will physically perish during the highly unforgiving training i know compared to many descriptions of training in the imperium this sounds almost commonplace or default but not all imperial guard training is quite as insane and severe as that of the death corps most guard are strict grueling and severe in their training but for death world imperial guard and especially upon krieg they pushed their recruits way past the point of endurance that most other imperial worlds would so with that in mind it's perhaps as well it occurs out of the sight of the wider imperium because training to be a death core guardsman is again a fairly depressing affair there are no celebrations or bluster of tradition and ceremony it is a practical cold emotionless production line for producing human war machines that never ends day or night their final test is to venture of course onto the surface of krieg where they will be worked similarly hard but in the apocalyptic conditions of the nuclear wasteland clearing minefields removing miles of wire mock battles long marches and no clemency for any who allow themselves to become severely injured or fall behind the final reason for why the imperium would choose to deploy the deathcore of creek to octarius is their general outlook and psychology of the deathcore of creek it's often said that the krieg are near enough suicidal that they will throw their lives away as if they were nothing this is only partly accurate it's certainly true that the core will throw themselves at any situation as is warranted they will not back down or relent certainly not exhibiting fear or any lack of mental fortitude in the face of whatever it is they're tasked with accomplishing certainly no matter how horrific but no they're not suicidal but they will certainly take on missions an ordinary guardsmen may describe as such because in the eyes of the death corps they fight at the behest of the emperor and you say all imperial guard do this this is true but no matter the task no matter the scale of difficulty the deathcore of creek will follow their orders under any circumstances does this mean they fight every engagement by simply running all units headlong into the enemy no this would generally be tactically stupid although there are many times where that will happen with the death corps but the key thing to remember is that they fight for victory and the imperium and of course the emperor but not to just die as quickly as possible the krieg do have a reputation as well for a morose attitude they're generally unwilling to compromise or surrender they certainly will fight without little if any apparent regard for their lives and this has thus given them this reputation of being suicidal to other imperial guard regiments and i would suggest this is due to the environment and the indoctrination they were brought up within on creek that the death corps see themselves as infinitely replaceable and anonymous this is only further reinforced by their use of rebreathers which upon krieg they will have worn extensively and so to other guard they appear somewhat terrifying themselves as they rarely will ever remove these in a combat situation or campaign and the level of self-sacrifice exhibited by the death corps as noted can be problematic for other guard regiments who find it demoralizing to see how the creek forces will allow themselves to be slaughtered in such high numbers to achieve what other imperial guard may see as minimal objectives there are also questions one might ask about the state of mind of krieg forces given their rapid upbringing their sullen nature might well be attributed to the lack of emotional human development that is the norm elsewhere but for the rapidly trained and deployed guardsmen of krieg this is very likely scarce and they are deployed off-world before such things have any chance to be reinforced i would myself even speculate that it's possible that the death corps are possibly limited in some ways by the means that they're brought into the world and we have no way of knowing how this affects them psychologically combined with also the harshness of their training and the immediacy of it however it is precisely this psychology as to why the deathcore are ideal to send into the octarius sector this theater of combat will be extreme in every aspect and the type of enemies they will encounter the weapons they will have to face the undoubtedly astronomically high quantity of guardsmen who will die fighting the xenos horrors the specific purpose of the death corps in arcturius remains to be seen but one thing's for sure the nature of the warfare will be that of grinding attrition likely in my opinion to contain the war and perhaps ultimately hope to bring it back into some more stable state or at least prevent it from spilling out into the wider imperium and few other forces would be able to face the horror that the critique guard will have to in octarius the tyranids with their appalling bio weapons which just the sight of their effect can be extremely psychologically damaging to ordinary guard or the orcs with their unending grinding battles which seemingly never end and only get stronger and more aggressive with each passing day it's very possible that the deathcore of krieg will become the only thing which stands between octarius and the outbreak of an unstoppable xenos campaign that risks consuming the imperium itself [Music] as i said in the beginning although some of these supplement books are not always received with massive hype from tabletop players for people like myself who are interested primarily in the law and the fleshing out of these tight focused scenarios occurring throughout the galaxy granted they often only have a section on the expanding narrative it's not a massive novel of 400 pages but there is one key difference which is that novels tend to be by and large quite character driven and they're focused on the development of characters and events but the events are generally providing the backdrop to them supplement material tends to often focus heavily on the events and the environment occurring this is not to say that it doesn't make mention of specific individuals but what it does tend to do is it cuts out most conversation and gets down to the heartwood of the raw sequence of events and what actions are taken by specific sides all of this will then be fleshed out with other details and placed into context and this is generally what i would expect from most campaign books it's why i own most of them from the 8th and 9th the entire imperial armor book set the heresy campaign books the titanicus set of books sabbat worlds this stuff lays out critically important events in fantastic detail and are in my opinion essential companions two things like the heresy novel series all the ongoing situation in relation to the great rift the prior nexus and so on anyway my point is campaign books they're not just for tabletop players they provide great background material that you may not find elsewhere and of course today we're talking about arcturus and that's why i'm excited because i'm looking forward to octarius being fleshed out and us finding about what is happening now within that system that conflict but i'll simply finish by saying i very rarely get hyped for things it takes a specifically narrow focus to make me feel excited about any release but this arctorious book has really captured my attention i didn't expect it i thought they were going to keep hammering away goleman's crusade and this has been a wild surprise i'm not expecting some 300 page tome judging by what most campaign books have been recently i have a good idea about the amount of law that's going to be in there but for somebody like me that's more than enough to pique my interest would i like a heavier book hell yes but i'll take what i can get at this point but just generally if you're interested in the law if you're interested in the world of 40k i do recommend that people expand what they read outside of the novels look at stuff like campaign books codex's codexes have a lot of detail in there as well you can still get some of the heresy campaign books imperial armor stuff you can get out there as well for me though octarius is this significantly interesting situation and it is arguably more actively dangerous to the stability of the imperium than the great rift at this moment in time the key word there being arguably but i couldn't think of a better way to outro this situation today than what i discussed it before so simply say if octorious goes wrong for the imperium and they are unable to contain the horrifying xenos within then yes humanity will be facing catastrophic consequences [Music] you
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 593,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Discuss, Channel, Future, 40K, Warhammer 40K, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Doom, Fall, Space Marines, Heretic, Heresy, The Emperor of Man, Lore, History, Guide, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop, Inquisition
Id: K70SayjIkbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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