40k Nerds Criticizing the Things You Like! Age of Sigmar Model Review!

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hey guys jay and nick and welcome back to eons of  battle recently we've gotten into age of segmer   and we are right in the middle of critiquing every  single age of sigmar centerpiece model if you   haven't seen the first video probably go check  that one out and then you'll be all caught up   but if you don't care about continuity we are 40k  players but boy oh boy do we have some opinions   on the age of sigmar models most specifically  the biggest tallest and most expensive units   available so sit back and relax as we get back  into complementing and criticizing the age of   sigmar centerpiece models now we're going to look  at the best of bad guys alphabetically in chaos   neat the goat people's goat giant gorgon gorgon he  looks old yep but he looks really cool he almost   looks scaveny oh maybe he's just from that era  that one era when all the skaven models came out   definitely feels old definitely look at that tush  yeah i love all the little skeletons on his body   he looks very warhammer fantasy battles yeah he  does and it could be the paint job it could be the   paint job they had a very it seems like they have  a very specific yeah that i think that's probably   why he fits in with the skaven so well because  they look exactly they do they did the same his   top arms have been replaced or his top hands  have been replaced with saws or claws which is   interesting do you think he opted into that or do  you think that was done to him this one's a hard   one i mean i do like it i would say i would say a  seven maybe six i think he's better than average   but he's okay i think this one would almost be  a better one for kit bashing because i feel like   he would skaven so well yeah i the reason why i  said seven was the face the face is pretty good   i really like the face corn people's blood  thirster the big red demon i think this one might   be controversial i don't like it i feel like i've  seen better demons out there i feel like i've seen   better normal red demons out there mm-hmm what's  uh i mean bellacor bellacor of course yeah really   so cool jumping over fire he's a little his pose  is a little dainty he's got his two little weapons   that he's holding out in front of him he's kind  of doing a little a little tap tippity-tap dance   yeah on one tiny little on fire thing on his base  i think the only thing i like is the wings yeah   the wings the wings are cool get the wings for  something else yeah the fire is weird it doesn't   also like like a like when you look at like arnold  schwarzenegger like like uh the reason he looks   good usually is because you know you got the legs  the legs spread out and then the body spread out   and so he feels very balanced but this guy he's a  he's a triangle and so he really he kind of grows   into his big body i don't know i just i think  the posing ruins it yeah it'd be maybe it'd be   cool if maybe like uh maybe he comes out of the  fire or something but maybe he transitions from   fire too yeah that would be pretty they really  they really should have contacted yeah exactly   they were designing experts modelers and designers  30 years of industry experience yeah definitely   yeah i'm going to say i'm going to say a 4 i don't  really like it yeah i could say four i could agree   with that it's not like bad like i can't say it's  a three or a two or anything but zinc is big burb   kerose fate weaver i mean this model's just sick  really really cool this model has been around   for a long ass time and it's it's wonderful  2017. um yes that's what it is titled i love   it no complaints super cool this makes me want to  collect zinc every model in the zinc line makes me   want to play zinc but this model especially it's  wonderful uh it's cool it's got awesome wings i   love the two bird heads i love the staff that's  half half a fireball half a staff anything what's   going on with that thingy i just do it's gonna do  some probing what do you think that i sing crochet but yeah i mean the bird feed is super  cool everything about this model is   excellent 10. this is a 10. i agree i like  the crotch ride that's my favorite part   the whole thing slashes not safe  for work giant dix klessa desklessa i don't know i don't know if uh some of i i  like the um there's the slantash model that   has like uh like a big fat guy and a thing with  oh god i don't know what it's called it's like   a it's like a gazebo it's like a gazebo i really  like that model and i feel like that's the model   that makes me not care as much about this model i  i like them both i love this model this this feels   like i would see it in an artsy fartsy movie yeah  for way too long like this would show up on screen   and it would do a little dance and the colors go  a little psychedelic i really dig this model i i   think the body is weird and weirdly correct in  its proportion which makes things like having   an extra set of arms look really creepy i love  the horns that are like interlocking because it   looks so wrong uh i love the giant peacock plume  uh i just i think this model is sick is it a 10   i oh interesting alternate alternate pose  you're alternated i guess uh you lose   some frills it's hard i feel like if if i say  it's a 10 that means like a must buy i feel like   this is one i can skip on but that might just  be because i don't really care about the other   slash models that much like the demonets don't  excite me that much uh seekers of slash don't   excite me that much they're good they're very good  models yeah i i'm gonna say i'm gonna say seven   pretty good i'm gonna say i like creepy  weird stuff yeah i like it i like the   gazebo guy better and he's i i like that look  it feels more slineshy i mean this does too   but i like the other one better i think it's a  nine i can't give it a 10. because i don't really   want it but i love that it exists yeah like i  want the gazebo i don't want i don't want this one   nurgles giant made of horns and buggers the  glottkin and i remember seeing this model when   warhammer fantasy battles end time was happening  and i remember it was like it was like amazing   because they didn't make models this big back  then and now they do you bringing up the nurgle oh my god it just brings it out of me pop and  nurgle entered the room oh my god oh my god yep   and you know what's great is that they're they're  not riding on like a little plinth yeah for them   yeah they're just on the guy they climbed up  on there they're going for a little ride and   then they'll hop off and do some damage with a  sickle mm-hmm and the bell yeah the bass model   but is it a nine or is it a two no it's no  ten it's it might be a nine yeah i would say   it's a nine uh a lot of these are getting really  high scores they are these these ones are really   good moving on the rat people rat abomination oh  good old good old square bass oh and look at the   options you get so many options uh if anyone has  ever if anyone out there has seen the kevin smith   movie tusk this is from tusk kevin smith has seen  this model ah and it's 60 bucks give me two good   yeah it's stitched together it's gross there's  like rats in it and coming out of it it's skull   has no eye holes yeah this model is 10 for me i  want this model i don't want to plug skaven but   i want this model well uh as someone that has a  couple of skaven this would fit right in oh it's   so gross it's so gross i love it so much all right  chaos knights dragon that can't make up its mind   i don't remember nice i remember this  one arkhan ever chosen geez louise kind of weird i kind of like the guy on top more  than i like the rest of everything else and that's   it's usually it's the opposite for me i like  this model a lot but i feel like i like it very   clinically like it doesn't get it it doesn't evoke  a lot of emotion out of me but everything i look   at on the model i'm like i enjoy that like it all  makes sense i like the yeah i like the nurgle head   zinge head corn head mm-hmm i like that the this  is kind of like the chaos undivided faction and   so i like that their their main dragon is like  a conglomerate of all the different chaos gods   um i like the pose the jumping i like the meat on  the dragon yeah but yeah yeah i don't know i don't   know what it it all makes sense it all feels right  everything feels right everything works together   the way it's connected to the base is is is  good but uh i don't know i just don't care yeah and i'm sure yeah it's very i'm sure it's  very uh upsetting i think it's a solid eight   but it's a solid eight but i'm  never gonna look at it again it's like it's like one of those movies  you're like that was a movie yeah it's   like it's like captain america one i like  that movie scene i've seen it like once   neat i hope this is everyone's favorite model  and they're really angry right now that we gave   it an eight yeah it's only pretty good it's only  really good yeah all right that was it for chaos   i feel like chaos actually i feel like cass was  the kids oh all winter is a separate corn yeah   exactly who cares about corn milk for  the cornflakes complaining about 80 sigma   models is really fun but you know what is even  better that's right our patreon if you like the   videos we make and you want more the best way to  support us is by becoming a member of our patreon   over there you'll get access to some behind  the scenes voting on the models i paint live   here on youtube a live hobby hangout every week  some terrain stls and more with that said let's   critique some more models that people worked  really hard on and now it is the last faction i   guess they're not a faction but the last grouping  is destruction yeah a little bit about that i do   the little goblins big brother yeah stink  hold traga i have this model so it's a 10. i you know what i would be inclined to  agree i think it is also a 10. this is   one of my favorite models games workshop has  made wow now this is the variety that i built   i built the one with the uh with the  dangling spider because that's the leader ah   so that's why i built that one um i i like it  i like the gross gushy centipede what i love   about it is it's very fairy tale like i can  see this on the cover of a fairy tale it's so   lovely it's so interesting i love this model it's  really cool which variety i think i like this   one more i think i like big hammer big hammer  lots of mushrooms really really cool model but   for you it's a 10 i think for me it's a 9 because  i want to disagree just ever so slightly yeah   there you go and i don't want this model mm-hmm  although it's really cool like his love is red   nose do you think his nose is really wet oh yeah  like a little gloss on there it would make sense   and you know what you get you get you  the water effects it's the big snap   the frozen giants big old axe ox frost lord on  stonehorn this is a classic model looks classic   it's good it's a good model i feel like the  monster is more interesting than the guy of course   i i weirdly like the frost giants i think is  that what they're called frost lord yeah the   frost giants i kind of dig them i think if they  got a cool range refresh i would be all over them   if they were like the ice age themed army uh i  mean ice age is one of my favorite movies yeah   i have a sid the sloth plushie but i like it yeah  yeah i like them too yeah i and i agree with the   with the refresh because uh the humanyish looking  people are not yeah they're a little rough and   also this this is a range i feel like that's all  over the place like some of them feel like ice age   giants and the rest of them are regular giants and  then they have like named characters who are no   longer named they're just like a cook giant like  i don't quite get it i mean they are in need of   a range refresh but i think games are trump is on  to something with ice age giants because ice age   has a lot of really weird and interesting animals  like everybody knows about all the dinosaurs but   there's like weird ass ice age giant slobs  and like armadillo like monstrously sized   armadillos uh i don't think this is any based off  of anything but i guess wooly mammoth yeah little   yeah i think i think this is a uh eight say  seven yeah it's an eighth i'm feeling eight today   tomorrow i could feel seven yeah it could go back  and forth mm-hmm the orcish bowling ball dragon it's a weird position that the dragon's in i  think before we get to the dragon i think this   is the coolest mega orc but i don't like him on  this dragon i actually like this dragon i like i   like this dragon a lot i like both components  separately but i usually don't like gimmicky   dragons but i feel like i like fat dragon and  i feel like if if he was walking alongside the   dragon like they're two peas in a pod you know  they're both big fat tough guys i would dig it   but i don't number one i don't believe that five  million pound orc in armor is riding on top of   a dragon yeah well so you're wrong on pretty much  the whole thing but so i like the uh mega boss war   boss something like that i don't know the fantasy  ones um the highlights knob and mega armor yeah   uh yeah they all the names make sense i  like the one that has the uh um the cow   bone on the shoulder oh the dragon skull yeah  i really like that one um i think that's the   coolest one it's way cooler than the warmer plus  one that one's done well yeah they're both these   are way cooler than the warhammer plus one yeah  exactly the warhammer plus one is lame but i like   i like the the dragon head but yeah i mean it's a  big old bowling ball they feel like what is going   on with the is it anything um i think that's god  what is that i think it's a fire that's coming out   i think that is tears cloth that's coming down  off of his helmets i think i don't care at   all about the fantasy orcs but i really dig this  smile i think this model's a solid seven for me   i like it yeah i could say that it's i think  i could say it's a seven i don't i don't know   how easily how well dragons fit into like  the mythology of the orcs i guess now maybe   they would be more of a uh of a cruel boys sort of  yeah although this dragon would eat the cruel boys   boys only fight only mess with things that  are weaker than them yeah but and the crew   boys have like weird monsters yeah they don't  feel like they have uh like the little man   they don't have uh i feel like a dragon wouldn't  really fit in the giantess of the giants war   stomper mega gargants good good models just good  good good old giant the giants i feel like i've   said this so many times the giants are actually  the i guess i said i liked the night haunts   because they're my favorite of the i guess death  but also i don't like any of the chaos stuff   but uh the giants are an army i could actually  see getting one day because it's like four models   and four interesting to paint giant ass models  and i bet that the play style of this is really   interesting i bet it's very different from  a normal age of sigma army and super cheap   to get into 195 bucks for this month hopefully  you only need one of these guys i like that he's   very bottom heavy because he's wood yeah he's a  giant there's kind of like a i don't know if it's   painted on or whatever there's like a skin texture  i feel like it's probably part of the model   uh i don't know probably yeah it does seem like  he's got like some folds kind of like elephant   skin yeah it's also nice that they're covering  up their junk yeah you know they're all very   thoughtful they're really funny he's like yeah  agent sigmar is really it's a nice family-friendly   game except i hate to say it but uh giants  are not safe for work yeah yeah and i believe   that is was that the last for destruction we  didn't did we raid him we didn't raise oh you rate   him ten yeah ten i want him ten well that was that  was every single age of sigmar centerpiece model   and a lot a lot of them were rated very highly but  if you had to pick the number well you can't pick   chocolate yeah it won't be if you have to pick an  interesting oh goodness i mean lord croak pretty   cool i think i think that's a good one that's  because this is i i've seen all these models like   in passing but i haven't really really looked at  them and i feel like the model where i looked at   it with like fresh eyes and it absolutely  blew me away it was the lady on a beetle   that model sounds pretty good sick pretty  good i'm gonna say black coach mm-hmm black   coach is this like a pretty good solid pick um  i don't really have that big of an interest in   the uh the death models but i've seen that one  around and that's just a really really cool model   well but that is our picks for the best age  of sigmar centerpieces and let us know in the   comments i'm sure you guys have been rating them  along with us let us know exactly how wrong we   were and how right you were and now it's time for  this week's eob complete submissions we put out a   challenge to our community to send us before and  after photos of their recently finished models to   be immortalized in our videos if you want to join  in the fun you can submit a before and after photo   of your painted mini to our discord server which  you can find in the description below or you can   post it to instagram with the hashtag eob complete  without further ado let's look at and get inspired   by what the folks have finished this week a custom  orc knight by gazebo a troll blood pirate troll by   lex kilcannon a plague marine and friends by that  guy a librarian dreadnought by ocho some tactical   space marines by platypus duke a leviathan  dreadnought by brother captain brutus some   tactical space marines by slender15431 a space  marine captain by baga a primary space marine by   smug dillon a bunch of tau drones by ao main an  imperial guard by disco a redemptive dreadnought   by stomparoo some tyranid hive guard by vindra  joe a bunch of black templar space marines by   dark light 88 a little friend by airship slice  an infernal master by daryl lennon some blade   guard veterans by junk hearts some bomb tanks by  just make stuff a gene sealer called aberrant by   squid cultist 002 a fun block the bounty hunter by  free booters merck and or kill a can by towel and   rowney some fallout power armor by bob espanja a  lizard man sorcerer by orocrypt gym a big ol chaos   based marine by mike's 40k journey and a little  gasland's car by death arsenal congratulations to   everyone for a job well done it's no small feat to  get paint on minis and you all should feel really   proud nothing gets the hobby juices flowing  like finishing a project and we all thank you   for sharing your work motivating us and the hobby  community to paint our plastic thanks for sharing
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 52,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: FnN5dReOKsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 47sec (1187 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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