Top 5 BEST and WORST Discontinued Games Workshop Models

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games workshop has been around for a while  and has been pumping out models the whole time   many of those models have gone the way  of the dodo but i want to look back on   those models that will be dearly  missed and those that will not be hey guys jay here welcome to eons of battle out  of production models are an interesting thing   i know i love perusing ebay looking for a hot  deal and i occasionally stumble on a model   that i don't recognize or one that i have only the  vaguest of memories i checked the game's workshop   web store and sure enough it doesn't exist anymore  but there it is available again usually at a very   very good price or a really really expensive one  i have dipped my toe into out of production models   here and there and although i love the modern look  of 40k there is a charm to the old stuff they have   a history they tell a story the evolution of the  warhammer aesthetic so i want to go through the   five models that although awesome have since left  us and the five models that are better off dead   now this list isn't models that i wish were  still sold it's not a bash on games where trump   for being so foolish has to discontinue models  i get it everything has its time i just want   to celebrate 5 awesome models and poke fun at 5  models that are gone and good riddance so without   further ado let's get to the good stuff number  one an oldie but a goldie the mark one land raider   what is there to say about the old land raider  it was a staple of the space marine arsenal   it was a round shungster of a tank being equal  parts round wide and tall it demonstrates a   lovable disregard for engineering physics and  realism i love it the new land raiders look way   better but this model is where it all started now  forge world does make a new version of this model   in the land raider protists and it is a worthy  successor i mean it's clearly better in every way   but that's not really the point the point is  it's goofy and in that lies the charm if i can   get my hands on one of these babies i'll give it a  grim dark 40k makeover it'll be the cutest little   black templar land raider crusader this side of  ultramar coming in at number 2 short bellacore   now i thought this model had vanished a long  time ago but it turns out that it was hiding   over on the age of sigmar side of the web store  until of course it was completely upstaged by a   legendary new model i mean look at what this guy  became the new bellacor is amazing but i think the   old bellacore was one of the better demon models  game's workshop has ever made a lot of the other   demon models feel very mindless but this guy looks  like a final boss he's got some real personality   bellacor has existed in both 40k and fantasy and  it's interesting to see him get a big old refresh   i don't know if it's his six-pack abs or winning  smile but i just love the look of the old bellacor   and speaking of demon princes the old metal  fine cast demon prince is my third pick now   i have painted the new demon prince and it's not  a bad model but i think this is one of the rare   instances where a metal model is replaced with  a plastic version and it is a bit of a downgrade   the old 40k demon print stood out as clearly a  space marine who was given the ultimate blessings   of chaos the new model is hurt by its gimmick  of being both the warhammer 40k demon prince   and the aegis sigmar demon prince it looks pretty  good and i love the famous giving the finger pose   but it doesn't really feel like a space marine  the old model had all the parts of space marine   power armor its body is segmented into the parts  the greaves the shoulders his demonic head even   still has the weird little air intake mohawk  that space marine helmets have the new model   is a little too sci-fi for fantasy and a little  bit too fantasy for sci-fi i don't think it fits   into either perfectly but the old demon prince  was absolutely the warhammer 40k demon prince   for number four i picked the old metal venerable  dreadnoughts i love this model so much that i   actually bought one i got this new inbox and  assembled it with lots of pinning and epoxy   now this is what i think a venerable dreadnought  should look like it's dripping with decorations   everything the exhaust the cockpit the feet  everything is ornamented and that makes sense   venerable dreadnoughts are ancient the new  venerable dreadnought plastic kit might as   well be called the everything dreadnought because  it comes with tons of upgrade parts and weapons   but it doesn't feel that special and even if  you glue on all the upgrades it still feels   like a normal vanilla dreadnought usually whenever  anyone runs a dreadnought whichever flavor it is   they use the venerable kits it's also a problem  that no one buys the og dreadnought anymore   the only reason anyone buys it is because  it comes with the missile launcher arm   that's the only reason i think the new plastic  kit is solid but it misses the artistry on display   with the old metal dreadnoughts and finally  number 5 the tomb king sphinx i know it's   fantasy but i want one i started playing 40k  in the tail end of 6th edition so fantasy was   winding down and i saw this model everywhere  and it is amazing i get why tomb kings died   they were just earth egyptians and games for trap  was not good at making skeletons back in the day   but this model really feels more like a modern age  of sigmar than a warhammer fantasy battles model   this is a model that i intend to keep my eyes  open for on ebay it would look great on the shelf   it is beautiful it's the perfect mixed of  monster and statue and i don't know how   any thousand sun players can feel the mutalith  vortex beast and not proxy one of these models   i mean can you imagine how good this would  look flanked by some thousand suns and zangors   come on i want to start a thousand suns  army just to make that picture happen   those were the great models that have been put  out to pasture they will be missed and although   the grief is lightened by the amount of awesome  new plastic games workshops pumping out those   models will remain in my thoughts and in my heart  now with that said let's look at the crap number   one the old sisters of battle they fought the good  fight they were the last models released in 2nd   edition and they were great in 1997. you know what  they were great for like 20 years they kept the   sisters of battle alive and popular for all those  years so that now games workshop sees the need to   release a whole new range of sisters of battle in  stunning plastic these old metal sisters deserve   some major respect but that doesn't mean they're  still good they suffer from the old hand sculpted   mini look awkward poses 40 of their bodies are  covered up by their bolt guns the heroic scale   sculpting made their hands heads and feet so big  that they look like little dwarves and next to the   new sculpts they just look silly number two the  old metal eldar banshees it is very fitting that   probably the best looking aspect warriors are  the first to get some saucy new plastic models   the elder aspect warriors are in desperate need of  a refresh and the banshees are hopefully the first   to get a sexy revamp the classic look is  decent but they look more like they're dancing   than sprinting forward into battle they're tap  dancing and irish jig the new models took what   was there and just finished them they bolt them  out strengthened the poses and made the weapons   bigger they made them as badass as they should be  for number three i'm going to cheat a little bit   and say all the old chaos upgrades now these are  from an interesting time in the chaos where a lot   of the magic was in using the old squatty chaos  bodies and then swapping in the metal upgrades   or if you were brave enough or foolish enough the  fine cast upgrades i know a lot of chaos players   are waiting for their color of chaos to get their  codex and units because that's what the space   marines got but i don't know if you should be  holding out hope the plague marines and thousand   suns were taken from little upgrade sprues into  whole new armies with unique units in war gear   the death guard and thousand suns got their books  and i assume the corn loving world eaters and the   slaaneshi emperor's children will one day be  made into their own armies and then chaos will   be finished number four the hilariously bad old  sentinel this model is just on the list for the   lulls it's the definition of a chicken walker how  on earth was the pilot handling both the gun and   driving the tank with both hands on the gun is he  fred flint stoning the legs is he on a treadmill   does he have a dance dance revolutions game pad  on there it's just adorable thank goodness some   designer at games workshop watched return of  the jedi and learned how to make really cool   chicken walkers the old model is fun i like that  it has the same exact power plant as a dreadnought   and seems to be armed with an assault cannon if  a modern sentinel could take assault cans i think   they'd probably see a lot more play and i think  i'm going to make myself very unpopular with this   one but for number 5 good riddance they're gone  models i picked the squats come on now you know   i'm right squats have been dead for nearly 30  years you gotta walk that off by now games rock   shop tried out space dwarves and they were not  enough demand so they let the tyranids eat them   they looked goofy they looked bad they're from a  time when 40k was just tolkien fantasy in space   but 40k has evolved past that to become its own  thing the dwarves are very specifically fantasy   the type of fantasy that doesn't work really  well in the grim darkness of the far future   do they have power armor well then they're just  space marines do they fight in hordes well then   they're just the guard are they hooligans that  drive around on motorbikes well then they're   just the orcs there is no room for them in 40k  they're still around as a meme but i don't think   we'll see them back forge world made a couple new  ones for necromanda and i think that's perfect   let's just leave it at that and there you have a  trip down memory lane looking at some old models   some great some not so great but all important  pieces of the puzzle that is games workshop   i wonder if in another 20 years what current  models we will look back on as oddities what   models we think are badass now but will become  novelties in the future dude check it out i use   the old tau riptide models how retro is that  in addition to the occasional spicy opinion   piece we make war gaming tutorials each and every  week and if you want more the best way to support   us is over on patreon over there you'll get to  vote on what models i paint live on youtube some   behind the scenes and other exclusive contents  i hope you guys enjoyed the video let me know   in the comments below what are some of your  favorite minis that are no longer in production   and am i completely wrong about the  squats and as always thanks for watching
Channel: EonsOfBattle
Views: 117,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eonsofbattle, eons, of, battle, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 4000, 40k, video, game, play, fun, paint, learn, tutorial, diorama, painting, design, base, basing
Id: -ZSKo-H9bDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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