$409 Japanese A5 Wagyu Cheesesteak Taste Test | FANCY FAST FOOD

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So it's like really hot, but like, could we eat it? Do you think? Oh, I don't wanna do that. I was thinking more of like, if you had a sort of an orifice Oh with which to transport it. What do you think orifice means? Just got through the drive-through. By the drive-through he means we're in the smart and final parking lot as people are crashing shopping carts into our car. Break out the cheese. There's one sleeve for you. We got to eat the tasty cakes before, before they melt before wait Because then you just squeeze it out like a toothpaste tube into your mouth. Maybe you could do that and I won't. Feels nice and hefty You know what I hate about the Jersey Mike's, they never put napkins in the bag. They always make you grab your own napkins but with how much oil they douse on those sandwiches like you would think they'd know that you're gonna need napkins. If you're getting in Mike's way and you're getting the juice on it, Yeah You'd need to have the napkins. You need napkins and you think they would figure that out. Oh wait, this is a good sign. This is a Cheese steak that when you peel it, I like to suck off Stop, no, no. You don't do that? No, no I do, but I didn't think you were gonna do it on camera Yeah, alright let's eat it. Okay All right. So this is Mike's Cheese steak. We got cheesy white American Oh This is ranch. For a mass market sandwich shop, this is a really good Cheese steak. Yeah Annalisa, our producer, she used to work for Jersey Mike's so she can tell us all the secrets. Yeah There's a big ass truck Bye truck Bye smart and final truck. It's not bad, but it's not good The mid cheesesteak is perfectly fine. It's like a mid chicken nugget. Yeah It's like that's still gonna make me pretty happy throughout the day Yeah, It's cheese and steak. As long as you don't frick it up too bad, you know it's pretty enjoyable. There's places we can improve. Uh, the beef, easy. Mhm Um, the beef, easy. Mhm Just get the good stuff. There's always room for improvement on the cheese. I think there is a way that we can replicate the texture of American cheese. It's so good in this Cheese steak but use good cheese. I'm working on a little scientific method. Oh yeah, okay Last time, I tried to do a laminated dough. It was good but I think that I wanna employ the same technique but get a little crazy with it. Oh, you know I'm all about getting crazy with it. Trevor, squeeze open these tasty cakes and put it in your mouth like it's a toothpaste Okay You gotta crush it out of there Hold on Yeah. You gotta let this heat from melting in your car for about 15 minutes before it gets There you go. Now we're in Jersey baby. Now we're at Jersey Mike's Go ahead. That's pretty good. Pretty good. That's a delight. So I wanna make this whole cheesesteak a celebration of all things cow Yes Because this is a living, breathing animal that gave its life so we can enjoy a delicious cheesesteak. When you say it like that, god we should probably all go vegan eventually. Eh, we'll figure it out Wait a minute So I wanna keep as much beef fat flavor going in this. Yes So right now, we got a croissant dough and when I say we, I mean Trevor made it because dough frightens me and I don't like doing things that I'm bad at. I love it. And that dough is infused with Wagyu beef tallow. That's very exciting and then now we're gonna take the Wagyu beef tallow and roll that up in the croissant to function as a giant hoagie roll Yes, a hoagie roll. Yeah, a hoagie roll from Australia. Anyway, uh, this is a square. This is beef tallow in a square because square's good for a croissant. Yeah, yeah, anyway that I can support you in this just let me know. Well no, you don't really have to You're gonna be okay. The way that you support people while they're squatting is you Yeah You're here That's good Because people think that you should just take the bar but if the bar is going down, what are you gonna you're gonna grab it and like, you know kind of do it like No Reverse scat motion it you gotta get under your chest So that actually doesn't really help that much in this situation but I appreciate the offer. If you ever do some heavy back squats though, come find me Oh, I will Have you ever made croissants with Wagyu beef tallow before? No, I've never made croissants with anything but butter. So I'm gonna lay this Do you think it will work? I think it should work. It's not Beef tallow is weird, it melts really fast. So it's gonna be finicky but I assume it will work in so far as we're making a hoagie roll. We're making the 'croissant' croissant. Yeah, hoagie roll A hoagie roll So then you go to the Wawa to get your hoagies Then it comes on a hoagie roll A hoagie roll I'm trying to look for approval on the Pennsylvania people of the crew Chris, Ben, the hoagie rolls? You gotta get the hoagies. So we're making a hoagie roll and so I don't think, it really, we're not gonna look for like the most perfect sheeting you know, we're not try to keep it like perfect layers because it is just gonna get rolled up in a tube. But it's still gonna have a lot of that like flaky, layer-y fun parts of croissant. It's gonna be really buttery. It's gonna be more savory I think because we're using beef tallow. So basically the lamination process you are familiar with. If you're not look it up it's pretty cool. I could explain No no no, it's super cool because Trevor has explained it to me and I'm like, this is the coolest thing I've ever heard in my life Okay, yeah then you explain it All right, so the lamination process, what we're doing so this is called, this is a butter block well, really Wagyu beef tallow and what you're gonna do is you're gonna use the fat as a a a mechanical leavener as opposed to a chemical leavener like sodium bicarbonate or yeast and, so, what that means that you get in the fat in between all the layers so we're fold this up, continue rolling it out kind of like a 'paratha' Sure Yeah. And then what happens then is that the fat will melt and it will steam and then that will actually create the layers in between the dough and then we're gonna cut that open and we're gonna stuff it with a ton of more cow meat Yeah And cheeses and other fun things then the layers are just gonna absorb and we're gonna The first bite on this cheesesteak, we're gonna bite in and you're just gonna go He might do that. I don't know if I will Trevor, You got to do it. Should I talk about my milk? Yeah. Talk about it. So we're, this is fully laminated. We're on the last roll downs. We're going to roll this out and then we're going to shape it but he's gonna talk about milk I have a milk. This is called A2 milk. Trevor, how familiar are you with the different types of casein proteins found from dairy producing cows? Not Well great. So a lot of day producing cows produce both A1 and A2 casein proteins, but did you know that according to one study funded by the A2 milk company, A1 casein proteins are bad for you and a primary risk of heart disease. And this is not medically verifiable. Oh And so then this company started producing milk only with A2 casein proteins in it that is found in genetic mutation in cows Ohhhhhh That happened between 5,000 and 10,000 years ago. Well, when you put it like that, I don't get it. I never had it. Okay so supposedly this is some milk. It has a much higher fat content to it. Okay Like this is like, so a whole milk has 160 calories per eight ounces. This is 210 and that's all coming from fat and I've just never tried it before. It's kind of yellow looking And I think that was a chunk. Oh Dude, That's butter. So there's some butter in our milk. Here, have some milk. I don't like drinking Yeah, you want know the chunks? No, no The chunk is lucky. have the chunk I'll have the chunk Ah what the hell? Oh, it's liquid butter. Oh, I don't like milk and that's worse than milk No, this is literally butter. That's worst. Put some butter in the croissant. That's worse That's a milk chunk in there Anyways, the point is we got it. And now we're going to brush our croissant with it. Wait, can you mix it in the egg Yeah, yeah We didn't just bring it here to drink. No There's actually purpose. You know, it's funny. It actually is because it's really butter. It is very buttery. Ah, now it just kind of tastes like you're getting the drawn butter at a red lobster that you put in a glass of milk. Maybe it will be good for brushing down though. Yeah. Higher fat content. Yeah That's going to caramelize nicely. Maybe I'm addicted to the A2 milk. Is this long enough? All right, so a Jersey Mike's subs is what Annalise, you used to work at Jersey Mike's, how long? Like 13 inches I love you that Annalise's is literally eating part of a Jersey Mike's sub right now. Anyways, uh, 13 inches. So uh go like 16 inches because bigger is fancier. I don't know what sixteen inches looks like. I've always, You just double I've always heard that size doesn't matter. Get it Sex. We have a ruler. That's convenient. We're gonna make us exactly 16 inches. That's 12 inches. That's 12 too That's gonna be about four inches. That was ten. So that's 22 inches. I don't know, make it big dude. I'm hungry, man. I only have my cheese steak in the car. because I was saving room for this and I stole some of his Miss Vickie's jalapeno chips. Yeah he did. Because I didn't know they were his. I thought they were like ours. I thought we were sharing. Do you want to check the lamination on the dough? And then this a bag of chips. You share chips with your friends. You want me to roll it? Yeah roll it, roll it tight. However tight you want. Anytime I see you working pastry you're always like here. You're like elbows tucked. I think you're you're projecting. No, no, no. And then you just kind of, kind of get sticky, Yeah It's very important. You really gotta stick the butt out Stick the butt out, yeah. Same with squats. You stick the butt out, reach the butt for the heals. Really want to dig your hole butt people always think that put your energy in your heels, but no it's got to be Do you need a spot? Yeah, spot me bro Okay All right Let's go let's go I love how the Spot guys always like yelling like he's doing something. I do that. I do that. You got this Let's go. Come on, come on. I think I did it. Okay You want to put it in the oven? Yeah let's go to the oven Josh, I got bad news. What's that Trevor? I got a leak in my pants. Oh no. You should find a seamster or seamstress. I is making a peepee joke. Like I leaked in my pants, but this actually is a leek. Oh, that's a good joke, Trevor. Thank you. Dang it Josh. Why don't you laugh at my joke No, I'm sorry. No, I just I'm one of those people that doesn't laugh. If I laugh it's fake. I internalize it and go, that's funny. You realize how much being on camera, I have to make, I have to make my face like change to because I don't do that normally. I have resting dick face. People think I'm a dick in person TIF resting dick face Yeah, I'm a dick face We got a leek so right now we're doing the onions portion of the yeah, that's good. Just cut it. Typically wash it. But what are we doing? Leeks are my vegetables. They do peppers and onions and you can add mushrooms. We're not doing all that We're sticking to straight alliums here because I do like pure onions on my cheese steak. I typically don't get mushrooms. I typically don't get peppers on it. Um, I respect those who do to a point. Just don't get a chicken steak. What's the point? It's chicken breasts. Yeah gross Anyways, so what we're going to, like I said to, yeah, that's good, now just kind of, we'll put one eyeball on there. Yeah, so what we're going to do, I'm gonna take these bone marrow luges right here. I said I want to celebrate the cow in everything we're doing. So we're going to caramelize these onions down, make a nice onion jam using bone marrow and then the Wagyu beef fat How do I do this? Whoa So all I'm going to do is I'm going to told you we should take that leek off Yeah So I'm just gonna torch the bone marrow just to sort of melt it down a little bit. So we can unsheath it from it's, uh, bone prison. Okay. So bone marrow, you'll find bone marrow So we'll add fire once it heats. Oh Are you a part of the bone marrow registry? No You should be a part of the bone marrow registry. You could save someone's life one day. I don't know. Oh I thought you meant that was like a registry for people that like bone marrow. And so it was like here's the new hot deals on bone marrow Aw crap, alright, So we're getting the, the bone marrow in there. You just got to scoop it out. Yeah with the backside of a spoon. Hold on, let's get some tallow in there. Trevor start throwing onions in there. So we got shallots which are fancy onions, leeks, which are cool onions I still intend to get a tattoo of. Shallots tart throwing all that in there? Yeah, yeah get that in there with the bone marrow Ow. So we're going to get no, you're fine. Keep doing it. You guys know me you can see the hot beef fat on my wrist and I'm fine. I used to be really good. Wait, we're going to light it on fire. Correct. All right so we're gonna give it a hefty pinch of salt. Does that do anything? Do you light it on fire? No, it's for them It's not for us. You can't taste it Anytime they do something no Anytime I see like a commercial It's like Oh, come stay at our, at our resort where we've got a five star restaurant in the lobby and there's always some chef going in. It's like on fire. I'm like I don't think that's how people actually cook Wait but how many stars that were sort of I don't know Five, fancy Five is fancy. We're doing fancy Five is for extra fire. We're lighting stuff on fire. Also not going to lie sometimes for the show, I just like to buy nice bottles of liquor that I get to keep afterwards because we only use part of it. Hey don't And that's Kikori Japanese whiskey. It's made out of rice. They take the same Japanese whiskey making methods, which are derived from the scotch whiskey technique and they use that with rice. So you get some of that sweetness that sweet Saki bacterial finish on the palette. Oh Let's light it on fire You seem really angry about the whiskey No we're doing things purely for the show where this is all for taste. Actually it's not for taste. This is, this show is deliberately not about taste. It's how fancy can we get it And if it tastes good at the end, then that's awesome. Then that's a win for us. Hey, do we get fancy pepper in there? No Fancy pepper. Sam's choice. Sam, Sam Sam is actually a truffle hunting dog who they retrained to hunt peppers. Yeah And so Sam goes down, he sniffs out the best peppercorns. He found each one of these peppercorns and hand picked them. Wasn't Sam the name of the dog that told that guy to kill people? What He thought the dog is son of Sam. We just unintentionally made it Son of Sam murder joke. What are you talking about? There was a serial killer in the 80's who said that a dog was possessed by Satan, Okay his name was David Berkowitz Stop Who killed a bunch of people Stop making stuff up. No dude, that's a real thing. Just stop But then people think that it was actually a coverup for like some deeper, I don't know, man The pepper Listen to one podcast. They're all about dog murders. All right, go in, pour some of this in and you know light that on fire. And then it goes, boom. And then they come to Pachanga. Well, our chefs at Pachanga resort or Chumash casino make the best Come to Sandal's Jamaica Sandal's Jamaica I heard they got a nude week coming up on Thanksgiving. We got a good amount of char on the beef fat and on the onions. And now we're taking Dashi. So Dashi No, no, no, no. I know what Dashi is So that is seaweed and roasted, It's like tuna flakes that they ferment and dry and roast them such it's going to get umami in there. If you thought we didn't have enough Umami with the whisky and with all that bone marrow in there, we're going to get even more view of the dashi. And this is going to be a flavor bomb on our Jersey Mike's Hoagies So there's a lot of controversy out there about what sort of cheese you add to a cheese steak. Uh, Everyone can bond in the fact that people who put provolone on it are not to be trusted. They are health freaks out there for the healthy provolone cheese and I don't agree with it. Uh White American is kind of standard. I'm a cheese whiz guy. Um some people say only tourists get cheese whiz. Ah sue me, I was born in California, rules. Uh but I was born in Maryland and live in Kansas City point is what we're going to do. How familiar are you with particle physics? Not Okay, great. So they're isolated. The God particle, right? They Higgs Boson the elementary particle that gives uh mass to all other elementary particles and that whole thing. So what we've done here, we've isolated the nacho cheese chemical. Oh. So before, when we'd done stuff like this to try and make it delicious, processed cheese product with delicious things, we would add it to American cheese that has emulsifying properties. We figured piss that right off. We're going to get the actual chemical that they add to American cheese to bind it, which is sodium citrate. Oh, fun stuff. So just buy it online. Yeah, Amazon man, It's great. Bezos. You know, I don't know if I agree with a lot of things that he does, but I do love getting the chemicals in the mail. So what we're going to do, I'm going to take this delicious Delirium Tremens Delirium Tremens I have been to the actual brewery they made this at and I man, I, I phew, I got He told me, he got straigh I felt like I got locked in a bathroom and with the lights out and I started screaming and like, you know, there was also He also drank a lot of alcohol. Be responsible. I'm going to measure out 200 grams of this because we actually have to get science-y with it. So you go on 200 grams of this 200 grams of this upsetting milk. And then you're gonna add 500 grams of all these cheeses, so uh So just 50 grams of each. Yeah. Just start like kind of popping in that, to there. So I'm going to add a bunch of beer to this boiling pot. Oh That's going to go let that settle for a sec. Smell that that's wild. Ooh. Yeah, you do like shower beers. I would, no pop open a, pop open a Busch light in the shower and then the steam Oh It kinda it uh aromatizes you Yeah, that makes sense. That's where we're going to do Also, I don't think I'd ever do it Why? Because. It's funny that you ask. I don't like taking drinks in the shower, especially canned drinks. Cause they get too hot. Cause I'd done it before with a diet Coke. Yeah I have diet Coke in the shower sometimes, but then it always gets too hot. So you do shower Diet Cokes? Yeah. You don't do shower Diet Cokes No, It's a shower beer. It's a pooping Diet Coke and a shower beer that's like a pre-game. Man, learn to party. All right, so take 200 milliliters of this milk How do we get the milk in here? Okay. You pour it How's that cheese going? Uh, it's going good. These, I don't know what they are. Well, hold on here. So we add, we add the sodium citrate to that uh beer and I'm gonna add the milk later because I don't want to curdle the beer. I have a list of the cheeses. Hold on. We're doing what? 11 cheeses in there. Ten, ten cheese is hard. I'm going to try and cook and read at the same time. We have sheep's milk Petit Basque of France, El Trigal Reserva Manchego, 14 months aged out of Spain, we got Parmigiano Reggiano DOP from Vacche Rosse out of Italy. We got Cave aged Gruyere from Switzerland. We got Port Salut Trappist cheese out of France. We got Pecorino Toscano Stagionato DOP. That's from Italy. We got Idiazaball. I believe that is a Basque cheese that was technically in Spain, but give the Basque country independence. Hello? And we got Fontina Valle D'Aosta that's out of Italy. We got Esquirrou Ossau-Iraty that's another Basque cheese. And then we got Asiago Pressato Fresco out of Treviso, Italia She's hard. Josh, can you cut it Dude how much cheese we got Dude let me I don't know how to cut the cheese Rip it with your hands Why are you so, so strong? Just go in like Ohh Kind of, kind of grab a nugget That wasn't 50. That was 30. I already did that cheese You worry too much. I did that cheese already You worry too much Trevor. This is 50 grams. Ah, 50 grams. You just said we had to get science-y now you're not even measuring it really. Oh, When have I ever contradicted myself on this show ever find me one and I'm going to watch the beer Go watch the beer. Here just start breaking it off. It's not going to make, the chemicals, so what it does is it strengthens the protein matrixes because when your matrices strengthens up, Dominic do you know that a female aviator is called an Aviatrix. Yes It strengthens the protein matrices in cheese, it prevents it from separating. Oh, it's so cool So when you try and make nacho cheese, yeah, it is cool Trevor It is cool. The people wanna know the people wanna know because when you try and make when you try and make nacho cheese with fancy cheese then it separates it, It's going to stop it all from separating so you take cool things like beer. Then you can have a nice Josh is either like too nerdy and smart or too much of an idiot to be able to fly alone according to our fans. You know? So uh You know what comment I'm talking about. Add the milk to that. I shouldn't gesture with a knife. It was okay. It's a cheese knife. What's this orange. You eat the orange. Oh the orange Oh, I got the fart milk on the burner. I think the orange was a net Is a net? It's going down but it's not going down smooth Pop it in, whisk it up, see what happens Ehhhhh Don't start vigorously whisking oh dude, I put a rind in there give it a second. it's going to melt. Just walk away. A watched cheese never melts. [Alarm Clock Ringing] Oh Trevor, Cheese is never going to melt. Josh's idea is so stupid. The chemical you got on Amazon I've been standing here for 20 minutes Oh look it's not gonna melt again 20 minutes Yeah, well, you know, good food takes time Jersey Mike's made his way. Like I don't want to flame Jersey Mike's I really like 20 minutes of those dang sandwiches. Point is we made a delicious cheese sauce. Uh it's really hot right now. Yeah. So it's gonna be super runny, but we let it cool down. And then it's actually going to have the texture of American cheese when it sort of like lays flat. Yeah We're going to pour it on. So it's like really hot, but like, could we eat it? Oh, I don't want to do that. I was thinking more of like, if you had a sort of an orifice with which to transport it, What do you think orifice means? Ah, crud. Ah, man. Okay. So we got the world's jankiest griddle set up yeah you got a bread that's nice for smoking on one side, Yeah, well, okay let's just start going. So we're gonna take some Wagyu beef tallow, it's gonna skate around there Well it's hot, you know? It's hot, you know it's hot. And then now we have. Uh oh god Oh god This is American Wagyu Ribeye. It's sliced as thin as possible. But Trevor, I got one more extra steak treat for you Okay After this buddy. So we're just gonna try and cook that. I don't need it to get like a crazy hard sear. That looks really good It looks really good. This is can make a heck of a freaking cheese steak dude. I mean, when you eat a cheese steak it's not like crispy beef, you know, No, you don't want that It's pretty, it's pretty you know, you don't want too crispy. Ow, ow You want to kind of steam and sweat on itself and give it a hefty showering of salt Give em the dog pepper Murder dog pepper. Sam, Son of Sam yeah he's possessed by the devil he told me to buy this pepper. Yeah you get that on there All right. So traditionally what I would want to do is as this is cooking and steaming I'd add some onions add some cheeses on top of it, but you want to cut that open and see where we're at? Yeah. I mean, what are you thinking here? Like, like hit it like, Ow Jesus Christ. Ah God is angry. We're split topping it man. And this way we can like fry apart the layers. Oh this is lovely. I think I'm just gonna go in fingers. Yeah. All that is actually layers of buttery. I mean, I knew there was going to be layers in there. All right. So we got our beef ravine going right here and then we're going to stuff that ravine full of beef. That's why they call it beef ravine. Ow God, Ow Ow Ow Beauty is pain. There we go. We're beef ravined up I think I can pull back this layer. Whoa, what is going on there? What happened? Beef ravine. It looks like in Georgia O'Keeffe painting. Haha She's a very talented artist. Yes All right. How's beef going? Beefs going good? I don't know, you tell me Ohh we're gonna take just like a little bit We're going to save some of the onions for the top, but I just wanna take like a little bit of this right now. I'm just gonna pop that on there and mix it in a little bit. This is still really hot. And then we're going to get, so, oh my god, so hot. I was burning myself, dude. You're going to kind of chop this up. You gotta do one of those. That's how they do it at the Jersey Mike's That's how Jersey Mike's does it. It hurt, it hurts Here's what we can do here's what we can do What are you doing? Where are you taking the cheese? Pre-loads the ravine with the cheese. Here want me to do it Yeah, yeah you do I didn't trust you because I'm scared of everything that's happening right now. We're going to preload the ravine Holy crap. You're going in. Oh oh God. Start loading up with beef ravine I'm just gonna observe I think Here here here let me captain the ship No I'm gonna put it on top Okay Let me captain the ship here buddy That's a lot of beef, man. Yeah, I want a lot of beef in here. How many calories you reckon that is? Who cares man? We're living, dude. That's a lot of protein. Good macros in it. They all it's so much macros dude the sandwich You wanna turn the fire down. Ow fudging heck Oh, we're doing more cheese. Oh yeah. More Hold on, Less than the onions. I want them all on there. Oh yeah god that's gonna be good Alright, cheese over thought. And just cascades down. How are we going to eat this with our hands? At Jersey Mikes when you're here you're Jersey from a guy named Mike he says hoagies Hey Trevor, remember that special meat treat I promised you. Yeah well read this. Five That's all we know how to read on it because the rest is in Japanese, but this is the official Certificate of authentica- god, dang it oh no, This is the official certificate of authenticity. Of the A5 Wagyu We didn't want to use that for the whole sandwich to simply too fatty, but I want to tuck little portions into the bites there. So I want it. I want to salt this up with our speshy speshy, fancy sauce, espeshy, and we have screaming hot cast iron, and that's just going to go into a screaming hot cast. I'm just going to sear it for a couple of seconds on each. We really want like a medium rare cook on this. How are you gonna Then you're gonna flip it. Get it flipped? But you jump in there. This is basically a spatula I cook my eggs with this in the morning Do you want tonjes? No don't give me the tonjes nah you gonna kinda bash it and we're putting it right back onto the raw meat thing because you can eat this stuff raw. Yeah I eat it raw. I don't know. Schmokey Here's the thing you need like beef, tar, tar carpaccio. You know, they're not doing anything special, right? They're not buying the special raw beef. When you get it at a fancy restaurant, they're not going to the store and be like, hey, uh Cisco food supplier. Give me that special raw beef. No, no, no. It's just the cow meat. All right, I'm going to flip it. [Beef sizzles] Ohhhhhhh That's going to be fricking good dude, Trevor. Okay. So what's gonna happen. I'm going to flip it back on here. I'm going to hack her up Okay and then you're going to tuck it into the folds Okay I'm gonna tuck it into the folds barking Alright. I'm pulling it. Okay. All right, here we go. Hot beef. [Chopping] [Laughing] Wait, eat that. Hold on, eat some Grab some good beef. Grab some good beef. Oh my God. Oh It can melt in your mouth Oh dude it's like, no, like not even cow at all Oh my God. Okay tuck it, tuck it I'll help you. Help me tuck. You got to tuck the meat. You help me I tuck you, you tuck me Okay. Oh man. I've heard about the meat tuck before It's just gently seared, no the meat tuck is what keeps it all, keeps it all You got it Alright Trevor Hi hey We did it we made it fancy for the hey, no, move, get out, move Let's see how there's compared to the original from Jersey Mike's that we were at today earlier. It seemed a lot bigger earlier It seemed a lot bigger sandwich earlier is small now. Stupid idiot. Well cut it. It's tiny This is uh normal size meal. It was give that a little sear off. And the wagyu fat, just to remember, That's a good sandwich That's still a great sandwich I don't know if that one's gonna be better. Cut that in half Alright. Let me spot you And holy effin es Wow Holy effin es bro You see the layers in the croissant that cheese ravine that we put down there, it was just formed that in there. Holy crap. Oh my god Come on dude, come on, come on man Can I get a sappy for a minute? Yeah. I remember when I was a little kid growing up watching like food TV and I saw something on the travel channel where a place was making like a hundred dollar cheese steak. Mhm And she said one of my favorite foods. And I was like, what I would give to taste that I will never taste anything that good in my life. This just blows that out of the, I mean, this is truly one of the greatest things I've ever tasted and it tastes like a cheese steak. That's the thing, you know, you give some extra freaking flaky and beef fat in the bread this is a cheese steak through and through. And I mean, it's, this is that's what the show's about, dude. It's phenomenal. This rules. This is really good. So, but how, how much money it costs? $409 and 9 cents. Uh it's worth it Well worth it for my little uh cathartic monologue there. I'd say Trevor dude. Thank you for sharing this with me. Yeah Thank you for sharing it with me. I was wow. I don't know what to say. Thanks for stopping by the mythical kitchen. we got new episodes out every week. we got new episodes of our podcast, A Hot Dog's a Sandwich, every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts, it is up on Instagram @MythicalKitchen and pictures of your mythical dishes on your #dreamsbecomefood. We'll see you all next time. I don't know how many more bites my body can like physically sustain. I know I kind of want to just like one last one. I'm going to like, I, I need to give myself like a stopping point by cutting part of it off, but oh gosh, it's spilling Just gotta claw it Yeah. Yeah. That's my boss. Get as messy as you want. in your own kitchen when you have the mythical kitchen towels available now @mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 1,164,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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