$400 World's BEST "Whole KING CRAB" & LOBSTER NOODLE Breakfast at LARGEST Fish Market in Australia

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look how big the body is this is the body you could wear this as a [Music] helmet good morning everybody it's about 7:00 in the morning and welcome to Sydney fish Market the largest fish market in the southern hemisphere the third largest in the world this is going to be really [Music] fun so how this Market works is that inside the actual Fish Market itself you can take a tour inside but there no filming and what all these vendors do is that as you can see there is pretty much everything under the sea at these markets and you can pick out whatever you want and they'll cook it for you in approximately a bazillion different ways let's go get some breakfast these are Tasmanian king crabs oh my goodness they are enormous mud crabs and even before you get your Seafood to cook any way you want there's so many things already ready to eat there's oi there's caviar there's smoke eel Sushi Sashimi I don't think I've seen this many types of seafood before in my life this is truly truly incredible [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right this will definitely be the most epic Seafood breakfast I've ever had in Australia maybe I've ever had ever I got a whole lobster noodle made with Australian rock lobster and that is cooked with ginger and scallion sitting on top of a bit of noodles then I got the mud crab cooked in Citron chilies then giant K prawn cooked in salted egg these little peee clams Australian specialty cooked in black bean sauce I'm so excited for that and finally the Behemoth the ginormous Tasmanian king crab cooked Singapore chili crab style let's start with a bite of noodles because when I get to my clams and my prawn I want it with the noodles this is the Australian rock lobster one of the best lobsters you can find on this planet and from what I learned on that bolt Excursion there's a lot of of good yeasts in these legs and the antennas let's just grab a piece from the tail oh this thing is beautiful it's glistening in all that sky and ginger sauce you can already tell this is going to be some tasty sweet succulent piece of seafood of course the sauce scallion and ginger this is their most popular sauce this is of course a very classic sauce for cooking any type of shellfish looks like medium wide white noodles underneath and that's also soaked in all that ginger scallion sauce and it's got that Lobster juice leaking into it as well this is one of the antennas look at this the size of the antenna on this Lobster and there's such good amount of meat in here this is one of the sweetest most succulent Lobster you'll find under the ocean anywhere and when that is Stir Fred with the ginger and scallions it mixes that sweet rich flavor with the aromatic pungency of the ginger and that fresh sweet crunchy flavor of the scallion yeah all that great flavor of the ginger and sces with the sweetness of the lobster all past down into the noodles it's basically marrying the sweet Umami of the Sea and the great aromatic zesty flavors of the land the ultimate in Sweden Savory is in this dish right here like I said do not sleep on these legs snap these apart that's a good chunk of meat right there I think the legs have some of the most tender meat on this Lobster and there's quite a bit of meat in the legs look at that comes right out look at all that delicious meat in the head and the head's going to have some gorgeous chunks of meat including the Santana and this one's going to be a little hard to open it's not going to be in one piece but that is all in t toy right here and that is sweet and so delicious the meat from the head is going to have more of the Mami flavor yeah the most flavorful part of the lobster right in the head I mean the meat is just falling out of the shells here take the lobster meat grab some of the noodles also this is such a great deal you can get a whole lobster noodle this year for about 99 Australian dollar which is about 65 UI and that's including everything whole lobster stir fry noodles that's an unbelievable deal if you go to a restaurant and Order thish and I've done that before it going cost you way way more and this is just a mouthwatering flavor bomb of a dish got to have some of these clams this is cooked in my favorite sauce black bean sauce which is one of if not the best way I think in my opinion is the best way to cook clams Australian peee clams soaked in black bean sauce with some chilies some scallions and these are good siiz morsels in these clams you got to try this if you guys are ever in Australia I highly recommend comeing to this fish market this is such an incredible experience and get these clams in the black beinging sauce oh my God the flavor is incredible if you never had blacking sauce before it's fermented sweeping and it's got such a huge earthy wami flavor it's a very unique seasoning and it goes perfect with vegetables Seafood meat pretty much everything besides ice cream or maybe that will work too but this in clams oh my God 10 out of 10 I wish I had some white rice right now I would just use all the sauce and just put it on my white rice and it will just be glorious the meat pretty much fills up the entire shell and the clams themselves are so succulent in tender even though this thing is covered in the blacking sauce you can taste the sweetness of the clams and they're clean so well I'm always afraid of Sandy clams happens all the time not a single green of sand and I love that tender bouncy texture of these clams I got sh they go best with rice but take some make sure it's covered in the sauce add it to the noodles maybe a little scallions the lobster is the perfect sweetness this dish is the perfect savoriness 10 out of 10 I love this so so much so it's a little spicy from the chilies I'm so glad I got the noodles this is another dish I'm so excited about giant fresh tiger prawns oh yeah deep fried and covered in salted egg sauce by the way all the shellfish are deep fried first so that's how they cook and then they go into the walk for a couple minutes and all the sauce is tossed in and they do this of course to make sure everything is cooked through this has such a beautiful golden shell and all those legs right there that's going to be delicious little shrimp chips first thing you do with this munch on the legs oh yeah like I said little crunchy salted egg pra chips break off the head section like so you see that that's all the good stuff oh yeah all that gorgeous wami with a little salted egg then what I like to do eat The Salted egg sauce off the Shell First oh also the tail just munch that thing right off some people can just eat the whole shell the shell on the body is still a little tough for me but take that off dunk it back into that awesome salted egg sauce if you never had saled egg sauce before for you got to give it a try I think salted egg crab is good I think salted egg prawn is excellent but here the sauce is crumbly it's Savory it's got so much beautiful wami and a sauce and that is combined with that Ultra sweet succulent tender meat of the tiger prawn which I think is the best prawn out there the meat is just so Ultra sweet and there's so many elements you can eat with a dish like this like I said the little crunchy legs the tail the head all going to have different flavors and no matter which bite you take it's just going to make you so happy it was a really good call this next one is the mck crab and I had it cooked citrum pepper style the body of course deep fried you got all that gorgeous tamali miso natural flavors right there it's soaked in onions and peppers and peppercorn oh look at this got some roll in this crab as well best part of this crab break over this this joints right here again beautiful roll right there M oh wow eating that little piece in my mouth water texture flavor everything that bite had it all all that beautiful meat dunk it in the Citron pepper sauce oh man the sauce is so good usually you get the ginger and scallion if you want to retain as much of the sweetness and natural flavors of the crab as possible but I love some chili sauce I think it highlights the sweetness of the crab first of all the chef charm everything I've had today was topnotch from the black bean clams to the The Salted egg to The Salted egg prawns and now the the sauce tastes like I'm in Citron right now it's peppery it's spicy it's nummy and it's perfect with the sweetness of the crab which again you can definitely taste let see if I can bust a claw open here so they do crack it for you I wish they gave you crackers because especially with a mug crab this is not going to be easy to open there we go that's a nice giant piece of the claw oh my gosh look at that again dunk it into that Citron sauce this will go so good with rice at least I have the noodles but this never had the sauce before is a high recommend for me I don't know how the other place tastes but this place the Citron sauce it's got a ton of heat and so much flavor yeah this is the best part and there's so much more roll in the body of this crap too mix that with the Citron sauce too inside that's just the best part it's the most flavorful part I don't even know which one's my favorite so far it might be the Citron crab is so good something else I want to do take some of my noodles dunk it into that Citron sauce oh yeah pick up some of that row oo oh that's the way to eat this amazing this is the Behemoth I don't had this car before look how big the body is this is the body you could wear this as a helmet look at all stuff they have in the head there's some roll here oh yes some tamale and this is cooked Singapore chili crab style dunk it into that sauce oh my God sweet spicy this is also aami bomb can't even describe how good this flavor is and look at the joints this is one joint on this crab problem is I don't think this is cracked at all so weird all the joints are not cracked this might be a little problem but I'm going to eat what I can oh right here at least this part you can see all that gorgeous meat oh yeah you can see the meat is much stringier than the other crabs I've had today and definitely more tender this crab is sweet but also more of a Bry flavor than other crabs I've had definitely the most succulent crab I had today I'm just going to use this knuckle like a little crab cup and just take the meat out of it from one end with my Chopsticks this might be one of the most succulent crabs I've ever had the meat is crazy soft I'm going to try to break into a claw see if I can break this open oh yeah 10 seconds later oh look at that lump of crab meat dunk it into that chil really crab sauce oh my God even the king crab this is UN like any crab I've had before this is incredible this is the most tender crab I've ever put in my mouth regular king crab included rich and sweet again with that really nice brininess that I tasted before I think I like this more than regular King crap also if you look at it the meat is just so white it looks very different look at it look how white it is it's just glistening in the sun and the contrast between the white meat and the orange Hue from the shell is incredible and this thing you can see already how juicy this is and I am not exaggerating by saying this is the most tnder crab ever because this is the most tnder crab ever I never had anything like this before regular king crab should give up his crown to this look how stringy the meat is the texture it's got way richer of a flavor than a king crab 2 luxurious tasting M combined with a sweet and spicy chili crab sauce you're getting one of the most luxurious delicious tasting Seafood probably ever this is definitely the greatest Seafood breakfast I've ever had in my life this Market not only are the seafood obviously fresh as can be the flavors that come out of that kitchen is ludicrous if you are in Sydney or if you're visiting Sydney I highly recommend coming here and trying this out definitely the Citron crab black bean clams salted egg anything I recommend the prawns and this Singapore chili crab sauce beautiful with this crab this is an incredible crab experience and definitely get some noodles or rice you'll want to scrape up every bit of the sauce all right I got to get to eating before my breakfast gets cook all the information for this Market is in the description box below thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 254,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sydney Fish Market, best seafood breakfast, whole King Crab breakfast, lobster breakfast, luxury seafood Sydney, Sydney Fish Market review, best seafood market Australia, King Crab and Lobster meal, Sydney food guide, must-visit Sydney, foodie, Sydney dining, seafood lovers, best eats Sydney, top seafood markets, culinary adventure
Id: kdmeiefg8lM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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