24 Hours Eating ONLY at 7-ELEVEN in Tokyo Japan! | 100 Foods to Eat Before You Die!

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100 foods to eat before you die I've been traveling and eating all around the world and here are the 100 Foods you need to eat before you die and these are in no particular order so add them to your food bucket list number 24 711 in [Music] Japan the 711s in Japan has everything there's Sprouts there's noodles there's Sushi mint Co boil squid roasted macro some men Tha Co you just want to feel full in a pinch conj jelly super low cal super delicious ooh 7-Eleven pudding matcha dessert that's cute pumpkin cream cake cheese slices coffee jelly Hur steak with cheese this is my favorite section here cooked meals ready to go meals o super beef tofu and green onions well this is really interesting EO Ramen ready to eat AO Ramen [Music] so these are 711 Gold Fruit Products I've been seeing a lot of these lately I don't think I've seen these before last time I was here this is crab pasta oh my gosh this is a lot of food right now oh Superman I can take home and a pizza little shees snacks these look St delicious spicy potato chips yes love these oh Premium Gold instant noodles never tried this before one of my favorite things at 7eleven here in Japan these little fruity ice balls it smells so grapy make sure you get some sparkling water the sparkling the better right here strong sparkling water don't get the weak one pour this in here actually forgot to get a straw if you're at 7-Eleven you can actually get a cup of ice add this to the cup of ice add some sparkling water and now you have icy grape sparkling soda one of the most refreshing drinks you can give sem1 in Japan I love the meat buns here so much the outside incredibly light and Airy fluffy dough inside Giant pork feeling nice and peppery and flavorful I only wish I had some hot oil dipped this in I used to B my hot oil in Singapore by the way all hot oils are 15% off for the holiday season I'll put the link down below for you guys I'm going to save this and dip it into something this needs to be dipped also the Carro looks so good as soon as I open this up you smell the curry you feel a little crispy skin on the outside and this thing when I was pulling it it gives up like a very elasticy emoi is texture I love this so much that's perfect the all size skin the most subtle little Crunch and once you get through that the texture is Airy it's bouncy it's slightly mous the curry inside is just amazing spicy Saucy Japanese Curry goes perfect with the Spong I wish I got a lot more of these if you see these at a local s Japan get it to find something I can dip the bun in let's try this 7eleven Premium Gold creamy pasta I've had 7-Eleven brand items I've had 7-Eleven premium brand items I don't think I've ever had a 7-Eleven Premium Gold item before so just open it a little bit and in the microwave it goes so pasta tomato sauce on top I don't see a lot of crab in here it's not bad I say like a like a solid seven seven and a half out of 10 pasta is really authentic you definitely taste the crap the sauce this supposed to be a creamy pasta it's not all that creamy you can taste the tomatoes which is a nice balance against a crab the noodle texture is freaking perfect though dip a little bit of my FN in here m I think this is a great place to add my mano to kind of boost up the seafoody flavor of the pasta kind of mix it [Music] in oh that's awesome instantly made this dish more Briny more Seafood added a depth of flavor highly recommend getting a cam in cold and it add it rice you can add it a pasta I think with the crab noodles it's just a match made and food heav so good dip with a fatty pork bun next up let's try this pizza this frozen pizza of the crust looks really good it looks like it just came out of a neopolitan oven this is a margarita pizza there's basil there's crushed tomatoes the cheese I thought the cheese would be a little more pully than this this is really good I've had a lot of frozen pizza in my day and I never confused it for a pizza that just came out of a real Brick Oven until now this thing actually has that bitter flavor that tastes like it came from a brick oven you can taste a fire you can taste a Char the tomatoes are nice and sweet the crust is really light and delicious there's good aroma from the basil and the cheese may not look it it's actually really good cheese it's just not as melty on as pizza right now but this definitely does does not taste like a frozen pizza if I loved in Japan I'll would just keep maybe a dozen of these in the fridge and whenever I want pizza just toast one up I mean this is better than any Domino's Pizza H I'll take this from the freezer over in a piping hot chain pizza restaurant any a day of the week 100,000% recommend wow I am totally sold on the 7-Eleven Gold Label after that pizza I want to get a couple more let's try this iuto noodles so this is different than iuto instant noodle this is basically fresh iuto noodles it looks like so the original chashu there's some scallions here veggies in here all the sauces in here so this bowl you put the whole thing in the microwave including the ramen the broth and then afterwards there's this little tab here you pull on it and it just all goes into this bowl that's pretty ingenious it was funny because initially I I didn't see the tab but the steam start pushing the tab around so the tab was kind of like almost waiting at you to kind of grab it I don't know if they engineered it like that or not I mean I think they did and that's genius so here cabbage SK onions DED garlic fresh chashu tons of noodles in here it smells so Porky and good oh they also gave a little pepper pack as well at this in this is amazing it tastes just like the broth from Meo as if I'm sipping it from the bowl right now I mean it is obviously but this tastes like I just got served a bowl of fresh Ramen from the ramen counter even the noodles are so alent and perfect what deep rich creamy Porky broth to the crunchy cabbage to the super springy noodles I thought the noodles would be a little soggy maybe or the broth might not be all that tasty if you don't want to hit over toodle hit to the local 7eleven these are such slurp worthy noodles wish each one would do something like this as well M oh look at the Cho look at that all that fat that's on these pieces wow that's bowl is butter Ramen overall that I've had a lot of ramen restaurants I'm going to chase this with some of these uh roasted mackerel from 711 premium soon as you open that up you get a big whiff of the Smoky flavor of the fish real Wasabi put some Wasabi on here that's so delicious wow get this if you go to 7-Eleven don't forget to get this you taste that great roasted flavor of the fish the fish is so tender after the bite is gone I'm still getting that Smoky flavor in my mouth right now looks like we have another match up here in food hav has so many Savory dishes coffee break that's really good coffee all right let's try this 7-Eleven Premium Gold beef stew I feel like whenever I eat this now my expectations is going to be maybe a little unrealistically high so it's big old chunks of beef in the stew don't vegetables just beef and gravy wow that's so good 711 Premium Gold remember that trust it there are potatoes in here by the way the potato is so creamy and if you look up the word tender in the dictionary it would be a picture of this beef just squeezing it with my Chopsticks basically no resistance it's just crumbling the gravy is delicious a little sweet very thick very smoky wow I wish I got some rice to put this on actually I might have something better 71 egg sandwich this is in my opinion one of the best egg sandwiches you find in Japan and you can just get it at local 7eleven I've had much more quote unquote premium egg sandwiches here in Japan often times this is much better oh that was a bite three years into making crustless softest pillow of a bread creamy egg salad inside this is such a light satisfying delicious sandwich and just dunk it into the beef stew Chase it with a piece of that delightfully tender beef this is such a good combo cuz the gravy is subtly sweet it's very aggressively seasoned which is perfect when you dip this delicate Sandwich inside there's some lean pieces of this beef in here and they're fatty ones even lighter and dissolv here than this egg salad that was beyond good I had a great idea sliced cheese in the curry this is the best thing about a 7-Eleven where most of the food it's going to be delicious you can just kind of mix and match make things taste the way you wanted to taste cheesy chunks of beef in this Curry I would highly recommend whenever you go into a 7-Eleven store in Japan or South Korea somewhere make sure to buy some cheese You'll Always Find opportunities to use them so good going to move on to dessert for now cuz uh I think I'm good for lunch and then save the rest for dinner and maybe breakfast tomorrow dessert let's try this pumpkin cream cake so there's lot of seasonal desserts at the local convenience stores in Japan and right now it's Halloween season do you get this little cream cake wao I love it it's so creamy on the outside on the bottom there's some cake inside there's also I think it's toffee or some kind of little crunch so you get that difference in texture it's sweet it's creamy it's like eating a puffy Cloud awesome wow eat thish maybe take a nap take a little break I'll see you guys at dinner dinner time start out with M tofu [Music] I remember 7-Eleven having amazing lamap po to frood from last time I don't know if it's the same one this is so good super spicy definitely tastes a lot of the peppercorn tofu is tender lots of minced meat in here well four bites in my tongue's already on fire more from the numbness the peppercorn than the chilies I going to put a lot of peppercorn in here I wonder if I can do this I have a humburg steak that I bought Humber steak with cheese I think I'm going to heat this up and toss it in here oh I forgot to add this they give you a pack of Citron H gel this is peppercorn too this thing is already super nummy but why not wo this is a tender tender hurg steak just cutting it a little bit just pushing on a little bit with the plastic spoon this thing is coming apart melty cheese in the middle that stick is really really soft I mean it goes pretty well with the mapu inside's very cheesy the sauce is a little bit sweet I thought it would go really well together because I've had things like mafa tofu cheesy egg rolls where cheese is combined with the mafa tofu it came out really awesome I think this this humbur steak is a little too tender for my liking almost tastes a little pasty than than meaty but the cheese mixing the mafa tofu that I really like [Music] couple thises that kind of resist anytime I see them at a 7-Eleven work pretty much anywhere maap tofu and a gildon I love the gildon here in Japan so much it's 7eleven makes a pretty darn good one the meat is super thin super fatty the onions are crunchy and sweet the sauce is delicious the sauce mixed into the rice absolutely delicious I mean sometimes you go to restaurants you order a gildo the beef is not fatty as it's not very thin but there's not enough gravy this the gravy covers all the rice making that just as flavorful the meat is melting your mouth fatty fatty fatty beef the onions are crunchy the flavor is Rich and delicious whenever I'm in Japan and codo I know there's a lot of faster places actually will sell this I like the 7-Eleven version I feel like I ate the last two really quickly so I can get to this 7-Eleven Premium Gold instant noodle so I did some research on this apparently this is from a robin shop called Ida Shulton which is about an hour I think hour and a half from Tokyo and is currently rated as the number one ramen shop in Japan and this is their most popular Ramen the the show you Ramen if this tastes as good as I think it's going to going to have to try to go to this place inside there is your chashu seaweed oils sauce [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the broth is very light definitely taste to show you the oils are really nice it's a very refined flavor not aggressively seasoned at all the noodles are amazing the noodle texture is so chewy and bouncy it does not taste like I just cooked this up with some boiling water 5 minutes ago this is a delicious Exquisite bowl of instant noodles this is better than some ramen restaurants I've been to the chashu obviously rehydrated it's a little chewy a little dry but again not bad considering that it was a cracker a few minutes ago I like this a lot again the flavor is not super strong slapping your face kind of stuff that's not what this is this is very refined good amount of umami very light very delicious bowl of noodles for instant noodles this is one of the best to have ever existed you're not going to find many instant noodles that's better than this from the chewy bouncy noodles to the broth I could open the ramen shop in some parts of the world and just just serve this probably be lying at the door this is delicious if you see at the 7-Eleven get it that's about it for dinner I got one more pack of skeman left in the freezer in an egg dish and a fish left in the fridge going to eat that for breakfast for dessert pumpkin pudding I think most of the stuff I got today are just 7-Eleven branded their own products that's how much faith I have in 7-Eleven in Japan in the US those are probably things I avoid I love pudding in Japan like any pudding except for this one it tastes more like a pumpkin puree than a pudding let's go for another one I think this is coffee jelly it's one of my favorite things I love coffee jelly another one of those things where if I see it I have to get it I used to really not like coffee at all I think it all started from coffee jelly then I start drinking coffee and now I got a coffee machine home it's so creamy on top the jelly is perfect slight bitterness great way to finish dinner I tried not to eat a lot of food at night um ever since I got older so I tend to eat a much bigger breakfast bigger lunch and just trying to not overdo it in dinner so I'm going to finish this go for a run and see you guys have breakfast [Music] good morning breakfast is going to be off just want to make sure you guys are careful I've done this twice myself already a lot of times when you get Chopsticks at 7-Eleven there's a toothpick that's like sandwich in between the CH it's supposed to be sandwiched between the the the Chopsticks but sometimes it kind of sticks out last couple times when I just like when I just did this the toothpick stabbed me like stabbed into my finger so be very careful about this I don't this is really not a good design but breakfast is going to be skem and a salt Grill macro so this is also a um 711 gold Premium Gold item and I always get a mackerel fish s71 so make sure you take the bones out I don't think I've had a bad fish from 7-Eleven yet skem it I put an Sun egg on here let's try dipping this it's mindblowing how good microwavable noodles are in Japan I've said this many times before I could probably open a restaurant and just serve this in many parts of the world noodles are chewy texture is perfect look at this piece of chashu this actually looks really decent I'm just going to go ahead and break my egg let that creamy texture cover the noodles a bit so when I dip it texture is even more luminous dipping sauce I tast the anov I taste a pork this chashu was amazing it's so fatty so tender even if you get this at a Ramen Shop you'll be singing its Praises I mean everything about this the dipping sauce the noodles the flavor I mean the dipping sauce so rich so so much Umami that anovi flavor just adds a ton of flavor in depth only complaint I wish they give you more of this this dipping sauce is so good you really legitimately can come to Japan if you don't want to go out for a couple days buy a bunch of 7-Eleven food come here and eat it you're going to be really really happy like I am right now it's been a really good food day
Channel: Mike Chen Shorts & BEST Eats
Views: 138,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7-ELEVEN Japan, Tokyo Food, Convenience Store Eats, Foodie, Japanese Cuisine, 100 Foods to Eat Before You Die, Food Adventure, Tokyo Eats, Must Try Foods, Convenience Store Challenge, Bento Box, Onigiri, Japanese Snacks, 24 Hours Food Challenge, Tokyo Convenience Stores, Unique Food Experiences, Japanese Desserts, Japan Travel Food, Food Review
Id: oC5KWOCHb7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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