Top 10 “Ready to Eat” 7-ELEVEN Foods in Oahu Hawaii

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I thought it was split in two but oh my gosh that is humongous [Music] [Music] [Music] W this is a really nice bathroom slippers robe shower bathtub little chairs you can brush your teeth sitting down oh this is nice wow that's gorgeous right now I'm at the Kahala hotel resort this is the hotel I always stay at whenever I'm in aahu I mean just just look at this spending about 3 days here on extended layover and today don't really have a lot of plans for food so let's headit up the local 7-Eleven and before hitting out just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video surf shark VPN I've been talking about and using surf shark VPN for several years now it's still one of the only apps on my phone my laptop that I keep running 24 hours a day I never shut it off and if you are not currently using a VPN service I highly recommend that you do as we all know so much of our personal information is online and there's constantly people trying to gain access to it for example you got data aggregators who's trying to collect your personal information to sell to marketing companies or there's people trying to gain access to things like your email so what surf Shar VPN does is that it secures and encrypts your personal information before it goes over the Internet so people who you really don't want having access to your private info they're not going to have access to it especially when you're out and about at cafes airports hotels you're always connect to Wi-Fi hotpots that are not secure at all they tell you they're not secure and these are really great ways for people to gain access to your private information that's why I leave surf shark running in the background my IP is protected extremely fast I don't even notice it's running also surf shark has something called surf shark alert so when someone is trying to gain access to something like your email you will be notified right away and I get peace of mind for less than a cup of coffee a day also so it's so useful whenever you're traveling abroad and you want to have uninterrupted access to your us streaming services or even just a lot of us websites don't function correctly when you're trying to access it from overseas so I can use surar VPN to change my location from wherever I am abroad back to the us so I don't miss my favorite TV shows or movies and when I am traveling abroad even just to pay my bills I use Sur VPN for that so if you want to give it a try go to my link down below use my promo callede dumpling for 4 extra months all right let's go check out the local 7eleven 711 in Hawaii so different than rest of the [Music] US Inside Out seafood salad pack a Sushi Bomb a spicy AI what a cookies and cream fruit sandwich oh my gosh 7-Eleven boiled he that's some seasoned EA U pie of course wo Hawaiian lii [Music] soda so all the food I got from 7-Eleven today all ready to eat without a microwave or hot water I think that's the first time ever and a lot of the food is still piping hot and it's late afternoon so temperature feels perfect got to start with a sushi though I got three of these Inari packs spicy AI there's salmon and a Sushi Bomb I think this is the first time I'm trying something like this at a 7-Eleven Inari of course the outside layer is made with seasoned tofu inside looks like really spicy AI oh I love this so much I mean this thing it looks delicious it looks spicy and it's 100% B both outside marinated tofu skin slightly sweet a lot of that great Umami flavor coming from the soy sauce marinade the AI is very tender with some explosive spicy creamy sauce on top and the sushi rice adds a nice balance and vinegary flavor to that rich filling bite this thing gets better with every single bite in that tuna that is really scrumptious tender tuna the next one is salmon with ginger sauce this thing looks more like skying ginger sauce than just plain Ginger sauce skying Ginger sauce all right this thing love the salmon it's fatty it's mty the sauce to me tastes too much like a ginger skion chicken I mean don't give me wrong the sauce is good I just don't think I want it on my salmon personally I like the AI one way more this one on top is seafood salad so I see some cucumbers some scallion some squid okay this is a very loaded iner it's good this one ton of different flavors little sweet love the fragrance from the sesame seeds the scallions tons of crunch in here from the Cucumbers the squid is delicious and there's fried bean Cur on top that's a nice Touch personally my favorite still the AI hands down but this is spicy as crunchy as flavorful there's a lot of good mommy flavor in here if you don't want to eat anything raw this is a solid Choice I'm so excited for the next dish I still remember the last time I had Kua pork from a 7-Eleven here in Hawaii and it was a very fond memory this thing oh look how tender the pork is just easily bre baking a par cidon cabbage rice I'm going to add some uh this in here the season EA it looks like it's seasoned Korean style spicy and sweet sauce all right this is going to be awesome I know it I know it already oh oh I missed this kala pork from 71 Hawaii one of my favorite 7-Eleven food items of all time it's just so juicy right every time you chew that nice fatty delicious Smoky Pork juice just spills out from the meat oh especially the fattier pieces like that right there with the crunchy cabbage and this time mixing a little bit of the spicy and sweet squid in here [Music] this is just the most ultimate local comfort food something else I want to eat with this 7eleven Hawaii boil peanuts and Chinese one of my favorite things it's such a good appetizer I love eating this with rice crack One open oh not too shabby a little crunchier than I would have liked usually boiled peanuts come out really soft oh that one was good these are just pure flavor they're marinated and spicy you definitely taste the star in N the flavor is very mild but it's one of those things that the more that subtle flavor shows itself oh that one was perfect boiled peanuts to me it's like an addiction I can sit here and eat a whole bucket of these Chase it with my kala pork I can't believe I just have boiled peanuts one of the most traditional Chinese appetizer dishes from a 7-Eleven definitely wanted to try this Lily koi Luchi oh this thing is 40% juice oh oh that's good great luchy flavor in the ultimate Asian compliment on something that's sweet it's not overly sweet another classic Hawaiian Comfort dish the Loco Moco giant beef patty fried egg covered in Rich thick gravy over white rice another one of my local favorites not a bad Loco Moco I think the worst part of this dish is the egg the hamburger patty is Juicy it's thick it's tender it's very very tender there's definitely a lot of gravy in here which is soaked up wonderfully by every single grain of the rice I mean this is such a humble yet scrumptious dish for me it's unapologetically Rich substantial and The Taste is both comforting and just indulgently satisfying again another dish I have to have every single time I'm in Hawaii looks like seaweed rice all wrapped around very seasoned chunks of chicken I love this I was thinking okay I'll take a bite talk about it this thing's over half gone before I came up for air the garlic chicken is tremendous the rice is so incredibly flavorful with that awesome fragrance from the Sesame and that beautiful ocean Umami from the Nori just the rice and Nori alone is already so good plus now you add that garlic chicken which just has so much flavor it's garlicky it's tender yeah for $4 I'd much rather eat this in a fast food Burger I mean this thing is so convenient too you just tear off the wrapper it's good to go no fuss all flavor yeah jumbo garlic chicken maubi big recommend something else I had to get I had these last time I was in Hawaii spicy shrimp pork hash basically a Shai this thing tastes just as good as I remember delicate thin wrapper inside is a humongous filling of pork and shrimp a little bit of veg and just a lot of heat I'm so excited to try this check out this cookies and cream fruit sandwich oh this is one sandwich this is one giant sandwich what I thought it was split in too but oh my gosh that is humongous look at the size of the bread it looks like a couple pieces of Texas toast almost cookies and cream you can see the cookies with some ginormous strawberries in the middle too yeah this is not at all what I expected oh my God this is more than awesome I almost had to slurp the cream M the strawberry is almost intoxicatingly sweet sweet and tart with just a giant burst of juice the cream is absolutely delicious it's so soft and cloudlike even the cookie bits oh this is amazing I love this so much Round of Applause for that ginormous delicious sandwich that was immensely satisfying papia custard pudding this is good mhm oh that is really really coconuty the texture is like Jell-O and the flavor is like they squeeze the entire coconut into this cup I love Wu P first of all this thing is just so beautifully vibrant look at that gorgeous purple color with that little whipped cream flour on top the filling of course made with mashed U it's very rich incredibly smooth it's got this Lush sweet flavor this is one of the desserts that I don't just get it because it tastes good it's so beautiful it's got such a magnificent tropical flare eating this sitting here feeling that cool Ocean Breeze it tastes and feels like paradise my first day here to temperature is so nice really just want to sit outside have some food in a park like I said 711 here in Hawaii it's like any other 7-Eleven in the US it's something you got to try when you're here it's convenience food that'll make you very very happy again I think this is the first time I've had 7eleven food where I didn't need to microwave or prepare anything this is all ready to eat it is just so good all right I'm going to finish my dinner before it gets completely dark as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 218,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 7-Eleven, Hawaii, Oahu, Ready to Eat, Convenience Food, Musubi, Bento, Hawaiian Snacks, Oahu Food, Quick Bites, Hawaiian Cuisine, Travel Eats, Foodie, On-the-Go Meals, Island Flavors, 711 hawaii, hawaii 711, hawaii 7eleven, 7-eleven food, 7-11, convenience store
Id: 0iK-0EoCH_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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