8am Korean BBQ Breakfast & $250 GREATEST Whole KING CRAB Brunch in South Korea

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[Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] hey guys good morning it's Mike Jen here in jedu South Korea today going to be another awesome food day and it starts off this morning with some abalo kanji in Duck [Music] barbecue this is a fatty fatty tender duck CH duck fat that's so freaking good get a keys with a ton of skin lettuce bean paste garlic this thing is so juicy they start selling duck barbecue at about 8:00 in the morning so if you ever come here wake up in the morning you don't feel like a bowl of cereal or some eggs duck barbecue is an option the bunch on here is really good too garlic stems all skin right here these pieces are the best of some toasty skin and then all the kimchi and mushroom is cooked in that delicious duck fat that's a really really good duck fat filled stir fry kimchi I think everything just tastes better with some duck fat could do a some or just a little bit of salt that meat is really rich and tender barbecue for breakfast especially duck barbecue for breakfast K is probably one of the only places in the world that does that also the duck comes with a pot of kimchi stew as well whole barbecue is about 25 bucks including everything this restaurant is such great value unfortunately they're out of abalon kanji which is something else you're known for this thing definitely hit the spot for [Music] breakfast Seafood tour in Jedi continues and there's a whole roll of restaurants right by the ocean where everybody sells king crab and lobster so got a giant king crab you can eat it upstairs with a view of the ocean where people are diving for seafood it's just stunning and they starts you off with Abalone Kani there's octopus pumpkin and it looks like fried noodles oh this is really good really Sesame Kani with little bits of Abalone inside got this really nice burnt rice flavor in this as well M octopuses tender these are little fried noodles it looks like with again some sort of syrup W I thought it was going to be some crispy noodle but it's a shredded Ginger like thinly shredded Ginger with a little syrup on the side so sweet and refreshing that's a really good pinzer haven't had cheesy corn since I came to South Korea yet this is like a stable part of your diet when you're here sweet corn with toasty cheese on top that's always going to be good this of course a jedu special grilled Abalone that's an absolute must try if you're ever in jedu grilled Abalone sweet tiny bit of brininess tons of wami and they Grill it so you also get that Great Smoky flavor really don't need anything on there at all and I don't think they put any seasoning on there I don't even think they put salt it's going to taste delicious next dish is the garlic shrimp with chives and these restaurants everything's just going to be fresh from the waters so fresh suck on the head my think is so garlicy the next dish they brought up is a whole fried fish and this is a oakam fish it's a local Korean fish beautifully fried on the outside dunk it and some of that bubbling sauce oh oh that is fantastic I know the king crabs not here and that's the start of the show but this is just a phenomenal opening act crispy skin flaky white meat the sauce is sweet it's sour tons of great flavor plus little bit of citrus and wonderful fragrant flavor from the Sesame that's so I've had many a king crab in my day I don't think I've ever seen a place that prepared it as beautifully as this look at how gorgeous this is the joints the legs the claws all separated the meat from the back of the crab all the iners all the Miso is collected in the Shell of the body this is just one of the best ways to eat crap take the meat from the joints from the legs the claws dunk it into all the crap iners that's where all the flavor resides and then afterwards they're going to take what's left of the innards and make it into a fried rice take a clock everything is cut open have all that scr grumous meat from the crab and look at this little tool here this is a spoon made for the king crab scoop it in the meat just comes right out dunk it into the Miso W it's basically pure sweetness dunked in pure Umami I mean just look at that suculent succulent glistening crab meat some people like butter but I'm telling you right now dunk it into the crab's own inner it's just going to give it so much more flavor the natural sweetness of the crab is almost too much best meat though in the joints right here my opinion the sweetest most succulent in this portion of the king crab take your little spoon and just scoop that meat out dunk it into the Miso yeah every single bite just makes me borderline emotional how sweet and delicious that is there's nothing like a fresh king crab when it comes to sweetness level when it comes to succulents and just pure overall flavor especially dunking into his own in I'm telling you guys I mean I love butter too but this this you got to try for the cloth take this part out insert your spoon and out comes the meat this is the most Nifty little tool I actually never seen something like this before the meat from the Claus is going to be more Briny so the joints is the sweetest more ocean flavor in the Claus for the cloth and to change it up a little bit they also give you some wasabi with soy sauce tiny little bit I think dipping into the guts is way better if you want to change it up a little bit Wasabi is great as well oh I know what what to do being able to sit here and eat this with the ocean right next to you this is such an experience one last piece to try this is from the back of the shell of the crab I didn't know this piece actually existed until I had king crab in Japan but this is a good and big piece of meat that this thing has been soaking in that crab butter it's very lean not as sweet as a Claus a slight bit eggy but it's got so much of that great Umami flavor so all the cting Miso is used to cook this bowl of sizzling fried rice this thing is just infused with that miso they put a little crunchy eggs in here as well toasty rice in a stone Bowl so the rice gets nice and toasty and every grain completely infused with that awesome crabby Umami flavor fried rice is just incredible you also get some soybean soup too you can also do put a piece of the king crab onto the fried [Music] rice that's so freaking incredible added sweetness of the king crab on top of this Kane miso filled fried rice the crab all the dishes everything combined about 250 bucks that's a 6B king crab with all the different dishes the abalone the shrimp the fish the rice everything that's a phenomenal deal for a whole live King craft also they do us so well here from presentation to flavor everything such an awesome Place B to a be changed just came out and the only restaurants that are open are here in jedu Chinatown this place looks good shrimp dumplings and roasted fish this restaurant actually has a lot of comfort dishes there's all sorts of different dumplings so they're really famous for their shrimp dumplings I got some goar which is s Sal fried pork it's a classic dish here they're known for their roasted fish a roasted fish some crawfish as well I've been wanting to go to a dumpling restaurant for a while this is all foods I love shrimp dumplings looks pretty good not bad really thin wrapper juicy filling with big chunks of shrimp inside m classic shrimp dumpling they put a whole shrimp in here nice and juicy tons of chives and eggs dip it in some hot oil Chase it with some preserved vegetables I'm always so happy to eat dumplings I think I told you guys y there was a period of time where every single day I ate frozen dumplings to this day it's one of the foods I could eat every single meal I will never get sick of it old roasted fish Sprouts Bean curds tons of chilies and sesame and they told me this is what they specialize in lot of bones in this fish I think it's a frozen fish it's not something they cook fresh live but it taste pretty good but the meat is tender is flaky the Mala soup they have is spoiled in really spicy and iy looks like they fried this before they roasted it this a good fish so it still has a subtle crunch on the outside the sprouts and tofu soaked in a lot of great flavor from the fish for a late night dinner this is just so incredibly satisfying this is garlic roasted crawfish suck the head oh wow the s it's really really garlicky take the Crawfish dunk it get some more of that garlic sauce on the bottom that's really good as well especially the sauce is so garlicky yeah this is going to be really really useful especially when this is my last shirt I haven't had this yet since I came to South Korea go B rice swe sour pork this is right really nice like super crunchy on the outside sweet and sour sauce tastes a little citrusy like a tangerine sweet and sour sauce because jedu is famous for oranges also the outside batter tastes slightly Mish I think they batter this with rice flour instead of regular flour that's a good move crunchy and mulchy as batter pork is tender I like the sauce this place is not a bad fine for 10:00 at night so gcha tea in South Korea has some really really unique drinks they got a mon Blanc mil tea and the one I really like is the Wong Plus coconut BL bubble CH really Chestnut milky very milky not bad this is the coconut one it's got coconut jelly and this is much lighter I say finish the rich one and Chase it with the lighter one and that's it for another amazing food day here in jedu as always all the players I went to listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 646,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean BBQ Breakfast, King Crab Brunch, South Korean Cuisine, Food Adventures, Morning Barbecue, Seafood Brunch, Culinary Exploration, Korean Food Journey, Epic Eats, Gourmet Dining, king crab, entire king crab, korean bbq, duck bbq, korean crab, seafood, jeju seafood, jeju bbq, jeju eat, best jeju eats
Id: sTwP7zsydBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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