Bible Study // Oct 10th II Pastor John F. Hannah

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hallelujah hallelujah come on those of you that are in the building can you stand those you that are at home can you begin to get yourselves together get ready for worship can we get you to just begin to type a word of adoration on the screen if you're on facebook can we get you to share if you're on instagram periscope wherever you are youtube we want you to begin to share let's pray so god we honor you we magnify you'll be glorified your god you're great you're mighty you're excellent and there is no one like you you are a good god and we came this evening to tell you thank you thank you for being the god that will never leave us thank you for being the god that will never forsake us thank you for being the god that say lord i am with you always thank you for being the god that has carried us on eagles wings and brought us to the last quarter of another year so here we stand god in october praising you for what you've already done yep 2020 has been no joke but you have been faithful so for that god we say thank you for just being god thank you for being consistent thank you for being faithful thank you for being loving thank you for being kind thank you for being merciful and gracious have your way on tonight get the glory out of everything receive our worship god and let it be pleasing in your sight clap your hands and release the praise right there everybody that is watching online come on let's go up in worship don't just sit there worship is not spectating but it's participating make sure you tap in and let's go we bless your name jesus so there is a place and be saved rings will change there's no greater name jesus is is jesus hallelujah peace no greater death of jesus jesus jesus that name heals all that name delivers all it works it works one more time it works yeah it yes yes is jesus oh my delivery is such a great name in the name of jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus she she oh me nobody to talk to i'll call jesus she call she can i call him can i call him can i call him something happens when we call him let's shift z my um she's i feel a little anybody she me go ahead and say that line the more i call them the better i feel oh come on release the praise for that name that demons triple bodies are healed minds are regulated houses are restored blessings come those of you that need a miracle call his name right there come on put it on the screen just say jesus come on release the praise right there for that name that is above every name wherever you are come on this is the three months of miracle signs and wonders those of you that believe that god's gonna do it for you in the last quarter release of praise and call that name right there go yay hallelujah come on i need you to open your mouth and say these last three months in the name of jesus i'm gonna be better than my previous 20. come on i need you to put that stamp on it come on confess that thing come on we standing on that these last three months are going to be better than my previous 20 years in the name of come on whose name are you calling them he said whatsoever you asking my name i do it for you come on i need you to put his name on it i need you to release a confession and then put the name on the confession these last three months these last three months let faith arise these last three months in the name of jesus these last three months put me in the seat of expectation these last three months get my spirit ready these last three months imma keep putting that out there what are you expecting miracles signs and wonders it didn't happen in the last 15. it didn't happen in the last 20 but it's about to go down come on put that on the screen these last three months in the name of jesus you got to go back and listen to the word to know where that came from that came straight out of the bible god is not a man that he can lie neither son of man that he can repent if he said it it shall come to pass come on i need you to open your mouth i need you to put it on the screen these last three months are gonna be better than my previous 20 years now put that stamp on it in the name of that name that is above every name that name that demons tremble clap your hands if you're in the building if you at home clap your hands applaud like your miracle is at your door applaud like you just stepped into something miraculous applaud like you just got healed come on i need your faith up applaud like you just got hired i need your faith up applaud like you just get your answer come on this is a fight you gotta fight for your territory you gotta fight to believe you gotta fight to stay still you gotta fight to control your emotions clap your hands again and say these last three months i decree i declare in the name of jesus i'm about to be supernatural let only the people that walk my faith praise right there and for that i give you glory let only the people that walk my faith clap your hands let only if the people of faith speak by faith these last three months i hear the sound you gotta hear it before you see it come on we move it you gotta hear it before you see it you gotta hear it before you see it that's why i try to keep i keep trying to get you to say it because if you can hear it that thing will get in your spirit these last three months some trust in horses others trust in chariots but as for me and my house come on we go move pack your hands we gonna get in this fiber to back this thing up put on the whole armor of god on yay way to your seat confessing and your homes confess it these last three months are gonna be my months for miracles signs and wonders three words take over three months let faith arise let faith arise you can be seated wow amen god is up to something do you not perceive it don't you sense that god is up to something and i need you to stay in the seat of expectation amen just a couple of announcements don't forget that this saturday we're going to have a health fair you can go to our website you can go to our app and get it it's going to be on the 10th which is saturday at 10 a.m cover tests flu shots and other healthcare screening amen how you know that it's time for you to walk in health amen this is not the time to be sick but you're going to walk in health um our job coaches if you're in need of a new job sign up today it's going to be saturday it's going to be virtual how do you do that again go to the website or you can go to our app and get signed up for that all right um the series is entitled are you serious and that is what you're going to hear the naysayers say when you begin to testify what happened for you in these last three months you're going to hear these words are you serious and how many all know god's going to get the glory out of this listen if you the moment that you experience a testimony we need you to email us and give us that testimony amen we're gonna be showing that god is up to something why do we do that to encourage you to increase your faith it'll blow your mind how many believers don't have faith amen just obviously i believe god you have to believe god i don't care how long it's been going on there's some things that you're going to have to wait on they that wait on the lord i wish that some things did come suddenly and immediately but sometimes it's the long process how many all know that sometimes god had to take you the long route you had to go to the long route come on let's talk for a minute so in this we're going to go back to the gospel according to luke in the sixth chapter and please pay attention tonight as we teach on fight for your miracle you're gonna have to fight for it and i need you to understand this even after you receive a word you have to fight to hold on to that word because the devil goes to and fro seeking he may devour the enemy comes to snatch the word out of you immediately you don't want to be like the bible says the man that looked into the mirror and then once he walked away he forget what he looked like i don't want to come to church and do all this singing shouting dancing and hearing this but then the moment that i hit a trial i forget what i heard amen it'll blow your mind how many believers are right now living a faithless life and god is sending this word for you to get your faith back allow me to show you if you go to luke the sixth chapter and look at the sixth verse and we talked about this man don't forget what i told you that matthew mark and luke i don't want to be synoptic gospels but you find in one you can find in another if you study the scripture this incident can be found in matthew can be found in mark and it can be found in luke the difference is you should pay attention if you study the scriptures and you look at the difference luke will always sometimes give you more information when it comes to a physical condition because he by profession was a physician so he's going to give you more information if you study this all of them indicate that there was a man whose hand was shriveled but only luke lets us know the real issue if you have a bible let's look at the issue the issue is in luke 6 and 6 it says and a man was there whose which hand his right hand was shriveled why does he emphasize the right hand because the right hand is the hand of blessing the right hand is the hand of power so if the right hand don't work you don't feel like you blessed if the right hand doesn't work you don't feel like you have power if the right hand doesn't work then you don't feel as if you are qualified the left hand was supposed to not the hand to get the blessing you got to hear me no watch me and it's only the hand let's pay attention is not the whole body i used to teach this and teach that watch me i would do an illustration and have my whole arm held up that's not bible there's nothing wrong with the arm the only thing that has an issue is a small part of the body which is the hand but if you're not careful the enemy will make something small affect the whole body you got to get me some of y'all you tripping over something so small and the enemy just keep making you look at the whole hand that you won't even walk watch me you can see you can talk you can walk watch me you can feel you can taste the other activities of your limbs are working it's just your hand and for some of y'all you've been tripping over just your hand you leaving god and it's just your hand you tripping and this is all you got to deal with you should talk to somebody who can't walk you got to be careful that you don't let one small thing shut you down i'm out here tonight we out here tonight that is your issue now now the thing is how do you handle your issue it's only the hand watch me but with the hand it affects so much this is also the hand that you make your money this is also the hand that you operate and you do your craft this is also the hand that you greet everybody so this is affecting a lot but it's really so small some small things can really affect some large areas come on we're going to talk tonight some small things can affect the way you think about yourself can affect the way that people see you can't affect if you're going to make it to your purpose if can make it to your destination can affect how you approach people affect how you walk into a room it's only your hand it's only your hand question what's your issue let your hand be your issue what is your issue ready how does he handle it let's go to verse six on a sabbath on another sabbath he went into the synagogue and there was in washington he went into the single and was teaching here's a line and a man was there can everybody can you type it on the screen can you sit out in the building was there was there was there coursing not at home but was there not isolated from people but was there you got to be careful that you don't allow your issue to stop you from going there you got to be careful that you don't stop let your issue stop you from being who god created you to be ready he was there watch me i gave you three things oh like watch me i gave you three things on last week let's talk what does he do number one he kept on coming he kept on coming write these down number one he kept on coming number two he kept on sitting number three he kept on believing it's his hand but he keep coming it's not working but i keep coming but i keep coming but i keep coming but i keep coming i'm not just coming but i keep sitting stop i sit where they tell me to sit because watch me if you had the left hand if you if you if you if your right hand didn't work in that day and time you were considered to be paralyzed so they would never let the paralyzed sit up front in the in the synagogue you always had sitting in a section in the back so they surround you with people who have similar issues come on here you got to be careful watch me that you don't allow them to stop you from coming because they won't let you sit where you want to sit watch me they don't give you the position you think you should have and they use your inadequate as an excuse to not position you where you want to be positioned so they sit him in the back but he kept on coming but he kept on coming but he kept on coming and he kept on sitting and he kept on sitting why does he keep coming why does he keep sitting why does he keep coming when he has an issue why is he coming why does it keep coming why does it keep coming when he has an issue why do you keep coming why do you keep turning in why do you keep sitting and you got an issue the worst thing is to act like you don't have one i hate being around people that act like they perfect i need some honest people to open your mouth and admit you have an issue if you in the music can you admit say i have an issue if you online can you just say i have issue somebody say i have issues i have issues but he kept on coming but he kept on coming and i'm not gonna let my hands stop me i'm not gonna let my hands stop me nope it ain't working right yup i'm watching other people's whose hands seem to be working but i kept on coming and he kept on sitting and he kept on sitting every sabbath every sabbath and he kept on coming and he kept on sitting and he kept believing and he kept believing what is he hearing while he's sitting he's hearing them as they read the scriptures and faith cometh by hearing you cannot sit on the word and be attentive and not trigger your faith y'all ain't saying that to me now you cannot tune in here and all this bible not opinion bible because his word cannot return unto him void i don't need another opinion i need to know what god is saying in this day and time those of you that are ready for god to deal with your issue can you lift your right hand and say i need a word from the lord and he kept on coming and he kept on coming and he kept on coming and i'm watching people that are allowing your issue to stop you from coming but he kept on coming but he kept on coming how long was his hand not working let's stop right there so i was doing my research and i ended up listening to a video from um a jewish christian who reads the jewish history and they indicate that this was a man that the romans had hired to help build the synagogue to appease the jews to control them he was hired as a jew to build the synagogue but in the midst of building he got injured the jews were angry at him because he was following the romans and what they thought not god's law so when he got injured and everything was complete they would let him come in they say that they would tap to tie a red cloth around his hand make him sit in the back and he could never look towards the front only had to face the wall because the jews made him feel that he would never be forgiven that he would know that god will all that he was cursed for life and i hate to say it but some churches make you believe that you'll never be forgiven and that you are cursed for life i rebuke the word curse that you've been living under and i say mercy and grace is coming to get you out of a dark place i wish i had somebody that know what it is to feel rejected to feel abandoned to feel as you have messed up but thank god that man look at the outward appearance but god look at the heart i need those of you that know about the mercy and the grace of god to release a worship right here can i hear five seconds of worship go by he said shaya but he kept coming but he kept coming but he kept coming and he kept sitting and he kept sitting and he kept sitting and he kept believing and he kept coming and he kept sitting and he kept believing and he kept coming regardless of the people he kept coming regardless of the criticism he kept coming question who stopped you from coming who looked at you the wrong way who didn't address you right who got on your last nerve that has stopped you from coming and once you stop coming you stop sitting and then once you stop sitting you stop listening and so now you are open game to the enemy but ah he giveth his angels charge over you watch me you're not in this building by chance of an accident you're not watching me online by chance of an accident heaven has issued a warrant for your arrest and god is coming to get you because your seat is still available at the table i wish i was in the building with some praises right here that know that god has not forgotten about you you are going to be everything that he created you to be you are going to reach your purpose you're going to reach your destiny eyes have not seen and ears have not heard how god is gonna bless you i'm not talking to perfect people but i'm talking to those of you that have an issue it takes a special person when my right hand don't work at least i can lift my left hand and give him glory those of you that in spite of everything i need you to release the praise again right there i got my reasons for telling you to do what i do i got my reason i need you to lift your hands i need you to open your mouth come on here do me a favor shift from your issues and look at your blessings i can promise you your blessings outnumber your issues okay and he kept on coming and he kept on coming and he kept on sitting and he kept believing and he kept on coming and he kept on sitting and he kept believing and he kept on coming and he kept and he kept sitting and he kept believing and finally stopped how long did it take ready the jewish people say it was 25 years later it was 25 years that he had to walk around like this how long have you been walking around with your issue can we talk for a minute and an issue that you weren't born with because he was not born like this something happened that caused the handicap it'll blow your mind this is good pay attention i dare you to trace your your issue i dare you to trace your issue what's in your bloodline come on here let's trace why you drink let's trace while you smoke less trace why you got anger issues less trace why you live in poverty when he called you to wealth come on here let's trace your dysfunction because if you trace it you could find out where you got hit come on here why you struggle with lust who touched you who exposed you to pornography we're in here now come on here while you struggle with trust issues who let you down while you struggle with friendships and relationships let's get to the root of the issue then we can deal with being made whole come on here no we're not going to dance over cause while you're dancing your hands still ain't working why you laying hands on me you know your right hand's still balled up won't you come here come on here stop watching so 25 years later and then in walks jesus but he kept on coming like he kept on sitting while he kept on believing be not weary in well-doing for in due season unfortunately i don't know when your season is due but heaven got you on calendar god okay i'm trying to calm down let's go let's go let's go so how does he get healed from his issues now i need you to pay attention i really need you to pay attention um he never laid hands on him he didn't spit on them the only thing he did was spoke so watch me i'm going to tap into what you've been doing you've been listening but today is your word you've already proven that you're a good listener you've already proven that you're a fighter and it's about to pay off those of you that know you like i fought all my life i need you to thank god that you also won all your life those of you that know that it hasn't been easy but you still in the land of the living can i get you to come here i need to talk to survivors right now i need to i need you in this building to open your mouth and begin to declare i am a survivor i am a survivor so let's go let's go let's go so how does how does how does he get healed from the issue please pay attention and i want everybody to hear me now um it's on you do you not know that you are the one of the main characters of your healing let's go while you running around looking for a prophet he's already spoken while you run around waiting on somebody lay hands on you he's already told you what you need to do see when you watch me when he gives you the power and then you put it on somebody else then they hold you hostage i need some of y'all to take the power back so now watch me so three things that he says ready let's go to these three things and everybody you got to get these he gives instructions in verse six and eight how he gets healed from the issue verse eight but jesus when jesus knew what they were thinking forget your name says forget what they thinking and he said to the man with the shriveled hand number one physical get up get up watch me watch me it's your hand that has the issue there's nothing wrong with your legs so don't let your hands handicap your legs get up get up fill out a resume fill out an application apply for a job but i got a boss forget your opinion but i don't feel good forget how you feel get up get up get up physical physical physical watch me some things aren't going to happen until you move some things are not going to happen until you are physically involved oh we are here now we are here um so now we come against the spirit of entitlement for those that i've been serving the lord a long time at least he could do let me tell you something um naman you're gonna have to dip in the muddy jordan seven times i don't care how long you've been with god i don't care who you think you are your degree don't mean nothing right now cause maybe he he's trying to get you to get up to humble you come on here come here i need you to everybody say get up get up come on come on put a demand on your flesh hit yourself say get up get up get up come on get up get up come on i put a demand on your physical i put a demand on that part of you that works i put a demand on that part of you that is fully able to do what needs to be done all of you is not handicapped all of you doesn't have an issue i put a demand on the part of you that is functioning fine get up first thing he says was get up the second thing he says is stand in front of everyone stand in front of everyone what did i teach you where did they sit them where did they sit them they set them in the back so basically now you're gonna have to call me from the back to the front in order for me to get in front of everyone i have to walk past everyone that is a mental thing which means that you have to get to a place in your life that you don't care what nobody think or what they say you're gonna have to learn how to walk past your naysayers you have to walk past those that don't like you you're gonna have to walk past those that feel like they should have got it before you you have to walk past people who don't have anything good to say about you watch me if you're constantly worried about what they think about you it will stop you from coming to where you're supposed to be i need you to get in front of the lie i need you to get in front of the criticism i get you to get in front of the haters why you want me in front of them because i need to get their faces behind you because i need you not to pay attention to their if their faces i need you not to pay attention to their body language i need you to get to the point mentally mentally mentally that you cannot allow anybody to shut you down i need you to be a pit bull in the spirit and i need you to shed every poodle down around you i need you focus i need you to get over your mama get over your daddy get over your sister get over your brother get over your friends get over those and say that you'll never get that is a mental thing mental thing mental thing question because you have been allowing people to bring me people to shut you down if i shut you down mentally then i shut you down physically if i shut you down mentally then i shut you down physically so um another preacher told me that there was a young lady that was beautiful beautiful and she got with someone who everybody was surprised i can't believe this is who you're dealing with he couldn't believe it either he couldn't believe that he was able to get her his fear was i won't be able to keep her so what he began to do was attack her mentally you know you're not all that cute don't you you know you ain't that fine you know don't nobody else won't you so when he began to break her down mentally he handicapped her physically that she could never get out of the relationship then to make sure she didn't make it out then he started physically abusing her to add fear to the mental abuse get up and come and stand in front of all of them get up and stand in front of all of them because when they look at you they're gonna be surprised that they didn't stop you who am i talking to now i need everybody that thought that they had shut you down to see you in your right mind without any residue on you those of you that know that the devil had a plan to shut you down hey i need come on here those of you that are in this building you're not here just to be in here physically but there's a sound that has to come out of your mouth because i got people all over the world that are watching and they need to know what victory sound like in the building and don't if you're in this building you have survived some crazy stuff and now you are sitting in front of it you're sitting in front of the one that abused you you're sitting in front of the one that didn't handle you right you're sitting in front of the one that dogged you out you're sitting in front of the one that look recruited they criticized your name those of you that know that god has been your very present help in the time of trouble i need to hear your worship i need to see your worship on the screen god wow i need those of you that wanted to take your life i need those of you that the enemy told you you would not be anything i need those of you that ended up in a bad place i need those of you that know that you should have been in therapy and the only thing that has kept you is god i need those of you watch me you would never believe what i went through if i didn't tell you because i am in front of it now i made it past the hell i made it past the pain i made it past the verbal abuse i made it past the spiritual abuse every survivor release a praise right there get up get up and stand in front of everyone that's the physical that's the mental let's go so how does he get healed this is the physical part there's the mental part and then there's the spiritual part the spiritual part is when he says in verse 10 stretch out your hand but i can't that's what makes it spiritual when he tells you to do what your physical can't do that when the spirit get in your physical and allows you to do what you know you couldn't do on your own how many y'all have ever had something that god told you to do and you did it and it like rocked your world how many y'all have ever watched me how many y'all have ever god told you to do something and it happened and you even said to god are you serious have you how many all know you living where you shouldn't live working where you sitting work driving with your sin drive you're living your best life listen how many all know that god delivered you out of the clutches of the enemy i need watch me and you didn't do it you just stress out your faith and you believe that he was so there's a physical there's a mentalism spiritual there's a physical there's a mental there's a spiritual there's a physical can you write those down there's a physical there's a mental and then there's a spiritual can you write those down for me this is how you get out you get out physically you get out mentally and you get out spiritually question which of these three do you need to attack which of these three do you need to attack is it a physical are you sleeping too long are you not moving your body have you folded your arms and crossed your legs he said consider the ant you slugger he said consider the ant you lazy person how long will you sleep how long will you slumber he said as long as you sleep what the bible says proverbs 6 he says so shall your poverty come poverty is not just financial but it's a poor in spirit come on here come on here come on it's poor in motivation it's poor in drive you ready so is it the physical is it the mental of course i mean it's a shame to say it but it'll blow your mind how many people really do worry about what people think you have allowed your thought pattern to paralyze you listen to me it goes with it i need let me let me talk this one look at me i used to be held prisoner in my mind i used to be i used to walk as if i was in a field of landmines worried about if i was gonna say it or do it or what they were gonna say if i said but if i did what if i don't act like them what if i don't talk like them whatever i don't preach like them and so then what i tried to do was i would stop and try to imitate them to get their approval but i got to the point that i read when david told saul take this off i can't fight in this i have not tried this i am comfortable being me and who don't like it your issue i'm in front of you i'm trying to help somebody right now is it your mental is it your mental is it do you allow people to shut you down or is it your spiritual because if you tell you to do something does it sound stupid and you won't do it if i look i can promise you any faith move don't go with common sense anything god to tell you that god tell you to do it goes opposite of the norm so is it the the um is it the spiritual part because you do all of this until he tell you to do what don't make sense until he tell you to do so which of these three is it physical is it mental or is it spiritual he did not allow the physical he did not allow the mental he did not allow the spiritual to stop him and for somebody i don't know who you are but in these three months god's about to strengthen you in your weak area god i need faith to arise as i teach this word god i pray that you begin to release faith in your people right now to get them together physically to get them together mentally and to get them together spiritually so god allow me god to release a spiritual response on some natural people god i pray that you would just put a seed of worship in them that they could worship you for what they can't even see that they could worship you believing that these last three months god i said on your word because your word says that the ark of the covenant was in the house of abinada for 20 years but then watch when you said to me god you say you say john what year are we and i said 20. he said and the years of 20 20. how long was it in in the benedict's house 20 years what year is this 20 go 20 come on everybody say 20 20. then after the covenant the glory of the lord ended up in the house of obedient for how many long how how long john three months he said now how many more months do you have left to this year three months lord he said no what did i do in obama's house you bless obadim you bless his household and everything that pertains to him so what am i saying to you john you're saying to me that i'm ready to bless you your household and everything that pertaining to you in the last three months of 2020 oh y'all don't hear me which have been some of the hardest years for many people and it's just like me to come to the hardest season to give a blessing to those but i'm only going to give it to those who could get over it physically get over it mentally and trust me spiritually if you believe that god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or even think i need to see your word or hear your worship in the building allow us to have a few seconds of opening our mouths and worshiping god go hey sia glory come on a few more seconds come on a few more seconds come on a few more seconds come on let faith arise i call your physical to be strong i call viruses and fevers to leave your body i call you to be strong in the lord i call you mentally let this mind be in you that was also in christ jesus i call you to be strong in your way of thinking i come against every negative thought i come against every negative reminder i need you to be transformed by the renewing of your mind i pray that god removes certain things even out of your memory bank i pray that you gotta really think hard to remember what you've been through i pray that he begin to transform your way of thinking i pray that you walk on water i pray that you march around walls of jericho i pray that you approach your goliath i pray that you reach for your stone i pray that you fast and pray in a furnace i pray that you stand still and see the salvation of the lord i pray that your spiritual man be be mature i pray he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church i pray that your spirit man be alert be aware be activated be spiritual get out of your flesh shift get out of your flesh shift get out of your flesh i need my towel get out of your flesh shift i see it come on i need you to decree your area that you're getting strong in are you getting strong in the physical are you getting strong in the mental are you getting strong in the spiritual are you getting strong in the physical are you getting strong in the mental are you getting strong in the spiritual let the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong that the weak say i am strong let the weak say i am strong let the weak say it say it say it because the power of life and death is in your tongue i need you to open your mouth and i need you to say it i need you to open your mouth i need you to say it i need you to open you'll come over here come on you ready come on he's about to honor he's about to honor you you keep coming he's about to honor you keep sinning he's about to honor you keep believing come on let's go let's go ready my god ah i am excited about your next three months i'm excited because when your phone rings you're going to have the physical energy to go and execute i'm excited because when you walk in you're going to walk in mentally prepared you watch me you're going to want to say something you're going to walk past somebody that's going to look you up and down you're going to brush that off so fast you're going to go and execute and do what god has called you to do is in my physical i am being made strong in my mental and i am being made strong in my spiritual i am being made strong in my physical hey i pray that a caleb anointed come on you i pray you old in age but you're gonna be young in body i come against your pain i come against arthritis i come against every ache in your body i am gone i am gone i am gone if you're in this building with your hands and worship god for about five seconds i am gone i am gone ready i am strong in my body i am strong in my mind and i am strong in my spirit imma move on but i need it's like a second i feel like a joke there's a joke in the spirit there's a charge in the spirit i feel like it's going to come through your shout hope i shot i need you not to be afraid to open your mouth in your house i need you to be okay shouting in your car i need you to warn everybody hey hey hey don't pay me no mind i'm about to release a shout i can't explain it but i feel some walls are about to fall i need you to get ready to go and get your body back get your mind back get your spirit back i need you to get ready to release a shout if you in this building i need your vocal cords to work i need you to lift up your voices i can trump it in zion i need you to sound the alarm on the count of three it's on you one two three go home glory glory that is there it is you get your mind but back will restore unto you for i will restore unto you for i will restore unto you the years the years the years for i will restore you mentally i will restore you physically i will restore you spiritually so that you can execute in the last three months so that you can conquer your land in the last three months so that you can see the promise of god in the land and the truth let's go let's go come on we're gonna move real fast i'm almost done but i feel restoration coming you're gonna wake up tomorrow morning strong when your alarm clock go off you gonna run with your phone ring you're gonna answer with confidence you're gonna execute you're gonna do what the spirit tell you to do keep that hip and ear let him hear what the spirit is saying if he tell you to give gifts if he tell you to so so if he tell you to dance dance if he tell you to come to church stand there you out here now you are there now yay come on online i'm not playing with you i don't care where you are on this earth his word he is a omnipresent god he is right where you are this is your word he is restoring you physically he's restoring you mentally he's restoring you spiritually why so you can execute and he was completely restored and he was completely restored and he was completely was completely you're not gonna get it half back you shall be made whole how many y'all know this is your word tonight don't you play with me don't you play with me and he was completely and he was completely restored and i will be come can you do me a favor can you bring that tenth verse back up because we gotta make sure did you understand i'm not just talking i'm reading bible and the bible says and he was completely restored and he was completely restored can you bring nebuchad and his hand and his hand and his hand was completely restored and his hand whatever area that you lost something in here the word of the lord you are going to be completely but they they lay me up i don't care you are going but you don't feel good in your body yep but when you get completely restored okay let's talk let me give you three things you cannot do in these three months three things that you cannot do number one you're not going to ignore your issue you are not going to ignore your hand you're not going to let it control you but you're not going to ignore it because this is an issue this is an issue we mean we're not going to ignore it ready i want you to see something here if you could look at the screen i can show you this but i can tell you in second corinthians the 12th chapter um look what paul says he says therefore in order to keep me from becoming conceited this is good in order to keep me from thinking more of myself than i ought to i'm going to give you something that's going to keep you humble i'ma give you something that's going to make you keep crying out to me have you ever had one thing in your life we out here now that you said god if it wasn't this i would be all right if you would just take this i would be all right you cannot ignore how he's even working this oh it's quite nice come on here he said therefore in order in order to keep me from becoming conceited watch what he says i was given i was given i was given a thorn what is the throne something that pokes you and somebody's like i think i'm doing good next thing you know you get poked in the air get let out your balloon have you ever felt like you was flying next to you know you got poked he says i was given a thorn in my flesh watch me a messenger of satan what is this thing doing to torment me to torment me come on i need everybody here this because you think you're the only one being tormented we just don't discuss our thorns because most people are embarrassed about their thorns or your thorn don't match how you present yourself cause you present yourself like you perfect but i wish you could be hanging around the thorns i wish you could have somebody look at me i don't care if you're an apostle i don't care if you're a bishop i don't care if you're a prophet i don't care if you could sing preach and play you got a thorn you'll be glad we can't touch nobody today because i tell you to take a safe depending on and stick somebody i watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch me watch this this is good he says in verse eight three times what is this thorn doing this thorn is really building up my prayer life three times three times i pleaded with the lord take it away from me this thorn is making me keep coming to prayer this thorn keep me on the altar this thorn let the air out of my balloon soon as i think i have arrived three times i asked him to take it away have you ever asked god to take some he didn't take that fast it's getting quite in here ready he said three times i pleaded with god jesus oh god take it away i'm buying my flesh come on single people i come against the fire oh god it's a soul tie take it away when they call let me not answer the phone and if i hear that voice let it not wake me up jesus well jesus found sorry jesus said not by you josh hello none what time is it we ain't gonna do nothing who you talking to that's your thorn that's your thorn that's the very thing that you prayed that he would take away from you and it ain't going nowhere why won't you take it away to keep you from becoming conceited to make sure when you meet somebody who's struggling that you don't like you better than them as a matter of fact when i do deliver you you're gonna know what it feels like to struggle but he said to me my grace forget the thorn pay attention to my grace because my grace is bigger than your thorn and some of y'all should go into a praise cause his grace has been sufficient if y'all don't open your mouth in this building i don't make sure i'm not at a mosque when i'm in the house of god those of you that know that his grace has covered you those of you that know that his grace has protected you those of you that his grace has carried you those of you that know that you made it not on your own not because you're so slick but because of his mercy and his grace can i hear a worship in the building i'm gonna move on you're not gonna ignore this you're not gonna ignore this you're not gonna three times i plead with the lord to take it away from me but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you it is i want you to realize something but my power is made perfect in your weakness how you think you keep getting up how you think you keep sitting how you think you keep believing how you think you keep coming how you think you keep sitting that ain't you that's my grace that shows that my power was strong because there's a part of you that wanted to stay at home but i made you get up i made you come and sit and i made you believe i made you worship when you didn't want to worship it was my power that got in you it was my grace to give you the ability to still lift your hands and not condemn yourself because you can't live in me and live in condemnation come on come on here let's go so you're not gonna know can i talk for a minute can you bring these things up on the screen so watch me let's let's prove that everybody got it everybody had a throne bring the person moses was this storm was mostly it was his temper what was david's thorn he was anointed he was a king but it was his flesh however was his flesh when he was even on his deathbed they said let me tell you let me show you that you want to see if david is dying go get a young virgin a fine girl lay in the bed next to david if david anointed someone's behind don't reach for her david died push me she said some of y'all is strong until your weakness get next to you come on see you strong until your weakness laid next to you and then how do you know that you're near the end of it when you don't reach for it what what how you know you at the end of it when it don't affect you the way that it used to you're not just dying you've been no no you died cause every day i die i pray that i get to the point that those that used to get from me i don't reach for them you don't get on my nerd the way you used to get them i know you don't affect me the way you suspect me come on bring it up on the screen what was samara's issue it was her past she could never get over her past what was her past she had been molested she had been raped and she watched me she gave in to the act i mean come on out here if you let me i'm coming out here if you let me clear it clear the airways clear the airways and the bible says and she went into epsilon's house and became a desolate woman she was not born desolate she became that based upon the sexual attack that was on her be careful that you don't become what attacked you i'll move on you ready elijah what was his thorn it was his he's anointed but he was emotional he was anointed but he struggled with depression can you be anointed can you be called can you be used by god and still struggle emotionally you can you watch me you can have the fight but you can't give in to it what was what was peter's throwing his consistent failures ac after christ not bc before christ ac after christ he lied he cussed he denied he sank he he cut off now just here he kept failing but at least he stayed with him some of y'all you keep falling but he keep catching you i say you keep falling see but he keep catching you don't ignore it ready number two don't let it spread don't let it spread ready keep it right there what do you mean by don't let it spread everybody pay attention to this you gotta hear me now ready i'm about to go somewhere songs of solomon um 2 and 15. catch for us catch it catch it catch for us the foxes pay attention please pay attention the little foxes because some things start out little the little foxes that ruin a big vineyard you could have one small issue that can ruin your whole life if you don't get control if you don't catch that it'll run wild quiet but i'm out here they not talking to me let me look at this let me look at the camera cause i let these in the building shut me down who can i look at catch your foxes catch your foxes catch yourself lying catch yourself being manipulative catch your lust catch your weakness keep it in a certain place don't let it run wild be careful don't go on that dating site do not become a fan they gonna run your name quiet then didn't get away be careful catch it because it's gonna destroy your whole vineyard you have worked too hard to let a little fox destroy everything you got you have worked too hard to have a drive-by i'mma hit it and run one hit gonna cost you everything control your foxes if you don't control your foxes it's a lot of vineyards waiting on you stop it from spreading this is the only issue don't let it get to the arm don't let it paralyze up here don't let it shut you all the way down control it don't go no further control it but they offered me so much more stop some doors are never to be open i'm having a real bible class tonight i'm removing everybody god why are you talking to me like this okay let's go hold on let's go galatians five and nine bring this up let's go a little eleven eleven if the whole lump what does that mean a little leaven one speck of mold can affect the whole loaf of bread let's read the same thing out of the message bible bring it up i'm out here now come on let's go come on god please let this work follow good ground bring up on the message bible come on and please don't toss this off it's insignificant don't play this like it's a cheeseburger don't just talk to stuff like that ain't nothing watch this it only takes a minute among uh i'm sorry it only takes a minute amount of yeast you know to permeate an entire loaf of bread don't let it spread i'm out here don't have no threesomes do not let this man talk you into getting in the bed with another woman because now you're about to open another door you better control your issue nope no you that ain't what you do telling let's stop letting them tell you you trisexual you try anything no you don't no you don't stop telling stop letting them stop letting them tell you everybody cheat everybody don't cheat stop this level you know everybody got something i got something but that ain't it don't identify with what don't belong to you i'm out here now i'm not here now i am sick of the devil tearing up your whole vineyard cause you didn't control one area bring your body under subjection shine on me shine on me let the light from the lighthouse shine show me my area that i need to check shine show me me don't let me try to cover up what shouldn't be covered up but god let me make sure that you get every area in my life that shouldn't be there those in the building can you stand i'm done so no number one don't ignore it number two don't accept it number three i said number two don't don't let it spread then number three here's my line i'm done after this never accept it never accept it never you are not a don't don't you ever call yourself that again don't accept it how do you not accept it listen i was talking to a gentleman and he was molested by a family member he wasn't he was raped my close family member from 13 to about 16 or 17. and when it was his first sexual experience that a grown person put on him he was raped so somebody took these spirits and basically violated him so because he's born in church he goes but he is married but he never addressed the violation so for years he went doing nothing with that he was only faithful to his wife then come the naysayers you know he gave right you know he who he say is and he hadn't done anything he's faithful so then he start hearing the negativity and that's why you got to protect your ear gates that's how you got to protect your eye gates people that love you won't bring you everything they hear i'm out here now i'm out here now i'm out here now some people are assigned to assassinate what they spread that is never supposed to get to you pray that god send you some assassin so then he called me when he says how long am i going to have to fight how long am i going to have to keep fighting this because there's a war going on in my members between my spirit and my flesh he said that that i don't want to do sometimes i find myself doing it oh wretched man that i am who gonna deliver me how long am i gonna have to fight this is when i am nowhere near religious right now i'm so full of grace and mercy right now don't make no sense and then when i told him i said bro bro i said what if you have to fight until you take your last breath are you willing to stay on the battlefield what if i told you that this gonna be your fight for the rest of your life are you willing to fight and he says to me i can't promise but i'm gonna do my best just give me something to work with just give god some space to come in i need everybody to open your mouth and say i am not that whoa come on bring the scripture james 1 and 12 blessed is the one who perseveres under under the trial not when the trial is gone while you under it you keep pushing and having stood the test this is a test but it's not gonna break you that person will receive the crown of life that the lord has promised to those who love him look at the screen go to second timothy four six and seven for i am already being poured out like a drink off and i'm tired and the time for my departure is near i feel like i'm at the end of it but at least i'm gonna say this i have fought the good fight guess what not only did i fight i fight i finished yeah my shia i finished the race guess what and while i was fighting guess what i did i kept the faith hey messiah all i need you to do is just believe that he is look look all i need you to know is just believe that he is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you can ask or even think can you do me a favor can you fight in worship for a few minutes can you lift your hands can you open your mouth can you just it won't always be like this can we get that sooner or later gonna work in my favor he's turning it around for me hey my there's a battle going on right now in your spirit because some of y'all had just given in right here the lord said you're gonna fight for your miracle and the strength is about to be made perfect in your weakness can i show you one last scripture look at the screen in first corinthians 15 to 58 look at this therefore my dear brothers and sisters don't you budge stand firm let nothing move you not even your issue always give yourselves fully dive in dive in to the work of the lord because you know that your labor in the lord my worship gonna pay off my preaching gonna pay off my praying gonna pay off my coming my sitting my believing my coming my sinning my believing my coming my sinning my believing my coming my sinning and believing it's gonna pay off and all things are gonna work together for my good i'm done god let this song begin to lift your people up right here let's go wow come on the lord will perfect that concerning you sooner or later come on ain't nobody playing with y'all tonight god i come against the spirit of offense that anybody want to be offended i pray god that you get them out of their spirit and get them in the seat of expectation come on say it again come on say the it will perfect that concerning you yes turning around those at home can you say that i needed you to confess that within these three months lift your hands wherever you are lift your hands wherever you are so now god i pray i pray god that you will send strength in the physical so that we could fight i pray god that she would sense strength in the mental so we could fight i pray god that you would say sprint strength in the spiritual can you let your holy spirit be strong in me give me the ability to resist the enemy and he can flee give me the ability not to to be honest with myself about my issue give me the ability god not to let this spread and give me the ability to resist the devil because i believe that healing is coming in somebody's life in these three months if you believe and you know that you have errors that you need god to heal you in lift your hands and open your mouth and begin to worship god wherever you are right there come on come on give me a few seconds come a few seconds come on a few seconds come on a few seconds those that want to be made wholesale elena my last thing to tell you to do right here everybody lift your hands close your eyes close your eyes for a minute the two words i want you to say yes lord what does it mean i'm committed to the fight are you committed to fight for the rest of your life close your eyes close your eyes lift your hands and just start saying yes lord yes lord yes lord i will not be what's in my bloodline i would not be what happened i would not let little foxes destroy my entire life i need you to hear me you cannot let a little fox destroy your family i will not let it destroy my career my dreams my passion i will live a scandal-free life come on lift your hands i'm not playing with y'all i pray that whatever your issue is that it remain between you and god i come against a sabotaging spirit i come against anyone that want to expose you and i prayed the same pray that noah prayed on his son that exposed him be on them i pray that god give you people that will cover your hand that will walk backwards and not want to see your issue i cover you i cover your name i cover your purpose i cover your heart i even cover your conviction you will never be turned over to a reprobate but you will be a fighter come on everybody say yes lord come on i'm called somebody i i hear the lord say i am now giving you within these three months you will see me give you a way of escape my god my god my god you will literally see me give you a way of escape and when i open that door i need you to run like you have lost your mind those of you that believe that in these three months something crazy supernatural is about to come and deal with your personal issue release the praise right there i am done go go you're about to experience your exodus you're about to experience your exodus you're about to experience your exodus you'll never be depressed again you'll never be down again you'll never be connected like that again you will be completely restored my assignment the holy ghost taught this tonight those of you that know that this is a word from the lord release a praise in your house in this building in your car your struggle is about to be made over and you shall be completely restored stay under those sick yay everybody throw your right hand up and just stretch it out just stretch it out the area that hand you bow you're about to be released your death days are over your poverty days are over your mental torment days are over your pain in your body is over this ain't gonna be no struggle no more we win he lose we win come on god i need you to say that i don't care how long you've been struggling with it open your mouth and say we win he lose hey i'm done it's already looking better you look free you sound free i say you look free how did you get out it happened in the last three months are you serious it happened in the last three months are you serious it was on a thursday night and a word came forth and god exposed how the enemy had me and i got my physical together i got my mind together i got my spirit together and keep who the son set free i ain't playing with y'all nobody i want to know what freedom sounds like i want to know what freedom look like come on bernice put a freedom praise on the screen come on morgan put a freedom praise on the screen come on robert put a freedom praise on the screen hey mona lisa can you put a freedom praise on the screen hey latoya hey nikki hey brian hey octavia hey patty hey stacy hey joseph hey darius hey jessica what does the freedom praise sound like hey oh lord oh lord oh lord what does freedom look like hey faith what does freedom sound like hey brian hey kiwana hey sharon hey whitney hey monique hey maria diana put a freedom praise on the screen andrea put a freedom praise on the screen somebody's screen name is walk by faith hey walk my face hey walk my face hey walk my face your name just encouraged me hey walk my face your name just shook something in me oh look at this thing hey joy hey joy joy somebody named dr glory god's gonna get the glory out of this lord the names are encouraging me your name gave me freedom this is too much everybody in the building what have i told you the world needs to hear what freedom sound like every musician what if i told you that your sound set somebody free you know people get free from a sound the bible said that paul and silas were locked up and released a what a sound and the foundation was shaken and the gates were open and the chains were broken and the foundation was shaken and the gates were open and the chains were broken on the count of three everybody release the sound one two three go let that sound shake the foundation let that sound open every cake mama that change me broken in the name of jesus let us get testimonies out of this service let us get a victory report not just one we need reports we need victory reports whose report do you believe come on we got to get ready to get out of here but i need to hey jay under the bullseye one more time everybody cup your hands and release the praise release the sound and we decree and we declare that foundations are being shaken gates are being opened and chains are being broken all from the sound yay i don't just holler that's the holler but i haunted the shaker foundation i haunted to open the gate i haunted to break a chain hey put that in my belly glory hey sia we gotta go let the redeemed of the lord say so we gotta get out of here i need you to wave your hands move your feet like you just get set free every chain is broken every gate is open every foundation is shaken there's a shaking of breaking and in the spirit there's a shaking a breaking and opening let's get out of here i can't wait to read these testimonies let's go y'all let's get us let's get our tizen offering in our hand yeah masha there's a shaking a breaking and an opening one more time let's go here let's go can i get you to get your tithes and your offering ready i need you to sew your freedom seat tonight i need you to sell your freedom seat there are two seats there's a 25 seat there's a 50. if you don't have that get the best seeds you can in your hand and i want you to put in the comment part this is my freedom seed hmm there's a shaking a breaking and an opening if you're gonna text give it if you want to write a check you can melt it in and drop it off but everyone i want you to do this listen when there's a word like this you sow into it tonight's word was powerful so much revelation that i got to go back and listen to this myself it's too much i feel like heaven just downloaded so much information for some of y'all you need to know that this is your three months of exit there's those are about come on get your seed ready 25-15 if you don't have that get the best seeds you can and what seed is this is my freedom seed i even pray for you financially for those of y'all you would no longer live under the curse of poverty you will no longer live under the curse of poverty but i call you to a wealthy place get your seat ready lift it up to the lord repeat after me i'm retiring together and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my what i am living in ephesians 3 20. how long are we living it for the rest of my life because there's something there's a word so normally on fridays we pray tomorrow i'll be doing something that i haven't done in seven months i'll be getting on a plane going to teach to leaders so if you normally listen to me on fridays i'm gonna see if they can log it in and we all can be a part of that i have to fly to indianapolis to teach to leaders for those of you that are watching us on any form of social media we have someone that has created a fake um youtube page a fake facebook page a fake instagram page a fake whatsapp they comment to you on my page in my name that is not me if you on facebook you did not win fifteen hundred dollars i'm not giving that away you did not win three thousand dollars i'm not giving it do not respond to them as a matter of fact report them immediately and stay in the spirit because there's a shame consider yourself dismissed take us off live you you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 9,905
Rating: 4.874608 out of 5
Id: LtnjJOMH2Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 35sec (6635 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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