40 Short Psychological Facts To Know People Better

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[Music] well hi knowing a thing or two about psychology is like having superpowers you'll always find a way with people and you don't need deep knowledge just use these people skills establish a baseline some people are shy while others love to be the center of everyone's attention before using any of these techniques try to learn what is the normal behavior for people you're interested in look at their shoes while you're talking the one person aiming their shoes at you is really interested in you or what you're talking about crossed hands or legs mean this person is closed for conversation or is really anxious you may want to avoid them or better yet sue them with something nice like a cup of tea when someone really doesn't want to say something or is too shy to take part in a conversation they will tighten up their lips in a line or even start to bite on the lips if someone keeps their hand around their mouth in a conversation they probably have something to hide so you're in the middle of telling something you find really interesting how do you know if someone is sharing this interest and if you succeeded in catching their attention they will subconsciously lean towards you if someone is always nearby but looks away the same moment you look at them they still might be listening look at which ear their turn to you if it's always the same they're paying attention maybe it's the best moment to introduce yourself cuticle picking and lip biting are not just bad habits for some people it's the only way to relax when they're really stressed if someone reacts to a joke with tilting their head back and then laughing they may be trying to hide that their laughter is not really that genuine people smile and laugh with their eyes first and lip second a person who only smiles with their lips most probably fakes it and looks kind of creepy to clenching jaws and teeth speaking like you can't open your mouth or have a bad toothache these are all signs of immense pressure and a possible call for help it's hard to lie when you look someone directly in the face because we are naturally afraid of being caught in a lie if a person tries to look away all the time they may have something to hide when you feel anxious and stressed out you are more probable to look down think up this is a good way to find out which kind of mood someone is in try to listen carefully to the tone of voice people normally have then compare it to the tone in which they talk to you it will be a pitch higher if they like you pay the most attention to action words in someone's speech someone will say I decided to do something and others will just say they did it it's a great difference because now you know which person gave more thought to their actions when people laugh they look at those they liked the most in a group we naturally want to share emotions with those we like and we need appreciation from them if a person closes their eyes when talking to you it doesn't mean they don't want to see you most often it means this person is deeply concentrated and wants to say something really important so it's just a sign you need to listen closely now rubbing the chin is a way of saying I'm so deep in my thoughts I'm about to zone out of reality if a person starts to clean their clothes even though there is no visible dirt or dust on them they strongly disagree with something but they haven't decided if they want to express their thoughts rubbing the eyebrows or forehead is a way to break eye contact and recollect your thoughts it may show the person is in a difficult situation and thinking of something else is a bit overwhelming for them try to control your pupils you can sometimes neither can teachers for example your eye pupils dilate when people see something they are excited to see when alarming sign your ideas won't be met with a round of applause is when people squint while listening to you squinting is a sign people don't trust what they hear and have lots of questions about that if you want to attract someone's attention by giving them this special look you've practiced a lot don't be discouraged by them not paying attention on average it takes three attempts before people will be able to read any sign you may you can literally read minds if you pay attention to the direction people look at when they're thinking if they look down and to the left that means they're in the middle of some inner monologue and deciding on something similarly people will look down into the right when they are trying to remember something or using their imagination I passed an exam today and I passed another exam today small difference but pay attention one word means a lot this another shows the person wants to demonstrate how good they are at something or they're just bragging want someone to be easy on you raise your eyebrows it's a sign you are vulnerable right now and need protection people will react accordingly to that people will copy your body language if they like you and want you to like them back try some characteristic postures and gestures during a conversation if they mirror you you're on the right path to win them over posture will give away everything about the confidence of a person in front of you straight back and lifted head means ambition and high self-esteem Crouch position and downward look means the opposite if someone clearly remembers some little thing about you even you don't care to remember be sure this person likes you a lot if during a conversation a person pushes aside any object standing between you and them this conversation is really meaningful to them when we're clumsy in making mistakes we are cuter and more attractive and subconsciously we know that if someone gets clumsy around you they desperately want to trust you and get closer to you if people ask of you small favors they trust you and want to build trustworthy relationships with you it works like a small investment into something big and you can use it to people like those people they once helped with something start a conversation with a person you like then nod and smile after a specific word you use if they start to use this word more often - your feelings are mutual if someone's angry at you the natural reaction is to stay away but try to do the opposite stay close the closer you are the harder it is for the person to be angry at you check if someone's secretly watching you in a crowd just yawn it will make them yawn - because yawning is contagious and even more so if it comes from a person we pay a lot of attention to make a small comment on someone's appearance as soon as you meet them it doesn't have to be a compliment and it sure doesn't need to be a critique a comment on eye color will work like a charm you will instantly grab their attention and they will remember you stand nearby a mirror to calm down someone who is about to get really angry at you they will see themselves in the mirror and won't act like that nobody wants to see themselves angry and negative if you see the same person at the same parties you go to time after time be sure it's not a coincidence even if this person doesn't do it intentionally they do it because you probably need to get to know each other better or they're stalking you now you're gonna pay more attention aren't you and finally a universal rule you don't have to be a psychologist to read people and to know them better everything you need is in your guts right there with your spleen liver and all that bacteria the gut feeling is based on your natural understanding of all the psychological tricks you just need to learn to trust it and not to overthink it hey if you learn something new today then give the video a like and share it with a friend and here are some other cool videos I think you'll enjoy just click to the left or right and remember stay on the bright side of life [Music]
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Keywords: psychological tips and tricks, psychological tips for interviews, psychological tips to read people's mind, psychological tips bright side, best psychological tips, psychological tips for confidence, psychological tricks that actually work, psychological tricks body language, psychological tricks to control mind, human psychology, how to attract people, human behavior, communication, how to manipulate people, get what you want, psychological techniques, keep people’s attention
Id: 09_dfBF7xaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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