32 Great Psychological Tips to Read People's Mind

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[Music] over the years scientists have uncovered many of the human brains mysteries and shortcomings that were securely hidden in our psyche sometimes we do something weird and then think what was the logic of my behavior was it there in fact there's always some logic but most often it hides in certain peculiarities of your mind you don't necessarily have to be an expert in psychology to understand what's going on in people's heads and use it to your advantage there are some psychological tips that work on a subconscious level that help you win another person's trust get somebody's approval and relax when you're stressed out today we're going to tell you about psychological effects that affect you almost every day watch the video till the end to understand why we always want something that is impossible to achieve and why we act one way or another [Music] when a group of people are laughing each person looks at the individual he or she likes the most after a good joke or in the middle of an interesting discussion every person instinctively looks at the person they like the most this is because they want to make sure that the object of their desires approves of and shares their sense of humor so in order to find out everything about a group of friends get a few really good jokes ready and watch everybody like a hawk your observations might turn out really surprising the anchoring effect people feel it's much easier to evaluate something if they have the original price even if it's wrong as kind of an anchor it's often used by stores for example you wouldn't buy a blouse for $300 in your right mind however if you see it originally cost a thousand dollars you'll think it's a sin to miss such a great deal even though the initial price might be invented [Music] we tend to see our memories as small movies or video clips things that lie on some shelf inside our brain safe and unalterable but as it turns out recollections of past events change every time they pass before our mind's eye their content is influenced by memory blackouts and by events that took place in the more recent past for example you don't have clear recollections of all the people who attended a family get-together a couple of years ago but since your aunt never misses events of this kind your mind eventually includes her in the memories even if she was absent on that particular occasion chew on something when you're nervous before an important conversation a public speech or another event that makes you nervous you should try to choose some gum or even eat something a 2011 study at Tokyo medical and dental University concluded that the chewing motion greatly reduces feelings of anxiety the thing is that nobody eats when they're in danger so while you're chewing your brain thinks it's safe to relax it sends a signal that relieves tension it helps calm you down you're basically tricking your own brain the same Tokyo research explains that some ancient Mayans and Greeks who used to chew on tree resin were less tense than their peers who didn't share this habit oh maybe this is where the expression she really chewed him out came from Wow that would make her a stressed-out cannibal okay maybe not [Music] deflection to the result we often judge the correctness of a decision by the final result not by the actions taken to achieve it this effect is often used by those ads which concentrate you only on the final result for example on buying so if you're using a brand new iPhone you cannot claim that the decision to spend all your money on it was right psychologists and sociologists have come up with something called the Dunbar's number not dumb and Dumberer the maximum number of people with whom a person can maintain close ties so even if you have thousands of friends on Facebook you can only have meaningful communication with 50 to 200 of them steering can help you get any information you need if you don't like the answer someone has given you or it seems they're not telling you the whole story just keep staring at them in this situation the silence will be so unbearable that they'll be ready to tell you anything just to end it after all the purpose of a stair is persuasion try it out and see if it works if you're successful give us a thumbs up hey my dog uses that on me all the time the paradox of choice the paradox of choice says that the more options there are the less possibility we'll be happy with our final choice keep in mind that sometimes you buy something and then regret it because you could have bought it on sale or you could have found another model even if the final decision is the best we can stay unhappy because the choice was too big imagine that you're at the airport and you need to pick up the luggage in ten minutes you reach the claim area and immediately collect your suitcase and now a slightly different situation you find a shortcut and managed to get to the baggage carousel in just two minutes then you spend the remaining eight minutes waiting for your suitcase to appear in both cases it took you no more than ten minutes to pick up the luggage however in the second scenario you probably felt more impatient and dissatisfied this is due to the fact that our brain dislikes being idle and prefers to stay busy instead and for every task completed it rewards us with dopamine the hormone of happiness ah dopamine imagine that your future employer is a good friend of yours to avoid getting the jitters during an oral exam or a job interview imagine that the person in front of you is a friend you haven't seen in ages this will help calm you down really quickly and answering the person's questions will be much easier another point to keep in mind why not consider the possibility that the interviewer is as nervous as you are you never know maybe it's their first hiring interview or their first exam as a teacher and if you come in with a smile you'll not only feel more confident yourself but put them at ease too clustering illusion this illusion is characterized by the tendency to see a certain system in random coincidences this especially applies to gamblers and lovers of fate signs both of them can wrongly interpret events don't wind yourself up okay [Music] studies show that our brain can store no more than three to four pieces of information at once in addition this info can only be preserved for 20 to 30 seconds after this time we forget it unless we keep refreshing it in our memory over and over again for instance let's say you're driving and talking on the phone don't do that the person on the other end gives you a number but you can't write it down so you try to memorize it instead you repeat the number again and again so as to preserve it in your short-term memory until you can disconnect and write it down by the way the fact that we find it easier to remember three to four pieces of information at a time explains why so many things consist of three to four digits or lines if you have to work with people a lot put a mirror behind you if you have to talk to a lot of people at work hang a small mirror behind your desk you'll be surprised that many people will be more polite and ready to meet you halfway in negotiations this is because nobody likes to see themselves angry or annoyed how cool is that and the most important thing is that these psychological tips work by the way we have a lot more videos that reveal the secrets of human psychology check out the links at the top of the screen once you've watched this video till the end pratfall effect imagine a couple walking down the street and one of them suddenly hits a pole it's unlikely the other one will think what an idiot on the contrary the first one will seem even sweeter it's because perfection is repulsive and mistakes are attractive they make us more human that's why you shouldn't get too upset having stumbled in front of anyone our brain constantly processes information received from sensory organs it analyzes visual images and interprets them in a form accessible to us for example the reason for us being able to read a text quickly lies in the fact that we're not actually reading it we simply notice the first and last letters of each word and intuitively fill in the rest based on our past experience as the saying goes it doesn't matter in what order the letters appear in a word if the first and last letters remain in place well that was weird see we look at groups of jumbled letters yet perceive them as proper words and this doesn't just happen with texts [Music] if you think someone is looking at you just yawn oddly enough yawning is like the common call there's even a phenomenon called contagious yawning it's typical for humans and chimpanzees to yawn when they see here or just think about yawning some individuals are less influenced by others yawns but out of 328 participants of a study conducted at the Duke University School of Medicine 222 yawn while watching a video of people yawning are you yawning right now just hearing a boat for those hmm that works so it's more likely than not you'll be able to use yawning to see who's watching you to figure it out just yawn and look around in most cases the person who is staring at you will yawn too not only that but if you do this when the Sun comes up you can yawn at dawn thank you very much the Kuleshov effect the effect when a viewer after seeing two unrelated frames unconsciously makes up a logical connection between them is called the Kuleshov effect Kuleshov created a short film in which a man's facial expression was alternated with various shots the audience thought that his facial expression was different each time depending on whether he was looking at a plate of soup a dead girl or a woman on a sofa however his face was the same all the time this effect is successfully used not only among cinematographers but also among marketers instilling in you certain associations with a certain product or character imagine you're at work studying an important document suddenly you realize that you've just read the same sentence three times in a row instead of analyzing the text your mind was wandering scientists from the university of california say that every day we spend 30 percent of our time daydreaming sometimes sometimes for instance during long trips this share increases to as much as 70% but there's nothing wrong with it studies show that people who love to wander in the clouds tend to be more creative also they're better at solving problems and getting rid of stress [Music] [Applause] if you want to break up a fight get something to eat and stand between people who are fighting this is called the snack man effect really the story goes that one day a fight broke out on a New York subway train a woman attacked a man who she claimed had been following her in the middle of the fight another man got up and stepped between them he stood there for some time just nonchalantly snacking on his Pringles miraculously the fighting passengers chilled out and peace was restored the hero of the day was dubbed the snack man and became internet famous there's a simple psychological explanation for what happened that day eating is associated with relaxation and being calm the probability of a person attacking someone who is eating is very low so the conflict resolves itself in no time body negative body negative is a condition where a person thinks they're ugly and this is why their personal life is a fail and their whole life is a fail most often such people are attractive and the problem is more about self-esteem than real flaws have you ever wondered why people always stop to look at the aftermath of a road accident even though bystanders find the site distressing they continue to gawk such curiosity is triggered by our ancient brain a section responsible for survival its function is to constantly scan the environment posing and answering three questions can I eat that can I have sex with that can I be killed by that actually there's a fourth question can i buy that at a discount food sex and danger are still the things fundamental to our staying alive so we can't help but pay attention to them if you want to get rid of something just hand it to someone while talking to them imagine you're moving boxes or picking up around the house if you need a helping hand but no one is offering just ask someone nearby a personal question or their opinion on something when the person is answering the question their brain is so busy formulating thoughts that all other actions switch to autopilot in this situation your conversation partner will take whatever you give them without even thinking I can wait to try that one [Music] [Applause] survivorship bias most often we judge a situation only by successful people survivors and that's why we know just one side of it for example we envy a business person who got rich selling bengal lights but we don't know how many business people failed with them you should always try to look at things from different angles [Music] as part of a recent study scientists set up two tables in the supermarket on the first table they place six types of jam on the second 24 as a result 60% of customers stop to try the jams at Table one however when it came to making purchases Table two proved four times more popular why did this happen as we already know our brain can only focus on three to four things at a time therefore making final decisions is easier when there's a limited number of options such as six types of jam nevertheless we always crave variety we love to browse through a wide range of products that's why we're more likely to stop by the table with 24 types of jam although in the end we'll still go for the same brand we've bought many times before [Music] if you want to easily become friends with someone just ask them for a favor it doesn't have to be a huge favor just something simple passing the sauce a napkin the sheet of paper or even asking for some advice the person who's doing the favor will think they like you because they're doing something for you however trivial it may be here's what one woman says well I never really liked the guy until one day he asked me to lend him 20 bucks I then thought he considered me a close enough maybe even a friend to help him and voila I started to like him hard to reach effect roughly speaking this is the phenomenon telling that the hard to reach is always more desirable even if we look at it from a human level close high status no one knows what's on their mind people always seem more attractive than others we'd like to believe that all our actions are the result of careful planning but in reality 60 to 80 percent of our everyday decisions are made subconsciously okay that's starting to get annoying we don't think about doing those things we just do them every second our brain receives millions of units of data to prevent over exhaustion some of the work gets relegated to the subconscious pocketing the keys turning off the lights closing the front door we perform such actions automatically without thinking all right take your hand off the Reaver button you've got it now on the downside this often leads to self-doubt for instance when we arrive at the office and suddenly begin to fret over whether or not we've turned the iron off [Music] schedule important meetings for the beginning or the end of the day people remember things best when they happen at the beginning and the end of the day everything in between is a blur that's why we recommend sending up important meetings for these times of the day if you have a job interview try to be either the first or the last candidate another trick to make participants attend and be punctual is to specify a weird time and duration for the meeting it's called the Swiss trains approach if a person sees a meeting from 9 22 to 946 on their schedule they're more likely to be on time and things will stick to the agenda more precisely the fear of beauty did you notice that ordinary people are less likely to sit down next to beautiful people for example on public transport they do it only if there are no other seats left in fact some people feel excessive tension next to beautiful people excitement double control of one's actions the desire to save face and the fear of comparison such stress doesn't arise next to an average person pay attention to the direction of feet while talking to other people now people's feet can help you understand their true feelings in the conversation if you come to them and they turn their body deal but not their feet it means they're not interested in talking to you also if the tips of their shoes are facing a different direction it means they want to get away as soon as possible or it could mean that they had their hips replaced and somehow the doctor screwed it up not likely but I'm just saying [Music] studies show that we can only perform one cognitive activity at a time try talking and reading at once or writing a letter while listening to an audio book most likely nothing good will come of it our brain just can't focus on two tests simultaneously however there is an exception if the second activity is purely physical and automatic the type of thing that we perform on a day to day basis then it is possible to combine both tasks for example you can talk on the phone while walking but even then there's a good chance of tripping and losing track of conversation do you still need the reverb maybe one last thing okie-dokie copying other people's body language will help you win their trust repeating somebody's gestures posture or facial expressions can help you win their trust the person doesn't consciously realize that they see themselves in you because of the familiar gestures and let's be frank most people like themselves the most important thing here is to not overdo it for instance if they pick their nose don't mirror that one use common sense also so that people see that you're paying attention smile when you're listening to their good news and frown at the mention of bad events in their life got it another great technique to win trust is a sincere smile when your smile isn't forced your mood proves you start to exude warmth and people feeling hey are you the one that takes advantage of these subconscious tricks which one is your favorite tell us in the comment section below share this video with your friends to help them pass a job interview or win over their crushes heart remember that there are many more useful and interesting things on the bright side of life so subscribe and see what's coming your way [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Views: 1,673,670
Rating: 4.8861084 out of 5
Keywords: psychological tricks, Kuleshov rffect, hard-to-reach effect, human behaviour, how to attract people, facts you never knew, body language, poor memory, Survivorship Bias, Clustering illusion, psychological tips
Id: 4MwkyWhYySs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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