70+ Psychological Tricks To Influence Other People

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when you meet someone for the first time take your time to check their I call it this extra second or two will help you maintain eye contact just for the right time it'll instantly make you more likeable and increase your charm if you want someone to enjoy a hard task don't promise them any kind of reward it may sound illogical but if people expect to get some payment they lose motivation and it doesn't allow them to enjoy the activity for its own sake if you need to remember to do something try to connect it with some unusual action for example to not forget to take the keys to your office in the morning place a chair in front of your entrance door if someone insists that you make a decision in the hurry they most likely try to manipulate you the best idea is to decline their offer if someone nearby is panicking start to breathe in and out loudly and regularly the person might not realize it but they'll begin to breathe at the same rate as you do it'll eventually calm them down when you're talking to a person ask them at least a couple of questions before you start your own story it'll prove that you've been listening and the person will feel important if you're talking with a person who's trying to manipulate you look at the center of their forehead this point should be a bit higher than eye level this will make it harder for the person to lie or try to influence you asking a question isn't the fastest way to find the necessary information on the Internet try writing something wrong on a forum you'll be surprised how many people will show up to correct you if you're holding a drink at a party don't keep it at your chest level move it to the waist level or even lower experts are sure it makes you look more open and confident and people feel eager to talk to you let's say you want people at some social gathering to perceive you as an outgoing person to someone and ask them a random question like I love your shoes where'd you buy them it'll be a perfect icebreaker people love talking about themselves if you want to check if someone's paying attention to what you're talking about fold your arms if the person is listening to you and is interested they'll likely mimic your gesture when you come to a job interview you get judged from the very moment you enter the waiting room whether it's intentional or not hiring managers will take into account how you spend your time while waiting so take a serious book with you and read it to make a good first impression you can literally wash away guilt studies have shown that people feel less guilty after washing their hands or taking your shower it even helps if you watch someone else wash their hands if you find it hard to get through the whole working week plan something every Wednesday that you'll be looking forward to it can be something small like treating yourself to a pizza or watching a movie but when it's over half of the week has already gone by and the weekend is much closer while preparing for a test or exam chew gum with a particular taste during the test use chewing gum with the same flavor your brain will connect the taste and the process of chewing with the information you learn while preparing and you're likely to remember everything much faster once you've learned something find someone else and try to explain it to them what you've just found out this way you'll understand the whole concept better and the information will stay in your mind for a longer time if you thank someone for their behavior they're more likely to act in such a way in the future even if they weren't too nice before you can find out who likes you in a big company wait until everyone is laughing and check who's looking at you while doing it while laughing people tend to sneak peeks at those who they want to be close to another way to figure out if a person likes you is to choose a word they sometimes say and nod or smile every time it leaves their mouth if they're attracted to you they'll begin to use this word even more often if you have to deal with angry customers place a mirror behind you at the counter when people come up to you they'll see themselves in this mirror it'll lower the chances of them acting irrationally and rudely when you ask for something you need always use the word because it makes people believe there's a serious reason for your request and of course there is to show you're listening to someone attentively look at their one eye than the other and then at their mouth keep following this triangular pattern for the entire time the person speaking most songs that keep playing on a loop in your head are just ear worms but sometimes it can be a sign that your brain reminds you of an unfinished task to shake it off listen to the song to the end singing along all the while to make somebody stop snoring knock on a hard surface for example a nightstand or a wardrobe in most cases this stops the snoring for at least some time and will short-circuit that urge to use a pillow in a bad way if you want to a SAN important interview or meeting persuade yourself that you've known the person you're going to see for ages imagine how you're going to greet each other shake hands and have a pleasant conversation this will help you relax before the big event whenever you need to speak in public take a bottle of water with you once you realize you've forgotten the text take a few sips this way nobody will understand you've made a pause because a part of the speech has slipped your mind usually people can only store no more than seven pieces of information in the short-term memory but you can increase this number by grouping different chunks of data together think of some connection between them and you'll be able to keep in mind more things concentrate on all the times you got it right rather than on your failures you can even make a list with everything you've succeeded in even if it's something as small as waking up on time when someone is screaming at you try to remain calm and look unaffected after seeing you so collected they're likely to feel even angrier but later this person might feel a bit embarrassed admit your unimportant mistakes to people who you need to trust you they'll perceive you as an honest person who isn't afraid to show their vulnerable side every once in a while it'll work for your benefit for example people will be more likely to listen to your opinion in a dispute start nodding a bit during a conversation it'll make the person you're talking to more attentive to your words and they won't even realize why if you need to talk in front of a big and loud audience that just won't quiet down start mouthing the words of your speech accompanying it with suitable gestures so that it looks like you're already talking people will notice it and quiet down almost immediately people rarely remember the whole duration of some experience equally when they recall something later the first and last memories of an event or person will be the most prominent that's why it's crucial to make not only a good first impression but also to nail your last impression always try to find a way to leave on a high note like an A flat or even C sharp if you have an important job interview do everything you can to have it on Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday on Mondays people are nervous since it's the beginning of a new working week and on Friday everyone is already thinking about the weekend if you want to impose your opinion on someone keep mentioning it in different contexts you can also repeat it throughout the conversation every time with a different expression your companion will soon start to perceive the idea as their own because their brain will label it as a familiar one always keep a straight posture and walk around as if you have a lot of influence you'll notice people treat you with more respect plus you'll come across as a confident person and those are perceived as more trustworthy reliable and attractive if someone is staring you in the subway look at their shoes don't give up keep gazing this will drive this person crazy [Music] while talking to someone try to control your hands showing your palms will indicate your genuine and sincere and steepling your fingers will convey confidence if you think a person dislikes you ask them for a book to borrow it'll create some sort of a connection between you two when you return the book share your opinion about it with its owner it'll help them warm up to you if you're asked to do something you don't want to do just say no people usually expect you to give the reasons for your refusal you're straightforward answer will discourage them from trying to talk you into agreeing a person will like a gift from you more if you add a note hope you enjoy it I got myself the same one too research shows people feel closer to others if they receive a present their partners have also got for themselves if someone's trying to interrupt you by talking loudly over you keep speaking the main thing is not to raise your voice it should be exactly the same as before the person who tried to interrupt you will soon feel awkward and fall silent most people respect their parents and believe their words that's why if you say you've heard some information from your parents others will subconsciously take it more seriously now even though it sounds cliche that people judge you by your handshake it's true you can make a better first impression if you rub your hands together in advance it'll make them warm and dry if you don't want to talk to someone you know pretend to be really worried every time you see them in the end this person will start feeling worried every time they meet you as well and vice versa if you want to make a person warm up towards you greet them with all the enthusiasm you have after finishing your speech during a meeting or negotiations look people in the eye and wait in silence you're determined look will affect how they perceive your words the most crucial thing though is not to lose eye contact during these intense moments if you want a person to do something for you ask them for a bigger favor first after rejecting something more difficult people are likely to agree to a more easy looking request you can build a stronger relationship with someone if you show you trust them enough to share one of your secrets but remember to choose a secret you can spill in advance before you meet the person you want to build rapport with people subconsciously perceive fast speakers who use lots of hand gestures and talk loudly and expressively as smart and more experienced you might have difficulties with making decisions because there are too many options for choices at a time are the maximum number the human brain can process give yourself four alternatives at the most and take time to consider each of them if you want to build a relationship with someone ask this person to explain something to you you might even know the answer better than the person you've addressed but this will make them warm up towards you if you didn't get a good night's sleep tell your brain that you did when you genuinely believe that you're well-rested your brain will function better even if you haven't slept much if you often have a feeling that you forgot to do something at home start using the point and call method when you lock the door point at it and say the doors locked this way you won't need to doubt whether you've done something or not if you ask a person some question and they're hesitant to answer maintain eye contact with them it'll prove you aren't afraid of the answer and the person will feel more at ease if you think someone might disagree with your opinion sit next to this person this position is perceived as less antagonistic your opponent won't feel threatened and is more likely to agree with your point of view enthusiasm is contagious if you need people to accept your idea get as enthusiastic and excited about it as possible yeah when they see this kind of emotion most of them will feel the same people tend to think others have warm and nice personalities when they have a warm drink in their hands that's why it's better to skip on an ice cream date and invite the person you like to have some hot coffee or tea instead the more you overload people with information the less they like it when you need something from somebody avoid rambling concentrate on one or two main points a joke stops being funny after you repeat it several times trust me if someone is trying to have a good laugh at your expense in a company pretend you haven't heard the joke clearly after they repeat it three or four times no one will be laughing anymore people subconsciously perceive those who smile too widely as not serious enough so save your big smiles for your friends and family and tamp it down at business meetings when you're walking through a crowded sidewalk avoid eye contact with people who are in your way look a bit above and behind them and confidently march straight ahead you'll notice people subconsciously take the cue and move out of the way if you feel uncomfortable meeting new people or giving speeches start acting as if you don't feel anxious your brain will have nothing to do but it just if someone leans on the back of their chair it might indicate they're tired of the conversation and don't want to continue it or they feel uncomfortable in the presence of the other person if you're working on some project in a group and want someone to do a particular task ask them can you get started on this it sounds like less work and the person is more likely to agree but chances are they'll just go ahead and complete the task when you ask a person to do something for you ad you can always refuse right after your request it will make them relax and they won't feel pressured they'll also be more likely to help you if you want someone to make a particular choice give them a list with at least three alternatives the one you need them the pick should be the last people usually choose this option since it's the freshest in their minds when someone tells you an opinion you don't agree with don't object immediately say something like hmm I see what you mean then add but have you ever considered and express your own opinion this way you're unlikely to be interrupted everything you say about others influences the way people see you it's better to avoid talking about those you don't like whatsoever then to say negative things about them but if you can try to find something about them to compliment never start your request with the words could you the person you're addressing will subconsciously assume this is a theoretical question then the answer yes can mean yes theoretically I could it's better to rephrase your request to please print this document out for me finally never forget the name of the person who's been introduced to you call them by their name right away it'll help you reinforce the information in your mind and the person you're talking to will take to you immediately people like hearing their names it makes them feel important remember John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt his name is my name too
Views: 493,189
Rating: 4.9246311 out of 5
Keywords: psychological tips, bright side, bright side videos, bright side psychology, psychological tricks that actually work, psychological tricks how to spot a liar, psychological tricks to try on someone, psychological tricks at work, psychological tricks and hacks, psychological tricks to be attractive, psychological tricks to earn money, human psychology, how to attract people, psychology facts, how to get what you want, how to manipulate people, psychological techniques
Id: GFo32hjd1QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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