100+ Little-Known But True Facts About Your Body

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the human body is as complex and unexplored as the universe itself don't believe me fine this is gonna be a very short video wait a minute wait a minute what if I told you there was an organ in the body we didn't know about until 2019 how did that happen well here are some other incredible things about us the microcosm brushing your teeth isn't always good if you do it too vigorously you can remove your enamel neurons do recover and they actually do it quite fast up to five millimeters per day as long as the cell they're in is intact you can be proud of your chin because there's no other animal that has it only humans do you don't like the sound of your own voice on record because you're used to hearing it differently inside your head the walls of your skull change your voice for you you blink over 15,000 times a day and the muscle in your eyelid is the fastest in your body your fingernails grow faster on your dominant hand also during the summer and on sunny days in the winter hmm not so much all the bones in your body will be completely renewed in ten years time it's a whole new you you have more in common with a banana than you think humans share 60% of their DNA with this fruit body fat transforms into co2 and water which basically means you're exhaling it there's also enough of this stuff in you to make about seven bars of soap Fight Club anyone the only part of your body that doesn't get any blood is the cornea of the eye it receives oxygen directly from the air you have almost 100 more bones as a child than as an adult as you grow some bones fuse together nobody actually knows how many muscles you need to smile a frown even more some people have 40% fewer facial muscles than the rest every year the average person sheds about 6 pounds of skin hopefully not all at once tastebuds in your mouth aren't visible to a naked eye those bumps on your tongue are called papillae and tastebuds are on their top by the way the buds themselves only live for 10 to 14 days and then get replaced kind of like in turns the skin on your fingertips gets all wrinkled for you to get a better grip under water but scientists haven't yet figured out why women do see more color variations than men on average they can see about three to four times more shades breathing and blinking are the only processes that you do automatically but still can control you've started noticing yourself doing both right now haven't you there's an organ that was only discovered in 2019 it's called the interstitial and it's a lining between other organs and muscles you might want to write that down there will be a quiz later we might lose our toes in the process of evolution originally our ancestors needed them to climb trees and they were much longer now we almost don't use them at all pain is a necessary reaction sorry since it helps us understand something's wrong with us if there was no pain we wouldn't be able to diagnose many diseases and they couldn't sell us aspirin Lindt inside your belly button collects there because there are hairs grown specifically to catch it really the liver is the only organ of the body that can regrow itself to its original size even if a tiny fraction of it is left only your head is prone to alopecia or balding that's why hair is usually transplanted from other areas of your body there is no relaxed position of the tongue in the mouth it's always strained but it never gets tired although it's a muscle stretching much like yawning increases blood flow to the muscles and also releases endorphins this makes you feel good and wake up by the way fun fact endorphins are not marine mammals those are in dolphins speaking of yawning it helps you grab more oxygen from the air when your brain is tired and needs a push like Rodo not only yawns are contagious by the way when you see someone vigorously scratching you start to itch yourself scratching helps because it sends a pain signal to your brain which diverts it to tension from the itch your foot is the same length as your forearm wrist to elbow check it out you're also shining a little bit your light is so weak though that you can't see it in space your body grows a little taller there's no gravity so your spine relaxes you also grow older the faster the higher up in the sky you are tickling is unpleasant to many people but they still laugh because it's an involuntary reflex they can even be in pain but won't stop laughing tickle responsibly the biggest bone in the human body is a thigh bone while the smallest is a stirrup it's in the middle ear and it's only 1/10 of an inch in size we can't remember our childhood because our memory continues to develop until teenage years before that there's too much unknown in our life to remember everything properly we blush because of an adrenaline rush what's more the lining of our stomach becomes red too check it out swallow a GoPro and see now don't do that the exact reason why we have fingerprints is still unknown it might be for improving the sense of touch though I think it just gives the FBI something to do even if they're completely erased for some reason fingerprints eventually restore their pattern now you can smell up to a trillion different smells but there are people who can't smell them at all it's a condition called anosmia your nose and ears are the only parts of your body that never stop growing yeah nails and hair aren't body parts because they don't grow like arms and legs and they're made of the same material called keratin there's no smart reason behind wisdom teeth appearing in your mouth and in some people they never even grow your memory can store about 4 terabytes of data which is probably why some of your less important memories are lost to make way for new and more important ones most of the time the air you breathe through your nose passes through only one nostril it changes once in a while you can live without one of any paired organ or body part like eyes arms legs or even kidneys and lungs there are conditions in which you have to have your whole stomach removed you can still live an eat normal food after that if you smooth out the brain it will be the size of a pillowcase moving your ears is an ability that proves evolution our ancestors use it to locate enemies and prey just like other animals do only 30% of those capable of moving ears by the way are able to move only one the blood in your body travels the distance around the earth in just two days you spend about a third of your life asleep your cat though spends about 75 percent of its life napping all in all your eyes are closed for almost 40% of your life that includes not only sleeping but blinking too which accounts for 10% of waking hours if you're really really starved your stomach will start munching on its own walls and your brain - you feel dehydrated when you lose about 1% of your body moisture a 5% loss can cause you to faint the small intestine is in fact four times as long as the large one it's 20 feet vs. 5 feet you become up to an inch shorter by night than you were in the morning that's because your spine stretches at night but gravity pushes it down during the day although it's really hard it's possible to sneeze with your eyes open now you can't swallow food and breathe at the same time but babies can you're paired organs aren't symmetrical with each other your right kidney is lower than the left and the lungs are different in size and shape contrary to the widespread myth we use 100% of our brain just not all the time your hands would be half as strong if not for the pinkies enamel on your teeth is not white it's transparent and slightly bluish dentin which is the layer right beneath the enamel is not white either it's yellow your eyes don't register a continuous image like a video they take a non-stop series of separate pictures that your brain smooths out into one on average your body weight consists not only of your own weight but also that of bacteria living on and inside your body they can take up to five pounds so that's 14 pounds if you add in the skin you flick off during the year although the brain takes up just 2% of your overall body weight it consumes about 20% of all the energy you gain you feel sick on a roller coaster because your brain thinks it's being poisoned the reason is all the dizziness well yeah there are people who don't smell bad when they sweat that's because they have much fewer skin bacteria which are exactly the reason for the odor when you scream your brain turns down the volume for you on its own otherwise you might go deaf when you're full you relax and want to sleep because of the hormone serotonin it's a predatory thing we've inherited from our ancestors endorphin not in dolphin otherwise known as the happiness hormone is released every time you sneeze your brain sometimes makes mistakes too but there are neurons that catch those and send proper signals to your body instead you can tickle yourself but not in a way that makes you laugh there's a tickling sensation when a bug crawls across your skin you can imitate that feeling for yourself you can always see your nose with your peripheral vision you just choose not to notice it well metals dissolve in stomach acid if you swallow a coin at some point don't worry the sense of smell takes active part in feeling state if you can't smell your taste is also affected if your fingertips were the size of our planet you'd have some really big hands and those fingertips would be able to feel separate buildings and even cars what you see is a bit obsolete already the image before your eyes is sent to your brain and processed before you see it this process takes about 60 milliseconds you're more likely to catch a cold if you breathe through your mouth your nose filters out most of the particles in the air and also warms the air itself your fingertips ear structure tongue print and brain are unique there are none out there like yours your brain can feed a light bulb with the electricity it produces in the awakened state you'd only be able to digest grass if you had an additional stomach or two like cows do well good thing we don't there are between 100 million and 1 billion bacteria living on each of your teeth wow that's just TMI if your DNA were uncoiled and stretched into a single line it would go all the way from Earth to Pluto and then back Wow muscles can twitch by themselves if you're under a lot of stress or have had too much coffee or sweets recently by the way your brain is a temperature detector when your skin is too hot it sends a signal to start sweating and when it's too cold you'll begin shivering now shivering is a natural reaction to call rapid muscle contractions let you warm up faster like rubbing your palms together ringing in your ears is called tinnitus and is triggered by stress ironically it can cause even more stress in its turn your hands and feet get cold when you're about to go on an important meeting because your body gets you prepared for serious stress and saves the heat and blood for the most crucial organs the skull alone consists of 22 different bones 14 of them are facial hiccups are a reaction to eating or drinking too much your stomach distance and makes the diaphragm right above it contract you can see one cell of a human body with your naked eye that cell is called the egg or ovum skin is the largest organ of our body there are people who can hear their eyes moving inside their head you can make your fingers grow muscular in the gym because there are no muscles in them we move our fingers with the help of tendons in our forearms your fingernails grow faster than your toenails because they receive more Sun there are only 43 people on earth who have a blood type with no rh blood cell antigens their blood is called golden your eye color can change throughout your life it's most noticeable in children who might be born with for instance black eyes which turn hazel with age a difference in levels of the melanin pigment can cause heterochromia or different eye colors in a single person Huskies are naturally predisposed to it teeth are the only part of your body that can't heal itself humans are the only species on earth that sleep on their backs actually I beg to differ you should see my dog Riley sleep on his back blue eye color is actually a mutation that occurred about 10,000 years ago before then people's eyes were mostly brown freckles can appear in newborns because they only start manifesting under the Sun if melanin in your skin isn't evenly spread in the body freckles are what you'll get being lazy is not a state of mind but a complex reflex of your body and reacts to the overwhelming amount of stuff you have to do you sweat when stressed because your body needs to cool down before intense action your hands get wet first because that'll help you get a better grip laughing in inappropriate situations is normal laughter is a powerful stress reliever your stomach growls because it starts a digestive process when you hear that on an empty stomach consider this a signal to eat something the mean food for the brain is glucose or sugar and that's why you want something sweet when intellectually tired the floaters you can sometimes see when looking at a light surface are imperfections inside your eyes they stand in the way of light coming through and become visible this way hypnic jerks are what makes you suddenly wake up with a feeling that you're falling they occur because all your muscles relax all at once and the brain doesn't like it one bit your body feels heavy and awkward when you're tired because your nerves don't properly react to the commands of your brain so get some sleep cracking your joints is absolutely safe this sound is just the air bubble popping inside the joint and it will naturally return there after a short while even the single egg twins can look totally different from each other it most often happens in mixed-race couples apart from regular albinism there's also a type of ocular albinism in this case melanin disappears only from the eyes which makes them essentially colorless not only a quarter of your bones are in your feet but all of them are pretty crucial they affect your posture and internal organs as well hair grows at a rate of about six inches per year in a lifetime that would make more than 40 feet of hair not to mention hairy feet which is totally different right-handed people tend to do everything with the right side even chew the food in their mouth by the age of 60 you're likely to lose half of your taste buds that's why food seems to taste better in childhood about half the people get goose bumps when listening to their favorite music it's a pleasure mechanism that reacts to something you and your body like you burn more calories than sleeping than watching TV or YouTube so go get some sleep already now for the quiz yes I told you what's the newly discovered lining between other organs and muscles called put your guests in the comments hey if you learned something new today then give the video a like and share it with a friend and here are some other videos I think you'll enjoy just click to the left or right and remember stay on the bright side of life you
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Rating: 4.902626 out of 5
Keywords: human body, human body facts, human eye, human ear, facts about human body, human teeth, human skeleton, vital organs, human brain, human heart, human anatomy, hair growth, human skin, why we swear, goosebumps, nerve cells, fastest muscles, body’s natural smell, blushing, jaw muscle, blood vessels, chromesthesia, appendix, human sweat, human body facts brightside, fascinating human body facts, muscle facts human body, bright side videos
Id: cBQH8tJagnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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