Why Synopsys Bought Ansys (For $35 Billion)

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In mid-January 2024, the semiconductor EDA giant   Synopsys announced the acquisition of the  software firm, Ansys, for $35 billion. Ansys produces software for  Computer-Aided Engineering   or CAE. They have a fascinating history. But why buy it? There is a trend  going on here and it involves the   new sexy technical trend of the day - chiplets. In this rather wide-spanning video, we look at the  intersection of design and computer simulation. ## Beginnings In the 1960s, John Swanson was working at the  Westinghouse Astronuclear Lab in Pittsburgh. He went there to work on nuclear-fueled rockets  with the goal of going to Mars - the NERVA   nuclear rockets. His work involved doing  stress analysis on various components. To do this, Swanson had to model how a structure  might function under a particular load. However   trying to mathematically model a big  complicated design was challenging. But if you divide that structure  down into smaller pieces,   those smaller pieces are easier to  predict. Tie those pieces together   and you get a far better idea of  how the larger structure will act. This is what we now call Finite  Element Analysis, or FEA. In FEA,   we break something like a car design  down into millions of little shapes   and use that to predict how that car  design might react if it hits a wall. In those days, the FEA equations had to be  worked out by hand using desk calculators,   which was long, complicated, and error-prone.   So Swanson learned how to code and  wrote a few programs to do this FEA. ## Ansys By the late 1960s, it became clear that  the nuclear rocket was not going to Mars. So Swanson left, moved back in with  his parents, and founded the company   "Swanson Analysis Systems" to develop  the Ansys simulation software suite. Westinghouse brought Swanson back as a  consultant, which helped Swanson keep   food on the table while he coded up Ansys on  a time-shared mainframe owned by US Steel. Ansys - Swanson went with the name  because the lawyers said it didn’t   violate anyone’s trademark - was finished in  1970, and Westinghouse was the first user. Over time, Swanson and his small team ported   the software to minicomputers like  the VAX and added crucial features. In 1994, Swanson sold majority control of his  company - which had annual revenues of about   $30 million - to the private equity  firm TA Associates and stepped down. They took the company public two years  later, changing its name to that of the   flagship product. Swanson retired soon after  that and has since focused on philanthropy. ## Design & Simulation Ansys’ FEA tools have since evolved to  embrace a variety of CAE sub-categories. Broadly speaking, CAE is about using  sophisticated algorithms to simulate,   validate, and solve problems  in engineering projects. The name is similar to Computer-Aided Design,  or CAD, but they are not the same. CAD is for   producing the design while CAE is for testing how  that design performs under certain conditions. This is helpful because engineers can now  diagnose and troubleshoot problems in a   design without having to do as much  real-world testing. Since it can cost   millions of dollars to build a modern plane or  car prototype - and certain conditions cannot   be easily replicated in a wind tunnel  - this saves a lot of time and money. The rise of more powerful computers - including  those within the cloud - has made it more   feasible for users to simulate increasingly  complicated designs inside a computer. ## Computational Fluid Dynamics FAE is pretty interesting. And it would be fun to use  it to simulate what happens   when an integrated circuit hits a  brick wall at relativistic speeds. But in a semiconductor industrial context,  we want to look at a different major CAE   sub-category - Computational  Fluid Dynamics, or CFD. CFD   programs help solve the complicated nonlinear  equations that govern the motion of fluids. Brace yourselves for some mind-blowing  stuff but fluids are not like solids. Fluids like air or water react to shear stresses  differently than solids because their shapes   deform without losing volume. So these fluid  dynamics equations are extremely intense. Any calculator - human or otherwise -  must simultaneously maintain multiple   factors like conservation of mass  and momentum in many directions. CFD applies to all sorts of real world  engineering situations, but is particularly   big in heat transfer analysis. Engineers can use  it to track heat sources in a structure, how that   heat conducts or radiates throughout, and how we  can carry away that heat using a fluid like air. ## Brief CFD Software History Considering this, we have long sought  ways to model these fluid movements. In 1922, the English scientist and  mathematician Lewis Fry Richardson   published the book "Weather Prediction by  Numerical Process". It radically proposed   a set of differential equations  for predicting the weather. His book also fantasized about the  possibility of a "forecast factory".   In it, you would have many dozens of  "computers" - human computers in this   case - calculating these equations  for different parts of a world map. That of course was a fantasy,  but fun nevertheless. By 1940,   the available analytical models for modeling  fluid dynamics were fragmented and in disarray. Prior models based on older principles  proposed by the mathematicians Leonard   Euler and LaGrange were elegant, but did not  match up with what was happening in reality. This situation changed thanks to the urgency of  war. In the waning years of the Manhattan Project,   it became crucial for the Americans to track the  behavior of shock waves and how they propagated   through things. Research continued after the  War ended and hydrogen bomb development began. In 1950, Robert Richtmyer and John von  Neumann published a paper introducing the   concept of "artificial viscosity". This  simplified the equations for computers   while maintaining fidelity to the basic physics. Over the decade after that, a team at Los  Alamos led by Frank Harlow contributed   several foundational CFD algorithms  like Particle-in-Cell or Fluid-in-Cell. These works together enable the foundations of CFD   as we know it today. Professor John  Chu of Columbia coined the term in   1967 in addition to contributing crucial  differential equations for the discipline. CFD programs have since evolved to reproduce and  visualize all kinds of thermal dynamics. This is   helpful for air conditioning systems, vents,  and - interestingly enough, semiconductors. ## 3D-IC In previous videos, I have talked a bit about  the growing trend in advanced packaging. One of the major examples of this is AMD's  flagship AI accelerator chip - the MI300.   This chip has been built up to be some kind  of a Nvidia-slayer amongst AMD enthusiasts.   But whatever you might think about AMD and Nvidia,  it is a magnificent piece of silicon engineering. I quote Dylan from SemiAnalysis here.  The MI300 is the most incredible form   of advanced packaging in the world. Over a  hundred pieces of silicon stuck together in   three layers on top of an interposer - which  is kind of like a PCB for silicon chips. These silicon pieces are connected  using Through Silicon Vias, which   are holes drilled into the die. We can then  run copper interconnects through these vias. Advanced packaging techniques like these allow  us to produce larger, more powerful pieces   of silicon without majorly hurting yields.  Certain compute chiplets can be made using   advanced nodes while other less advanced stuff  like I/O can be done in trailing edge fabs. ## Heat Problems One of the big issues however  with these vertically stacked   semiconductor packages and others like it is heat. Chips generate heat. In a traditional 2D  monolithic IC, we know how to deal with   this heat. All of the silicon pieces are  accessible so heat generated by the chip   can be dissipated out either through the silicon  substrate on the bottom or a heat sink on the top. But when you stack more than maybe,  two pieces of silicon together,   we can't just throw a big old  heat sink on top and call it a   day. That is because we no longer  have access to all of the chips. When you consider that the silicon pieces  do not all have the same heat profiles and   that heat cannot travel very far, then  you end up with local hot spots. These   higher temperatures hurt the chip's  performance and overall lifetime. I am compelled to inform you of the fable  of the Asian giant hornet. If it ventures   too deep into a Japanese beehive, the bees  tightly surround the hornet and beat their   wings to high temperatures. The poor hornet -  which only wants to eat - is cooked to death. Likewise for an advanced packaged IC.  Heat from silicon operations or beating   bee wings can compromise performance. It  can fatigue the soldered interconnects,   warp the silicon substrate, or  even crack the die entirely. ## Taking the Heat Considering the consequences, it is  important that chip designers build   structures into their stacked  packages to deal with this. The industry has tried several things  - there is a whole part of the industry   dedicated to heat control. We have silicon or  software-level measures to take. For instance,   writing code to limit the chip's performance  so that we don't overheat the package. There are also packaging-level things we can do  like immersing the whole chip in a heat dispersing   fluid or even creating silicon "fins" sticking  out from the interposers to shuttle away the heat. There is strong focus on adapting existing  technologies to minimize risk of failure.   One example is the solder ball interface  between the dies. Changing the filling in   between the balls can greatly improve the  heat distribution profile of the stack. ## Heat Simulations Regardless of the methodologies  employed to deal with the heat,   we are going to want to simulate  it out to see if it works. A wafer takes about three to five months to  produce and that does not include packaging.   So it could take months to get a complete package  to measure, test, and validate its heat profile. But we don’t have that much time to wait.  Advanced chip design takes far too long   as it is. So being able to simulate the thermal  profiles of a particular design inside a computer   without needing to go and build a prototype  to test in real life is hugely beneficial. That means CFD. For instance,  calculating heat transfers from   between two components within a package  requires us to know the local fluid   temperature - the temperature of the parts  in contact. But as we established earlier,   CFD is extremely difficult to model due to  the complicated interplay of various factors. Such programs need to produce accurate  results that match with real world   experimentation while also being intuitive to  use since designers are often time-pressured. For this reason, CFD programs for thermal  simulations of electronic packages are very   mature - around for over twenty years.  So semiconductor tool and IP ecosystem   providers like TSMC prefer to partner with CFD  makers like Ansys rather than make their own. In 2021, Ansys announced a partnership  with TSMC to deliver a thermal analysis   solution for 3DFabric. 3DFabric is TSMC's  umbrella of advanced packaging technologies. Import a package from an EDA software  and you can run electrical, thermal,   and structural simulations on it. Getting this  stamp of approval as well as others from the   world's biggest foundry is a compelling sign of  Ansys' growing presence in semiconductor design. It does make me wonder if we should allow  Synopsys to actually buy them. On the surface,   the businesses seem quite separate. But  Ansys is growing in the industry. And   semiconductor design and simulation  are soon to collide - especially as   generative AI makes its way into  the design flow down the line. Simulations can be a way to validate those  designs - like how we use a Python runtime   to validate ChatGPT's written code.  Just a random thought. Maybe I'm crazy. ## Conclusion One more thing. I do think that Synopsys  being willing to pay $35 billion does say   that heterogeneous integration - i.e.  the chiplet approach - is here to stay. Expensive AI chips like the MI300 are  only the beginning, the leading edge   of the sword. I get the feeling that  we are going to be seeing the MI300's   approach trickle out to almost every part of the  semiconductor space except maybe the smartphone. Considering all the trailing edge  semiconductor fab capacity being   built around the world right now,  users will want to mix-and-match   process nodes and then just slap it  all together with advanced packaging. This means more complex advanced packages. And  that is going to present a lot of challenges   because heat isn't the only major challenge  for packaging designers to overcome. Another   one that comes to mind, for instance, is  capacitance - which arguably might be harder. This all in turn incentivizes us to  produce better tools for designing and   manufacturing such advanced package designs.  Synopsys is setting out on that journey,   and is putting down $35 billion to back it.
Channel: Asianometry
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Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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