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you know there are so many great mods this year that it was so hard for me to go back to my channel find the best mod list for 2022. what's up boo welcome back to my channel I hope you're having a great day and if you're new to my channel welcome to the dark side because I went through my Channel all the videos all the lists and here are the mods that I think you should have in your game for The Sims 4. let's go ahead and just jump right [Music] but the first mod I want to go ahead and let you know about is in Creative stem it is the more traits in cast mod now if you don't know about this mod then you do now if you play The Sims 4 then you know how frustrating it was to have limited traits in cash well now you can have more trades and casts go from three to five for young adult all the way up to Elder and then of course teens get four are able to choose more traits and casts set of the default three and I thought you know what you need this mod in your game now the next one I want to show you is the realistic hands in the feet at least are something to beaten will actually not to be desired let me go ahead and fix that sentence real quick but the hands are okay but you want something a little bit more realistic I feel like you should have this monster game because it makes your toes and your in the hand realistic just just roll with it okay next month I want to talk to you about Izzy Mork has columns mod now this mod is a lifesaver it helps with especially if you have a lot of clothing content either as creative Sim or you have a lot of packs in your game so if you want to expand from the default to and have I don't mean I don't even know how far you'll be able to scroll if you had like a lot I don't know some one of y'all can probably test it I don't know but you can go from two to three to four to five I've always talked about this mod and I always recommend this mod so of course it has made the list again I can't sing its price is easy enough just make sure that you are mindful of your screen resolution because it does depend on how many columns you can have well how many columns you can upgrade ahead and move on to the next section gameplay now between gameplay and the minor mods section I was like okay what can I do here so the first mod that I want to sing praises to is the realistic childbirth mod now for those of you who love realism in your game you want a little bit more gameplay a little bit more storytelling than the realistic childbirth mod is the mod for you when I say this mod is amazing it is amazing this thought process the development process this mod you'll be able to actually have realistic childbirth in the game so you have a C-section you can have natural labor you can have home birth you have the same birth process at home where you can be in a water birth or on the bed and of course sincere in the C-section if you want to you can just choose what you want to do from the obstetrician you also have some amazing animations that go along with this mod including for your partner if you really want them to have them around if you don't want to have them around then you know it'd be like this sometimes but if you do it's there for you and when I say chef's kiss to the smart chef's kiss to this month if if you want to go see some more development or some more update make sure you check out my previous videos let's go ahead and move on to the next model which is the re or real estate mod that is just it was a gift from God it allows you to realistically have a home purchase experience so you're able to get a realtor and look at their experience and you know see how much you're going to pay them if you really want a good one like I did you're gonna have to play like a grip but it's okay I got her experience kind of like a law experience okay and go through the whole process of giving a wish list like this is where I want this is my budget this is where I want to live and then your realtor will come back like here's the properties there you can also tours their homes and assess the homes you can also rent out homes if you want to you can have multiple homes that's what I did with myself she has her main home we bought another home and we're converting it into a rental and we went through the Rental process before after we bought it also there's this have a negotiation process so how much you want to pay I was lucky enough not you know pay the price they were talking about but they were the one budget that was getting on my nerves a little bit bit but I follow my realtor's advice and we still you know it was like 3 000 less than what they wanted which you know it's fine I haven't bought a house yet but I'm gonna assume that's good but yeah this model is amazing so make sure you go and check it out but the next one I want to talk to you about which is kind of ironic because this one deals with burgling and you're able to be a burglar in The Sims 4 again which you will have to get yourself the reward trade and then start trying to burgle some houses now it's gonna be hard because your Center's not a burgle but you go find a house make sure it's nighttime and make sure you have disguise I didn't put on disguise you know make sure you do that so they don't see your face which it doesn't really matter but you're against part of it make sure you do that and you just click on break in I guess this is gonna sit there and they're gonna attempt to break in my sim because we just started one did not get to break him two got caught in three got arrested so be mindful of that yeah but the more you do it the better you'll get and then you'll be able to go into people's houses and you know steal their stuff but just be mindful that you may get arrested a couple of times that's okay next mod is the SMB which is the Sims National Bank mod now this mod allows you to have a lot of different customizations when it comes to money in the game and allows you to have your own personal bank account so this model is pretty simple you just get them on you go to the phone you click some National Bank and you open up account now this mod does stem to other mods as well so make sure you go you check out those mods but this mod is pretty simple you're just able to withdraw deposit and send money to other Sims how to do like a career direct deposit so you want your own money to go into like your own account you can do that if you're hiding money from your spouse you're like I don't got this much but you really got this much you can do that if you really want to for the gameplay aspect of it but yeah the next one I want to talk to you about is going to be huge now you may think to yourself oh it's like a simple one no the relationship and pregnancy overall Hall mod has a lot of modules that come along with it it's not just one thing so you're able to go through the motions of pregnancy you can have a wtd I'm Gonna Let You Fill into the blank and have of a adoption process you can put your child up for adoption if you really want to use surrogacy going to the doctor and checking your Sims Health you can talk to your partner about it you'll have a lot of Buffs with it also we'll have this new module that allows you to have a realistic dating profile which I've recently covered my channel and of course I'm going to cover in this video where you can go through and choose what your premises are you can go through people's profiles to see their name their age what they're looking for you can go hook up go into a date overall an amazing mod I did link to the all-in-one but if you don't want the all-in-one you just want certain parts of the mod you can also do that as well so make sure you go and you check out this mod the next thing I want to talk to you about is that Dynamic Life mods if you play with teenagers in the game which good for you then you may feel a little lackluster especially if you don't really have the high school years pack or you do have the high school years pack and you feel like it's a little bit more than you need that's where the dynamic in Life mod comes into play because it gives you all of these new features that your sim is going to want to participate in it comes with bunch of new features like new journal entries your Sims who have move swings and you'll be able to go through their mental health also so new clubs and team tryouts are gonna be able to go through like the mock trial for a law Performing Arts robots for a stem Club you'll have to go through tryouts and then you'll be able to know you got it or not go to the computer you're like yeah I'm in the club cool there's also this new thing where they have the popularity system where your sale will be very popular or not very popular or unpopular some added benefits or disadvantages it's also the Romantic life and there's also some social groups so you have womp jocks floaters cool llamas RS collectors my sim got put in the floaters floaters aren't really their own social group they sometimes flow between the other social groups and amongst themselves and sometimes our loners they aren't defined by any one label or group there's also sort of teen activities you can also ask your parent if you can go out or not instead of your parent will allow you to go out or not and then if you don't if they say no you sneak out there'll be some interactions for you so make sure you check out the entire list for this month go ahead and move on to the next smile which is the thrift store over Hall mod so when we got high school years we also got the thrift store now with that it came with a nice little rack that your Sims can go and Thrift and buy clothes so what this career did they did the same thing but from the pack so you're now able to go and buy clothing and outfit in the game just how you did if you played The Sims 2 it's just similar to that but it has expansion packs Gamepad stuff packs and kits this does not help with mods so if you're really modding you're really into the mod scene this is not cover that because the individual items have to be alternate for those of you who really play with limited cause custom content then this could be an amazing mod for you and I've always wanted something like this in the game so I'm including it because I love this mod okay I love all the mods here in all the mods that I've covered but specifically this was something I really wanted in the game and we have it all right so the next mod I want to talk to you and show you about deals with teens again is very simple mod but this is the senior rip mod so for those of you who have teens again I want to make sure as you play with teenagers you want them to go on a senior trip pretty simple you just go to the phone and then you have two options senior trip or vote on a location so you have to go to the Vol location and then you're able to choose between either the fictional names depending on which version you have or the real name I chose Egypt and then you'll wait like 24 hours to see which one your class will pick some reason they chose not Egypt and I was like okay all right you make me pay this money but it'd be like that sometimes anyway you'll pay a nice little fee a nice little sum and then your sim will be gone for a duration of a time is base game compatible a nice Mandela add-on to your teen's life so but let's go and move on to the next mod which is the Cosmetic procedures a month we're doing a complete 1A we're going from singing trips to getting um basically you know plastic surgery but you know it'd be like that sometimes anyway this mod is really is really amazing because you have some options when it comes to getting cosmetic surgery so you can do it through the phone with your rabbit hole or you can go in person you can set that up with the actual venue I believe it's suggested to do on a spa venue that's where it made the most sense but you really have to do is just choose between the options you want so you can get Sculptra and get very high either cheap fillers for your lip and your cheeks or you have like a very high-end fillers I was like whoa so the cheap ones you're still gonna be off into a rabbit hole and then they'll come back the nice little buff saying they got fillers in and that's really all to the mod make sure you go and you check out the Cosmetics procedure spot let's move on to the next spot which is wonderful whims which is a mod that comes in hand if you don't want its Big Brother which is wicked whims it gives you a plethora I think that's how you say that word and I think I'm using that right I just use the SAT Word you're welcome gives you an attractive system you're sending cousin to contact with a Sim you can be like oh wait a minute it how you doing relationships Impressions there's also menstrual cycles and birth control and of course the woohoo options I melee use it for the attractiveness and the menstrual cycle because we don't really have those in the game and they're very realistic especially the menstrual cycle you'll have to go and you get pads or tampons and your sim will have these Buffs if they don't change it and you'll be bloody you'll still be uncomfortable just how it is in real life I'm gonna suffer my Sims are gonna suffer too so that's why I get this mod why do you get this one the next mod and the last month in this section of gameplay is sheer Brilliance and it gives you a very functional realistic cosmetology career they can do it two-way you can go and you get yourself the job or you can do it through the the um odd jobs which I did through the odd jobs version I did put down a nice little line edit a little bit and your exam is able to go to the odd jobs make sure you're on the line see who they want to go and take as a client they'll have their name and they'll have how much it's gonna pay and how many stars you'll need but you'll be able to see like exactly what they want so keep that in mind there'll be other Sims working there other Sims coming in and out just keep that in mind but my son was able to give them a nice haircut a nice beard a little touch up and then you're able to take their picture and it'd be like cheese this is what I do put it on substagram and you call it a day you'll get paid you'll get your stock actually you go and you check this out move on to the next section which is minor mod so the first one I want to talk to you about this is the F works social mind this is a mod that gives you more social interactions and it basically revolves around working so if you come home or you're with your friends and you don't really like your job but you just like to gossip and talk about your job and talk about other people there this is the model for you but one thing to keep in mind is this only shows up if your sim actually has a job you actually as is this company hiring and The Sims will actually have some Buffs to go along with it if they weren't asking or if they weren't listening to it all of them are hilarious and all of the Buffs are hilarious I highly suggest you go and read them but yeah that is the F Works social mod so make sure you go and you check it out and the next model to talk to you and show you is the spin weekend with Mod this allows you to send your kids to either like their aunt or their uncles or their grandparents house it actually does take them out of your household so they'll come they'll be I'm here to pick up like pick up this child if you have another child but like I'm here pick up this child too and then off their go you can pretend like you have dual custody if you really want to then when you want them to come back you'll be like please come back keep in mind if you're playing with any mods to deal with child support make sure you bring them kids back because that happened to me once and I owe child support I was like wait a minute this don't seem right so just keep that in mind but the next spot I want to talk to you about like it's kind of close to my heart it's the squish Miller moans and that's because I like plushies still and I have a plushie mountain and I like squish Mellows so you're able to have squish Mills in your game basically it all right after the description below I want to talk to you and show you is the Let's get fit mod that gives you a bit more when it comes to Fitness it gives you a bit more option working out and you're able to have dumbbells and barbells a nice new workout bench a nice new pull-up bar kettlebell box of jump stationery bike also not a nice area to like do golf with there's also 12 new furniture items so like a sectional sofa a curvy meal mirror a woodland towel rack it goes along with this pack a skateboard Arena then you're able to do that so yeah the next mod is very cute and I I always the spot is the bed cuddle mod and it allows your Sims to cuddle in bed especially you have a romantic relationship so make sure you get you just just get this model all right so when your Sims are romantic and they sleep in the same bed after a certain period of time one stem will move over and they will start cuddling they'll hold each other and they'll be sleeping it's so cute there are two versions on this mod so make sure you read about them one deals with super speed the other one doesn't deal with super speed so make sure you check that out but I just love it okay I just love it all right the next mod it is the functional spiral staircase mod that gives you functional spiral staircases in the game I do want a quick PSA it does really depend on the all Heights that's why I'm showing you it's kind of like it doesn't really match up that's because I'm in a apartment I can't really change the Wall height but if you have like the default Wall height it works perfectly and your Sims are able to go up and down with the spiral staircases and they will use it the next mod I want to show you about is the simlish social bunny if you have social bunny in your game then you know it talks in whatever default language that you have I'm in English it'll be in English but if you don't want English then you're able to have it in simulation does have the person's name there if you're doing so of like a tag system as you can see from like what I'm showing here it's a very simple mod all right so the next model I want to show you and talked about is the lowlifes and losers mod that really brings toxicity into your game just a fair warning because it gets toxic with this mod if you like that sort of gameplay then this is the mod for you so you can choose any soon as you want to of course not a thought is like the most toxic Sim in this entire stem Universe if you don't believe me fight me in the comments don't fight me in the comments please don't just say who you think really is but dollar title for me is and you just give yourself the low life loser trait which will unlock all the social interactions like casel and be like a deadbeat and mass manipulator you can get them to calm down manipulate them for money make them feel embarrassed can custom out if you really want to be like money's real tight right now complain about the economy you can really say some mean and harsh things that it seems like why you mean I'm always broke to make them feel bad about themselves you know and be like that sometimes and I'm Gonna Do complete 180 and go to the healthy food delivery mod that gives you some healthy food options delivered right to your door which you can have meal plans and some smoothies and uh some oats and it comes in these nice little packaging which the packaging is so cute if you 19 different Mega healthy dishes for breakfast lunch and dinner five types of smoothies all food has a negative calorie content and develops a healthy house so basically like a meal plan delivered to your door type deal all right flipping it again because I don't know how I go from food delivery to town hall divorces but I'm gonna do that and this is the town hall divorce this month it's very quick and simple if you have the my wedding stories pack this uses the Town Hall in the game and gives you another option so take your divorce Sims and break up this happy home I didn't think they were gonna get divorced but it'd be like that sometimes you take them to the world that came with the pack that I can't remember and you look at the town hall both Sims have to be there where you click divorce and after a few minutes it will give you the pop-up saying these Sims are divorces from town hall get a nice little buff with it and that's about it the next mod I want to talk to you about is the sunrise alarm clock mod now this is a mod that recently got into my heart because it's so cute and so adorable so if you have some Sims that would like to wake up on time you have some Sims are on tight schedule or you want them to have a realistic wake-up call and this is the mod for you where you can have an alarm clock in the game that you can customize for different types something specific if you really want that or you can have it to your work schedule where your sales will wake up at a certain time it will actually ring and wake up your Sims and it will give you like a nice morning day by day break in the notifications tab you can snooze the alarm if you want to you can click on the bed and be like back to sleep until it wakes you back up again it's very cute and I thought you know this will be the perfect mod for some of your Sims but let's move on to the next mod which is the urban socials mod is another social interaction pack that I Think You're Gonna Want To go ahead and you check out 20 social interactions and 50 randomized Buffs and four parade so just keep that in mind the mod is pretty big you're able to see exactly what is in this pack from the triangle the icons like a pink triangle and make sure you go and you check out the download post okay oh and you check out this mod I'm gonna do another complete 180. the next one I want to talk to you about is the air fryer mod and I'm sorry if you're hungry don't watch this video go eat then come back okay you can have an air fryer functional air fryer in the game you can go through and you can check out all the recipes you can make in the air fryer it's actually pretty simple and pretty easy and like with the snap of a finger you're able to have your food your Sims can go in and grab a plate if you really want to that's that's all it is look outside there is the Ghibli clouds mop for those of you who are fan of Studio Ghibli like I am and this is a art style claw clawed Cloud default replacement that you can put into your game where your clouds will look like Studio Ghibli clouds if you look out you can think of Hal's Moving Castle or whatever else your favorite Studio Ghibli movie is if you have a favorite Studio Ghibli movie let me know mine is Castle in the Sky the next mod I want to talk to you about and show you is the can I come over ma it's a very simple mod where if you don't know where a Sim lives instead of going through all the houses in a world where all the worlds especially have a multiple a pack you just call up the Sims I cannot come over and they will say yes you can and they will say you won't bring your friends or you can be like you know what I changed my mind but yes you can then you'll find their house and you'll know where they live however long unless you delete them from the game which I do sometimes but hey that's this mod is for next month talk to you show you about is the turn on TV mod which allows you to turn on the TV and have it in the background in Sims currently you can't really do that turn on the TV and you'll stand to watch the TV they leave the TV they'll turn it off this mod keeps the TV on until you turn it off and I thought you know what especially your Sims or maybe they're cooking or they're doing homework you know you have the background noise sometimes I do that myself I'll have the TV on and I'm like working at my computer like working on my laptop and you know a little bit extra realism you know the next mod and the last mod in this section is the functional broom mod now this mod allows you to have functional rooms in the game you get three different types of rooms standard broom a more witchy type broom but I want to say medieval type broom uh just leave me alone okay who's the room you want you can actually make a favorite room if you want to want to and your sales will start to sweep floor and you'll actually get a nice little buff that goes along with it and the brooms can come in like different swatches so yeah if your Sims like to clean they're clean freak then get this mod all right so we're gonna move on to the next section which are scripts and I leave the scripts because they're more of the back end type mods they really don't do any gameplay they work in the background to just make things a little bit better in the first mod I want to tell you and show you is the better exceptions mod which does a lot of different things when it comes to modding in The Sims so what this does which are some of my favorite features mod is it allows you to one see any conflicts with the game see any broken laws in your game or give you like a warning for that and like scans your entire mods folder and two it allows you to locate CC the Sim that you're currently focused on so if you have some broken CC on there you have like maybe a pair of jeans or have something like somebody asked you something and they're like hey I want to know what this is so you can click on the Sim do a scan it will give you a list in your browser and it will tell you all the CC the desk Sam is currently using so if you really want to know what the Sim I'm using throughout this video is wearing here you go there's the list for you so you can go and get it for yourself all right the next mod is very simple as well for those of you who use roommates and you're sick and tired your roommate giving you like 200 when the rent is like over a thousand this model lets you set the rent for your roommate so once you have a roommate you just click on them in the roommate category well the roommate interactions you can choose set rent and you can type in the amount and rent you want your Sims to give you instead of that specific Sim or you can send it for all Sims give me make your roommate pay the entire rent if you really want to I I don't know what kind of deal you got but it comes in handy the next mod is the UI cheats mod and I use this mods throughout my life it basically turns your UI which is the thing at the bottom of your screen into a menu so you can add money decrease money you can do something with skills you can do something with a relationship you can change the weather at the click of a button you can change your needs a lot of you have asked around my videos How I build my knees up to in this UI cheats mod I can fill them up I can decrease them it's so much you can do with this mod make sure you check it out but I always have this in my game it's always a staple and it's always the first mod I look to see if it's updated if it gets broken the next month is the MC command cinnamon which has a lot of features to it however I mainly use it for some simple things such as child support or changing my Sims outfit or going to cast instantly if you look through all the options there are options for your sim when you click on them and there are different options if you go to the computer so make sure you check that out sim can go through all the things you can do skills you can set your Sims ages you can pregnancy you can stop a pregnancy you can you can just do a lot of stuff with MC Command Center make sure you check out their Channel log make sure you check out their features log some things a lot other people do I recently learned like a couple of months ago you can go and copy outfits so for those of us who really really encap have a nice outfit you have like default Replacements like eyes and pins and lashes you can that clone it and putting on something else and that way you can go and edit and you don't really have to go and search for everything so I thought that was cool all right the next mod is the dine out reloaded so you have died now that you know become a pain it may have gotten better but I feel like that now should be the next pack that gets a refresh if they're still doing refreshes and this mod gives you so many new options for dine out especially if you are the owner there's a sous chef system where you can help out in the kitchen you can become the chef yourself you can go you take orders you can go and see Sims if you really want to you can do a whole lot of stuff with this mod I highly suggest you go and you read it there's also some new restaurant options get the host walks to guests to see you can turn that order off you can turn on and on waiters deliver food there's also a option that allows you to quickly get rid of naps so you have the nap system in your game a lot of Sims were showing up in the paper bag turn that off completely if you're really annoyed by it or it can get in the way and it's just amazing so make sure you go and you check this out because it does make Dino a little bit more better and the last mod from this section is the remove Sims for conversation which is very simple for those of you who are out and about your Sims actually have social life and you're talking to one sim like you're at the bar you're saying hi hello excuse Miss but what's your name uh call me Charlie Charlie Wilson and another Sim jumps in and says hi how you doing and you're like please go away and you can easily just click their photo at the top where you know you left click and go between like who you really want talking to see their moves if you right click their picture it will immediately take them out of the conversation and then your left person that you're trying to take home that night all right the next section section and again if you're watching this video hungry I'ma suggest you go and find something to eat and then you come back to this section is food and I love food so I thought you know I had to include a section for food and the creators that I usually get my food from first one being in Simeon which I'm actually showing you their Insomnia Cookies X insemia which allows you to have Insomnia Cookies in your game I am a huge fan of insomnia cookies and I'm highly sad that I don't live near insomnia cookies but you know it'd be like that sometimes but at least my Sims can eat it it'll actually have an Insomnia Cookie Stall go ahead and get the cookies or the ice cream and they can sit down they could eat my son was grubbing it's mad I was thinking maybe I should you know do the one hour commute to go get Insomnia Cookies I was actually thinking that a lot more to have like Krispy Kreme I believe they have McDonald's which I've covered on this channel we have a lot of different food options for groceries so make sure you go and you check out insemia let's go ahead and move on to ice Moon Moon and they have a bunch of different recipes under their belt including harvestables which usually can see from the photo it's a lot of recipes like braised biscuit and there's crescent cookies and pumpkin Pudge and country fried steak oh God that sounds delicious right now there's wings like hot wings and lemon pepper wings I actually do want some wings it's like three in the morning I don't think there's any Wings spitting right now at but you know it'd be like that sometimes there's plain chicken wings and then there's Hawaiian pizza then there's you can actually have there's like a soda machine you can go ahead and get if you really want to give me a recipe you can get from Ice moon moves so make sure you go and check them out and then there's Oni who has some delicious recipes they're just so good it did really just so good like mandarin orange milk jelly there's a plate collection which I I need to go get uh yeah I really need to go get that um they have a lot of Korean recipes on their page which I just love and I think I've downloaded quite a bunch of the recipes before just single-handedly some Mochis and cakes and desserts and Savory Foods so make sure you go and you check out Oni but that is the end of this video and the last video of 2022 on this channel I want to say thank you so much for watching this video I really appreciate and if you made it to the end thank you so much shout out to all of you for all the support throughout the year and I will see you next time bye [Music] one more
Channel: itsmeTroi
Views: 335,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsmetroi, itsmetroi mod, ts4, sims 4 gameplay mods, sims 4 videos, sims 4 realistic mods, itsmetroi mod list, itsmetroi sims 4 mods, itsmetroi mod reviews, itsmetroi mods, the sims 4, sims 4, the sims, sims 4 custom content, mods for the sims 4, the sims 4 mods, best mods sims 4, yt:quality=high, sims 4 channels, sims, sims 4 mod review, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 mods, sims 4 cc, must have mods sims 4, the sims 4 gameplay, itsmetroi must have mods, sims 4 mods 2022
Id: atRS8x_Pxww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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