The ULTIMATE Sims 4 CC Guide // Most Requested Sims 4 CAS Custom Content + CC Links

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hello today I'm going to be showing you where I get my most requested Sims 4 custom content this is going to be like my ultimate CC list for Sims 4 custom content that you guys are always asking me where you can find I'm not gonna lie to you guys this is the third third time third time I'm filming this video today and you know what normally we jump straight into the video on this channel but let me just show you what I did twice normally on a normal day I will come in here and just make sure everything looks good everything was looking good so I thought I recorded my entire video two times and then found out that I was recording it sounding like this who wants to listen to this not me not you one step for man three steps back for me apparently so you know what I did I took a shower because that is the only healthy way to control my anger that I am bringing into 2023. anyway I'm gonna show you some custom content let's here we go and the CC links will be in the description down below but if you see anything in this video that you're like where did you get that leave a comment and and I'll try my best to figure that out for you so whenever I do any kind of Create a Sim challenge the first thing you guys always ask me about is eyelashes these are what they look like here I have a ton of different swatches for these ones these are from kojico there's some bigger more full versions there's these ones here which are like kind of curled down a little bit some shorter ones they have a pretty nice collection for like the 3D lash type and they come right off your Sims face which is so much better than the regular like EA eyeliner that you normally get as eyelashes this is the website again you can find everything down below they actually have the EA eyelash remover if you want to replace that but you can see all of like the eyelashes to download right here there's like the curly version the normal version these are also the most like popular ones a lot of creators use these but the new one that I found that I've been using in more of my recent videos is this one here and this is from dream girl they're a lot more fluffy a little bit lighter looking but very long and there's different swatches in here as well that you can kind of like play around with I really like these ones this is what they look like here for download they're super easy all you really have to do is download the package and you're good to go very cute and it's nice to have some variety other than my kanjika ones I've been using forever I figured if we're doing an ultimate guide I should probably show you really quick how to actually download this stuff we're gonna download as a tutorial this hair here this is by Sims trouble we'll talk about them later you're gonna scroll down until you find the download links they're right here you might see one link here you might see a few packages like this you might see a zip file but either way we're gonna click on those and that should download on your browser you can see down here they've downloaded onto my computer next you're going to open up your downloads folder and you'll see the files right here they're the exact same file names that I just downloaded then in another window we're gonna open up our documents folder as well from there you're gonna click on Electronic Arts we're gonna click on the Sims 4 and then we're gonna click on the mods folder you're gonna go back over to your downloads folder and we're gonna highlight all the the files that we just downloaded and you're going to bring those over to your mods folder you can see all your files downloaded in here in the mods folder now and that should be everything but if you loaded up your game and you still don't see that custom content load your game back up go into the options folder click on game options come down here to where it says other and make sure that your enable custom content and mods is check marked apply the changes restart your game and you're good to go next we're going to move on to skin details and these are what will change the entire shading on the face they'll add like highlight and Contour my all-time favorite one is this one here the Brighton skin and automatically you can tell like the changes that happen with that this one is by linky Sims this is the linky Sims tumbler again you can see it working on all different skin tones all different ages for your Sims and there are different swatches that add like eye bags and freckles I really like using those other popular ones that I like to use for Sims 4 skin details are the symbiance one I have a few of these and all of them are so good they're this one is a little bit more like realistic looking this one adds freckles and you can go in and like play around with the lids and stuff this one here adds like a whole lot of highlight and Contour like look at my Sims cheekbones and then there's a couple other ones that I've got up here too all of them are really cute and definitely worth checking out these are some of the specific ones that I've got I think these are like the exact ones but you can go on to their like Tumblr or their patreon and you can see a whole bunch of different ones on there so you can really pick and choose more recently I've been using this one here the Gaia skin detail and when I introduce this on my channel I thought this was an S it's actually a g my bad but this one's cute there's two swatches on there that one adds a little bit more of like the eye bags and I finally found the link here so this is the tumbler this is actually by Divine cap you can see the differences on there as well I downloaded this one with like a pre-made Sim and it was kind of a surprised when I got it but I am happy that I have it now the final thing that I wanted to show you guys for skin details is the Lazarus skin default a skin default basically just applies to all Sims in the game it replaces like the EA skin that they had with one that was made by this Creator the one that I use is this one here by AKA lucery formerly known as Grim cookies so even in my game without having to put on any skin detail there's already something on there changing it from how it was I just think it's kind of nice that it changes like every Sim in the game too all of your townies kind of get a little makeover okay that is it for skin details let's move on to eye colors I have a couple in here that I really like to use these ones here the ones that I have on already these are the Halo eyes from Mikko CC if you've watched any of my Sims 4 custom content videos before you will definitely have seen me talk about this account this Creator is so freaking good they have everything from hair to body presets to you fashion I'm gonna be probably bringing this Creator up a lot to Showcase some of my most requested things but these are the eye colors that I like to use a lot I think while we're here I can show you some of the Mikko CCI presets that I use too basically the presets will change the shape like in here when you have all of these like pre-made ones they just kind of give you something to start with and then I like to go in and like fine tune them a little bit but these are the ones that I have from Miko CC this is the one that I was wearing originally I just think it looks so pretty kind of like on the cartoony side a little bit which is my personal style in The Sims 4. these are the eye presets here and these won't apply to like your townies or anything you basically just use them for your own Sims that you make in Create a Sim I guess since we're here we can kind of go into more presets so one really commonly asked one was my newest lip kit that I got all of these here are presets so I downloaded like one full kit and it came with a whole bunch of different lip shapes that you can play with a lot of comments there asking me where I got this one and I had to do a little bit of digging but I finally found them this is the what a babe lip preset you get 15 different options here even though they're like little subtle differences here and there you literally don't even have to use a slider if you don't want to because they all just look so cute I've also down here got some more from Mikko CC that I like to use and this one I've had on my channel for a very long time this one is from rat boy Sims I think I only downloaded one whenever I did download this but there is another little like set here if you want that creator also makes really cool poses and Create a Sim too if you're into like taking photography of your Sims for nose presets I use these ones here from symbiance all the time I find it really helpful even just to have like a different shape option and then you can go in and fine tune if you want to there's some really cute like shapes in here the original one that she was already wearing here is from symbiance as well here is the exact preset it is number 21 to 24 and you get all these like different ones here definitely recommend checking out this entire Creator's like account they've got some really cute things on here like you can find cute face paint little mushroom accessories like I frequent this one a lot they even have some really pretty hairs as well which we're gonna get to next we're gonna move on to eyebrows and eyebrows I personally find really hard to find good ones in The Sims 4. my favorite ones are these ones right here this little set these ones are from salang I've got these ones which are my personal favorite here we've also got some thicker ones I like using those ones for my male Sims sometimes too but this little Trio I find using quite a bit and I did find the exact ones for you guys the CC link is to The Sims resource for the salang page and I found each of them individually too so you can just download those check out this Creator because they have a ton of really nice like makeup too yeah these other ones are literally for male Sims which is even harder to find male eyebrows that look good there are some other ones in here that I've been loving more recently this Creator in particular they're called go pulls me I'm going to talk about them in a little bit but they have some really nice eyebrows and like makeup and stuff this is their account here and you can just tell that like the makeup is top tier before we move on to makeup or hair or anything I want to show you a couple of the sliders that I've got and basically when you download the sliders in The Sims 4 it's gonna add on to what we've already got so I do have a chin slider on it's from Miko CC again and it basically just allows you to have like so much free reign like when playing with the chin like look at that it's so bouncy this is a slider here it basically just gives you a whole bunch more control another one that I have here is this eyebrow slider again same kind of idea this is also from Mikko CC and for these they'll give you like instructions on how you can use it too because at first it does feel a little bit weird but you get used to it is that it for sliders no there's one more I have a pony lip slider which basically when you go into the detail mode it allows you to like bring the lips up a little bit and you can bring them down same as like here I can really like bring out the pout if I want to again from Mikko CC very easy to download all you have to do is download the package there okay I'm pretty sure that's it for presets let's move on to makeup we're gonna do all the head things accessories and stuff hair before we move on to clothes so for makeup we're gonna start off with eye shadow and again like I mentioned earlier gopal's me I'm probably freaking pronouncing that wrong but this Creator here they have amazing makeup like everything you need lipstick blush eyeshadow I have this exact collection here some of the blushes are really nice I'll show you in a minute they even have more fun like her tune makeup here I've got those hearts in my game as well some really pretty eyeshadows and even some like lip presets and stuff you can find in here very very talented I didn't really have a favorite makeup Creator until I found this one so from that same Creator here are some of the blushes like that one there really nice this one here with more of like a highlight even that one there look how nice that is they still look great when you play around with the opacity too I do also have another one that I use a lot this one here from Mikko CC again my favorite blush and another highly requested one for eyeliner there are a couple in here that really look nice on my mail Sims as well I made a Captain Hook that you guys went absolutely feral for and gopalsny was the creator of the eyeliner there too for more graphic eyeliners I love these ones here from chewy butterfly they've got some really fun ones some like nice abstract looking eyeliners you can see some of their like recent sets in here too are really nice they've got some presets in here that whole collection is so beautiful seems like some of these you can see more of like a themed kind of eyeliner it can be really fun when you're making a more like creative looking theme and this creator also has some really cute hairs that I like that we're gonna see again later for lipsticks I do have a few in here that I are like my goat two we've got the lip melts here these are from Urban X Sims they look so beautiful on like every skin tone I love the way they look on my Sims I think I have a few by her yeah you can see them here you can get them with like the original lip melts or they come with like some liner as well and you can see over here on the side she is not a stranger to making these and they're all so good another one that I use so often I don't know why I think this color is just so flattering on like everybody and a lot of these Shades in here are too this is from Mercy I don't know what it is about this one I've had it forever and I just always come back to it so this is where you can find that one for eyeshadow again go pause me all the way I have a couple different collections this one here I've been using a lot it doesn't normally clip like that on the eyebrow I don't know why it is on this Sim I've used this one in recent videos though for like a darker aesthetic Sim and it looks really pretty some other good ones for eyeshadow are this NGC Creator they make some really pretty eyeshadows that I find myself using a lot and these ones are like yield faithful some of them are more on like the heavy side if you're going for a very Glam look I like to use these but here is this Creator's account on the Sims resource they have like a whole collection you can check out okay we're gonna move on to hair and I have one hair in particular every single time I use it you guys will ask I've had this one for so long and I always forget where I got it but it's this hair here it's so pretty it like Parts in the back the colors are absolutely gorgeous and I don't know what like texture this Creator uses to make their hairs but it's just so beautiful even the blonde colors like they come in that honey kind of color it's so beautiful there's also this one here with the bangs that I really like and this creator has also made this one here which I used in my decades video just the colors are so gorgeous I don't know what it is about the texture of those hairs but this is where you can find this hair I feel so proud of myself I never I can never remember what this one is called but this is created by Sinister on Tumblr and it's called the lid hair you can download it with the recolor too and then you get a whole bunch of the like unique swatches this hair was pretty much like the reason I wanted to make this video so that I can show you finally where to get it other hairs that I use a lot we've got of course the Mikko CC hairs these are really gorgeous they come with just like the default swatches but there's just kind of a Whimsical vibe to like everything from this Creator probably why I like it so much we've got this one here with like the bun on the top I love using that one this one is really cute too with the bangs and this one with the little buttons up top so freaking cute everything is pretty easy to find on their tumbler here so like you can see one of the hairs there here is another one that I just showed you guys with like the bun and the bangs another creator that I really love for hair is Clumsy alien I also really like them for clothes this one here I use quite a bit same as that one there with my like the pieces at the front these ones here are really pretty too there's some updos that I quite like so this is a clumsy alien tumbler page and I find that a lot of their stuff is also very Whimsical but with like a dark Academia kind of feel to it like when we get to close later I'm gonna show you a lot of it is coming from here very like retro in a way as well we also have some of these here from Aretha B like these ones I'm using all the time this one in particular is really cool because you can go in and change like the other half of the hair so I recently did a Cruella video and used like one of these and you can change the color there it looks so cool you can see like there's a couple other options that they have there for some of their other hairs too and I think the last one for Max's match that I'm going to show you guys is from Sims trouble these ones here are so pretty I have the more 70s look here I absolutely love using this one for my Sims they've got this like really curly one with the bun on the top is super pretty and this one here too with like this scrunchy I think I also use this one in my decades video this Sim suits that hair so well so this is the Sims trouble tumbler page this is where I found that exact hair that I just showed you and there's a few different versions of it too there's some with like the clips at the front different like elastics there even like some of their newer hairs I'm looking now and like thinking I need to download a few more it's another one where I really like the textures I think that's gonna be it for our Maxis match hairs I do have a couple Alpha though when I first started my channel I was super into Alpha hair it was pretty much all I ever used so I have a bunch of it but I more recently kind of switched over but ones that I use very often are these ones down here these ones are from the Creator Anto I have like a whole big collection here of these like longer hairs some of these braided ones are so pretty something about Alpha like I flip flop on which one I like better all the time like how cute is that one there with the Little ponytail up top so this is their page on the Sims resource a lot of the ones that I have are older because that's probably when I downloaded it but even like looking here like look at those braids that's really pretty that's a really nice updo as well so if you like Alpha hair I definitely recommend checking this out another Alpha creator that I really like is Nightcrawler I've used a ton of these hairs in my videos before this one particularly I think I used for like a let's play one time the swatches too like something about Alpha hairs they just pull off that pastel looks so good these ones here are really pretty this like particular collection here I really love like that there too so here is where you can find all of the night crawler stuff right on the Sims resource this is the braided one at the front that I just showed you guys we've also got some of the braids here this like double braided one is one of my favorites she has it like tucked back behind her so both of them come to the one side okay moving on from here we're gonna do accessories and then we can move on to clothes so in some of my more recent videos you've probably seen me show you all of these like hear things that I now have I downloaded like a huge collection they're all from praline Sims I've got a bunch of earrings here in pretty much every style you could think of I've got like some more Punk looking ones I have more of like a clean Vibe here I do find also praline Sims has a lot more of like the edgier vibe so if you like making alt Sims which I kind of do from time to time praline Sims is really great this is their patreon even you can see here like their first post definitely very like alternative style they also post a lot of makeup and they're really good at making it so definitely worth checking out this page as well it leans more on the side of like the more realistic looking Sims so if you like more of the cartoony Sims it's not quite the look here with like the makeup at least but the accessories you'll definitely find something here that you'll like for any kind of sim you're making on more of the cutesy side of things again Aretha B we have some really cute necklaces I downloaded a lot of these I think for like the Y2K videos that I've done one this one in particular with a little butterfly I really like that one I don't think I've showed you guys this one in this video yet it must have been the last time that I filmed this but here is the Aretha B tumbler you can see the hairs that I was talking about earlier there are some of the piercings and look at that cute little heart septum a pretty wide variety of things that you can download on here and we're gonna talk about them again later when we get to clothes they've also got some really cute like hair clip accessories that I like to use lots of good stuff on here this is also like Mikko CC where I have pretty much everything on this entire page this belt accessory I use all the time all across the board just very quality content I think that's it for the most part for accessories let's go and do some clothing items and I'm gonna try and think of like all of the things that I remember you guys asking about one of them was this outfit here I used this in my Disney Princess video This Is by Marvel and it's actually an add-on to like the inchiana rivals kit outfit but it adds more like castelli options and other different kind of swatches that you can put on I really like this one on this Sim here is the outfit by Marvel on their patreon it is base game compatible though so you don't actually need the enchiana rivals kit to get it which is kind of a nice little loophole if you ask me kinda similar this outfit in particular is one that I remember you guys asking about we've got the cloud detailing on the top a really cute little pink skirt and there's also a strawberry Swatch on there this Creator trilike I have been following for such a long time they are really great for outfits and shoes as well and their stuff again is just such good quality everything on here you download and it looks so nice on your Sims the textures are really pretty this stuff looks like it could actually be like created by The Sims team but better again down here we have some really pretty dresses by Mikko CC we've got the strawberry dress which I like to use this one here again very Whimsical these are some of the more like dark Academia style items from clumsy alien that I was talking about I love the colors that this Creator uses it's very like vintage in a way lots of brown tones and like warmer tones too I find everything fits together like so nicely from this Creator too like no matter what I download it always looks cute and for full body accessories I already showed you a couple of them from Aretha B but I did want to show you this really highly requested one I had to look this one up but it's the hard purse I use this one on my Polly Pocket Sim that we made and everyone was asking about it so this one is found at Daisy pixels this is their Tumblr account here they have a whole like Heart collection I have this dress it looks really pretty in game there are some like heart earrings in here heart glasses perfect for Valentine's Day coming up but my favorite thing is that heart purse you add it to any outfit and it just like pulls it all together and for shoes there is one pair of heels that I've been using a lot in my recent videos these ones here I get asked about all the time they come in a bunch of different watches I again wasn't sure where I had these but I did a little bit of digging and here they are there's a more strappy style there and there's also like the exact ones that I just showed you these are so cute and I was kind of browsing this patreon and their shoes just have such a like soft look to them everything I was Finding was just so soft and pretty you can see them a little more all together here on the Sims resource they've cut some clothes too I haven't checked those out but I'm sure they're good judging by like the shoes like look at those little slippers look at the ears on them that's so adorable these ones with a little bow oh my gosh look at those okay this is not a Sims 4 custom content shopping video I'm refraining somebody please download this for me though another really great one to check out for shoes is Madeline I'll link their patreon down below I've been downloading from this creator for a really long time they've got cute clothes on here too I haven't really dove into the clothes here before but I might have to try it out the final shoes I want to show you are the Luna boot from Mikko CC they've got the little ears on them kind of giving like Sailor Moon Vibes the swatches are so cute I love wearing these for like Fall outfit put them together with some tights and they are adorable that's pretty much it for Sims 4 creative Sim stuff but I do have a couple more things I want to show you really quick the first one being the reshade that I use so the reshade basically changes the saturation the colors on the screen is basically like putting a filter on your entire Sims game I get asked this all the time on like build videos created some videos too because it just makes everything look so much more bright and colorful you can see like the without on this side and then with the reshade on there and even on like The Sims face it just makes such a difference like look at that hair color compared but yeah this is the one that I've been using pretty much since the start of my channel so if you're looking for a good reshade definitely recommend this one and not really related to any of the like cast custom content that we've done today but I do use this this is a default Cloud replacement and it basically does exactly that it replaces of the clouds in game and replaces them with this more like painted fluffy style I'm not sure if anyone really notices this all that often but now that I've told you I guarantee you're gonna see it in my videos going forward so that is all I got for you guys today if you see something you like that wasn't linked down below or we didn't talk about let me know and I'll try my best to figure that out for you if you liked the video don't forget to like comment and subscribe and thank you guys so much for watching I will see you in the next one thank you
Channel: Syd Mac ♡
Views: 153,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, sims 4 challenge, sims 4 challenges, sydney macoretta, syd mac, sydmac, the sims 4, the sims, simulation games, simulation gaming, sims 4 build, house building, sims 4 house, sims 4 cc, sims 4 custom content, sims 4 cc with links, sims 4 cc links, sims 4 ultimate guide, ultimate sims 4 cc guide, custom content sims 4, cc sims 4, how to download sims 4 custom content, how to download sims 4 cc, sims 4 cc guide, sims 4 custom content guide, sims 4 cc folder
Id: k1WaT2JN7wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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