15+ must have mods for realistic gameplay | the sims 4

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foreign [Music] welcome back or welcome to my channel if you're new my name is Ashley also known as ashra plays on my other socials and we are back with another mods review video for today this time we're gonna be focusing on small mods that will enhance your gameplay and make it feel a lot more realistic and so usually for these type of videos I use my model Stone Chastity to Showcase these mods but I'm gonna be using my sim stuff for today and speaking of my sim self your girl's birthday is coming up and to celebrate I'm going to be hosting a giveaway for the month of June and I have a lot of exciting content coming up so please stay tuned for that and subscribe so you don't miss out but as always all the mods that I mentioned today's video will be linked in the description down below but before we get into this video I wanted to quickly show you guys this lot this is David's restaurant by jakku Sims and I did make a few changes to it and convert it into a cafe instead I don't know it just gave me cafe Vibes but I am in love with this lot like this has to be one of my favorite Lots ever but we're going to show write this video and go over the first mod and this is the no music notes mod by chris29 and this mod is pretty self-explanatory so as you can tell by the intro my stem self is wearing her earbuds and this is the Bonnie pods override I already covered this mod in a previous favorite mods video so definitely check that out but as you can see here she has no music notes coming out of the earbuds while she listens to music and I think this just makes the game feel so much more realistic and that's not just with the earbuds that's with any type of radio so if we go into the radio category and put down any radio let's just say this one right here if we turn this radio on as you can see here no music notes are coming from the speaker so yeah this is a very small tiny mod but I definitely think it is a game changer because it just gets rid of those like very intrusive music notes you have any demons so the next one I'm going to be covering is very similar to the previous mod and this is the no lot trait VFX mod by lotharijo and just like the previous one this just gets rid of the visual effects in the game and so if you use slot traits like for this like in particular we're using the convivial traits the homie traits and the great Acoustics traits whenever your Sims gain a skill pertaining to these traits they get this like light bulb effect over their heads but I just find that to be very distracting and so now when my sim gains the skill pertaining to a lot trait they will no longer have that visual effect over their head so it says here for the convivial traits that it makes it easier for Sims to practice Charisma comedy and Mischief so what we're going to do is we're going to talk to this Sim here and we're going to go into the Mischief category and do a prank with her and when she does interactions she'll no longer have a visual effect over her head British uchima and speaking of interacting with other Sims there is a very important lot that I want to share with you guys and this is the smarter Pie menu mod by Twisted Mexi and let me tell you all this is probably going to be like my most used mod ever and so with a recent patch update the Sims had reorganized all of the categories and so if you go into like the friendly category there's like a bunch of different subcategories that you can go into and interact with other Sims with however I'm still adjusting to all these subcategories and I still struggle with finding the right interaction to do with other Sims and so this mod just makes it very easy to find what you're looking for let's say that I want to discuss interests with the SIM here all I need to do is just click on the Sim and then type in discuss and as you can see here it automatically pops up it makes it so much easier to interact with other Sims okay moving on to next gameplay mod we have the build skills with earbuds mod or aka the social skill Builder mod by Missouri Yuki and with this mod your sim is able to gain a skill by listening to a podcast or an audiobook with their earbuds so with that being said this mod does require the fitness stuff pack because you are using earbuds and if you want this mod to feel a lot more realistic then you're going to need City living because it utilizes the talk show station for the podcasts and audiobooks in order to access the podcast or the audiobooks what you're going to do is click on your sim go into earbuds and then in here as you can see there's two new categories we have podcasts and then we have audio books and as you can see here we have a bunch of audiobooks to choose from and depending on each audiobook you can gain a skill so as you can tell by the title of this audiobook how to tell the Black Keys from the white keys in the icon this is going to raise my stem cells piano skill this one will raise her cooking skill and I do want her cooking skill to be raised so we're going to click on this and so now my stem self is wearing her earbuds and she's listening to an audiobook and if you listen closely it's the talk show radio station from City living and then when you check the skills she is currently gaining a skill in cooking and your sim will also gain a moodlet from listening to the podcast or audiobook so it says here that she's focused from listening to audiobook learning something new with minimal effort sign me up so at this point in the video you can tell that my sim slope does not have a plum Bob over her head and usually to achieve this I will use the wicked whim settings to turn headline effects off so if you go into the settings and then scroll down to headline effect settings there is an option to disable the headline effects however if you just want the plum Bob removed and you still want the headline effects turned on I have two mods available for you so for the first one it is the smaller plumb bob mod biological Sims so what I'm going to do is turn back on the headline effects to show you this mod so as you can see here we have a teeny tiny Plum Bob over Ashley's head and logical Sims gives you different options to to choose from so I believe this is the 25 this is the smallest version you can get but you can also get the 50 and then the 75 Plum Bob size with this Plum Bob it's just a lot less intrusive than the normal sized Fun Bob and you're still able to have the headline effects on so you can hover over Sims and you'll be able to easily see the Sims name but if you just want the headline effects turned on and you just don't want the plum Bob all together there is another mod for that and this is the missing clombard mod by Mint Valentine and that's essentially the same exact thing as this mod however there is just no Plum Bob here all together so just two different options to choose from just depending on your personal style gameplay but for me personally for the most part I just turn all headline effects off okay so for the next one I'll be showing is such a game changer and I have to give a special shout out to l a k l Chris because she shot this in her previous mod video and the moment I saw it in her video I had to download it it is the hidden highlight mod by foggity and so with this mod it removes the white outline and highlights when hovering over objects and zoom so if I hover over my sim self right here as you can see here there's no white outline and I'm just so upset that I'm just now finding out about this mod because I hate the white outline with the passion so if you click on like this counter here there's no white outline like this computer no white outline chair no white outline and this mod also works in build mode so as you can see here there's no white outline however the objects are still highlighted when you hover over them which is very helpful especially in build mode and you can determine which objects you want to move but for the most part both in build and live mode no y outline so for the next one I'll be showing you guys I'm gonna need myself to bake a cake and the reason why I'm showing you guys this mod is because this is the Ageless birthday mod I also have the Creator's name on the screen here for you guys because I I just don't want to butcher their name and this one's pretty self-explanatory so whenever your Sims do the blowout candles make a wish or taste frosting interaction on a cake they will no longer age up I love this one so much because I like to play with my Sims with a long and I mean very long lifespan however I still want myself to celebrate birthdays from time to time so this just makes my gameplay feel so much more realistic because I can actually have a dedicated day out of the year for my Sims to have a birthday so let's say we want my Sims birthday to be like this day here we can add a holiday type in Ashley's birthday add a few holiday traditions and so now every Tuesday in summer time myself can celebrate her birthday and she doesn't have to age up so yeah it just makes the gameplay feel so much more realistic it allows you to celebrate your son's birthday multiple times without them aging up so we're gonna have her make a wish no not her missing but as you can see here she stayed the same age so if we check her simology it still says that my son's self is a young adult and she still has 33 days to age up but if you also noticed there aren't any Sparkles coming off of the cake and I haven't wanted for this as well this is from the no food Sparkle mod by Helen the hunter so now whenever your sim Cooks an excellent quality meal there will no longer be a sparkle effect on the dish so now I'm gonna have myself grab a slice of cake and as you can see here my son stuff ignored the bar stools here and went straight to a dining table instead and this is from the preferred tablespoon eating mod by similarity as the title of the mod States your Sims will now prefer eating at a dining room table rather than a bar stool or even sitting down on the couch or even just standing I love this mod so much so the next two mods I'm going to be showing you guys requires the bust the dust kits and they are both made by letharijo the first mod is no clean force markles and this removes the annoying ass sparkling effect that you get on the ground I hate that effect because not only does it show up in love mode but it also shows up in build mode it is so annoying so with this mod or if you could tell by my let's play series there aren't any type of like sparkling effect on the ground whatsoever and that's because I'm using this mod but I'm also using another mod by lethari ho and this is the no audio dust bunnies or filth fiend mod and there are three different versions of this mod for me I have this option right here and this removes the audio that plays when transitioning between dust levels and removes the dust bunnies and filled beans but these two mods actually come from like a larger mod pack if that's what you want to call it but it's called the busted us overhaul and I basically have like all of these mods in my game but I just wanted to focus on these two mods because I think these definitely play a role in making my gameplay feel a lot more realistic so if you notice while my sim stuff was back to me the TV was on and my sim stuff was not watching the TV whatsoever and that's because I have a mod that instantly turns the TV on by a simple click of a button and this is the turn on TV mod by mizor Yuki and man do I love this mod so much it just makes the gameplay feel so much more realistic like you can have the TV on while your Sims are doing chores around the house like my sister was doing earlier we could turn on like the music TV you can do like action comedy cooking but my absolute favorite is the fireplace channel and I just I just think this is so realistic to me because this is exactly what I do in my own home especially around the holidays and I think this would be so perfect for when it's winter time in the game and your Sims are decorating a Christmas tree and they have like the fireplace channel on it's such a small mod but it's so useful to me it's very useful the next two mods I'm gonna be showing are both by Little Miss Sam and so for the first one this is the improved yoga mat mod and this mod adds two different interactions to your yoga mat so we have a anti-anger routine and then we also have a be happy routine so what I'm going to do is I'm going to cheat these two Buffs off so that my stem self is feeling fine so I can show you guys the be happy yoga routine and I think this mod is very useful especially when your Sims are angry and they can just do a quick yoga routine to calm themselves down I think it just gives the yoga mat a lot more purpose in your gameplay Benji what do you need oh he needs to go outside oh Benji baby it's okay oh he's so adorable though and as you can see here she got a happy buff from doing a good yoga routine Ashley is feeling pleased after thinking back on one of her best days okay so for the next mod by Little Miss Sam is the improved spa day tablet and this mod as well as the knot I just showed requires this body pack should have said that a little bit earlier but you're gonna need this body tablet in order to access this mod but it's originally with the spotted tablet you're only able to make one beverage and I think it's the fizzy fruity drink but now with this mod you're able to make a wide variety of drinks and I think this is perfect for when your Sims are hosting parties or just different types of events you're now able to make like bubble tea you can also serve tea on this serve liquor coffee and just regular drinks like orange juice and milk lemonade like there's just a lot more options that you can do with this so what I think we're gonna do I think we're gonna do let's do mango milk bubble tea so now we instantly have six different bubble tea drinks here that we can drink on and we didn't have to go to the bubble tea shop to get it all right Benji come on clearly he needs to go out for a walk I'm gonna let her take him out on a walk also I'm cheating her needs and this is what the UI cheats mod and I covered that in a previous mods review video while myself is taking Benji out for a walk I'm actually going to show you guys the next two mods that I have in my game and both of these mods are made by simulated flowers and this is the no free toys or no free books mod originally when you buy a bookshelf or a toy box out of the build by catalog it comes with a wide variety of books and toys but I find that to be realistic because when you go to like an Ikea or something you're not you're not getting a two-for-one special like they're not handing out free toys along with your toy box or free books with a bookshelf so I have these two mods in my game to make my gameplay more realistic and get rid of like the toys and books that come with these items and so I have this Moschino bookshelf here and then this toy box I believe this comes with the kids room pack if I'm not mistaken but I'm also going to put a cc toy box out as well as a cc case because this mod also applies to CC items alright so update it turns out the no book mod does not work because there's still books in the bookshelf but it looks like the toy box still works so even when you click on custom content toy boxes there's no toys in there and I think this is also applied to dog toy boxes as well if I'm not mistaken okay yeah so even pet toy boxes doesn't come with any free toys it's such a bummer that this one doesn't work though because I've had this mod in my game for so long for like years and it's always worked I don't know what caused it to stop working it looks like it's the same for cc bookshelves as well dang okay well I still find this mod to be very hopeful and hopefully someday in the future this mod will work again so my sim stuff has returned back from her walk with Benji and I think I'm gonna have her go ahead and call it a night and go to bed to show you guys the next two mods I have in my game so my sim is heading to bed and as you can tell there are no Z's above her head and this is from the noses mod by chris29 I actually already covered this mod in a previous favorite mods review video but I wanted to touch on it again just in case anyone missed out on that mod but I just think that this is such a great mod to have in your game it makes yourself sleeping feel less intrusive because none of those really large z's are covering their face and yeah it's just like another small mod that I think is a must-have for a realistic gameplay and so the final mod that I'm going to be showcasing in today's video yo is by cycle legs and this is the all beds give the same energy comfort and stress relief and so originally whenever you put down like a very cheap bed your Sims will wake up with an uncomfortable buff about their back hurting but with this mod all the beds and game and this is including custom content beds are upgraded by default so it gives your Sims energy and it also gives them a comfort boost and if you have the tiny living stuff pack this mod applies to Murphy Beds as well and it fully upgrades them so now your Sims will not have a chance of dying from their Murphy bed so I'm actually gonna have my sim wake up real quickly and what we're going to do is we're going to put down the cheapest bed we can find the catalog to show you guys that she won't get it uncomfortable buff all right we're putting down this used double futon from the city living pack and we're gonna have her sleep in it but as you can see here we have like the triple arrows right here which means that my Sims energy is gaining pretty quickly and usually with this type of quality bed we would have like one Arrow but as you can see it's filling up pretty quickly but I'm gonna wake myself up and she got a happy buff from sleeping in and it says here perfect firmness like sleeping on a cloud or that is what a cloud would totally feel like anyway so yeah she got a happy buff from sleeping on this janky ass bed actually there's one more mod I want to quickly touch on first before I end today's video and that is the Sims 2 font mod by mizor Yuki in the pancake one and this mod is a override mod that replaces The Sims 4 font with the Sims 2 font and I just wanted to quickly cover this mod because I did get a few questions about it so as you can see here the fonts for everything is now changed I know that the pancake one in Missouri Yuki have another font I think for The Sims one but this is an override mod and you can only have one version in your game at a time so just keep that in mind when downloading these fonts but those are all the mods I wanted to show in today's video I hope you guys were able to find a few mods that you can put into your game to make your gameplay feel a lot more realistic again all the mods linked in today's video are linked in the description but if you enjoyed video please be sure to leave a like and comment I'd very much appreciate it please do not forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on my giveaway that's coming up next month and you also don't miss out on more mod review videos on my channel and I'll see you guys in my next video [Music] foreign
Channel: Ashley Plays
Views: 90,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims 4, the sims, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, ashley plays, sims 4 mods, sims 4 aesthetic, sims 4 realistic gameplay, sims 4 cozy mods, sims 4 giveaway, must have mods
Id: _6ee-ECnnc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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