Holy Spirit & The Finishing Anointing (A Prophetic Release) | Tim Sheets

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I want to talk today about unstoppable revival and the finishing anointing that I believe is now activating so be a another prophetic word but I've been feeling it all week actually before even last Sunday so listen with those spiritual ears and let's see what the Lord might be saying today after the fourth of July last weekend and seeing again the senseless violence and murders as well as the lies and and the distortions of truth as those as I was praying about all of this Holy Spirit began to give me some understanding I actually began to pray very earnestly on Friday which was July the 3rd filling burden for our nation our world and wanting some some understanding concerning the church the ecclesia so I spent much of that day out by the lake Caesar Creek Lake mostly just praying in the Holy Spirit praying in my heavenly language and listening that afternoon I begin to feel a shift in the spirit realm it was very noticeable to me and I heard the Holy Spirit say this the nation will begin a reset tonight from Mount Rushmore begin to think about reset what does that mean reconnect reconstitute what does that mean I knew that President Trump was giving a speech that night from from Mount Rushmore and so I knew I would be watching it after hearing this but something Holy Spirit said there's something that would begin a reset from Mount Rushmore that night I didn't know what that would be I just knew that the ekklesia would hear something that it could align with prey or decree in some way that's all I knew and that's all I heard and that night as I I watched from Mount Rushmore a text message a group that I'm a part of from around the nation of apostles and prophets and the intercessory prayer leaders we have an open text thread that we can put our comments on or declare what the Lord saying and others can comment if not we can at least look at it and see what's being said and that night I text messaged out to that group tonight Holy Spirit says from Mount Rushmore there will be a reset that begins the next day I heard from one of those heard several from that night but from that night but I the next morning I heard from one of them that said did you know that Mount Rushmore is located in Keystone South Dakota I didn't know that but that began to really speak to me because just a few weeks before the new era Pentecost began on May 31st 2020 Holy Spirit you may remember said the Keystone is being raised in place on this new Pentecost and I knew that we were going to have a special Pentecost and I preached that to you on that occasion this would be a literal Pentecost the Keystone of course is the piece of a building that holds the rest of the building in in place it's it's the top piece of an arch that the beams lean against that that ring up there is a is a keystone in these beams he searches lean against it to hold it in place so the building can be finished in other words the Keystone without the Keystone in place a building collapses it falls apart and so I knew that that the special Pentecost we are now in was about finishing what God is building or finishing something that that God is doing and whatever that is it's not gonna fall apart Holy Spirit is setting the Keystone and what is being built is going to fit together prophetic promises will now be finished kingdom of God purpose will be finished and I knew that finishing angels like finish carpenters the finish carpenters of course come in at the end when you put in the baseboards and you you you finish it up finishing angels are now assisting Holy Spirit to help us finish some things and I began to see the glorious ekklesia will now come together all races all Creed's all tribes tongues and ethnic groups with very explosive power released through that group by Holy Spirit the fireworks of Holy Spirit through the next New Testament church now begins and you will see now awesome and very very strong leaders rising up into or rising up through the inclusive ekklesia you'll see these very strong powerful leaders from the Hispanic community you will see them in the First Nation community and I especially saw that in Alaska when I was there teaching I knew that a prophetic move of God was going to come out of that ethnic group in Alaska you're going to see these very strong leaders rising up into this ECLA this inclusive ekklesia from the asian community and from the african-american community all races Holy Spirit has groomed them he's not been doing nothing he has groomed them he has pervert preserved them and he will now reveal them apostolic and prophetic leaders from these ethnic communities are now going to rise in this new era Pentecost they're going to be very very bold they're going to say what God says and Holy Spirit now in this outpouring is going to activate their voice he's gonna activate radical faith through them watch my promotion the Lord says the Lord says watch my promotion it's finishing season two plans I have a finishing anointing is being poured out to complete assignments this will provide anointing for my sons and daughters to see individual plans I have for them and their planet families to be finished well Tuesday morning after the fourth of July weekend while I was praying Holy Spirit spoke to me again and this word set some things deep inside of me it just anchored some things it refreshed some things in me it it fired some things in me here's what he said and I wrote it out for you I will do a work in your days it will be hard to believe even though I'm telling you trust me follow me set your mouth not shut your mouth set your mouth and declare my vision that will now be seen activated and accomplished well I knew that was a Rhema word from the Scriptures and now Holy Spirit's breathing it fresh into our times he's now giving it fresh new application for our times right now he's saying this to his remnant to the ekklesia to the heirs that are a part of his unshakable kingdom so this is a live or an a live an alive word alive right now and we need to decree it and let it explode into the narrative of our times God's Word is alive it is active it is powerful it is sharper than a double-edged sword and we need to fill our word world with it and an inclusive ekklesia is now going to do exactly that now this word of Holy Spirit drew me to its youth use both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament it's an it's amazing how Holy Spirit he takes biblical accounts and stories and applies them in a Rhema way to our times he tells us what God did then and then assures us he can do that again he's no Specter of persons so I want to now put pieces of the prophetic puzzle together for us that we've been seeing unfold for the last few months and give more understanding I want to build hope I want to build hope through it today hope that is sky high I hope I can build faith sky I want to declare your good stop listening to any other scenario your future is good your destiny is gonna break open in magnificent dramatic new ways don't focus on the what-ifs your children are gonna be blessed don't look at the other scenarios because our God is working in amazing ways and a shift has now taking place in the spirit realm the church is going to win revival is going to roll through the entire world and what God what God does will change everything it's gonna change your life it's gonna change your family's life it's gonna change everything get your hopes up get your faith up God promised we will prevail that means that we will no gloom and no doom theology we declare that this room is a no gloom room way to Clare this sanctuary is a no doom room God promised I will make you stronger than your enemies that means he will God says our Kingdom is unshakable that means it is God says holy spirits filling you with explosive power that means he is now I want to focus on a statement the Apostle Paul in acts 13 41 in his sermon at Antioch gifts and a statement by the Prophet Habakkuk Acts chapter 13 41 behold you despisers marvel and perish for I work a work in your days a work which you will by no means believe the one were to declare it to you the message Bible reads watch out cynics look hard what's your world fall to pieces I'm doing something right before your eyes that you won't believe though it's staring you in the face Paul was quoting from the Prophet Habakkuk Habakkuk was prophesying into his times into Israel's history concerning the Babylonian captivity Israel had sinned and there were consequences for it and their enemy had gained the upper upper hand for a while because of their sin and their passivity but God promised freedom is going to return he promised they would wake up that there would be an awakening and when they repented he would hear and he will heal their land he promised when they repented deliverance was going to come from the midst of that darkness from the midst of the captivity deliverance would come now here in acts Paul compares Jesus coming to a world that was in bondage to sin and death to Habakkuk swerd he says yes there is bondage not hard to see it yes there is darkness certainly can see that yes it looked like nothing could it looked like nothing could change that but God promised he says he promised he would send a savior he promised he would send a deliverer and out of the darkness Jesus came to bring them real freedom in other words something happened that was hard to believe even though man was told something even the disciples found hard to believe even though they were told so clearly Christians find some things difficult to believe even though they're told and they have to stir up their faith and trust what God says we are in one of those times right now and we must trust what God says though it may look difficult and of course the cynics the despisers really won't believe it though it's staring them in the face well Holy Spirit reminded me of this early Tuesday morning and was like a a breath of fresh air just came into me and I thought if Paul could use Habakkuk why not me why not us why not here why not now why wouldn't Holy Spirit make the application so let's read what Habakkuk said about at-15 it says look among the nations and watch be utterly astounded for I will work a work in your days which you would not believe though it were told you now hear it like I heard it Tuesday morning from Holy Spirit how he said it I will do a work in your days it will be hard to believe even though I'm telling you trust me follow me set your mouth and declare my vision that will now be seen activated and accomplished in other words it will be finished it will be done now listen to some more of what abacus wrote centuries ago it starts with the burden Habakkuk the Prophet did see Habakkuk 1 verse 2 God how long do I have to cry out for help before you listen how many times do I have to yell help murder police before you come to rescue why do you force me to look at evil stare trouble on the face day after day anarchy and violence break out quarrels and fights all over the place law and order fall to pieces justice is a joke the wicked have the righteous hands strong and stand justice on its head here's God's reply look around at the godless nations look long and hard brace yourself for a shock something's about to take place and you're gonna find it hard to believe my point is not to address what God did centuries ago concerning Babylonian captivity Holy Spirit is saying saying it to us a different way my point is what is he saying and doing now we must discern it and Holy Spirit says something so big is happening it's going to be hard to believe even though it's been prophesied to you even though you've been told a special new Pentecost is not being poured out upon us so that we could lose so that we could lose with dignity before Jesus comes no so that we can prevail three months or so ago I talked to you about Jeanne ago Stan's dream about revival now I want to revisit that briefly because you have to look at prophetic words over and over I can't I couldn't tell you how many times I've looked at a prophetic word I may have read it 10 15 20 times and in five years later there's a line on where'd that come from and it speaks to us you have to go back over you have to meditate on them and I want to revisit some things briefly because the very next week after I shared that with you I received another dream from apostle Ken Malone in Florida that I've never talked about and now I want to put the pieces together for you Gina's dream was about the Red River meetinghouse revival in Russellville Tennessee it occurred the year 1800 and it started the Second Great Awakening it was the very first camp meetings ever ever that we ever had in our nation the first camp meetings began in 1800 a Red River people came from miles around they would sing they they danced and they would just shout just start shouting glory shall hallelujah and they just shout and then in the evenings they took communion it was an awesome revival then in her dream remember the Red River revival connected to the cane Ridge revival in cane Ridge Kentucky it's about 20 miles from Lexington and it began in 1801 it was a huge outdoor camp meeting they had multiple service going around the hillsides than to have the amplification speakers like we do now PA systems and so an evangelist a a preacher would find a tree he get under it for shade and just our preaching and they would gather around there maybe another one over here doing the same there maybe 10 or 15 people preaching the word and they were hundreds of people gathered around them all around that cane Ridge hillsides also it was at the cane Ridge camp meeting that people began to be what we call slain in the spirit they would be overcome with the power of God and just fall and somebody said it looks like they were slain and his stuck to this day someone overcome with the holy spirit we say their slain in the spirit started right then but they would drive their their horse and buggies from from miles away some as far as Detroit and they would come they bring their own food supplies because there wasn't any place to go buy food and they they would camp and they would cook their own food and they would attend the camp meeting people would come under such conviction that they would just start crying out what must I do to be saved I need to be saved God save me an awesome revival then in the dream the Red River revival and the cane Ridge connected to the Azusa Street revival in California that began in 1906 in this revival miracle started to happen great healings people were healed of all kinds of diseases healings began and also at the Azusa Street revival people were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in their heavenly life which again and actually the Pentecostal and charismatic roots that we have go back to that Azusa Street revival also they begin to meet house to house and have have prayer meetings one one house they gathered in to pray the glory of God would come down on that house to such a degree that people walking by on the outside would be slain in the spirit was not unusual for people to be laying in other people's yards just walking by then these three revivals then connected and synergize together as part of in her dream as part of the Welsh revival in Wales it took place in 1904 and in 1905 led by a young man named Evan Roberts that year there were a hundred and fifty thousand conservative estimate people saved it is the largest of a revival ever in Wales thousands of miners were saved mining was a large in industry there at the time and that the miners love to sing and when they're underground they begin to sing and they would hear the song down the line being Sons they'd pick it up further down the line they'd hear they start picking up and you might have a hymn that was sung a mile long or further and people would would gather around the the air shafts that that were above ground that went down so they could breathe good they would put lawn chairs not lawn chairs chairs whatever they had back then he would come around set chairs up and listen to the miners sing and the songs would rise up from the ground the number one song and I played it that Sunday during the Welsh revival was here is love it was some hundreds of times that year here is love vast as the oceans loving-kindness as the flood when the Prince of life our ransom shed for us his precious blood whose love cannot remember who can cease to sing his praise he can never be forgotten throughout heavens eternal days on the Mount of crucifixion fountains open deep and wide through the floodgates of God's mercy float a vast and gracious tide grace and love like mighty rivers flowed incessant from above heavens peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty world in love it was sung by the miners sometimes for hours or so and it would reverberate up around the hillsides and the prophetic word that we saw that morning as I shared those dreams was that it was time for the gusher revival wells are being unkept and a worldwide revival is is coming and it's going to redefine our moment it's time for the gusher the Welsh revival that I that Jena saw in this dream synergizing with Red River cane Ridge in Azusa has been something the holy spirit has drawn me to for the last couple of decades and I don't know why I didn't know why but just I'm drawn to the Wales revival the Welsh revival it's just been something inside of me and I remember being in Canada five years ago and I know I told that story but I I need to tell it I'm reconnecting something not only that there are thousands of people watching right now that have not heard it but gone to Canada to do a can't do a meeting and Carol went with me we got there just a little bit before the meeting started and so I only had a few minutes to think think about things and maybe just 25 or 30 minutes and I remember sitting down saying the Holy Spirit they're about to pick me up pick us up and take us to the the meeting what are you saying what what what's the why am I here what are you saying to us and clear as I've ever heard he said the revival in Canada will be like the Welsh revival led by Evan Roberts it will go throughout Canada and then it will come down into the United States and I wrote that down put it in my Bible and they were there to pick us up we arrived at an old hockey arena that's where the meeting was being held maybe five six hundred people could be there and we come in the back and come right out by the platform and there's the pulpit and we're walking to the front row and I and there's a chair right beside the pulpit well I didn't know why the chair was there I went we sat on the front row and the leader of the conference said to to me do you see that chair yeah I saw the chair and she said that's a chair from the Welsh revival led by Evan Roberts it's over a hundred years old and we brought it tonight and felt we should put it right here I reached in my Bible and held out the piece of paper that said the revival in Canada will be like the Welsh revival led by Evan Roberts I just got it 20 minutes or so before now now Holy Spirit is saying to us remember the Welsh revival pick up the mantle of the Welsh revival now the week after I told you all of that and I told it and a whole lot more detail if you want the details it's you can get through you can get it it I have already taught it but actually two days later I received a dream from apostle Ken Malone a dream that he had just had I could hardly believe it he had no idea what I just talked about couldn't have here's the dream that apostle Ken had just two days later after I told this about Gina's dreams here's the dream I was walking on a wooden loading dock next to the dock was a passenger train not a modern train but one built in late 1800s or early 1900s I knew this train to be heading for Wales can't make this up many people were on the loading dock and boarding the Train Cheryl that's that's Ken's wife he's already on the train and I'm getting ready to board when a lady came up she looked exactly like Trinity carrie-anne moss from the movie matrix as Trinity laid hands on me she said rest I fell forward slain in the spirit when a lady from behind catches me before hit the ground Trinity lace then lays her hands on me again saying rest I fall forward slain in the spirit as I lay on the wooden loading dock begin to see the word goodness in red letters all around me goodness goodness the words were bright red and flashed brighter and brighter and brighter at this point the word goodness never left the scene of my dream I get up I need to get on the train but I can't find my luggage I go back on to the loading dock and find my luggage the conductor begins closing the door as I grab my luggage and get on just as the train starts to slowly move the word goodness continues to flash brighter and brighter and brighter the scene changes while on the train I see a huge map displayed out in front of me I can see the track or the trail we will take to Wales but no city names are displayed just the track that would take us to Wales the word goodness flashes over and over on this map and then the dream ends but it's not over after awakening twice during the night when I fell asleep the dream begins again and I dreamed this over and over and over what a word of confirmation goodness is all over you goodness is surrounding you and you're on the right track what a sign I couldn't see any of this cities on the map just the tracks that would take us there what a signpost of holy spirit we're on the right track please hear that we're on the right track don't stop God's bringing a whale's type revival to synergize with the other awakenings and also the new things that he is now going to do it will roll through the entire world we're on track and goodness is gonna surround us God's goodness is gonna be seen all across the North American continent and then radiates throughout the entire world it will roll like a powerful locomotive that's what prophet Chuck prophesied that we saw a couple of weeks ago revival will be like a locomotive and it cannot be stopped Ken said the dream never stopped it just kept it just kept coming over and over and over now hear this and you might see why some of the strategy of hell is being so dominant right now the revival that we're now going to see is like the Welsh revival it will be a singing revival worship is going to play a key part praise new sounds songs of the redeemed will play a huge role in it and worship is gonna go to a new level I think that's why hell is saying to the church right now you can't sing don't you dare sing don't gather put a mask on don't sing it's scared to death of what's about to happen but we're gonna sing we're gonna sing in the midst of the storm we're gonna sing the praises of God we're on the right track [Applause] revivals coming and it's not gonna stop we need to get on board the glory train the promise of God that we've been holding on to it's coming to pass and he has confirmed it over and over how many times just this year has he given us clear confirmation you're on the right track keep going don't give up you're on the right track you're on the right track don't give up don't back down you're on the right track stay focused the third Great Awakening revival is now being synergized together with the other revivals and it's not ever going to stop it's time for the gunshot Holy Spirit King Jesus father God will now well now show us heaven's goodness good overcomes evil God knows he knows how to follow us with goodness and mercy he's going to show us his goodness the Trinity is going to give us rest times of refreshing rest in his presence rest in his glory rest in His goodness a world shaking world shaping world changing revival is on track don't consider another scenario it's on track hear the word of the Lord you're going to see the promises of the Lord your you you're going to see the promises God made finished completed accomplished in your life and your family's life it's going to happen hear the word of the Lord I will do a work in your days it will be hard to believe even though I'm telling you trust me follow me set your mouth and again set your mouth doesn't mean shut your mouth unless of course you're speaking negative then guard your mouth set your mouth how according to the Word of God set your mouth to say what God says don't say anything else like the proverb says if you have to grab your lips grab them mmm I will do work in your days I feel this in every fiber of my being I know when I hear from the Lord I will do a work in your days it would be hard to believe even though I'm telling you trust me follow me set your mouth and declare my vision that will now be seen activated and accomplished sing for joy it's finishing season seeing your praises finishing anointing is being poured upon you sing and worship finishing angels are being activated get onboard the glory train decree in welcoming decrees prophets and apostles coming from other ethnic groups prophets apostles rise from the Asian community rise from the african-american community and say what gods I'm telling you God has prophets and apostles you see how did he do it how does he do anything I don't know how he does it but I'm telling you he said I have hit apostles and prophets in the ethnic groups and I will now bring them forward you're about to hear some leaders come forth that are gonna startle the world with bold aggressive statements of faith of what God says and not all of them are in the religious Mountain some of them are in the marketplace some of them are in the some of them are prophets or apostles they have that anointing and they're in the political realm and you watch God rise now raise them up through an inclusive ekklesia to say what he says and the fire of God's gonna be all over them get on board the glory train hallelujah hallelujah singers come on lord I just pray right now as an apostle in your kingdom Lord bring out of from hiding from maybe cave times whatever it is those leaders that you have groomed you have reserved for this time those prophetic voices Lord that that you have done a work in their heart and I pray God for an inclusive and all-inclusive ekklesia to now rise to penetrate the atmosphere of darkness with glorious light saying what God says we call them forth in Jesus name may they attach to this apostolate Lord may there be a part of this apostolic center decreeing what you say raise them up Lord from every ethnic group help us Lord to help them helped it all synergize together Lord in the gusher that you're sending thank you for confirmation Lord we're on track we're on track just stay on track just stay on track thank you Lord for the confirmation blessed be the Lord we glorify your Lord hallelujah [Music]
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 85,282
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Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, prophetic summit, mikey lamb, rachel shafer, jen tringale, raise the bar, holy spirit, the finishing anointing, anointing, holy spirit finishing anointing, prophetic release, prophetic word
Id: 4dr5yqu76rY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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