4 Bone-Chilling True Halloween Stories

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my group of friends and I went to a local County haunted house attraction it was by the edge of town it opened every October of every year it's at right by the woods appropriately and had three attractions the main haunted house a corn maze and a haunted trail through the woods I guess I'll name my friends now rod James and bud that's not his real name that's just his nickname we started with the haunted house which was decently high quality and had a few good scares and we made our way to the corn maze started out kind of slow just a lot of turns through the corn we'd have to make but then the scary antics began a guy dressed as a freaky scarecrow man emerged from the corn and screamed at us causing us to scream as well he started to chase after us and we ran I was in the back of course and the Scarecrow is right behind me even knowing it's just a paid actor you had this innate fear of something chasing after you where you just feel like you have to run away somehow through the thrill of running away through the corn I lost all of my friends it seemed like all of us ran in different directions I lost the Scarecrow man though and got back to the trail between the crops this is where the nightmare began I called and yelled and screamed for my friends as I made wrong turn after wrong turn they never called back in fact it seemed there were no other visitors in sight I had to finish the maze by myself what choice did I have I walked and walked for what felt like 20 minutes and I heard bustling in the corn in front of me I slowed my pace and kind of tiptoed past the noise but it was pointless something reached out from the corn and grabbed my wrist and squeezed it tight I actually cried out in pain and yelled stop you're hurting me I was actually in shock how hard this paid actor was squeezing my wrist then he tried pulling me into the crops I didn't see who it was I just saw his hand and arm covered by a black coat sleeve and black love I yanked myself out from the grip and backed away as the actor came out for the crops into the path he was wearing a heavy winter coat black jeans and a blank black face mask I didn't know what the costume was supposed to be but I literally yelled to go [ __ ] yourself you actually hurt me he started running at me and naturally I turned and ran as fast as I could through the corn to lose him I yelled back I'm reporting you and I quickly lost him after five minutes of running straight through the corn as opposed to following the maze of trails I came to the edge of the maze and went to find an employee I reported the actor to the employee saying he used way too much force to the point that my wrists actually heard the employee said he wasn't sure who was wearing this specific costume I described that he look into it I thanked him and then I looked at my phone I had a missed call from James I called him back to ask where the three of them were he said they tried finding me then they gave up and went to the haunted trail in the woods I said I'd meet them and hung up I walked over to the start of the trail where they had the Halloween ambiance blasting through a bunch of speakers placed throughout I stepped into the woods feeling like I was the only one around besides my friends I tried playing catch up to my friends when I stopped in my tracks after spotting him again blocking the path it was the guy in the coat and black mask he didn't even give me time to react or say something right away he started legit charging full speed at me I turned right and ran into the woods expecting to lose him easier this time I called back I'm calling the police I wasn't actually but I thought that might get this guy to just leave me alone I ran deeper into the woods until I didn't hear him chasing me anymore then I sat down on the root of a tree to catch my breath I had time to think and one of my thoughts was did that guy really follow me from the corn maze to here then I heard footsteps approaching and of course at that exact moment my iPhone started ringing I silenced my phone but now the footsteps had stopped I pushed myself up off the route quietly and leaned to the side to get a view past the tree it looked clear I started to run back towards the path of the attraction and immediately spotted him to my right I said to myself [ __ ] it I stopped and told him I'm suing the place because of him but he didn't stop running at me he got to me and pushed me to the floor I didn't expect it I was once again in shock I got back up as fast as I could before he could get on top of me and booked it he chased me but when I got back to the path towards the entrance of the attraction he stopped and turned around I went straight to the little front office shack and asked for a manager some older guy greeted me and I told him about the guy who was chasing me in attacking me the man said they didn't have any actors wearing that specific attire so he called the police and eventually I got my friends to meet me where I was I stayed to describe the happening to the police when they showed up I didn't have any marks to show them but they still took a report and the place was closed for the night we all went home after that I haven't been to any haunted attractions ever since [Music] the year I turned 13 my friend invited me and two other friends to stay at his house on Halloween night he had a fairly large house outside of our town and it was the perfect place to go trick-or-treating he decided it would be cool to go now to get sweets for a movie so fast-forward we were near the end of our trick-or-treating and I won house a woman answered the door she was tall and skinny with shoulder-length hair her house was disgusting we could smell the odor of cigarettes from inside she was quick to tell us that there were no more sweets left however she could go try to find something for us after a couple minutes of waiting she comes back with an old brown paper bag with old looking candy inside we kindly deny the bag and tell her we're getting picked up so we better go she grabs one of my friends and says no please but my friend pulls away from her and then she quickly shuts the door we knock done a few more houses before hearing something going on near the parking lot of the housing complex someone exclaims they took my child they took her they took her it was her that woman and that was my friend's parents car that she was banging on she was throwing herself at the car and hitting it with her fists a couple of neighbors came out to to the commotion they seemed to know who she was they apologized to us and said it was a big misunderstanding we quickly got into the car and my friend's mom started driving us out we don't get far before the woman jumps in front of the car claiming one of us was her child the neighbors once again pulled her away it was later that night however when things truly began we stayed up late like any teenagers do at sleepovers and we watched some scary movies out of nowhere the light turned on in the hall we could see it under the closed door of the bedroom we assumed it was my friend's parents who were about to come in to tell us to get some sleep however no one came in I decided to have a peep out the door nothing at all my friends joined me to see why the lights suddenly turned on out of nowhere my friend says it's her through a large window facing the backyard you see that woman standing there looking in however the second she saw a stair at her she ran away disturbed by this we came back inside the bedroom and locked the door we were obviously quite shaken up by this who is she what does she want we sat around for an hour nervous on high alert however we eventually did somehow managed to fall asleep that morning my friend's mom told us the situation at the housing complex shook her up so much she thought she had seen that woman standing over her bed in the middle of the night my friends and I never even told her we saw that woman at the house that night which led us to wonder what if just maybe what if that woman actually was inside the house that night [Music] last year Halloween was on a Wednesday because of that I was home alone my dad works nights my mom was staying with her sister because our parents weren't getting along at the time my sister was away at college so it was just me left to provide for the trick-or-treaters my dad bought a couple bags of Kit Kats and told me he expected them empty by the end of the night I don't know why but my dad takes Halloween seriously I didn't get home from classes until around 6:00 so it was already dark and the kids were out in droves the second I dropped my bag on the couch the bell rang and that went on for some hours I was getting homework done later on in the night when the trick-or-treaters had mostly gone home sometime past nine though I remember that much and the doorbell rang once more it was the first time in over half an hour I went to open the door with a near empty bowl of Kit Kats expecting some kids but instead it was just this lone guy maybe 35 years old he waved at me with a neutral expression on his face and didn't open the storm door I kind of just watched him ready to shut the door on him he stopped waving then reached for the handle to the storm door and pulled it open at that moment I slammed the door shut in his face and locked it I texted my family group chat that some old guy just tried opening the door my dad joked that if he does it again go outside and teach him a lesson I decided that was it with opening the door for the night I went back up to my room to finish my home run soon I heard yelling coming from outside I lost my patience and eventually got up to see what was going on I slid open my window and looked out there was that man again down below looking up at my window shouting at me he's mainly yelling that he needed help finding his son I didn't believe him for a second I texted my family again my dad just said ignore it he will go away I left my room and shut off the light so that he'd go away then I went to the basement which had no windows I hung out down there to do my work and all was quiet for a while then flick the power went out my initial thought that man outside tinkered with the electric box outside of the house I stayed in contact with my family the whole time after a few minutes I heard the floorboards creaking above my head someone as if I couldn't guess who was inside the house my mom and dad and sister all texted me to call the cops I stayed put in the basement upon's there was the safest place at this point the cops ran route all I had to do was wait the basement door that opened he stepped down the stairs only halfway though even without power a little bit of light from the upstairs poured into the basement enough for me to see his legs he was standing on the middle step of the staircase and I swear he just stood there for like two minutes I heard him mumbling stuff I won't even pretend I could understand any of it after the longest most painfully uncomfortable moment of my life the man said into the basement I can see you the whole time his legs were actually facing me was he actually looking at me that whole time still I didn't move nor did he he continued to stand there until there was a bang at the front door and he walked up the stairs shut the door and I heard creaking above again I waited 20 seconds before running upstairs to the front door by that time it seemed the man had left my house because the cops couldn't find him even with my help stupidly I left the back door unlocked so we simply let himself in as for the power he messed with the electric box outside as I predicted I don't know if he did this on Halloween intentionally or if it was just a coincidence but something was wrong with that man he didn't belong out in the streets [Music] Halloween night I don't know what year it was but it was probably like four years ago and it was a Saturday I'll keep this short and to the point my friend Tanner and I were set on doing something scary that night and that ended up being a visit to the abandoned house way up the road from our campus it was at the top of the hill and some students referred to it as the Blair Witch house simply because it's at all by itself on an enclosed property and it had been abandoned for years so come ten o'clock Tanner drove us all the way up the road and parked his car in the dirt outside of the property we walked up the hill to the house and even just seeing the unlit house standing in the dark gave me goose bumps we both came with backpacks full of tools like flashlights knives just in case and he even brought a crowbar surprisingly he didn't need it though because the front door was already cracked open this is where the flashlights came in because of course the inside was as dark as it gets the house seemed to be scrapped for just about everything because nothing was left except junk nothing very exciting then there was a thump from upstairs Tanner and I looked at each other and we agreed to go upstairs and check it out he led the way up the stairs which were extremely rickety he got to the top and there was a small hall with three doors we passed the first room which was a tiny bedroom with an old collapse bed frame still in there there was a second door on the left this one led to an empty bathroom there was one more door this one on the right of the hall we stepped inside this bedroom was definitely the master bedroom there was a bed frame sitting in the center of the room still there was once carpet on this wood floor which had apparently been ripped away over the years we stepped fully inside the room looking for what could have made the thumping sound then the door to the room slams shut there was suddenly a white flash that filled the room then another it seemed like camera flashes Tanner screamed and opened the door back up to flee the room I did the same neither of us looked for whoever was in there with us in the moment we were way too scared we ran back to the car and Tanner drove us back to campus a week later Tanner sent me a picture through text he was holding a photograph in the picture it was of the two of us in that bedroom of the house he said they were left under his windshield wiper in the parking lot of our dorm building I told him throw them away and park somewhere else from now on we only told a few close friends about this and we never went near that house again
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 3,426,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, true scary stories, true stories, scary, horror stories, true creepy stories, creepy, true, horror, disturbing, scary guy, mr. nightmare, mrnightmare, mr nightmare, creepypasta, scary story narration, narration, reading, shocking stories, home alone, creepy home alone, scary home alone, creepy true stories, 3 scary stories, 10 scary stories, halloween horror stories, october horror stories, trick or treating stories, scary halloween stories, halloween
Id: kHRF3upK9T8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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