Scary Stories | True Scary Horror Stories | Reddit Let's Not Meet And Others

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g'day mates it's B Buster here and before the video begins I would like to give audible a huge shoutout for sponsoring this video so it's the time of year when everyone is travelling or running around getting thoughtful gifts for people that you care about this year think about giving us off the gift of audible membership and now is the best time to do it with a special offer of 53 percent off your first three months if you're unaware of what audible actually is it's basically a huge online library of audiobooks that is really unmatched in size and selection they offer originals broadcasters news comedy audiobooks and so so much more an audible have been really generous in providing me with a link for you guys to sign up with and receive a pretty sweet deal right now for a limited time you can get three months of audible for just 695 a month that's more than half off the regular price I actually recently signed up myself and a title that I found and would recommend is World War Z by Max Brooks it's a fantastic novel on the first-hand accounts of the survivors of a global zombie like pathogen it really is a captivating story and I loved how it was paced by breaking up chapters into almost like mini stories for each survive a story I'm still listening through the last title of the passage trilogy by Justin Cronin as my free audiobook for the month I'm almost finished now too and I'm actually going to be taking it with me on my trip to see family for Christmas this year oh and uh another thing that I personally loved about the audible membership too is that at the beginning of every month you can choose any audiobook as your free audiobook and any titles that you choose you actually own them which is great because you can go back and re-listen any time even if you cancel your membership and the great thing is that your free audiobook for the month can actually be of any value even if it's of higher value than the membership price itself which is usually about 15 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bus driver would never drop me off at my house I would always get dropped off at the end of my street where I would toddle myself along back home both my parents worked late hours and sometimes not getting home until 8:00 p.m. and it would be very expensive to hire a babysitter for four to five hours a day five days a week so starting sixth grade when the bus dropped me off at home I would just be by myself I do the usual middle school routine play games online and watch some TV and occasionally my neighbor's cat would come into my backyard and I would feed and pet her as a way to get outside the only computer in the house was in my dad's workroom which has a window overlooking the deck and a window overlooking the side of the house we have large bay windows in the living room dining room in the kitchen of my house and since we sit on a hill you can pretty much see the entire backyard from a nice vantage point so most days when I get home I'd toss off my backpack and go right to that room and you could see me walk from my front door and pop up by the computer from the outside unfortunately this would lead to something that I had forgotten about up until now so when I got off the bus I did as expected go into my dad's workroom and play the computer games and about 30 minutes into this I can hear faint meowing coming from outside the window I pause the game and look outside thinking that maybe my neighbor's cat had wandered over but there was nothing I just sat back down and resumed playing only to hear the meowing again it was quiet first noticeable and so I checked the other window nothing again this routine happened for a good 10 minutes and eventually I got frustrated and went into the living room to watch some TV not even two minutes later meowing came from the window that I was sitting right beside now I was confused and honestly a little creeped out as well so I shut the blinds and kept trying to watch TV the meows continued bits I mean when they came from the window right behind me did I jump and leave the living room officially skeeved I went into my bedroom when the blinds were down but still cracked for some sunlight I tried to read a book need to hear a meow come from outside of my bedroom window this was enough to make me call my dad concerned that maybe the cat was hurt but I couldn't see it to be sure he said that he would have a neighbor come to check it out and call me back late 10 minutes go by and I get a call from my dad saying that he was coming home from work there was nothing urgent in his voice just that his job had gotten cancelled and he would come home early I didn't think anything of it and when he got home I realized that the cat noises had stopped fast-forward to the present and I actually asked my dad about the strange incident thinking that it was funny that the cat had followed me around like that what he told me next made my blood run cold so after I called him the neighbor did indeed come to check out the house and what he found were large footprints leading in circles all around the house clustered close to the walls so that even if I looked outside I wouldn't say anything which means that someone had been stalking me through my house seeing where I was through the windows making cat noises to try to get me to come outside they must have known that I was home alone since it was easy to see me walk by myself down the street and let myself in like that my neighbor immediately called my dad and searched the property but didn't find anyone the police were never called since there was nothing but footprints had led off into the woods and got lost and I never saw anyone I but my dad stayed home with me for the rest of the week it sickens me though to know that there are people who would use these tactics to try and lure kids out of their homes and from there do whatever they wanted to do the story I'm going to share with you took place in the North Pole Alaska in May 20th the incident that I'm going to describe was wrong place wrong time and completely unprovoked which no one believes another note to I was still only 20 when this incident occurred and could not legally own a pistol yet also I was in the Army and if you live in the barracks you have to keep your weapons in the arm sir so it's not like it's convenient to get that out and carry it around as compared to a guy living off posed to can keep his gun in a safe in the closet or something I know people will wonder why I wasn't carrying those are the reasons though but many way here's my story so on the night of Cinco DeMayo 20 year I attended a party at a friend's house in the North Pole like a North Pole was about some twenty to thirty minutes outside of Fairbanks it's a somewhat rural community lots of houses that are on one to two acre lots and mostly all dirt roads off the main road I was the designated driver that night and drove four of my friends but three of the friends that I brought decided that they were going to spend the night at that person's house instead of going back to the barracks only one friend this wasn't drinking a lot decided that he wanted to go back to the barracks when I was ready to go so we ended up leaving in about 1:30 in the morning I'd say and as we were pulling into the front gate well we got a call that there have been a fire at the party they said that after the fight everyone was going home instead of staying the night and continuing drinking they asked us to come back and pick them up but said that they had went to a different friend's house that lived in that same area because everyone had to leave after the fight well GPS doesn't work that well once you get outside of Fairbanks and none of the main roads anymore at least not with my verizon service that night you could get in the general area but not always the exact location when we went to the address that was given it came up as being in the middle of the road so we took a turn down a side road to turn around and try to get that service so that we could make a call to figure out where the house was by this time it was around 2:30 in the morning and as we turn down the road there was an old red minivan with fog lights mounted on top just kind of idling there with two guys that looked to be in their late 20s I'm inside of it I remember thinking that it looked like something that you'd see on a TV show or a horror movie just a real creepy looking band especially at almost 3:00 in the morning we had to pass them though to turn around and they looked at us in a way that's gave us a really bad feeling so we turned around and then had to pass them again to pull out onto the main road as we pass them the driver was leaning his head out of the window like he wanted us to stop so that they could ask us for something but being that it was almost 3:00 in the morning yeah we knew that it was probably best to just keep on driving but my friend wasn't able to get a hold of anyone too so he tried mapping it out again the GPS was delayed due to the poor service though and we missed the turn again we saw a small clearing to pull over at so we pulled over on the side of the road to verify where we're at compared to the street that we missed about 10 seconds later the red minivan with the fog lights pulled up next to us on the driver side and rolled down the window I rolled my window down and they initiated conversation by asking if we had seen a white Dodge pickup we said that we hadn't and they said ok thanks we then asked if they knew where meadow route was the street that we were looking for they said that it was the first Street on the left if we headed back the way that we just came we were suspicious but when we looked at the GPS it showed that that was actually the road we actually found out later that the road was on both sides of the main road no to that the locals outside of Fairbanks tend not to like the active-duty military guys and military guys they stick out a lot due to the lack of a beard and long hair and having a military haircut one hunt we started heading toward meadow roof which was about a half mile away and saw them pull out and started heading that way behind us we made the turn into what we thought was meadow rue and this road is a bumpy dirt road and immediately Forks off into Tudor one side goes straight and up a slight hill the other side is off to the left and drops down about two feet and flattens out we turn left and drop down the small length line the road was narrow only big enough for one car in line with trees on both sides for a good distance but the first thing that we noticed was a dead-end side and that was when we started to get worried we drove about 20 feet and then we see the minivan with the fog lights turn in and drop down behind us at this point my blood turned cold and I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach I knew that they were following us and I tried to be positive and hoped for a split second that they'd hang back and turn off the first driveway or something which we hadn't seen a driveway yet but then I saw them speeding up again this is a bumpy dirt side street and there's no reason to be going fast I start speeding up and then they slammed into the back of my car backed off and then rammed me again a few seconds later we made it to a small clearing like a duck hold the sack I had enough room to pull forward and then reverse myself back so that I was facing the direction that I just came but while I was doing this he stopped and blocked the one lane dirt road you know opt out of the car and one of them shouted they say meadow room get the hell out of the car the one guy had positioned himself directly in front of my car about ten or fifteen feet away between the trees and his van the other guy started walking up to my passenger side where my friend was they kept shouting at us to get out but I just gunned it right at the guy in front of me tried to run him over he managed to jump out of the way and I thought for sure there wouldn't be enough room between his van and the trees and figured that we get stuck but we had no guns so there wasn't a better choice I thought that we'd have to bail out and run into the woods and hide but to my surprise we actually squeezed to just through it it was such a tight fit that both my mirrors collapsed in I then sped out of there got on the main road and headed for hunt I had actually seen a state trooper not long before all of this not too far down the road as well I was scared to death of being chased again and then ran off the road at higher speeds so instead of slowing down I blew past the state trooper while doing 90 in a 45 not exaggerating - since that is extreme speeding I thought that I get the troopers attention but for whatever reason it didn't there was only one turn on the whole way back and when I slowed down to make it the van was nowhere in sight thankfully still I flew back at 90 miles per hour all the way and just to be safe the next day we tried to tell our friends what had happened but nobody believed this not one person they thought that we didn't feel like driving all the way back to pick them up so we made up some elaborate story to get out of it the guy who had invited us all over originally said that if we were serious that we needed to go and file a police report with the Alaska State Troopers so we did we went to file a police report at the state troopers office in 10 when we filed our report after giving a story to the trooper he told us to wait and then he left the room about 15 minutes later he came back in and told us to tell the truth confused we asked him what he meant he said his theory was that we were drunk driving around late at night partying and we plowed into the van up described he said that he thought the owner heard that happened and then came out and confronted us and we took off he said to get ahead of the story that we made up the whole thing so we wouldn't get in trouble for wrecking in so a car while drunk and leaving the scene we repeatedly told him that that was not the case and said everything that we had told him was true but without evidence to prove his theory he just let us go the next day he went and checked the area that we showed him on the map and I guess when he didn't find a wrecked car that he knew that we are most likely telling the truth he called and asked us to come meet him out there to verify that that was indeed the area but we told him that we didn't want to go anywhere near there again about two weeks after that though he called and asked us to come in and possibly ID the vehicle he showed us a picture of a red minivan with fog lights and we said that it looked just like the vehicle from the incident he then told us that the vehicle was stolen sometime before that and that it was taken from an old woman these guys may or may not have been related to her but the trooper said that if any arrests were made that he would call this back he never did hear any follow-up after that day to this day no one really believes my story they think that we just did something to provoke the incidents or just think that we made it all up to sound cool or something but it was just a case of the wrong place wrong time so I'm a 25 year old female but this takes place when I was 12 I grew up in a pretty safe neighborhood and this took place on a weekday I was pretty sick - like flu symptoms at this point I'd stayed home alone a handful of times my parents didn't really like leaving me alone it's 12 years old but they really had no choice on this particular day my mom worked early in the morning like between 2:30 a.m. and didn't get off until about 10:30 and my stepdad was also working during the day so I'm going to try and explain my house the best as I can because it's kind of important so there are big windows in the front of the house and the blinds and the curtains were open the front door was most likely unlocked I know that that sounds horrible but we lived in a place where bad things just didn't really happen there are also two big tall windows on each side of the front door so anyone at the front door can look right into the dining room and the living for anything of those windows that is mentalism so it was sometime in the morning and I was still in pajamas and my mom was still at work there were no cars in the driveway when all of a sudden someone rang the doorbell I was upstairs at the time and I didn't get to the door right away the person started knocking really hard on the door and I looked from upstairs to see if I could see who it was that it was not you it sounded like a police officer maybe unfortunately because of those stupid big windows I was able to see them in and he also saw me we made eye contact so I felt really weird about not answering the door and he knew I was home so I decided to be brave and answer the door I know I know I was a stupid kid that he pulled out a badge and showed me his business card and he claims to be a special investigator and he needed to park in our driveway to wait on one of the neighbors that he was spying on I just said to him oh ok sure go ahead he walked back to his car and I locked all the doors and the windows went upstairs and called my mum she told me to hide in the closet and that she was calling the police luckily enough my parents house is right around the corner from a police club where the police officers do target practice and stuff and almost immediately there were a total of nine cop cars outside of my house I was terrified and an officer knocked on the door and scolded me for answering the door when I was home alone and there were also in the process of arresting the man in my drive he was armed and later learned that he was waiting on my stepdad to come home from work really sure what he was going to do but he did have a gun so I guess you can put two and two together right I don't really remember much after that but it was a terrifying experience for sure so has a bit of background my family lives in a state away from me and at the time that this happens I just turned 18 I'm 21 in female Leo and my mom would finally let me drive to go and see them which was a better five and a half hour drive away but no biggie I could do that I thought about halfway there the way needed to stop to get some gas and get some snacks of whatnot I wasn't very familiar with the drive or where the gas stations were at and they were kind of spread out so as soon as I felt like it wasn't smart to wait until another gas station came up I pulled off the highway you know I've always been sort of suspicious of people in general because I haven't had an easy childhood and I grew up learning to just kind of feel when things are not right so I wasn't really worried about being by myself because I knew how to handle myself I pull up to this relatively empty gas station maybe one or two other cars but it was a larger one with one of the antique shops in it's I parked at a pump locked my doors and I go inside there was no one at the counter yet and the Sun was on the counter saying that they would be right back so I go and pick out a snack and a drink and well when I previously walked in I noticed a man my 20s kind of just wandering in the store I saw him glance over at me when I walked in but didn't really think much about it not really paying much attention to pay in mind when an open the door to the soda section and was perusing them and he comes right up next to me and opens the one next to me this wasn't particularly weird to me but the fact that he was literally all the way across the store when I came in and then as soon as I go over there he does too I was like okay I'm gonna go look for a different drink so I go to the T section and stand there for a second and he follows me to the one right next to mine again only this time he looks at me smiles a creepy-ass closed lips smile and says hey I don't want to say that's even though he could have easily just have been trying to be a nice flirt something I had an instant creepy vibe from him when he first walked over and that intuition has never failed me before at this point I just looked at him not in my head grab something and I go to the counter thinking to myself that's my can just grab a snack later he comes up right behind me though with one of those jerky sticks literally didn't even grab anything from the refrigerators that he was looking in right next to mine and just stands like really super close to me and I mean he was right up behind me so much so that I could feel his body heat and his breath in the back of my neck I'm literally just wanting this cashier to desperately come in here so I can get the hell away from this guy so I start calling for someone no one answers or comes out though the dude behind me is texting on his phone and looking around and at the door like he is waiting for something but finally I'm like screw it I'm out I'll leave my drink on the counter and I just walk out and he follows me at this point I literally bolt to my car and I remember feeling him grasped my jacket but with the momentum of my arm swinging he didn't get a firm hold I hop in and I lock the doors immediately turning my car on in record speed we make eye contact and out of the corner of my eye I see two men run out from around the corner of the gas station all three run out my car which is not very far from where the first guy is and I just floor it out of there almost wrecking my car in the court I don't know what they were planning on doing but I imagine this I was about to get kidnapped I called the police because I don't know where the cashier wasn't I just had a bad feeling that they may have done something to them but when the police got there the guys were gone and the cashier was apparently fine these days though now I carry my knife at me when I go on that drive about a year or so ago we had a very timid knock on the door of my room at around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning I think I opened the door and standing there was my brother 90 he looked visibly shaken and he asked me were you just outside a minute ago and I responded no who I haven't been outside in a while why my brother turned is why does a sheet and he didn't respond right away he but needless to say it's really threw me off not a whole lot really bothers my little brother and he's the kind of person who if you kick open the door to his room with a gun in hand he'll kind of nonchalantly ask what are you he can whisk any sort of fear away with logic sound noise of shape as a simple logical explanation to it I'm the same way if I'm being honest I mean we're not really paranormal people so when I eventually got out of him I think that there's somebody outside I just figured that it was a human that's logical right what didn't make sense though was our area we live in a fairly secluded neighborhood there hasn't been a crime in the area for years you know not even a stolen Amazon package so someone had sired was a bit of a surprise to me regardless though I grabbed a weapon and so in to investigate you know now kitchen looks out on our backyard and there's several large windows that allow you to see almost the entirety of my backyard the natural light from the moon is almost perfect where if you're standing in the kitchen you can see everything in the yards but she can't be seen in the house I've seen plenty of animals roams from my backyard at night while I was making coffee or getting a glass of water my brother has also reported seeing things that looked human in the backyard before so this wasn't new but what was odd was I've never really seen him this scared before so I go into the kitchen and I look outside nothing my turn on the floodlights and start to look around the yard again nothing I go back inside and I talk to my brother and I don't remember the exact conversation but it was something like there's nothing out there that's I could find anyway then he said oh I could have sworn that I saw someone the color had returned to his face and he was acting normal again which put me at ease and then I said what were they doing he said just standing yeah and I said that's weird well you must have been seeing things or they just ran off I started to walk back into my room when my brother started to talk again and he said I don't think it was human I asked him well we don't have bears or anything around here anymore so what do you think it was he said I don't know its eyes were red though he just sort of left it at that and we both just kind of decided that it must have been a figment of his imagination or something in that he was tired or something but we went to bed but neither of us slept well that night but the next night there was awoken in the middle of the night by something I'm a really light sleeper so it honestly could have been anything and I don't really remember but I think it was the computer restarting it makes a loud beep when it does so and I don't know if that's important but anyway I left my blinds in my bedroom window open because it was raining and I liked the sound the rain however the rain had stopped and it was getting really cold in my room so I got out of bed going for his the window I glanced outside and that was when I saw something something that it's like a person was just standing on the fence about 15 feet from my window it was looking at me and it had red eyes just like my brother described I was so startled that I actually fell back onto my bed I got up and I looked out the window again but I couldn't see anything so I just kind of chalked it up to my mind playing tricks on me close my window and I went back to bed now the last time and this time I don't doubt what I saw I was going to the kitchen to get a glass of water in the middle of the night I glanced over at in my sliding glass door and that was when I sword it was about seven feet tall made of what looked like smoke or something and it had human features but none were defined but it had bright glowing reddish orange eyes and it wasn't looking at me it was looking at my sliding glass door handle and kind of swiping at it or something as if trying to figure out how to open the door and get into my house I snuck back into my room grabbed a thing of salt that I had from dinner earlier in the Bible my only real experience with the paranormalist the show Supernatural so with my weapons in hand I snuck back out only to find that this thing was gone vanished with had even a trace I never saw anything like it again and I really hope that I never do my brother and I talked about it a couple of months later and apparently the night that I saw something at my window he saw something out of his window at roughly the same time in a similar circumstance he also thought that he saw something in the backyard again just prior to my door experience apparently he didn't say anything because he didn't want to deal kinda speaks to his personality like I said so what was it I have no idea but after that neither of us ever saw anything again and to be honest we both hope to keep it that way so I want to share a story that happened when I was around 12 it was about seven ish years ago so the memory is a bit hazy all admit bits with what I remember and what my family tells me I have mostly pieced it together I think so my parents got a divorce when I was around four and my little brother was around too and this story begins with my mum her current boyfriend my brother and I moved into our new house we were a happy family me and my brother loved the man that our mom was with and it had been a bit since something paranormal had happened to me other than randomly seeing things or talking about people that were there but the first memory I have in that house that was scary more that I remember seeing anything is that there was summer and we'd been living there for a month or two I was excited for school and I remember that it was late mind you and my young age that could have been 11 p.m. for a liner and everyone had turned in for the night I hadn't been able to go to sleep so I turned on my lamp and pulled out a book I don't know how much time had passed but my I made it a few chapters before something stopped me my heard humming I think it was soft and didn't seem like it was coming from my room so Who I am just tried to ignore it for a bit but finally I figured that it might have been my mom and my I was hungry and I wanted a snack so I got up and I put on my robe and left the room now the lay of the house was that if you walked in through the front door to your left would be the living room walk forward a bit and you could either go forward into the dining room in the kitchen area with the laundry room at the far end or the right was to the hall it was just a standard hall buts mat that age I felt like it was entirely too long but anyway so the first door on the right was my brother's room with the bathroom across from here the next on the right was my room and the whole closet was across from me finally at the end was the room that my stepsister would move in when my mom and her boyfriend got married later and my mom's her so I left my room and I headed to the kitchen the bathroom door was open and the light was off and it really creeps me out mind you I've always had a bit of a fear of bathrooms no clue why just do but ignoring that I'm finished walking to the kitchen and the light was off so I flipped it on and my mom wasn't there but the humming had stopped I checked the living room and it was empty so I decided to head back to the hall going through the motions of closing the bathroom door and checking on my room and then finally checking on my mom and her boyfriend that's when I did all of them were asleep shrugging it off I go to my room and I climb into beds I wasn't completely tired but I didn't think I could read any more so I just turned off the lamp and I curled up under the blanket but sadly I wasn't going to be going to sleep that night because the humming had returned aloud at this time Mike was right next to me and instantly cold fear was pouring through my veins I asked if someone was there and the humming paused for a second before it returned gathering some courage I slowly turned and uncovered but I didn't see anything which I think scared me even more once again I fast if anyone was there and as my mum had always told me to do I told them that they didn't need to be scared and that's why I wasn't here to do any heart this seemed to cause the humming to once again go away and it was gone for a few minutes so I thought that I was okay laying in bed I let out a deep sigh and was ready to sleep my eyes were closed and just as I was getting ready to drift off I felt something breathe on me followed by the feeling of something standing over me or beside just watching me when I have in my eyes I was looking at the vent above my bed and I saw something and it took me a second to register that it wasn't supposed to be there keeping my eyes on the vent I reached over and flipped the lamp back on revealing what seemed to be a shadowy face in the vent it was there for a good few minutes as well and I couldn't move and I couldn't speak I barely felt like I could breathe when finally I let out a cry or a scream and it worked my mom up and she came running to my room I was in tears because something about what I felt was truly scary and not like the normal stuff that I was seeing here and I was truly scared at this point my mom held me for a few minutes and when I finally told her what I had seen she told me that it was just a dream and nothing more and slowly I believed I figured the humming was just in my brain filling in the silence in the face was in my brain half-asleep but still she let me go to sleep in her bed that night with her which I was very thankful for now this story could have ended there and I didn't talk about it my mom was the only one that heard about it because I thought it was a dream and I didn't want it so my baby brother because I didn't want to scare him but about a month after it happened at breakfast one morning my brother made a comment that the night before he had heard a humming or singing almost and then saw a dark shadow in the corner of his room and the more that he standed it he noticed that it actually had a face my brother had never had any issues before and he knew that I sometimes saw things and he thought that it was all fake just me being a mean big sister and it truly gave me goosebumps that my brother had heard what I had and seemed to see close to the same thing and I think this is when we knew that it wasn't just a dream because there was no way that we both heard the same thing and saw something so similar without me prompting my brother because it was just no way this we both heard the same thing and saw something so similar without me even needing to prompt my own brother he wasn't the only one too because I actually had a little cousin about four who came over one day and woke me up crying saying this she heard someone humming and saw something in the vent our friend said that she heard the same thing and they saw something while in the bathroom and there was about five of us that went through this each of them a few times me about ten times and each time it started with the humming sweet and motherly and then the shadow would appear sometimes just a face and sometimes it was mainly a body and then other times it was the face and the body and it was hard to make out as well at other times this all started the paranormal stuff in that house and so many things happens the things that I won't be able to fill in in one post but I'll definitely make sure to share more here for sure anyway if you guys have any questions comments concerns or anything I'll try my best to answer them in the comment section below well thanks for listening and I hope you guys have a nice day [Music] until recently I twenty-two female was doing door-to-door election work getting people registered to vote and stuff like that and had to quit because I was made acutely aware of just how easily I could end up in a very dangerous situation my job well you'll go driving out in the vans at different areas and dropped off a loan for Avast matey hours and so we got picked back up we each had an iPad with a list of addresses men their names of the people living at those addresses as well as their age and gender so we generally had an okay idea of whether or not the person who answered the door was the person who we were looking for quite often though a family member would answer the door and then go and get the person that I was trying to speak with so having a random person answer the door wasn't completely unusual at all it was also an unusually cold day and was around 8 p.m. already duck so when a guy in his late to mid 20s asked me to step inside for a moment well he got his father there was the person that I was looking for I felt a little uneasy but I didn't want to be rude especially since he asked me if I needed water or my bottle or anything after I stepped inside though he closed the door saying that he didn't want to let the heat out and then said that he was going to get his father from the kitchen while I was waiting for them to come back I stepped further in away from the door so that I could pet his dog who was very friendly and all of a sudden I realized the guy was just behind me in between me and the door because I'd walked forward towards the dog and there was a hallway running perpendicular to the direction of the front room that's ended close to the front door if that makes sense this guy then told me that he'd been mistaken and his dad actually wasn't at home I honestly think that my brain just froze for a couple of minutes because I just kind of stood there staring at him ins unable to understand what was happening the guy then started asking very personal questions and the way that he was talking in his body language was much more intimidating and brazen than it had been before I'm 5/8 Easons around aha 20 s not tiny but this guy was a big guy in the middle of him talking about how it's dangerous for a nice girl like you to be out by myself at night and how I should really be more careful my phone ring I didn't recognize the number but answered anyway and pretended like I knew who it was and that they worked with me it was actually a telemarketer and I've honestly never been happier to get a call from anyone really as I was on the phone I mentioned the address that I was at and thanked him for being on their way the guy tried to laugh at often even told me to remember what he said about staying safe out there but I honestly think that I would have been attacked if I hadn't have gotten that spam the scariest thing to me though was realizing later that he probably pretended to go look for his father out of my line of sight just so that he could get a weapon or something because otherwise why not just grab me as soon as I stupidly step to the side it was a near-miss of that I'm convinced I was in grade 8 and it was summertime so it was really hot and it was late at night probably around 11 p.m. or 12 a.m. or something yeah I was trying to sleep and my window was open because my room was hot I had a screen of my window so that the bugs couldn't get in obviously so I was dozing off about to fall asleep when I heard something up against the house and then he's my window it sounded like a faint banging maybe I tried to ignore it as sometimes parents have squirrels that run along the houses of one loss but they'd have got louder and closer and I set up in my bed trying to examine the sounds and it continued I think called for my mom as her bedroom was across the hall and the sound just instantly stopped my mom came in and told me to go back to sleep as she didn't hear anything and so I went back to sleep without incident in the morning I woke up and carried on with my day my mom had to do some yard work so she went outside in the backyard a few minutes later she came rushing back inside into my bed I was confused so I followed her and asked what was wrong she didn't answer but then in a panic she went downstairs to talk to my dad and it turns out that it was a six-foot ladder resting up against my bedroom window and the screen of my window was cut wide open as if someone had taken a knife to it my parents called the police but nothing ever came of it and I often wonder what would have happened to me if I didn't wake up and call for my mom there so this happened around nine years ago when I was 11 there was a girl at school called Amy who didn't have many friends she was very quiet and honestly I thought that she was a bit strange but I felt like it would be a nice thing super friend well we got talking and she actually turned out to be really nice and we became best friends rather quickly me I got to the point where I spent pretty much every weekend at a house and then we would walk to school together as well even at my age I knew that there was something weird about her dad though Kevin he was very interested in me it seemed and always tried to play fight and stuff which is weird in itself whenever he was around I also felt weird he was a short fat man with great white hair always had a weird smirk on his face and really why not it started off with stealing bits of my food when I wasn't looking and and laughing and making sure to put his arms around my shoulders to apologise he'd always be wherever we were upstairs downstairs or garden and he just kind of always looked about there was a day to where Amy's nan was visiting yeah Maggie's mother's Martin and Kevin kissed on and on the mouth off hello which was weird and it turned into the creepiest and sloppiest French kiss that I'd ever seen everyone except me and Amy found it funny she put on a smile when I family looked over but I was horrified maybe I shouldn't have gone back I know but I felt like I had to for Amy's sake after that there was a day where we were playing in a room and Kevin came in and started an argument over nothing it got heated and he grabbed a rubbish bag saying that he was going to throw all of her toys opinion of course an 11 year old is going to go mad if they think that dolls are being thrown away so she was hysterical we followed him downstairs where he told her that if she spoke to him like that again she would regret it it was then that he started to remove his belt and I mean what the hell right she pushed me towards their front door which is just in front of the stairs so we could run out of it but she was sort of half laughing as if she was trying to convince me that it wasn't serious I could tell that it was though but I go to the door and when I turned around and waited Kevin slammed it shut but not the porch door and then all I heard was Amy screaming at the top of her lungs I was scared but I didn't want to leave her and so I just kind of stood there eventually I found the courage to go back in and I went upstairs to Amy who was brushing her dolls hair she smiled at me but she had a tear-stained face there were no visible marks but all there was on show were her arms so he could have really hit her anywhere I then felt as if I had to protect her so I continued going there and didn't tell my mom a thing the one night I woke up thirsty and we were close enough for me to just go get myself a drink so I went upstairs and Kevin was laying there on the floor in the dark with nothing but tighty-whities on and he just kind of we at least stared at me it was the creepiest thing to just the street lamp from outside shining through a gap in the blind lit up the room enough to see and I didn't get myself a drink I just ran back upstairs I wouldn't go there after that and so I knew for sure that he wouldn't be there and I didn't sleep over anymore - anyway I was talking to Amy recently and she actually opened up to me because she sent me her mental health assessment sheet and when she was 10 she woke up - Kevin well you can probably guess the rest of her 15 year old sister Kevin isn't her sister's dad but not like that makes anything better right who was screaming frame it also stated that he beat Amy on a regular basis her most recent was two years ago he beat her up in front of a friend and her friend called the police I told her the things that I had seen and how I knew that something just wasn't right all I know of him now is that he's in hospital suffering with COPD and fight honestly I don't care we moved into a new house when I was 10 years old there was nothing special about the house but I got a room in the basement which was way bigger than my old room so I was thrilled that didn't last long because the very first night that we slept there come bedtime I headed to my room as soon as I got to the stairs I instantly regretted picking that room it was dark and secluded and it really freaked me out at nights but I made my way downstairs and I kind into bed I fell asleep and I wake up at about 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning - you're a girl sabi it scared me pretty badly but it was coming from the side of the room the door was on so I did not make a run for it The Crying goes on for five to ten minutes and then slowly just kind of whines down I finally caught myself and eventually go back to sleep this happens every single night for months I didn't want to tell my parents so I asked my brother to sleep in the room with me and every time that he slept in my room with me not a sentence it's frustrating but it's weird enough that I finally just kind of got used to it sometimes I wouldn't even wake up but I know deep down that it was occurring while I was sleeping then a few months later I started dreaming of a girl in a wedding dress but it looks like she was in a car accident she was disfigured and scary as hell to me she would always be sitting holding something but in the dream I was always too scared to look this dream also kept reoccurring for quite some time and so the sound and the dream were pretty much every night's events and this goes on and on and on when it's time passes it bothers me less and less then one night I wake up and I hear the same sobbing I roll over and try to go back to sleep but before I can notice the cry starting to switch it slowly goes from crying to this deranged waa this freaks me out badly for some reason I panic and I get up and I run towards the door even if it is towards the sound I get to the door and the sound is right next to me I don't know if the door was locked or if I was just panicked but I couldn't open it too and I started screaming and screaming at the top of my lungs I hear the footsteps of my parents running towards me I hear them running down the stairs and I'm in complete panic the door starts shaking like they're trying to open it and as this is happening I feel someone grab my arm and at that I just lose it I'm ripping at the door and trying to get it open with my parents on the other side I get it to finally open expecting my dad on the other side when I do there's nobody there the door is open though so I run upstairs screaming and crying now that I'm upstairs my parents finally hear me and they come out of their bedroom I tell them everything and they just kind of look lost but I told them right there and then that's I would never go back down there again and they let me start sleeping the living I never heard it again after that and I never really went back downstairs two months later we moved and I kind of got over it but that was definitely one of the scariest moments of all of my child I'm ed Carter at a convention and right off the bat he kind of skit I heard rumors that he'd nearly been removed from the extremely liberal convention but he seemed nice enough and kind of lonely so I decided to prevent him since he insisted but then I noticed that he was always just kind of nearby when I was walking to my hotel he was there when I was eating lunch he was there when I was in my private group he landed outside the door but when I went to meetings he went to and sat beside me he usually either walked up to me and started a conversation which ended in awkward silence what has kind of stared at me from fifty yards of me I couldn't believe that he was really following me so I went to my hotel disguised myself as when outside to see if he was there and he was and I mean literally lurking in the trees nearby he pressured me into giving my number so I gave him a fake one he found my professional information and begged me to look over his work which I declined he asked if I'd be at a party and I didn't said no he showed up anyway that somehow he knew that I decided to go he always talked about how lonely and depressed he was too and how I was a lifeline until on my way home from the convention I had no phone service during the flight he freaked out and spammed like 49 messages until ending with okay fine I'm going to end myself now just so you're not strongly implying that it was my fault for not answering him immediately I told him to call nine-one-one I then blocked him he contacted me through Instagram hangouts email and more but I never replied in fact I asked the convention security to speak with him about his creepy behavior and I was told to just turn your phone fast forward a few months though and I get an email from James asking me to look over his work not a big deal I run a program specifically for this sort of thing I agreed since his email was very polite and what worded but he seemed to push in a way this I couldn't figure out I ignored it reviewed his work and seized communication but you can probably see where this is going right so a little while later he confessed that it was Connor all along he'd put all the blame on me and apologized in a really horrible and kind of manipulative way begging me once again to review his work I never replied and here we are so I just got back home from an appointment entailment I can't seem to shake what I saw on the right back I was sitting in the passenger seat and it was around 8 p.m. at this point so it was pretty dark out I live in an area with a lot of homeless people so it's not uncommon for me to pass by them roaming around at night it's I was just kinda staring at the window super absent-mindedly Maya has not even fully focused on the image is going by when I saw this older woman walking around by herself on the sidewalk she had headphones on over her ears and she was in dirty clothing with a bunch of blankets draped over her shoulders she was smiling and kind of pointing at something above her she was laughing - looking like she found whatever it was above her to be pretty amusing I barely registered it because I just kind of assumed that it was another homeless person on drugs seeing something that wasn't there when I passed by out of the corner of my eye I saw something floating above her head right where she was staring and pointing up at and honestly it looked like the bottom of someone's feet it was like someone was standing right above her wearing a long and ragged cloak that's all I could make out from my view from the car window but my eyes didn't even focus on it and when I realized what I saw I searched in all the mirrors and turned around in my seat to get a better look but there was nothing there and I mean there wasn't even anything no they imposed alliance nothing nothing that could have been mistaken for what I saw me the woman at least there was only one of those tall wooden posts for electrical whines further down the street but that was it now the only explanation that I can think of is that the power of suggestion made my eyes play tricks on me or something I'm a believer in the paranormal for sure that I'm also very skeptical when it comes to personal experiences like this because I know the mind is very good at making things up but I just keep thinking about it I know that there was nothing else on that Street I also know what I saw does anyone know what this might have been I have no idea why now out of all times that I would see something like this since why there was a woman that seemed to be able to see it too the whole situation just has me really confused so back when I was around the age of 14 I lived with my dad my two older brothers and my older sister in this small house that we used to call the green Ian's I mean it had a fairly big backyard for our four blue nose pits to enjoy and a regular-sized front yard but a small living space inside the house although old it was a cozy place in felt quite welcoming as a whole many ways but one night all of my siblings were in the boys room my brother's room playing on their ps3 and I for some reason didn't want to be in there so I went into the living room which is right outside the boys room I say for some reason because when I was younger I was very scared of being alone in the dark so that was pretty unusual for me to do all the lights offer in the rooms and I was just kind of sitting on the couch playing with my sisters D s I was playing a spongebob game and that was my whole source of light I'm sitting in the corner and to the left at me is my brother's room and straight in front of me is the doorway to the kitchen in the middle of playing on the DS I have just pointed the screen at the doorway of the kitchen to line it up so that I could see but there was nothing it wasn't like a force or impulse that made me point the light but more of an unconscious movement after no more than 20 seconds of passed I did it again and pointed my sister's d/s to the door but this time I saw she was a young girl crawling with her hands and feet across the doorway upside down on my ceiling she had long black hair that dangles her eyes were dark red but her body was very pale and it looked as if her body glowed a bit she stopped in the middle of the doorway like a deer caught in headlights I could see a whole body and she turned her head and we made eye contact I don't know how long I stared at her emotionless but after some time I shoved my hand and to hide the lights and after a few seconds I pointed it back up and she was just gone I remember that I kept asking myself over and over again why didn't she scare me why didn't I feel scared when we were making eye contact it confused me a lot and after sitting there for a bit I called out for my sister to go into the kitchen and turn on the lights it confused me a lot and after sitting there for a bit I called out for my sister to go out to the kitchen and turn on the light the light switch was right under the spot the little girl was crawling around she was skeptical but went and turned it on anyways and after she did I got up to investigate but after finding nothing I confessed what just happened I know that it was really messed up for me to send my sister and their blindly like that but I hope you can understand that I was worried afterward and needed some comfort and reassurance from the lobby to know to this day I really don't know what I saw wrong if it was all just in my head or what well all I know is that whatever it was this girl had an emptiness - I don't know if she meant any harm and I never actually saw her again after that I experienced many more paranormal events but not in the greenhouse so the whole situation is a strange one for sure this happened back in the 90s when I was still in primary school so I really had no clue how much danger I was actually I would have been around 11 years old I think living in a regional city of Australia and for the last year I had been having a lot of trouble at school getting bullied a bit by classmates and whatnots and felt really singled out by my teacher as well my mom she worked around the corner from my school so when everything would get too much at school I would literally just walk out of class down the road and onto her work site it would take me about half an hour it's a walk there along the main road a couple of times I noticed a small white car drive past me slowly but I only noticed this because I would see the same car go up and down the street as I was walking and while I was sitting outside of my mom's worksite - so after a while it started seeing this car driving up my street at home and parked along the street as well that my brother and I would ride our bikes around it I don't remember thinking that it was strange because it was a small town and it wasn't unusual to see the same cars or people it was just like oh there goes that car again my family followed a serious routine Monday's were swimming in tutoring Tuesdays were nipple training Wednesday nipple game Thursday basketball training Fridays we would go and see a professional basketball or football depending on the season game Saturday was my brother's basketball games in Sundays were our day to go to the river with friends for swims and a barbecue lunch and that never really changed unless someone was sick one Friday night I'm dressed and ready to go watch this basketball game but I can't find my shoes I'm pretty sure that they're in the car which is in the garage under our two-story house and to get to words I have to walk down the outside steps at the front of the house which has a full view of the road I walk out the front door and at the end of our driveway is a small white car now I've never taken that much notice if the white cars up until this point and it wasn't uncommon for cars to park in this exact spot for our neighbors but I just reason got a sinking feeling in my stomach when I looked at I kept walking down the stairs and as I got closer to the bottom the driver's-side door opens and a man gets out quickly I keep walking towards the garage and he starts moving towards a drive with him and that was the point when something inside me just told me to scream for my parents and run and lock myself in the car I did exactly that and this guy who was halfway up my driveway at this point turned around and ran back to his car and just drove off well the time my parents came out there was no evidence that this had actually happens and of course they didn't believe a week later though there was a notice in our school newsletter about a man in a white car attempting to abduct another child from my school on the same night my parents were very shaken by this and took me seriously after reading that I don't think that he was ever caught this it definitely taught me to listen to my intuition and take notice of my surroundings from that point on so this was a hike up to half day well we had a campground about 20 minutes drive away from the trailhead and the group was composed of me 18 year old male my uncle 32 year old male and my uncle's friend D yeah there were two girls too with us but they aren't really relevant to the story so my uncle and his friend are both Christians so there were no substances consumed this would induce the feelings that I'll be talking about well we get to our campsite too and we set up camp and go to sleep after reading we plan to wake up at 4:00 and start hiking by 4:30 but for some reason I just randomly wake up at 3:30 in the morning like completely wide-awake and look out of my hammock and I remember feeling this really odd feeling as if I was woken up by something and I remember looking at the moon that's seen the moon was very bright for some reason and thinking to myself that the whole thing just kind of looks like a dream I laid back in my hammock but I can't go to sleep and end up waking up my uncle my friend at 350 my uncle asks me but were you walking around at night this is important but I say no and to ask why he says that he woke up for some reason and could hear someone walking around not like an animal but a person I say huh weird and in the end we just kind of brush it off we get to the trailhead around 4:30 and as everyone is unloading the car D says that he's going to use the bathroom which there are a couple of them before the trailhead I walked behind him for some time before falling behind and waiting for my uncle who forgot something in the cut the short straight road from the parking lot runs directly into a t-intersection with the roads of the trailhead and the bathroom is directly across from the intersection through the field a little those who have been there will know what I'm talking about we get to the intersection and wait for D to come out of the bathroom well we wait for about 10 minutes before I go and check the bathroom and he just isn't there I get back to my uncle and tell him that he says weird and maybe he went back to the car or something and we decide to wait a bit by 5:10 we begin to worry a bit and my uncle goes to check out the car while my wait at the intersection to make sure that we don't miss him if he went down the road or something away from the trailhead my uncle returns and says that he isn't there either we decide that maybe he went up the trail ahead without us for some reason and walk up there in about 10 minutes he isn't there either and I just kind of baffled now because there's just no other logical places that he would go I decided to turn back and check the car in the bathroom again but I meet him halfway before I get to the intersection he's sweaty and disheveled with weird look in his eyes and I say where have you been and he says that he went to the bathroom and when he got back to the intersection that we weren't there and that he just assumed that we went to the trailhead and started walking and then met me I say what do you mean we waited at the intersection for over an hour and a half and checked at the car the bathroom and the trailhead and you weren't anywhere he says well I don't know I just went to the bathroom he then asks me where my uncle is and I say at the trailhead and he asks me again I tell him again and know that it was weird that he asked me twice as we're crossing the bridge to the trailhead he sees a light off the river bank and exclaims oh maybe that's him and I just look at him and kind of keep walking I thought that his behavior was really strange like he wasn't thinking straight or something but we finally get on with the hike and it goes by as normal except that we seem to keep losing things such as my uncle's small red flashlight one of the girls gloves a water bottle etc it was kind of like we just simply forgot about the items and couldn't remember where we could have left them on the way back it got really dark and we turned on our flashlights and as we near the end of the hike after the two waterfalls it begins to seem as if we'd been walking for far too long and my uncle also confirms this by asking me doesn't it seem like it's been way too long to get back I say yeah I was just thinking that we keep walking and it still seems that we weren't making any kind of progress if that's the right word I've been on the trail many times and as I was walking I couldn't spot any familiar landmarks it was just really weird and there was this odd feeling in the air to sort of a slight menacing feel it's it's hard to describe I remember thinking that it feels like the woods are alive we remark three more times about how long this hike is taking and begin to laugh at it because it just felt so ridiculous after a bit we finally and suddenly find ourselves on the final stretch and we eventually make it back to the cut now all of this seemed odd at the time but I just kind of brushed it off and I only realized just how weird those events felt after we got home and my aunt asks my uncle were you camping and he says yeah how did you know as we didn't tell them that we were going since it was kind of last minute she says that she had this odd drain where she sees my uncle in a tent in a forest somewhere and someone is outside of his tent she says that she couldn't see you it was but knew that there was a presence there and then she woke up at around 3:00 and had the strong urge to pray for him and she did my uncle kind of looks at me after that like he hearing this and I honestly don't know what to make of any of this but I wanted to post it here because I would love to your opinions what do you guys think this happened about 13 or 14 years ago my home country the Dominican Republic I'm 30 now so it was a while ago but I've never been able to get it out of my head so it was spring break and a group of friends and I we went up to our friend's dad's house in the mountains it's a town called Constanza and it's the highest settlement in the country sitting at about 1200 meters around 4,000 feet the house is a bit higher up as it's located roughly 45 minutes from town going up the street now it's the highest house in the area in fact and there was around five or six of us and we'd been hanging out for a few days up there just having fun barbecuing playing pool and having a few beers just kind of kicking back on the third or fourth day we were all tired since we spent the day walking and horse riding at around 10 p.m. everyone was out cold except for my friend as son of the owners house and I we'd been pals for a while and we'd been up there a handful of times before we always used to stay up late and hang up around on the terrace and the deck I'm talking about just random stuff really we had already been out there for a while at this point on these reclining patio chairs and when we were looking at the sky and literally counting the shooting stars but they're so common up there that it became a sort of game for us when suddenly a huge when compared to the other stars at least white circular light appeared in the sky I really don't know how to describe the size but I want to say that it looked like 15 or 20 times the size of a regular star or a faraway airplane light or something it didn't appear to be close but in fact it kind of looks like it was far away but this slide just kind of sat completely still we asked each other if we were seeing the same thing but didn't talk much after it felt kind of entrancing or something and we both fell silent just looking at it for about a minute out of nowhere this slide just starts bouncing around the sky at an incredible speed over a huge distance in the sky the best way I can describe it is that it moved like the ball and pong the old-school video game inside would look like a defined area kind of like a square or a rectangle the bouncing around went on for about 30 seconds or so and then it just kind of disappeared no trace of the light whatsoever and nothing but here's the weirdest part so after this we just immediately felt sleepy we were actually dozing off in a matter of seconds and I don't remember who said that we should go to sleep or if any of us actually said it but we stood up and we just went to our rooms and that night I had the most vivid and realistic dream that I've ever had and that's what keeps me awake at night this dream was just different I remember being on a spaceship moving on top of a river I never felt scared or in danger or anything but I never saw anyone or anything else I but I did feel the presence there with I was standing in the front part of the ship in front of a huge window just looking out we were moving slowly on top of this river floating or flying and it looked like the river was coming to an end kind of like a waterfall when we reached the end and we just kept on flying and I could see this amazing view just tons of waterfalls and each had structures and buildings and the rivers and it looks like a futuristic city built on those rivers and the surrounding lands and it was amazing truly amazing I didn't see much else after that but one of the most bizarre things is that I heard or felt numbers it was a long sequence which I think were coordinates or something similar that they were trying to tell me I woke up and I still remember those numbers similar to when you wake up and remember a dream very vividly yeah but forget almost instant I stood ups kind of dazed and confused and went looking for something to write but I forgot them before I could do it easy a lot of years have gone by since then and I'm still convinced that these beings were trying to tell me where they weren't who they are I'm not sure why they need to tell us human beings where they are or why they chose me but I do believe I've never had any other paranormal ghost abduction or otherworldly experiences since or afterwards so this one has obviously really stuck over the years but I just wanted to share my experiences and hopefully find others who may have had similar this happened when I was about 5 or 6 years old my mother was a dealer for coca-cola at the time in the rural regions of my city so that means that she and her fellow employees would be delivering crates of coats little villages in the boonies pretty regularly on this particular day no deliveries were scheduled and anything that was to be delivered was already done so we were all just kind of all hanging out at the warehouse my mom figured since it was the end of the week let's all go out on a little road trip with the crew everyone agreed and then one of the crew suggested that we go to this new inland resort of a couple of towns over it was nothing fancy just a large area with a few pools a pond where you can catch your own catfish for the meals and whatnot and bamboo huts along the sides we all get in the truck and off we go we arrive sometime in the early afternoon and mom is telling members of the crew what to do one books a heart one gets her staff in order and someone to keep an eye on me while I look around never wandering too far I see an old lady maybe you know late 50s or maybe 40s I suppose looking at me now as a friendly kid so I waved and smiled she just stared at me so I told the crew member who was looking after me who in turn told my mom she informed everyone to watch out for her and make sure someone always has either we proceed on merrymaking and I'm swimming in the pool mom and the crew are having a few drinks and meeting some catfish that this dragged on till maybe six or seven o'clock in the afternoon I stayed in the pool the majority of the time and would just come up for a bit of soda that's my last attempt to jump in I see from the far end of the pool that same old lady I immediately told my mom she looks in her direction and tells everyone that we're packing up and we're going back to the warehouse we get back and mum requests that three of the guys stay the night at the old house and if they could stay up one at a time just to be saying sometime in the middle of the night though I get woken up to my mom telling me to be quiet and follow her to one of the bedrooms in the back and to leave my slippers we don't make any noise I asked why and she pointed out to the other side of the gate and there was that same lady she insists that I go to one of the rooms at the back of the house and stayed there till she gets me I follow and then he heard wake the crew up I hear them leave the house and confront the lady by the gate with questions like who are you what do you want how did you follow us but mom said that she just glared at them while mumbling is now and then would crane her neck looking past them as if to look for someone she eventually leaves and in the morning I'm taken back to the city to my actual house well my mom went back to the town to continue her job and inform the local authorities of this person he never did see the lady again and it's been 20 years since then but I asked my mom about the old lady again and whatever happened to her report and she said that she and the three crew members that confronted her went straight to the town hall before they started on work it's a small town so it wasn't that hard to find someone via description and they did find out who she was the local authorities went to this little bamboo hut on the edge of town about a mile or so into some wooded area the plan was to give her a warning but when they got to the huts but he was in they checked the windows but nobody was inside or around the area and someone did live there because there were ducks and chickens in a small pan on the side of the house but they just decided to they even to update mom later in the afternoon and I think really ever happened after that because he never saw anyone at that house again I've been working as a guard for a few months and I noticed noises and just odd occurrences since my first date the layout of my patrol is a a two part office building but one side the north side using only a floor for offices the second floor into the first floor for storage for spare chairs in cubicle walls the other side the south side is a bent and when the company housed in that section moved to a new location both floors being full width cubicles chairs desks the posters date there to about 2013 I think there's no files or personal property all of that stuff is in the South section but the lights don't work properly due to the weather damage in 2016 so when I start my patrol I start on the bottom floor of the North offices which is mostly barren aside from a tornado shelter the cubicle war stored against a wall and the janitor supply room down on this floor though way I felt my jacket grabbed more than once while checking the area the second floor where the offices is more active than the bottom floor though where chairs move and roll into the hallway and the sound of the filing cabinet slams shut all the time but when I check to see if anyone is around I find some half open and papers on the floor the South building is the worst one though the first day that I did a patrol I had chairs not desk ones with wheels move positions more than once meant well I would like to blame my coworkers only two people have key cards to that building security and maintenance when I'm on the top floor I have heard office doors slam and when I investigate to find the doors I routinely hear footsteps upstairs my co-workers have claimed to hear voices and seen shadows as well the closest thing that I've had happened besides the sounds was a flashlight new batteries as I replaced the day before constantly flickering of the bathroom floor of the South building and returning to normal when le I'm actually going to try investigating some more of this sometime on Tuesday I'm going to try and take a digital recorder in and see if anything happens I'll also try to replicate the flashlight issue and see if it was just a wasting a lot anyway if you guys have any good tips on what I should do or what is the best way to try and capture this stuff Morley's it's happened in summer school when I was in seventh grade the first day that I arrived there I went to my science class everyone there introduced themselves and honestly nobody seemed to off I was kind of excited in fact to do some work which was weird for me but here's when the person in question shows up he's late and he looks like his stereotypical nerd his name was Henry the first day he actually doesn't do anything wrong or weird but that changed quickly the second day the teacher is passing out iPads for us to use every day we would love what we learned or do many assignments on them and she explains the project that we'll be doing and after everyone's finished she collects them then when she peeks Henry's she gets agitated with what she sees on it he was watching porn the third day and this is when he starts interacting with me you have to draw for an assignment so I'm just minding my own business doing that then he walks up to me and he's like wow that's really good he was also really loud whenever he talked I said thanks and thought this that would be the end of it but no we have a bathroom break a few minutes later and I'm waiting outside to use the bathroom there's more than one stall but we have to go one at a time and he's waiting too he starts talking to me and telling me how cute and shy him I cannot stress this next part enough though that's whenever he got near me he'd punch my shoulders playfully like it was so obvious that he just wanted some way to touch me and after I go to the bathroom we go back to class and nothing else happens there then it's lunchtime and this is the real kicker I'm walking up to the lunch line and yes who's there yep it's Henry I'm keeping my head down so hopefully you wouldn't notice me but no such luck he says to me you look like you want to die I honestly don't know what to say to that but then I say I do ha ha and then he then pulls up his sleeve on one of his arms and is like well at least you don't have these and then he puts faint lines on his wrists they were self harm scars and obviously this kid was pretty messed up so I go through the lunch line with him in front of me and he quietly murmurs to himself and attempts to talk to me a little I go to sit down at a table I didn't have any friends there so I float and he sits next to me I'm watching YouTube on my phone and he pulls out my hand and asks what I'm watching I say dr. Phil and he's like haha wow that's so stupid I didn't reply he just said super close to me though watching me for a few minutes and eventually he finally leaves I go to the bathroom after lunch and turns out he followed me into the bathroom before I get into the stall I turn around because I hear footsteps and I yell at him and he bolts out I tell my teacher and he's kicked out from summer school for now but this is really starting to creep me out when I was four way back in the 1950s I went down to the bank restroom in the basement I was doing my business on the porcelain throne and had old foot nudged my foot under the stall wall irritated I kicked back at the fault and the next thing I knew and adults was cajoling me to open the stall door and let him eat I got very frightened meant I didn't know what to do the store was up against the wall the first one in line the creepy maid forced the door open which I was putting my shoulder against meant when it gave way I was knocked flat on my back on the floor looking up from the floor I saw a very serene and dignified old man with great white hair step up out of the wall with a very sinister smile he said to my attacker his father is going to be down here in about thirty seconds believe me when I tell you this you don't want to be here when he arrives weather of shame and getting caught in such an act or stunned by a man stepping into the wall and my attacker raced away I heard his steps pounding up the stairs seconds after that my father arrived and was looming in the stall door looking down with me he scooped me up and ran his hands all over me to make sure nothing was broken and then raced after my assailant by the time that he got up the stairs the man had made it out of the bank and down the city streets my father was a combat marine from World War two and also been a boxing champion of the seventh Fleet and he later told me that my voice shattered in his mind to run to the restroom right then the attacker ran right by him I'm obviously glad for the angel that stopped the assault upon me I'm equally glad that's he chased off the guy before my dad could get hit because my dad would surely have been him to death no doubt about it that angel saved us both me from the attacker and my father from going to Jay from five years old to ten when we moved there was a ghost or a demon lady or something that visited me every single night and I have a lot of stories of her coming into my room and just kind of staring at me here but I have a few that's stay in my memory the most so I'm near 25 years old with two daughters of my own and I'm so paranoid that she'll somehow mess with my kids to that I pray to God often that she doesn't I would cover my entire body with stuffed animals from head to toe and I would plug my ears just so that I could fall asleep it always happened the same I would be laying in my bed with my light on because I couldn't sleep at all without my lamp on and even though I never helped it at least I could see a little bit of huh but as I'm laying there trying to fall asleep everything would just get extremely quiet that's when I knew that she was coming it would take about a minute before she got right beside my bed but once she was there I knew it because I could feel it I would peek out from under my animals and see a standing wall floating there just staring at me with this horrible face so pale that I would freak and runs on my mum's and stepfathers room and jump into bed with my mum and then I could fall asleep okay one night this routine played out I cried and cried every night begging my stepdad to let me keep my light on and finally caved like always I was trying to sleep and she slid it in I took off to my mom's room and my jumps into beds except this time my stepdad wasn't having it he told me to go back to my room and I completely broke down my mom finally talked to you my mom finally talked him into letting me sleep on the floor next to my mom and the wall of the room I laid down there holding my mom's hand that was hung over the side of the bed to comfort me staring up at the ceiling watching the fan rotate when it suddenly got super quiet and I remember thinking no way she can't get me in here with my mother and I hold my mom's hand tight then I saw her floating around the foot of my mother's bed coming towards the side that I was on she always had a white gown on and long black hair and she moved so silently that it was weird and kind of sickening I have never in my entire life so far been so terrified I screamed and screamed and my mother and stepfather jumped up asking what was wrong well what's wrong with you and all I could say was that she's trying to get me mum she's trying to get my mom let me sleep in the bed that night and I was fine after that but it's really hard to put into words just how much torment this lady or this thing put me through I mean I was constantly sleeping in school because I couldn't sleep at home I would beg to stay the night at my aunt's house or my grandmother's even one time she followed me to my aunt's house and I ran outside and sat in the middle of the street and so I aren't got home at about 7:00 the next morning it was just truly horrible even today though 20 years later I'm a grown-ass man with a family and sometimes at night I lay awake thinking about her worried to death that she may find me again I've had panic attacks in the middle of the night dreaming about her - and and there's only two people in the world that even know about her besides me and that's my wife and month and well now - whoever listens to this horribly put together story that's I'm sure some might even believe but for me it's the most real thing that's I've ever experienced by the way - this is just one of the times that's my really remember there's about probably ten that stick in my mind then anyway there it is and thanks for listening yeah to this day I still cannot explain this I don't know what happened this night but it was about 11 and I was winding down for the nights I did my normal nightly routine which included using the restroom and leaving a light on in the bathroom important for later might do this so that I can see better when going to use the bathroom in the middle of the night oh I climbed into bed and prepared to go to sleep when not even three minutes into me laying down with my eyes closed I very clearly the voice of a woman whisper in my ear I am here at that point I showed up right out of bed but before I could do anything else he have footsteps walking up to my door and stopped right outside of it now this could have been a random noise I admit that's what was worse is that I would see the shadow of 2 feet standing just on the other side of my door juda the light coming from the bathroom at this point I could barely move from the seated position that I was in in my bed after about five minutes I decided to turn on my TV so that I had some background noise as the TV was powering on the oh I started to hear the sound of someone breathing coming from under my pet and I know that it wasn't just me because I could hear it even when I held my breath so naturally I was in absolute terror and I could barely move from my bed and I stayed that way for about another two or so outs I don't remember why exactly but at some point I needed to get out of bed and grab something but I still occasionally was hearing breathing from under my bed I felt better getting up knowing that I had a knife on my bed stand and I could defend myself if needed so I got out of bed and decided to look underneath I grabbed a flashlight in my knife and then looked and to my shock it was nothing there's definitely cleared up a little bit of the terror that I was feeling but there was still feet on the other side of my door that had been standing there now for two hours so I built up the carriage and I opened the door quickly and yet again it was nothing there even after clearing this up I still didn't sleep at all that night and to this day I cannot fathom what happened that night I don't know how to explain it so if there even is an explanation but if any of you guys have any thoughts on what I could have been could you please let me know because and this happened about a month ago and I haven't had any other experiences near this since but it's left me pretty shaken this happened in an old farmhouse a few miles away from where I live and the cases actually unsolved to this day I live in Bavaria Germany it's an area with a lot of mountains and forests and the whole thing happened around a hundred years ago so the family who lived in the farmhouse along with two workers there experienced many paranormal things like foot trails in the snow which just led to nowhere a few meters into the forest strange sounds at night and the youngest daughter telling the family there she was often visited by its old man at night many ways one morning the whole family was just found dead in their beds everyone had their head smashed in with a blunt object there were no signs that someone broke in and the doors were all locked when the police arrived also nothing was taken from the family not even a gold necklace that the mother owned which was right beside her bed and should have been obvious to many burglar the police also stated that there have been a lot of hate involved in the crime because of the brutality police investigated the crime scene but they didn't find anything another weird thing happened in the barn - they looked it to investigate it later because there wasn't anything remarkable at first but when they returned later on it was a rope that was hanging with a knot from the ceiling now a new have a god errand it definitely wasn't there in the first place and well the case is around a hundred years old and if it happened nowadays the police would have probably been able to solve it with modern technology but the paranormal things surrounding it really creeped me out I've never visited the farmhouse but many people say that it's still haunted and I'm not sure about all that but it's a disturbing story to say the least when I was 13 the dawning of a new millennium took place a newsie while people were fearing the worst with the y2k bug we're out partying and drinking yeah I was home a lot in 1996 my parents had split up and from there they divorced and my mother and I moved across the country from Oregon to Tennessee with her best friend on the eve of the year 2000 I was home alone and my mother was currently out of state now this didn't worry me is this was not the first I often came home alone to find a note on the kitchen counter saying that they'd gone to Florida for a few days and that they were groceries in the fridge and whatnot this is the divorce she was regularly leaving me alone for long periods of time to go to Florida but we lived on a relatively quiet road surrounded by trees and said a few miles out of town and I knew most of the people if not by name in my face enough to wave in small chat with and had never before been given a reason to be afraid of being alone on the night in question though I was staying up late watching television I remember that I was watching the movie his bodyguard on USA Channel and had most of the lights on in the house not because I was afraid but because at 13 I wasn't really concerned with electricity bills or saving the environment I felt completely safe and protected with my little bubble of a hunt as I was watching the movie though I kept hearing these weeds sounds outside that I remember thinking that it was probably just the name is well they weren't extremely close a couple of them were having a party and people over for the holiday season and about halfway into the movie however the power and the house just suddenly went dead I said on the cat's for a minute just sort of in a panic days because it was near midnight in pitch-black I remember thinking the power must have gotten out of this it would come back on so I just decided to sit on the couch with my blankets and wait it out a few minutes passed by when I heard a noise in the kitchen with the back door ease my heart started racing in my chest because I thought it sounded like the back door being shut the back door sits just off the dining room which is connected to the kitchen which leads directly into the living room where I was currently sitting on the couch a few seconds passed after I'd heard the sound and I was straining my ears to pick up anything this wasn't supposed to be there every noise suddenly felt magnified and when footsteps sounded on the floor I immediately slithered off the couch one two or four was crawled around the ottoman and started as slowly and as quietly as I could to make my way toward the space between the loveseats and the couch I knew that I could fit under the side table and be completely hidden by the dark in the Ottoman from playing hide-and-go-seek in the dark many many times with my friends during sleepovers I was nearly there when the footsteps became more apparent I knew from the sound of them that whoever was was making their way through the kitchen yet toward the living room they weren't hurried or anything it was like they were just moving around in the kitchen I glanced up from where I was crouched on the floor and to my horror there was a dark silhouette standing in the archway between the two rooms through my credits I didn't scream but I did panic I stood immediately to my feet from the hiding spots and ran down the hallway and I believe the only reason why I wasn't overcome was because the person chasing me had to get around the ottoman in the dr. fuller I did what all children do when they're afraid and I bypassed the front door the guest bedroom the bathroom and ran to the father store down the hall my room in all honesty I probably wouldn't have been able to even get to the front door unlock it and open it in time as it was right off the side of the couch when I was 10 I got a bird for my birthday he was a blue fronted Amazon and I named him boo because I was October and close to Halloween boo had a large iron cage it could have been metal but very large and sturdy and like six feet tall and it was kept in my room despite the fact that boo liked me pretty much had the run of the house whenever he wanted no as I ran into the room I slammed the door shut and I locked it however the lock was simply one of those little turn knobs that you could easily pop with the button I had barely gotten the door shut and locked when the person on the other side knocked on it I have no idea where they knocked if they did it to mock me or to scare me but I knew in my heart that my little lock was not going to keep whoever it was on the other side out of my room I mean it didn't keep my mother at where we were arguing and it wouldn't stand up to brute force I was panicking and on the verge of tears when the person started laughing it was low quiet and because of that it was even more frightening it wasn't like manic laughter but it was as if they were genuinely amused it was that laughter that really frightened me and I started heavily hysterically crying and looking around my room to figure out what I could do that was when I realized that boos cage would fit almost perfectly between the door and the wall of my closets the cage moved quietly on my carpeted floor but as I pushed it into place it scraped against the door and alerted whoever it wasn't the other side that's I was trying to barricade myself in because suddenly they threw themselves at the door and you could hear the sound of the wood splintering in the door handle being twisted violently ooh who had been stirred by the movements awoke and began literally screaming and flapping his wings I might have screamed with him but honestly I don't remember screaming and I just remember being extremely scared terrified I crawled under my bed well couch it was a bunk with a futon on the bottom metal and then I just waited several minutes passed and the person eventually stopped attacking my door boo continued screaming even after he'd stopped no being under my bed gave me no feelings of being secure I didn't come out from under it because I simply had nowhere else to go I thought about trying to go out the window but I was afraid that he might expect it and therefore be waiting from you on the other side and it was also several feet off the ground as the house was built on a raised foundation I remember laying under my bed terrified for what felt like hours honestly I must have fallen asleep too because I worked the next morning to daylight the fear of what happened came back to me as soon as I registered where I was and why and scared that whoever had been in my house might still be there I decided to crawl out the window and run to a neighbor's since it was daylight outside and therefore I felt this afraid crawling out of a window is actually a lot harder than it looks and I did it less than gracefully is I was not and still am not the most coordinated human being but once I got back at my feet I carefully made my way around the house and that's when I noticed that the back door was wide open scared but feeling brave in now that I was outside and that it was morning instead of pitch-black night I walked up the back steps and peered inside seeing nothing out of the ordinary no terrifying men leering at me basically I decided to go inside looking back and I cringe on how stupid I was and just how this could have turned out and I wish I could have told my younger self to make the smarter move and just go for help but thankfully no one was inside the house I did a terrifying heart pounding room to room check looking in closets and under beds behind the couch and anywhere I thought that even a small child might be able to fit I even popped the lock on my mother's bedroom so that I could check it and then relocked at afterwards when I was positive that there was nobody there I went back to lock the back door I had left it open in case I needed to escape and notice that the breaker box and the opposite wall was open and that the main switcher being pulled I flipped it back on locked both locks on the back door checked all the windows in the front door and then I called my mum where I once again broke down crying hysterically she called the co-worker who came and stayed the entire day with me as they drove back my mom still took random trips to Florida after that but I always went with her from then on forth oh and by the way my mom actually had to help lift me back into the bedroom window so that I could move boobs cage out of the corner between my bedroom door and the closet and though we never had another incident at the house and we moved into town to an apartment about a year later I'm a 20 year old female and I live in a very religious state and grew up in a pretty religious family too but I myself have never been religious or even spiritual I'm an atheist horror enthusiast and the paranormal has never been something that scared me but it's always something that's I've been interested my hoodrat friends and I love to go and explore abandoned towns and buildings I've been doing this since I was about 16 and never had any scary encounters other than some rats and raccoons this past summer my friend suggested that we go visit one of the state's oldest cemeteries that's about 30 minutes up a canyon that I live right next to as we entered the tiny town maybe 30 very old houses he took me down a separate street to show me an old abandoned schoolhouse normally we would get out and go and explore but it was the middle of the day and raining heavily so we kind of just passed by there's a plaque on the top of the school that reads 1904 then is surrounded by other very old abandoned cabins all of the entryways were boarded up and it looked like as if there was no way in it was an absolutely beautiful building though and I was very intrigued so the next night I decided to go back up there with another friend of mine but we both get off work super late so we didn't even end up heading there until about 1:30 in the morning the drive up the canyon was fine and we listened to music and joke the entire time but the second that we turned onto the road to lead us into the small town I just felt sick to my stomach I honestly can't even explain that exact feeling that I felt other than just pure terror and dread I kept trying to write it off as just general anxiety from driving so far in the dark but as we got closer to the school the worse the feeling became as we approached the building I nervously suggested that but we just drive around to see the building 360 yeah as we did I looked down at one of the doors that was completely boarded off the night before and that one door was now open mind you it had been raining for the past 48 hours and there was just no way that someone would have went down there and opened that door we pulled up down the street of the school next to one of the much older very abandoned cabins reluctantly I got out of the car and locked the doors I thought that maybe I was overreacting and I just needed to take a xanax or something and calm myself down I looked at my friend I could tell that he was super uneasy as well very out of character for both of us to be honest we started walking up the street towards the schoolhouse regardless the feeling in my stomach got worse and before I know it's standing on the road right in front of the schoolhouse I looked down on my feet about to step on the grass every single fiber in my body was telling me not to step into the property I've never felt this feeling before and I've never been this scared in my entire life I wrapped my arm around my friends and I forced myself to step onto the grass even though I knew that I shouldn't he started walking around outside the building just to get a closer look at the outside we were about 15 steps in when we came around the side of the building to a ton of trees before I could even open my mouth though to express how fearful I was my eyes just welled up with tears and at the exact same time we both just stopped walking neither of us could physically take another step no matter how hard either of us tried and we looked at each other and without saying a word we both bolted back to my car the ride home we both came clean and told each other how scared we were my friend got really quiet and said I don't believe in the paranormal but when we first drove around the school I swear to you that I looked up and I saw a girl staring at me from the windows the scary thing about this isn't just the fact that he saw this though because there's little to no information about this town or building whatsoever but the one and only thing that I found on the school was two separate Facebook posts one saying I wanted to go in and explore this building but as I drove towards it I got such a bad feeling that I had to turn around in my car and leave I felt like I was being stared at the entire time and my lived across the street but one day I opened my window to find a little girl staring at me from one of the windows of the school the rest of the night though I was just too scared to sleep I ended up calling my friend over and we sat on the couch in my living room and watched Disney films to make us feel better that's in the days passing I couldn't help but feel like I just wasn't alone anymore I kept having super strange and vivid dreams and didn't feel comfortable sleeping in my own room any flash-forward a few weeks later the weekend was my friend's birthday so we'd all been drinking for the past two days in a air B&B yeah my liver loves me I know but one of my friends and I went back to my house to grab a few things and I decided to shower while we were there he was super tired and still a little bit intoxicated and I told him that he could lay down on the couch in my room and take a nap but I shouted after I'd shower didn't got addressed I walked back into my room and as long as I live I will never forget this moment my friend mind you was half drunk and half asleep looks up at me and says who's the guy in your closet it didn't really register to me at first so I laughed and replied but there's nobody in my closet he looked at me very seriously and said no there's a man standing in your closet he then woke up fully and explained that it was having a strange dream but then it clicked I felt that overwhelming sense of dread flow over me again and I think that I have brought something home in the end and I know that this sounds crazy but I ended up begging my mother to have a priest come over and bless our huh again very out of character for me because honestly I I don't believe in this stuff but after the blessing I can't explain it but I immediately felt comfortable and happy in my house again I think that there may be more of a mental thing for me I don't know that just being raised in a strict religious household made me do it but I'm definitely not religious in any aspects to be honest I'm still don't know what to make of this experience and I don't know why I reacted the way that I did I don't know what I believe anymore but I'm convinced that there was something watching over me that night that I went to the schoolhouse because I have a feeling that if I had actually went in things would have been a lot worse [Music] this was something that happened in my freshman year of college being new to a campus that I didn't have many friends on I began seeking out some cool people to hang out with is I had long breaks between my classes I quickly found myself spending time with a large group of girls from my math class we began spending time in the lounge area of my campus and made some friends through there too but to give an idea it was a relatively small campus with only a few buildings and the lounge area was quite a small room with some pool tables and seats at once so as the semester went on we began making it a regular old deal to more go to lunch or coffee at least once a week our lunch group quickly went from five people to nearly 20 friends started bringing acquaintances and our group grew but one kid named Spencer it was a friend's friend and joined us regularly for coffee or lunch one day word got back to me that he was into me and wanted to get my number I nicely told my friend that I just wasn't interested in that so I had a boyfriend ally I made me eight bits I thought that this would deter him is he came off as a I kind of a non-confrontational person one morning a group message was sent here by a friend named Trish who asked if we all wanted to meet up for a coffee and everyone for the most part agreed to meet I arrived about 10 minutes early and I'm used to being the first one there but Spencer arrived shortly after he he sat down next to me and I exchanged a friendly good morning and a smile and slowly the time passed and nobody else showed up we said awkwardly for about 15 minutes and finally he spoke up and said this is a surprise date and I planned it I think it's important to mention that I'm pretty hot-headed and I don't like being lied to and so I just got up from my chair gathered my things and my left with that I worked the next couple of weeks went by without a word from Spencer and I thought that maybe he had gotten the hint that's why I wasn't interested soon though he started showing up at the same time that I worked out at the school gym and I didn't think much of it because our schedules were pretty similar so like myself I just assumed that this was the only time that he had to work out soon though it went from him just being there at the same time to him actually following me around the gym whatever machine that I was using yeah he was always conveniently at the one right next to me lifting light weight and kind of just staring yeah I actually had some friends that worked at the front desk of that gym so I mentioned it to them and they said that they would take care of us if it got out of hand one day I was squatting at the gym and mid rep he walked up and pulled my headphone yards and proceeded to tell me my form was off and grabbed my wrist I wrecked the bar and I turned around angrily telling him don't touch me he apologized and proceeded to ask me out once again and I told him this I just wasn't interested in this I had a boyfriend anyways once again a couple of weeks went by and the only contact that I had with Spencer was sitting at the opposite end of the table during our lunch gatherings I thought at this point that's me had finally got the hint I mean why would any right but then one day at the gym I was walking down the hallway to the girls locker when he walked up behind me and put both hands on either side of the wall behind my head he said I know you feel the connection that I do why don't you let me take you out I quickly yelled for my friend Chris who worked at the gyms front desk now keep in mind Chris is very large from 6-3 and extremely fit whereas Spencer is five seven and well wasn't fit at all Chris quickly walked around the corner to see what was happening and came running down the hall yelling at Spencer and it was at this point it's it was then banned from the gym and not allowed back in it one night I get a text message from a random number stating that it's Spencer then he wanted to apologize for what happened at the gym I told him that's what he did wasn't okay and that's why I wasn't interested in him and I'd like for him to just leave me alone from now on he apologized again and again and I didn't hear anything else thinking that that was the last of it I blocked his number this time all was well until one day I came home from work to a bouquet of white lilies sitting on my door the thinking that they were from my grandma she does sweet stuff like this I got excited and picked them up and took them inside and then I read the letter it was unsigned and just said I loved watching you I frantically started calling and texting friends thinking that this was a sick joke as they knew about how creepy Spence had been but all I got was concerned dancers and honest knows from every single one of them I panicked and threw the flowers out and made sure to lock my door and later that night I got a text from a random number that said you didn't enjoy your flowers I saw you throw them away at this point I definitely had enough I called the number and the familiar voice of Spencer was on the other line and I just completely lost it quite literally yeah I didn't even let him get past his sickening hello before I just started screaming at him he then calmly stated that if I wanted to talk to him to come outside I looked out my window and there he was standing right in front of my house just smiling I called the cops and when they showed up they detained him and I got a restraining order placed on him after that the cops then contacted me a couple of days later to let me know that apparently he has more than one restraining order placed on him for the very same behavior 10 apparently including mine to be exact I had like classes the semester after this sent my called campus police to walk me to and from my car every night after this because I was truly terrified that he would show up again and try and do something thankfully shortly after that I moved about 300 miles away and luckily I've never seen him again well other than his every so often random Instagram follow requests this happened a good few years ago you know some context to is that I was in my early 20s single and living by myself most of my family lived about a four-hour drive away from me I was working for a small call center that provided among other things phone services for a 24 hour plumbing company so and they needed someone on the lines at all times my shift ran from 8 p.m. to whenever my boss showed up to pick up the line which was usually around 6 a.m. so I worked in a building that has several businesses of the same sort call center work mostly though will be the only one that had 24-hour services because of the budget cuts though I was always the only operator on my floor the only people in the building at night were myself and the security guy who came by to do his rounds twice a night now because the line had to be on 24/7 I was never allowed to disconnect while I was there I ran to and from the bathroom make meal sitting in front of the computer and every once in a while snuck a cigarette at the window with inside of the screen only the light above my computer was on and everything else was turned off when everyone went away around 10:00 p.m. or so and so I was left in this half darkness beneath the spotlight I desperately needed that job to support myself so despite the terrible conditions I've kept repeating that it wasn't that bad the things were usually quiet after 10 p.m. anyway I could use the extra hours on my paycheck and didn't need to get a second job this way I did a lot of reading and I even considered going back to school because if nothing else the night shift would afford me plenty of time to study so one night around 2:00 a.m. or so I got a call I introduced myself as I always do hello you're calling so-and-so and my name is Jill how may I help you the guy on the other side repeated my name and then just hung up working phone services on the night shift you get used to a lot of weird stuff so I just kind of shrugged it off and went back to my book but then he called again and asked if you were speaking to Jill and I said yes Rick the company name and last how I may help he hangs up and the third time around he asks if this is Jill on the phone and I asked to whom I'm speaking he hangs up again though and the next time he calls he's breathing hard on the phone and tells me that he wants me to talk to him and he's not going to hurt me at this point I drop down his number and I started hanging up whenever his call pops up which was the better part of an hour this went on for months as well and when he realized that I was hanging up every something that I saw the number he began calling from a restricted number meaning that I never knew if it was a legit call or not and ended up answering all the time this guy just keeps saying that he wants me to talk to him and that he's not going to hurt me and the one time I counted I hung up on this guy I have a 200 times in just one night every time that he would call I would say the company name and as soon as I heard him I hung up I obviously complained to my boss but she did nothing instead she just laughed the whole thing off because this guy obviously didn't know where I was and he was only a voice on the line and I was perfectly safe some time into this I started talking to co-workers and here's where it started to get really creepy he never called her my days off when someone else was covering my shift in fact at one point I changed my shifts with a co-worker to attend a wedding and he didn't call that day as time went by I was getting pretty spooked by the whole situation and the fact that my boss did 0 to try and stop this only made it worse my co-workers were sympathetic and told me that if my boss did nothing that I should file a complaint myself but I'm not sure that I could since this wasn't happening on my personal number none of them could really walk me home since I was the only operator in nightshift everyone else was gone by the time my boss arrived and I left the office I got a little paranoid because obviously this guy knew my schedule pretty well and even if I change shifts and whatnots again he would only call if he knew that I was on the line which meant that it had to be someone you could see me I started doing commute with my cellphone in hand at all times at this point with the emergency number dialed in sometimes I did the whole community on the phone with friends or relatives to keep me calm and and since it's illegal to carry pepper spray here at one point I'm considered walking around with a box cutter in my purse but that's how afraid I was now one day before my shift started I was at the entrance of the building smoking a cigarette before going up and I see the security guy come by same fellow who usually did the night shift this guy is huge I didn't really know him I never spoke much to him I only said good evening or good bye when I went by his desk and whenever he came to my floor to do his rounds I usually just kept him myself and I never really made small talk or anything just it greeted him out of politeness and he greeted back he asked for a light so I gave him my lighter and he told me that he'd been fired and he was going home and he went on to tell me that he always got the impression I was afraid of him since I was never friendly or welcoming those were his exact words and then he told me that he was never going to hurt me and just walked away and at this point I lost every drop of blood that I had in me I went inside to tell my boss the whole thing and discovered that the guy got fired for harassing women on other floors going as far as trying to corner someone in one of the elevators the complaints piled up and eventually he lost his job most of the time his shifts would match mine so he would see me come in at 8:00 p.m. and left before I did I asked my boss for that phone number again to come forward on this guy and asked a security company if that was his number and she told me that she threw it away when I told her the whole story she said that she found it cute and then she asked me if I was sure it was him because a voice in the phone is different and maybe you got it wrong now Quality Assurance told us time and again that's how every call was recorded so I demanded the recordings and that's when I found out that again because of budget cuts my nights the night shifts was never recorded so I had no evidence luckily once the guy was fired the call stopped I didn't work there for much longer after that and for that I'm thankful let me start by saying that this was over 10 to 12 years ago and I'm in my 20s now this happened to our family beginning in the house that I was brought home from the hospital to multiple other homes throughout the state and it finally stopped when we moved over 1,000 miles away so my family has always believed in the paranormal as growing up in Louisiana all of us had encounters around our time there but the most dark encounters started in the home that I was brought to after I was born my parents have always talked about this house and here's the house that they had the most activity in that they experienced as all of us kids were just too young to remember some things it actually started in my room as well the my older brother kept his toys in there like the red and yellow car that you push with your feet and it would move on its own just out of the room and down the hallway and and would then stop our oven would turn on to extremely high temperatures when a nanny was home and and she would report people just banging on the front door when she was right next to me but no one would be there obviously and when my mom would be alone at night when my father was at work she would get a creeped out feeling and looked up at one of the vents in a bedroom and a green light would be coming out of it this was honestly just the beginning of it all is we moved to another home in the same city not even a year or two later in the second house we had issues with our second floor smelling like rotten flesh and eggs in certain spots and it being a 20 degrees difference in other spots compared to not even a few feet down the hall it was a bit weird and this is the house that I began to remember things in is we stayed in this house for a few years the first memories I have of paranormal encounters were that I was in my room asleep and would wake up but not knowing the time and I would always feel as if someone was at the end of my bed and see a black figure just sitting there it never scared me and I was more curious than anything but the odd part about this is that I remember having white bunk beds with nothing else in the room but my mum swears that I never had bunk beds and that I had a small toddler bed with other things in the room anyway after we moved the art we found out that a teenager hung himself in what used to be the garage that was turned into a toolshed Mona's tore down the garage but kept the concrete slept from it the next house we moved to a few years later was where I experienced the darkest entities and to this day I'm honestly just terrified talking about it I was maybe five or six and I lived on the second floor of the house with all about one of my siblings my sister and I she had a room but she only spent one week in a month with us it all started with my older brother and I seen black figures he sold them outside his window at eye level with him again on the second floor and I began to see them sitting on a swing set and now it's a clarify him now swing set had our names engraved at the top of each swing so when I saw these black figures they were always sitting under my name on my swing and would be looking at me now I would also see them at the edge of our property next to the laneway and these figures were almost see-through but had black red eyes and I still remember it pretty vividly but the one event that will always have me and my mom convinced that it was a demonic entity was that one night my mom was reading in a bed on the first floor and my room is directly above hers it was in the middle of the night and she heard me screaming at the top of my lungs for her she ran upstairs and saw me standing in the middle of the bed screaming and crying and pointing to the floor and I remember looking at her and saying clear as day they here to get me mum they're all over the floor they're all around me she grabbed me from my bed and took me to her room and for the rest of the night she heard scratching and banging and footsteps from my room despite no one being up there things eventually calmed down when we moved to another part of the state we still had activity but none as bad as the last house my parents got help for the addictions that they had which I think that whatever this dark entity was had latched onto we eventually moved to the west and nothing has happened to a since my older brother and I are the only two kids of us who remember this and we both still have our hair on her arm stand up and our eyes water when we talk about these dark things and I know one thing for a fact I'll never be going back to that house again seventeen or so years ago I worked IT for the large local hospital in my city we also provided IT services to seven other smaller hospitals and towns across the whole of our country and the neighboring County too my job was to build install and fix computers and provide supports in person and via phone and email to our 6,000 users it was an incredibly stressful job made even worse because I was the only person on the IT staff who lived in the city where the main hospital was located so I was often on-call after business hours - when I began there I was straight out of university and very very young as I graduated high school much younger than most kids do I was also very shy and rather anxious but while I was unquestionably geeky and awkward I am autistic high-functioning autism so my social awareness and skills are rather poor and my fine social contacts of any sort intensely uncomfortable remember this as it has bearing on what happens I was still young and reasonably cute I would never have been called beautiful as my was plain and a little bit overweight but people called me cute I dress in loose baggy masculine clothing and don't wear any makeup at all despite being female is I have sensory problems that make fitted clothing in the oily feel and scent of cosmetics very hard to tolerate so yeah not exactly a runaway model or anything yeah no I was in my early twenties when this happened but my shyness and immature social skills made me seem more like a young teen than an adult I'm also asexual for someone who does not experience sexual attraction or sexual needs so I choose not today the hospital where I worked was going through some repairs and upgrades one of these being the replacement of the antique HVAC system in the main building in the hospital campus they brought in a major company to assess the hospital's needs and choose an appropriate system and install it this meant that one of the representatives from that company would be present at the hospital daily it was given an office beside the one belonging to the head of the hospital maintenance and I was directed to get him a computer and set him up on the network when I got to his office and began installing the computer things started getting weird pretty much immediately this was the first time that I'd met the man who I'll call Andrew here but for the sake of my own safety and privacy this guy was at least 20 years older than I was rather Reedy looking Judah being very tall and quite thin and very average in appearance your typical kind of forgettable middle aged man but he just would not take his eyes off of me but being autistic I'm naturally very uncomfortable with eye contact especially the prolonged sort and this men just openly was staring at me as I worked he introduced himself as Andrew and began asking me innocent work-related questions but they soon morphed into very personal enquiries that had nothing to do with work Mike asking where I lived whether I had a boyfriend or that sort of thing I told him that I lived in the same city as the hospital but not exactly where as I actually lived right across the road from the hospital and didn't want him knowing that my laudanum this I had a long-term boyfriend too many questions that be it in the direction of dating or romance got a curse uninviting bold-faced lie as an answer I was getting very uncomfortable at this point but I didn't react as I would now nowadays I would tell a guy asking that sort of questions that it was none of his damn business and inform him that he was being inappropriate and I wanted it to stop or I would complain to HR but back then I was very uncertain and petrified of confrontation and afraid to make any sort of complaint about anything so I just kept working I ended up having to sit down at his desk to install the correct software access and while I was seated he walked up behind me I thought he's just watching what I'm doing to access the programs that he needs but no he put his hands on my shoulders and began to massage them and I froze and stiffened up and he said you're stiff as a board as he kept kneading my shoulders all full of knots yeah well if I hadn't already been tense and bothered by his intrusive questions I most certainly was after he began touching me it is very common for autistic people to deeply dislike being touched so I tried to squirm out of his grasp or afraid to time to stop directly as we were in a rather secluded untraveled part of this hospitals basement and I was afraid to make a scene in anger here my hurried through getting everything done told him chuckle err help desk and if he needed any other help and practically ran out of his office you know I know I should have told AJ right there and then but I didn't it was creepy yeah but I didn't think HR would be any help it was so borderline I I thought I was just treading the edge of inappropriate I did tell my boss that Andrew made me uncomfortable but my boss forgot about it nearly immediately fast forward a couple of weeks and I was working in the medical image department installing some terminals in the CT scan suite and I was visible from the hallway and Andrew passed walking with two men from building maintenance and missing as he saw me he began loudly telling his companions that I was cute pretty sexy smarts all that sort of stuff laying it on thick he walked past again and again sadly praising me and saying that he wanted to date me every time that he went by the two men that he was with knew me a little bit and I could tell that they were bothered and embarrassed by this guy as inappropriate behavior but finally I finished up and I just ran back to the safety of my own department another week passed and I was heading home late and I was using the underground tunnel between the main building and the smaller one used for solely administrative offices it's a long tunnel passing below a busy road and my often took this route going home is the smaller building was very close to my apartment complex I heard someone call my name and turn to fire and Andrew hurrying to catch up to me it was after hours and the corridor was otherwise totally empty I didn't want him finding out that I lived right beside the hospital so I turned and I just ran hearing him call my name over and over again being younger I was faster and I managed to find a good hiding spot inside the administrative building without him knowing where I had gone I had hidden myself in a network hub closets behind the toll rack of networking equipment I had dr. door behind me thankfully is my heard him walking up that hallway trying the doorknobs have locked offices calling my name as he proceeded he jiggled the doorknob of the door of the hub closet as he went by and I just remained there silent and still long after I heard his last yell and after I was sure that he was gone I snuck out and I just raced home things calm down for a bit after that a few months went by without me having any contact with him though I still saw him around the halls of the hospital more often than I thought I should I vaguely wondered if he was trying to follow me that there was nothing conclusive enough to prove it's one way or the other but then came the scariest part so I was working in a part of the hospital that had been patient rooms but was being remade into offices I had to pull Network drops into these offices to allow computers to access the network I somehow lost track of time while I worked in the other people working there with me the pain isn't the men setting up the new desks they went home without me noticing and eventually I was completely alone when I happened to glance at my watch it was on my 6:30 in the evening I usually left at 5:30 so I packed up my tools and left the room where I'd been working I stepped out into the long hallway tired and thinking about what I would make for supper I hadn't gone very far when I heard footsteps approaching and looked up and there was Andrew hardly walking towards me I hoped that if I switched to the other side of the hallway that he'd rush on pastures he did seem to be hurrying but it was no such luck instead he veered straight over to me grabbed me hard by my biceps and forced me up against the wall he then he did to pin me there with his body while he groped me easily pushing away my hands as I punched and slapped trying to get him off of me but for a thin man he was surprisingly strong and he leaned down so that his face was close to mine and I thought in horror oh my goodness he's going to kiss me so I twisted my neck and turn my face is far from his field of breath as possible and instead he just growled into my ear normal girls like it when a guy wants them normal girls that guys date all the while I was yelling no but finally my brain got itself out of freeze mode and I became angry I shoved him hard and once I had enough space to make the move I need him hard in the groin and he doubled over wheezing and moaning I ran and looked myself into one of the rooms that I've been working in the doors were solid wood and the locks were strong so I knew I'd be safe despite him starting to pound and kick the door only one problem though I had no way to call for help I didn't carry the on-call phone during the day and didn't know my own mobile phone the back damn of our phones were not allowed inside the hospitals anyway and none of the rooms that were being renovated into officers had telephones installed yet I was completely trapped and my only way to call for help would be opening the window and yelling out meanwhile Andrew continued pounding and kicking the locked door screaming insults five minutes passed and then ten and he was still beating and battering the door slamming hard against it with his full weight I began to fear that I might be trapped there all night with him on the other side of the door trying to break in I don't know what finally made him give up maybe he heard someone approaching or something but suddenly the yelling and the banging at the door stopped completely and I was left in just breathless silence I remained listening to the door trying to detect the tell-tale rustle of clothing or squeak of a shoe that would tell me that it was still there waiting for me to open the door but there was nothing just sweet lovely safe silence so I slowly undid the lock then inched the door open and peered out and there was no one he was gone I knew that he might be hiding out of my view in a another office but I had to do something I couldn't just hold up in the office for the next fourteen or so hours knowing that it was a risk I I bolted for the stairwell and raced down to my departments I felt safe there as my workspace was in the code access controlled server room and only my co-workers and I knew the combination needed to get in only one person was still in the department the woman who handled the help desk calls and I began to cry and the second I saw her she frantically asked what was wrong which she held my hands as I told her what had just happened and she was the one who convinced me to report Andrew to HR I knew that H I would be empty at that hour so I sent an email than calling and then I just went home and became a little ball of tears worried anxiety and horrified nausea I called in sick the next day but the HR staff called me at home that afternoon and my reiterated all that I had already told them in my email how he had been kind of inappropriate from day one and how things had escalated so horribly the HR director asked me to come in and write out a formal complaint form and I did because Andrew didn't work directly for the hospital itself it was difficult for HR to handle this I guess they did contact the company he worked for but he wasn't fired or even transferred to some other client sides he was given a tiny slap on the wrist and told never to come near me or attempt to communicate with me in any way I still had to see the guy at work nearly every day and I felt very unsafe when my tasks took me away from my busy areas this added to the stress of my job and I began to suffer from stress related medical problems like migraines depression and anxiety I felt just very unsupported and I'm protected by HR - and about 18 months after that event I quit I was selling my old car as my I bought a new one and I posted it on a couple of selling sites and Facebook I arranged two visits that day and was home alone and it was broad daylight so I assumed that everything would be fine the first one came and made an offer a little lower than I was looking for so I said that I would get back to him later as I had another viewing the guy from Facebook pulled up in a blacked-out Range Rover and three other guys got out of it I opened the car and explained why I was selling the car and you know when you just get a bad feeling like I wasn't sure why four people would need to come to view an eight-year-old car well he asked if he could take the car for a drive and at this point I was not going to get into the car with him so I said yeah take it I'll wait here with your friends he asked me to get into the car and said what if he just took it and I said well it wouldn't matter that's what insurance is for right I was not getting in their car with him no matter what the three guys left and didn't speak to me just to themselves and I couldn't understand it but it made me feel very unsure if the car would actually come back the car was not worth putting up a fight for or arguing over and I was questioning my life choices when he pulled back up he got out and offered the same as the other guys earlier buying the car for his daughter he wanted me to get into the car with him to go and collect the cash and I said it was fine that his friends could take him if he needed to go but my had another viewing and I would contact him later I didn't want to walk back to my houses I had now decided to sell to the other guys they were just giving me the creeps he then offered more than honestly the car was worth if I went with him now and I said no and lock the car and started walking towards the main street as I had seen my neighbor walking down and shouted to him and his dog they spoke to each other and then they just drove off well it takes the other guy and told him that the car was his and he was welcome to come over anytime to get it it was all sorted and I filled out the v5 and off he went that night from my living room the like Range Rover came back in parked outside I live in a cul-de-sac so I'm set back to where we had been and I told my husband and he looked and said that's that was strange and then my phone started blowing up I politely said that the car had gone and that I was sorry but I couldn't help and the car drove off and came back again about thirty minutes later this happened about three times that night and it was just a bit strange but I didn't think anything more of it as the next few days nothing really happened on the Friday though four days later my finished work early and get back and get the dog ready to go out we were going to head straight to the park and run like the wind and as I got to the end of the cul-de-sac the same car pulled up and one of the guys jumped out and said hello I held the lead a little tighter and my dog was thoroughly unimpressed she gave a bit of a grumble and he asked if he could pet her and I said no that she's a guard dog and doesn't like to be touched and went to walk on but then he grabbed my arm and the dog latched on to his forearm cue his screaming and there was only one other guy with him in the car and he jumped out and started shouting this dog is the most Placid and loving dog that you've ever seen and to be honest it was a warning nippers if she had meant to really hurt him she would have gone through the bone his friend was shouting and pulling him away and I called her back and got it a sit and a few neighbors came out and they went towards the car and after that they just sped off out of there I haven't seen the car since then but I won't be selling anything online again that means that people have to come to my home to see to pay off the mortgage my family built two granny flats in our backyard and have been renting both out at first this concept was pretty terrifying if I'm being honest strangers living on our land it felt like a a blatant invasion of our privacy but fortunately the real estate agent and my dad both found some kind old men to live in either granny flats now we were familiar with one of the men as he was previously living in a neighborhood man would greet us if we walked past each other or engage in small talk but the only issue was that he's a non functional alcoholic but he's always been kind to me despite having some some horrible habits which often gets him in trouble resulting in my mom having to patch him up after a solid beating in him being disowned by his family my parents immigrants themselves tend to overlook his views and even lowered his rent out of pity we honestly thought that he was a good guy just a merely a victim of circumstance however the first red flag for me was when he coaxed me into coming into his granny flats under the ruse of finding his fun instead he locked the doors and proceeded to show me his stash of opioids and injectables and tried to engage in conversation about various medical issues since I have a medical background and he was previously a night nurse in order to escape I had to call my brother without the tenons and leave the call running so my brother could hear me asked let me outside and overhear the conversation being a victim of sexual abuse twice left me fairly shaken up and since then I have refused to engage with this tenant alone recently the final straw for my family came when we started noticing someone things inside of our house my dad found blood in his room and no one could explain it why would hear footsteps inside the house when I was alone during the day and simultaneously causing a little puppy to go into guard dog mode and mow me at two hours ago my mom was home from work unusual for her at this time and she suddenly hears the door open and someone step in and sit down on the couch from my mother's recollection she ducked inside the pantry and watched as our trustworthy tenants walk around our house avoided rooms that had noise emitting from it my brother is home due to injury watching TV and our dog is in there too however he did peek into my room while I was sleeping directly opposite the kitchen invisible to mom before sitting back down on the couch my mom soon confronted him kicked him out and regained composure from what she could only describe as an ear damn heart attack before going to his granny flat and the man had no recollection of entering her home 10 minutes ago the playing dumb with wine such as was I really in your house did I do that I don't remember doing anything wrong but what's evident is that this wasn't the first second or even third time back in 2012 when I got out of high school me my significant other at the time rented a trailer here in out town we moved in and got settled but I knew something was weird about the place from the beginning the trailer was just waste so hot even with the air conditioner on it would still be 90 degrees the back bedroom was painted this horrible blue color but you could see some sort of stain on the walls under the paint think about the square or daimond mirrors that are in trailers the stains were outlined under the paint now I was working at DQ at the time and was talking about where we had moved to and just talking about how strange the place was my lady that I worked with told me that that was the trailer that Annie got murdered in and everyone in town remembers the murder it was over some drugs and she had been the homecoming queen - an addict it was a big deal and anyways my my cousin came and spent the night that night and I told him what we had heard about the trailer he started provoking the spirit and saying things like come and get me then and the electric starts blinking and a moving box falls off the table at this point and after this night everything escalated quickly the next week we were laying in bed watching the devil's inside of all movies I know and it sounded like someone had just shot a gun right next to a head Udonis ly scared both of us half to death and my partner at the time got up to check the rest of the house and nothing had been touched or we're not we went to his parents for the evening for dinner and so honestly just get out of the house after that happened we came home around 12:00 a.m. and we got into bed and my partner fell asleep pretty quickly but Maya was just laying there and that was what I felt like something was watching me our bed was facing the hallway and I could feel something watching me from there I wasn't having sleep paralysis I I just laid down and whatever it was crawled onto the bed and straight on top of me I could feel its breath on my neck and it smelled terrible I was trying to wake up my partner but he was completely out and I was crying and I couldn't move it was holding my arms down and I finally got my partner awake and turned the light on and after that I didn't go to sleep the entire night another night too we had some friends over for pizza and halo and I was making the pizza and I had a stack of plates on the counter getting ready to serve when the whole stack of plates just completely levitated off the counter everyone saw it and everyone was in complete shock we ended up finally moving out after that about a week or so later it was the house I lived in as a kid we only stayed there for a year because each of us experienced something so as soon as we could we we moved out I've honestly been wanting to share my story for a while now but I've just never had the time so I'll start by sharing the creepiest ones that's my personally experienced so the first one happened on my tenth birthday party I had a few of my friends over for a slumber party and we had our sleeping bags on the floor of the living room the living room was the front of the house and behind our front porch when you walked into the house through the porch you get to the front door and ones in the doorway there was a staircase to the left a half bathroom directly in front and the living room connected to the dining room to the right the left of the dining room was the kitchen and it was behind the half bathroom so like I said we were having a slumber party and we were doing whatever was that 10 year old girls do at sleepovers when I just got a an uneasy feeling there were windows behind the couch that were directly looking onto the porch I remember not wanting to look anywhere near the windows I it was kind of sitting on the floor with my friends when in the corner of my eye I saw something bright on the stairs I didn't want to look but for whatever reason I did I logged in at the bottom of the staircase was a little boy he was pale black hair and had dark circles around his eyes he looks calm and he was just kind of watching this wasn't the first time that I saw him though I immediately turned my head and it was just frozen but while I'm sitting there terrified one of the girls starts yelling that there was someone on the porch but we booked it upstairs and we locked ourselves in my bedroom and just sat in a circle and listened as the girl told us that there was an odd woman on the porch each of us were rightfully scared half to death at this point and then the crash happened in the middle of there talking we he would send up like glass shattering again frozen some of the brave a girls who didn't believe us decided to go and investigate we followed and there was nothing absolutely nothing was broken but we all heard it it sounded like someone smashed the window in with a baseball bat well we ended up sleeping very closely tucked away in my tiny room that night and looking back on it I don't know why I never work at my parents during any of that so another time I was babysitting my younger sister at this time it was just me and my three sisters may just thirteen fifteen and two I was still 10 my older sister and I were home from school with a stomach bug my mom had to go and get my five-year-old sister from school and asked us to watch our youngest sister but we were sitting in the living room and she was eating some snacks and had a sippy cup of water the tops of the cup must have not been screwed on tight enough because when she knocked it over water spilled just everywhere my older sister went to the kitchen to get some napkins to clean it up but when she came back she handed me some of the napkins and we both started clean but we were on our hands and knees wiping up the water when we started to hear banging coming from the second floor we both paused looked at each other and we didn't say anything but we both had that look of you heard that too right we stayed silent and kept cleaning then again another bang at this point we stand up and my still silent just staring at the ceiling and then came the giggling we heard little kids upstairs laughing then the laughing turned to singing just little children singing and what sounded like a choir or something my sister scooped up the baby and we ran straight outside it was a clear day out that day and I remember once we got outside it started to rain we had no choice but to go back inside but we stayed on the front porch until my mum got home now but before we moved to the house I spent the first nine years of my life in a house that we were renting my childhood it was pretty much heaven absolute 1990s kid heaven I never had any real paranormal experiences in our first home but I did have some strange premonitions that came true about family tragedies after I started getting severe migraines which is actually what I'm feeling a bit now so I'm kind of nervous bringing this all up again but anyway and landlord was planning on selling her home so we had to act quick and find a new place I remember looking at a few homes and going to open houses with my family and I remember the open house for this one I stayed in the car I told my parents that it wasn't the right place and they went in anyway later that week we got the call that we got the house and my parents were excited to finally be homeowners but I was still apprehensive but also still kind of excited to have our own home after the year that we spent there they decided to take me to every open house afterwards to make sure the homes were clear in fact my dad still asks me to pick lottery numbers for him anyway we finally got ourselves moved in and it didn't take long to realize that things were just off the house was two-story the first of all was the kitchen dining room living room and half bathroom like I said the upstairs was a full bath and two bedrooms and we were a family of six at the time so my two younger sisters had the bedroom next to my parents room and the basement was converted to a bedroom for my older sister and I I never slept in there though oh I always shared a bed with my youngest sister in her room the basement just had its own creepy vibe as most basements do and that's where we saw the woman in the wedding dress the most I have to admit that my older sister was really brave to sleep down there by herself but the basement had this weird stage type thing in there it was right by the laundry room with the boy though and there was heaps of stuff in this area that was just one big step where we kept some storage it's a block off the clutter of my sister decorated it with some sort of hippy beads I think now there was one time my sister was laying in her bed doing some homework and my mom was in the laundry room doing laundry when they started to hear the beads clanking into each other my mom poked her head out to see what the sound was and when she saw them swaying she walked out and stood next to my sister just to watch what was happening they then began to shake even more violently like they're about to be yanked off the ceiling they ran upstairs and stayed away from the basement for a while after that and my mum was always scared to do the laundry after that - she said that she always felt like someone was watching her down there so she would sing to herself to stay calm I can't remember the timelines of all of these events they're all just kind of scattered in my brain so I'll start with the events in the basement in the bedroom so we went away on vacation for a few days and the house although it was nice it started together from a lot of problems one of them being mice we never saw one but what he is scratching so before we left my dad put mousetraps around the house there was a hole in the ceiling in the basement where my dad had placed one and when we got home he went around to collect and check the traps when he reached into the ceiling he found the trap was gone but found that something else was in its spot it was a a postcard dated from the 1930s and it was what you would imagine an old postcard to look like it was stained and worn and it was signed and dated with a name that we didn't know and we read wish you were here I wish we kept it and I wish I remembered more about this day but my dad got rid of it he didn't show it but I'm sure he was pretty creeped out as well and he never did find that mail strange no this one scares me the most even though I didn't see it my sister was in her bedroom when she saw this lace in the corner of her eye she looked up but didn't say anything and she kept doing whatever it was that she was doing and then she saw it again and again there was nothing when she looked but this went on for a few times when finally she looked up and she saw her an old woman with frizzy gray hair looking really disheveled and angry she had a white veil and a white lace wedding dress and the way my sister describes her was that she was standing with her arms at a science but it kind of stretched out they were by our sides but not touching her body and her hands were stretched out my sister said that she looked frozen and her face looks darkened as quick as she was there she was gone again my sister didn't spend much time in a room after that one and she was the only one who fully saw the rest of us would just see the lace pass us in our peripheral vision and so that's what I can remember of the basement at the moment and now I'm going to talk about the boy the first time that I saw him was in the upstairs bathroom I just finished up in the shower and was looking in the mirror and combing out my hair I know this is going to sound cliche but the mirrors that we had above the sink were cabinet split into four so one was slightly open which gave me more of a view of the bathroom and as I was brushing my hair I looked down for a second and back up and that's when I saw him for the first time I looked in the mirror and just saw him standing behind me on my left side he had the same expression on his face is the first story calm but his eyes look sad and there were dark his skin was pale but for some reason I remember him wearing a type of scaly cap but his hair was black and messy underneath it I of course screamed and Friends in my mum's room and it all lasted about five seconds the second time I saw him he didn't have the hat it was the time of the summer party and and we had this kind of banister type thing at the end of the stairs he was standing on the last step with his elbow rested on the banister and again he was just watching and he scared me bits made me feel sad too my older sister was the one who saw the nurse she walked into the living room and just saw a nurse casually sitting on her couch she was dressed in the traditional old-fashioned nurse dress and hat and everything and my little sister who was 5 was sitting in the kitchen with my parents as they cooked dinner I remember watching TV when I heard screaming coming from the kitchen and curiously I walked in and saw my parents trying to calm her down she said that someone was trying to hold a hand and she had her hands behind her back playing with the chair so my dad tried to convince her that it was just her own hand touching the other but she didn't buy it she's 24 now and still stands by what she felt and she said that she felt someone grab a hand another time at that same sister my mom was washing her hair in the kitchen sink the way my mum would do this is that she would lay a towel on the counter and she would lay on it and our heads would hang halfway into the sink so while she was getting a hair wash she was looking in a box of strawberries in the counter and she yelled for my mum to look and they both watched as the brand-new strawberries turned mouldy in a matter of one minute my youngest sister she was two almost three at the time she also used to scream and cry about the mean man my mom would always try to calm her down but it was never with much luck she would ask her what nin and where is the men and she would point to the stairs and hide her face away the way the stairs were designed was that they were mostly just straight down but towards the end they turn just a little she would always point to the corner of the stairs and it was always the fifth step and every time that we had company over someone would fall down those stairs once they reach the fifth step but we never really told anyone that our house was haunted because honestly who wants to tell people that but every person who came over and fell on those stairs said that it felt like someone pulled their legs down but they all felt the same way too and it even happened to me and my mom and one of my other sisters and yeah it did feel like that but one time my mom was alone and she was sitting on a bed when just out of nowhere a pillow was thrown at her face my parents are a teddy big it picked up off a shelf and carefully placed on the floor one time like gently just in the air same thing with the cheerio another time there was also a Furby that we had what kid in 2000 didn't have one right and the whole thing would just go crazy at random times saying things that Furbies didn't even say but we took the batteries out and tossed it in the basement and even then it ever stopped even with our batteries and eventually we just ended up throwing it out now when we were getting close to moving we had one neighbor tell us that way back in the 1940s or 50s that a nurse lived there with a son I always wondered if the little boy was there with his mom the nurse who was on the couch another neighbor came by once for a cookout and he had a bit too much to drink and went on to tell this crazy story about the whole block was notoriously haunted we never told anyone about any of our experiences and he didn't know at the time so that was strange at the end of all of this none of us ever really slept the loan we all slept in sleeping bags and our parents room with our parents and it was just an awful place I still can't drive down that street without getting a sick feeling and when I do see the house there's almost always a for sale sign on the law I developed awful OCD while living there too because I was scared that my loved ones would get hurt my dad was so normal back then but after all of that he he changed I don't know if something happened that he doesn't want to tell us about but he's finally just now coming back around now next house was wonderful but then a couple of years in some scary things started happening there - some people have mentioned that since my family is sensitive to these things that we could be like a a magnet or something but that's for a whole nother post I'm really sorry about the length of this and how messy it is but like I said I I can't remember everything in order and if I remember any more on make sure to share it with you anyway and thanks for listening and any feedback or interest is much appreciated so last night my friends my crush and I agreed to meet at my favorite bar after work I was a bit early since I got to leave work thirty minutes early so I went inside in order to beer for myself now there was a huge muscular guy with a long ponytail sitting at the bar and the seat next to him was empty he offered me to sit down so I did but we made small talk and he seemed nice enough just asked me why I'm all alone and he kept talking about how I look so uneasy and nervous and that I should relax it was weird but he had an almost empty bottle of vodka in front of him so I really didn't think anything of it my friends finally arrived just as I finished my first beer and we went to sit at a table I had three more bottles of beer and we were having a great time and whenever I went to the toilet that guy from the bar was there asking me if I was okay and that was pretty strange but at the time I I felt just a little bit tipsy and everything was okay at some point though I I started to feel sick so I went outside to have a cigarette and get some cold air and the guy followed me outside and last if I was okay I was starting to get weirded out by that at this point the bar was super full but he really seemed to watch me all night I went back inside ordered a glass of water and told my friends that I wasn't feeling well and would be going home they all offered to bring me home which I'm so darn grateful for looking back I took a sip of water and then it all just hit me I ran outside it threw up and I could barely stand up all of a sudden so I sat down on a staircase and kept throwing up my friends found me a few minutes later and kept arguing about whether they should take me to a taxi or carry me home and then the guy from the bar showed up he kept saying that he lives just down the street and that so I could sleep on his couch my coworker who is basically like an older brother to me got really pissed by this and told the guy to air for they forced me to stand up which was almost impossible at that point and somehow dragged me to my friend's place where I went to sleep hugging a bucket and feeling like I was to die any second this morning I wasn't able to stand up for hours and when I did it resulted in instant vomiting it was 1:00 p.m. when I finally managed to go to the train station get something to eat and drink and head home I'm still shaking and sweating and everything still looks blurry for me I've never felt like this and I went to get a test done because of it all and it came back positive for ketamine so my July 2017 for teens went missing in New Hope PA I worked the overnight shift at Wawa ER in that area and from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. we get all times the normal obnoxious drunks cops and the occasional construction worker or gardener in there for morning coffee and just everyone so when yet another customer came in covered in dirt I figured he was just a hard-working man and a blue-collar job he had been in before so we made small talk and he went on his way and that was Friday but I didn't see him on Saturday but then on Sunday he was in again he got food and a drink and after the normal hi how are you he just went on his way again Monday comes and I'm working like normal win a few cops come in for coffee and you can tell that something's wrong we got a lead on those missing teens they said solemnly well we're searching a farm down the road and at this point all of our hearts sank it had been days since they went missing so we were slowly losing hope but this confirmed our worst suspicions the cops were out there all night stopping in occasionally to update us whether or not they were actually supposed to I'm not too sure but they brought in dogs and eventually they they found them twelve feet down and covered in concrete and it was bad at the scene they could only identify two of the teens based on their clothing but and there were enough bones to imply that all four were down there and everyone was just completely devastated then the cops asked for our security tapes and why we asked confused but we haven't had any suspicious people around but it was then that they revealed that the killer a guy named Cosmo DiNardo had in fact been in our store Friday night and again on Sunday his cousin actually helped him kill but he wasn't in the store and the dirt-covered men he was that guy I was obviously flawed and when I left work I looked up a picture of the man that they arrested and it was him men apparently he he was covered in dirt because he had just buried the bodies and I had made small talk and wished him a good day this happened a long time ago when I was 12 in in my grandparents village we had a cow and an ox usually the son of a bull usually just one so called the cattle to graze and at the night we would just take them back yeah generally nowhere to go and going home my grandpa had a Maalox and since my father wasn't at Oulton and he wasn't there I I usually took the responsibility piece basically my job was to go around the village with the ox trailing after me calling the people to open their doors now ox would grant to call the herd and all the females would come out and from then on I had to take them up to a clearing up on the mountain and then later take them to the river it was pretty easy to be honest the animals already knew where they were going they were calm and now bull was honestly a gentle giant and so all I did was ride him and have a thin rope on his horns if any of the females wanted off then all I did was call or in rare occasions poke her with a dull stick in the right direction my grandpa said that if I see a wolf which was very rare a boar or a fox that I should stay on the Ox no many animals dare go near an Oxford you know there's a dark part of the forest where it's very quiet and even the bravest hunters weren't going notebook is of anything sinister but because it's just very slippery and dangerous they said that he even the deer and the board then I'll go down there I was forbidden to go there and honestly I never wanted to anyway so it was an early morning and everything seemed fine I was on the ox going up the mountain I was glad that he left me because it was a hot trek up and I saw that one of the females was wandering off I followed her and left our ox and the dogs to guide to herd and she went into the forest I ran to her and got on to tying the rope on her horns and I tried steering her away but she continued and she went into the dark part in stalks I didn't want to go off in case she ran back and left me there and that's when I I heard a crunch in turned and there was a really old man walking towards us he looked frail with dirty clothes and a long beard and I was scared so I laid on the Ox clinging to her not wanting to fall if she ran oxen aren't like bulls and they don't jump and kick when scared they either attack with their horns and trample or they just bolt and so I was ready to hold on no matter what she chose now oxen don't take kindly to strangers and before I took them out I had to go to every house and have the Ox owner introduced me to the animal but that way they saw that their owner trust me and they heard leader or ox trust me as well I knew that she was going to either attack or bolt but it surprised me when she just kind of stood there the stranger came up to us and petted her on the head whispering something that's I didn't understand he looked at me and his eyes were completely white and then he turned around and left and he just kind of disappeared in the trees suddenly the female grunted as if she'd just woken up now male does that noise every morning and bolted the way that we came from we found the herd and I quickly got in our ox and yelled water and he knew that command and went down towards the river and there were houses there and it was closer than home I barged in one of the houses and tried to explain and the couple there stayed with me and sent their daughter to call my grandpa I couldn't sleep for days because I just kept remembering those wide eyes and my grandparents didn't let me out of the house for gardening or anything and I wasn't allowed any trace for quite some time later I learned that apparently they were protecting me from a Lesnick which allegedly is a forest Spirit which can take the form of a man and now or a wolf it hates when people go into its part of the woods and it can actually kidnap you I later learned as well that the ox which took me there had fallen ill and apparently died this Lesnick thing apparently sometimes stays in the trees is now looking for an offender and for years when I went to my grandparents they wouldn't let me be alone and not just outside but inside - and after that creepy experience I'm never going into those woods again my fiance and I threw a dinner party one time to celebrate his mom completing chemo I hired a caterer but we were expecting 25 friends and family so it was more than the kitchenette of a single-story ranch house could handle but we'd also only just moved in so didn't have a lot of cooking stables the caterer said that he'd bring everything 75 percent done but he needed to finish off some dishes in our kitchen I told him that that was fun as long as he was finished by 5:00 because the kitchen is centrally located and we'd prefer everyone be finished before the guests arrived due to the intimate nature of the occasion and all that and he said that that would be fine so he arrives a scheduled at 12 p.m. we gave him until 5:00 and the guests aren't even arriving until 6:00 so it's plenty of time and he smelled like actual dog crap but his accent Santa - European so I thought that maybe he just didn't believe in deodorant or something it was more than a sweat smell though it smelled like a a son big diaper if I'm being honest and that made me uneasy because it was going to be preparing food for the sick and young children but I just made sure that he washed his hands and then I left him to his own devices worrying that I was just being presumptuous throughout the entire process he keeps pulling me aside to ask me questions have me tastings and whatnot I was super busy because my husband had to work during the day and pick up the surprise guests right after so setting up the deck decorating putting together the slideshow equipment coordinating the surprise guests we flew in her sister and I had to make sure that she got an uber at the airport and her hotel had worked out and all that and just a million other little details so every ten minutes being asked things like do you prefer this with prop Rica or without with this is fine whatever you think taste it to be sure was getting hold pretty fast when he was still there at five forty five after two gentle reminders my flat out told him that I needed him completely out by six no matter what he apologized and said that there had been a delay because our oven wouldn't stay up to temperature I'd never had a problem with our oven but I figured he's the professional maybe it was a subtle problem that so I'd never noticed a little before six rolls around a few of our friends start trickling in I decided to tell him that whatever is done is done and whatever isn't that he should just put it in the fridge but he's nowhere to be found I go out on the deck to ask my friends if they'd seen him and he's out there alcohol beverage in hand out of his chef whites and now when a teen jeans just mingling with my friends I walked out just in time for him to introduce himself to my cousin-in-law as a a good friend of mine and no that was too weird for me I met him in person for the first time just barely six hours ago and I told him then this he needed to leave and now he goes inside and gets his bag and makes a beeline for my bedroom I'm taking her back and I say excuse me where are you going and he says to change so first of all we have a guest bathroom clearly visible second why can't he wear a t-shirt and jeans higher I tell him that I'm not comfortable with him going into my room that he insists that it'll only be a second and goes in and shuts and locks the door I couldn't even get a word out before he went in I just felt helpless I was going inside to ask one of my friends to help me assure him out but at that point my fiance got there with my aunt and I had to explain the situation to him nearly in tears at that point and he was like what he went into your bedroom why so he pounded on the door and the caterer came out and still in a t-shirt and jeans and my fiancee said you shouldn't be in there you need to leave and the caterer said excuse me but this is not your house it's not up to you to decide and my 6-4 260 pound for USA tells him yes actually it is his house and puts a hand on his back and guides him to the door the caterer says I thought that she lived here and he says yes my fiancee lives here with me and the caterer goes nuts he turns to me and screams you lied to me I have no clue what he's talking about but he starts yelling about how I led him on and starts calling me every name under the Sun and I don't know who he thought that the man in the pictures with me around the house was but my fiancee says oh no you won't talk that way in this house find the door now and the caterer goes into the kitchen and starts throwing the trays of food out of the refrigerator and on the floor at that point my fiancee realize that two of his brothers both currently offensive lineman at the college level had come in and were on the deck he signaled them and they came inside and he basically said that this guy is harassing my woman since they're a family of all boys and my fiancee is the first to get married and they don't get to flex their protective muscles too often then they jumped at the chance to toss this guy out and then the party went on as planned but I insisted we just ordered pizza and throw out all the food that he made just in case you know my fiance and friends kept saying isn't that a bit much but I was insistent but we went out late drinking with his brothers and got home at around 3:30 a.m. and my passed out in our room no had around 5:00 a.m. I was woken up to the sound of the door opening I figured that either he forgot to lock the door in our drunken stew / and it blow open or one of his family forgot their keys or something in the house and didn't want to wake us up his parents and his local brother have a key but his parents never ever I mean ever let themselves in when they know that we're home and his brother and had even more than we did and it was definitely not awakened driving around at 5:00 a.m. it wasn't nearly windy enough for the door to a blown open - it had been tranquil all night so I wake up my fiance and whisper someone just came in the house and he said the same thing probably my brother left his wallet or something I figured that I was just being paranoid and I tried to put it to rest when I hear a loud crash sound and with that my fiance was up and on his feet in one movement he told me to lock myself in the closet and coalmine one one while he went and looked around as I was pulling out my phone we hear in that distinct accent hello and I realized that it's just this insane caterer I'm not worried about this caterer physically overpowering my fiance or even me for that matter so I just charged right out there the caterer is shirtless and clearly on something and he's taking the pictures that are just of me off the wall and holding several in his arms already he lunges towards me when he sees me and my fiance gets between me and him and I call mine one one my fiance tells him that the cops have been cold and it's in his best interest to get off the property caterer says no I have to make sure that she is okay and I say what why wouldn't I be okay and my fiance rightfully says not to engage with him and feed into it my fiance stays between me and him while I climb out a window he watches as the caterer throws photos of us on the floor fiance didn't want to subdue or touch him in any way so caterer couldn't make an assault claim and he's begun to destroy our kitchen at this point and when the cops come in he is a butcher knife no my fiance considered going for the gun safe when he first got the knife since we live in a stand-your-ground state but he decided the situation was hectic enough without introducing a firearm caterer doesn't obey the police orders to drop his weapon and he says that he isn't leaving without me so they tased him it's honestly lucky for him that he only got tased and he didn't antagonize my husband into just squashing him as he's let out in cuffs he's shouting how he and I are in love and it figures how I I chose a macho thug over a sweet sensitive artist like him and all women are [ __ ] and just etc etc he continues on this tirade the entire time the police are reading him his rights as well the police asked us to do an inventory of the house and see if anything's missing or damaged besides what we witnessed him do and we go around and there's nothing but then I remember that he was in our room yesterday and I go through the room and all my panties from the dirty laundry hamper they were gone and some toys were gone if you catch my drift - we were so freaked out in the aftermath that we replaced all about kitchenware toothbrushes and sent our sheets to be professionally cleaned and had a cleaning crew - a clean on the whole house and honestly I'm so glad that we decided not to serve the food to our guests and my fiance's medically fragile mother he also sent me a letter from prison that thankfully my husband intercepted because I was still recovering from the whole thing and we gave it to the police who helped us to get issued a no-contact order and he was sentenced to three years in prison five years ago so he's out by now but thankfully we haven't seen [Music] my visited my boyfriend's house for the first time recently and it looked like an older double-wide trailer two bedroom and Southern California as we laid down for the evening I noticed the closet was wide open and I just felt a a chill and just really bad energy from that closets the bed was close by as I asked him to close the closet ASAP and at my request my boyfriend froze and became tense and really seriously looks at me and says if I close the closets they'll get mad I asked who will get mad I'm feeling really confused and creeped out by his reaction he looks down and looks lost as the answers and says I don't know weird things happen when I closed the closets we have to leave it open so I begin to think that he's just full of it and just being in us and trying to scare me I tried to get him to stop joking and admit that he's lying but he stays super serious and I even start to believe that he's crazy for mentioning that we can't close the closet because someone invisible will get mad I try to argue and insist but he ends up just acting dismissive and insists on keeping the closet open so after an hour we both settle down and my boyfriend falls asleep the light is off and I stare into the void of the open closet and feel really on edge now that he had said that something would get mad if I closed the closets I felt like something was watching me but I must admit that it felt real I get up and my clothes the clothes at nearly all the way bits I don't shut it and after that I was able to somehow fall into a peaceful sleep suddenly though around 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. I'm startled from a peaceful sleep to hear whispering it felt like I'd heard the whispers in my dream at first maybe sleep paralysis I'm not too sure but I felt bombarded as if a lot of energy of voices are reaching out to me it sounded like 2 to 4 different male voices are speaking from within the closet in a strange kind of flowy language yeah choking loudly as if they want to wake us up and the voice is a kind of raspy I fully wake up after realizing that's I can definitely hear something from the closet and at that point the voices stop as soon as I wake up but I can feel something watching me I know at this point that it wasn't a dream as well and my boyfriend is sound asleep next to me as I sit up and I stare into the darkness of the room and the closet is all the way hope even though it was definitely nearly closed before I remember closing it at this point I began to have panic attacks 'as tried to lay silent and go back to sleep but then I I felt like there was something in the room with us I got up and I went to play the game boy in the kitchen in the other room because I was just too scared to stay there the thirty minutes later my boyfriend gets up and finds me in the kitchen I admit to him that whatever that was it was mad that I closed the closet and that he wasn't crazy and he later told me that when he closed the closets he would begin to hear scratches against the wood of the door or even banging so this is a story about the underground tunnels in my town that's me and my friends used to visit when we were kids we'd heard stories about these tunnels so we wanted to check them out for ourselves when we were kids we began visiting these old underground tunnels that were built during World War one for the military the tunnels were small and only one person who could go in a line and you couldn't go by someone's side because there was just no light and it was too tired so and we needed to carry our own flashlights and walk very carefully it was really hard to coordinate inside these tunnels as well so we used to carry chalk so that we could mark the direction that we were coming from and didn't get lost the first two to three times that we went there everything was pretty good but we never went deep inside the tunnels only like maybe a hundred meters or so one day we wanted to go deeper inside so we made a plan and we went inside my friend Mark was first in line and then my other friend Alexander and then me and the rest of the gang behind me the guy that was last in the line was marking our path and making sure that we didn't get lost but soon enough we did get lost we started panicking and we were inside the tunnels for three hours and the strange thing is that it seemed like someone was erasing our marks on the wall we needed an escape plan so we just continued walking in the direction that we thought was the way we came in and after about 15 minutes of walking I noticed the most disgusting smell that I've ever experienced in my life and I didn't notice it when we went in so I knew that we were going in the wrong direction I told my friend Mark that this seemed strange and that we needed to turn back around and go back the way we came he hesitated but eventually agreed with me so we went back and then we started hearing noises and we were pretty scared at this point him everybody was hearing scratches in the wall and footsteps but one of our friends said that he saw someone behind us but I think he was just paranoid in that his mind was just playing tricks on him eventually we came to the part of the tunnels that we were familiar with but we couldn't find any of our marks about one and a half more hours in the tunnels and we finally found the exit and went out now that next week I was with my parents in her living room watching news on the TV when I heard that the local cemetery sunk in the ground because of some of the underground tunnels breaking and then it hit me the smell that I'd noticed while we were down there was because we were under the cemetery I still can't really explain how our marks managed to disappear from the walls but I can assure you that there was no one in the tunnels except us and after that experience I started to believe in all the stories that I'd heard about the tunnels and I swore that I would never go near those tunnels ever again so I met this sick and twisted man online when I was 18 and ended up dating he was jealous controlling vindictive abusive in every possible way and was filled with sadistic tendencies and rage so I tried to leave Oscar many many times I wasn't happy in fact I was in a constant state of panic and was absolutely miserable and the relationships that had lasted just a year major attempt to leave him was met with threats to hurt me and my family were physically dragging me back sexually assaulting and purposely trying to impregnate me threatening to end his life or constant stalking and harassment until I just surrendered but finally I'd had enough and I decided I wasn't going to go back no matter what he did he called my job non-stop and got me in major trouble and did the same at my house prompting me to unplug the phone line he texted me to say that he promised that he was going to end himself if I didn't go back to him and instead of caving in I called his mum at work and told her she got a hold of him and said that I must have misunderstood because he was clearly fine I felt that I'd done all I could and I told him that I'd call the police next time he said something like that to have them check on him the next day I got a call on my cell from Oscar and I rejected it he called again and I rejected it again and then I heard the lad exhaust on his car outside well I looked down at my phone and I'm sorry I'm calling again I let it go to voicemail while I picked through the blinds to check if I had truly heard his car and as I'd started to fall sit here at sometimes that of just paranoia but this time he was indeed at the front of my house my phone started ringing again and wanting him to start by answered it and he told me to come outside I said I don't want to see you and he said just come outside for a few minutes please making a huge effort to sound Pleasant I asked I told you to stop calling me and show up at my house why can't you respect my wishes knowing that the question wouldn't be addressed he said I just felt bad about how everything went down and wanted to give you something that I made for you before you broke up with me just come out for a few minutes so I can apologize and then I'll go away and you never hear from me again I don't know about this I don't trust you I told him looking at him sitting in his car through the living-room window I promise he said kind of convincingly I drove all the way here to give you what I made and I just have a proper goodbye in hindsight I should have called BS on all of that immediately but I was young and still way too control but I need to not hurt other people's feelings I felt bad that he drew and the 40 minutes to my house with something that he'd made for me for me to just refuse to come out so I stated firmly fine but only for a few minutes and you promise that you're not going to try and beg for me back he promised and I went outside and I opened the passenger side door and sat down on the seat leaving the door wide open he commented that I must think that he's going to kidnap me I'm trying to pass it all off like a joke and I told him that I just wanted the legroom he had a bouquet of flowers and some cases of DVDs that he burned for me or for the seasons of my favorite TV shows but we talked for a minute when my cell phone rang in I shouldn't have picked it up knowing that it was a guy from my job but I was an idiot my answer didn't I talked to the guy for less than 30 seconds and Oscar could hear that it was a man's voice and I could instantly tell when I saw his head snap to attention in my peripheral vision and when I hung up my Oscar looked at me with fury in his eyes and asked me some questions about the caller that I can't even recall now before I could reply to whatever Yost he had slammed on the accelerator and was now flying down the street with my door still open I instinctively pulled my legs into the vehicle and started screaming for him to stop he didn't even seem to be hearing me though and I tried to jump out when he slowed down at the intersections and seeing this he grabbed my clothes with his hand to hold me in and started making sharp left turns through the neighborhood to force my daughter swing shut once that was accomplished I tried to open the door again and he kept hitting the automatic locks to stop me and was consistently increasing his speed to ensure any leap from the car would be dangerous and by now it was dark outside he was speeding through my town double the speed limits and I was hoping a police officer would see this and start tailing him and pull him over but apparently he'd gone unseen he reached the freeway and I started really panicking and he would be able to go even faster here and fast tracked me to wherever he planned to take me it took maybe only three minutes to get to the freeway at the speed that he was going all of which I spent trying to get out of the vehicle once he was on the freeway he was going over a hundred miles per hour and I kept looking at the speedometer and it was dark outside and that much was too fast to jump from a moving car on the freeway especially with other cars driving at high speeds and unable to see me I still had my phone so I tried to dial nine-one-one and my press the numbers with my hand shoved down on the side of my seat by my window away from Oscar but he saw what I was doing and started swerving all over the road while trying to grab my phone I still don't really know how he managed to get it away from me because every ounce of my being was trying to hold on to it but he took it rolled down his window and threw it straight out rolling his window back up he flatly stated if I can't have you then no one will and that sentence made my heart sink I felt like I was in a Lifetime movie and Oscar was possessed by his need to possess me and I was just trapped and this was when the grim reality started to really set here he was out of control and I was out of options I started screaming for help and pounding on the windows but Oscar had the tint on those windows so dark that I probably wouldn't have been seen even if it wasn't dark outside I watched as the people in each car be passed remain just blissfully unaware of the chaos going on in this car that I was kidnapped in and I was feeling very defeated but was running through all the possibilities of how this could go over and over in my mind trying to figure out how to survive I decided to stop fighting and just acted afraid because the only way I saw myself making it out of this was by feeding into Oscars delusional state I had no other weapons or means of escape at my disposal so I decided on psychological warfare Oscar had this friend named your say that he couldn't exceedingly close to over the course of our relationship and after a time it was revealed to me in confidence that he had fled from Puerto Rico supposedly on the run for murder I saw Oscar was taken the necessary freeway interchanges to get to his place and I knew that even if his friend hadn't really been wanted for murder that he was the type of guy who would do anything for Oscar without moral restriction he and I got along okay but I knew he had no loyalty to me whatsoever he was nice to me as long as I was an extension of Oscar and so I had to act quickly I proceeded to tell Oscar that I loved him and wished that we could be together but I didn't see how it could ever work when things like what he was doing right now prove that he never cared about what I wanted I had necessarily cited that as a reason for wanting out of the relationship before is it was much more complex than that but I was hoping that it would be enough to offer him hope in this state of desperation I told him that I'd been considering giving him another chance when I saw the flowers and the DVDs but now that he was refusing to take me home when I asked him to I was starting to second-guess things Oscar got off the freeway on your Z's exit and I started trying to formulate a plan for when the car starts I know that he had neighbors close by and decided I was going to run as fast as I could and scream at the top of my lungs I was trying to keep Oscars mind preoccupied in the meantime though so that he wouldn't think to call his friend and give him the heads-up now they usually spoke to each other in Spanish so I would have no idea what was even said Oscar told me that he didn't care about what I wanted and asked if he still had a chance with me if he turned around right now and in an effort not to expose myself with an overly enthusiastic reply I hesitated a bit and said that I thought that we could probably work it out and that this would be a good place to start and Oscar looped around and got back on the freeway headed in the opposite direction back toward my house the rest of the ride was tense because Oscar was normally really perceptive and I didn't want to reveal myself and end up back in the line of fire I can't recall what was said on the commute back but I opted to talk about regular everyday things that I'd normally say to him in casual conversation when we got back to my house and he let me open my door and didn't stop me from leaving I could finally breathe again I got out taking the flowers and the DVDs with me and waved to him before walking into my house and I walked straight to the garbage bin and just threw it all straight in the trash and then collapsed on my couch shaking violently but ultimately really grateful to have just made it huh the next day I went to the police station and my filed a restraining order against him and within a few years he would be jailed for other appalling crimes and sentenced to 60 years until I found that out I am I never truly felt sick that he is definitely where he belongs so I was 12 at the time and I've grown really long nails and they're also filed into a shop is Shay since I didn't know how to ride a bike yet I decided to go to the field with my brother it was around 10:00 at the time he brought his black and I started to learn how to ride a bike onto a a secluded ish path to the left of the field entrance about 10 minutes after arriving a man goes into the field which I thought was odd because he didn't have a dog or anyone with him but I just continued riding my bike and skipping all the boring stuff but when I started walking back down the alleyway it was getting dark my brother decides to back away from me and I was fine with this because he'll meet me at the end of the alleyway but it was then that's why he footsteps behind me and the same man you guessed it he's walking the same direction I carry on walking a little creeped out when suddenly this creep gets me into a headlock and covers my mouth I was kicking in trying to scream and then I'd literally clawed at his hands as hard as I could and he screams in pain and my nails are bloody as hell and I just run away I told my parents and we called the police but sadly he was never caught if I hadn't have gotten away that day then I'm pretty sure that I would have been like so many other girls where it's written go goes blacking with her brother walks home brother goes a bit ahead and girl was just never seen again no witnesses and absolutely no trace field when I was a child my Friday nights were spent in a program called celebrate recovery cr4 shortlists this program was for recovering addicts and child care was provided my mom was the ringleader of the group while my dad attended as a an alcoholic and drug user this being said my whole life have been surrounded by people who have questionable paths and have always been taught to love every single one of them you know this is really good but this one time it bit me in the butt for sure so I was six or seven and I knew everyone had see her and everyone knew me an hour before the program started people would come early bring food and as a messed-up family we would eat together when a new person came I would always introduce myself and made sure that they knew that they were wanted there now I didn't know this one guy though who would definitely take it too far this one night there was a new person and my rent up to introduce myself like I did all the time he told me his name is Bob and this began a very suspicious friendship from that week on Bob would bring stuffed animals for the other kids in me but would leave the biggest one for me he would also bring candy for us and I actually found out years later that it was dipped in gasoline this went on for weeks and Bob gained my freely given trust my parents were suspicious of Bob naturally and caution six-year-old me to be careful around my new best friend one Friday night Bob came to see our telling me that he had a surprise for me in the backseat of his car and for me to follow him stupidly I followed him and once we reached the car Bob told me that he had a bad back and if I wanted my surprise that I would need to climb into his car to get it right before I was about to reach into his car my mum my hero was walking out of her office and saw the interaction and screamed this guy's full named and to get your butt over here right now scared to get in trouble when I ran to my mom and walked back to dinner with her apparently after that incident my mum found out that Bob would go to the large gatherings but would not attend the breakout sessions instead he would - childcare and the workers didn't think that this was a red flag but when my mum found this out she went to the church and hired security and the officers told Bob that he was no longer allowed to come to CR and posted offices outside childcare but sadly this did not stop Bob he would come to Saturday night services at our church and would give the kids the gas covered candy and stuffed animals and even attended to come back to the child kit multiple times one night my friends and I were playing and when I looked up there Bob was just staring directly at me I'd been told by my mom at this point that if he was to show up to go to miss Jamie the childcare worker and I did just that and even went as far as hiding in a corner until I was told that he was gone 13 years later and I'm still thinking my mum for being super vigilant and stopping me from being kidnapped and worse g'day mates it's be Buster here I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you would like to help me out then please go ahead and watch another video by clicking on a card on the screen as always guys thanks for all the love and support and I'll see you mates in the next one
Channel: Be. Busta
Views: 1,015,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary stories, true scary stories, be busta, true horror stories, scary horror stories, scary horror story, true scary horror stories, scary storytime, scary stories to tell in the dark, scary true stories, scary story, true scary stories reddit, scary true stories reddit, true stories, horror stories, ghost stories, ghost story, scary, horror, stories, r/, r/letsnotmeet, r/horror, r/horrorstories, r/reddit, chilling horror stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 7sec (12427 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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