4 TRUE Online Dating HORROR Stories | OkCupid, Tinder and Grindr Stories

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hello this is bad vibes I'm back I've been sick the last two weeks but I'm about 85% so here we go today's stories is why dating sites may not be as good of an idea as you may think be safe out there sit back relax and enjoy I wasn't really actively looking but pop on OkCupid every few weeks or so to see if anything interesting was in my inbox being female I had a very active inbox I noticed an email from an interesting fairly local guy the email was all right asking about polyamory which I don't mind talking about if the person that is asking is sincerely interested and respectful we got to chatting eyes ear o romantic sexual interest but thought this could be a friendship after a few months of chatting he found me on Facebook asked if it was okay to send me a request and I agreed we've been chatting getting along well and he seemed like a nice person a little weird but that's okay because I'm a little weird myself we continue to chat here and there for the next two years send birthday greetings and just a casual friendship then he started to ask me several times to me and hang out etc I could say today but that time I was running my own business and working about 70 hours a week plus maintaining my home and raising my child and trying to balance two partners and an extremely needy demanding workaholic client who had no boundaries 11:00 p.m. phone calls occurred without a note of hesitation or remorse so the meet up never occurred but we kept in touch online late last year a new story broke about a man and his girlfriend raping and murdering her young teenage daughter I never connected the name tell Frank contacted me and said oh I see you're friends with did you see him on the news the new story uses full legal name not as a nickname think Richard first dick which is why I never connected the two it was him my attend online friend of two years had beaten raped strangled and just membered his girlfriend's teen daughter with the help of his girlfriend he's made several statements since then saying that he's always had a murder rape fantasy and that it wasn't fun murdering her as he apparently thought it would be it still sends chills down my spine I dodged a bullet big time be safe out there you never know who's on the other side of the keyboard or phone call then dude let's not me a few years ago my friend convinced me to get a tinder account I had been single for about a year and a half after finally getting out of a three-year piece of relationship but that's a whole other story for another day so I decided why not I'll make the account and if I don't like it I'll delete it what harm could it do little did I know I was blown away by how many guys messaged me I think we have our time admitting that it's a bit of a confidence booster anyways I've been talking to this one guy that I found very attractive and we seem to have a lot in common so finally I agreed to meet up with him but only if it's in public so after a bit back and forth we agreed on him coming to my work during lunch and just hang out for a bit I was currently working at grocery store deli I was back taking orders and helping customers when about 45 minutes later I noticed a man staring at me he was wearing sunglasses which already made him stand out since we were inside and I automatically knew it was him I wasn't sure what to do it kind of seemed like he wanted to stay hidden from me do I call now and say hi I ended up just ignoring it and justifying it as he's probably just coming in to make sure I was who I said I was but looking back that's just giving myself too much credit I'm no model or anything like that I'd say I'm average looking and on the chunky side with some confidence issues after he left I thought maybe didn't like what I looked like in person and that's why he came in to check me out first but I now know better so about two hours later he texts me I'm outside and I replied that I'm just clocking out and I'll meet him out front it was the same guy as before just without the glasses this time I didn't bring it up or tell him I saw him earlier it just felt kind of awkward I always seem to give people the benefit of the doubt and try to justify their actions Lux went really well and I really liked him so I tup just forgetting about the earlier situation I told him that I wanted to take things slow and he seemed totally okay with it we both really liked the Utah Jazz so he invited me over to his house to watch the game after I got off work my coworker and friend told me they had a bad feeling about it but I just told him I'll be fine I'm a big girl we both left and then I was on my way to his house when I got there he told me he had a roommate but he wasn't home so just be the two of us the night was going very well until he said he needed to go to the bathroom before I go any further I need to explain his living room a little bright when you walk in the TV is near the front door the living room and kitchen didn't have a wall between them it was just one big open space and the couch was placed in between so it wasn't against any wall just sitting on the couch you're facing the front door and the kitchen is behind you I hear him open the door and I continue watching the game I feel him come up behind the couch and put his hands on my show down to my hands and he lifts something behind me I thought he was just goofing around so I went with it until he starts making my hands go lower when I suddenly feel his junk shocked I pulled up turn around and see him but naked fully erect with the most serious face his bright blue eyes just slicing into me I felt dread all I could think to say was uh what are you doing not changing his expression in a monotone voice he replies what do you think uh I just came here to watch the game and hang out you don't just come over to a guy's house you meet on tinder not expecting the hookup shocked and disgusted I reply I made it clear I want to take things slow this is not slow fuming mad he walked around the couch and started yelling at me calling me a tease at this point I wanted to get out so grab my purse from beside the couch and started to walk towards the door when he saw what I was doing he ran up to the door locked both the locks and stood there still naked and still erect telling me I'm not leaving until I slept with him still in shock I laughed thinking he must be joking this went on for two hours I would go to the door and he would push me away or grab the doorknob telling me no I am now in survival mode racking my brain on what I should do my phone is dead and I don't know the area it's been two hours and he's still not letting me go I honestly felt like he was gonna hurt me if I didn't do what he said so finally I told him okay but only if you let me go to the bathroom and freshen up he had me go to his bathroom in his bedroom and said he was gonna make us dinner and drinks acting like nothing happened like he just didn't spent two hours yelling at me holding me against my will until I would sleep with him I just sat in there trying to get my phone to turn on but knowing it was fully dead and I had no way to contact anyone for help but that's when I remembered when he was showing me his apartment he showed me the balcony they share the neighbors I put my ear up next to the bathroom door I could still hear him in the kitchen I opened the bathroom door slowly praying he doesn't walk in or hear me coming out I slowly tiptoe across his bedroom to the patio when I hear him yell are you kidding me I felt my heart sink into my stomach at this point I knew I was caught I slowly look up and I could see him to the crack of the door walk into the kitchen sink with his finger in his mouth he cut his finger I got a boost of confidence and slowly opened his balcony door thank God it wasn't loud but the confidence didn't last very long I started thinking what if he knows his neighbors and they don't help me what if they're not home what if I catch his attention and he pulls me back inside and God knows what happens to me I took a deep breath and knocked on their patio glass door it felt like forever and I finally heard someone walk up to the door she looked through the glass very confused but once she saw my face swollen from crying and distress she opened the door can I please walk through your house to leave she seemed to look a fused so I said please I just want to go home choking back tears she guides me through her bedroom I see a man walking into the bedroom and I jump thinking it was by date coming to find me but as I look up it's a 40-something year old man looking at me confused then the woman she's nods and guides me out of the front door she gives me a pat on the back I tell her thank you as I rest towards my car as I'm at the bottom of the stairs I hear door open I expect when I looked back to see the woman but it's my date he's still naked and once he sees me he chases me now it's winter in Utah and the ground is slippery from the ice but I don't care I finally make it to my car I get in I locked the door and I look up the front of his apartments he's standing there on the top of the stairs just staring at me and he finally turns back around and goes inside I guess it was too cold for him to chase me all the way to my car I hit the gas it get as far away as possible I don't want to go home so I Drive to my parents I knocked on my mom's bedroom window because it's about midnight now I tell her everything it's been night there and I ended up not calling the cops I just didn't want to deal with it which I regret to this day because I don't want it to happen to another girl but it's been so long and I don't want to go through it all just for them to tell me it's not enough evidence I know I made a lot of mistakes at night but I am a completely changed person now and that's why I'll never use a dating site again I was 21 recently became a police officer so my friends suggested tinder as a 21 year old and a new cop I had the I'm invincible and I could take on any one mentality I matched with a very good-looking out of my league female we chatted and eventually set up a date to me she said she had a great open field to look at the Stars and hang out and we can meet up at our house so that night came I was excited and she seemed to be excited when I picked her up she guided me to the field and it looked nice open space woods deer and other wildlife in the field I noticed really dim headlights in the distance then the van started driving towards us and pulled up right in front of us almost close enough to block me from coming forward I told her to stay in the car and I'll go say hi I grabbed my flashlight in the car and walked up in the front of the driver side of the van there's a decently sized man I asked him what was going on and if he could back his car up a little bit he was very polite said he was the owner of the property and said he didn't mean to scare us he told me he's been having trouble with poachers on his property and just wanted to make sure that we weren't going to be shooting anything I insure him that we only came here to look at some stars and wildlife he was perfectly okay with that told me I'd have a nice date and drove away after that the girl was texting non-stop around an hour later I saw headlights coming towards us again this time at a really fast pace we hopped in the car and I moved to a more defensive position the same man came close enough to almost hit my car she hopped out of the car at that point and ran towards the guy I immediately knew I was [ __ ] I got out and getting them commands to back up and get on the ground neither of them complied obviously he then proceeded to charge me and knocked me to the ground luckily I was able to get him on his back and get up I saw him I did grab a metal pipe from the van she told me they have a gun and to give them my money and truck and I won't get hurt of course with my invincible mentality I said no she started to cry stating they didn't want to hurt me he then started to go back towards the car at that point I told them I was a cop drew my concealed firearm and told him to lay on the ground after a moment of shock from all this they complied I was able to call 9-1-1 and tell them my name and badge number I had to at gunpoint and needs backup immediately I gave our dispatcher the best direction I could to this field while on the phone they both fled again stupid new young cop mentality I chased them I took off after the man who ran into the woods around the field I chased him for maybe 30 seconds and heard three loud pops and saw a muzzle flash my invincible mentality went right out the window I ran like hell towards my car and peeled the hell out of there I went back to the area I picked her up in called dispatch again and had two officers come to another location of course the first officers to pull up was by sergeant in my field training officer of course they were both understanding and didn't give me [ __ ] about it at all the most used words were dumbass and stupid [ __ ] rookie I hopped in their cars and went towards the field luckily the van was still there I was told to shut my mouth and only come out if they were getting shot at they cleared the area and I started looking in the van they found meth right in the center console and searched the car what scared me most was when my field officer and star Junt came back to the patrol car led me out and told me to come look in the back of the van both of them were pale and looked horrified I went back to the van where there are several knifes duct tape lighter fluid and a decent amount of rifle ammunition handcuffs and what looked to be dry blood in the front seat passenger side we found an ar-15 style rifle and two more handguns we called for immediate backup and detectives when they investigated the blood it turned out it wasn't blood the plates had been stolen and the van was reported stolen I still get [ __ ] about the whole encounter but luckily no one got hurt I would never use online dating again ever during my freshman and sophomore years in college I was extremely awkward I just came out as being gay and I didn't have any friends and I was generally a big wad of social anxiety given that I didn't even have the social skills to make a few friends it's not surprising that I also had literally no dating experience miraculously over the course of summer in sophomore year I just sort of grew out of the worst of my social awkwardness I lost some weight I had a lot more confidence in myself and my self-esteem was a lot higher I came back to school in August and by October I had a decent number of genuine friends and had gotten a lot more involved on campus with my newfound confidence I decided to download Grindr to see what it was like for anyone that doesn't know grind there's a gay dating app and is primarily used for finding sex and hookups despite my recent improvements in the social arena I was still extremely naive and inexperienced when it came to dating and sex I set up a Grindr profile with a nice picture of myself and a very brief bio and I got a lot of messages very quickly after my picture got approved one guy who messes me had the display name dad for young which should have been my first red flag but I was oblivious at the time I was 21 but I got regularly asked by campus staff which middle school or high school I was visiting from I'm 23 now I still get asked if I want a kids menu when I go to restaurants with my parents it's bad so dad for young sets me a message saying what's up and I reply without looking at as a profile first I then look at his profile and notice he's 54 and his profile texts say the younger the better and his only picture is a zoomed in blurry picture of his hairy chest so I'm very much not interested but given my experience I thought ignoring him would be horribly rude so I kept responding I didn't totally remember what we talked about in the maybe 10 or so messages we exchanged at first I do remember him telling me that I was very cute I know I told him I was a student but I never mentioned which college I went to it's important to know I went to a college in the major city and there's a bunch of different colleges within 5 miles of each other and a few more within 10 miles of those sort of like tinder grinder works based off of your location but much more precisely if you're less than a mile or two away from someone who is online it displays the distance and feet I noticed that dad's four youngest profile said he was 25 miles away which I thought was kind of fun dad for young started getting more sexual in his chats and asked me if I wanted to meet up I felt bad flat-out denying him says he had been so polite so I told him I didn't wanted to meet up with him that day but that we can keep chatting if he wanted I figured that was that when I checked 20 minutes later instead he was offline about 30 minutes later I get a message from him hey I got wild hair and I thought I would be nice to drive out to your college I not told him my name on my college nor had I told him what town I was in I looked at his profile and now said he was 3 miles away I started freaking out a little bit I didn't reply to the message in hopes that he would just leave me alone it's important to note that my call to a couple different campus chunks separated by a few miles I lived in the upperclassmen residential campus which was about two miles away from the main campus where all the other student dorms and made building are I felt like if he was gonna find me he'd go to the main campus first then maybe give up since not many outside people know about the separate residential campus five or six minutes later again another message that says something like no fun if you don't play along what building are you in his profile now says he's a little over 2,500 feet away and every single time I reopen his profile the distance would decrease I'm fully losing my [ __ ] at this point this guy had the ability to pinpoint my location so I shut my blinds truf I light and lock my window and door to the apartment and my bedroom door my roommate was also out of town on some kind of retreat so it was just me he kept sending me messages every minute or so saying I'm gonna find you here I come another supremely creepy [ __ ] like that the distance was now down to 310 feet and I was completely losing my mind and didn't know what to do so I just deleted my whole profile nothing else happened that night though I was absolutely terrified that he was come knocking on my door fast forward to three days later I decide to redownload grinder after doing more research I seen that you can adjust the settings so that my exact location is not visible when I log on the first time with my remade profile I just some of these search filters until the results were specified enough to display dad's for Young's profile which I promptly blocked later that evening I get a message from someone with the display name will find you with the same gross profile picture as tasks for young and my stomach sinks he sends me flurry of messages you [ __ ] up almost got the police call on me because of you couldn't find you so I had to go to other dorms to find someone else said I was outside his dorm and told me to leave and he'd call the cops I'm coming for that sweet virgin [ __ ] I freaked out blocked him again deleted my profile again then deleted Grindr I refused to download it or any other dating apps for about a year after that at which point I worked up enough courage to try it again I have not heard from this nut job since thank God so terrifying old men with a fetish of young inexperienced boys please let's never ever meet [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bad Vibes StoryTelling
Views: 78,451
Rating: 4.8273382 out of 5
Keywords: true scary stories, scary stories, true stories, scary, scary true stories, true creepy stories, scary dating stories, scary tinder stories, true scary stories reddit, scary online dating stories, horror stories, online dating, tinder horror stories, real scary stories, true horror stories, online dating horror stories, online dating stories, dating horror stories, scary stories that are true, true, scary story, plenty of fish dating site, okcupid, tinder, grindr, stalker story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 33sec (1353 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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