True Online Dating Horror Stories | Tinder, Bumble, OkCupid, Instagram.. | Mega Compilation

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hey this is bad vibes today's video is on those online dating stories you know you go online to try to find someone and you end up finding the wrong type the dangerous type so make sure you hit that like button as it really helps and sit back relax and enjoy so about a year ago i moved into a new apartment it was my second year of living alone the city was relatively small and i go to the local university there one night i was bored at home and decided to set up a tinder date i was talking to this apparent normal guy and asked if he could come over to my place at the time i didn't see anything wrong with that so i invited him and told him that i lived alone about 20 minutes after the message he arrives at my apartment wearing a black hoodie big earphones and he asked me if there were security cameras in the hallway which was odd i thought that there was a couple and from that i could tell that i just made a mistake he got to my apartment and we made out for like 10 minutes in my bed he asked if he could try some kinks on me at the moment i was not thinking rationally anymore and i said yeah he started biting my neck then my chest then my legs and then he started getting into some really weird kinks he started pinching me really hard pulling my skin and really digging his nails into my body at this time i was completely panicking and asked him to stop but he wouldn't to top things off he started choking me and i couldn't get him off of me because he was a big buff dude at last he stopped and i rushed to the bathroom saying i needed to pee in no time i grabbed a knife and locked myself in the bathroom and called my other friends to come help i got out and told him to get the hell out of my apartment or i'll call the police to my surprise he tried to attack me but i had a knife in my hand and started screaming after hearing the doorbell he quickly got dressed and rushed down the stairs please be careful on bringing strange people into your home this [ __ ] scared me for life and i don't think i'll ever do tinder dates again for some context this took place in june about two weeks before i turned 18 and i'm a female i just finished my a levels and decided to join tinder for a joke just to have fun and waste a bit of time i thought it would be fun to put snapchat in my bio just to see how much people would add me and i admit i enjoyed the attention from guys people added me but no one actually messaged me except for this one guy i'll keep his name anonymous this guy was 20 and at the time i was 17. he was about an hour drive away from me which will be important later we started off just innocently chatting the conversation was dry but it killed boredom so i held the conversation one day he randomly popped up asking so when are we gonna meet then i was hesitant at first but i agreed in the end after i ran it over with my parents i invited him over to my house i don't know what i was thinking but i told him that he could come over he got there the next day at 9 00 a.m bear in mind he lived an hour away from me so this was the first red flag i was confused as hell why he wasn't dressed for the day nevertheless i invited him in and finished getting ready we just chilled and watched films all day before heading out around 2pm we chilled by the beach for a bit before coming back to my house around 5 pm i was expecting him to go home after that but no he stayed we watched a couple more films and every now and then i would look over at him and catch him flat out staring at me we would lock eyes and he would say something creepy like i love your eyes or i'm so glad we met all while knowing me for only about eight hours i regret to say that we ended up kissing a lot i felt awkward and being a naive 17 year old on our first real date i thought that this was what you're supposed to do he left around 10 p.m which means he was at my house for like 13 hours but there are no sparks at the end and i was expecting this to be a one-time thing nope he turned up at my house at nine a.m two days later i went along with it because i didn't have anything better to do again he didn't leave until 9 pm at this point i had no interest in seeing him again and didn't really feel a romantic connection with him i admit i may have let him on as i never actually told him i wasn't interested looking back at it i should have told him and maybe the next offense wouldn't have happened my birthday rolls around well the day before he shows up at 9am again and takes me out we go to the mall and he buys me so much i keep saying no you don't have to and let me buy this but he insisted because it was my birthday i had only met this guy twice before and he was buying me stuff like clothes makeup and sexy underwear i was still only 17 even though my birthday was the next day i felt like i was being treated like a prostitute every time we would walk around he would force my hand into his and try to kiss me i felt so awkward anyway we get back to my house around 6 p.m and i come home to flowers from him that he had delivered to my house we chew on my room and i didn't know what to do i felt trapped i felt like i couldn't tell him to leave because he had just spent so much money on me anyway he tried to have sex with me he kept saying come on don't you want to have a nice birthday i came all this way for you just creepy stuff like that trying to get me to sleep with him i just kissed him and told him i didn't want to i wasn't a virgin but i definitely did not want to sleep with him he finally leaves and i just break down crying i don't know why i just felt so trapped i tried to be cold with him over messages and stuff for the next few days hoping to scare him off it didn't work about three days after my birthday i get home from work around 9 00 pm guess who's car i see parked outside my house yep i walk in he's sitting there chatting to my family in the lounge they seem to really like him even though i told him how creepy he was being we ended up going to the local pub after to get some drinks we'll get back to my house and i'm pretty drunk i suggest more drinks and crack open a bottle of bubbly i save for my birthday as we're drinking more he gets quieter i look up at him and ask what's wrong and he suddenly grabs me kisses me and tries to put his hand up my skirt i immediately push him off and stare at him angrily he looks at me in a really sinister way and says i deserve it because he had drank he couldn't drive home so he just stayed over i tell him i'm too drunk and i want to go to bed luckily my mother happily showed him to the guest room and didn't see him again until the morning i woke up around 9am and walked downstairs to find him cuddling my cat in the garden i tell him i had a call from work saying that they needed me in an hour and that he needs to leave he tried to protest saying that he'll just wait time off and we could hang out but i just told him no and that i'm seeing friends later which wasn't a lie but the work thing was a lie to get him to leave quicker and yet he still protests saying that we can all hang out together eventually he takes no for an answer and leaves i cry and cry i tell my mom everything she likes to tell me that he wasn't that bad but to this day she still has no idea that i had to deal with him like i did i meet my friend and tell her about him and that i'm going to leave it a couple days and tell him i don't want to see him anymore however that same night i get a lengthy paragraph from this guy he professes undying love to me some of the most memorable quotes from this you're my whole world i'd be nothing without you i'm so glad i met you i can't wait to share our life together that was it i had to be straight up with him i told him everything that i didn't feel a connection with him and what he did with me when he was drunk was not okay i even offered to return the things that he bought me but he just said no surprisingly he actually apologized and said sorry for making me feel so uncomfortable brilliant that's that i thought nope he started stalking me however anyone has snapchat will know that you can view a map that tells you where your friends are you can also turn it off so people can't see you but i customize mine so that only people i'm close with can see where i am he was one of them i forgot to turn it off and whenever i went out there he was a couple hours later remember he lives about an hour away from me i first noticed that he had followed me after i went to the beach the same one i went with him i went with my friend and about two or three hours into the day we were getting ready to go home i opened up my snap maps as i always do just so i could see that me and my friend were together and show her it's a silly thing i do but i find it cute seeing our little bit emoji characters on the map when i saw he who should not be named was with us he's a little bit emoji character probably like 200 yards away from us my eyes widened and i told my friend that the guy that i had been complaining about all day was literally here now with us somewhere we panicked and sped walked to the car and drove home that happened two more times once again with the same friend when we visited a reservoir near my town there was no reason for him to be there too so i messaged him asked him what he was doing at the reservoir when i got home he said he was taking pictures but the reservoir would have been more like a three hour round trip for him to drive and he had never mentioned photography to me before so i didn't believe him it happened the third time and that's when i blocked him i was with my extended family in a restaurant yet this time he messaged me his location on snapchat which is one of the things you can do and he was in the freaking building i had to come up with an excuse to tell my family that i hadn't seen for months why we had to leave i told my mom the truth and then she explained to them after they were understanding i had enough i didn't even message him again i blocked him on everything and luckily i haven't heard from him since last month i moved to another country and i didn't really know anyone due to that i spent a lot of time alone and started to get bored although i didn't and still don't like the concept of tinder i decided to create my own account to meet people i spent hours swiping left and right and having brief conversations with my matches however most of them were men that wanted to see me on that same day which scared me a bit my story begins when i matched with a 30 year old girl who didn't wait long to send me a hi and asked me for my phone number i who had never been on this app before thought that was normal and gave her my phone number without having spoken at all that was my first mistake at first everything seemed normal the girl which name was diana sent me voice notes we talked briefly and in superficial ways about ourselves she seemed very very interested in talking to me since on several occasions she would double text me if i didn't answer quickly and i'm not gonna lie i found that curious however i paid no attention the second day of talking to her she asked me to meet her somewhere and even though our conversations had been superficial i said yes and we set a place in an hour hours before our meet i started to regret it i deleted tinder and sent her an apology message that was where things got weird she text me that it was fine but a few minutes later she sent me several messages but deleted them within seconds so i couldn't read them a couple hours later she tried to video call me i didn't answer and told her that i was busy despite all that she called me again and again i kept saying i was busy but still she called me twice at 2 am by this time i was out and drunk and i blocked her i felt a little bad about it but come on i'm a woman in her early 20s living in a foreign country so at the same time i felt relieved that it was over except it wasn't i woke up to uh hello from my unknown number which profile picture in whatsapp was of an old man i asked him who he was and in less than a minute i received an answer it said hi it's diane this is my dad's number why do you block me did i annoy you even in spite of how bizarre that was i tried to empathize with her and answered with the truth again she told me that it was fine and i blocked her dad's number in less than two hours i received another message from another unknown number it said hi it's diane why do you keep blocking me i need to talk to you text me at this point i no longer find it funny i told her that i'm not interested in talking to her and she literally tells me i need to talk to you about something there's a girl who is harassing me she does black magic i repeated that i'm not interested and she goes like you don't believe me do you and i blocked her again for the third time anyway i really don't know if this was some kind of strange joke but i think i could say that my first experience using tinder was tragic i wonder if it's always that way though because i've been thinking about downloading the app again at least next time i won't share my number with someone who i hadn't talked to at all let's hope for the best and diana let's not [ __ ] meet so this happened about one month after i finished high school i was 18 at the time and tired of being inexperienced i went to a pretty nerdy school so i nor others were crazy about getting into relationships or hookups so after seeing my friends dabble with tinder i decided to try it myself i mostly did it for a joke sending funny pictures to my friends over some weird messages i got or funny bios i found but i was also up to meet someone if they seemed fine so eventually this dude and i started talking and he asked to meet me at the local hangout a gas station that tells you something about my town he seemed alright fairly cute only a year older i decided it was fine especially considering one of my friends was at the place so if this guy was a total weirdo from the start i could escape but it was fine and the first time we hung out in his car nothing drastic happened we kissed but that's all that happened we hung out in this car again and drove around and made out but once again nothing drastic happened both of us were kind of just trying to lose our virginity and get out of the way my car was small and so was his and both of us had pretty strict parents so we scheduled to meet up next saturday at cheap motel to get it over with so that day comes i wake up and i'm literally in the worst pain of my life i was on birth control but it just made it worse and i'm in terrible pain i text him saying that i need to wait a week instead of just an alright or even a slightly annoyed tone this guy basically tries to pressure me to go in any way i try to explain that i'm in pain and if he honestly can't wait a week he can go find another girl he starts calling me a liar saying that i'm making it up so i can sleep with another guy basically sends me texts from nine pm to six am calling me all sorts of nasty things saying i'm really ugly and horribly boring and that he was just doing this as a favor and that i'm gonna regret this and so on i'm upset obviously i never had someone say the things like he said to me i generally started feeling pretty awful about myself thinking actually just sucked it up and gone with him anyway it basically put me in a really horrible mood the whole week so much that i basically turned into a big sobbing mess when i went with my friends camping the following week it's a week later and i'm sitting on my screen porch that we have for our cats in the summer i just got in the kitchen and was playing with her when i see a car that looks at the car that the guy drove i brush it off until i see the same car drive by again and again and again about seven times in total i think back and i realized that i talked about hanging out at the beach a lot which was right across from my house now i'm terrified my parents aren't home and if he corners me i went in a closed room the only access from the house was the window which was very hard to open from the outside after the second time i ducked so i wasn't visible from the road and started texting my friend my friends pulled up and the car stopped coming by and i hugged them terrified of what could have happened my mom and dad come home and i don't say anything but i basically forced myself into hanging around them and not being home alone for a few days about six months later this guy asked me on facebook i never once gave him my last name he texts me saying i'm the most genuine and pretty girl he'd ever met that when looking back on it he compared every single girl he's met since and on the top and he's sorry i don't think he knew i saw him stalking me i basically said that's cool but don't talk to me again he hasn't fortunately i swear off tinder for a while eventually using it far away from home at college with a happy ending i met my current boyfriend so i got to learn some good things and bad things by using online dating apps but to the guy from tinder let's not meet again this happened over a year ago so i'm safe now i just broken up my ex back in january 2019 i was angry at everything and i had just joined tinder i talked to this guy that seemed pretty cool and was quite attractive i talked to him for quite a bit and eventually took a lift down to where he lived now his dad had passed away not too long ago so he moved back in with his mom to help out i found that sweet and so i thought nothing of it we took a lift to walmart in the liquor store as his mom requested some wine i bought pizza to bake at their home to make a decent impression and had purchased her wine which she had given me cash for despite my protest again trying to make a good impression this home was gorgeous little old time why jukebox and the freaking c-taps in the bathroom were installed in the mirrors water flowed from the spout in the freaking mirrors his mom was sweet as a southern tea and seemed to be taking a liking to me so this guy had been messaging his lesbian best friend cynthia i explained that he had helped her out after she broke her ankle and such again i thought what a nice guy we drank we have sex everything was cool i warned him that i had scars from previous cutting incidents but nothing recent he was fine with it and understood the next morning i had the interview with a major company call center and his mom offered to drive me such a sweetheart i did great in the interview and i was off to the job i immediately texted a guy telling him the good news so one day when i was home and i slept for about eight hours i wake up to a dozen text messages and over 20 facebook messages from him it started with hey how's it going but as i scroll through the rest of the messages they progressed to those cut marks on your arm yeah i would have never dated a cutter anyway most of them are [ __ ] pathetic but i need to get serious [ __ ] help might as well keep doing it since it seems to be your only friend what the actual [ __ ] i blocked him then i posted it to my facebook page so if anyone else knew him they could see how he actually was i get a friend request from his lesbian friend cynthia she filled me in she is not a lesbian she had just broken up with him hours before befriending me and he had told her that i was a lesbian also that he goes by his middle name i had done a basic search with the name he provided me and on his facebook page to make sure he wasn't a felon or some [ __ ] before meeting him when i did the research on his first real name sure [ __ ] so many charges including child pornography he had been stalking her pinging her phone location and messenger [ __ ] like oh what you're not going to leave your house and he told her to kill herself she had gotten the cops involved she sent me screenshots of the messages he was sending we talked a bit more and while i'm not in a medical profession it's kind of clear something was wrong he was a liar manipulative aggressive angry and obviously his moods flip faster than mine i offered to send her what i could of the messages in case she could use it to build a case against him shortly after i get a friend request from a name i don't recognize something generic like mike then i get a message hey it's jay how's your new job going i was freaking out he knew where i worked the building was secure but the parking lot not so much i got pepper spray and called my dad who has been in the police force since i've been alive he advised to not carry a baseball bat because it could easily be wrestled from me and used against me but pepper spray was a decent choice also he said that while online bullying isn't something the police can do much about if he messages me again it goes into the harassment area and needs to be reported asap i was getting off work after midnight and was scared [ __ ] list i parked as close to the building as possible pepper spray in hand fortunately i haven't ran into him since and i don't want to ever meet him again i've also since moved and changed jobs if it sounds too good to be true it probably is the story all happened in the last three weeks and the final part hopefully just took place this morning so to set the stage i'm a single dad with a daughter who is about to turn three i don't really have time to hang out and meet people so i decided to put myself out there and i made a tinder profile i had a few decent dates but nothing too special then about two or three weeks ago i match with a new person she lived about 30 minutes from me and looked cute so i messaged her we start talking and she gives me her number we text for a week or so and things seem great we both seem to be on the same page about things and that neither of us wanted to rush into anything serious so we decided to spend the evening together the first evening went well we got along great we did the same thing a few days later and again everything went fine but after about two weeks it became clear that she wanted to start an actual relationship and i wasn't ready to commit to that i made it clear and she seemed to understand and accept it after some of the things she said though i was seeing some red flags and i wasn't sure if she was actually going to respect my wishes and not try to move things forward into a serious there were a number of things she said that made me think that she was a bit emotionally unstable so i decided to take a few days to think about things and decide what i wanted to do we have been texting at least a little bit every day and i felt like the daily connection was not helping to convince her that i was serious when i said i wanted to take things slow and not jump into a relationship so on friday morning i was texting her and then just kind of stopped replying i didn't think much of it since i was really busy anyway she came to my house that night just showed up unannounced i was polite and made up an excuse about my phone being broken she claimed that she showed up because she was worried that something happened to me since i always replied right away before but her showing up on my house was another huge red flag i figured the broken phone excuse would benefit me giving me time to evaluate this new warning sign and decide what to do i told her it was fine but that i might be m.i.a for a bit longer until i get a new phone i don't have internet connection either so basically all contact with me would cease until i re-initiated she seemed to be fine apologizing for intruding on my evening and left right away so i didn't give it too much thought other than reaffirming my concern that she might be becoming obsessed in the next few days she sent me messages basically checking to see if i got a new phone there's nothing too crazy but still worried me a bit and with everything else it told me that i needed to cut things off completely that leads me to last night it was six days since she showed up to my house and i hadn't contacted her so far i was hoping that my silence would send a message or maybe she would forget about me and move on with someone else but that didn't happen i went to sleep around midnight and woke up at 6am upon looking at my phone i saw literally 15 notifications six missed calls and a voicemail the text message started off saying i know that you're probably asleep but i saw that you accepted a friend request two days ago so i wanted to know why you've been ignoring me and then i went to pleading for me to answer my phone and finish with if you won't talk to me i'm going to come to your house this whole thing took place between 1 and 2 am the voicemail was just her sobbing on the phone and screaming why are you doing this to me keep in mind i've known this girl for less than a month and we've been on two dates in that whole time at this point i'm pretty freaked out so i call a friend of mine asking for advice my friend told me to just be blunt and tell her that threatening to come to my house in the middle of night was completely inappropriate that she's acting crazy and to not contact me again so here i am this morning after sending a long text kindly but firmly telling her that her behavior wasn't acceptable and that i did not want her to contact me again so crazy tinder girl let's not meet again i'm gonna warn you now the story is a bit long and quite a doozy this happened six years ago i'm 27 now i apologize if there's some small details missing or that i don't remember i had gotten out of a three-year relationship that didn't end particularly well i wanted to change the scenery so i decided to try my luck on this site called okcupid i know i know terrible idea i'm well aware of that now but hindsight is always 20 20. in my mind most of the dating sites are a cesspool of catfish creepy people and desperate people to my surprise i actually went on several decent dates no red flags creeper vibes or any weird feelings luckily i made my mom aware of what i was doing so whenever i'd go on a date she'd know where i was and when i was gonna be home mama didn't raise no idiot right wrong this is when i came across dennis's profile he seemed chill kinda cute and somewhat interesting i decided to send him a message he was playful and had a sarcastic sense of humor which was right up my alley so i decided to give him a shot we met at a coffee shop and had some engaging conversations dennis was five nine normal bill folding with reddish hair and glasses he definitely gave off some nerd vibes he started off by asking what are you looking for i gave my normal response i want someone who's sweet and caring but also funny and intelligent something along those lines nothing groundbreaking i realized later that giving this sort of response was the beginning of the end denis and i went on a couple more dates i started to fall head over heels for him fast he was sweet understanding caring worked out and took care of himself he was everything i wanted in a guy it was difficult to understand why he was single since i was falling for him so quickly we agreed that we would be exclusive everything was going smoothly until about two months into our relationship that's when [ __ ] started to hit the fan for the last month i had been pushing him to let me hang out at his place and to meet his roommate every time i pushed the subject he would make an excuse why we couldn't my roommate's crazy it's not a good time he works opposite schedules than me etc it was always something at some point we made plans to go to a club one evening i was dressed up ready to go waiting for him he ended up not answering his phone for a couple hours i thought his phone must have died since whenever i would send him a message it would never stay delivered for those of you that are apple users ended up deciding to go to this place to see if he would open this door he lived about 15 minutes away from me in an apartment complex and it was the middle of the winter it was so cold i knocked on this door no answer while heading back to my car look who decides to show up none other than dennis himself and guess who he was with yes you're correct another woman which i later found out was his long-term girlfriend jessica i quickly made my way over to him and the look on his face was [ __ ] priceless his face deadpanned as soon as he saw me he whispered something to the girl that he is with and she made her way inside he came over to me and was speechless at first i'm very surprised to see you here really we had plans remember i wanted to see if you're home i do remember my phone died so i didn't receive any of your texts and lost track of time we were at my friend's birthday party who's the girl my roommate i thought your roommate was a guy he is she's my other roommate and a very good friend mind you i'm a very skeptical person and alarm bells were definitely going off in my mind in accordance to my parents numerous warnings however dennis is the sort of person who is very good at talking himself out of situations he was an excellent liar and being naive and insecure person i was i believed him we ended up going to the club after i waited outside in my car for almost an hour i didn't think about it much since i was getting what i wanted and nothing was said about his girl roommate over the next month i kept pushing dennis to meet his family and his other guy roommate he eventually caved and brought me to see his mother it was an extremely odd experience we talked about books and some of dennis's friends and it made a stein remark about how dennis's guy roommate was [ __ ] nuts dennis's words and they both gave me the strangest glances this would all make more sense in about a month or so eventually i started to realize dennis stories weren't adding up and i started seeing holes in the story he would only see me on tuesday and thursday evenings because he worked a lot overtime he would never be flexible or change his mind or even allow me to attempt to change his mind if he was late coming to see me which started happening frequently he sent me screenshots of his work and his vehicle in line for getting washed or sent me screenshots of his bathroom saying he just wanted to freshen up when i asked him for a picture of him in that moment of him in the bathroom mirror he declined he refused to send me any pictures of himself proving that he was where he claimed to be he would also take unusually long bathroom breaks at my house after sex like 20 minute long breaks i know another huge alarm bell everything came to a head about a month or so later i told dennis i wanted to go somewhere with no phone service so that we could truly spend time together without technology being a distraction he agreed and we ended up making plans to spend two or three days in canada it was still early on in our relationship about four months and my mom wanted to make sure i was safe so she decided to take down dennis's driver's license and made a copy of it as well as his license plate the trip ended up relatively uneventful until the last evening in the hotel room i'm not sure if it was on purpose or if he was actually asleep dennis ended up rolling over to my side pulling me closer and saying i love you jessica this made my blood run cold i was so upset tears started to blur my vision and i got up out of bed my parents were right all along he was a liar and a cheat did i break it off no of course not that wouldn't make too much sense i was naive and desperately in love with him i didn't want to admit to myself that i had been played or that i was a side chick so i acted as if nothing was wrong and that i didn't hear what he said that night of course he didn't get rid of the aching feeling that i had for several weeks i began to have bad anxiety and panic attacks on my way to school because a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach dennis was constantly lying to me and i mean constant it was so bad i ended up starting to feel really angry i let the feeling simmer for a couple days until i decided to do something about it when realizing that you were right all along and things weren't just a strange coincidence it's very bittersweet on a freezing march day after an exhausting day at school i wanted to get rid of the nagging feeling in the back of my mind once and for all i decided to head over to dennis's apartment complex to see if he was still lying to me about living in an apartment with a girl roommate i got out of my car in the parking lot i was shaking i didn't know if it was from anxiety or from the anger that started to bubble up below the surface was he lying to the girl roommate you bet your sweet ass he was i knocked on his door and hit myself from the view of the peephole he answered the door and his girl roommate was behind him i came around the corner to look at him with an emotional face and say wow i turn on my heels and walk away only to find out as i got back to my car that i had locked myself out of the car on a cold march day in the middle of winter i was so distracted by my rage and sadness that i didn't realize that i left both my keys and phone in my car i'm such an idiot i was beside myself i didn't know what to do i locked my phone in the car with my keys how the [ __ ] could you do that i was so angry at myself for being a [ __ ] not only that i was in the parking lot of my teeny ex-boyfriend with nothing else to lose literally i walk back to dennis's apartment and knock on their door jessica answers and i beg to use their phone to call aaa jessica surprisingly agrees to let me use her phone the entire time dennis is agitated and keeps walking around at one point he even went outside with a coat hanger in an attempt to unlock my car but to no avail during that time i took advantage of me being alone with jessica to get some information on her like how long have you been together where did they meet i was shooting 20 questions at her rapid fire before dennis came back in by the end of it i had more than enough information to prove that dennis was not who he says he was everything started to make sense and the puzzle pieces were connecting one of the biggest aha moments for me was when we both were talking about being in a relationship with him on facebook it turns out the sly [ __ ] created two different facebook accounts to ensure that he was in a relationship with both of us only to block the other girl on that account guaranteeing that neither of us would ever come across the facebook account so this happened about one month after i finished high school i was 18 at the time and tired of being inexperienced i went to a pretty nerdy school so i nor others were crazy about getting into relationships or hookups so after seeing my friends dabble with tinder i decided to try it myself i mostly did it for a joke sending funny pictures to my friends over some weird messages i got or funny bios i found but i was also up to meet someone if they seem fine so eventually this dude and i started talking and he asked to meet me at the local hangout a gas station that tells you something about my town he seemed alright fairly cute only a year older i decided it was fine especially considering one of my friends was at the place so if this guy was a total weirdo from the start i could escape but it was fine and the first time we hung out in his car nothing drastic happened we kissed but that's all that happened we hung out in this car again and drove around and made out but once again nothing drastic happened both of us were kind of just trying to lose our virginity and get out of the way my car was small and so was his and both of us had pretty strict parents so we scheduled to meet up next saturday at cheap motel to get it over with so that day comes i wake up and i'm literally in the worst pain of my life i was on birth control but it just made it worse and i'm in terrible pain i text him saying that i need to wait a week instead of just an alright or even a slightly annoyed tone this guy basically tries to pressure me to go in anyway i try to explain that i'm in pain and if he honestly can't wait a week he can go find another girl he starts calling me a liar saying that i'm making it up so i can sleep with another guy basically sends me texts from 9 p.m to 6 a.m calling me all sorts of nasty things saying i'm really ugly and horribly boring and that he was just doing this as a favor and that i'm gonna regret this and so on i'm upset obviously i never had someone say the things like he said to me i generally started feeling pretty awful about myself thinking i should just sucked it up and gone with him anyway it basically put me in a really horrible mood the whole week so much that i basically turned into a big sobbing mess when i went my friends camping the following week it's a week later and i'm sitting on my screen porch that we have for our cats in the summer i just got in a kitten and i was playing with her when i see a car that looks at the car that the guy drove i brush it off until i see the same car drive by again and again and again about seven times in total i think back and i realized that i talked about hanging out at a beach a lot which was right across from my house now i'm terrified my parents aren't home and if he corners me i'm in an enclosed room the only access from the house was the window which was very hard to open from the outside after the second time i ducked so i wasn't visible from the road and started texting my friend my friends pulled up and the car stopped coming by and i hugged them terrified of what could have happened my mom and dad come home and i don't say anything but i basically forced myself into hanging around them and not being home alone for a few days about six months later this guy asked me on facebook i never once gave him my last name he texts me saying i'm the most genuine and pretty girl you've ever met that when looking back on it he compared every single girl he's met since and on the top and he's sorry i don't think he knew i saw him stalking me i basically said that's cool but don't talk to me again he hasn't fortunately i swore off tinder for a while eventually using it far away from home at college with a happy ending i met my current boyfriend so i got to learn some good things and bad things by using online dating apps but to the guy from tinder let's not meet again i would like to start this off by saying this actually took place a few years ago but it seemed relevant to post since a lot of people are doing online dating right now one summer when i was in law school i was swiping through tinder looking for someone to hang out with i matched with this guy that seemed pretty nice and looked good lots of shirtless photos he was a counselor at a local high school in the metro area we text for a while talked on the phone and then decided to grab brunch the next weekend i met him in the restaurant and we had brunch with bottomless mimosas he was nice and funny made me laugh a lot i think we both got a little tipsy he said he was going to go to a barbecue at his friend's house after brunch and asked me to come he seemed pretty cool when i was having a good time so i agreed i had to walk my dog because i hadn't anticipated being out that long so i told him i would meet him back at the restaurant in 30 minutes he said he really wanted to meet my dog and asked if he could walk the dog with me i thought about it for a second but my place was a total disaster so i told him no i came back to the restaurant and we grabbed an uber to his friend's house there were a bunch of people drinking and talking everyone was nice they had the barbecue situation going on out back we talked to some people hung out drank he started to get drunk and handsy so i told him i wanted a drink and walked into the kitchen for some space a couple minutes later he comes into the kitchen and tries to kiss me i kind of smiled and shrugged my way out of his grasp and told him i needed to go to the bathroom i asked him to grab me a drink and meet me outside in the backyard when i left the restroom i walked straight out the front door two blocks down and took a right i grabbed an uber home i started getting calls and texts but just blocked him he tried to reach out over social media but i just blocked him there too totally forgot about him fast forward three years i'm sitting on the couch chilling reading through the local news on my phone i scroll and see the picture of this guy's face he had been arrested for raping women that he met on tinder this is a shorter story but i think it fits here i just turned 18 at the time and after getting out of a shitty high school romance i figured i'd give tinder a try i didn't really plan on going on any dates i just wanted to talk to new people and then maybe someone would peak by interest let me set the scene it's my senior ball i'm all glammed up in my vintage dress and having a pretty good time despite not having a date the night was calming down so i was sitting on my phone while a slow song played i opened my tinder to see if i had any new matches and i did a guy who was decently attractive and only a year older than me asked if i wanted to go on a date i declined but he seemed pretty insistent to be fair it wasn't a very harsh no because i didn't want to hurt his feelings he then proceeds to spam me with different date ideas i tried to ignore it and just go back to my friends i checked my phone maybe 15 minutes later and he had sent me pictures of an empty school parking lot that was maybe two blocks away from the reception hall i was at he was asking me to meet him there i said that he would bring drinks and we could get drunk together i told him no he asked if walmart would be better i proceeded to block him and didn't pick up the app for a little while after this was a while ago so my memory of that night is a bit spotty so i probably missed some details that would make this a little creepier so it's 2011 and i'm newly divorced i'm in my mid-20s and a single mother i decided to try out some online dating sites i start talking with this guy on one of the sites we seem to have a lot in common and he seems pretty normal i decide to give him my phone number we continue chatting via text and phone calls well i suggest to go get some coffee and meet up he says he doesn't drink coffee okay i suggest we have drinks at the bar he says he doesn't drink at all then he has a great idea let's go for a hike i reluctantly agree this was the first red flag he wants to go to this place called bats 2 in south jersey which is a historic village with older man in buildings hiking trails and the home of the new jersey devil great place for a first date so i suggest we meet up at the main parking lot and he has a better idea he says let's meet at the train station nearby and he'll drive us over because he knows another entrance with better hiking trails second red flag i again reluctantly agree not wanting to be rude so the day of the date comes and for whatever dumb reason i didn't tell anyone i was doing this i think because i was embarrassed for using a dating site and i knew somewhere in the back of my mind my friends would have tried to talk me out of it so i pull up to the train station and he's in a late 90s bronco okay not so bad we can't all afford newer cars he gets out and he's actually the guy from the pictures okay initial sigh of relief begin in the car and he starts to head to the secret hiking trail entrance we have a nice conversation on the way there all seems good we get there and as soon as we get out of the car i go to grab my phone he says no just leave it here i have mine red flag waving in my [ __ ] face again being polite and not wanting to argue i comply i see the entrances and one directs you towards a village in humanity so i naturally suggest that one he says no and points to the other trail that goes god knows where i again being the good girl i am say okay right before we set off a bit of rebellion sets in you know i should really have my phone with me he starts to argue and i'm like no i need it in case the babysitter calls about my son he gives in and unlocks his car and i grab my phone we shut up down the trail side by side we are talking and everything seems okay i started thinking i was overreacting before all is good we get to the part of the trail where you can only go one by one so i say you go first and i'll follow he says oh no you go so in case you trip or anything i can grab you i do that nervous giggle thing and politely decline saying how bad i am at following paths he insists i go first in a stern voice red flags with sirens but i simply comply the trail is getting narrower by the second and the woods are getting darker because of the amount of trees and brush we are no longer talking and the only sounds are the crunching of our footsteps panic starts stepping in i look back at him and he's just got a scowl on his face and a dead look in his eyes i tried to smile at him but nothing so i stop and say let's turn back i like it better when we could walk next to each other and talk still being polite he says he wants to keep going this way so i say no really i want to go back the other way and i start to do just that as i walk past he grabs my arm and blocks my path i don't say anything i just casually grab my phone out of my pocket he lets me go saying [ __ ] whatever and we walk back towards the car in silence me with my phone in my hand the whole time amazingly i did have a signal as we reach the clearing where the cars are parked he looks at his watch and stacy has to go now he has somewhere he needs to be we were only on the date for less than an hour but okay i'm not complaining for whatever dumb reason i get back in his car we drive in almost silence the entire way back to my car me with a death grip on my phone and him looking miserable he drops me off on my car and speeds away i never heard from him again me being naive i want to believe that there was no chemistry between us but let's be honest when i decided to [ __ ] politeness and grab my phone that day i spoiled his dastardly plans this happened to me my freshman year of college tinder was new and everyone at my university was on the app i joined to see what all the fuss was about looking through profiles i found a few guys that were really interesting this one guy in particular caught my eye we will call him walter i swipe right on walter and we match i was excited and kind of giddy because he was super attractive he messages me and i get butterflies in my stomach we message on the app for maybe an hour typical conversation is happening i asked him what he does for a living and he asked me what my major was harmless conversation after a while he asked me for my number so we could text instead of messaging on the app i gave it to him you seem nice enough we messaged back and forth for a few days lots of flirty conversations and plans to hang out finally occurred by the fourth day of our conversation he started calling me babe which gave me mixed feelings it was cute but also a little weird we didn't really know each other and had never met i ignored it and continued on with the conversations he started saying he wanted to be exclusive and you really wanted to see me in person he was begging me at this point to come to his apartment to cuddle and watch movies with him and his dog i told him that her first date needed to be in public and i would not be going to some stranger's apartment he said i was overreacting and kept begging i decided to ignore him for the rest of that night the next day he apologized and said he understood why we needed to meet in public so we made plans that weekend the weekend came faster than i expected and it was the day we were supposed to meet something just fell off and i decided to back out i texted him apologizing saying my mom wasn't feeling well and needed me to come home to help her with some house chores this made him annoyed and he said your mom is a big girl if she needs you she can just call you just come over and you can leave one over to go help her i really want to see and kiss you i told him no that i would be staying with my mom that weekend and that was that i only lived about 30 minutes from home so i actually do go home to see my mom that day after what he said about my mom i started ignoring him and the text started rolling in text after text babe i'm sorry please come over babe i miss you are you gonna come over i plan on replying the next day that i was just busy with my mom then he started calling me i had a total of 45 missed phone calls within a two-hour period he left voicemail saying that he was sorry and that he just missed me and wanted me to call him back similar voicemails continued almost the entire time i was home my roommate texted me shortly after i finished dinner with my mom and asked if we could go out that night i agreed and went back to my university dorm suddenly the calls from walter started increasing again more texts voicemails and he started messaging me again on tinder asking me why i wasn't replying to him i wasn't planning on replying until i got a message on instagram that said why didn't you tell me you're coming back to town tonight getting this message really freaked me out i replied to him and said sorry i've been busy with my mom how did you know i was back in town he said well i checked your tinder of course tinder doesn't show exact locations but has a within one mile message this really freaked me out and i messaged him back saying that he was being real creepy he seriously had to be constantly refreshing my profile to see the distance change the message is calls and voicemails continued all were him apologizing for making me feel weird about him knowing where i was he was just worried about me we had been texting for less than a full week i told my roommate about it and so we decided to stay in for the night the last draw for me was getting a message saying look i'm really sorry i'm outside your dorm with flowers and chocolate please forgive me oh hell no i called the campus security and told him about this guy but they never found anyone waiting outside my doors i'm assuming he was in his car waiting for me to reply i blocked him on all my socials phone number deleted tinder and haven't been back on since i have seen him once out and about in town but he didn't recognize me thankfully walter if you read this i'm glad we never met thanks for making me second guess every single guy i find attractive so i'm not sure how many people know what fetlife is but basically it's a fetish bdsm social media site facebook for those into kink basically it was used a lot for hookups dating but i was primarily into it to read some short erotica that were posted in the forum sometimes and finding more like-minded friends but i did eventually branch out and meet some people off of there most of them were really cool others not so much they were just kind of boring all in all it was pretty okay but after talking to this one guy and meeting up with him only once i got really bad vibes and decided not to go any further he just creeped me out for some reason he was not ready to give up things went quiet for a while and then two weeks later i kept getting harassing messages from blank accounts that i'm assuming were his as they all had different variations of the same screen name but words and letters arranged a different order they were pretty harmless things like why don't you love me i thought we had something special hello please talk to me things of that nature annoying but not dangerous well one day he shows up to my work now i did work at a mcdonald's so it isn't that weird and luckily i work in the back at the drive-through i only really saw him out of the corner of my eye when i went up to the front to grab cups and i don't think he recognized me i had shaved my head it was trendy at the time and when i met him i had a wig on i never told him that i had shaved my head either but as i was walking back he called up my name i rushed into the back and told my manager and he got asked to leave i didn't see or hear from him for two weeks afterwards i get another message from a totally new unnamed account but this one was much more sinister and i knew it was him it had to be when he found out i was dating someone new he got angry and threatened to expose me i didn't work at mcdonald's so he didn't know where i worked anymore but he knew where i went to school the names of my mother and sister and knew where they worked he knows what shops i shop at which friends i hang out with the most he didn't know her name but he gave me a really detailed description of how she looked and he says he knows where i live luckily nothing happened and i moved soon after i never heard from him again but needless to say i was very spooked out and it scared me away from online dating for good i made a police report so maybe that scared him away this all happened when i was 19. i'm not the best looking dude so i never had much luck with women and ended up on tinder i wasn't having much luck there either until like the third month of using it when a blonde woman named katie messaged me she was pretty enough that i just dismissed her as a bot it wasn't until three days later that she messaged me again which is odd because bots almost never messaged more than once i clicked on her chat and replied then looked at her profile what i saw was pretty generic but definitely wasn't the bots profile we had been talking for about a month when she proposed the idea that i come see her i was pretty reluctant and she lived eight hours from me by car but i had to admit i really did like her quite a bit and i have been thinking about asking her if i could come see her for a while now after a bit of badgering from her i finally said that i would take a drive to go see her at this point i had no reason to doubt that she was who she said she was we had video chatted every other week called on most days i just assumed that i got really lucky things did get a little weird on the way there though she kept messaging me asking me where i was while making sure i was still coming at some points when i took more than 30 minutes to respond she would send me a slew of annoyed texts immediately i chalked it up to her being nervous about me coming to see her i was pretty nervous too so i couldn't blame her i had a hard time finding her house at first the directions she gave me were pretty confusing and it was back through a series of gravel and dirt roads and a large thicket of trees it was still midday when i came onto an old looking house the window on the second floor was boarded up but it didn't look abandoned just worse for wear katie's red buggy that she liked to talk about was parked in front of the garage i took out my phone and texted her that i was here she only sent a smiley face in return when i got out of the car to knock on the door i noticed that someone was looking at me from one of the second floor windows i found it a little creepy but figured it was just her father or something she had told me that he comes to stay with her every now and again so i ignored it and knocked on her door she answered with a smile and gave me a kiss which surprised me and i followed her inside we sat down on her couch and started talking about our plans when i asked her about her dad you didn't tell me that your dad was here i said was that going to be a surprise or katie looked confused and told me that her dad wasn't here i still thought she was keeping up the act and told her that she didn't have to keep pretending and that i had seen him looking through the window at me from the upstairs window katie went pale and said you gotta get out of here now we both ran to our cars when i questioned katie she informed me that her dad wasn't there and that she had been home alone until i showed up i called the police and while i was on the phone giving my address katie gasps and pointed to the window where i'd seen the guy last he was looking at us from the window again i got a better look of him and he seemed older and frail almost like he hadn't eaten anything in a while he left the window after he saw that we saw him the police took a half an hour to show up and the whole time katie was crying and mumbling about how she was an idiot for not keeping her doors locked when the police finally did show up one started asking me and katie questions as the other two searched the house they came back out a little later and told me and katie that they didn't find anyone they did find the back door was hanging open whoever it was had ran out into the woods but the cops were sure that the house is empty after the cops left she asked me to stay the night because she was too scared to be alone in the house right now i gladly did and we slept downstairs on the couch as katie's bedroom was a room that was right next to where the man had been kitty had also brought out a shotgun that her father had given her but she has never used i told her it was fine the man's gone but she insisted saying that she'll feel safer if it's out i'm glad she did later that night i was still wide awake watching tv katie had somehow managed to fall asleep from the kitchen i heard the sound of the doorknob being turned at this point i wasn't even scared i was just pissed i flipped on the light in the kitchen and pointed the gun at the kicking door and there he was the guy that had been at the house before was standing on the other side of the glass door he looked shocked and i'm glad we had locked the door the man on froze and yet again ran into the woods i woke up katie told her what happened and we called the police yet again when they arrived they did a full sweep of the woods but found no one they told katie and me that it's probably a good idea to stay somewhere else for the night me and katie said our goodbyes she was gonna stay at her friend's house and i was going home i left a little after katie did i was on the phone with my brother telling him what happened my headlights were on as i was talking something caught my eye the [ __ ] man was standing at the corner of the house just watching me i gunned it out of there and didn't even bother calling the police again however i did text katie and she said she was going to call the cops again i don't think katie ever went back to the house alone i'm a 26 year old who has lived in alaska my whole life this will become important later when you see just how far this person would go to try to be with me this all happened a few years back when i was in college like any woman at my age i made a grave mistake of attempting online dating i was using okcupid to try and find a potential partner but i also had listed in my bio that i was looking for friends one day this girl we'll call her jen messaged me she seemed nice and we got to talking and really hit it off but i made it clear at this time i wasn't looking for a relationship due to being preoccupied with work and school i should preface the rest of the story by saying that i'd like to help people and it's really hard for me not to honestly it has been the biggest flaw i've had over the years a contributing factor in multiple abusive relationships i've been in before and since this incident anyway the results of this has been that i tend to drain myself to try to help others and it attracts unsavory and unstable people we start going into conversation about our various interests and eventually we stumble across gaming as a mutual interest jen suggests we play a new game ark survival evolved it's a cursed rune of games that wasn't very optimized for any system to be honest it was an absolute dumpster fire of a game but at the time i thought it had a lot of potential so i spent countless hours making various bases and trading dinosaurs jenny and i spent a lot of time in the multiplayer building things and training dinosaurs and talking and having a good time during this time she opened up to me about a lot of the abuse she had suffered in past relationships and from family that didn't accept her for being gay having also been through some difficult times i felt a lot of empathy for her and would try to build her up and talk her out of self-hating talk when i had the energy to this is when the trouble started though i noticed that she had been a bit too friendly with me and kept being overtly sexual and flirting for a week or two it all started in the game role play kind of stuff she was really nice but totally not my type i had to address the situation multiple times saying that it made me feel very uncomfortable but every time we had that conversation jen would tell me that she understood and would back off you know the drill it never got through to her by this time we had started having communications on a chat app called telegram i wasn't always on my computer so it seemed like a convenient solution i started noticing that a lot of the emojis she was using displayed a very similar lack of respect for my boundaries just as before i mentioned this to jen that it made me feel uncomfortable i knew she had a lot going on upstairs but me being me i have always been a gentle soul it's always been very difficult for me to set firm boundaries and to keep those especially when someone is suffering one week i was very busy with homework and a double shift at work so i ended up getting home very late i booted up my computer just to check some emails as i ate dinner before zonking out when steam loaded i noticed that i had 100 missed messages and comments all from jen about 30 minutes later my phone starts going off mind you this is at 12 am alaskan time so this would have been 3 am for her she called my cell phone number with what she has saved from telegram she was absolutely out of control from the moment i picked up the phone she was screaming obscenities and slurs intercepted with confessions of the love and desperate pleas for me to unblock her so that we could be friends again and that she would make it up to me and all that crap i tried to explain to her that what she had done was out of line and that i just didn't have the emotional capacity to go through another abusive relationship but she was having absolutely none of it i did the only thing i could do i ended the call and blocked her number five minutes later i get a call from my unrecognized private number and pick up knowing exactly what i was in for it was her again calling from her parents landline i immediately hung up 15 seconds goes by and my phone rings again i dismissed the call my phone rang again about five minutes later from the same number this goes on for a solid 15 minutes before i turned off my phone and went to bed it was a fairly sleepless night but thankfully the next day i class in the evening so i had the opportunity to sleep in i woke up from my okay sleep and turned my phone on to find over 100 missed calls and about as many voicemails i checked my telegram to talk to a different friend about the chaos that was going on to find messages from six new accounts most of them just off the wall tax filled with the same out of control ramblings that she had said on the phone they were the text of someone who had completely lost it all over the place in tone and message switching back and forth between i love you and awful slurs with little regard of spacing punctuation capitalization or general legibility i was horrified i mean i had seen a fair share of breakdowns but never once that impacted me directly then i got a phone call same unknown private number hoping that she had calmed down enough to reason i picked up the phone and she started sobbing and screaming starting right back in man as hell i screamed into the phone for her to shut up and for the first time in probably 14 hours she did clearly i told her not to call me again and that she had gone way over the line and i wanted nothing to do with her after this in a calm monotone voice she makes me shudder to this day when she said what do i have to do to prove my love for you do you want me to kill myself how about my dog i can kill her for you honestly i was shocked i just told her no and that if she loved me she would move on and get help this was the worst possible answer immediately she started screaming again i hung up i'm shaking again just remembering this all she called me back consistently for the rest of the morning until i turned my phone off the next day i went in and got my number changed hoping that that would be the end of it a few days passed and i'm at work my boss comes over to me saying that there's a call from my mom i thought nothing of it until i picked up the phone and heard jen's voice on the other end she started talking about how she had started cutting herself and how she would keep going until she was dead if i didn't unblock her so i hung up the phone without a word i told my boss to not bother me with phone calls unless it was from a known listed number on my emergency contact file with my new phone i set up telegram began i started going through blocking all of her other accounts but this still wasn't the end of it for about six months after the whole thing went down every few weeks i'll get a new telegram contact on a new number begging me to unblock her so we could be together i know it's not some big climactic end but honestly what could i do all i knew of her at the time was her first name screen name and state if i had reported to the police nothing would have been done anyways the cops here don't take kindly to queer people like myself so i just didn't want to risk any bs with them oh and to the gen the out of control lesbian from ark survival evolved i hope you've gotten help but please let's never meet again you
Channel: Bad Vibes StoryTelling
Views: 60,066
Rating: 4.8114548 out of 5
Keywords: lets not meet, true scary stories, scary stories, scary true stories, reddit lets not meet, true scary stories lets read, real scary stories, true scary, true scary stories reddit, lets not meet stories, reddit, horror, online dating horror stories, lets not meet reddit, fall asleep, relax, stories for night, long, creepy encounters, rain background, rain sounds, online dating, tinder, plenty of fish, bumble, dating horror, scary online dating horror stories
Id: gLMKUf1oy48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 16sec (4516 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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