Lets Not Meet TRUE Horror Stories Compilation | Best True Scary Stories of August

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I'm an insomniac and it mostly sucks but once summer night insomnia most certainly saved my life it was around 3:00 a.m. I was 18 at the time and home alone I went to bed at 12:30 so not only was I pissed that I couldn't sleep but I was also getting bored so I thought I would just get up and watch a movie or something and hope that I feel tired soon enough or at least entertain myself for a bit and time would go faster when I got on my bed I heard a noise coming from my bedroom window it sounded like something scraping against the metal frame I went to go pull up the blind to see if there was something there and just before I could I heard a click coming from the window I knew that sound it was a sound that my window made when I unlocked it I felt my heart skip a beat and I couldn't describe how much fear I was in at that moment I knew that I wasn't something but someone at my window while I was frozen in fear I heard my window slowly and gently slide open I thought a mix of fear and rage someone was breaking into my house into my room I had a sort of collection on my wall and I took the sharpest one and made the blade pass through one of the slides of the blind where someone would have been in order to open the window I thought that I hit something with my blade and I heard a short scream of pain I took a step back and was gonna hit again when I heard footsteps running away towards the street my store is still in the hand I pull up the blinds and there was no one there now I closed my window and block it off so it couldn't be opened again with the adrenaline still rushing I took my phone and called the police while keeping one eye on my window and another on the tip of my sword where I could see blood I went out drinking last night which was sort of a rare occurrence it took me back to something that had happened to me a couple of years ago my roommate and friend at the time loved to go out and drink but she had a bad habit of not eating anything before drinking and she preferred drinks that were on the strong side like Long Island iced teas shots of whiskey etc one night we left the bar and she told me that she felt like she was gonna throw up we walked a little ways from the main downtown area he sat down on the sidewalk and leaned back at that point I was ready to go home and I called him me to friend so they could pick us up while we were waiting my friend was on the verge of passing now a guy riding his bike came up to us he says she doesn't look so good I'll grab my car and take her home and I said no it's fine we have a friend coming to pick us up he proceeded to say I live just down the road I would just bike to my house and get my car and I'll be right back mind you we had both never met this man before after I told him we had a ride I didn't understand why he kept insisting I called him again no we're fine someone was on their way and I'm gonna get her some water from the gas station and she'll be fine he grew impatient and kept saying something along the lines of I'm a good guy I'll just be right back I can take her to my house for some water I said no again and he didn't seem to like that he kept insisting that he was a good person and he would take care of her and he would take her to his house and get her some water and all of that despite the fact that we already had someone on their way my friend was being very nice to him but wasn't really paying attention I have a feeling that she would have gone with him if I hadn't been there I got really strange vibes from this guy even though it seemed like a nice gesture something fought off he just want to let it go and continue to try to change my mind and I got incredibly annoyed by it and sternly raised my voice I said we're fine please leave and then he waited there for a moment and stares at us not wanting to leave he eventually hops on this bike and quickly rides away a few minutes later my friend arrived this happened last year around this season while I was broken struggling to make ends meet I just moved out and didn't want to resort to going back to my parents anyways I was desperate and looking on Craigslist for caregiver slash housekeeping gigs just to make quick cash while I was looking for a full-time position after responding in several I got a bite back from a man who had advertised as a disabled man who needed help with his morning and evening routines since he had a bad back as a past caregiver I thought nothing of his request to help bathing and dressing him says I knew it could be difficult for some after chatting on the phone and coming to the conclusion that he was a nice and normal guy I proceeded to head over to his townhouse late one night to help him with his night routine he lived a bit out of the way for me but I was desperate and didn't mind he even said I could spend the night says he needed me in the morning anyway once I got there he was a decent looking man in his late 30s or early 40s with a cane he pay me $200 up front for the expected nighttime and morning routine he explained that he was ex-military and had back surgery recently things started to get weird once he offered me some wine and mentioned how cute he thought I was I should have seen this as a big red flag but again I was super poor and I didn't want to cheat him so I gave him the benefit of the doubt he led me to his bedroom where he got undressed for his evening shower I was horrified as I saw he already had a giant erection and he wanted me to lather him up he asked if I wanted to take my clothes off and I declined and he responded respectfully however he did touch my butt when I bent over to pick up something for him I should have ran out right there but I was kind of waiting for the right moment after quickly giving him the most unsexy shower in the most platonic way I could he got out said he was heading for bed but he didn't want to wear any clothes the guest room where I stayed was right next to his and though I was tired I was still pretty on edge my gut instinct was told me to get the hell out of there the issue was we were on a third storey townhouse and we were on the top floor and he installed baby gates on each floor so that his cat wouldn't run away also he had turned off all the lights in the lower floors and it was pitch black in order for me to get out I'd have to pass his room I quietly arranged my stuff to my purse while I heard his TV blaring to my heart I saw him walking swiftly to his bathroom without his cane I realized then he wasn't as disabled as he told me since he previously put on an act as if he couldn't walk without it he was also still hard and was holding the giant bottle of lotion with him as quickly and quietly as I could I fled and ran like hell out of the room while he was in the bathroom I jumped like an Olympic sprinter over the cat gates down the stairs I throw up with the front door and ran to my car I heard his house alarm go off I got into my car as fast as lightning heart beating like crazy I immediately got phone calls from his number in every car that trailed me had me terrified until I got out of there finally after a two hour drive I was back in my place and grateful I was out of there who knows what would have happened if I stayed overnight but I definitely did not want to stay to find out this happened in early 2017 I was a 23 year old girl and had just finished college the field I studied was not huge in my area so I decided to leave I moved to the biggest city in our country to make a post graduation course and look for a job as I was still unemployed I decided I would wait to make a long-term rental contract worrying about a possible bad commute to work in the first couple of months I was switching from air B&B and hostels all the time I was already tired of this I decided this will be my last move and then with or without a job I would settle I was running out of money and decided to stay in a dorm in a hostel next to where I was taking classes sharing a bedroom it's not a problem to me during a trip but when you're living somewhere trying to create a routine sharing a bathroom with some complete strangers just sucks I would show the dorm with three guys but it's not with any of them that my bad encounter occurs they were nice apart from one of them snoring so bad at night no biggie in another dorm although was the creepiest person I've ever seen he was in his mid-30s and he was not travelling he was needed from the city where we were in and was using the hostel as a new house says his parents kicked him out of theirs can't introduce himself and tried to be nice and flirty with me I was polite initially but declined his advances he wouldn't stop he started following me all day long in the hostel anywhere I went he would show up at less than five minutes on the second day there I left the hostel to a job interview and by the time I arrived back to the hostel late at night he was seated alone on the front stairs waiting for me he told me this like it was the most natural thing on earth he would buy me snacks ask me out try to get information about my personal life all these things when I already made it clear of my lack of interest in this friendship all this happened in three days I was exhausted of his presence but what I didn't know is that it could have went worse as soon as one of the guys that was she the dorm with me left he asked the hostel staff to switch dorms so he could stay in the same one as me obviously he didn't tell me this so imagine how surprised and disgusted I was when I saw him coming into the dorm with all his belongings I was so scared of his presence that I slept boring jeans to avoid any sort of advantage that he could take while I was sleeping the very next morning I decided to leave the situation that got worse and I couldn't handle it anymore while I was packing the guy showed up notice what I was doing it started to cry asking me not to leave him that to make things even more creepy and disgusting he told me that he would miss seeing my face while I was sleeping and thank God that he had taken photos I was trying my best to stay calm but I lost it when he told me he had taken pictures of me while I was sleeping I took his phone out of his hand and asked him to see the pictures and deleted all of them there are a bunch of photos of me sleeping in the night before I left the hostel and I really regret not reporting him to the staff crazy lonely dude in the hostel please let's never meet again I should make this clear from the beginning I have not always had the best taste in men we'll get that out of the way now after I split from my husband and being hit on by the worst of the worst my friend and I thought it would be funny to sign up for tinder as a social experiment of sorts at least then I could control the men who talk to me as well as provide my friends with hilarious screenshots I will add tinder isn't all bad I eventually met my fiancee on that half you win some you lose some I met a guy named Jason who seemed intelligent it had a successful career after talking for a while I agreed to meet up with him for some coffee he was attractive and seemed very attentive it was a nice date and we made plans to meet up again for sushi the next week we meet up for sushi and after what I thought was a good day he suggests we go back to his apartment to watch some documentaries I'm a sucker for documentaries and he didn't seem like a serial killer so I agreed as we sat on his couch he turned on this obscure documentary about some musician from the 1950s which I was fine with but I noticed that he kept staring at me now attention can be flattering or it could be downright creepy unfortunately his attentiveness fell under the latter category after a few minutes of actively ignoring his staring he completely out of nowhere said can I taste you I've always been a fan of serial killer documentaries and I'm pretty sure this may have been one of Dahmer's pickup lines so I politely declined and nope the hell out of there at the time I was creeped out but chalked it up as a good fail tinder date story here's where things get weird he soon asked me out on another date and although in my mind I wanted to scream and that I would rather be waterboarded than spend one more time with him I politely explained that due to going through a divorce it was not good timing and I wasn't truly ready to date anyone we were not friends on social media so I didn't think it was a huge deal a month or so later I met a man that I would eventually become engaged to again via tinder and didn't give a second thought to Jay and after a few months there were pictures of mine now fiancé and I on Facebook and Instagram around this time my fiancee who I called Zhi received a text message from a strange number claiming to be one of his female friends it was a very strange message and basically propositioned him to come and have sex he knew his very out of character of one of his friends as she knew that he was dating someone so he immediately messaged his friend and asked her if she had sent that message she of course had nothing to do with it and he didn't think much of it I own my own house so after about six months she moved in with me his friend fell upon hard times and we welcomed her into our house to stay until she was able to find the apartment she began receiving messages on Instagram calling her an ugly troll a [ __ ] and making various and other disparaging remarks around this time we had noticed that a white car had been seen outside her house periodically I live in a very rural area and there's no parking on the street about twice a week we would see this white vehicle at first we thought it may be my ex-husband or someone that he knew again we didn't have a good split maybe a month later ji received a message on Instagram telling him that he would never be good enough for me that he was a terrible boyfriend and that if he hurt me that this person would hurt him he texts me from work asking if I received any strange messages and let me know there's something kind of weird just happened I let him know that I had not and asked him what was going on he sent me screenshots of the messages and knows that the person who had sent him was also following me on Instagram I looked at the profile and the only people he had followed were men who commented on my photos or females who followed G once I knew about the messages received from both G and his friends I started to panic about the white car that would watch over our house we literally live across the street from a cornfield there is never any reason for someone sitting outside our house who we didn't know after this came to light I couldn't think of who might have created these fake profiles to bully people who I was involved with but I saw even the fake name was Jason when he explained the strange text message to his friend the message she had received I was struggling to figure out who may be doing this I went through all my social media and snapchat and I found that Jason was following me I had never given him my last name and I'm still not sure how he was able to find me he was the only person who fit the situation and the rude messages continued throughout the day I knew that Jason worked at a tech developer and would have known how to create a fake phone number and seek out my information on top of going through a nasty divorce I also have two small children G finally sent a message to Jason conveying that the police would not be happy with someone harassing a woman with two small children and then all the messages and communication finally stopped this is gonna be short and while I was present for this I don't remember it as I was an infant my grandmother on my dad's side I use that term loosely because I haven't seen her census took place and she was a massive con artist when my dad was a kid she always had some kind of scam running she actually bet one of her son's in a card game and lost him I have blonde hair and blue eyes I only had peach fuzz at birth but I was clearly blonde when this woman saw me her first words were a blue-eyed blonde she'd be worth a lot in Mexico my mom was shocked to say the least the woman played it off as if it was a joke but my mom kept a close eye on her when I was 2 months old she offered to take my mom on vacation to Mexico but only if she brought me my mom turned her down and cut her out of our lives my dad disappeared forever when I was 1 so it wasn't hard for her to keep away so grandma let's never meet again I worked with this guy we had a work outing which included drinks I got a little too drunk to drive home so he offered me a ride a few others accepted the ride along with me he dropped them off first and dropped me off last and asked me if I had feelings for him I told him I thought he was really cool because we had similar interests I then promptly reminded him of our no fraternizing agreement we signed before we started working there I also told him I wasn't interested in him romantically from that evening on he would always find ways to tell me he had hot dates that would then cancel on him and he would ask me if I wanted to go out for drinks it felt like he was trying to make me feel bad so that I would go out with him but I never accepted he asked me out to dinner dates into the movies a handful of times which I always declined and reminded him that I had no interest in him that way a few of my co-workers caught him looking through my phone I assumed he was looking for texts from other guys he accused our other male co-workers of sexually harassing me when he saw that we were friends on snapchat or even text even though there wasn't any type of sexual relationship going on between them and I he would send videos of me dancing the club to our co-workers meanwhile I had no idea that he was there or thought the videos existed I had many co-workers coming up to me and asking me if I had any knowledge of the videos and if I felt safe he showed up to my house a couple of times without me knowing or inviting him he knocked once and took off another time he just stood there and left without knocking we only knew this because of my roommates motion sensored security cam that would send us notifications and videos when there was activity my biggest mistake was accepting another ride from him after all this I was in a group setting again so I thought it would be safe my co-workers were sort of aware of this and asked if I could be dropped off first he went about dropping them all off first I stayed in the back seat and he begged me to move to the front seat but I didn't at the end he demanded why I wasn't interested in him and why I didn't like him since he was such a nice guy at this point I was furious and honestly terrified I started screaming at him pointing out to him all the times I told him I wasn't interested and declined all his imitations I opened the door while he is moving and he slammed on the brakes I think I startled him I jumped out and spring at home now 10 minutes later I get a text from him asking again when did I lose interest in him and if it's because he's too nice or if it's because he gets too many other hot dates as if I didn't spend five minutes telling him I was never interested in him and as if I just didn't sprint out of his car I've locked him on everything brought it up to my manager the next day and filed a report then put in my two weeks not sure if this belongs here but years ago when I was 13 I made a post on Craigslist advertising babysitting services as a way to make some money the morning after I made this post I got a phone call from a man supposedly interested in hiring as soon as I heard his voice I got an anxious feeling he was whispering very low and kind of slow the entire time it was extremely off-putting it sounded like he was middle-aged so we exchanged hellos and he says he was calling and asking about how much I charged he asked my name which he would repeat over and over again throughout the conversation just to add the strangeness he also asked me my age and other details so anyways he says he has a young son for whom he needs a babysitter then he begins to ask me about my experience and then strangely diving into overly lengthy descriptions of his own life I don't remember in details of the conversation but I do remember one thing he asked me extremely clearly now James my son sometimes he likes to touch himself that wouldn't bother you would it in his creepy slow and low voice I just remember being filled with anxiety and wanting to hang up and immediately it was just sort of beyond too much information his voice in tone really made it a lot worse he sounded serious but at this point I was partly convinced that this was some sort of prank and I was almost certain he didn't have a kid I had no idea how to respond to that even though what's just on the phone me being stupid and at this point a petrified 13 year old kid I just responded with no and I'm sure he realized how nervous I sounded he just kind of gave a low little chuckle and continued on because do you know how little boys are honestly a lot of details of the combo are blurred and it went by fairly quickly I just remember nodding and yes seeing my way through the conversation till the end when he asked me my availability miss he would give me a call he ended the call with okay thanks James with a little chuckle and hung up can't remember whether he gave me his information or not but I'm pretty sure he did not call back I do remember jumping onto my computer and taking down my ad as soon as the combo ended I felt like complete crap after the phone call and wondered whether this was a normal discussion for an adult to try to have with a potential child babysitter I mean it's not right definitely glad I never met this dude terrible terrible vibes just threw the phone this happened seven years ago I'm 20 years old now my parents were away from home for a family emergency I'm the only child and whenever my parents left and I stayed home alone I usually didn't get scared this was a third night by myself I was playing video games and eating junk food and then I hear a knock on the door I was wondering who it could be knocking on someone's door at a later time like this I could see a man peeping through the small glass windows surrounding the door I could hear him yelling he was saying I'm really hurt please let me come in I said what's wrong and he said he broke his foot this seemed kind of weird to me I asked him how he broke his foot and he told me he was walking around the neighborhood he tripped over his foot and landed in an odd way he was begging me and screaming telling me that if he got really hurt he's gonna sue me for not helping him I said I would call him an ambulance and for him to wait outside after I said that he said if you don't let me in I'll slit your throat and cut your body in half as soon as he said that I grabbed my dad's shotgun that he keeps on the highest shelf of the kitchen and I grabbed the phone to call the police I told him in that the police are on his way he then told me that they won't make it in time he was trying to bust open my dining-room window by the way he was hitting it it looked like he was about to break I quickly ran upstairs into my room and decided to hide under my bed I called the cops and the operator told me that they would be there in a couple minutes as soon as the operator said that I heard the window break he must have found a large rock in my front yard I could hear him checking it all the rooms downstairs then I heard him coming up the stairs he checked my parents bedroom and then the closet then I heard him trying to open my door I grabbed the shotgun tightly in my hand and waited for him to break down my door he was now kicking it as hard as he could it just took a couple of hits for him to knock it down I could see his feet as he tried to open the closet door in my room which I locked purposely to confuse him I heard him say I know you're in there I was wondering if I should shoot his leg or try to sneak past him and run out I wouldn't be able to sneak out without making some noise at that moment I had forgot that I was under my bed and went up and hit my head and making a very loud noise they may have quickly turned around he said oh trying to be a smartass huh then I heard sirens as soon as he said that oh [ __ ] you got lucky this time well you won't the next he tried to run quickly out of my room but I grabbed his foot making him fall hard to the ground I was holding it with all my might as I heard the police rushing upstairs and they got a hold of the man I came out with a shotgun and the police were pointing their guns at me now I quickly explained everything and the police understood apparently they found the man's van parked in front of my house he had many sharp knives duct tape a camera and a rope I couldn't have imagined what he would have done to me if I hadn't locked that closet door the police called my parents and told them what happened they came home three days earlier and my mom hugged me very tightly and so did my dad my mom told me that they had sent us the man 215 years without a chance of getting parole we've moved from the house a month later and I've had a lot of nightmares about it it took me a long time to get back to normal I never stayed a night alone until I moved out of my parents house and I have three guns in my house just to be extra safe if anything like this ever happens again I really love Craigslist I'd estimate I've met maybe 300 people for buying and selling stuff and for the most part everyone was nice and harmless however I did run into two creeps who made me rethink meeting strangers alone to sell stuff I was an early 20 year old female at the time first guy it's 2009 and I'm staying with my parents for the Christmas holidays in a small town in Florida I'm going through my childhood room and cleaning out the closet and find a giant CD folder full of maybe a hundred really shitty CDs think Nickelback it's a 21st century no one really uses CDs anymore I figured out tried to sell the CDs on Craigslist I put up a listing 100 CDs from the late 90s and early 2000s mix of rock and pop all for 35 dollars or best offer the next day I get an email from this guy named John around 2:00 p.m. he says that he's in my town temporarily and he wants to buy the CDs he said though you could pick them up after dinner around 8 p.m. I emailed him back my address and number and tell him to text me or call me when he's on his way a PM comes and goes and I figure I had been stood up which happens often on Kreis list no big deal my dad works for a liquor distribution company and we often do demonstration nights at restaurants and bars and would come home after bar closing time this night he gets home around 3:00 a.m. I'm in college in a total night out so I'm still hot probably eating junk food and surfing the web or watching horror flicks I hear a car pull up look out my window to see him sitting in his car eating food he often stops a Taco Bell on his way home and eats in his car so my mom doesn't know he's Tina on his diet maybe 10 minutes later my dad comes in and shouts my name there's someone here to see you can you please tell me why there's a strange man showing up at our house at 3:00 a.m. huh I go downstairs and my dad says someone pulled up into our driveway and asked for me by name I walk outside with my dad and this guy maybe in his mid-thirties gets out of his car he says he's the Craigslist guy who wants to buy the CDs my dad ends up going back in the house and I tell the guy it's really really late just to be stopping by especially without texting first however since I'm awake I go grab the CDs he proceeds to drone on and on but why he's buying the CDs he says he's engaged to a woman he loves very much and he wants to make her happy he said that last week someone broke into her car and stole all of her CDs she was really upset and he wanted to make it up to her he looked on Craigslist and found my listing and was really excited because I had a bunch of CDs she's to have the weird thing is I didn't list any of the artists or bands because I was too lazy but I didn't think much of that at the time anyway he said he was getting it for her as a Christmas surprise he said he was staying with his future in-laws somewhere nearby and they had a family barbeque that ran really late which is why he never made it by 8 p.m. by this time I've lost interest and say something along the lines of that's sweet next time you should probably call or text a Craigslist er instead of just showing up I hand him the CDs he hands me cash and I go back inside three days later I start getting texts from my unknown number hey I don't know my way around this town care to be my tour guide I could really use a massage where can I get a massage in this town you're Asian do you do a massage would you take $40 for one hour massage happy ending I finally responded back with who the [ __ ] is this I received a response in a matter of seconds oh oh sorry I bought 2 CDs from you the other day do you squirt I didn't respond obviously I showed my friends that night and we all left it off then the next day I get more tags I still have your address I'm at the Bank of America near your neighborhood I just got the $40 babe only three minutes away are you home you [ __ ] [ __ ] stop ignoring me I'm almost there I immediately ran downstairs to tell my mom and dad it was nighttime so we shut off all the lights outside and inside the house my mom little brother and I went up to my parents room in the back of the house my dad had behind the curtains of the front window bay with a shovel in his hand a few minutes later I heard him run down the front hallway flinging the front door open and running outside we heard some faint shouting so we walked out of the bedroom by that time my dad came back in with his shovel his face red and his hair all disheveled apparently the guy came driving down our street really really slowly my dad recognized the car and went running outside with the shovel yelling obscenities at the guy the guy peeled off and never came back again or text me again the second guy that was moving from Florida to DC and was gonna load up my car with as much stuff as I could fit however I lived on the third floor and also had a bit of a walk to my assigned parking spot so I figured I could use some help I posted an ad on Craigslist gigs I said I was looking for someone to help me load some heavy items like TV desk etc into my car less than an hour's worth of work and I'd pay $45 or whatever I gave the very first responder in my number an address and he shows up he's probably five eight and about 350 pounds of pure fat the sweat and smell coming off this guy in the Florida heat was pretty nauseating but I didn't care as long as either the job right well he was carting heavy stuff I was loading lighter things whenever I would go upstairs and grab another load he would hurry right behind me so he could walk up the stairs behind me I had the door propped open so he didn't have to worry about needing me to unlock it for him to go in or anything like that when he'd follow me up the stairs he made a weird grinding noise like mmm-hmm but I assumed it was just because he was out of shape eventually everything was loaded properly and safe except for some sweat smears on my stuff I pay him and he drives off I go back into my place and finish loading and cleaning about 45 minutes later I go to put another load in the car and see that his truck is back park across the street for mine he's sitting in the driver's seat looking at me when he sees me notice him he looks away I walk over to his window and knock he rolls it down and I ask him if he needs help or if he was lost I was really confused as to why he came back and I knew he didn't live anywhere near me he didn't say anything he just rolled his window back up and drove off um okay whatever of course five minutes later my phone starts blowing up I didn't recognize the number so I didn't answer the calls then the texts start rolling in I bet you taste salty and sweet who is this your [ __ ] what are you up to tonight I can come back over I get a sinking feeling that it's a Craigslist guy he never called me about the job so I never got his number so I really didn't know who the number was I like your pink panties then I realized he was looking at my dress when I was walking up the stairs I immediately felt like a total idiot for wearing a dress that day he then starts dialing my number over and over again I didn't know how to block a number through Sprint so I just turned my phone off later I was with my friend grabbing a bite to eat and turn my phone back on I got another text from the guy about how he wanted to toss me around like a rag doll and tied me up and make me beg for it I still did text my friend and tell him the whole story the Craigslist creep then proceeds to blow up my phone again so my friend answers and he says he's gonna cut his dick off and feed it to his dog if he ever contacted me again I moved the next day so I never had to worry about him randomly showing up in his truck again since then I bought and sold stuff on Craigslist but I always make sure to meet people in the public place so back in 2014 I was in a rush to move to another apartment and they weren't that many they were available for the time for him I won in it for at least not any good apartments and definitely not in any good areas I found a nice decent apartment with three rooms and I moved in for the time being at least I had a place to live in while looking for a better place the suite was newly renovated so I was supposed to get new appliances as well there had been a mistake with a fridge and the landlord told me that they would replace it as soon as possible and I should expect it within the first two weeks of moving in about a month later I get a knock on the door I want to look at the peephole it's all a man standing there with a piece of paper in his hand and another man behind him fridge the man said behind the door I opened the door and saw two men the first man was a delivery guy behind him stood a man who didn't really care about his appearance and honestly look like he just crawled out of a dumpster I thought it was just a helper I let the man walk inside and place the fridge in the kitchen the greasy man followed him inside and introduced himself to me I'm the new landlord he said with a smile really where did the other one go I was a bit startled as he looked like a freaking homeless guy who the hell hired him to be the landlord oh she doesn't work here anymore well no [ __ ] I thought the delivery guy then said to you bye and left but the landlord didn't where are your parents I told him I live alone big mistake no way you look like you're a 15 year old girl he said with a smile yeah I get that a lot what do you need this big place for he asked I just told him I moved in there temporarily he walked out of the kitchen and started opening and closing the fridge door just checking if everything's good I just nodded leaned back against the wall and watched he just stood there looking at the fridge and then back at me why doesn't he just frickin leave I thought to myself then he said you're really cute look at you standing over there you are so cute I let out a laugh and thank him no major red flags yet he then said I live on the first floor if you ever want to visit we can hang out I didn't know how to answer him so I said hmm yeah I mean I don't think before I could say another word he interrupted me I have no friends and I don't talk to my family I'm really lonely okay red flags are going off now I asked him why he didn't talk to his family but he just brushed it off and changed the topic quickly then he started walking to the door and repeating himself once again don't forget first floor don't be a stranger I followed him to the door and locked it when he left I thought a bit uncomfortable but soon forgot about it about three days later I get a phone call from the place I applied to I had landed a part-time job at Best Buy this was gonna be my second job since I already had a job at an insurance company I was excited to start at BestBuy and I was hired in the tech department and I absolutely loved computers before I go on I worked Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the insurance place and then three days a week at best by mostly evenings but it varied on weekends so on the first day I headed out of my apartment took the elevator down and was about to X to the front doors when I heard the familiar voice hey it was the landlord hey what's up not much where are you going I ignored the question and told him I needed to go and walk out the door I didn't need to drive to work because Best Buy was within walking distance about three minutes into my walk I noticed the great car driving slowly beside me I glanced over to see who it was and it was the landlord he rolled down his passenger side window where are you going I told him that I was on my way to work and I'd be late if we continued chatting I said bye and I continued to walk a bit faster wait let me take you where do you work no that's all right it's not far away I work at Best Buy I'll walk another dumb mistake I shouldn't have told him where I worked come on let me take you I'm headed to Tim Hortons anyway I need to get some coffee well it didn't hurt for him to drop me off I thought he's going in the same direction anyway I hesitated a bit but then accepted his offer I got into his car I know dumb owed me and let him drive me to work it was a very short ride but he did not fail to make me feel uncomfortable when I finally got to my Works parking lot I thanked him I reached open the door but it didn't open hey your doors locked yeah I have the habit of locking doors before I let you go can you give me your number I lied to him and told him that my phone wasn't working and that I was just used it as a iPad my phone wasn't on vibrate and I was hoping to god that I wouldn't get a text message or any notification ok then let me give you my number grabbed a piece of paper and wrote his number down give me a call ok sure I said when are you gonna call me I don't know I'll call you when I get a chance too what time are you done I'll pick you up I don't know it's my first day I don't know how long I'm gonna be here for I was hoping that he would just fall for my lie he unlocked the door so I stepped out of the car I think him again and walked towards the store before leaving he once again shouted don't forget to call and then drove off Jesus what a creepy guy this is I threw the little paper with his number out and forgot about the whole situation the next day I was scared to take the elevator since he always happened to be where I was going so I decided to take the stairs it led to the back door and I was sure I wouldn't see him I did this for about four days and never saw him great this works I thought on the fourth day I was sitting in my living room watching youtube videos on my laptop it was around 10:30 p.m. and I was kind of dozing off when I heard a knock at the door I wasn't expecting anyone who could it be I said to quietly and didn't move hoping that they would just go away another knock I tiptoed to the door looked out the peephole it was a landlord again hey are you there open up confused and tired I opened the door this is a conversation that followed hey what's up where the hell have you been what do you mean I don't see you leave for work anymore did you quit her something no I still go to work I just have a weird schedule you never called me I was waiting for your call and you never called you promised sorry I never got a chance to I worked two jobs so I'm pretty busy I came to you work and ask for you they told me that they have no one by your name there did you lie to me about your name I was caught off guard I didn't know what to tell him I had indeed lied to him about my name but that wasn't what freaked me out why the hell had he gone by my work you went by my work why I said a bit nervously because I didn't see you around I wanted to know where you were he said kind of irritated I didn't respond he then was just staring at me for a moment hoping that I'd invite him in but there was no way in hell I was gonna invite this guy in I'm really tired I need to work tomorrow I'll see you around look I need to talk to you can we talk honestly I'm really tired right now can this wait whatever fine he said this while walking away still muttering something under his breath I shut the door and stayed up for a bit afraid that he returned luckily he did not return so I finally fell asleep so the next day came I got ready for work again and decided to take the elevator the elevator door opened and guess who was there yep it was him he asked me if I needed a ride to work and I responded with a no are you sure I told him once again that he didn't need a ride and I got out of the elevator and went to work this went on for months by this time I had already mentioned him for my manager and co-workers they told me if I didn't show up one day that they would call the police sometimes he would see me walk out the main door and you would drop everything he was doing to come after me asking me if I needed a ride other times he would ask me to hang out and if he could take me on a date knocking on my door in the middle of the night was a pretty common thing one time he was in the middle of a conversation with another tenant the tenant was complaining about something that had broken in his suite and that he needed him to fix it the landlord told the tenant he should go to his apartment he would go grab his tools follow quickly after the tenant left but he never went to go get his tools instead he followed me outside and offered me a ride to work again I told him no and that he needed to do his job and to help the tenant he said he didn't give a [ __ ] about the tenant and all that he wanted to do was be around me this creeped me out of course I would also see him at working sometimes my manager had given me permission to go to the back room and just get out of sight whenever he would come in and look for me which he had done several times while I was at work I caught him walking around once scanning an entire store to see if he could spot me but he didn't so he just left he also mentioned to me once that sometimes he wanted to kidnap me and he told me he just wanted to take me away and keep me to himself I remember when he said it he looked like he was hesitating as if he was gonna act on it right away I find it a bit alarming but I wasn't too scared I don't know why I guess I didn't realize how much danger I was in at the time but I did play it cool in case he was really gonna try something he would often didn't say creepy things to me whenever he got a chance to talk to me however I don't remember all of it it's a bit fuzzy to me now you might ask why I hadn't called the cops well the police said wouldn't have done anything since he had not caused me physical harm so there's no point of calling them all so I had no proof that these things were happening or of the things that he said to me other than showing up to my work a few times he would come to my work often to look for me if he didn't see me leave for work or if he hadn't seen me in a few days or he'd bang on my door in the middle of night asking me to open the door I of course will ignore it he had no way of reaching me anymore and it was now clear to him that I was avoiding him a couple weeks passed and I was awoken by the sound of the fire alarm going off oh [ __ ] that's right there's supposed to be another fire drill today it was my day off I quickly went to see if I still had the note you see when you're gonna enter my apartment maybe I still have time to get ready and leave the apartment since the landlord usually comes in with a person who checks the alarm but I couldn't find the note I got ready as fast as I could and I was halfway done when there was a knock of my door crap I thought open the door and there was the guy for the alarm and the landlord they both walked in the landlord didn't say a word to me the guy checked the alarm and said it was good and then they both laugh I thought relieved that went well right wrong not even a minute passes and they hear another knock on my door hates me can you open for a second I ignored it then the knocks got louder hey man I know you're in there stop playing with me I need to tell you something come on open up this continue for two minutes when it was finally silent again I had enough of this [ __ ] guy I had to do something about this that night I was supposed to go to my friend's house to hang out with her and also to return her laptop she had given it to me to reinstall windows I got ready and left my apartment around 11:00 p.m. it was really nice out and I wanted to walk to her house it was a long walk but I really loved walking I took the elevator down and when the doors opened I saw him standing by the door he didn't see me yet so I had act fast either get back in the elevator or sprint to the front door it was a split decision I went for the front doors but sadly he noticed me and I heard heavy footsteps running behind me before I go on with the story I want to say that when you leave the front doors you see a big parking lot in order to leave the apartment complex you need to walk around the building so basically the front doors are pretty much the back of the building and the back doors are the front I know it's weird anyhow when I go outside I run halfway around the building and was looking behind me there was no one there I stopped running and started walking again but something inside me told me to keep running little did I know the reason why the footsteps had stopped behind me it was because he had gone to the back doors to catch me there when I got to the other side of the building I saw that he had made it halfway around the back side of the building I started running again and he started running after me he was chasing me for about two blocks well we both occasionally stopped to catch our breaths I was close to the main road when I stopped running my lungs were burning I couldn't run anymore whatever happened next I had to fight he caught on out of breath he said stop man you're killing me stop doing this to me I looked in shock didn't say a word still trying to catch my breath while he doing this to me man he said letting out a small cry for the first time I saw the look of sadness mixed with anger stop following me I yelled what do you want please don't go please come with me let's talk he pleaded talk about what he was still trying to catch his breath I didn't care anymore I was shaking tired I just wanted to see my friend I didn't even make out what he said because of all the adrenaline I started walking again turn around every two seconds to see if he was following me but he wasn't he just watched me walk away and that's the last time I saw him so creepy landlord please let's never ever meet again when I was fifteen raywilliamjohnson was the most subscribed to channel on YouTube I feel it's necessary to say now that he was not the youtuber this story is about but I feel this is important to include four contacts doing some research for this post he was the first YouTube channel to ever reach five million subscribers so he was very popular at the time in his show he reviewed viral videos as a teenager it was one of my favorite things to watch every week he would pick one subscriber video to provide the comic question of the week to which his subscribers would provide responses in the comment section a friend and I thought we had a great question to ask featuring her new baby iguana and sent it in every week after filming it by the fourth or fifth week our video was selected and aired on that week's show in hindsight there definitely wasn't much more traffic coming into my account but at the time it really felt like it I had 30 some messages in my message box at the time and quite a few comments on the original video I can confidently say let's not mean to anyone in that comment section Garney such classy comments as I tap both of you at the same time I would do you both and the iguana can watch I would totally do the girl on the left and of course the classic I love you my friend at the time was 13 years old and my message box did not look much different now as a teenager with low self-esteem I was pleased with a lot of this new attention I was actually taking time to respond to a lot of the messages ignoring the disturbing ones taking people for congratulating me on getting picked and occasionally starting a conversation with some Internet strangers one of the most common questions I got asked after the video was how old are you and of course I offered up the information because why wouldn't I one specific person sticks out because he continued talking to me consistently every day I would have a message from him and I would respond he was just chatting just being nice I thought he had a youtube account small but had a couple thousand subscribers having had eleven myself all of which being my friends I thought it was cool that his channel was successful he asked me how old I was I told him 15 he told me he was 21 it was initially quite tame conversation but after a few weeks he asked me for my phone number I wasn't naive and gave it to him because he was nice and he didn't live anywhere near me from what he told me he lived several states away then he texts me all the time he tried calling me around this time is where I started getting creeped out he began talking about wanting to meet me now at this point I had seen to catch a predator in school and I started getting somewhat suspicious I never gave him any more information other than state I lived in and my first name that seemed innocent enough well he started getting flirty and creepy and generally uncomfortable to talk to you I slowly stopped responding ignoring his phone calls it would say I was busy then he found my other social media accounts and tried talking to me there I told him I had gotten a boyfriend which was a lie but he still sent me generally just comforting messages especially looking back at it this guy made me so uncomfortable that even thinking about it now or seeing his username makes me feel nauseated and tense the messages that really got to me the one that finally scared me enough and the one that I can actually remember after all these years said I'm gonna come to Ohio to find you and when I finally do I'm gonna hug you so hard I'm gonna squeeze and squeeze until your eyes pop out of your little head I never told my parents but I was lucky enough to be able to get my phone number changed I started getting paranoid that he would find me check-in my logs closing my curtains I removed him from some social media changed my user names and display names to make myself harder to find because you know I was a teenager to be able to contact my actual friends all the time surprisingly he got quiet for a while and I slowly gained some feeling of safety back I actually started a new YouTube channel at the recommendation of some friends and started putting myself out there again doing more media production which I love and gardening a small following of 1200 strangers none of whom ever made me feel unsafe thankfully a few years down the road I started my freshman year of college I just turned 18 and wouldn't you know he found me again found me on all social medias sent me messages again posted some comments on my old youtube channel all at once I felt absolutely sick I remember the creepy messages and I'm settling feeling just generally breathlessness I had when he started telling me he would find me and that he was coming for me I had a brief panic attack before swiftly blocking him on everything my profiles were me at my new college wearing my gear and everything I would have been significantly easier to find now and I knew it I hardly made any friends my first year at college I didn't leave my room much after that happened I never went to parties I scarcely made friends every so often I would remember that experience and get sick this is one of those times I've since graduated I moved far away with my boyfriend but I still check my locks and curtains aggressively every night sometimes three or four times even if I'm sure I've done it already but I'll never understand is how a grown man at twenty-one would be so interested in the 15 year old girl and especially still be interested after several years the entire memory disgusts me he still post videos on the YouTube channel and all I could think about is how he tried to get with me when I was a minor a child he was a predator he took away my sense of safety and up to this point he certainly is on my top ten list of people with whom I hope I never ever have to encounter again one evening when I was a junior in high school my mom and dad went out leaving me home alone I had a lot of homework to do so I spent the whole evening sitting at my desk in my bedroom my parents left the house around 6:00 p.m. while I was doing homework I put my headphones on and listen to loud music there was a storm that night and my desk was facing the window so I could see the rain the lightning outside my parents came home around 11:00 p.m. when I saw their car drive up I took off my headphones as soon as my mom opened the front door and came inside I heard her shout my name what on earth happened here she demanded in an angry voice confused I ran downstairs my mom was standing in the hallway with a furious look on her face she pointed at the floor and yelled was this you I looked down until the carpet was covered in muddy footprints I have no idea how those got there I spent the whole night on my desk doing my homework I watched as her face changed from anger to confusion and then to fear we both realized at the same time someone must have been in the house we followed the trail of footprints trying to make sense of the whole situation they started out the back door which we usually leave unlocked then we noticed something else the footprints started at the back door but there is no trail the footprints going back through that door all of a sudden we hear a loud pounding noise that echoed throughout the house then the sound of the front door being wrenched open and slamming shut we all ran into the garage and locked the door behind us my mom took out her cellphone and called the police please come quickly there's someone in our house after what seemed like hours a patrol car arrived with two police officers a male and a female one of the officers stayed with us in the garage while his partner went through the house searching it room by room when she came back the FEMA officer told us that there was no one in the house and it was safe to go back in as we were all breathing a sigh of relief she asked whose bedroom is upstairs on the left my parents looked at me it's mine I told the officer she asked me to follow her as we walked through the house we could see the trail of the muddy footprints leading from the back door through the living room through the hallway and up the stairs he to my parents bedroom and towards my room they stopped at my doorway the FEMA officer pointed at the door which had been opened the whole night scrawled on it and blue marker was the following 847 ICU 853 you forgot to lock your back door 859 you seemed focused 927 turn around 1947 look at me 10:15 look at me 1037 look at me 10:49 look at me for more than two hours someone had been standing in my doorway watching me to this day I still shudder to think of what would have happened if I would have turned around about two years ago I worked at a movie store inside a mall I've had tons of strange experiences with customers but this one definitely tops them off that was 20 at the time this guy was over six feet late 40s very hefty and always had this weird zombified expression on his face he came in about once a week one of my co-workers had even warned me about him how he was a little off but I still treated him with as much respect as I did with everyone else one day he came in and talked for a bit but it got a little awkward and I kept trying to end the conversation and look busy by tagging items behind the counter he stood there in silence watching me for about 20 minutes and then he finally left a few days later came back in and he walks up to be holding a large container he says I made four pounds of enchiladas at home today just for you I remembered that you like Mexican food I don't remember telling him that I liked it but I do know that I went to a Mexican restaurant crossed the way every lunch break I politely accepted it and put it in the back office I was convinced he used his just for it a few days later he came back in and had a drawing for me of a dragon now I love dragons but I never told him that the drawing looked like it took hours to make and at this point I was a little freaked out I had him leave it on the counter so I could just throw it away later later on I was given about a week vacation during this week I had cut my hair about 12 inches the day I came back in I had a ship from with my manager I told her all about the guy and immediately she was weirded out for me a few minutes later I see Jude walking around the mall he was going towards the exit and didn t even notice me my manager tells me to go in the back office I go and wait there until she comes in to get me and when she does she tells me that I need to make a report to multi curity immediately apparently when I ran back there he turned around to come in and walk all throughout the store when she asked him if he needed any help he said I can't believe she cut her hair and bristly walked out I go to the mall Security office to make a report and we went through all these videos from the cameras when this guy would come to visit me but there was one video that really stood out it sends chills throughout my body just thinking about it the video shows him pull up into the parking lot of the mall and about three minutes later I arrived this was really early in the morning and no customers were there yet but there were cars in the lot I didn't notice him at all it shows me walking towards the entrance and him following me right as I opened the interest door the man starts sprinting towards me I walked in just in time it shows him stop it standing right in front of the door watching me through the glass as I walk farther away he begins to normally walk inside the mall I never noticed him behind me that's the part that really messed me up it was like watching the last footage before a kidnapping or murder on Dateline or something the video gives security every reason to ban him from the mall and they did they told me later when they did a background check he had four counts of having child pornography and was on probation around a year maybe a year and a half ago I was using this app called whisper to help with making new friends after getting out of high school I was 19 at the time and had a really nice boyfriend I had used whisper before and actually made two or three friends during my senior year and also found a friend of Mines boyfriend cheating using whisper so safe to say that this app can be a handful sometimes I put out a whisper asking for someone to talk to and of course I got tons of replies but I couldn't reply to all of them but I messaged some of the interesting ones back this guy named Jack started messaging me and he seemed really nice he said he was 23 and actually lived 8 minutes from my house if you have used whisper you know that you can search by area or go into a general section to see thousands of whispers being uploaded that you could reply to you could also send photos instantly after four messages for some reason as soon as he messaged me four times he sent me a selfie and I was surprised but didn't really respond to it Jack was telling me that he was working for a towing company in a neighboring town oh you have to go use the interstate to go places at the time I didn't have a job because my mother was sick so I would use my laptop now in the kitchen at the table to watch streams and play some games in case she needed me at some point I remember watching my french stream talking to my friends and generally having a good time until I got a text from Jack now I never gave him my address never really explained where I lived but he texts me saying hey look out your window I thought maybe something happened on the news day but then I remembered I never told him how close it was to me I see a tow truck right outside my house with the car broke down or something my blood ran cold he was at the truck waving I started shaking due to having bad anxiety I ended up having an anxiety attack how do you know where I lived I replied asking what he meant and he said well you're home aren't you I didn't respond went back to this dream and started typing to my friends freaking out to them I didn't want to call the cops because my cousin is one and so is one of my friends as soon as anything was heard about it I thought I'd be in deep [ __ ] for it so I just ignored him Danny he sent me a dick pic on the hat I was disgusted and deleted the post and messages from whisper I also blocked him the next day I don't know number text me and I figured out it was him I ignored it and then I got a restricted phone call and I picked up big mistake I was out at the garage with my cat and I heard the voice on the other end say hey you look sexy right now when I go for some ice cream down the road I looked at the door that was next to me and I see him in his car driving slow keeping his eyes locked on me I jumped up and ran inside after hanging up running to my room so I could feel the comfort of my blankets on my bed I was petrified I got a job soon after a subway and he would come in and start harassing me texting me from random numbers since I would block all of them I felt paranoid all the time knowing that he seemed to know where I was all the time one day my now ex-boyfriend ended up texting him furiously telling him to leave me alone stop stalking me and everything I never got a message after that but I'm still paranoid he's watching me so Jack let's not meet I live in a fairly world town in North East of England it is surrounded by countryside and smaller villages because of this there's very little serious crime the worst thing that had happened that I can remember was a stabbing around eight years ago and in more recent years a friend of mine got the crap kicked out of him because he was drunk and two teenagers we're looking for a punching bag he came out with a bunch of bruises but otherwise was fine this is just to give you a sense of the place I live so you can understand the situation a little better I live right next to a bad part of town the part where the majority of crimes happened there was even one bloke that dumped a half a rabbit on a doorstep of a corner shop as a prank so it's a pretty rough area anyway the downside of living next to this area is that you hear a lot of noises during the night having lived in the city for three years while going to university I got used to the constant noise the sirens the traffic so when I finally got home to the comparatively quiet town it took me a long time to readjust which meant I would hear a lot of strange things and on occasion solve things far stranger so with my difficulty falling asleep to the first few nights I'd lay in bed hopelessly trying to sleep I should explain that there are four typical noises that I hear in my town the clock bell ringing every quarter our teenagers thinking that they are cool blasting music past a bedtime on their way home teenagers in general being loud and drunks while falling asleep while failing to get to sleep I hear voices I take a look out the window and watch these people walk past pretty standard next a drunk shouting about how he's gonna clock someone's head in and then finally just before I went to sleep a random guy walking home alone presumably after having a couple drinks himself a few more days go by with more noises but then I heard her scream it sounded like it was coming from a little girl she's not upset like her mom scolded her for something i dint heard shouting and the screaming continued then both trailed off and then stopped I suspected that was just a really tired child who's irresponsible parents had kept them out too long it wouldn't be the first time I heard something like this while being there so I continued on night after night trying to sleep nothing interesting truly starts until about a week later I was playing Sims 4 at about 1:30 a.m. and I hear it got a real scream but I can't figure out where it's coming from and the sound was either reverberating too bad or was out the road adjacent behind the houses in front of my own either way I lost interest in the screaming and it stopped after a couple of seconds I still couldn't figure out where it was coming from two nights pass once again I'm playing Sims 4 and I hear the screaming this time much closer close enough that I should be able to see it if it weren't nighttime we don't have a lot of street lights on our street maybe one or two there's a good 20 meters or so between streetlights where it's pitch-black darkness I'm looking and trying to see things the best I could but it was no good which brings me today I was climbing into bed and here bike ride past I take a quick look out of my window I didn't see any signs of a bike anywhere but while staring out the window I see a man step out from the darkness in the middle of the road he looks like he's just walking down the road and I don't think there's an issue until he steps right in front of my house I quickly turn off my lamp and hide out of sight the street lamp I mentioned earlier is directly opposite of my house so light shines directly into my room so watching from the darkness isn't an option for me but it heavily sill awaits anyone not facing it as I leaned to see if he's gone yet to my horror I see him at my garden fence and I can only presume he's looking directly on my window I panic and take cover again listening carefully for footsteps that would indicate that he had left after about five minutes or so I hear them but to my terror it sounds like he's walking up the steps into my garden I'm too scared to look but after mustering up enough courage and strategy to keep myself in the dark I do he wasn't there but I know what I heard three footsteps towards the entrance of my garden four steps up the stairs and finally three steps to the left onto the gravel and yet he was gone no sounds of gravel or footsteps I waited a couple more minutes but I haven't heard any noises from within my house we have a one-year-old very excitable dog named Dina that would bark the roof off of the place if he came through the back and I would hear him coming through the front because I'm directly over the two entrances and I would hear him breaking the window or door so I'm sure that he's gone but I can't help but feel he may pay my house more visits the week or so after my 10th birthday I walked to the corner store with a $5 bill and picked up a jar ragu for my mom on the way home a man I'd never seen before fell in step with me and began talking hi he said cheerfully my name is dr. Ramsey I'm a pediatrician do you know what a pediatrician is I walked along silently now replying and hoping he would just take that as a sign that he should leave me alone subtitles were not his strong suit though he kept right on chattering are your parents looking for a pediatrician for you of course you're almost a big girl now you'll be needing another kind of doctor soon won't you that's okay though they could still bring you in to meet you till then what's your name you have beautiful hair I was just on the way to get some suckers for the candy jar in my office do you like suckers thankfully we were nearing my house so I ran forward up the back steps and through to the kitchen door I didn't know it then but this was the beginning of a very long very scary ordeal it didn't take long after that for dr. Ramsey to begin showing up at first it seemed benign enough at least to a kid you'd drive by nearly every day smiling a waving I told my mom who said maybe it was on his way home from work but then the phone calls began my dad called me into the living room sat me down he asked about the day dr. Ramsey followed me home and if I talked to him he said I wasn't in trouble but I just needed to tell him the truth I told him no and he asked if I was sure and if I could be forgetting something I told him no again and he frowned and then asked then does he know your name I told him I didn't know it turns out that's not all he knew he knew my sister's name as well pretty soon neither my sister I were allowed to answer the phone he would call several times a day at first neither of us knowing what he was saying then one night one of my brother's told us that he was telling my parents that he was gonna hurt me and later my sister things got complicated after that my dad had called the police but this was before there was stocking laws there was not a lot that they could do they told my parents to call back if he ever tried anything my dad then called his friend from back in the day who happened to be a cob for the next month my dad's friend escorted me to and from school suddenly life as I knew it came screeching to a halt I couldn't walk to school alone I couldn't play outside I couldn't walk to the Superamerica convenience store as well when access to me was completely denied things escalated it was around this time he began threatening my sister as well then one afternoon my sister to my brothers and my mom were in the kitchen one of my brothers saw a glimpse of someone in the garage they've seen dr. Ramsay before as well dr. Ramsay came bolting out of the garage my brother's chasing after him they ran all the way to the Cherokee park where they lost him in the trees my parents called the police again but nothing came of it the only information they had was a description and a name that was most certainly fake a couple weeks later we woke to find one of our dogs hanging from the side porch she was a gorgeous Saddleback German Shepherd one the same day I was we were all devastated lacasa there was no evidence it was him and ruled it accidental but none of us believed that his phone calls became more formative in the meantime he would talk about who was home and who wasn't if my brother would say that my dad was home dr. Ramsey would tell him who was really in the house he would also talk about the house itself about the window in the kitchen that he could easily open with a knife from the outside when it was locked about the French doors that connected the living room to the side porch and how the lock could be finagled from the outside if he jiggled it just right that night my dad put in some carpenter nails at the bottom of the French doors until he could get a new lock ordered and installed my parents had to go to a company event and my dad's work my older brothers were at Saint West roller skating rink my sister was on the phone with her best friend my little brother had fallen asleep on the floor I was watching Devo on The Midnight Special with Wolfman Jack it was late suddenly the top of the French door swung inward and for a few milliseconds before the nails in the bottom cost them to snap back I could see a silhouette my sister whipped the phone at the television and we ran upstairs about halfway up we realized our little brother was still asleep on the living-room floor as quietly as we could we slipped back down the stairs to get in we all went into our bedroom and didn't turn on the light this way we could see outside walked out the window for a while and we couldn't find him we crept down the hall to my brother's room to look we looked down and could see someone standing at the back door he knocked loudly what do you want my sister asked out the window he stepped back and said is this the Mersey residence I have a pizza for delivery can you come to the door she scoffed at him declaring she was not stupid she could see that he didn't have a pizza and she was calling the cops he then promptly left a short while later my brother's returned to home we told them what happened and they walked around the yard watching out for him they came back in and things settled down by now we pretty much gave up on calling the cops because it never helped us so we just went back in each of us carrying a knife from the kitchen just in case eventually one of my brothers went into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal as a snack you know that sensation you get when you just feel someone watching you yeah he had that in spades kept looking around the kitchen through the doorway into the dining room at the windows he didn't see anything but you could still feel the eyes on him so he went closer to the door to try to get a better look the kitchen lights were reflecting off the windows of the door so he couldn't see he stepped closer then closer until he was right up to the door then he cupped his hands on both sides of his face so he could see there on the other side of the windowpane was dr. Ramsey smiling back at him he turned to yell from her oldest brother and when he looked back again he was gone they went out there to look for him but didn't see him the next night we were at the table playing Crazy Eights and my brother was Restless my sister asked him what was wrong and he said he always felt like any minute there'd be a boom boom boom on our door or window almost immediately after he finished that sentence on the window right behind him in the chaos the two eldest ran out but he was already gone a couple weeks later I was at school and we were outside on the playground during recess I was swinging upside down when I saw that now-familiar blue Ford Galaxie Cruiser by moving slowly there he was smiling and waving he called my name and I ran to the teacher and told her by then the squad are you've been told about him so she took me inside right away and called my mom that same day my mom had gotten a call from the school asking her to verify that my dad was picking me up as he called to say he was on his way and she told him that my dad was not picking me up the day not long after that I woke up one night thirsty I went to the kitchen for a drink and there sitting alone in the dark was my dad on the table was a gun he was tired of the police waiting until dr. Ramsey tried something he was tired of his children being terrorized he was tired of being afraid every time you left for work that something was gonna happen when he was gone I sat with him for a time watching before he sent me back to bed these events and many more took place over a period of 18 months then as suddenly as it began it was over he had vanished from her lives the phone calls drive-bys with the creepy waves everything for a long time tearing and after dr. Ramsey days I would have this reoccurring nightmare in which I would wake up to find him standing over me as I slept it took a long time before I felt like a kid again I found out years later that when he was calling dr. Ramsey would tell my parents that he was gonna rape and kill me and later my sister and there was nothing that they could do about it I don't know what happened to him when he disappeared I don't know if he got into a car wreck locked in prison in a coma but sometimes I wonder if the way ended for my dad when he was sitting in the darkened kitchen that one night I don't know I'm not sure I want to so this happened about an hour or two ago and I'm pretty freaked out I'm a 24 year old female so I have a Wi-Fi enabled baby monitor in my bedroom so I could watch my son when he's sleeping and in his bassinet while my husband and I are downstairs I tend to be nude in my bedroom in the second story of my house as I don't have central air and it's summer in Wisconsin but Jays currently over 80 degrees I was laying in bed drinking a beer and watching TV when a nurse the light blinking on the baby monitor which was currently facing towards the bed as my son I had been in a co-sleeper on the bed when my husband last night since I work night shifts in the hospital for our monitor a light blinking on it means that someone is watching via website or app for the monitor I jokingly sent a text to my husband he is at work at this time calling him a creeper and I was flipping off the camera and talking to it but I found it odd that it took him several minutes to read my message when he responded I could say the cliche that my blood ran cold but that would be embellishing he said he had an open app in the camera in weeks and he definitely wasn't the one watching and advised me that I should unplug the camera which I did I don't know who was watching me or how they could have got the login information for the monitor but creepy person watching me through the baby monitor let's never meet again my wife and I we're looking for a used car on Craigslist and found one that we were really interested in we contacted the seller and told them that we can meet him up in a very public mall in an hour he responded that you wouldn't be available until you got off work at 5:00 we agreed to meet him at the mall at 5:30 we arrived at the mall a little early and soon get a text that he's running late so we wait and wait and wait then we finally get a text around 6:30 saying that he should be at the mall soon this was in late fall so it was already getting dark when we started to worry the mall wouldn't be as busy soon short while later he texts us that we should meet him at another address in a rougher area of the city I look up the address you see it's a casino gas station right off the interstate I figured it would still be busy around 7:00 so we head over we pulled into the parking lot and don't see the car my wife finally says is that it and points to a midsize SUV hatchback it certainly looked like the right car but it was dark in that part of the parking lot squeezed between some parked 18-wheelers as two petite women we were very wary of going over there we locked the doors and drove over it was definitely the car but it was parked in the most darkest reclusive least visible spot in the whole parking lot with the hatch open no lights were on inside the car and no one was around the car I stopped for a couple of seconds to see if someone would come greet us when no one did I drove away I parked under the casino sign right next to the entrance of the parking lot and text a guy my location he responded with I'm over here by the semis we left immediately it was all too weird so creepy Craigslist guy let's not meet so this all started late in 2015 when I was still in high school I was crossing the bridge to go to school and this very friendly man stopped me and asked me if I could fill a survey out about budgeting I said sure and when I was done he told me to fill out my contact details it gave me reasons like he was a social worker etc dummy of course gave them my contact number and I was so naive but at the very least I was smart enough to give him a fake name from 2016 I started receiving random messages from this very same guy and was getting super creeped out by it he knew which school I went to because I when I met him I was wearing my uniform and he started asking me personal questions I tried to avoid all of them and general you didn't replied to him but he kept texting me every day and when he wished me happy Valentine's Day I was like nope I blocked him because at that point I didn't throw safe at all later that year we received a police notice calling for witness he's they arrested a few perverts in the area in the notice they had several photos and I saw the very same man that approached me he thought the survey I was disgusted turns out that he would use those surveys as a tactic to approach female teenagers and take photos of them and harassed them in text later I was shocked as well my school was in a nice neighborhood and we all assumed there wouldn't be such creeps but gosh we were all wrong I was glad he was caught by the police - the photo taken creep let's not meet again but I did after he was arrested I graduated in start schooling it was an hours away drive from where I went to high school I moved as well to the school dorm nearby as I was walking home one day I caught sight of him lurking at the bus stop nearby I could never forget his face he looked even more creepy carrying a black bag holding some papers that looked like the survey forms while he was holding the old camera phone I was super scared how could he be here was he arrested last year was he stalking me the whole time I almost started crying and quickly called my friend and walked past him once he was out of sight I ran home while on the phone I was telling all my schoolmates to be careful and soon enough the school was informed the discipline master and a few PE teachers went to apprehend the stalker some time later they dragged him into the school's office and contacted the authorities I was informed that he was released last year because of insufficient evidence apparently the place where I live taking photos of the girls in a not sexual nature is not a crime they searched his flat and there wasn't anything incriminating other than a creep ton of photos of female students after this incident he disappeared only to be stalking other girls in other schools how I wish we would never meet again but I still see him roaming near my school in dorm every now and then trying to be discreet well there's a little camera phone I'm moving to a university soon and it will be pretty far away from him however will I ever be free from the stalker again I don't know but let's not meet again this isn't happy with me in my junior year at high school my best friend had posted a story on his Instagram account tagging me a friend that he had from the previous school asked him about me because he found me interesting my friend not thinking too much of it just linked my profile and he sent me a request I accepted it and he slid into my DMS I was pretty naive 11th grader and he managed to get my phone number from me - turns out he was a desperate guy and somehow needed a girlfriend to show off in front of his friends I know I shouldn't be mean but this guy was 4 feet tall and ugly as [ __ ] the above-mentioned discoveries were made much later a few days later he talked to me and I was flattered by a smooth talk I didn't say yes thankfully few days later I came to know about this guy and immediately blocked him from everywhere Instagram snapchat and whatsapp the next day my phone was blown up with calls and messages from numerous fake IDs he had made just to contact me I never replied and he even asked my friend to tell him to stop contacting me but that didn't stop him he became my stalker and things worsened when he started contacting my real friends and people from my previous school somehow bringing me up in conversation and asking about me a lot of people came up to me asking about him and telling me how stupid I was to talk to him after much persuasion and his numerous team of friends coming to me to unblock him I did he started telling me particular details of my life it felt like he knew everything about me things that only a few people knew about me he also knew my address I started coming after school just to see me by this time he had befriended each and every one of my friends and because he never physically stalked me I couldn't do much about it thank God we weren't in the same school my birthday is around the corner so he made a fake count it was my name followed by birthday and he started posting my images which he collected by stalking my friends and me I got that ID removed by getting it reported by all my friends I blocked him once again thank God you lost my number when he reformatted his phone and I wasn't stupid enough to give him my phone number again I'm in my senior year now and realize how grave that issue was and thankful that I had dealt with it somehow I'm not dating any guy and I hope nobody gets such a creepy stalker like I did so the teeny guy who wanted to date me so bad let's not meet again I live in a fairly secure area and have two dogs one of which is a large Doberman and the other is a poodle I was home alone as my parents were out for the weekend our dog barked a lot as they are protective and our neighbors really hated when the dogs barked and we would often get note telling us to keep our dogs quiet one of the more threatening ones was that they would hurt our dog if we wouldn't keep quiet so my parents are taking the dogs to a dog kennel to avoid any complications I was home alone playing video games and watching movies for the weekend it was a night after they had left and I was playing a video game I think it was Rainbow six I was playing with a few friends online and I had a microphone I had my window open while I was playing and my friends kept telling me to stop making a squeaky sound I questioned what they meant and my friend said they heard a loud banging I removed my headphones and that's when I heard the sound of something slamming against the gate I peered out my window and saw a tall stocky man with a black hoodie on I decided to call 9-1-1 still watching a man from the window I was talking to the 9-1-1 operator and they told me to lock myself in a room get off site when the police officer was on their way to check it out but I was overly curious and it got the best of me so I decided to keep watching the man he finally broke the wooden gate off the hinges but he didn't enter he just stood there with something strapped around his shoulder upon further inspection only from the moonlight I saw was a hunting rifle that's why I decided to hide under the bed and listen out for anything it was quiet too quiet a loud shatter broke the silence which was the back door smashed and footsteps following the intruder entered my house and it sounded like he was searching for something he slowly crept up the stairs I was getting more and more scared all of a sudden I heard a police siren and I made a stupid decision of bolting and trying to escape the house I started down the stairs and turned the corner and was greeted by the large man the man grabbed me by the neck and all I could hear was this police sirens getting louder the police were knocking on the door and I was quickly losing breath from the man's grip the man let go and I was able to grab his rifle and aimed it at him I pulled the trigger but nothing it didn't fire because I'm a dumbass and the safety was on but the police shortly kicked down the door and tased the man the man was found in charged for breaking and entering and carrying an unlicensed firearm I'm thankful for my safety and I know everything could have ended very badly I posted this in a comment in another post and another user suggested I share it here so why not so I've been on Grindr for about ten years five of which were legal I'm not proud of it and had plenty of messed up experiences this one in particular reminds me of when I was at a party without my car I was 19 in college and my phone was at 10% but a decently hot Grindr guy said he could pick me up and we can hang out at his place before he drove me home so of course I jumped on an opportunity anyway we got to his place and he got me pretty drunk which isn't usual for me but never try to make a move I assumed he was gonna wait and just convince me to stay the night later on finally my phone died after about two hours the last 1% lasted a lot longer than the rest and I didn't even have to say anything before he noticed it was dead then he stood up and was like well let's go to the car then when I asked him if he had a charger I could use he just said no after we got in the car he got kind of quiet and less flirty and I spaced out just enjoying his music I'm looking out the window I didn't even notice that he never asked me where I lived till I realized we've been driving for over an hour not even towards my town but into the canyons of Greater Salt Lake City I asked him where we were going he just said thought we could just go for a drive and my drunk ass was like oh okay so anyway to make a long story shorter he ended up taking us about four or five miles down a dirt road with no signs or houses until a dead ended into this cabin with no lights on her car's outside and he just parked and turned off his car that's when the dread started to creep in as I sobered up I said I drank too much and I should probably head home but he demon respond he just sat there staring at the cabin then he was like you said you liked to be kinky you're pretty submissive correct and I was like sure but I just meant like normal rough kind of stuff nothing wild and he started to sound a little annoyed and his sentences seemed a little less carefully worried like he was spitting out the bare minimum effort in each spot he said something about some of his favorite people are those who can find pleasure in pain and if someone goes into shock enough times eventually it becomes a drug and they crave it more and then something about pushing a person into the deep end is the fastest way to teach them how to swim at that point I was scared enough to assert myself and said firmly okay well that sounds fun but just not tonight I just want to go home now this place is creepy and he just sighed and gripped his keys tighter then right as I glanced at his phone sitting in the cupholder raped before it occurred to me to grab it he snatches us up so fast and held it in his left hand kind of like behind his head making it clear that I wasn't gonna go near it I made this kind of wah sound and he just gave me this almost I'm proud of you son half-smile like dad's do when they pat your shoulder or something it was quiet and he kept looking me up and down for a minute or so dank got a little bit more gruff and said let's go inside I have these friends you'll really like once you meet them you feel a lot better or something to the extent but he wasn't even trying to sound genuine or comforting like he had been doing so well earlier that night finally I lied and spoke up a bit and told him I told my roommates and my friends I was meeting up with you before you pick me up I sent screenshots of your face and some on the convo they're gonna freak out if I don't charge my phone and reply to them in the next few hours I try not to make it sound accusatory but more like I was just worried that my friends would go crazy but it was clear he knew what I was implying at that point he let out an exasperated grunt II sigh and started the car and we drove away he kept his headlights off all the way back down the dirt road for some reason driving back I got nervous about him stalking me or coming after me in the future so I tried to apologize and tell him I was down to hang out another time but tonight was just not feeling great for me bla bla bla he didn't say a single word to me the whole Drive back he didn't ask me where I lived and I didn't intend to tell him either but he dropped me off out of McDonald's about 40 miles away from my apartment and when I was stepping out he suddenly leaned over and gave me a heart shove so I almost fell out the rest of the way he grabbed my backpack off the floor and flung it out his window across the parking lot and peeled out with the passenger door still open he broke my laptop and cracked my phone and I had to ask a stranger to use their charger and call an uber but at this point I was just so anxious to get home I didn't really give a crap what's so weird is how well this was happening even though I was terrified I guess I wasn't thinking about exactly what he was planning to do with me I just knew I needed to get away so it wasn't until I got home and got in the shower that I realized how messed up it was and what might have happened if I let him walk me into the cabin I remember just being so shaken and smacked by the reality of it almost felt like a panic attack so I sat down in the shower my head between my knees and cried till the water ran cold and I got out and woke up my roommate I told him about it and he kind of calmed me down so while I still have a grinder account I really just use it for an ego boost I'm reluctant to meet up with anyone from it now anyway girls and guys I suppose the morale of the store we gotta be goddamn careful out there back in Community College I rode the bus to and from college the bus stop was walking distance to my house so is a huge help for me when I'm on the bus I always listen to music and look outside never had my phone and never had anyone else guess that's how I never noticed the man always looking at me one day I went to go on my computer to send memes and chat with my boyfriend through Facebook dude sits down in the chair next to me looking at my memes and says hi dude startled me immediately he was like hey beautiful thought I finally come by and say hi I see you on this bus a lot I thought you might want some company you know who are you and I think you're pretty how am I gonna go to class now I leave but not heading to class just in case he follows me he follows me a little bit then turns around and leaves after my class dude shows up on my bus stop at the exact time my class ends and waits for me says the same stuff as last time here a piece is for about a week until I finally tell the bus driver the dude is following me and he's creeping me out very much the bus driver proceeds to close the door and drives off leaving the creepy guy before you could get in the creepy guy starts telling his classmates he's gonna get laid soon the only reason I know is because one of his classmates is my best friend I pointed out to him my creepy stalker and my friend said he keeps talking and attempting to hook up with a chick and that he said he might get laid soon the next time I saw him outside of my class like customer he proceeded to say sorry baby I won't do it again I'm not your baby and back off or I'm calling the police I'm serious I don't even know who the hell you are after that I never saw the guy again my roommate Vee was always at her boyfriend's place so I was living essentially alone in a two-bedroom apartment with my friend Esme who was crashing with me while she was looking for her own place she found a place online that was nearby renting a master bedroom with an attached bathroom dad said female only for weight cheap we checked out the Google Streetview on my laptop and it looked like a cute little beach house she then wrote her bike over there to check it out she said there was two Beach type white guys a young disheveled stoner guy in the middle aged parrot head guy that would close talk well giving her obvious elevator eyes the whole time she's a pretty petite Mexican girl and was about 21 but looked a lot younger and the older guy kept saying that she was just what they were looking for kind of slowly in what she described as a uber creepy voice the younger guy just stared and followed them around she thought it was odd that they each slept in the tiny guest rooms and we're running out the master bedroom but decided to take a look at it anyway she said it was a really nice room with a big heavy wooden four-post bed in the middle of the room that looked like it belonged in a castle and a bathroom had a huge shower with multiple shower heads on the walls like it was built for a bunch of people to shower at once she didn't really like being back in the bedroom with the two guys looming over her so she said it was kind of stuffy and she wanted to make sure that her unlocked bike was still in the front yard she all but ran to the front yard and once she was outside with bystanders he felt much better so she's standing in the front yard with the older guy and he's explaining that she can move in right away but the bed has to stay exactly where it is it comes to the room and is bolted to the floor so it can't be moved they have special she's spirited and everything and she can bring her stuff but she could never move the bed also she can have friends over but only if they're young women know men and they can have sleepovers but also need to sleep in the bed they explained that the hardwood floors are just too uncomfortable and the couches in the living room are suede so no one can sleep on them all these reasons why the big pile of girls need to sleep in one bed she is completely creeped out by the guy and texts me to come over I arrived my bike over and as I'm pulling up she's leaving we start to ride off in a little ways away we hear him yell out it's mandatory but we will have a blast she kind of shudders and I asked her what's up she says he'll tell me over drinks and we ride to the nearest beach bar she explains about the room the bed the guys and then tells me part of the deal is a mandatory skiing trip to Lake Tahoe in Northern California each year she can invite girls on the trip that have been to the house before if the guys think that they're cool enough it's free for her and her girlfriends but mandatory that she goes with the guys as their official woman there'd be other men there but they all brought their own women he said it like women would be assigned to them or something so I might start racing and we convinced ourselves that the bedroom and the trip were some elaborate webcam situation or something needless to say she never moved in or took them up on their free ski weekend offer she ended up moving in with her boyfriend and as me moved in with me for a couple years she was an awesome roommate I'm a 20 year old female and started working in a call center last year it was a team of around 40 people so we didn't exactly all know each other well there was this one guy that was 35 years old I'll call him Craig I could always sense that he was watching me he had perfect view of me at my desk from his and his gaze would follow me whenever I walked anywhere I never paid much attention to it because they didn't know him at all one day I turned up to work and was called over by a couple girls that I was friends with I knew something was up because of the way that they were acting they explained Craig message one of them asking for my number saying how kini was on me I was immediately uncomfortable there's quite an age gap between us and he always gave me a weird vibe I felt weird but sort of brushed it off and laughed with my friends I didn't let him get my number though that day we found out that Craig had lost his [ __ ] at the office after the rest of the staff had left the day before he was abusing management and throwing things around the office he ended up being fired and banned from the building later that night I received a message request on Facebook it was Craig the message said how attractive he thought I was and that he could never stop staring at my ass the fantasies he always had about me etc basically just really disturbing stuff to hear from someone you've never even had a conversation with and was significantly older than you so that's when it started for the next five months I got a message every single day management and security at work we're all informed what was going on as I had concerns that he would show up to the office to see me I was constantly worrying that he would try to find me I had thought of just blocking him but my friends made the point that something like that could just aggravate him I just put up with his messages and calls until one day it stopped and I still don't know why so when I was 13 my friend who we would call Barry had a grandmother who ran a nail salon downtown I grew up in a really really small town in Alaska when I was younger it seemed like a really safe place but as I got older I realized just how corrupted horrible it actually was but at 13 I still wasn't totally aware of it after school Mary and I would always walk to her grandma's nail salon it was in a building with a few other shops and we would kind of just hang around and browse there was a Thai restaurant that was our favorite and we'd eat there a lot and were pretty good friends with the restaurant owners after some months of the same routine just hanging out every day caused me and Mary's family to become like family her grandmother who will start calling Gretchen had the idea of wanting to open a little coffee stand in there the other shops were cookware stores a closed consignment shop a game shop and some other random ones so we figured that it'd be a nice business and she wanted Mary and I to work in the coffee stand well she was in the nail salon I partially believe it's just because she wanted us out of her hair anyways we went and trained properly but since we were 13 we were being paid under the table we had to set up right in front of the Thai restaurant after about a week of the coffee stand being up and running this guy who looked like 18 to about 20 years old would get a small vanilla latte every day and sit in the mall and kind of just watch us work but also browse around the game shop so we just thought he must have just live nearby and liked to come there every day and maybe we hadn't noticed him before because he obviously wasn't coming to get his nails done he honestly looked kind of dirty and like he didn't care that much when the months got hotter we started walking home instead of our mom driving us there were a lot of kids so I didn't notice very much if people were behind us or in front of me one of the nights would close up the shop a little bit late the ORS are on 9 p.m. which in Alaska is still fully Sun and yes that someone was walking behind me kind of close I stopped dead in my tracks and didn't hear anything so I kept walking and I was sure I heard at this time I turned around rather quickly and there he was the same guy from the mall following me I was 13 and shy so I just kept walking and made a loop around and just walked to the mayor's office because the police station was too far I called my dad from there because I felt much safer if he came to get me this repeated in slightly different ways for about the next two weeks and eventually I don't know how to this day he found out where I lived he would knock on the door leave flowers call our parents phone all kinds of crazy stuff my dad finally helped me get a restraining order but took about a month to get anyone to take it seriously and to come see him at my workplace as we had no idea what his name was once that was in effect it stopped for only about one week and then he started showing up again he continued to stalk my home and even hanging out by the fence of my school when school is back in session finally had enough I moved in with my mom because she was frankly a better parent to me and taking it more seriously she lived so far out that I couldn't walk anywhere and she had no electricity or running water but I didn't care anymore I felt much safer and so much more loved I quit that job and I took the bus everyday eventually he just disappeared and I never heard about or saw him ever again I found myself at home one weekend night my parents went out of town and I was returning from a Kansas sleepover at my friend's house light Ron when I got to the door and I remember getting a phone call from that same friend shortly thereafter which would end up being the last normal event of that night my brother was playing video games in the next room and I could hear him tapping furiously at the video game while I spoke on the cordless phone I walked around in the living room and entered the phone call in the kitchen when I remember hearing some sort of high-pitched squeal that came from the house somewhere I couldn't place where it came from as it sounded the same in every room I went to investigate it ended about a minute after it started and was interrupted by the phone ringing but the phone was in the kitchen where I left it it was in the bathroom on the counter in front of the sink I answered the phone and there was no one there so I hung up it was at that point I heard a dragging sound like a large heavy object was being dragged in the attic crawlspace above me I followed the sound as it slowly navigated from room to room and ended up in my parents bedroom who at the time still had a waterbed after the sound mate to the far wall it stopped and the phone rang again and this time it was my friend on the other line I told him what was going on and he told me to be careful and call the police after I got off the phone I laid down on the waterbed I didn't heard a knock on the door and answer it quickly but no one was there it was at this point I called my brother from his room to check something out I stormed into his room and there's nobody there his bed was made in his room spotless neither the console nor the TV was on and the controller was wrapped and unplugged there's no way he could have hid and cleaned his room in those few seconds it took me to make it to his door of his room I had been alone the entire night hearing for twenty minutes straight my brother playing his game that he was not present to be playing the phone ringing again but again it was not where I left it this time I was resting on the kitchen counter where I originally left it so I walked through the entire house to answer it it was my friend calling again this time saying that the call was dropped for some reason and he was trying to call me back I explained to him what just happened and I heard another knock on the door since I was standing right next to it I peeked through the window within two seconds of the knocks and there was nobody there at this point I opened the door and stepped out to the porch to make sure I didn't see anyone running away as I had a large wide-open yard and there's nothing to hide behind I walked into the front yard and looked around but couldn't find anything I found myself engaged in several more minutes of talking to my friend before I got off the line and it was at that moment where I realized that the place I had been staring at while I was talking were two very large black reflective eyes looking back at me the figure was tall and lanky and stood about ten feet or so from me the most notable feature he wore was an inhumanly large smile and he was grinning with oily mechanical teeth from literally ear to ear despite me staring directly at him for more than five minutes I pretended that I didn't notice him and through willpower alone made it back inside the house without running as fast as I could instead I walked calmly I remember feeling like if I ran he would chase me and somehow knew that he would have caught me easily i barricaded myself in my room for the rest of the night but did not fall asleep the Sun came up the next morning and my parents were home nothing like that ever happened before and nothing like that has ever happened since I've gotten used to checking Craigslist before buying anything new so I'm an ice cream maker died I headed over there I found the one I wanted new in the box and emailed to see if it was still available for some reason I assumed I was talking to a woman and we made plans to meet up I had gotten sort of careless about meeting in the public place I had agreed to come to her home believing that she had several small kids that made it difficult for her to leave I was supposed to go after work and we switched the text messages so they could give me the address and so that I would let them know when I was on my way I got her home and they text me an address my normal routine at this point would have been to hop into the car and use my TomTom but since I just booted up my PC while waiting I decided to use Google Maps I typed in the address and it showed that a registered sex offender violent sex offender and child sex offender lived there I googled the phone number and the same person came up I let them know I wasn't coming went to Walmart and spent five dollars more to buy it there so mr. sex offender who tried to lure me with ice cream let's not me a few months ago my sister started talking to this boy online named Ben the two of them had a lot in common and we're only about a year apart in terms of age we didn't think anything of it at first because it's normal to have online friends these days my sister is really introverted so it was nice to hear that she had someone to chat to from what I understand Ben was also there for her emotionally too if that makes sense my sister became quite attached to him Ben also introduced her to a few of his friends as well they all seemed like your typical edgy teenagers the kind of post selfies with emo song lyrics and stuff like that Ben seemed like a normal caring friend and even messaged me a couple times when he was concerned about my sister being upset he seemed genuine and I was happy that my sister found someone like this one day my sister asked my mom if she can meet up with Ben in the city he lived in another state and had organized spent a week in our state with his aunt so it seemed like the perfect opportunity for them to meet up they arranged a date and time to meet in the city and my mom had accompany her when that day came though he didn't even show up he meets some excuse up that his aunt wouldn't drive him there and we figured she was probably concerned about Ben meeting someone he had only known over the Internet I admit I didn't have a really bad feeling about their Meetup what we waiting for Ben to show up but I stupidly ignored it my sister understandably was quite upset that he hadn't showed up Ben messaged me to apologize to us for having to run around after him he explained to his aunt can be unreasonable sometimes at the moment I generally believed he was a decent person and wasn't lying about his situation after a couple months passed with just the two of them chatting away like normal at some point my mom gets the idea that she and my sister could fly to his date and meet him Ben liked the idea and so they ordered their flight tickets one day out of the blue my sister burst into my room clearly frightened she told me to block Ben and the two friends he introduced me to earlier when I asked why she explained to me that Ben had been a cover up identity for a person that had previously threatened her using another account all of the pictures he posted were from someone else's account she found this out and confronted him his two friends that we had chatted with on post and everything were all fake accounts run by him to keep up the illusion the person after being confronted by my sister admitted that they were keeping tabs on my sister they had been chatting for months and she had likely told him personal things - the flight tickets were immediately cancelled after my mom found out and we were all spooked about the whole thing I still AM I am even a little paranoid to share this we couldn't tell the police because my sister was a dingus and didn't keep a copy of the messages the account sent her the account was taken down after we informed the guy whose pictures were stolen up about the incident so whoever this person is let's never cross paths again I spent all night reading through these some of these stories are truly bizarre it inspired me to write about my incident that normally I would hate to even talk about because it was honestly one of the most disturbing things I have ever experienced it's all started in January 2019 so it's pretty recent for some background context I'm a young gay man living in a very populated city so weird things are bound to happen especially when using the gay dating app Grindr I'm sure you've all heard of it when this all started I was living in a big city in northern Florida but I had plans to move in the next few weeks my two friends that came down to celebrate my moving away and also one of their birthdays we hung out in the city for a day and then we drove to Miami together it was a lot of fun for the most part but the story begins the last day of my vacationing there we were at a brunch place preparing to say goodbye to the city and drive back home so we could pack my things and relocate them to where I live now I received a notification on Grindr saying that I had received a new message I opened the message and it simply said hi or something of that sort it was from a blank profile and instead it was sent using the feature called explore meaning this person wasn't local to Miami but lived elsewhere I replied not minding the faceless profile because a lot of men on the app weren't open with the sexuality and they want to take the risk of people in the actual life finding out about them we make small talk exchange names and such he seemed like a really nice person he eventually sent me a few pictures of him and he was very attractive looking he asked me for my number and I was so flustered by Miami and saying goodbye to my temporary friends and I just gave it to him without thinking about what could come of it I now regret this deeply we text over the next few days and things seem pretty normal we talked a lot just casual chitchat asking about our careers goals etc nothing strange and then I noticed notification from a cache app that I received a hundred dollars from a random user name that didn't recognize the memo was an eggplant emoji I was confused I started texting my friends telling them that some random person accidentally sent me $100 and how he would have to send me more in order to ask me to return it since I was only like communicating on this app we got a laugh out of this and I decided to just return the money because I'd be really upset if I was on the other end of the equation and I had generously donated that amount of money to some random person before I was able to do that though my new Grindr text me and said don't ask me for any more that's all I can give you I will block you if you asked me for any more I was so confused I never asked this man for any money I have no idea how I even got my cash app username I know you can look people up by using their phone numbers but I hadn't even linked my new number up to this app yet I replied asking how he got my information but he wouldn't say anything about it I guess I just dropped it because free money and I'm an idiot like that time goes on things are getting a little weird between texts he begins to ask me to send pictures of my feet which in itself isn't weird I don't like the kinks shame but something just felt very off about him at this point it's as if I was talking to a new person I told him that he needs to calm down a bit and things were getting uncomfortable for me to which he agrees time goes by and eventually he insinuates actually moved back to Florida to the city where he was located and that he could take care of me I firmly declined which he says well then I will come to you at this point alarm bells are going off and I'm thinking I've got to put it into this I don't reply right away and he tells me he's always wanted to come to my current city what how the hell did he know where I live I didn't give him any of my social media or even if I had there's no way that he could have known because I intentionally he withheld that information online about me relocating as I was tired of everyone knowing my business I've always had my location on Grindr set to OFF so he couldn't see where it was or how many miles away I was from him I told him at this point he needs to leave me alone and I didn't wish to talk to him anymore I didn't block him though because I was starting to get paranoid and wanted to have record of things he would say in case [ __ ] got super weird which of course it did first he told me that he was sorry for lying and sent me a few pictures of what he actually looked like I hate to sound like a jerk but something was seriously off but the way this person looked almost every picture had a big disturbing smile and wide eye staring directly into the camera very close-up he was probably in his 30s and looked like he didn't take care of himself very well his skin was uneven and gray and he had a short beard that looks like it had had any maintenance at all if that makes any sense one of the pictures look like it might have been an accident because his face was blurry and was very angrily looking into the camera with a hateful evil expression on his face he also sent me one of his mouths but only his big smile picture nothing else was in it there was pictures of his apartment as well and it looked almost empty other than a small table with photographs of unknown people on it also a fire hydrant was in there it was very weird I didn't reply to any of these and that resulted in a sting of angry text from him telling me that he wish he never met me and that he hates me throughout all of this weird uncomfortable in filthy text he sent there were a few disturbing things he sent me a link to his YouTube page which I did end up being in his videos were him just literally talking to herself and making jokes to himself there were about 10 plus of them and I was the first viewer although the videos had been up for months if that wasn't weird enough whenever he would pause in between sentences in the videos out here faintly in the background what sounded like muffled screaming and every so often after hearing the screaming out here I'm hold back a very high-pitched sinister laugh that sounded nothing like him I could tell from the sound quality that it was something that this man was producing and not a bystander most of the videos have since been deleted and I know why I write poetry and at some point he was begging me to sense them on my poetry he also sent me a link to WordPress which I also viewed and the poems are somehow actually written by him like extremely beautiful poems but I realized that the things he was saying in them made absolutely no sense I tried analysing them any way I could cuz I was trying to figure out what was wrong with this guy and none of them made sense he would randomly send me small amounts of money on the app I guess in an attempt to get me to talk to him fast-forward a little bit and I was still receiving messages from him every 10 minutes that I wasn't replying - these were weird here what some of them said did you block me you little [ __ ] you want to put me out of your life you little [ __ ] that's fine but it's an irreversible decision when you push me out of your life you don't get me back in when you feel dumb about it later and you will I'm the best thing that has happened to you in years it's a privilege to know me you want to clear space out for someone more deserving because you're an uppity little [ __ ] not a problem you're not getting rid of me I would help some of the more vile and descriptive ones describing what he would do to me sexually cuz I don't like to read them or think about them he would also reply to his own texts almost instantly and apologize for what he said and told me please don't go and things like that I finally broke down and told one of my best friends about this who was also gay but very muscular and protective of me I don't know he just makes me feel safe somehow and I didn't know who else to tell he immediately got real mad and took my phone and called him he told him aggressively that he was my boyfriend and the creepy kuranda guy needs to stop reach now Grindr guy was silent then slowly starts hysterically laughing and making the most inhumane god-awful noises I've ever heard speaking sentences that were English but his words did not make sense together at all and just really creeped us out the look on my friends face still gives me chills he never gets uncomfortable but he was just staring at me with a blank expression and it was at that moment I realized that I should have blocked this man as soon as I realized something was off I didn't know what to do I guess after the call he texts me a horrible things and then says sorry and this is a cycle for about 15 minutes until he sends me this the private Facebook message you may see we're all written before this conversation via text phone tonight so naturally discard them I had no idea what he was going on about this Facebook thing I looked and couldn't find anything his final exchange happened about a month and a half ago I thought this was the end until about two weeks ago I was exploring a nearby city with the same friend we were walking out of the museum and I see someone that looked very familiar leaning against a cement wall to the left of the big stairs that were at the entry of the museum he was staring at us but I couldn't make anything out of it I ignored it and we hopped on the bus take us to a nearby restaurant for lunch it wasn't until we got into the restaurant that I realized who the man was it was him the creepy grinder guy I was sure of it I have no idea how he knew where I was but I knew he travelled over a thousand miles to come to this area I was living in I didn't mention it to my friend because I seriously was really creeped out but I think that I'm gonna tell him when we hang out again because I don't want anything to happen to him either luckily I moved again a few weeks later this time very very far away I considered taking this to the police but I don't know if I really have options this was the weirdest most uncomfortable experience of my life I was about to start my freshman year in high school and unlike 97% of the kids in my middle school I went to school based of technology instead of books and paper we used computers junky free Chromebooks the school provided we're not my taste so my father and I searched Craigslist for a Mac and after a few days we hit the jackpot a 350 buck used Mac Pro in great condition my father and I met the lady at a coffee shop she was short skinny and very happy I gave her the money and she gave me the laptop looking almost new we opened a Mac to go set it up the green webcam light turns on that meant the camera was showing our face I thought nothing of it at first and shrugged it off but for two months of using it the green light stayed on day and night every time I used it during lunch my friend suggested that I put a piece of tape over the camera just in case so I grabbed some duct tape from my art closet and place a small piece over the webcam after that the green light finally turned off this happened a few years ago at a gaming event in London I'm very active on Twitch and a bunch of my friends were travelling from all over to go to this event I was a moderator for this channel and another one of the mods was from the Netherlands who I was very good friends with at the time he told me he wasn't going to the event because it was too expensive skip forward to the day of the event I get a message on my phone from this mod saying he's outside of the event and he would like to meet up with us turns out he had been planning to come all along but with just aiming to surprise us with his presence at this point is important to know the script consisted of three boys and three girls and us three girls decided that we were gonna leave the event early to go get ready for the party that evening as we were trying to leave he tried to come with us even though we kept proclaiming that it was literally just us three girls going back to my place to get changed and flashy for the party which in hindsight was very creepy of him to want to come with us we all arrived at the party and the drinks are flowing and he keeps actively making too much of an effort to spend time with me giving me drinks interrupting my conversation with people and just becoming a general hinderance we got to the point where I was literally trying to hide from him the whole rest of the night as it approached kick out time for the party a whole group of us moved on to a nightclub that was nearby where he just stood and watched us all danced literally like a statue it was beyond creepy and several people up to this point had pointed out his weird behavior towards me around 3 a.m. we all make the move to the train station to head our separate ways me and another girl had to go the same way as she lived the few train stops away from me as I was about to leave he approached me and said I'd like to take you home I have nowhere to stay tonight and as I plan to walk around London taking photos you'd be no bother to me alarm bells started ringing he traveled all this way knowing - he had no place to stay a creepy middle-aged guy who had surprised visit a group of younger people you know other country and he wants to take me home hell no I politely declined and explained I live rather far out of London and it would be too long of a trip for him to take to escort me home when I already had my friend for my journey I dart around saying goodbye and make a swift exit before he can notice that I'm gone it's now 5:00 a.m. and I am home my window faces the same direction as the front of the house I'm getting changed preparing for bed and I go to close my curtains there's a strange figure standing outside my house it was very dark and I couldn't make it out but from their stature I immediately recognize this gentleman similar stature so the guy that traveled across country just been literally every living moment with me whether it was him or not I would never be sure but I have never ran down stairs quick enough to make sure the front door was locked then I didn't atmo me safe to say I didn't sleep that night the next day there were talks in the mod chat after he mentioned that he went travelling on the Underground to visit different areas but never really confirmed where he went or what he saw so I guess I'll never know if it was him but if it was I never want to see him again TV shows and movies usually depict abductors driving white fans or black fans I didn't realize this until I decided to buy a white 1994 Dodge Ram cargo van to all some of my gear I need it for work IVA Nate I've been pulled over by cops and searched three times for no reason but that's another story the point is some people see bands as suspicious one day while returning home a woman pushing a stroller stared at me for a long time while I drove along my home street we had speed bumps and I had a lot of expensive delicate gear in the van saws driving very slow she stared at me wide-eyed the entire time so I smiled at her like a friendly neighbor does she was staring so intently that she almost walked her stroller right off the edge of the curb I thought it was funny and I almost forgot about it a week later our HOA emo threat heats up when a resident sends a notice that his wife and toddler were being stalked by a man in a white van fearing a pitchfork and torch pop mistaking me for a creeper I replied to all saying I lived in a neighborhood and I also Drive life in I even provided my license plate number in a home address big mistake jokingly I added that I witnessed a suspicious person in the neighborhood as well a woman with a stroller who was staring at me so long and hard it made me uncomfortable I provided the date in time of the incident to see if their alleged stalker was actually me it was dude got triggered he started sending me email after email see seeing everyone on the list tell me he can read between the lines of what I was saying his accusations became more and more ludicrous and he started with personal attacks several neighbors on the email list replied saying that he was behaving badly the emails eventually stopped but things got even weirder on several occasions while I walked my dog a 10 ish year old girl would come out of her house run over to me and awkwardly chat me up about my dog and gave me strangely intimate details of her life I wondered why this child would talk to strangers but thought maybe she just knew me from the neighborhood so I politely played along then one day this girl shows up in my house she says she was angry because her dad won't let her have a dog like mine she said she wanted to visit for a while I told her that I need to talk to her parents before I could let her visit my home like this she said ok and left and I never saw her anymore I have two daughters and one of their friends told me the girl who was chatting me up with a daughter of the trigger dude from the HOA email list he had been sending her out to talk to me and taking pictures my daughter's friend was friends with his bait girl poor girl's dad was making his own daughter uncomfortable which is why she confided in her friend the dad was sending his daughter out to chat with me so he could accuse me of I don't know what one detail I forgot to mention I have dash cams in all my vehicles and CCTV monitoring my front door so the initial incident as well as the girl coming to my door were recorded I emailed the trigger dude and kindly offered him copies of the videos of each incident I also told him I was concerned that his daughter was behaving inappropriately toward strangers apparently this cuddled his plan I never heard from him again I have a few somewhat creepy stories but this one takes a cake as a freakiest I was about 16 at the time anyways my family and I went to visit some relatives we had in a foreign country I was born and raised in the United States but we still go back every so often to visit our relatives my dad didn't want to keep paying for a hotel so a few years back we bought an apartment this trip was our first time staying at the apartment the way the apartment is set up is a living room is where the entrance is in the only air-conditioned spot my dad was still back in the United States finishing up some business as he was gonna meet us there in a later time so it was my mom my three brothers one older to younger and I the landlord who had given my mom a key sort of was creepy from her description but didn't really alarm anyone that much also important to the story my mom got the key and met the landlord alone since we were still taking care of things at my uncle's house it's now been a few weeks my mom couldn't stay in her room since there was no air conditioning and I don't blame her so we all slept in the living room nothing out of the ordinary happened until four weeks into this day it was around 2:00 a.m. my mom was waking me up but her finger was over her mouth basically saying keep quiet my mom never does this so I shot up and made a hand motion asking her what was going on she pointed out the door and someone was jiggling the doorknob I had forgot to lock it but thank God my older brother got into the habit of chain locks from his days in college it should be noted that my brother was dead asleep in another room so I was now the oldest male my mom was distraught and I was thinking about what to do I was still thankful that we at least had the chain lock but I think the man on the other side of the door notice that that was all I see a face pressed up from the small gap and I [ __ ] you not it was a landlord after about 10 minutes he finally gave up or so I thought the next thing I see is a coat hanger trying to open the chain lock I finally decided to do something so I body checked the door slamming his shut I locked the actual lock and yelled in a foreign tongue what would be the equivalent of piss off I looked through the peephole and the man seemed surprised to hear a man's voice I guess he assumed a sense of my mom was the only one to check in that she was the only one living there he scrambled down the stairs all said and done he was gone by 2:30 I looked at the window across the street at the landlord's house and he just stared at me as he turned off the lights of this house when we woke up in the morning I told my brother he still credits himself for the chain lock I do too but I think I deserve a little credit we called the police but they said there wasn't really any evidence and it was my word against his my mom wasn't really sure if it was a landlord but I swore it was him I had seen him my dad arrived four days later and we told him the story he met the landlord and agreed he was creepy my dad actually believed me and my mom didn't feel safe there anymore so we left the apartment that day as we drove away the landlord gave me a little smirk and a wave by now it was daylight and I kind of wanted to beat the crap out of him anyways to the creepy guy who tried to break in and probably attack my mom let's never meet the following is a very true experience I've never actually wrote this down before and I don't know if anyone has experienced this - this happened between 1989 in 1990 and I was at the age of about four years old to this day I still get chills thinking about it and I wonder if someway unknown it changed me my parents had the house in the Inland Empire of Southern California and at the time my brother hadn't been born yet so I was the only child give you a layout my parents house was a two-story house located in a cul-de-sac on the bottom floor there was two bedrooms the living room and the kitchen the second floor was just the master bedroom and bath all you could see from the street was the garage and one of the bedroom windows on the bottom floor and the window of my mom's bathroom on the second floor to get in the front door you had to walk through the cement pathway that ran alongside the house you had to pass the first bedroom that you could see on the street then you'd pass the bathroom window and another bedroom window and then you'd be at the front door the back yard was beyond this point my bedroom at the time was the first bedroom next to the front door my blinds weren't completely down on the bottom window there was about a six inch gap with nothing covering it I was pretty young so I didn't really care much about it then the bed was in the middle of the wall across from the bedroom door and to the left was the window according to my mom this all happened right before midnight my mother was asleep in her room upstairs and my dad was a policeman that worked nights in another city I was fast asleep in my room and out of nowhere I suddenly awoke looking up at the ceiling I don't know what woke me well if I just popped awake on my own after my eyes adjusted to my nightlight of my bedroom i sat up I started looking around my room all of a sudden something caught my eye at the window in the gap first I thought it was a streetlight reflecting up my window but I knew for a fact there was only one streetlight and what I was looking at was obviously two spots and they were spaced apart as I fell on someone's face then I thought is that a cat looking at me and yes I vividly remember thinking these things trying to debunk this as a four year old I had remembered that my cat's eyes will reflect the light too but this looked different from that the cat's eyes would almost have different colors when reflecting these were two solid white glowing eyes just looking straight at me I stared at them frozen stiff trying to make sense of what I was seeing I couldn't see a face at all the eyes were just too bright and nothing else stood out the void or face around the eyes look blacker than the night I thought again well if this was a cat how would he get up to my window and look in the curiosity got me and I went for it I flipped off my covers turn my four year old body towards the window and put my feet on the floor this is the moment the creepiest thing happened and it will forever be burned into my brain I got off my bed and got on my knees to get a closer look at this slow called cat when at this very moment this faceless pair of glowing white eyes begin to slowly and steadily tilt to the side I still locked on me not blinking once the feeling of dread and fear shot through my body completely terrified I burst into tears and immediately booked it down the hallway and through the living room then up the stairs to tell my mom although I was running pretty fast it felt like it took forever when I got to my mom I was so upset that I couldn't get any words out tears were streaming down my face and my mom was becoming seriously concerned at this point she was able to calm me down just enough for me to get out the words there there's white eyes looking at me through my window on the bottom are you sure my mom asked and then I cried out yes she did even go to take a look she just called the police I don't remember the time we took for them to arrive or what she said to them but I finally fell asleep in my mom's bed I do remember faintly waking up to knock on the door and my mom going to open it the cops spoke to her and hearsay okay thank you goodnight and she shuts the door did they find him mommy I asked half-asleep no honey he said he couldn't find anyone my mom told me softly it's okay now just try to go back to sleep it's safe to say the next day my window was covered years fast-forward and I'm in middle school now every now and then I would think about the night sometimes I wonder if that moment was real if the eyes were really there those unforgettable white eyes one random day the thought came up and I asked my mom she remembered that night she tells me yes of course why I don't know just wondering I guess then my mom proceeds to say why never told you this but but when the deputy came that night he told me that they made it a priority to get out to our house as soon as they could because not very long before I called 9-1-1 they received another call for someone else reporting someone looking in the window in our same neighborhood hearing essentials down my spine and to this day I wonder who or what was looking at me that night so this happened last night I was at a classmates house working on a group project we have due tomorrow I live in an apartment in the town where the university is located and my classmate lives in his parents house which is in the foothills of the town in order to get to the town you have to drive along a relatively secluded and narrow two-lane road for about five to six miles we started working on the project at about 6:00 p.m. and I ended up hanging around for a while after we finished so I left his house pretty late around 11:00 p.m. and started down the road back to the town I didn't realize how tough it would be to navigate the road at night there were no streetlights and the road was unkempt and riddled with potholes on top of this I had no cell service so I had to drive very slowly to make sure I didn't blow out one of my tires since I used to spare a couple weeks back I figured I was about three miles from the house when I rounded a tight corner and saw a pickup truck with a camper shell parked diagonally across the road the manner of which it was parked completely impeded my path so I couldn't drive around it because there was a galley on both sides of the road the only way for me to go at this point was backwards where there's a pull-off that I could use to turn the car around at first I couldn't see inside the cab but when I turn on the high beams I saw that there was a man slouched over in the driver's seat his head resting on the steering wheel as if he had been knocked out after a bad accident I immediately sensed something was wrong the way the car had just coincidentally came to arrest in the position that totally blocked the road was a big red flag for me I've heard stories about people playing dead on the road to Laura unsuspecting people out of the car so they could rob them I decided to screw this [ __ ] I elected to go back to my classmates house and explain what was going on I threw the car into reverse and kept my eyes darting back and forth from my rear view to the truck I looked and saw that was almost to the pull-off where I could turn around when I look back my heart skipped five beads the man who had been slouched down in the driver's seat was now walking towards my car in a fast pace well a few other men jumped out of the camper and started moving towards me as well I panic and accelerated backwards to the pull off which messed up my undercarriage of my car pretty bad as I pulled into the drive the guy had already reached my passenger side and was tugging on the door which thank the Lord was locked I only caught a brief glimpse of him but his face appeared to be scab and leathery definitely a meth head or some sort of drug abuser I sped away he didn't slow down at all until I reached the house I was consistently checking my rearview mirror to see if they were following me thankfully they didn't follow me and when I reached the house I explained what happened to my classmate and we called the cops I was grateful that my buddy's parents were kind enough to let me stay that night they didn't find anyone along the road matching the description but I filed an incident report and they said that they would look out for similar vehicles there's suspicious activity but holy [ __ ] I'm still shook up alright I keep getting the same adrenaline rush I got when the guy started charging me whenever I think about it this happened a long time ago late 90s I was 19 I moved from Oregon to Florida to be my boyfriend at the time don't ever do that I was thinking white sand beaches and Mickey Mouse but instead I got the swamp bugs and dirt roads it was a huge shock to the system we lived in a dinky little town called Hawthorne just outside of Gainesville don't ever go there very small with one stoplight in four stores Dollar General Steve's market Eckert's pharmacy as Sonny's barbecue anyway I got a job at Eckerd's in the middle of town it was next to the grocery store so everyone shopped there after about three months of working there I walked to start my shift one day when the manager pulled me to his office laid out on his desk was about 30 to 40 open letters all addressed by hand to me do you know this person my manager asked no read one so I picked the cheerful yellow one inside were two handwritten letters and magazine cutouts of a woman with long blonde hair just like me as my manager watched on I read the letter I skipped around a lot of confusion desperately trying to find out why I was in this room from what I read it was mostly someone imagining what spending time with me would be like a lot of it was sexual nature there were descriptions and comments about my hair washing it smelling it it's something about the moonlight a few sentence were highlighted others were underlined my first thought was am I getting fired do you know this David Elroy I said yes I think so the tall lanky guy with thick glasses and frizzy dark blond hair the regular who comes in a couple times a week to pick up Diet Coke and medication for his mom late twenties and obviously socially you're mentally challenged on rare occasions he would try to make small talk as I ring up his soda once or twice he would linger around the register and just stare at me but I figured he was just trying to adjust his eyes or had poor social cues harmless compared to some of the other people I had met in Florida so I didn't pay him any mind until that day in the Eckert's office I knew he had wrote the letters because of the strange account or two weeks earlier while working he came up from behind me and caressed my hair and I had to remove his hands and then he apologized weird no harm I went back to work after telling my manager about this he informed me that the customer was gonna be banned from the store and I was being sent home while they worked out the details what details confused I walked out the store and drove home two hours after I got home for my non shift at work there's a knock at my door I looked at the window to see what resembled a SWAT team what the hell I saw man in tactical gear with large weapons and two men dressed in suits in several onion afford cops and what seemed like slow motion to me I opened the door a female holds up an oddly familiar letter can we come in and talk about these realizing that everyone in town had read the letters and I wanted to pass the hell out I didn't even know the guy we sat in the scene in my couch and she begins to speak out of the corner of my eye I see my boyfriend shooting me dirty looks from the bedroom the female officer mentions Guinea in the letters from Eckerd's and attempting to issue a trespassing notice they wanted to speak to him directly she said because the whole department was aware of David the officers confirmed him at his residence and attempted to invoke a trespassing notice from Eckerd's store apparently he was not happy about this he insisted for over 45 minutes there was some kind of big mistake he was so combative and persistent they decided to pursue knocking charges stocking charges she continued you need to be aware that David killed and partially dismembered his mother's body when he was 12 years old he was just released from the juvenile psychiatric facility less than four years ago we found disturbing materials at his home she continued we believe he's been stalking you my mind kept wandering but the diet coke he said it was his mom's favorite drink David was the rest of the next day for stalking after he was found in the Eckert's parking lot but the last official word was he went back to the psychiatric hospital at least temporarily I didn't have a chance to read the letters of fool because they were entered into evidence nor did they explain what they found at his house so I never had a complete picture of what was happening my boyfriend at the time was a huge dick buy everything so I moved back to Oregon a few weeks later besides who wants to hang around when Norman Bates is fixated on you this happened a little bit ago about a month and it was a bizarre experience to say the least I'm 15 and I was playing video games before passing now it was about say 11:00 p.m. when I hear the doorbell ring out of instinct I began to walk down stairs but about halfway there rationality came to mind who the hell rings the doorbell at 11:00 p.m. I silently went back upstairs and stood in the hall kind of expecting something bad to happen a minute later it rings twice my parents begin to leave their room and gave me a puzzled look and I responded with a shrug then he starts banging on the door my mother jumped up the first bang my father's eyes widened but more in confusion than fear he decided to go downstairs and peek through the view hole it was our neighbor my dad hesitantly opened the door and I could hear my father's voice trembled slightly Hey what do you need next day I hear is an entire full-blown scream argument from my neighbor claiming that this household was his and that we had stole it from him my father's an easiness was quickly replaced by annoyance and he simply shut the door without giving my neighbour the time of day my dad stepped on the first step going to the stairwell when our neighbor first hit the door I'm not talking about a bang with a fist this man did a full body slam into it my father was stunned for a second and my neighbour charged at the door again this time we began to hear the splintering of wood everyone reacted at once my father went to brace the door with his body my mother went to get two other two kids and I went to call 9-1-1 the body slamming his suit for another five minutes and while I was on the phone when I won it stopped I thought it was over and I was relieved but I still stuck on the phone I go to peek out the front window up a house and boy was it only getting started our neighbor took off in this Jeep Wrangler it's typically directed it straight at our house we have zero clue what he was doing until he hit the gas and we heard the squealing of his tires then he immediately hit the brakes he was trying to scare us out of our house I was still on the phone when I were one I stepped away from the front window to comfort my siblings crack jokes and such eventually the police arrived and arrested him the next morning I left for school still shaking from the night before I stepped onto a front step it's all tire marks leading up to our front door the lunatik nearly rammed our front door with his car I really want to say I never saw this guy again but he lives directly to my right this happened last year when I was 15 me and my friend I'll call her Kate we're messing around in our neighborhood one day we were on the other side of the road playing around with sprinklers and other stuff like that suddenly Kate said to turn around and look behind me I did and when I looked at the home behind us I saw someone looking through the window I couldn't really tell what he looked like so I just ignored it and turned around a few minutes later Kate told me to look again I did but this time there was a woman with him at the window they were just staring at us and I began to feel uneasy but again I turned it back around and ignored them as the Sun went down I went back to my house which was across the street and Kate went to hers which was a few blocks away a couple hours later around 10:00 p.m. my phone lit up I was watching orange is the new black so I ignored it then I got another alert so I picked up my phone and looked at the screen my two alerts were from snapchat someone added me and their username was something like Jaden with a few numbers after it and they sent me a picture I waited until the episode was over to open it it was a black screen with a message saying hey I ignored the message around 6 or 7 minutes later I got another snapchat it was a black screen saying why didn't you answer again I ignored the snap and went back to Netflix well my phone buzzed again I didn't look at it throughout the episode I got around for more alerts which I ignored then I fell asleep when I wake up the next morning I had 11 alerts most of them were black screens saying why aren't you answering or I know you're awake answer me but the last one freaked me out it was a picture of my house take it from across the street with a caption answer me now I was stupid so I didn't screenshot the pictures but I did block him I didn't hear anything about it for a few days but then I got another alert me it was the same username as before but with the one after it then I got sent multiple snaps I didn't open any of them because I was in class four hours later I checked my snapchat all of the pictures he sent me were pictures of me somewhere of me during lunch and some when I was walking home from school again I blocked the user and I didn't get any screenshots just like last night I then got a snap of my window again taking across from the street by the same user but this time with a two after it I told my daddy he freaked out and called the police when they arrived I told him everything but they couldn't do anything since I did I have any screenshots I don't know what to do update i delete snapchat but he has found me on other social medias i blocked him on everything and i'm thinking about deleting everything so I was right outside my apartment another one person snuck around the corner and sprayed me with pepper spray while I was looking at my phone I could make it a tall thin man with a backpack walking away with his hands in his pockets before I lost the ability to open my eyes there are no other people on the sidewalk in either direction I didn't see his face he didn't say anything I've tried to take anything for me or even grab me he didn't even stick around to watch me be all messed up you just walked away like nothing happened I'm very thankful I was able to feel for my keys and get back into the building but then I started realized I couldn't have permanent damage if I didn't get to a sink I couldn't find my keys to my studio and I was starting to not be able to breathe I found it on every door I could feel until my neighbor whom I had never met before this moment opened it for me she let me in and led me to a bathroom and I tossed water everywhere I felt so terrible for just commandeering her bathroom and bringing that smell into her place but I was internally grateful to this lady for helping me calling the police they didn't find him and now I'm wondering if this was random or this dude was waiting for me so to the [ __ ] who randomly attacked me for who knows why that's not me
Channel: Bad Vibes StoryTelling
Views: 62,861
Rating: 4.6745763 out of 5
Keywords: true horror stories, true scary stories, lets not meet, scary true stories, true scary stories reddit, true horror stories from reddit, true scary stories from reddit, scary stories, scary true stories reddit, lets not meet stories, horror stories, true scary lets not meet stories, Home alone scary stories, Online dating horror stories, grindr, tinder, Craigslist scary stories, Reddit, Scary stories to tell in the dark, ambient rain, Stories told in the rain
Id: nHYvi9YJ12k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 3sec (10203 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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