3 Horrifying Real Cases of Home Invasions

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our houses are usually the one place we can call home and feel isolated from the outside world at least until someone or something from the outside world enters without consent I've taken three very long supposedly true horror stories that I've either found on the internet or were shared to me and condense the stories to fit a nicer length video number one nineteen year old single child Damian Andrews would drive directly from campus after his last class on Friday to his job at a gas station for six hours and after his shift was done he'd go back to his parents house usually his parents weren't home on weekend nights as they were the ones who were more often out drinking Damien pulled into the empty driveway and as expected everything was dark in the house he needed to put his bike that was still in his trunk back into the shed in the back yard so he removed the bike from the trunk of his truck and rode it down the pavement past the fence unto the shed when he shut the shed door he noticed the bathroom light upstairs in the house was on now he didn't remember noticing the bathroom light being on when he passed the side of the house so he assumed that maybe one of his parents stayed home for the night Damien entered the house through the back door and as he opened his mouth ready to call for one of his parents something deep down told him not to Damien went up the half flight of stairs from his den to the midsection of the house he looked up the short stairway to the upstairs and saw a light creeping into the hallway through the closed bathroom door so somebody was in there he went upstairs calling out mom and dad there were no responses but he was in very close range of the bathroom now which made it odd he approached the bathroom door again calling out mom and dad no response Damien figured maybe his mom was in the bathtub with earbuds in or something the door was locked so one of them had to be in there when the phone rang he went downstairs to answer it to find out it was his dad calling checking in to make sure Damien made it home okay his dad sounded drunk as usual / Friday nights so Damien questioned him as to why he left mom at home as he walked back upstairs to the bathroom door his dad seemed confused then he noticed at the bottom of the door through the opening to shadow outlines of feet standing by the door literally facing the door right on top of it then Damien's dad dropped a bomb and told him that his mother was right beside him at the table he did the only logical thing he could do he ran outside hung up on his dad and called the police when Damien looked up to the bathroom window he saw the light turn off ten minutes of hiding in the bushes later he heard the police out front who in the end found nobody in the house number two the protagonists name was not given in the story so I'll refer to him as Ted Ted was 16 years old and he lived with his dad and brother at their isolated farmhouse the house was relatively small with a first floor and a basement however it was a huge amount of property with a barn and trees in all directions providing optimal privacy there was a long driveway that extended from the side road to the property which was what Ted was riding down at the moment returning from his friend's house on his bike Ted rode into the barn where the family keeps all the bikes and then headed for the front door of the house however on his way he noticed the basement doors were wide open not seeing any cars in the driveway Ted assumed it was his little brother who for whatever reason left them open shutting the doors and stepping down into the basement Ted quickly realized none of the lights in the basement were on he called for his little brother Andrew who answered from upstairs Andrew came rushing downstairs turning on the light on the way the first thing Andrew pointed out was the foul stench in the basement but Ted said he couldn't notice anything Ted questioned Andrew as to why he opened the basement doors and then left them that way his response was I didn't Ted continually accused him of either lying or forgetting but Andrew swore he hadn't even been in the basement all nights the disturbing thought that it was left unlocked and somebody entered the house came up and the two subsequently turned the basement practically upside down looking for anyone turning up nothing andrew said he had been in the living room all night and hadn't heard anything plus he would have noticed if somebody had come upstairs so Ted felt at ease knowing nobody was in the house he sat down on the basement couch and started watching TV that's when he noticed the couch felt kind of weird less soft than usual he got up and lifted one of the cushions and screamed Ted ran upstairs running into Andrew halfway up shoving him the rest of the way and locking the basement door behind him Wednes head could finally get some words out he told Andrew he found a dead body stuffed below the cushions of the basement couch the body was later determined to be that of their closest neighbor George whose wife had also gone missing a few days prior as far as Ted and his family knew at the time of the posting of this story the culprit was never found number three Edward gallo was 24 years old and was living alone in his newly bought home in a rural Virginia area where he would frequently have his girlfriend Sarah stay over on the weekends one Friday night after going a whole day without speaking to her he decided to call her and invite her over she didn't answer so we left a voicemail it was odd for her to not respond to his calls or texts so he was starting to get worried that maybe she was losing interest after calling repeatedly with no response and heard one of the doors closing from downstairs he breathed a sigh of relief knowing that she had come over after all Edie texted her saying come upstairs after a few seconds of tinks and thud sounds coming from downstairs she finally started walking up the stairs she was walking up really slowly though as if she were taking two steps per stair finally edge has called out her name and confusion and the steps stopped then Ed's phone began to vibrate and when he took it out of his pocket the name on the caller ID was Sarah he picked up and immediately Sarah apologized for not being able to get back to him but he interrupted her and asked her what she's doing on the stairs there was a long silence and then she finally said what Edie asked again this time Sarah informed him that she was still in her car on her way home from work I'd locked the door and immediately after the doorknob started turning all edy could think to do was to yell get out of here before I call the police whoever was on the stairs ran all the way back down and out the front door of the house and looked out the window searching for whoever it was and saw the most disturbing thing he had ever seen across the road was a tall man wearing a dress shirt and ripped Jean Schwartz looking directly at him and despite how far away he was and could see a smile on the man's face before he turned and ran into the woods to never be seen again
Channel: Mr. Nightmare
Views: 2,005,033
Rating: 4.9349804 out of 5
Keywords: home invasion, home alone, stories, scary stories, true stories, home alone stories, scary home stories, haunted house, haunted house stories, mr. nightmare, creepypasta, scariest, scary, disturbing, shocking, horror stories, horror, home invasion stories, invasion, home
Id: xzGcjV-6OA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2016
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