Turn Objects Into Woven Baskets (Blender Tutorial)

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hey guys welcome back to another default cube cg matter tutorial and today we are taking a quick break from the procedural node series I know that is painful but we are doing something equally cool while I wait for my new microphone and that is if I can switch screens and that is making objects like you know we take a torus and then we turn it into a woven torus and same thing for a cylinder and this works for any general mesh although it works best with meshes that have you know nice curvature that aren't sharp so it wouldn't look too nice on a cube but it does work and yeah we're gonna show how to make this kind of stuff because if you're to model it by hand it would take absolutely forever and you don't want to use like materials for displacement necessarily when you have a solution like this and before we actually get into it I just want to talk about the general idea of how this works because this could look crazy to people who have not seen this technique before I mean look at all this geometry and I'd be really complicated to model by hand well really all I've done here is I've taken a base object which has some geometry it's an all quad mesh which is pretty important and then I made a woven tile so what you want to think about this ass is I've taken this and put it on every single face so that you know I'm basically copying this on a per face level and then just connected them to turn it into this so if I was to take this and subdivide it to give it more geometry it would look the same but just have like a denser woven nest to it it would be more it would have more intersections and all that but it would still work so yeah let me let me show you how to do that we'll start a new blender project and really what we're gonna be using is a specific add-on that I feel like nobody talks about it's built in you go to edit preferences add-ons and then you're gonna type in tissue and then if this isn't enabled for you make sure to enable the tissue add-on because that is what we're gonna be using that is the add-on that lets you take something and put it on another mesh on a per face level okay cool so I'm gonna start off by making the maybe woven torus because I like that example so let's to do a nice torus and we're not gonna mess with any like divisions like we're not gonna subdivide it yet but I'll show you that it does work so let's just put that to the side and like I said all you really need to do is just make a single woven tile and then we're gonna use the tissue add-on to do all the magic so let's do some basic modeling I'm gonna add a plane and I just want to warn you I'm pretty bad at modeling so if you feel the same way I got your back um I'm gonna try to make it the least amount of complicated it needs to be because this is probably the hardest part of the tutorial okay let's see how we do it so what I like to do for the woven towel is you need to kind of have to I don't know what leather strands going this way and then to going this way but they need to go over under over under so it's kind of like you have sine waves it gets pretty confusing so I'm gonna go into edit mode now I'm gonna go into edit mode I like to subdivide this by I think three yes you can do more so you can have it go up and up and below a bunch of times but you want to do it the minimum number of times because you're just tiling it so you don't need a you know have a lot of detail in this just just needs to be the basic unit of your weaving okay so I like to take this strand and distressed delete them in terms of faces so we only have two strands going horizontally and to turn these into sine waves I'm gonna select this face and this face so kind of like alternating faces and bring them up by let's say point one you could do point two it's just gonna be like the amplitude of your wave then I'm gonna select the pair of these so like the I don't know what the word the compliment maybe so I'm gonna select this one and this one and bring him downwards by the same amount just negative so I did point one now I'm gonna do negative point one boom we have our basic sine wave but you're gonna notice that we want this to be seamless because again we're making one tile that's gonna be tiled so there should be no seams if we want this to work correctly and you can see from the side view that this starts from below the ground point and then it ends on the ground plane so to fix this we need to make sure that we select this edge over here and bring it up by point one and then this edge we can we can have this one end up higher than the ground point so for this one we're also gonna bring it up by point one and let's go to the side view again just to see what's going on so for this one it starts at ground plane does it sine wave ends at ground plane this one starts above does its thing it ends above so that is seamless so that works okay now we need to make the other strands going the other way that kind of weave through it and the way I like to do that is I'm gonna select everything shift D to duplicate and then I'm gonna rotate this by 90 degrees and notice that we duplicated the faces not the object so we still have a single plane object not two although you could do the other way and then join them that's fine too okay so they're already kind of weaving but we want to really make sure they're leaving properly so this area that's some high up should be overlapping I don't know there's something a bit nicer and I'm trying to think what would make sense so we can move these on the x-axis this way by let's say let's say minus 0.25 and then we would want to bring this a bit to the left so that there's no intersection so on the y-axis I'm gonna move these by 0.25 okay cool so this way I think we have something that makes sense so we have a high tile above a low tile and generally there aren't any intersections it doesn't look like and then to make these a bit smoother because right now it looks super jagged we can just select everything in terms of edges and then control B to bevel and we're just going to bevel a lot and use our scroll wheel and make sure if you do it this way you're gonna get some self-intersection hits see for clamp I think and that way you know your bevel makes sense and then that should already look a bit better we can make this shade smooth and just in case our clamping went all the way to the edges so we have like two edges on the exact same point we're just gonna select everything and then do a merge by distance which luckily I already typed and you can see it already removed eight vertices so there must have been um four pair no two pairs I don't know there's some edges that were overlapping there we go so at this point we can already do our take our tile and put it on this operation with the tissue add-on but you can see the gaps between these strands is pretty big so if we did this right now it would look like a very sparse woven torus which is fine but if we want something a bit thicker like thicker strands we can just fix that by editing the thickness of these strands I think it's pretty obvious so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select this strand at least the side of it and we're just gonna move it by let's say point 1 and then we have to do the same thing for these others if we want them to be the same thickness but again you don't need to as long as it's tileable and then we're gonna do the same thing for this so this is point 1 and then over here is point 1 so now we have basically the same pattern nothing's intersecting you see it actually looks pretty nice from below but it's also thicker ok cool so once you've enabled the tissue out on the next step is you're gonna hit n for these set properties and you are gonna go to edit because for some reason it doesn't call itself tissue like the face builder add-ons called face builder screencast keys the screen text screencast keys but this one's just called to edit at least for me maybe I need a update and you're gonna see tissue tools which have a bunch of stuff but we're just gonna be using tessellate which is gonna tessellate our tile along the target object so select your tile shift-click the object so you have both of these selected but this is the active object so select shift click and then hit tessellate and we have a bunch of options here which some of these we actually need to change but I'm gonna start off by not changing anything and show you what happens so we're just gonna click OK and you can see we get a new object we still have our plane which is you know the tile the original tourist but now we also have this tessellation and we're just gonna move this over and you can see like in theory really just kind of the idea of it does work and you can see that the tiles actually connect together but you're seeing some weird shading probably like it kind of looks like there are sharp edges over here for example and the reason is basically we have adjacent tiles so again each um face is going to get our woven tile and the adjacent ones are connecting in the right place because we made it seamless but they're not actually merged in terms of geometry so I think if I'm just to hover over an area click Elle it's only going to select this strand the segment of a strand ik instead of doing the whole thing in a circle so it's not actually connected to let's say this strand these aren't actually connected and we can fix that pretty easily by just selecting everything and again we'll do a merge by distance command and you can see it removed like four thousand six hundred and eight vertices which means that's how many tiles we have or something like that that's the reason why there's a lot of them and already now we have one piece of geometry so if I click L you can see it selects the whole strand going around but it still looks a bit weird and that's just because we need to change this to smooth shading and that's already looking a bit better we can do other stuff to it but that's just the basic thing we need to do so instead of doing all that so really all we did is merge by distance and shade smooth what we can do is again select shift-click tessellate and then this time instead of just clicking okay here are all our settings we can enable merge and we can also enable smooth shading which are the two things we needed to do and then for this merge we can choose a distance for to check if two if two vertices are within that distance threshold they're gonna be connected so just keep it at zero which is really just point zero zero zero one which means they have to be pretty much touching each other for it to work so just enable these two click OK and now we have the same kind of setup as before but you're gonna notice that first of all we can select a strand and that works for both horizontal and vertical right and the shading looks pretty smooth now to make this look a bit better and now that we have the setup what I like to do is actually give these thickness because right now they're like infinitely thin points so what I like to do is I like to let's see we're going to go to modifiers and we're gonna add a we're gonna add a solidify which is gonna give it thickness it's gonna solidify each strand and it's working you can tell it has thickness but it kind of looks like putty or something it looks weirdly shaded again and to fix that just go to the object ya object data properties normals and we are gonna enable Auto smooth and you're probably gonna have to play around with this angle number depending on what your object is so for a sphere thirty might work for a Taurus which might have a bit sharper curvature at some points we're gonna need something like 45 maybe nope fifty-five there you go so you can see just smooth it over those connection points so you just need to find the minimum angle that works for you you want to try not to make this number too high because then it's gonna actually smooth over the solidify part of this so you can see now we have a nicely solidified thing and we have I don't want to say procedural control but we have control over the thickness of this which is pretty cool and then we can add other kinds of modifiers like bevel modifiers and everything I'm gonna probably not mess around with that just in case so it crashes blunder because there's too much geometry but that is the basic workflow and again if you want the gap between these like woven strands to be smaller that just means our target needs to be needs tab like thicker strands and the cool thing about the tissue add-on also I need to find the I think it's in the object properties in one of these panels we have a more control over the tissue stuff so I just need to remember where it is so I guess it's here it's in the object data properties you can see tissue Tessalit and then we need to select the tessellated object and then you're gonna see we have a bunch of stuff so again go here select the object we made and then you're gonna see some extra settings that weren't available for us with the tissue thing when we actually hit tessellate and one of those is animatable which i'm gonna enable and i believe what this lets us do is let's see so here's our target object we're gonna move this up and that's not updating am i going crazy we need to hit refresh yeah there you go so we hit refresh and now you're seeing that this is actually updated again taking our woven tile putting it on the target object etc now of course that looks pretty bad but you can actually do something that looks pretty good so I'm just gonna select this loop and we're gonna enable proportional editing so I'm just gonna bring this down in a nice smooth manner so something like that so it's still kind looks pretty smooth and then we just need to refresh again and you could do that now I'm not sure if we can do this alive without hitting refresh every time but I'm sure you can make a script that goes frame by frame refreshing and then you could render out an animation but that's the cool thing about this approach is that it's deformable in that sense and there's a lot of other stuff we can do like the iteration count wherever that is we wouldn't want to do that in this case but that is another cool feature so again all we have to do is I'm now going to show show you the method on a different object with a nice curvature and then I'll show you like what happens when you pick a monkey or something so I'm gonna pick a cylinder with the bottom and the caps are deleted and then right now if we were to do this notice that there aren't that many faces it's like one face per vertical slice we can still do the tessellation but it's gonna look extremely weird because it's stretching out our tile so instead you can just add some loop cuts and this is showing that the geometry of this affects the result and now you have something that looks a lot better again you need to do the whole solidify approach we were talking about and then also for this one we might need a smaller auto smooth number so 0.3 or sorry 30 degrees doesn't seem to work we need something a bit higher and this kind of works at 35 I'm just gonna choose 40 remember the tourists needed 50 or something but yeah that's the cool thing about this again I'm gonna enable animatable and then for this one we're gonna add a subdivision and then we just hit refresh and what do you expect to happen you see it basically made our tessellation more dense because there's more faces to copy this onto and then lastly before we wrap up this video I guess I should just show you just show you what happens when you mess with the monkey I don't know I keep switching cameras is this correct there we go we need to show you what happens when you have very sharp angles between faces so I'm gonna choose the monkey and what I want you to notice there's a couple things that are worse about this than the torus I'm two cylinder you can see that there's some very sharp angles between faces because this is pretty low poly and then also something that's gonna look pretty bad is this triangle fan this isn't quad quad geometry topology and it's all converging at one point on these eyes over here so I'm saying this is the trouble area and let me show you what happens so again woven tile target object Tessa wait click OK and you can see it pretty much does what we expect like it looks pretty good of course we need to solidify and all that stuff but you can see it's kind of looking pretty harsh like it's not really connecting on these um very sharp areas and you can change some of the tessellation settings to maybe make that better but then also it's looking really janky on this triangle fan area but overall in other areas it looks pretty ok and maybe to make it look better again this is a pretty broken example but with if we had the solidify and then choose a auto smooth angle of like I don't know 45 or something some of these areas are redeemable so really what you want to do is you want to before you do any of that stuff is you just want to throw on a sub surf right there so now it's a bit smoother and it's not gonna fix everything again we do have the triangle fan or at least a subdivided triangle fan that still has some pretty weird geometry we can see that this version looks a lot smoother and there's less breaking there's still a bit of breaking but it's a bit better so there you go I think that's everything I've to say about the woven tile process of course there's more to talk about about making this actually look like a woven basket instead of just having the geometry of one and maybe I'll do that as a CG matter tutorial but hopefully you enjoyed this this little roundabout into the tissue add-on I'm gonna be continuing the procedural notes stuff I was just taking a quick break because I ordered a headset with a microphone that I want to try out for the rest of its I don't want to record anymore yet probably but yeah if you enjoyed this tutorial the best way the only way the way I want you to support me is via patreon because like subscriptions all that don't necessarily help fund more tutorials in the future so if you like this stuff and you want some behind this access whatever if you just want to help me out patreon is the way to do it and I want to thank all there's something like 200 patrons that are already there so thank you that's it that's all I that's the end of the show boys thanks for watching
Channel: Default Cube
Views: 96,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, basket, wicker, woven, tissue, addon, 3d, modeling, 2.81
Id: W57I40wva5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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